em:!o' - s3.amazonaws.comvol+22+(1866... · be sule-.he shall cnter mt{) tile joy occasion was...

"THE SEVENTH I that always bears onward, lookmg for re'l\lll.irB.lgereaf1:er You must Without this, yourself; nor ) that the chili! so em:!o' father IS a gl eat mau, th,etA!foj:e he must be caressed tr()allecli! With deference? Or IS 11 nch mnn, and tl may take all'S to himself Or that hiS father has stOle, 01 a differ better OthCl S ? on the at home, worth, by "''''lUg 'W hiS parents placed he alues them, and Just as example hilS The obJectIOn IS iI<[LO"CR thcse thmgs t{) be L __ .\!",- a deeper l!I1preSSlOn nz., that on riO-, value, except as " to honm God WESTERLY, uoation' educate your But the httle eXIOlOlol()n tal can make here, oompared wlth that hefore him Whatthollll!h lap,pe3lred admllably al. exbibit!oll, drew many eyes if wholly unfitted for busmess, and the duties have prud too dear for the -:lnd though your upon the high places e\ en wear so dazzling a crown, It IS but the bubble ment The day of the ence IS yet to "Come--a to be sRent tr!lini.ng and character for:ine,d burden 'sake of my babes Wid thee, may work courageously, COlrre.:t., .. town and WIth IrOU ,nil the hubbub sblI, '\1 of tbe man machme ever cord of the soul I. broke, vapors so neayy would he lt scarce could so6<, "" It should to the sky Oh I bve. "" I may, to brook It III trv- But, mere, I not m a town to die I -St Jam" !faD ...... and 'eriLtieiise I Tht'y Indulge ,'_,,,,,,, in great liberty of remark whICh she must liear with COInp()SUI'e, She must conduct her self with neither lauO'hmg '" , nor becommg angry, nor engagmg m conversatIOn with any bnt her as- Sistants, who attend her constantly, OONGRESSIONAL PRAYER-MEETING and aid her m walking and standing, A REmmSCENCE OF <JL8u A.1fER a plaCid and unmoved .. eountenance, notWIthstanding the Weare remmded hy the Ieeent wlttYJok s th ana lamen"ted death of the Hon Ja- e or e coarse Impertinence oli of tbe spectators WlJat at other co Conamer, U S Senator from times would be lIkely to be regarded Yermont, of an mterestmg mCident, as lllsultmg and' highly indecent, It may not be Improper to re- mnst be passed over as though she by so domg rescue It from heard It not Should she allow her- "hlh";'ln to whlCb It might other- self to laugh, or should she forget be liable Dunng the time helself enough to manifest anger, It the Hon Theodore Frehnghuy- would be source of annoyance and occupied a seat In the Senate of of regret Her husband generally the UmtedStates, and chlcfiythrough absents hllhselffrom the public room his IIlstrumentahty, a conglessIOnal dmmg the e\emng It not uufre- prayer-meeting was estabhshed m the quently OCbUIS, that some of hiS mtl- mty of Washmgton for the benefit mate or neighbors stay very members of Congress, who might refuSIng to depart unless he thiS means become the better p.ledges them a conSiderable Bum of for the more successful resistance of money With which to pay the ex- the constantiJ-recurnng temptatIons penoe of:l feast on the follo"m" by which they were encompassed day I " This was held on Saturday The large candles, which wero e\enmg of week, and was transferred to the bnde's room from composed of members of both the reception room at the close of branches of the national legislature the ceremony of " worshipmg en from all sections of the countr), and and earth," ale pelmltted to bUIll all of all diverSities of reh[!"lol1s and po- day and mto the evenll1!! If they htICal 0ElIlions " will As IS emmently desll'able At t e close of the final er- that candles should bul'Il! all the mght But." hat are snch offel mgs 1 'VIlo meetmg of a seSSIOn of Congr"ess, long III the bnda! chamber, these are cfillbli'n!! an offierlng so IICh, 80 co"" ,:vhen the term of c 1 aJJ d w' ongressIOna ser- usu y m:mg the enmg exchang- Iy, as the mother "ho giVes her chIld VIce WIth several of the ed for another pall', whICh It calcu- to the se'tVice of Obd She makes waR about to expire{ Imd the recent lated will last until the a sacllfice which no money can pur- electIOn made It certam that we mornmg These are two feet long, chase, "hICh no tongue'll8n deSCrIbe should never all meet agrun 1Il the more or les8, a brIght red color and she shall have a lewmd capaCity of a congresSIOnal prayer- U811ally on one IS made;. 1Il a hvely tionate to the Oh meetmg, the chaplrun of the Senate yellow color, a picture of a dragon, stleams of jo.