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Emory Prevention Research Center Emory Prevention Research Center Emory Cancer Prevention and Control Research Network (CPCRN)

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Post on 24-Dec-2015




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Emory Cancer Prevention and Control Research Network (CPCRN)


Primary Community Partner:Southwest Georgia Cancer Coalition (SWGCC)

Rural Southwest Georgia

Southwest Georgia Demographics

33-county region (served by SW GA Cancer Coalition)

Population approx 713,000 Range: 2,390 Webster County - 96,065

Dougherty County Most counties < 20,000

Almost 40% African American

(US Census, 2000)

22.1% live below poverty level, compared to: 14.1% statewide in Georgia 13.3% nationally

Per capita income (1999) $21,000, compared to: $27,324 in Georgia $28,542 nationally

(US Census, 2000)

Southwest Georgia Partners

Primary Community Partner: Southwest Georgia Cancer Coalition (SWGCC)

Other Partners: SW Georgia Area Health Education Center (AHEC) Local American Cancer Society Phoebe Health Systems The Albany Herald Albany State University, Darton College,

Georgia Southwestern University District Health Departments Decatur County Commissioner Local churches Core Liaisons

University and Statewide Partners

Emory University: Schools of Public Health, Medicine, Nursing,

Law… Interfaith Health Program, TTAC, Ethics Center, Emory College, Winship Cancer Institute, and more

Other Partners: Georgia Division of Public Health American Cancer Society Georgia Cancer Coalition Grady Health Systems Emory Healthcare

CPCRN-Affiliated Faculty

Julie Gazmararian David Howard

Kyle Steenland Cam Escoffery

New Partnership Development Local & state

Health departments Tour de Georgia Tour of Hope – Clifton Corridor CIS and Team Up collaboration

GCC Cancer Summit (November 2-3) Collaborations w/ Behavioral Research

Center of ACS (National Home Office)


Staffing: Hired Anna Ehlerding, MEd - part-time

local CPCRN coordinator in Albany, GA

SWGCC new leadership:

Diane Fletcher, MA, RN – CEO of SWGCC Denise Ballard, MEd – EPRC Coordinator


SWGCC Coordinator compiled County Profiles

Scientific Advisory Committee meeting (for EPRC and CPCRN) - June

SW Georgia Cancer Symposium with Area Health Education Center (Oct 14)


American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Prevention Curriculum Community Intervention Chapter Arrangement to use 40-chapter

curriculum regionally & statewide

CPCRN ResearchActivitiesPilot Studies

Ideas solicited from Emory researchers and Community Advisory Committee (CAC)

6 proposals submitted Review committee - CAC & researchers Rated and scored proposals in 6 criteria areas

on a 1-5 scale (5=highest). Selected 3 top priority pilot studies by consensus

(written reviews and meeting)

Selection Criteria

1. Meets community needs

2. Can be completed within 6 months

3. Consistent with current cancer control guidelines (e.g. NCI, CDC, ACS, USPSTF)

4. Potential to contribute to scientific literature

5. Potential for larger funding

6. Appropriate research expertise available

Decision making for “healthy lifestyle changes” in rural communities

Led By: Darrell Sabbs – Community Benefits Coordinator, Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital

Research Questions: When do people want to make a decision? What has been the point of decision for others? How do family and community impact decisions? What factors contribute to the difficulties of

(healthy) decision making?

Rural Mexican-American women’s perceptions of cultural & environmental influences on physical activity & healthy dietary practices Led by: Maria R. Warda, RN, PhD - Dean, School of

Nursing, Georgia Southwestern State University

Research Questions: Perceptions of enablers & barriers to physical activity

and healthy dietary practices? How cultural factors, e.g.: family, spirituality, health

beliefs, & communication influence PA & healthy diet? Role of environmental factors (living environment,

work environment)?

Training needs assessment re: knowledge and practices … cancer control guidelines in health care professionals in SW GA

Led By: Cam Escoffery, PhD, MPH, CHES – Assistant Professor, RSPH, Emory University

Research Questions: Current knowledge & needs of providers related to

clinical and evidence-based guidelines for breast and cervical cancer detection, & smoking cessation?

Adherence to USPSTF guidelines and the Community Guide recommendations for education, recruitment, screening and treatment?

Preferred training content and formats?

Partially funded pilot: Rapid cancer case ascertainment in SW Georgia

Led by: Kyle Steenland, PhD - Professor, RSPH, Emory University

Aims: Develop rapid case ascertainment system

for cancer in SW Georgia, in collaboration with the Georgia Cancer Registry

Support work of ongoing (#25-04) and new SIPs (#7-05) in SW Ga treatment centers

US. 21% African-American, 11% below poverty level

Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital


John D. Archbold Memorial Hospital


Tift General Hospital (Tifton)

South Georgia Medical Center


Other Affiliated Research: Cancer SIP’s

SIP 25-04: Population-based study of quality of life of 300 prostate cancer patients SW GAPI: Kyle Steenland, PhD

Focus of interviews:

Treatment choice Physiologic quality of life (e.g., incontinence, sexual dysfunction)Perception of quality of life

SIP 07-05: Determinants of patient dropout from Cancer Treatment & Follow-up PI: Joe Lipscomb, PhD

Examine treatment dropout for breast, colorectal, lung, and prostate cancers within 1st year

Investigate associated disease, patient, provider, & system factors

Assess data sources & identify potential interventions to improve tx completion

Plans for Year 2

Complete pilot studies Develop larger applications for most

promising Leverage partnerships to disseminate &

replicated evidence-based CP&C programs

Contribute to &/or lead selected, priority Network research efforts

Thank you very much!