emotions and feelings rummy...thirteen emotions and feelings introduced in this resource includes a...

EMOTIONS AND FEELINGS RUMMY Emotional Literacy Skills for Older Kids and Teens By Lynn Hubbell CCSS Aligned

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Page 1: EMOTIONS AND FEELINGS RUMMY...thirteen emotions and feelings introduced in this resource includes a vocabulary, definition, picture and scenario card. Two sets of picture cards are


Emotional Literacy Skills for Older Kids and Teens

By Lynn Hubbell

CCSS Aligned

Page 2: EMOTIONS AND FEELINGS RUMMY...thirteen emotions and feelings introduced in this resource includes a vocabulary, definition, picture and scenario card. Two sets of picture cards are

Copyright © 2014 by Lynn Hubbell 2

EMOTIONS AND FEELINGS RUMMYEmotional Literacy Skills for Older Kids and Teens

This resource provides teachers a proactive strategyfor teaching social skills to students who have difficultyrecognizing emotions and feelings in themselves andothers. Students on the autism spectrum, as well asothers who may have social communication deficits oftenhave difficulty doing this, which can impact their ability toappropriately regulate their emotions and behaveappropriately in the classroom. This activity allowsstudents to build a repertoire of emotion and feelingwords to draw upon so that they eventually learn torecognize that there are emotions beyond simply happy,mad or sad.

Beyond social and behavioral issues, emotional literacycan impact a student’s academic skills as well. Beingunable to read the emotions and social cues of otherscan make it difficult for a student to take the point ofview of others. This can make it very hard for him or herto fully comprehend what he or she reads.

“Emotions and Feelings Rummy” supports the developmentof skills which can help students better master theconcepts contained in the College and Career ReadinessReading Anchor Standard # 3, which calls upon studentsto “analyze how and why individuals, events, and ideasdevelop and interact over the course of a text.”

Specifically, this resource supports a student’s acquisition of skills to support the following common core state standards in English Language Arts: RI.11‐12.3; RL.9‐10.3; RL.8.3; RL.7.3; RL.6.3; RL.5.3; RL.4.3.

Page 3: EMOTIONS AND FEELINGS RUMMY...thirteen emotions and feelings introduced in this resource includes a vocabulary, definition, picture and scenario card. Two sets of picture cards are

Copyright © 2014 by Lynn Hubbell 3

“Emotions and Feelings Rummy” contains thirteenpages which each depict a different emotion orfeeling. Each page contains four “cards” intendedto be cut out individually, Together they form adeck of 52 playing cards. It is suggested that thesebe printed on cardstock and laminated to make themmore durable and extend their use. Each of thethirteen emotions and feelings introduced in thisresource includes a vocabulary, definition, pictureand scenario card. Two sets of picture cards areincluded, one labeled, one not, to allow the teacherto differentiate the activity to reach a widervariety of learners. Only one type of picture cardshould be used at a time. A number of blank cardsare also included to allow the teacher to add cardsto introduce additional terms.

It is recommended that the thirteen pages of cardsbe printed out before cutting them out in order tocreate an answer key for players to refer to ifdisputes arise during the game. It is possible thatsome of the picture cards might apply to a numberof the emotion and feeling words; however, carewas taken to choose high interest images thatrepresent a “best response.” Teachers shouldreinforce best effort during the game should astudent choose a picture which does not match theone in the answer key. This could serve as anopportunity for discussion and demonstrate forstudents that people often experience overlappingemotions in real life. This can be a nice teachingmoment to help show students the complexitiesinvolved in reading the social cues and intent ofothers..

Page 4: EMOTIONS AND FEELINGS RUMMY...thirteen emotions and feelings introduced in this resource includes a vocabulary, definition, picture and scenario card. Two sets of picture cards are

Copyright © 2014 by Lynn Hubbell 4

There are a number of ways to play this game and theteacher should feel free to adapt the rules to bestmeet the needs of the players.

To play any version, begin by nominating a dealer to dealone card at a time until all players have the correctnumber. The number of cards held by each playerdepends on the number of players. For two players, deal10 cards each. For three or four players, deal 7 cardseach and for five or six players, deal 6 cards each.

The primarily object of “Emotions and Feeling Rummy" isfor each player to collect sets. Depending upon theparticular game, sets can include either three or fourcards which relate to the same emotion/feeling.