> and blessedness pronoqnee the farewell by the use of gold leaf, or of:1 liqUid foreVer lIaw .ntb the fi,eart tlttfIe 'W'he!l JUdlr8 COllamer, calle<\ "lrOld. Qil ;" rid faithful motll.er' ChrISt Will 0\11 n am lmpresslve mllDner, on the the picture of a phrenix, her as hiS motheI, and htr 88ns and remarked, "That the represeDting respectively the groom daughter s as hlB brothers and SIS- hour of ollr separatIOn had come; and his brIde SometImes ansplclouS ters ' Was she unknown on eartlr, that we were about to disperse and characters or phrases are wntten and was the fire whICh she ever kept return to our respective homes; that the candles; these, lIghted on the b1ll'1llng on the altar of her heart un- would prob"bly never meet agam evenIng of the wedding, and armng- seen b) man? But her re" ard shall on this Bide of the grave; that the ed on the table of the bride's ro,om,o'I be sUle-.he shall cnter mt{) tile JOY occasion was one of solemmty and are to burn durmg the "!I.lJlt" m1:1ti,01:.1 sp.le1l.dors'l of her Lord mteIeot; and he proposed that we mgot, and as much longer as they fmcl Tram up ) our duld for eternity, should, !l! 81lellce, hands and Will last It would be conSldercd the des- becallse, separate " Upon suggestIOn, unlUCky should they be extm- balance., ThiS lClll place Ilolfl cMd lugh 1I1 glory each one extended his hand, nght by aCCident Should one or selrw,,' III yonI' day ltel ea/ler and left, t{) hiS fnend, ho stood by of them go out dunng the Those now on earth, hvmg by fruth, hiS Side, thus formmg a complete such an event would mdICate and who ' keep the saymgs of thiS eOldon of fhendly hauds around the and untimely death clatd see til,,! mt to teach Let inita- the assume It, so chvLra<lter; and the that all your your e\C!lry.-a;alV' The next cOIIse1quiin rehglOU8 lost Let book," the most devoted men hVIng, entire chamber In which we had so both of the parties The ma- a! e those who have been led to Chnst often met to commune With of the candles should not melt by a mother's love and other and WIth God, the down the Sides ThlS IS You can hardly be aware Patron of llS all A strong, a bad omen, thetncklmg may be the lI,llpressIOn whICh S1\ e motIOn, like a muffled curlent matelJal bemg thouO'ht may wilke on the mmd of your electrICity, if the compa! ilion IS al- the flo'l ing of tears even lIi'it ery few moments lowable, passed from hand to hand, and betokens, on l"01 on .. , I truly sny, I We beheve, fr om heart to heart; that there "ill be met With any loss SQ great, as the circle of praymg statesmen m the fannly of the 10Slng the cale and mstructIOn of my -would that It had been more exten- newly marrIed couple, or that they mother dllIlng my childhood j In con- slve--stood ill profound.silence, evelY wIll not live happily together If sequence of her haHng 10st her r ea- eye apparently mOistened With tears, the candles should burn out about son But I can recollect, that when and every' bosom seeming to heave the same time, It IS supposed that a very lIttle ChIld, I was EtandIDg at With emotion, when Judge ColIamer, couple WIll die aBout the same the open WIndow, at the close of a standing near the door, broke perIod III the future; and should one lovely summer's day The large red from the grasp of hlB comrade, burn much longer that the other, it sun" as Just smkmg away behmd the WIthOut uttermg a syllable, retired IS feared that olle wm long survive western hills; the sky was gold Rnd He was soon followed by OthClS, the other purple commmgled; the winds were until the entire company, WIth one 1ITT"';;;:';;;;;;-;;;-;;;;; sleepmg, and a soft, solemn stillness exception, diSappeared, and the wnt- WINtER BIRDS IN ENGLAND. seemed to hang over the earth I er of this remIniscence was left to was watchmg ilie sun as he &cnt reflections as the departed VISion yellow rays through the trees, was calculated to awaken and mspn e felt a kmd of awe, though I knew The members of thIS meeting-a not" heref{)re Just then my mother company of sinners saved by grace-- came to me She was ravmg With are grat4ally retiring from the scenes frenzy-for leason had 10nO' smce left of<earth, to mingle, as we trust, III the its throne-and left her ;; VICtim and more elevated servIce of madness She came up to me, wild SruIctllllry. When the With insamty I pomted to the glo- this cham, now pemg sever- . :eh.arlIIC"d rIOus Bun in: the west, and III a mo- hand of death, shall be re- ment ..she was calm' She took my and re-umted to encll'Cle lit.l'l .. :h .... iI within hers,.and told. lite beautify the throM of God, the "the great God made the sun, spmt of the noble Senator, whoSe stars" tIle world, e.verythiJIg j that name stands at the head of this bnef Ito was who made her little bOy, and imller£ect souvemr, Will not be gave him an Immortal spirIt; among the absent Having enjoyed, that yonder and the green fields, to a greater or less extent, the friend- $,Dd the will be ship of the :representatives from Ver- burned up ; the her in the several departmentAl of child will then Ve do not know live when them that he must love let .gfj ••. '.

