emergency number no. 15887 44 pages 150 fils ......2015/09/11  · the first english language daily...

THE FIRST ENGLISH LANGUAGE DAILY IN FREE KUWAIT Established in 1977 / www.arabtimesonline.com NO. 15887 44 PAGES 150 FILS emergency number 112 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2015 / ZUL-QAADAH 27, 1436 AH Continued on Page 8 Continued on Page 8 Continued on Page 8 KSE -43.47 pts at closing, Sept 10 See Page 35 Dow +157.67 pts at 20:35, Sept 10 See Page 36 Nasdaq +69.37 pts at 20:35, Sept 10 FTSE -73.20 pts at closing, Sept 10 Nikkei -470.89 pts at closing, Sept 10 NYMEX crude $45.32 pb Brent crude $48.36 pb 3-month $ LIBOR rate 0.33300% US$/KD 0.30210/20 Euro/KD 0.3411 Yen/KD 0.0025 British £/KD 0.4671 Gold $1,109.50 per oz (London) ‘Implement law that regulates work of domestics’ Women’s rights in Kuwait — Page 7 basketball Page 40 PM Diwan photo Pope Francis speaks with HH the Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah during a private audience at the Vatican on Sept 10. The Tribute in Light illuminates the sky behind One World Trade Center and the lower Manhattan skyline on Sept 9, in New York. Friday marks the fourteenth anniversary of the terrorist attacks of Sept 11 on the United States. (AP) In this Sept 9 photo, Muslim pilgrims circumambulate around the Ka’aba, the cubic building at the Grand Mosque in the Muslim holy city of Makkah, Saudi Arabia. Thousands of Muslims from all over the world have arrived in Saudi Arabia for the annual Hajj, or pilgrimage, to Makkah. Every Muslim is required to perform the Hajj at least once in his or her lifetime if able to do so. (AP) Newswatch BEIJING: A Chinese man reportedly held hostage by the Islamic State group worked in advertising and TV production and describes himself as a free spirit and reader of Greek phi- losophy. The radical group released a poster on Wednesday with an image of the man, identi- fied as Fan Jinghui, and the address of an advertising company registered by him in Beijing. The group also announced the capture of a Norwegian, identified as Ole Johan Grimsgaard-Ofstad , and demanded a ransom for both. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said Thursday that authorities are still verifying the identity of the Chinese hostage. But the Sohu news portal reported that Fan was interviewed in 2001 by China National Radio as part of a feature about people without fixed careers. Another man who appeared on the program, Pang Fei, told The Associated Press that he remembered being interviewed alongside Fan, and that he recognized him from the photo released by the Islamic State group. “I love reading about the history of science,” Fan said in the interview at the time. “And the ancient Greek great philosophers’ pure spiritual pursuit of freedom really gave me a jolt. That great spirit can be seen as the powerful motive for me to go after freedom.” (AP) VIENNA: Kuwait reiterated that the peaceful usage of nuclear power is a legitimate right for all member states of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) under treaty on the nonproliferation of nuclear weapons, on Thursday. This remark was made by Second Secretary at the Embassy of Kuwait in Austria Sheikh Jarrah Al-Sabah in his speech at IAEA’s Board of Governors’ meeting held in Vienna. The diplomat congratulated Iran and P5+1 group on their landmark nuclear agreement that was conducted in Austria. He emphasized that the agreement would enhance security and sta- bility in the region. (KUNA) JEDDAH: Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz exempts Cabinet member minister Dr Saad Bin Khaled Al-Jabrey from his position by a royal order Thursday. The royal order didn’t clarify reasons behind the exemption. Al-Jabrey held the position since January. (KUNA) BAGHDAD: Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al- Abadi removed 123 deputy ministers and director generals amid a reform drive aimed at curbing corruption and streamlining the gov- ernment, his office said Wednesday. The officials were either retired or had their status changed, the statement said, without Continued on Page 8 Kuwait signs for major solar deal KUWAIT CITY, Sept 10, (AFP): Kuwait signed a contract worth KD 116 million ($385 million) with Spain’s TSK Group on Thursday for a 50 megawatt solar energy project as part of its renewable energy drive. The oil-rich Gulf state has a multi- billion-dollar plan to meet 15 percent of power demand from renewables by 2030. Electricity and Water Minister Ahmad Al-Jassar told reporters the tar- get is to produce 4,500 megawatts from solar and wind energy by 2030 when demand is expected to rise to 30,000 megawatts from the current 12,000 megawatts. The latest project is due to start pro- duction in December 2017, said Salem Al-Hajraf, head of energy research at the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research. PM, Pope discuss ties His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah met with Pope Francis in Vatican, on Thursday. His Highness the Prime Minister handed over a written letter from His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al- Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah and His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah which reflected bilateral relations and sought to promote ties in all fields. After the meeting, His Highness the Premier and Secretary of State of Vatican Pietro Parolin signed a Memorandum of Understating to strengthen relations and issues of common concern. Meanwhile, His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al- Hamad Al-Sabah along with a Kuwaiti World Bank issues report Legal impairments to jobs, credit for women in Kuwait lowest among GCC KUWAIT CITY, Sept 10, (Agencies): Women in Kuwait, like their counterparts in other countries, still face a number of obstacles despite intensified efforts to give them more rights in line with the principles of gender equality as laws in many nations prevent women from getting the jobs they prefer or leave them unprotected against domestic violence. According to the Women, Business