embryonic development of verongid demosponges supports ...developmental and ultrastructural...

Embryonic development of verongid demosponges supports the independent acquisition of spongin skeletons as an alternative to the siliceous skeleton of spongesMANUEL MALDONADO* Department of Marine Ecology, Centro de Estudios Avanzados de Blanes, Acceso Cala St Francesc 14, Blanes 17300, Girona, Spain Received 26 June 2008; accepted for publication 29 October 2008 Approximately 85% of extant sponges (phylum Porifera) belong to the class Demospongiae, which contains 14 taxonomic orders. In the orders Verongida, Dictyoceratida, and Dendroceratida, jointly referred to as ‘keratose demosponges’, the skeleton does not contain siliceous spicules but only spongin fibres. This shared trait has encouraged placement of these orders together within Demospongiae, although their relationships remain uncer- tain. The present study documents for the first time embryo development in the order Verongida (Aplysina aerophoba), providing some clues for phylogenetic inference. Spawned eggs were enveloped by a follicle of maternal cells. Embryos and larvae were chimeric organisms, the blastocoel of which was filled with symbionts and maternal cells migrated from the follicle. The ultrastructure of epithelial larval cells revealed: (1) a basal apparatus characterized by a peculiar, angling accessory centriole; (2) a pear-shaped nucleus with a protruding beak connected to the rootlets of the basal body; and (3) a distinctive Golgi apparatus encircling the nuclear apex. Developmental and ultrastructural findings support the concept, in congruence with recent molecular studies, that Verongida are more closely related to Halisarcida (askeletal sponges) and Chondrosida (askeletal sponges + sponges with spongin + spiculate sponges) than to the remaining ‘keratose’ orders, making a monophyletic ‘supra-ordinal unit’ equivalent to a subclass (Myxospongia, new subclass). Hence, spongin skeletons have evolved at least twice in Demospongiae. Independent acquisition of ‘corneous’ materials as an alternative to silica could have been stimulated by the radiation of diatoms at the Cretaceous–Tertiary boundary (approximately 65 Mya), which depleted silicon in the photic zone of the world’s ocean. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 97, 427–447. ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: basal metazoans – chimerism – clavablastula – keratose – Myxospongia – phylogeny – Porifera – silicification – spherulous cells – vertical transmission. INTRODUCTION The sponges (Porifera) constitute a phylum con- taining approximately 8216 extant species (World Porifera Database; http://www.marinespecies.org/ porifera) distributed into three classes: Calcarea, Hexactinellida, and Demospongiae. The demosponges represent approximately 85% of living sponges, which are traditionally classified into three subclasses (Homoscleromorpha, Tetractinomorpha, and Ceracti- nomorpha) and 14 taxonomic orders (Table 1). Members of most demosponge orders possess an inter- nal inorganic skeleton of siliceous spicules. Neverthe- less, in some demosponges, an organic skeleton made of one or more collagen derivatives (i.e. collagen fibrils, spongin filaments, and/or spongin fibres) serves as the entire skeleton without siliceous ele- ments. The phylogenetic relationships between these spicule-lacking demosponges and the remaining demosponge groups remain obscure, as does our understanding of the major pathways in the skeletal evolution of Demospongiae. Early spongiologists initially regarded the sponges lacking the mineral skeleton to comprise a group *E-mail: [email protected] Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 97, 427–447. With 14 figures © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 97, 427–447 427

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Page 1: Embryonic development of verongid demosponges supports ...Developmental and ultrastructural findings support the concept, in congruence with recent molecular studies, that Verongida

Embryonic development of verongid demospongessupports the independent acquisition of sponginskeletons as an alternative to the siliceous skeletonof spongesbij_1202 427..446


Department of Marine Ecology, Centro de Estudios Avanzados de Blanes, Acceso Cala St Francesc14, Blanes 17300, Girona, Spain

Received 26 June 2008; accepted for publication 29 October 2008

Approximately 85% of extant sponges (phylum Porifera) belong to the class Demospongiae, which contains 14taxonomic orders. In the orders Verongida, Dictyoceratida, and Dendroceratida, jointly referred to as ‘keratosedemosponges’, the skeleton does not contain siliceous spicules but only spongin fibres. This shared trait hasencouraged placement of these orders together within Demospongiae, although their relationships remain uncer-tain. The present study documents for the first time embryo development in the order Verongida (Aplysinaaerophoba), providing some clues for phylogenetic inference. Spawned eggs were enveloped by a follicle of maternalcells. Embryos and larvae were chimeric organisms, the blastocoel of which was filled with symbionts and maternalcells migrated from the follicle. The ultrastructure of epithelial larval cells revealed: (1) a basal apparatuscharacterized by a peculiar, angling accessory centriole; (2) a pear-shaped nucleus with a protruding beakconnected to the rootlets of the basal body; and (3) a distinctive Golgi apparatus encircling the nuclear apex.Developmental and ultrastructural findings support the concept, in congruence with recent molecular studies, thatVerongida are more closely related to Halisarcida (askeletal sponges) and Chondrosida (askeletal sponges + spongeswith spongin + spiculate sponges) than to the remaining ‘keratose’ orders, making a monophyletic ‘supra-ordinalunit’ equivalent to a subclass (Myxospongia, new subclass). Hence, spongin skeletons have evolved at least twicein Demospongiae. Independent acquisition of ‘corneous’ materials as an alternative to silica could have beenstimulated by the radiation of diatoms at the Cretaceous–Tertiary boundary (approximately 65 Mya), whichdepleted silicon in the photic zone of the world’s ocean. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journalof the Linnean Society, 2009, 97, 427–447.

ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: basal metazoans – chimerism – clavablastula – keratose – Myxospongia –phylogeny – Porifera – silicification – spherulous cells – vertical transmission.


The sponges (Porifera) constitute a phylum con-taining approximately 8216 extant species (WorldPorifera Database; http://www.marinespecies.org/porifera) distributed into three classes: Calcarea,Hexactinellida, and Demospongiae. The demospongesrepresent approximately 85% of living sponges, whichare traditionally classified into three subclasses(Homoscleromorpha, Tetractinomorpha, and Ceracti-nomorpha) and 14 taxonomic orders (Table 1).

Members of most demosponge orders possess an inter-nal inorganic skeleton of siliceous spicules. Neverthe-less, in some demosponges, an organic skeleton madeof one or more collagen derivatives (i.e. collagenfibrils, spongin filaments, and/or spongin fibres)serves as the entire skeleton without siliceous ele-ments. The phylogenetic relationships between thesespicule-lacking demosponges and the remainingdemosponge groups remain obscure, as does ourunderstanding of the major pathways in the skeletalevolution of Demospongiae.

Early spongiologists initially regarded the spongeslacking the mineral skeleton to comprise a group*E-mail: [email protected]

Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 97, 427–447. With 14 figures

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apart from the ‘true’ demosponges, which were diag-nosed as those bearing siliceous spicules (Bowerbank,1874; Ridley & Dendy, 1887). Before long, progressiveunderstanding of the poriferan anatomy aroused sus-picions that spicule-lacking sponges were indeeddemosponges that either had not yet acquired theirsiliceous skeleton or had lost it during the course ofevolution (Haeckel, 1889). By the boundary of the19th and 20th Centuries, it was implicitly assumedthat all sponges possessing spongin fibres and lackingsiliceous spicules were demosponges (Lendenfeld,1889; Topsent, 1894) and soon these were formallygrouped into the demosponge subclass Ceratellida(Topsent, 1928). The idea of subclass rank was soonabandoned in favour of the view that they betterformed an order, the Keratosa (de Laubenfels, 1936,1948), a name credited to Grant (1861). Initially, theorder Keratosa included not only sponges in whichspongin fibres were present instead of a skeleton ofsiliceous spicules (i.e. the former Ceratellida), but alsoa genus lacking both spicules and spongin fibres (i.e.the genus Halisarca; de Laubenfels, 1948; Vacelet,

1959). Because some of those Keratosa had theirfibres growing with dendritic pattern, whereas othershad them anastomosed to form a reticulum, the orderKeratosa1 was formally split by Bergquist & Hartman(1969) into two orders: Dendroceratida (dendriticfibres) and Dictyoceratida (anastomosing fibres). Theskeleton-lacking genus Halisarca was initiallymaintained within the new order Dendroceratida, butsubsequently transferred to an order of its own (Hal-isarcida) under claims that it was histologically andchemically different from either group among the‘keratose’ sponges (Bergquist, 1996).

After splitting Keratosa into Dictyoceratida andDendrocertida, Bergquist (1978) also emphasizedthat, even when all dictyoceratids had skeletons ofanastomosing fibres, two major models in fibre struc-ture could be recognized within the group. One ofthem characterized by fibres showing, in crosssection, a peripheral bark made of concentric laminaeand a central pith of granular material. The spongespossessing that fibre structure also shared two otherdistinct features: (1) rapid shift of their bright coloursinto deep purple to black when exposed to air due tooxidation of characteristic bromotyrosines and (2)oviparous reproduction with external development,which strongly contrasted with the internal fertiliza-tion and embryo brooding shown by the remainingdictyoceratids. Consequently, those sponges were setapart from the remaining Dictyoceratida and distin-guished as the order Verongida (Bergquist, 1978).This order has conventionally been placed within thesubclass Ceractinomorpha in association with theorders Dictyoceratida and Dendroceratida (Table 1)because they all have a ‘soft’ skeleton made exclu-sively of spongin. Nevertheless, Bergquist (1978: 178)warned about the artificial nature of such an associa-tion in the very original diagnosis of the orderVerongida by stating that ‘electron microscopy studieshave revealed the verongids to have a complex his-tology with many cell types which are quite differentfrom those of other Ceractinomorpha’. She also real-ized that the oviparous nature of Verongida was con-trary to its inclusion in Ceractinomorpha, but adopteda practical, timely solution by arguing that ‘until acomplete account of their development becomes avail-able, they are retained in this subclass’.

The recent advent of molecular techniques hasrevived discussion on the phylogenetic significance ofaspiculate demosponges. An analysis of the relation-

1After the split of the order Keratosa into the orders Dictyo-ceratida and Dendroceratida, the name ‘Keratosa’ was invali-dated. Nevertheless, the use of this term as an adjective (i.e.keratose) has persisted in the literature to informally refer tothose sponges characterized by a skeleton of spongin fibresexclusively. Given the corneous nature of the spongin fibreskeletons, ‘keratose’ sponges have also been referred to as‘horny sponges’ throughout history.