Types of cards include:1. vocabulary cards, which present an emotion/feeling

word.2. definition and example cards, which give the

definition of the word and uses it in a sentence.3. scenario cards, which describe a situation which

might elicit the particular emotion or feeling.4. picture cards which show a person expressing the

particular emotion/feeling (Two versions of picturecards are included, labeled and unlabeled. This is tomake easier for the teacher to differentiate theactivity to reach a wider variety of learners. Priorto play the teacher should determine which type ofpicture cards to use since only one version shouldbe used during a game.)


How to Play “Emotions and Feelings Rummy”

Page 5: EMOTIONS AND FEELINGS RUMMY...thirteen emotions and feelings introduced in this resource includes a vocabulary, definition, picture and scenario card. Two sets of picture cards are

Copyright © 2014 by Lynn Hubbell 5

Place the remaining cards left over afterdealing face down in a pile on the table. This isknown as the stock. Turn over the top cardand place it face up beside the stock pile. Thiswill be the discard pile. The first player totake a turn is the player to the dealer's left.

Draw a card. Each player begins his turn bychoosing whether to take the top card fromthe discard pile -- in which case the otherplayers will receive a clue regarding what hehas in his cards -- or the top card from thepile Lay down a card. The player's turnconcludes when he selects a card from hishand to discard, and places it face-up on topof the discard pile.

If the stock pile has run out and the nextplayer does not want to take the discard, thediscard pile is turned over, without shuffling,to form a new stock, and play continues.

There are two ways to play and win “Emotionsand Feeling Rummy:

Game One: The first person to lay down twosets of four related cards is the winner. As aset is assembled, the player lays the fourcards face down and draws cards from thediscard or stock pile to make sure they have afull hand and play continues.

Page 6: EMOTIONS AND FEELINGS RUMMY...thirteen emotions and feelings introduced in this resource includes a vocabulary, definition, picture and scenario card. Two sets of picture cards are

Copyright © 2014 by Lynn Hubbell 6

Game Two: In this game play ends when aplayer “goes out” or is able to discard all thecards in his/her hand during one turn.

Players have three different options fordiscarding their cards. They can lay down aset, which in this version can include three,rather than all four related cards. If thatplayer draws the fourth related card during afuture turn it can be added to the set. Onlythe player who has put down a particular setcan add the card to complete it. If a player isunable to lay down or add to their own set,they must choose and lay a card in thediscard pile.

Play ends when a player goes out. To scorethe game, players receives one point foreach card in a set they have played. Nocredit is earned for sets which may remain intheir hands. Cards left in each players handwhen the game ends are added together andadded to the total score of the player whohas gone out. The player with the most pointswins the game.

Page 7: EMOTIONS AND FEELINGS RUMMY...thirteen emotions and feelings introduced in this resource includes a vocabulary, definition, picture and scenario card. Two sets of picture cards are

Copyright © 2014 by Lynn Hubbell 7

Playing rummy is only one to way to use thesecards. These cards represent a versatile toolwhich can be used differently to meet theneeds of a teacher’s unique learners.

Different options may include:

Extension Activities: During play a studentmay be asked to perform a task specific tothe card they have drawn or chosen todiscard. They may be asked to define theword on the vocabulary card, use the word ina sentence other than the one given on thedefinition card, share an experience whenthey felt the particular emotion or feelingdescribed in the scenario card, or explain howthe person in the picture card depicts theparticular emotion/feeling.

Memory Games: Teachers may also choose topair different types of cards, placing themface down in front of an individual learner andhaving the student play a version of a memorygame. For example, a student might beinstructed to tune over two cards at a time inan effort to match a picture card with itsdefinition or vocabulary card. If no match isfound the student turns these cards facedown and continues in an effort to findmatching pairs.

Page 8: EMOTIONS AND FEELINGS RUMMY...thirteen emotions and feelings introduced in this resource includes a vocabulary, definition, picture and scenario card. Two sets of picture cards are

Copyright © 2014 by Lynn Hubbell 8

Enrichment Activities: Individual cards may beused as jumping off points for other activitieswhich can touch upon academic as well associal skill instruction.

Vocabulary cards may be used for playing“Emotions and Feelings Charades,” wherestudents take turns choosing one of the cardsand acting it out silently while the other playersguess which emotion is being depicted.

Other ideas may include, but certainly aren’tlimited to:

• Using scenario cards as writing ordiscussion prompts.

