emotional abuse flores


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Post on 18-Dec-2014




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Page 2: Emotional abuse flores


Emotional abuse is mental abuse that one person exercises over another. This type of abuse includes attitudes, actions and words, such as humiliation, insults, gestures of disapproval, codependency,

Like any type of abuse, emotional abuse is a form of violence and aggression. It is also an ongoing process that, over time, damaged self-esteem and personal image.

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For example: A depressed person may say harsh things, such as those listed below:- I'm no good- The world would be better off without me- No one loves me or accept me- Never be able to do anything right- I'm useless.

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The following are some general characteristics that abusers often exhibit: Some abusers have a low tolerance

level, an explosive temper and any minor incident unleashes his aggression.or often keep multiple superficial relationships with different people, at the same time.or blame others for their own problems, or blame the world, life or situation.or limit the victim financially. or no regard or feel or show empathy for others.

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The following are some general characteristics that abusers often exhibit: Order or demand, do not ask do

not tolerate that their needs are not met,or are very insecure, overly possessive and jealous. They have a strong need to control others or to restrict the rights and freedom of others.

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In general, emotional abuse is a process in which there are three main steps:

The buildup of tension. Incident primary abuse. This stage is

when the abuser attacks the victim. The level of aggression may have different levels of intensity, can be something as a gesture of disapproval to an insult or other verbal aggression. It can occur in private or in public. You can generate a discussion or frighten the victim.The cycle is perpetuated indefinitely while the victim (and / or abuse) does not halt the improper way of relating to each other.

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The third stage of the cycle is perhaps the most dangerous, since victims of then believe that the abuser will change and actually doing, abuse does not happen again.

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Why does it cost to end an abusive relationship? Usually, people find it hard to break an

abusive relationship for several reasons. One reason is the investment they have made in that relationship. This investment may be affective (feelings), social (personal and social expectations), material or financial (assets, income), time, etc..To end a relationship (whether abusive or not abusive) are lost certain "privileges.

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Why does it cost to end an abusive relationship? (Cont.)

Finally, decide to terminate a relationship (of whatever type) involves the idea of "the blame" for not having continued trying to mend the relationship.

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How to prevent and / or solve the problem of emotional abuse?Mainly, it is important to include as much information and knowledge as possible about this issue. Also, a supportive care, whether conventional or psychotherapy-therapy as an alternative course of growth, development and personal growth, will help you acquire the tools necessary to end an abusive relationship.

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RESOURCES AND EMOTIONAL ABUSE PREVENTION In addition, the community as well as

online, you can find support groups and information on different therapies and courses available in your area (or distance)

Remember that emotional abuse is an inappropriate way of relating to others and occurs due to negative behavior patterns that in many cases, can be modified.