Table 1. Current distribution of demosponge orders(including the polyphyletic, order-like group ‘Lithistida’) insubclasses, as outlined in the Systema Porifera (Hooper &van Soest, 2002)

Subclass(Lévi 1956 + Bergquist 1978) Order

HomoscleromorphaMicro-spicules, internaldevelopment,cinctoblastula-cinctogastrulalarva


TetractinomorphaMostly oviparous, clavablastulaor hoplitomella larva, skeletalspongin very scarce to absent


CeractinomorphaMostly viviparous, parenchymellaor dispherula larva, skeletalspongin well developed


‘Keratose sponges’DictyoceratidaDendroceratidaVerongidaHalisarcida

Elimination of the subclass rank from the poriferanclassification is currently under discussion because Tetrac-tinormorpha and Ceractinomorpha are perceived aspolyphyletic subclasses by both morphological and molecu-lar approaches (see Discussion). The three orders havingskeletons of spongin fibres and no silica spicules are infor-mally referred to as ‘keratose sponges’.


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ships of 13 orders of Demospongiae based on 18S, andthe C1, D1, and C2 domains of 28S rRNA, suggestedthe verongids to be more related to the tetractino-morph order Chondrosida (Chondrilla and Chondro-sia) than to the ‘keratose’ orders Dictyoceratida andDendroceratida (Borchiellini et al., 2004). A 28S rRNAanalysis in that same study also suggested a relation-ship between Verongida and Halisarcida (Borchielliniet al., 2004). The clade including Chondrosida, Hal-isarcida and Verongida was given the old but recentlyused name ‘Myxospongiae’ (Borchiellini et al., 2004).A subsequent study using partial data from the largesubunit rDNA (LSU) and cytochrome oxidase subunitI (CO I) revealed that, whereas the LSU data setsuggested the verongids to be more related to Chon-drosida than to Dictyoceratida and Dendroceratida, amonophyletic ‘Myxospongiae’ clade was not supportedby the CO I data (Nichols, 2005). A more recentanalysis involving complete mitochondrial genomesgave moderate support to this clade (Lavrov, Wang &Kelly, 2008), lowering the traditional levels of conflictbetween the phylogenetic signal provided by thenuclear rDNA and the mitochondrial genomes. In thiscontext, there are still three aspects generating someuncertainty relative to the putative relationshipsbetween Verongida, Chondrosida, and Halisarcida: (1)the available 28S RDNA and mitochondrial (mt)DNAanalyses have failed to confirm the monophyly ofChondrosida (Erpenbeck & Wörheide, 2007); (2) theorder Halisarcida, a former ‘keratose’ member thatmay represent a crucial stage in the evolution of thespicule-lacking sponges, was not represented in eitherthe 28S rRNA data set analysed by Borchiellini et al.(2004) or any of the analyses by Nichols (2005); and(3) a set of morphological shared traits refuting theputative relationships suggested by the molecularapproaches has not been identified.

In the present study, new information is providedthat may help to clarify the controversial phylogeneticrelationships of the ‘keratose’ assemblage by describ-ing for the first time development in a verongidsponge. To date, very little was known about thereproductive biology of verongids. The few membersinvestigated histologically were thought to begonochoric (Gallissian & Vacelet, 1976; Tsurumi &Reiswig, 1997; Bergquist & Cook, 2002), except for ato-be-revised report indicating occurrence of a fewhermaphroditic individuals in a population of Aply-sina aerophoba (Scalera-Liaci et al., 1971). Similarly,observations of sperm release by three Caribbeanverongids also suggested gonochorism, although thisis not fully corroborated (Reiswig, 1970, 1976, 1983).Development was assumed to occur in the watercolumn because embryos or larvae have never beenfound in histological sections of this sponge group(Maldonado, 2006). By monitoring histologically

gametogenesis in a local Mediterranean populationsof the common verongid A. aerophoba Schmidt, 1862,gamete release was predicted and gametes weremanipulated to fertilize released eggs, obtaininglarvae in the laboratory. The present study reports onaspects of fertilization, embryo development, andlarval histology, with an emphasis on informationthat may be of interest for a better understanding ofnot only reproduction in Demospongiae, but also thephylogenetic relationships of verongid demosponges.


The studied population of A. aerophoba Nardo, 1843was located in a shallow bay (10 m depth) on theCatalan coast (42°17′35N; 3°17′22E; MediterraneanSea, Spain). Male and female gametes were collectedupon spawning using 60-mL sterile syringes andmixed immediately during a scuba dive. In a 4-h trip,syringes were transported to the laboratory in refrig-erated conditions (14 °C) for further observationsmade by dissecting and compound microscopes. Thecontents of the syringes were decanted and trans-ferred to sterile polystyrene Petri dishes (5 cm indiameter) filled with 0.4-mm filtered seawater. Cultur-ing of gametes to larvae took place at 24 °C, under a16 : 8 h light/dark cycle, without agitation or aeration.Embryos, larvae, and settlers in the plates were peri-odically monitored during the next 3 weeks throughan inverted microscope connected to a colour videocamera and a time-lapse digital video recorder.Embryos and larvae were periodically collected fromthe dishes and fixed for transmission electron micros-copy (TEM) in accordance with previously describedprotocols (Maldonado, 2007). Ultrathin sections werestudied using a JEOL 1010 transmission electronmicroscope operating at 80 Kv and provided with aGatan module for acquisition of digital images.Larvae were also processesed for scanning electronmicroscopy (SEM) as described by Maldonado et al.(1999).