and the Law 2016 report released by the World Bank Wednesday; women in the Middle East and North Africa face the most obstacles due to laws prohibiting married women from applying for a passport or getting a job without their husband’s permission. Legal restrictions on women’s employment and entrepreneurship were measured by identifying gen- der-based legal differences. These differences were then analyzed by comparing men and women with the same marital status in 21 areas: applying for a passport, traveling outside the home, traveling outside the country, getting a job or pursuing a trade or profession without permis- sion, signing a contract, registering a business, being “head of household” or “head of family”, conferring citi- zenship to their children, opening a bank account, choosing where to live, obtaining a national identity card, having ownership rights over property, having inheritance rights over property, working the same night hours, doing the same jobs, enjoying the same statutory retire- ment age, enjoying the same tax deductions or credits, having their testimony carry the same evidentiary weight in court, having a gender or sex nondiscrimination clause in the constitution, applying customary law if it violates the constitution, and applying personal law if it violates Microsoft in court challenge Bid to block warrant for e-mails abroad NEW YORK, Sept 10, (RTRS): Microsoft Corp asked a federal appeals court on Wednesday to block the US government from forcing the company to hand over a cus- tomer’s emails stored on an Irish server, warning that the precedent would create a “global free-for-all” that evis- cerates personal privacy. The case, the first in which a US company has challenged a warrant seeking data held abroad, has captured the atten- tion of the technology industry, privacy advocates and news organizations. The appeal is centered on a search warrant seeking the emails of an individual in Dublin, as part of a drug inves- tigation. The person has not been identified. Joshua Rosenkranz, a lawyer for Microsoft, warned the 2nd US Circuit Court of Appeals in New York that upholding the warrant would open the door to other countries using their law enforcement powers to seize the emails of Americans held in the United States. “We would go crazy if China did this to us,” Rosenkranz said. But Justin Anderson, a lawyer for the government, said US law enforcement can obtain electronic information held by American companies with a valid warrant, regardless of where the data happens to be stored. “It’s not a question of owner- ship,” he said, likening it to seizing account records from a bank. “It’s about custody and control.” Nearly 100 organizations and individuals filed briefs in Local residents are rescued from their flooded home by a helicopter of the Ground Self Defence Force in Joso, Ibaraki prefecture, on Sept 10. The Japanese city 50 km northeast of Tokyo was flood- ed when Kinugawa river burst its banks, destroying homes and cars as desperate residents waited for help, and as thousands of people were ordered to evacuate. (AFP) — See Page 15 DAESH tests Hajj security Concerns rise DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, Sept 10, (AP): The Islamic State group is extending its reach in Saudi Arabia, expanding the scope of its attacks and drawing in new recruits with its radical ideology. Its determination to bring down the US-allied royal family has raised concerns it could threaten the annual Muslim Hajj pilgrim- age later this month. So far, the extremist group’s presence in the king- dom appears to be in a low- level stage, but it has claimed four significant bombings since May, one of them in neighboring Kuwait. And it has rapidly ramped up its rhetoric, aiming to undermine the Al Saud royal family’s legitimacy, which is rooted in part in its claim to implement Islamic Shariah law and to be the protectors of Islam’s most sacred sites in Makkah and Madinah that are at the center of Hajj. “DAESH and its followers have made it very clear that Saudi Arabia is their ultimate target,” Saudi analyst Fahad Nazer said, referring to the Islamic State group by its Arabic acronym. “Because of Makkah and Madinah ... That’s their ultimate prize.” Holidays start Sept 22 KUWAIT CITY, Sept 10, (KUNA): Eid Al- Adha holiday will start on Tuesday, Sept 22 until Saturday Sept 26, Kuwait Civil Service Commission announced on Thursday. The holiday will be five days. Government sectors and other official insti- tutes will resume their official work on Sunday, Sept 27. Kuwaitis cautioned The Kuwaiti Embassy in Tokyo called on Kuwaiti nationals Thursday to take extra precaution while in Japan due to heavy rain, floods, and landslides hitting the country. The embassy called on nationals to follow up safety guidelines set by local authorities in Japan, adding that Kuwaiti nationals should call 03-3455- 0361, 03-3455-0362, and 03-3455-0363 in case of any emergency. Japan’s local authorities issued evacuation orders and advisories to more than 830,000 peo- ple on Thursday as torrential rain caused land- slides and floods in the eastern and northeastern regions. Among them, more than 70,000 people in Ibaraki and Tochigi prefectures located north- east of Tokyo were ordered to flee their homes, according to the Fire and Disaster Management Agency. (KUNA) Low heart rate in teen boys linked to violence WASHINGTON, Sept 10, (AFP): Boys with a low resting heart rate in their late teens run a higher risk of turning to a life of vio- lent crime when grown, a study out Wednesday suggests. The findings could lead to improved ways to stop certain people from indulging in crime before it is too late. Experts say that low resting heart rate (RHR) is either an indica- tor of a chronically low level of psychological arousal, which may lead some people to seek stimulating experiences, or a marker of weakened responses to aversive and stressful stimuli, which can lead to reckless behavior. “Our results confirm that, in addition to being associated with Continued on Page 8 Fan Continued on Page 8 Continued on Page 8