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Post on 27-Jan-2019




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I that always bears

onward, lookmg for re'l\lll.irB.lgereaf1:er ~ You must

.seE)~l;heJ!~ Without this, .Il~'lJnl~r f!OVI~rn yourself; nor


that the chili! so em:!o' father IS a gl eat mau,

th,etA!foj:e he must be caressed tr()allecli! With deference? Or

'~:;~e,;~~~~\I~:iI:~ IS 11 nch mnn, and tl may take all'S to himself ac(!orl:llllQ\I~',T Or that hiS father has

stOle, 01 a differ better OthCl S ?

m~)re!,slcms on the l1I<~.!:I'ec,ei\'ed at home,

a~ft1;~':~"hi worth, by "''''lUg 'W hiS parents placed tbI'~I:;, ~md he ~ alues them, and

Just as example hilS The obJectIOn IS

iI<[LO"CR thcse thmgs t{) be L __ .\!",- a deeper l!I1preSSlOn

nz., that nothm~ on riO-, n~... value, except as "

to honm God


uoation' educate your But the httle eXIOlOlol()n tal can make here, oompared wlth that e~d:njit]ll~1Jlieh hefore him Whatthollll!h

lap,pe3lred admllably al. exbibit!oll, drew many eyes

if wholly unfitted for busmess, and the duties have prud too dear for the ~¥Iift!Jti( -:lnd though your upon the high places e\ en wear so dazzling a crown, It IS but the bubble ment The day of the ence IS yet to "Come--a .d3Iy,:re!mem~

to be sRent tr!lini.ng and character for:ine,d

burden 'sake of my babes Wid thee, t"'''''''''.iI~le,'1 may work courageously,

COlrre.:t., .. town and WIth IrOU ,nil G~,~~J~~~,~o~n:ml~ the hubbub sblI, '\1 of tbe man machme ever

:iiieth;;;k~·th~ cord of the soul I. broke, vapors so neayy would he

lt scarce could so6<, "" It should to the sky •

Oh I bve. "" I may, to brook It III trv­But, mere, I not m a town to die I •

-St Jam" !faD ...... .--:-'----~

and 'eriLtieiise I Tht'y Indulge ,'_,,,,,,,

'oft;en1~imes in great liberty of remark whICh she must liear with

COInp()SUI'e, She must conduct her self with neither lauO'hmg '" , nor becommg angry, nor engagmg m conversatIOn with any bnt her as­Sistants, who attend her constantly,

OONGRESSIONAL PRAYER-MEETING and aid her m walking and standing, A REmmSCENCE OF <JL8u A.1fER pre~tmg a plaCid and unmoved

.. • eountenance, notWIthstanding the Weare remmded hy the Ieeent wlttYJok s th

ana lamen"ted death of the Hon Ja- e or e coarse Impertinence oli of tbe spectators WlJat at other

co Conamer, U S Senator from times would be lIkely to be regarded Yermont, of an mterestmg mCident, as lllsultmg and' highly indecent,

It may not be Improper to re- mnst be passed over as though she by so domg rescue It from heard It not Should she allow her-

"hlh";'ln to whlCb It might other- self to laugh, or should she forget be liable Dunng the time helself enough to manifest anger, It

the Hon Theodore Frehnghuy- would be ~ source of annoyance and occupied a seat In the Senate of of regret Her husband generally

the UmtedStates, and chlcfiythrough absents hllhselffrom the public room his IIlstrumentahty, a conglessIOnal dmmg the e\emng It not uufre­prayer-meeting was estabhshed m the quently OCbUIS, that some of hiS mtl-mty of Washmgton for the benefit mate frlen~s or neighbors stay very members of Congress, who might refuSIng to depart unless he thiS means become the better "+~U~"" p.ledges them a conSiderable Bum of for the more successful resistance of money With which to pay the ex­the constantiJ-recurnng temptatIons penoe of:l feast on the follo"m" by which they were encompassed day I " This mee~mg was held on Saturday The large candles, which wero e\enmg of e~ely week, and was transferred to the bnde's room from composed of members of both the reception room at the close of branches of the national legislature the ceremony of " worshipmg liea~ en from all sections of the countr), and and earth," ale pelmltted to bUIll all of all diverSities of reh[!"lol1s and po- day and mto the evenll1!! If they htICal 0ElIlions " ~ will As ~t IS emmently desll'able

At t e close of the final pra~ er- that candles should bul'Il! all the mght But." hat are snch offel mgs 1 'VIlo meetmg of a seSSIOn of Congr"ess, long III the bnda! chamber, these are

cfillbli'n!! an offierlng so IICh, 80 co"" ,:vhen the term of c 1 aJJ d ~ w' ongressIOna ser- usu y m:mg the e~ enmg exchang-Iy, as the mother "ho giVes her chIld VIce WIth several of the ed for another pall', whICh It calcu-to the se'tVice of Obd ~ She makes waR about to expire{ Imd the recent lated will last until the a sacllfice which no money can pur- electIOn made It certam that we mornmg These are two feet long, chase, "hICh no tongue'll8n deSCrIbe should never all meet agrun 1Il the more or les8, a brIght red color and she shall have a lewmd capaCity of a congresSIOnal prayer- U811ally on one IS made;. 1Il a hvely tionate to the ~glft. Oh meetmg, the chaplrun of the Senate yellow color, a picture of a dragon, stleams of jo.> and blessedness ':h~U~~e;lktio~t,o pronoqnee the farewell by the use of gold leaf, or of:1 liqUid foreVer lIaw .ntb the fi,eart tlttfIe 'W'he!l JUdlr8 COllamer, pre~IOD calle<\ "lrOld. Qil ;" rid faithful motll.er' ChrISt Will 0\11 n am lmpresslve mllDner, on the l>th~r the picture of a phrenix, her as hiS motheI, and htr 88ns and remarked, "That the represeDting respectively the groom daughter s as hlB brothers and SIS- hour of ollr separatIOn had come; and his brIde SometImes ansplclouS ters ' Was she unknown on eartlr, that we were about to disperse and characters or phrases are wntten and was the fire whICh she ever kept return to our respective homes; that the candles; these, lIghted on the b1ll'1llng on the altar of her heart un- would prob"bly never meet agam evenIng of the wedding, and armng­seen b) man? But her re" ard shall on this Bide of the grave; that the ed on the table of the bride's ro,om,o'I be sUle-.he shall cnter mt{) tile JOY occasion was one of solemmty and are ~eslred to burn durmg the "!I.lJlt"