• Defining terms in their own words, either inwriting or orally.

• writing about their own personalexperiences during which they felt similaremotions.

• Creating their own scenarios which mayelicit specific emotions or feeling.

• Using scenario cards to set up role playsduring which students act out particularemotions and appropriate responses forcoping with them.

Page 9: EMOTIONS AND FEELINGS RUMMY...thirteen emotions and feelings introduced in this resource includes a vocabulary, definition, picture and scenario card. Two sets of picture cards are


DEFINITION:Feeling disturbed

or annoyed

EXAMPLE:She became agitated

when the person sitting behind her

wouldn’t stop talking during the movie.

He is trying to dohis homework but

the dog next door is barking

very loudly and it is hard to


He is feeling …

9Copyright © 2014 by Lynn Hubbell

Page 10: EMOTIONS AND FEELINGS RUMMY...thirteen emotions and feelings introduced in this resource includes a vocabulary, definition, picture and scenario card. Two sets of picture cards are


DEFINITION:Feeling embarrassed and as though people

are looking at and judging you.

EXAMPLE:He felt self-conscious

because he had a pimple on his face.

She felt like everyone was

looking at her when she spilled her

drink in the school cafeteria.

She is feeling …

10Copyright © 2014 by Lynn Hubbell

Page 11: EMOTIONS AND FEELINGS RUMMY...thirteen emotions and feelings introduced in this resource includes a vocabulary, definition, picture and scenario card. Two sets of picture cards are


DEFINITION:Feeling happy and relaxed because an unpleasantfeeling or

situation has ended.

EXAMPLE: He was relieved when

he earned a good grade on his test.

He finally found the money that he thought he


He is feeling …

11Copyright © 2014 by Lynn Hubbell

Page 12: EMOTIONS AND FEELINGS RUMMY...thirteen emotions and feelings introduced in this resource includes a vocabulary, definition, picture and scenario card. Two sets of picture cards are



concerned or nervous,

especially about an upcoming


EXAMPLE:She was anxious about

taking the test.

She has a dentist

appointment in the morning and is very worried

about it.

She is feeling …

Copyright © 2014 by Lynn Hubbell 12

Page 13: EMOTIONS AND FEELINGS RUMMY...thirteen emotions and feelings introduced in this resource includes a vocabulary, definition, picture and scenario card. Two sets of picture cards are


DEFINITION:To feel very surprised and confused about an

unexpected event.

EXAMPLE:She was stunned when her boyfriend broke up

with her the day before the school


He couldn’t believe it when the other

team made a touchdown and won the football game

at the last second.

He is feeling …

13Copyright © 2014 by Lynn Hubbell

Page 14: EMOTIONS AND FEELINGS RUMMY...thirteen emotions and feelings introduced in this resource includes a vocabulary, definition, picture and scenario card. Two sets of picture cards are


DEFINITION: Feeling very excited and interested about


EXAMPLE:He was feeling

enthusiastic when he entered the gym on

the first day of basketball practice.

She is excited about her first

babysitting job and has a lot of ideas about how to keep

the children entertained and


She is feeling …

14Copyright © 2014 by Lynn Hubbell

Page 15: EMOTIONS AND FEELINGS RUMMY...thirteen emotions and feelings introduced in this resource includes a vocabulary, definition, picture and scenario card. Two sets of picture cards are


DEFINITION:Feeling rested, alert and full of energy.

EXAMPLE:She felt energetic

when she awoke after a good night’s sleep.

He was full of energy after he worked out in the

gym during his Physical Education


He is feeling …

15Copyright © 2014 by Lynn Hubbell

Page 16: EMOTIONS AND FEELINGS RUMMY...thirteen emotions and feelings introduced in this resource includes a vocabulary, definition, picture and scenario card. Two sets of picture cards are


DEFINITION:Feeling thankful and

appreciative to someone or for


EXAMPLE:He felt grateful when

his teacher let him retake the test so he could try to improve

his grade.

She was so happy when she got home

after a long day and saw that

someone had done the dishes and put away the laundry.

She is feeling …

16Copyright © 2014 by Lynn Hubbell

Page 17: EMOTIONS AND FEELINGS RUMMY...thirteen emotions and feelings introduced in this resource includes a vocabulary, definition, picture and scenario card. Two sets of picture cards are


DEFINITION:Feeling a lack of

interest or emotion. Not caring about


EXAMPLE: A number of apathetic students did not vote in the student body


He didn’t do well on the test because

of his poor attitude in class.