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Page 1: emergency number NO. 15887 44 PAGES 150 FILS ......2015/09/11  · THE FIRST ENGLISH LANGUAGE DAILY IN FREE KUWAIT Established in 1977 / FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2015 / ZUL-QAADAH 27,

THE FIRST ENGLISH LANGUAGE DAILY IN FREE KUWAITEstablished in 1977 / www.arabtimesonline.com

NO. 15887 44 PAGES 150 FILSemergency number 112FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2015 / ZUL-QAADAH 27, 1436 AH

Continued on Page 8

Continued on Page 8

Continued on Page 8

KSE -43.47 pts at closing, Sept 10See Page 35

Dow +157.67 pts at 20:35, Sept 10See Page 36

Nasdaq +69.37 pts at 20:35, Sept 10

FTSE -73.20 pts at closing, Sept 10

Nikkei -470.89 pts at closing, Sept 10

NYMEX crude $45.32 pb

Brent crude $48.36 pb

3-month $ LIBOR rate 0.33300%

US$/KD 0.30210/20

Euro/KD 0.3411

Yen/KD 0.0025

British £/KD 0.4671

Gold $1,109.50 per oz (London)

‘Implement law that regulates work of domestics’Women’s rights in Kuwait — Page 7

basketball Page 40

PM Diwan photoPope Francis speaks with HH the Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak

Al-Hamad Al-Sabah during a private audience at the Vatican on Sept 10.

The Tribute in Light illuminates the sky behind One World Trade Centerand the lower Manhattan skyline on Sept 9, in New York. Friday marksthe fourteenth anniversary of the terrorist attacks of Sept 11 on the

United States. (AP)

In this Sept 9 photo, Muslim pilgrims circumambulate around the Ka’aba, the cubic building at the Grand Mosque in the Muslim holy city of Makkah, Saudi Arabia.Thousands of Muslims from all over the world have arrived in Saudi Arabia for the annual Hajj, or pilgrimage, to Makkah. Every Muslim is required to perform the

Hajj at least once in his or her lifetime if able to do so. (AP)


BEIJING: A Chinese man reportedly heldhostage by the Islamic State group worked inadvertising and TV production and describeshimself as a free spirit and reader of Greek phi-losophy.

The radical group released a poster onWednesday with an image of the man, identi-fied as Fan Jinghui, and the address of anadvertising company registered by him inBeijing. The group alsoannounced the capture ofa Norwegian, identifiedas Ole JohanGrimsgaard-Ofstad ,and demanded a ransomfor both.

Chinese ForeignMinistry spokesmanHong Lei said Thursdaythat authorities are stillverifying the identity ofthe Chinese hostage. Butthe Sohu news portalreported that Fan was interviewed in 2001 byChina National Radio as part of a feature aboutpeople without fixed careers.