m1:1ti,01:.1 sp.le1l.dors'l of her Lord mteIeot; and he proposed that we mgot, and as much longer as they fmcl Tram up ) our duld for eternity, should, !l! 81lellce, Bhak~ hands and Will last It would be conSldercd the des- becallse, separate " Upon WhIC~ suggestIOn, unlUCky should they be extm-

e~ernilty balance., ThiS lClll place Ilolfl cMd lugh 1I1 glory each one extended his hand, nght by aCCident Should one or selrw,,' III yonI' day ltel ea/ler and left, t{) hiS fnend, ho stood by of them go out dunng the

gen~l'a,tiIRn Those now on earth, hvmg by fruth, hiS Side, thus formmg a complete such an event would mdICate and who ' keep the saymgs of thiS eOldon of fhendly hauds around the and untimely death

clatd see til,,!

mt to teach Let


assume It, so ~ ~"'lOt'JUO chvLra<lter; and the

that all your

"~'cl:~:~t~t,~e~;xcept your e\C!lry.-a;alV' The next cOIIse1quiin rehglOU8

lost Let

book," the most devoted men hVIng, entire chamber In which we had so both of the parties The ma-a! e those who have been led to Chnst often met to commune With of the candles should not melt by a mother's love and other and WIth God, the down the Sides ThlS IS

You can hardly be aware Patron of llS all A strong, a bad omen, thetncklmg may be the lI,llpressIOn whICh S1\ e motIOn, like a muffled curlent matelJal bemg thouO'ht may wilke on the mmd of your electrICity, if the compa! ilion IS al- the flo'l ing of tears do~ even lIi'it ~ ery few moments lowable, passed from hand to hand, and betokens, on l"01 on .. , I truly sny, I We beheve, fr om heart to heart; that there "ill be met With any loss SQ great, as the circle of praymg statesmen m the fannly of the 10Slng the cale and mstructIOn of my -would that It had been more exten- newly marrIed couple, or that they mother dllIlng my childhood j In con- slve--stood ill profound.silence, evelY wIll not live happily together If sequence of her haHng 10st her r ea- eye apparently mOistened With tears, the candles should burn out about son But I can recollect, that when and every' bosom seeming to heave the same time, It IS supposed that a very lIttle ChIld, I was EtandIDg at With emotion, when Judge ColIamer, couple WIll die aBout the same the open WIndow, at the close of a standing near the door, broke perIod III the future; and should one lovely summer's day The large red from the grasp of hlB comrade, burn much longer that the other, it sun" as Just smkmg away behmd the WIthOut uttermg a syllable, retired IS feared that olle wm long survive western hills; the sky was gold Rnd He was soon followed by OthClS, the other purple commmgled; the winds were until the entire company, WIth one 1ITT"';;;:';;;;;;-;;;-;;;;; sleepmg, and a soft, solemn stillness exception, diSappeared, and the wnt- WINtER BIRDS IN ENGLAND. seemed to hang over the earth I er of this remIniscence was left to was watchmg ilie sun as he &cnt reflections as the departed VISion yellow rays through the trees, was calculated to awaken and mspn e felt a kmd of awe, though I knew The members of thIS meeting-a not" heref{)re Just then my mother company of sinners saved by grace-­came to me She was ravmg With are grat4ally retiring from the scenes frenzy-for leason had 10nO' smce left of<earth, to mingle, as we trust, III the its throne-and left her ;; VICtim and more elevated servIce of madness She came up to me, wild SruIctllllry. When the With insamty I pomted to the glo- this cham, now pemg sever-

. :eh.arlIIC"d rIOus Bun in: the west, and III a mo- hand of death, shall be re-ment ..she was calm' She took my and re-umted to encll'Cle lit.l'l .. :h .... iI within hers,.and told. lite beautify the throM of God, the

"the great God made the sun, spmt of the noble Senator, whoSe stars" tIle world, e.verythiJIg j that name stands at the head of this bnef Ito was who made her little bOy, and imller£ect souvemr, Will not be

gave him an Immortal spirIt; among the absent Having enjoyed, that yonder and the green fields, to a greater or less extent, the friend-$,Dd the will be ship of the :representatives from Ver-burned up ; the her in the several departmentAl of child will then Ve do not know live when them that he must

love let .gfj ••. mL:Y>!l~laS


I 1 ,

. ~~~~~Et~!!J~~~~~ prevaiIililg teII~en(jyc," t~ii8 very o]p(lllWQII ijnsl:oin of celebrating

n:lll-tirm Iltr as a fast

general atorell,lent sa" es only hrlrt;()n of those for whom he died

lJlIst(llsteful and abhorrent as limited until it was at!>.qelneJlt is to modern theology; it (Ancient consistent system' of that ~h 26, sec 2) thl~d!()gieal dogma. For, if the prin-