Upon arrival at the laboratory, observations onsyringe contents revealed that almost all oocytes(98%) had been fertilized and started cleavage in the4-h period elapsed after gamete collection (Fig. 1A, B,C). Hundreds of motile spermatozoa still concentratedaround early blastula (Fig. 1A, B). Only rarely werespermatozoa seen swimming across the Petri dishes,a behaviour suggesting that they were stronglyattracted (possibly chemically) towards oocytes. Lightmicroscopy observations of fixed eggs and early


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blastulae revealed that they all were enclosed withina follicle-like envelope (Fig. 2A, B, C). The envelopewas not evident during in vivo observations ofspawned eggs and early blastulae (Fig. 1A, B, C),probably because it was tightly attached in situ andbecame detached only after chemical fixation. Thisenvelope started forming around mid-size oocytesseveral weeks before spawning (Fig. 3A). Approxi-mately 5 h after gamete release, most embryos wereat two- to eight-cell stages, with approximately equalblastomeres (Figs 1B, C, 2A, B, C). Blastulae grewduring early cleavage, with two-cell stages beingapproximately half the volume of eight or 16 cellstages (Fig. 2A). A tiny intercellular space, whichbecame evident as early as the two-cell stage (Fig. 2B,C), anticipated that the blastula was to develop ablastocoel.

TEM observations revealed that the follicle con-sisted of a thin peripheral layer of collagen fibrilslimiting a lax accumulation of two types of maternalcells: spherulous cells and microgranular cells(Fig. 3B, C). Spherulous cells were relatively abun-dant, measuring 5–10 mm in their largest diameter(Fig. 3C, D). They were charged with membrane-bound inclusions (i.e. spherules) containing numerousgranules in diverse degrees of compaction (Fig. 3D).Microgranulars cells, measuring 4–8 mm in theirlargest diameter, occurred intermingled with thespherulous cells (Fig. 3C, D). Their electron-clearcytoplasm was characteristically filled with small,ovate, membrane-bound, electron-dense inclusions(0.2–0.3 ¥ 0.4–0.5 mm), which exhibited a paracrystal-line, striated nature, possibly comprising some type ofprotein-rich nutritional storage (Fig. 3E, F). Duringcleavage, both spherulous cells and microgranularcells entered the cleavage furrows to reach thenascent blastocoel (Figs 2C, 4A, B, C, D). At these

early blastula stages, the blastomeres emittedpseudopodia, both within the lumen of cleavagefurrows (Fig. 4B, C) and towards the follicular space(Fig. 5A, B, C). Phagocytosis of entire spherulous cellsor microgranular cells by blastomeres was neverobserved. Nevertheless, blastomeres were noted toincorporate diverse inclusions apparently exocytosedby the spherulous cells (Fig. 5B, C, D, E, F). A few freebacteria were observed within the follicle spacearound the blastomeres. Nevertheless, hundreds ofbacteria, but not cyanobacteria, occurred in theperipheral cytoplasm of both eggs and blastomeres,always within membrane-bound vesicles (Figs 3C, 6A,B). These intracellular bacteria, which had beenengulfed at the early-stage oocyte, showed no evidentsign of digestion within the vesicles. The peripheraldistribution of the bacteria within the cytoplasm ofblastomeres strongly contrasted with the distributionof yolk bodies, which concentrated in the perinuclearregion (Figs 2C, 3C). Yolk bodies (0.4–0.7 mm in diam-eter) were membrane-bound and showed a heteroge-neous structure, incorporating very electron-densematerial (probably proteinaceous), glycogen granules,and lipid droplets (Fig. 6B, C).

After the 16-cell stage, cleavage was very rapid andlight microscopy observations were obscured by thedense content of blastomeres. Time-lapse monitoringrevealed that, approximately 14 h after gameterelease, blastulae already contained hundreds of tinyblastomeres, and those at the future posterior pole ofthe larva started differentiating a cilium. During thisphase, there was intensive mitotic activity at theblastula wall and the embryo increased slightly involume, mostly because the blastocoel enlarged. At notime did the blastulae show a convoluted epitheliumsimilar to the that characterizing the period ofintense mitosis during embryo development in other

Fig. 1. A, egg surrounded by numerous spermatozoa 4 h after spawning. B, eight-cell blastulae synchronously developing5 h after spawning. At this stage, all morulae were still surrounded by swimming spermatozoa. C, detail of an eight-cellblastula. Note that the follicle-like envelope was not visible in vivo.


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demosponges. Approximately 22 h after gameterelease, the ciliated blastulae that had been lying atthe bottom of the Petri dishes became free swimming.Upon leaving, the remains of the collagen envelopeand some follicle cells that had not been incorporated

into the larva remained on the bottom of thedishes.