Another man who appeared on the program,Pang Fei, told The Associated Press that heremembered being interviewed alongside Fan,and that he recognized him from the photoreleased by the Islamic State group.

“I love reading about the history of science,”Fan said in the interview at the time. “And theancient Greek great philosophers’ pure spiritualpursuit of freedom really gave me a jolt. Thatgreat spirit can be seen as the powerful motivefor me to go after freedom.” (AP)

❑ ❑ ❑

VIENNA: Kuwait reiterated that the peacefulusage of nuclear power is a legitimate right forall member states of the International AtomicEnergy Agency (IAEA) under treaty on thenonproliferation of nuclear weapons, onThursday.

This remark was made by Second Secretaryat the Embassy of Kuwait in Austria SheikhJarrah Al-Sabah in his speech at IAEA’sBoard of Governors’ meeting held in Vienna.

The diplomat congratulated Iran and P5+1group on their landmark nuclear agreement thatwas conducted in Austria. He emphasized thatthe agreement would enhance security and sta-bility in the region. (KUNA)

❑ ❑ ❑

JEDDAH: Saudi King Salman bin Abdulazizexempts Cabinet member minister Dr SaadBin Khaled Al-Jabrey from his position by aroyal order Thursday.

The royal order didn’t clarify reasons behindthe exemption.

Al-Jabrey held the position since January.(KUNA)

❑ ❑ ❑

BAGHDAD: Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi removed 123 deputy ministers anddirector generals amid a reform drive aimed atcurbing corruption and streamlining the gov-ernment, his office said Wednesday.

The officials were either retired or had theirstatus changed, the statement said, without

Continued on Page 8

Kuwait signs formajor solar dealKUWAIT CITY, Sept 10, (AFP):Kuwait signed a contract worth KD116 million ($385 million) with Spain’sTSK Group on Thursday for a 50megawatt solar energy project as partof its renewable energy drive.

The oil-rich Gulf state has a multi-billion-dollar plan to meet 15 percentof power demand from renewables by2030.

Electricity and Water MinisterAhmad Al-Jassar told reporters the tar-get is to produce 4,500 megawatts fromsolar and wind energy by 2030 whendemand is expected to rise to 30,000megawatts from the current 12,000megawatts.

The latest project is due to start pro-duction in December 2017, said SalemAl-Hajraf, head of energy research atthe Kuwait Institute for ScientificResearch.

PM, Pope discuss tiesHis Highness the Prime MinisterSheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-HamadAl-Sabah met with Pope Francis inVatican, on Thursday.

His Highness the Prime Ministerhanded over a written letter from HisHighness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah and HisHighness the Crown Prince SheikhNawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabahwhich reflected bilateral relations and

sought to promote ties in all fields.After the meeting, His Highness the

Premier and Secretary of State ofVatican Pietro Parolin signed aMemorandum of Understating tostrengthen relations and issues ofcommon concern.

Meanwhile, His Highness the PrimeMinister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah along with a Kuwaiti

World Bank issues report

Legal impairments to jobs, credit forwomen in Kuwait lowest among GCCKUWAIT CITY, Sept 10,(Agencies): Women in Kuwait, liketheir counterparts in other countries,still face a number of obstaclesdespite intensified efforts to givethem more rights in line with theprinciples of gender equality as lawsin many nations prevent womenfrom getting the jobs they prefer orleave them unprotected againstdomestic violence.

According to the Women,Business and the Law 2016 reportreleased by the World BankWednesday; women in the MiddleEast and North Africa face the mostobstacles due to laws prohibiting

married women from applying for apassport or getting a job withouttheir husband’s permission.

Legal restrictions on women’semployment and entrepreneurshipwere measured by identifying gen-der-based legal differences. Thesedifferences were then analyzed bycomparing men and women with thesame marital status in 21 areas:applying for a passport, travelingoutside the home, traveling outsidethe country, getting a job or pursuinga trade or profession without permis-sion, signing a contract, registering abusiness, being “head of household”or “head of family”, conferring citi-

zenship to their children, opening abank account, choosing where tolive, obtaining a national identitycard, having ownership rights overproperty, having inheritance rightsover property, working the samenight hours, doing the same jobs,enjoying the same statutory retire-ment age, enjoying the same taxdeductions or credits, having theirtestimony carry the same evidentiaryweight in court, having a gender orsex nondiscrimination clause in theconstitution, applying customarylaw if it violates the constitution, andapplying personal law if it violates

Microsoft in court challenge

Bid to block warrant for e-mails abroadNEW YORK, Sept 10,(RTRS): Microsoft Corp askeda federal appeals court onWednesday to block the USgovernment from forcing thecompany to hand over a cus-tomer’s emails stored on anIrish server, warning that theprecedent would create a“global free-for-all” that evis-cerates personal privacy.