~gain he "During the early of that system be founded in a ages of the chlirclll, it (Sunday) was gq1~'rnriI.enl;al fact or truth, hmited 1U"'er entitled tlte this word, be-lat'~I\'Iemlent must be the ~orreet view, ing confined seventh'liay of the salvation must follow

", W"PPI~" which, we have ilIready said, general atonement continued to observed for several another article, I propose to

what the :Atonement, is as held exponnders S S Gmsn OLD



an end rather

r:::~~~~h~ freedmen It appears shl)rt,diJ~~ce, ~"' families of negroes were an old house, near the

Lt~i8ide"t of Mrs Young, 'and some

~~t;!J~:r~~r~t~h~e:,. had a dance, at which <trunk, and in the melee were fired, the shot

passing through 1\fr8 house On last Saturday,

j~j;~:!\~~~"m~;~{~~~!,E~~!:t! to have another partIes learmng ~_'V~" r,em'on$ltra:ted WIth them,

vildleru!es.8they. if they had itq~~lrer, be burned ont

nej!:rlllis' paid no attentIOn to h,,'lill,thl~··"'iinlinig, but went on WIth their

III full blast, the first the house was in a

to make t.heNl-bein!l' armed


:All are busy in OUr circle new mill, in sight of. Rockvill~, Centreville, is a nice building, ing m bellu~ all her lIisters. in town It is being filled with machinery, and will about one hnndred looms

G. W. Hurley" .T. ,\V. Loofboro, Ai Van Horn, .T oho 1i: Babcock, .Albert Davis, J

Augustus Buttz, MIlton Hurley, James B. Davis, ~faxson Davis,

new houses are demanded to aC(~OD~ Of the above, eighteen were church modate the help One is m m·(IIIp.,"~1 member s of bUlldmg W m Dunham was I killed at the

Our singing school for thIS w;,nhll.i I foot of Kemssaw 1\Iollntnin,' by a is a so~ce of animatIOn and rille shot ! The yOdng people are making The wounded were John W. Loof-mendable improve.il.ent, as is boro, at the chalgmg of the wOlks flOm their effort1!' The school Vicksburg, by a shell j Jacob D. taught by Paul tr° Barber. Van Horn, at Lo, ejoy station, by n


had up the qUE!sti~'Jl.~'or:~liss~,l~ 1\(r Garrison, ",t'''··l,iioi' Ad,rqciltedth: measure in the LJ.tliertllWr. "~qJlP.!lrItea;

to p'revent therr of the

nfle shot r I • I'r:~t'~b~r~e!i~~~~~~5~~ chwrr;h nas prQwred calJ'lnel,t Thl\I'~ died in hospitals, Fr~lin ,W'l<nL

i~~i~t~i~~~~~~~ spirit of 'Plroe,edtJioe'; we are I' sociel~ have procured melodeWIB

thllY 'IJODtiIp:en()e I~ is true winfer, upon 9hich '3 number

neiirollB did wrong in drink- taking lessons. These outlays one who fired into Mrs.

shonld have been l'eally a. source of wealth to the --"--'with j but this thiug muDity, creating a tnat and eni~hu[si~

"1:aleIl~I1U1rch wllOl~lsale lllassacre, we thmk allm for devotional music '" has five places - 'Wi'omrl entirely IlfInecessary The chUlch and society met at meetmg's ar~hem al- could no doubt have


There are three yet lU the With these exceptions, all·· t.h,,,f;,,TP.

~ving nre at home, honorably dis-charged Al VAN BonN

manclme,rlt, IlCC'illlSle, they for almost years together kept

was III that com-

the Sabbath; thongh mthont the use of on the evening of The Hon Charles Sumner, been permitted, tluough "", .. rt,.,.lv meetmgs, for bUB~ess We believe in and after the usual frienlllyj Massachusetts, has made a masterly

in~i~ltenl""'w, to fulfill the appomt- are always held ~t made to know greetmg, and :a taste of the refi'elillr" ~d exhaustive speech in the Sellabl,1 !!!Ive' n me by the Eastenl Asso- h th h dd a thmg as mob ments, mtersperscd with good upon the question of l'Aconstruction ~ 'i'

U1en" were ey a, e a go under any crrcum- . • l'sidinlg

in ~Iay last, to ,isit the n01'",,, worship, in the village! ing, there was a general donation and kmdred t{)pics It tills I bretfirf!ll located m West Vngima, months smce, a brother RE.."lIAUKS the pastor and his family, am.ou:'HlJug,1 and one-half columns of t1le Bo'StCID

tlJlllmor Dubitantum, part 1,

It;ftl~ be expected that I Will give Davis ordained to the work·,of The foregoing account appears in WIth some additions, to one h",nri"A<i Journal, and e,en a synopills, of account of my tour through the D1jnistry the New Orleans Weekly T.mesofDer and fifty dollars aud sixty-one ~be too much for our columns

~pllllDms f th R -a generous expression of kllamJeSi! I He has str"'ck .ome heavv bl"w8 I'n .. 0 e ECOIlDEH 23d _" Fwe of the number came lip I .u" J",

b and good WIll towalds their pastor. hiS official lif.e time, against human from my house at 6 mlssmg "-in other" ords were urn- . . , May nch blessmgs rest upon the sla,'el"V, and been struck '.I·mse1f, not the 2dday: of JanualY, encomagIng. ed to death One "fellow" "as