He is feeling …

17Copyright © 2014 by Lynn Hubbell

Page 18: EMOTIONS AND FEELINGS RUMMY...thirteen emotions and feelings introduced in this resource includes a vocabulary, definition, picture and scenario card. Two sets of picture cards are


DEFINITION:Feeling confident that things are going to go

well in the future.

EXAMPLE:He was feeling

optimistic that he was going to do well on his


She had practiced her cheerleading routine a lot and

felt confident that she would make the

squad after the tryouts today.

She is feeling …

18Copyright © 2014 by Lynn Hubbell

Page 19: EMOTIONS AND FEELINGS RUMMY...thirteen emotions and feelings introduced in this resource includes a vocabulary, definition, picture and scenario card. Two sets of picture cards are


DEFINITION:Feeling extreme happiness and


EXAMPLE: She was elated

when she won first place in the track


He was very excited to learn

that his family had won a five day

vacation to Disneyworld.

He is feeling …

19Copyright © 2014 by Lynn Hubbell

Page 20: EMOTIONS AND FEELINGS RUMMY...thirteen emotions and feelings introduced in this resource includes a vocabulary, definition, picture and scenario card. Two sets of picture cards are


DEFINITION:Feeling very sorry

about or regretting

something deeply.

EXAMPLE:He was remorseful about lying to his


She deeplyregretted

copying her friend’s

homework and turning it in as

her own.

She is feeling …

20Copyright © 2014 by Lynn Hubbell

Page 21: EMOTIONS AND FEELINGS RUMMY...thirteen emotions and feelings introduced in this resource includes a vocabulary, definition, picture and scenario card. Two sets of picture cards are


DEFINITION:Feeling overwhelmed,

tense and worried, especially because of

responsibilities or tasks.

EXAMPLE:She was very

stressed about learning her lines for

the school performance.

She has so much homework to do

before tomorrow that she doesn’t know how she will

get it all done.

She is feeling ….

21Copyright © 2014 by Lynn Hubbell

Page 22: EMOTIONS AND FEELINGS RUMMY...thirteen emotions and feelings introduced in this resource includes a vocabulary, definition, picture and scenario card. Two sets of picture cards are

agitated self-conscious

relieved anxious

22Copyright © 2014 by Lynn Hubbell

Page 23: EMOTIONS AND FEELINGS RUMMY...thirteen emotions and feelings introduced in this resource includes a vocabulary, definition, picture and scenario card. Two sets of picture cards are

stunned enthusiastic

energetic grateful

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Page 24: EMOTIONS AND FEELINGS RUMMY...thirteen emotions and feelings introduced in this resource includes a vocabulary, definition, picture and scenario card. Two sets of picture cards are


elated remorseful


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25Copyright © 2014 by Lynn Hubbell

Page 26: EMOTIONS AND FEELINGS RUMMY...thirteen emotions and feelings introduced in this resource includes a vocabulary, definition, picture and scenario card. Two sets of picture cards are

National Governors Association Center for Best Practices & Council of Chief State School Officers. (2010). Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts: Washington, DC: Authors.

I began teaching more than twenty-five years ago andhave taught special and general education classes at theelementary and secondary levels. Currently I serve as aspecial education program specialist in a public schooldistrict, providing consultation support to both specialand general education teachers of students with specialneeds. As a consultant I spend much of my time assistingour teachers to implement positive behavior supportswithin their classrooms in order to meet the needs of allof their students, but particularly those whodemonstrate significant social, emotional and behavioralchallenges.

If you found this preview helpful, please visit my store atTeachers Pay Teachers, where you will find moreproducts created to help elementary and secondaryteachers teach expected school behaviors. Thesematerials can be used as part of plan to implement IEPgoals and are ideal for special education studentsincluded in the mainstream as well as any others whomight need targeted instruction in these areas. Follow meto be notified when new products are posted.

About the Author:


Copyright © 2014 by Lynn Hubbell. All rights reserved by author.

Permission to copy for single classroom use only.

Fonts courtesy of Mrs. Leeby @ TpT

National Governors Association Center for Best Practices & Council of Chief State School Officers. (2010). Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts: Washington,

DC: Authors.