The transition between ciliated blastulae and early-stage larvae occurred sometime between 22 h and59 h after gamete spawning. By approximately 60 h,all ciliated embryos had become free-swimminglarvae and some of them were already settling downon the plates. Interestingly, many larvae kept swim-ming for an additional 7 days before settling, indicat-ing substantial variability in the duration of thedispersal phase, at least in laboratory conditions.Larvae appeared brownish under the transmittedlight of the compound microscope and bright yellowunder the reflecting light of the dissecting microscope,with a darker posterior pole in both cases. The bodyshape of larvae was relatively plastic. Initially,all larvae were ovate, with an anterior pole slightlynarrower than the posterior one (Fig. 7A). Theymeasured 136–160 mm in length and 100–115 inmaximum diameter. Nevertheless, late-stage larvae(i.e. those swimming longer than 7 days) lengthenedslightly, revealing a globate anterior pole and a nar-rower posterior pole (Fig. 7B). When these larvaetransitorily explored the substrate, they flattenedagainst the bottom of Petri dishes and crawled forseveral minutes to hours, resuming swimming andovate shape later on (Fig. 7C). Larvae were entirelyciliated. In vivo light microscopy and SEM observa-tions indicated that cilia in the cells of the posteriorlarval pole were longer (22–30 mm in length) andsparser than those on the remaining larval surface(10–15 mm in length). The shorter cilia of the bodywere bent towards the posterior pole and beatmetachronally. The posterior cilia were not bent, butstraight (Fig. 7D). They did not beat metachronally,but as independent undulating cilia.

The larva of A. aerophoba rotated around theirlongitudinal axis when swimming, as do larvae ofmost other demosponges. However, it was surprisingthat these larvae showed either clockwise or counter-clockwise rotation and that they also had the abilityto alternate instantaneously their direction of rota-tion. Furthermore, larvae transitorily ceased rotationto explore the bottom by crawling, resuming swim-ming, and then subsequent rotation. At no time didthe short cilia of the body or the posterior cilia showlight-guided beating patterns. Rather, larvae showedno marked positive or photonegative response duringthe swimming phase in the plates, even though lightconditions were manipulated in preliminary attemptsto determine whether further phototactic experimentswere warranted.

Fig. 2. A, sections of two- to eight-cell morulae, showingthe collagen layer (c) and the envelope of maternal cells(mc). Note size differences between two- and eight-cellmorulae. B, detail of two-cell morulae, in which a nascentblastocoel is visible (b). C, detail of a eight-cell morulaeshowing migration of a maternal cell (mc) from the follicleto the nascent blatocoel (b). Note concentration of yolkbodies (y) in the perinuclear region of blastomere nucleus.


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Under the compound microscope, living larvae wererelatively translucent, containing subepithelial cellscharged with refringent bodies (Fig. 7E). These refrin-gent bodies showed autofluorescence in the dark(Fig. 7F). Electron microscopy corroborated thatlarvae consisted of just three cell types (monociliatedepithelial cells, spherulous cells, and microgranularcells) and contained abundant symbiotic bacteria intheir blastocoel (Figs 8–10).

Epithelial cells were pseudo-cylindrical at most ofthe larval surface (Figs 8A, 9B, 10A), measuring from14 ¥ 3 mm to 19 ¥ 4 mm. At the posterior pole, thesecells were not cylindrical, but T-shaped (Figs 8B, 9C).Epithelial cells contacted each other through their

distal-lateral surfaces by means of specialized junc-tions (Fig. 8C, D, E), and through lateral pseudopodia(Fig. 9D). Junctions looked like zonula adherens, butpoor fixation of the plasmalemma proteins makes thisinterpretation only tentative. Epithelial cells alsoemitted numerous short pseudopodia from their distalsurface and were monociliated (Figs 8A, B, C, 9C, F,G, 10B). The distribution of cytoplasmic organellesreinforced the strongly polarized organization of thesecells (Fig. 10A). The distal region was characterized,besides the presence of pseudopodia and the cilium,by abundant small electron-clear vesicles (Figs 8C,10A, B). The nucleus was located immediately belowthe basal apparatus and was pear-shaped (Fig. 10A,B), with a marked beak-like distal protrusion (apex).The cell portion below the nucleus contained abun-

Fig. 3. A, section of a mid-size oocyte nested in the female mesohyl 3 weeks before spawning. The oocyte shows anucleolate nucleus (n) and an envelope of maternal cells (mc), which occurs in close association with the oocyte membrane.B, details of early blastula showing the lax peripheral collagen layer (c) limiting the follicle-like layer of maternal cells(mc) around the blastomere (bl). C, detail of the follicle showing the collagen layer and two types of cells, microgranularcells (mg) and spherulous cells (sc). Note concentration of bacteria (bc) in the peripheral cytoplasm of blastomeres andyolk bodies (y) at inner regions. D, general comparative view of a spherulous cell (sc) and a microgranular cell (mg).Spherulous cells show a non-nucleolate nucleus (n) and mutigranular, membrane bound inclusions or ‘spherules’ (sp), thecontent of which varies in compaction degree. E, detail of a microgranular cell, characterized by a non-nucleolate nucleus(n) and abundance of small electron-dense, membrane-bound bodies (mb). F, detail of membrane-bound bodies (mb) ofmicrogranular cells, the content of which show a striated pattern in transversal section. These cells are also rich inglycogen granules (gg).