J :ll

'"\il;w~'" C k h h' 1 t d b t h dOlllors T .'1 C 1 With arguments, but ,wI'th the 1.llld-.. of Phrladelphm, Baltimore, ree c urc IS oca e a ou "soot, and afterwards t 1'0\1 n mto BIWOlUffiLD " IJ

Fe! 11Cumbetland, Grafton, miles south-east of Salem, in the flames," probably only wounded A geons whic1! slavery was wont to -ry 1 scent letter from Brookfield, ew Sa em, West V1Iglnl'a, sectIon The first I set- ."nd still ali, e! In any cl\illze.d land, 1 but from a hasty readmg of h h h

.. (Clarknlle,) mentIons a -growm!!' I 1 tee urc , I arrived on the 3d, at 3 were fIom Thistle Co, the willfitl bUrnIng alive of half a ~ speech, we judge it to be tlte h I db' bl lImbus mterest m that pL'lce "Amirl ~nElm:sel'~eSOVelW e me ym-I'''·.'~nol,,"p. M They were expecting- They are consldera y rlozen horses "ould be followed by b'l effort of hi a life time. We can not

. h" II h ~ all the darkness and sin that prevails creasmg t at ,10m ate bv them I was kmdly receiv- Iscattl~$,a, bnt ha, e a meeting-house the penalty of the law, and the exe- 1 gh e 0111' readers a more condensed f yth I· J so liearflllly among us, thcr e are some 'tlrlOUS 0 pol Clsm en 1St- hospitably entertained I on the bank of Lost crations of the commlmlty. But statement of the speech, than ,the fol-d d th fCh~' t Th I h h tl S b re\hing influences, and some are k • fr h B to T e un er e 0 .018 e to have met Eld S D " ere t ey meet on Ie a - among the '" chivalrons gentlemen" lowmg, ta en om t e os n "our-

N h' Eld S D D . seekin-g a better portion than earth 3Zarenes of Lost Creek, thel e, but he for wors Ip aHS the South, the burning of five or >lal of Feb 6th J 1 t "' b f d and sin can 2'lVe " b' . 1 b . f eFlIsa em 0 by sickness, as we were has been lor a nnm er 0 years, an six' human bemgs only compels a mild ~ l\fl Sumner eglllii WIt I a ne

beyond the by letter The weathlll yet, thc approved and successful dissppro\al from the organ of public The people of Clarkville are hav- prelimmary statement of! hjs objec-Clent cold, and the travel- of' that peop e ley ave hpinion; nothin/i of the ar/est mglan exee en SC 00 m e.L C e-1 Tl h 11 t h I th :\. ad tions to the Constitntional Amend-

h d · th my. taught by Prof E. Whitford, as- ment which has passed the .tl~IUse'.1 years III bad j yet we wele favored ,eIOY muc urlllg e war, puniahment of the m~~rerB; no ' whIch he regards simply as I a com-cline and Fall respectable congregatlOn on the I ebel rards that WeI e often word of abb4rr ence rtir atrOCIties Slated by 1\118S :Ashley. promlilc with WJ ong , Then, taking

This little I preached III then among them, bnt now all is which make the blood rnn cold. I FAillNA, ILL his guaranty resolutIOn as a text, he '~i:d:~i~~b;~a:~~~~; Jemsalem by I at Salem on Sabbath, and in quiet, peaceful, and prosperous. In <I We lJeZier!l1J[ seeing file negroes made letter from Eld. C. M. Lewis, proceeds to the diseussi?n of the I:: '~i:~r~~'SI~:!~~ Cbrl t

. h L C k t' th main question. He exammes, s , grven and on Fn'st-day and t cost ree congrega IOU ere "now which means, Farina, m, Feb 7th, 1866) f' I' the neceSSItIes 0 thl times, III viou!, (Mat to an mcressing and . aI e abont forty-five families any di'IQhar~:~d he sho'l'l s that enfranchisement is

I judge that can report progress U; ou~ complement of emancipation, and IS miles distant

conJp~l~y with EI.d. Jacob Davis, hOI se back to Lost Creek

London, says: "The an,~ieJl1tE)aljba1;h dldremaiuand isplenfli~g was o1lf!erved, the cele- iJJr,etb,rell,. bration of the Christians of above three nUnCl"rAC1

Sayiour's death; other day, for than I spoke Of bhl'()re: the chm'ch by but that. That Sal~bal;h

Saviour's passion. s great part

haVing the Apostl~~s'dQllti-ilae !lmple to instrnct restrained it, if it (Learned page 77, ed.

on and

to Long

",·.tv'.''; iI!sulte(:I, robbed, or rSevimtill-cllav Baptist settlement here. only true path of dehverance out the in which ed, with byaiy rebel'l'lho Sinoe my wntmg to YOI1, a pub- our present and prospective tl'oub-Ictui()sitv.