The case, the first in which aUS company has challenged awarrant seeking data heldabroad, has captured the atten-tion of the technology industry,privacy advocates and newsorganizations.

The appeal is centered on asearch warrant seeking theemails of an individual inDublin, as part of a drug inves-tigation. The person has notbeen identified.

Joshua Rosenkranz, a lawyerfor Microsoft, warned the 2ndUS Circuit Court of Appeals inNew York that upholding thewarrant would open the door toother countries using their lawenforcement powers to seizethe emails of Americans held inthe United States.

“We would go crazy if Chinadid this to us,” Rosenkranzsaid.

But Justin Anderson, alawyer for the government,said US law enforcement canobtain electronic informationheld by American companieswith a valid warrant, regardlessof where the data happens to bestored.

“It’s not a question of owner-ship,” he said, likening it toseizing account records from abank. “It’s about custody andcontrol.”

Nearly 100 organizationsand individuals filed briefs in

Local residents are rescued from their floodedhome by a helicopter of the Ground Self DefenceForce in Joso, Ibaraki prefecture, on Sept 10. TheJapanese city 50 km northeast of Tokyo was flood-ed when Kinugawa river burst its banks, destroyinghomes and cars as desperate residents waited forhelp, and as thousands of people were ordered to

evacuate. (AFP) — See Page 15

DAESH testsHajj security

Concerns rise

DUBAI, United ArabEmirates, Sept 10,(AP): The Islamic Stategroup is extending itsreach in Saudi Arabia,expanding the scope ofits attacks and drawingin new recruits with itsradical ideology. Itsdetermination to bringdown the US-alliedroyal family has raisedconcerns it couldthreaten the annualMuslim Hajj pilgrim-age later this month.

So far, the extremistgroup’s presence in the king-dom appears to be in a low-level stage, but it has claimedfour significant bombingssince May, one of them inneighboring Kuwait. And ithas rapidly ramped up itsrhetoric, aiming to underminethe Al Saud royal family’slegitimacy, which is rooted inpart in its claim to implementIslamic Shariah law and to bethe protectors of Islam’s mostsacred sites in Makkah andMadinah that are at the centerof Hajj.

“DAESH and its followershave made it very clear thatSaudi Arabia is their ultimatetarget,” Saudi analyst FahadNazer said, referring to theIslamic State group by itsArabic acronym. “Because ofMakkah and Madinah ... That’stheir ultimate prize.”

Holidays start Sept 22KUWAIT CITY, Sept 10, (KUNA): Eid Al-Adha holiday will start on Tuesday, Sept 22until Saturday Sept 26, Kuwait Civil ServiceCommission announced on Thursday.

The holiday will be five days.Government sectors and other official insti-

tutes will resume their official work on Sunday,Sept 27.

Kuwaitis cautionedThe Kuwaiti Embassy in Tokyo called on Kuwaitinationals Thursday to take extra precaution whilein Japan due to heavy rain, floods, and landslideshitting the country.

The embassy called on nationals to follow upsafety guidelines set by local authorities in Japan,adding that Kuwaiti nationals should call 03-3455-0361, 03-3455-0362, and 03-3455-0363 in case ofany emergency.

Japan’s local authorities issued evacuationorders and advisories to more than 830,000 peo-ple on Thursday as torrential rain caused land-slides and floods in the eastern and northeasternregions.

Among them, more than 70,000 people inIbaraki and Tochigi prefectures located north-east of Tokyo were ordered to flee their homes,according to the Fire and Disaster ManagementAgency. (KUNA)

Low heart rate in teen boys linked to violenceWASHINGTON, Sept 10, (AFP): Boys with a low resting heartrate in their late teens run a higher risk of turning to a life of vio-lent crime when grown, a study out Wednesday suggests.

The findings could lead to improved ways to stop certain peoplefrom indulging in crime before it is too late.

Experts say that low resting heart rate (RHR) is either an indica-tor of a chronically low level of psychological arousal, which maylead some people to seek stimulating experiences, or a marker ofweakened responses to aversive and stressful stimuli, which canlead to reckless behavior.

“Our results confirm that, in addition to being associated with

Continued on Page 8


Continued on Page 8

Continued on Page 8