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dant heterogeneous membrane-bound yolk bodies atvarious stages of assimilation (Fig. 10A, B), whichwere similar to those formerly occurring in theblastomeres.

The cilium and its basal apparatus showed notice-able features. The axoneme was surrounded by aglycocalyx-like enveloping structure (Fig. 10B, D, E),which connected to the ciliary membrane by just thin,radial strands (Fig. 10D). Although some longitudinalsections suggested a typical 9+2 microtubule organi-zation in the ciliary axoneme (Figs 10E, 11A), it wasdifficult to infer microtubule organization in somecross sections, probably due to some distortion ofmicrotubules during fixation (Fig. 10D). The cilium ofeach anterior pole cell emerged from a pit at thedistal cell surface (Fig. 10C), whereas pits did notoccur in cells of other larval regions. The basal appa-ratus consisted of a principal centriole (or basal body)with a simple basal foot from which microtubulesarose (Fig. 11A). Short rootlets projected from thedistal edge of the principal centriole (Fig. 11A, B, C,D) to contact the nuclear beak (Fig. 11B, C). Therewas an accessory centriole located slightly below thelevel of the basal body (Fig. 11A, B). More impor-tantly, the accessory centriole was not perpendicularto the basal body, but angling by approximately 45°,an extremely uncommon arrangement in Porifera,which may contain phylogenetic information (see Dis-cussion). Another remarkable feature was the occur-rence of a large Golgi apparatus encircling thenuclear apex (Fig. 11F, G).

Although spherulous cells were lodged in the inter-cellular spaces of the larval epithelium at anterior,lateral, and posterior larval regions, only epithelialcells at the posterior larval pole became T-shaped(Figs 8A, B, 12A, B). These T-shaped cells were alsomonociliated (Fig. 12C) and provided with distalpseudopodia (Fig. 9C, E, F, G). Because T-shaped cellsexpanded their distal region (Figs 8B, 9A, 12A),between-cilium distances became larger, accountingfor the low density of cilia noticed at the posteriorlarval pole. Although these posterior cilia were longerthan those elsewhere on the larva, no distinct struc-ture was noticed in their axonemes (data not shown).

Fig. 4. A, detail of a two-cell blastula in which a spheru-lous cell (sc) and a microgranular cell (mg) appear to beabout to enter the cleavage furrow between the blas-tomeres. B, detail of two microgranular cells (‘mg1’ and‘mg2’) migrating through the cleavage furrows to reach thenascent blastocoel. C, detail of migrating microgranularcell ‘mg1’ in the above picture. Note the pseudopodia (ps)emitted by the blastomeres towards the cleavage furrow,probably involved in regulating internalization of mater-nal cells.�


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Fig. 5. A, pseudopodia (ps) emitted by the blastomeres at the contact point with a spherulous cell (sc). B, blastomereincorporating an inclusion (i2) exocytosed by a spherulous cell (sc). Note rapid degradation in the blastomere peripheralcytoplasm of an engulphed inclusion (i1). Note also a third inclusion (i3) being exocytosed by the spherulous cell. C, closeup of inclusion ‘i2’ and the surrounding pseudopodia (ps) emitted by the blastomeres. D, close up of engulfed inclusion‘i1’, which is being rapidly degraded. E, general view of a blastomere that had recently engulfed an inclusion (i1). F, detailof previous micrograph, showing the incorporated inclusion (i1), the blastomere pseudopodia (ps) still unretracted, and anadjacent inclusion (i2) exocytosed by a spherulous cell.

Fig. 6. A, diversity of symbiotic bacteria incorporated into vesicles in the peripheral cytoplasm of the blastomeres. B,comparative view of membrane-bound bacteria (bc) and unbound yolk bodies (y). C, detail of yolk bodies showing amixture of electron dense (probably proteinaceous) material, along with lipid droplets (l) and glycogen (gg).


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Fig. 7. A, one-day old larva showing a posterior pole (pp) wider than the anterior pole (ap). Cilia are longer at theposterior pole (pc) than at the remaining larval surface (ac). B, three-day old lengthened larva showing a posterior pole(pp) narrower than the anterior one (ap). Note longer cilia at the posterior pole (pc) than at the remaining larval surface(ac). C, five-day old larva exploring the bottom by crawling. Note plasticity of the larval body, in which the longer cilia(pc) indicate the posterior pole (pp). D, detail of a living larva showing the straightened, sparse posterior cilia (pc). E,detail of the anterior region of a living larva showing the maternal spherulous cells (sc) underlying the larval epithelium.F, larval autofluorescence derived from spherulous cells, mostly concentrated under the epithelium at the posterior pole(pp). G, larvae crawling while exploring the bottom for settlement. Note accumulation of spherulous cells at the posteriorpole (pp). H, larva attaching to the bottom through several points (ap) of the anterior-lateral region. Note the very obviouscilia (c) of posterior pole (pp). I, detail of straightened cilia at a lateral body region of an attaching larva. J, comparativeview of a lengthened, 3-day old settler (st) and two free-swimming larvae (lv) by the side. K, L, M, time-lapse video framesof a settler at 20, 23, and 24 days after fertilization. Note the process of darkening of the spherulous cells, as seen throughthe translucent epithelium.