--' '''-- In years past, they have £ h £ lie hall has been fitted up at Fanna, les

has been engaged or t e past our for school and church purposes Our Secdndly, he contends that it \l[~~::;f;~~~?~~~fl suftered much from isms, that have . 1 h years m s aug terlllg or starvmg our people have rented the hall to hold made an imperatrve by

been introduced by evil-mmded mt'nf saldiers That thIS feeling '}lrevatls our rehgIOus meetings m, and I am clause of the ConstitutIOn ~;~!~!~;,\ or by those who bad heen deceIved, extensh ely in the late rebel States, IS preachmg ill It three tunes each week ing a repUblIcan form of who have orgamzed small societies shown by the accounts "filch con- -on Sabbath, First-day, and Frrst- to eveI'y State of the TT .. :-,_

and churches upon their reform prin- day evenmge. We have also estab- hlStol ical argument head l~:~:;t;~:~i~;'~~~ tmually reach 'Us of murders and out- hahed a prayer and conference meet- 'IS especmlly abundant minn~, ;~tb:ai;1i ciples, but they have all come to rages of evelOY desCliptIOn Nor ing on the evemng before the Sab- compmnng the ante-revolutionaw ~~'xi<:oJ H(mght j they have ceased to be; but could it well be otherWIse The I e- bath, held from house to house among controverSIeS of our fathers, thhb- : nUIJ'I',I,!". the mfluence is yet seen and felt d our bretlu'en solemn declaratIOns, theIr opimbrls,

hate the negt oes, as revolte and the eady public acts of 1 tlie among them. The churches at Lost slaves, as Union men, as of The health of the people here is States He then snms up the revia}\' Creek and New Salem, are m evelY the hated Yankees; they have very good at present, and the we8th- In what he terms the" AmeIica,n sense, as far as I can J'udge, the old- li . al d h remalkably fine It may be a definitIOn of' a republican form po tic power, an t e f' t th fashioned, Pnntllnic Seventh-day matter 0 some mterest a e government," in support of which he Powerj lind it would not be D011ltDjml-l t t to the readers of the B eh h d . h f: I sen lIDe, adds recent Frllnch opmions aptlBt urc es, sonn IU t e alt I, ttl than b _" d h th th

ulllma:l!"na nre 0 neg ec sue " CORDER, to e IwOlme OW e er- Mr Sumner next blings into con-and conSIstent iu theIr practice. Ine,rtlllnitv to glut theIr ,engea9ce mometer has stood for the l'lst month, the late rebel States, and con-

I traveled 1000 miles by l'''"lm"'1l there are Umon men who which has been calefnlly noted each that they are not republican 150 miles on horse back"llOme that the rebellIOUS States morning, at or before snnnse, for l·fr'l"l1"Q of governments" but "aristo-foot, preached mneteen SernIons, restored to all the rights of day ~f .T annary, 1866; together cracies or olIgarchies." This brings

" with the general character of the hlID to the duty of Congreso, which and made about fifty lainily VISIts, St-~ d ssary con h h d th h " j """s, an , as a nece - 'feat er eac ay as ey ave pass- is, in his opinion, to mterfere against

and was absent from home four both wlllte and ed It Will be noticed that all of the local governments, as they we ks There are in West Vh'ginia bound, hand and folloWInz Indications are at or above "can only exist in defiance of the ab ut 150 families ofSabbllth-kee~rs, foot, mto the power of rebels, only z:ero " Constitution" The most direct mode

el ed m four different connties the more bItter for blling defeated, IJays Weather Degrees. of interference is the best, that is, by country is broken and hilly, but and a publIc sentiment which sees 11 Warm and pleasant, 24 act ofOongreSB, "Uj>provideallneed-

12 Pleasant and clear, 22 ful sllfeguards, an,d especially to and fertile, and a better conntry a slight improprrety in burning 3 Olear and cool, 11 place the Equal RIghts of "All under raising stock is seldom to. be alive men and women if they 14 Cold and wlDdy, 9 the guardianship oti National Law."

fon d The hills abound in coal, black. Such a course must lead g Severely cold, 4 .After meetmg the objeCtioDs which ~ig~~~!~:~'ri¥~,,~ m the valJeys they are finding 6 Clear, mild, -and beautiful, 36 have been urged against tIWi course,

W B G 7 Clear, warm, and spnnglike, 24 for universal sufil;age, con-ILT.ETI'E. ilia h ball . "

8 Clear and cold, 9 t t e ot III a peaoo-.-,--,-~-.;.;.,...;.;...-~ Cleat I)nd cold, 11 maker, "a schoolmaster," and " SAloERATUS, Rainy day, 33 protector," lind a8 necessary for

Ramy, 38 republic as It is for the freeman. Crear, warm, and springlike, 50 .He concludes WIth ali eloquent Clear and warm, 27 that the future "'~'v.., Clear and warm, 36 of the Mtion are Rainy, 32 and found in"

Clear, warm, lind pleasant, 181~~i~~e~~1'i~~tiO~'~;~~~li~~:~~§~~!a~~i Wann and cloudy, 28 Clear and bright, 24 Very :wanD-thunder storm, 40 Severely cold, 0 Clear and cold, 8

'CIllar and warm, 26 Warm-·and fQggy, 30

2:l.,{~ild:'.l!Jlil cloudy, '30 .~o}\ltai\IIS-:aitiill Clear and wiJm, 36 cA1Inerican Mild and thawing, 31 Warm and plaasant, 32 W8l'm and foggy. 32 Mila and pleasant, 33"'-.:c'C·Cf-Clear and warm, 26 'V""'<;~." Clear and warm, 123