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A major difference between T-shaped and pseudocy-lindrical epithelial cells was that the cilium insertedeccentrically on the distal surface of T-shaped cells,so that the basal apparatus was not closely asso-ciated with the nucleus and the Golgi apparatus(Fig. 12C, D).

The spherulous cells were fairly abundant immedi-ately below the epithelium, but rare at the centre ofthe larval blastocoel (Fig. 8A, 12A). At the posteriorlarval pole, spherulous cells protruded among theT-shaped epithelial cells and were extruded from the

larva through pore-like spaces occurring between theepithelial cells (Fig. 9E, F, G). Their cytology wassimilar to that of the spherulous cells describedaround developing oocytes and spawned eggs both inthe present study as well as elsewhere (Gallissian &Vacelet, 1976). In brief, they measured 6.6 ¥ 4.2 mm to10.5 ¥ 6.2 mm, being ovate to pseudo-spherical andcontaining numerous membrane-bound multigranu-lar inclusions or ‘spherules’ (Fig. 12E, F). Althoughdifferent spherules within a cell contained minutemembrane-bound granules at different stages of

Fig. 8. A, section of the larval body at a lateral region showing the epithelial cells (ec), subepithelial maternal spherulouscells (sc), maternal microgranular cells (mg), and abundant symbiotic bacteria (bc). Note pseudopodia emitted by theepithelial cells (ps). B, section of the body at the posterior larval pole, showing T-shaped epithelial cells (tc) and somematernal spherulous cells (sc) lodged between the bodies of the epithelial cells. C, longitudinal section of the distal regionof two epithelial cells showing numerous pseudopodia (ps), abundant, small electron-clear vesicles (ev), intercellularjunctions (j), and the nucleus (n). D, cross-section at the distal cell pole showing specialized junctions (j) formed at theconvergence of three epithelial cells. E, detail of junction.


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either degradation or formation (Fig. 12E, F, G, H), allinclusions within each spherule were at a similarstage (Fig. 12G, H). In addition to the spherules,occasional electron-dense multilamellate bodies werefound in the cytoplasm of these cells (Fig. 12G, I).Unlike epithelial larval cells, spherulous cells con-tained neither yolk bodies nor other organelles sug-gesting their differentiation from blastomeres. A fewmicrogranular cells (Fig. 13A, B), which were identi-cal to those of the oocyte envelope, including a cyto-plasm filled with striated inclusions (Fig. 12C),occupied the central portion of the blastocoel, alongwith abundant bacteria belonging to many differentmorphological categories (Fig. 13A, B, D, F). Thesemicrogranular cells also lacked yolk bodies.It is noteworthy that, although bacteria occurred bythe hundreds in the larval blastocoel, only threecyanobacteria were found after intensive search(Fig. 13D, E).


Prior to settlement, larvae rotated with their anteriorpole in contact with the bottom of Petri dishes forsome time (1–3 h), then flattened the body againstthe substratum, ceased rotation, and crawled on forseveral hours. During this period, cilia were held

straight outward, showing reduced motility instead ofthe usual metachronal beating (Fig. 7G). Attachmenttook place at anterior–lateral areas (Fig. 7H). Ciliawere visible at the surface of early settlers for a fewhours after attachment (Fig. 7H, I). Settlement incontact with previous settlers never produced bodyfusion. Such settlers either reshaped or crawled awayto avoid extended between-settler contacts. From 1–2days after attachment, settlers consistently becameremarkably thin and long, serpentiform (Fig. 7J). Therefringent spherulous cells were very obvious throughthe translucent epithelium of the early settlers(Fig. 7K). These cells became less obvious afterseveral days, in many cases becoming dark brown toblack (Fig. 7L, M), as if they were either degeneratingor trans-differentiating into other cell types. The firstchoanocyte chambers appeared approximately 1month after larval settlement. At no time duringthese observations did settlers form appreciableoscular tubes.



Many traits of the developmental process in A. aero-phoba strongly suggest that the verongids, tradition-

Fig. 9. A, general view of a 3-day old larvae. The exposed surface of cells at the posterior pole (pc) is clearly larger thanthat of cells (ac) at the anterior pole. B, C, fracture of the larval epithelium at the anterior larval pole and the posteriorlarval pole. D, detail of contacts between adjacent epithelial cells by lateral pseudopodia (ps). E, detail of the posteriorlarval pole, showing extrusion of spherulous cells (sc). F, detail of spherulous cells (sc) being extruded through channels(ch) among the epithelial cells (ec). G, getail of a intercellular channel (ch) formed among three T-shaped epithelial cells(ec) for extrusion of spherulous cells. bc, symbiotic bacteria; c, cilium; ec, epithelial cell; ps, pseudopodia.