I The weather in Southe,rn ~[}rU~r~~~~~~[;!'~\~,:~~~t~tflt~:;~~hi:}~~j~~!rlt~~~t for the autumn and winter ~ has very fine; "ex,cell~ilt

w;h(,ellilg' tin:til the 15th of J aniuaij

..An aCCIdent of a novel happened a few daYs smce t,;,' ,.·I;W.. pllotogr'llpllB boy four yelp1l 01d/ 'l'Iitee ending children were playmg "'liiile lOom where there was alarg!l trunk The top fell il.pwn and mg a sprmg lock; caughttlie fellow fast and. tIght The .chil(lriln got frightened and ga"e a12lrm.!1'11!l.nv. A nl'gro woman onheanngthefacts

an axe and burst the tJ:unk open. lIttle boy 'IV as rescued m a suffo-

cated state At PontlSc Miss a few mghts

BlDce the agent of the Freedmen 8

Bureau was mllldered m cold blood while sleepmg m his bed, by a party of lebels His body was nddled WIth bullets The people at hated the Bureau mtensely for interlreri.n.!~ WIth them m exe C SlDg control the Iilaves

A verdict of $2 500 was rendered L~lpt:Un the other day agamst the New Y orli: and Harlem Ra lroad Company and m favor of Mrs Elizabeth Rodmond a washerwoman whose nght hand was pennanently lDJured by an dent occaSIOned from nding on the cars of the Company

Reports receIved by the Boner of the General Land d cate that lllst montl thousand acres of th~ public aOll1)>l1O

ve e settled 1D the Western an 1 Te"1 tones under the J)f()VH!lOIIS

d~nliFd '-tr:mtnl'Dlotller.1 of the Homestead .Act it ·nedi;ll!Saryto ,. settlements ,4~tn~ld The 1 st of ma me dUlastels

consequent loss of life does not to have been completed Seven per sons were drowned by the wreck of the bng Neva on the Flonda coast and f esh cases of suffermg are re

from several parts of the co ntry

The House Military Comm hee have voted to report the bill creating tlie grade of General m the army; of the Un ted States The pay IS creased O"l\eI that of the Lleulenant­General $130 per month There 11 no mcrease In allowances or commu tatIOns of an,- kind

Additiollal rules and regulatIOns have been adopted for the redempt OIL

of mut late 1 fmctIOnal currency mak m~ such Iedemption oblIgatory on :the pa t of any as~iStant treasurer ilepos tnrv 0 natIOnal bank ~he amount to be at least $50 properly put up In well secu ed parcels

It 8 sn d to he true that Mrs Robe t Lee IS br ngmg the infI ence of many lea 1 ng men ofVug ma and the So Ith to bear upon the PresIdent 1D fa'i or of the restomtIOn to he of the p mcely Arlmgton estate and there are some of the opm on that she may he successful

The young men of Rushville, Indi ana have B gned a pledge to abats n from the use of mtoxlCating liquors for one year on condItion that when ever one of theu n mber VIOlates tbe pledge his name 18 to be publishea m both the county papers

1\1r James Go don Bennet 'IV as not long B nee nv ted to deliver al .. "t",,,,1 before a lIterary assoc ation at Pnnce ton N J He declmed snymg that

h s t me was too valuable and lee tu ng was only the busmt'ss of Iter

vagrants The greatest Sll(_W'1!t.E>njl..tb~," •• :is

been known m for years ISlted that locality not S\Dce In rom y places the snow four feet deep Nearly all the graph WIres m the O1ty were pro strated

A San FranClsco an honest ro ner

shouldered his kiiap~,acl~", strUck out for !'~Ti~red the e last sprmg q artz claIm A sold his claIm for "'''''".'JUlI lIII1[0111.

The U mted States pool reports to the p;~~~t~~~ State mder date of the loss of till ee Amencan vl!l!el!l ......

Secretary of the T essury con the Harry of the West the lU>,"iiPn: :1~±~;1:. hay ng the waste notes and and the TIgress and the ~ that ale now destroyed by theu c ews

collfe te~mto pulp for pa Electro telegrll'tlhy owes The ,qUlI'Iit ty destroyeli Prof Wheatstone but

last fiscal y~aT'\vas about thirty achievement excels all and In the pt!lsent year t S '·h.orur,n of WIth hIS imnro,ve,l

l'e:~tiiPated:that th s sort of ;vaste pa matic instrume,nt, itJr<opedy maJi>u-amount to as much as forty lated he can 'm,.tif>tlv

"""UilU Woolen Facto y s abont leg ble s gns or letters m a

H!IPIQg ope at on at ~finneapohs 1i~;~:i~~?at the gleat Falls of the 11 The St:. Pa I P oneer

I:~§~~;~ffi~i~~f~i~~~~:~;:·' Gen Washblllne Presl d Water Power Company '~~~~;; I coml)leted arrangements .! #.itJj.)30s~on capItalists for the erec

bti,ghtl)~ .w.ith'~v'riJY Cotton :Mill at the same

The taxes of one New York to bacco merchant 8lllount to $30 000 per month

Somebody avers that there are 550000 grams 111..3 bush.l of wheat

In two countIes m ConnectIcut there are 57 cotton mills

The late Pnnce .Albert first mtro duced ChrlStmas trees mto England






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Do no b Hov Runners or Hackmen wbo say". a~. full

GROIHfl .i~D Il lU Y




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