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ally classified in the subclass Ceractinomorpha, arerelated to some demosponges traditionally included inthe subclass Tetractinomorpha. Embryo developmentin A. aerophoba occurred externally, as is typical inmost Tetractinomorpha. More importantly, late-stageoocytes developed a surrounding follicle-like envelopeof collagen and maternal cells, which was maintainedaround spawned eggs and blastulae. This envelopewas astonishingly similar to the one described aroundlate-stage oocytes, spawned eggs, and externallydeveloping morulae of the chondrosid genus Chondro-sia (Lévi & Lévi, 1976). Furthermore, as in A. aero-phoba, the envelope of Chondrosia reniformis was

also formed by two maternal cell types: (1)pseudopodia-emitting, amoeboid cells charged withabundant symbiotic bacteria (i.e. bacteriocytes) and(2) microgranular cells very similar to the onedescribed here in A. aerophoba. As in A. aerophoba,cleavage in C. reniformis was equal and total and theembryo differentiated monociliated cells approxi-mately 22–30 h after fertilization. At that stage, thecellular follicle enveloping the embryo also disap-peared (Lévi & Lévi, 1976), as in A. aerophoba.

The larva of A. aerophoba, which was an entirelyciliated coeloblastula with the blastocoel filled withmaternal cells and symbiotic bacteria, clearly fits

Fig. 10. A, longitudinal section of an epithelial cell of the anterior larval region showing a marked distal–proximalgradient in the distribution of electron clear vesicles (ev), unused yolk bodies (y), and degraded yolk bodies (dy). B,epithelial cell showing the glycocalyx (gl) of the flagellum, the pseudopodia (ps) of the distal surface, the basal body (bb),the Golgi apparatus (g), the beak or ‘apex’ (nb) of the nucleus (n), and yolk bodies (y). C, cross section at the distal cellpole showing the ciliary pit (cp), the cilium (c) and its glycocalyx (gl). D, cross section of the cilium (cl) showing theenveloping glycocalyx (gl) connected to the axonemal membrane (am) by radial strands (rs). E, longitudinal section of thecilium showing central (cm) and peripheral microtubules (pm) and the glycocalyx (gl).


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within the category of clavablastula (sensu Mal-donado & Bergquist, 2002) and strongly resemblesthat previously described for Chondrosia and Chond-rilla. The larva of A. aerophoba shows the strongestresemblance in organization with respect to the larvaof C. reniformis, with just a small difference betweenthe two. Although the blastocoel of C. reniformiscontains maternal microgranular cells and maternal

bacteriocytes that will exocytose the symbioticmicrobes to the larval blastocoel for intergenerationaltransmission, the blastocoel of A. aerophoba containsmaternal microgranular cells and spherulous cellsbut no bacteriocytes. These two larvae also sharesome noticeable ultrastructural traits. They are bothentirely ciliated, with two types of monociliatedcells: pseudo-cylindrical in the anterior region and

Fig. 11. Longitudinal (A–E) and transversal sections (F–G) at the distal pole of the epithelial cells to show the organellesof the basal apparatus and their relationship between them and the Golgi apparatus and the nucleus, as described in themain text. c, cilium; ps, pseudopodium; gl, glycocalyx; bb, basal body; r, rootlets; bf, basal foot; tm, transversemicrotubules; ac, angling accessory centriole; ev, electron-clear vesicle; g, Golgi apparatus; nb, nuclear beak.


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Fig. 12. A, section at the posterior larval pole showing occurrence of maternal spherulous cells (sc) between the body oft-shaped epithelial cells (tc). Some isolated spherulous cells (sc) and abundant symbiotic bacteria (bc) are seen deeper inthe blastocoel. B, section at the anterior larval pole showing that the epithelial cells (ec) are not T-shaped despite theoccurrence of spherulous cells (sc) between their bodies. C, D, T-shaped cells showing that, unlike non-T-shaped epithelialcells, the basal body (bb), the Golgi apparatus (g) and the nucleus (n) are not in close association. E, F, detail of spherulouscell showing the anucleolate nucleus (n) and marked differences in the level of integrity of some of its inclusions (see ‘i1’to ‘i4’). G, comparative view of the content of 3 adjacent spherules and a multilayered body (mb) within the cytoplasmof a spherulous cell. H, detail of the structure of granules within a spherule. Granules appear to be bound by a simplemembrane. I, detail of one of the multilayered bodies occurring along with the spherules in the spherulous cells.


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flattened at the posterior pole. The nucleus of theepithelial larval cells of C. reniformis was alsoreported to be pyriform and, although there was nodetailed description of the ultrastructure, illustra-tions and preliminary description by Lévi & Lévi

(1976) strongly suggest the nucleus to be closely asso-ciated with the cilium basal apparatus and the Golgiapparatus, as in A. aerophoba.

The general organization of the free-swimminglarva of A. aerophoba is also similar to that of Chon-

Fig. 13. A, maternal microgranular cell in the larval blastocoel showing the nucleus (n), and a cytoplasm filled withcharacteristic striated inclusions (mb) and abundant glycogen granules (gg). It is surrounded by symbiotic bacteria. B,abundance of maternal microgranular cells (mg) and symbiotic bacteria (bc) in a deep region of the blastocoel. C, detailof striate inclusions of microganular cells. D, comparative view of abundance of bacteria (bc) and cyanobacteria (cy) in theblastocoel. E, detail of one of the scarce cyanobacteria. F, detail of the nucleosome (ns), cell membrane (cm) and thickcomplex wall (w) in a peculiar gram negative symbiotic bacteria.


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drilla australiensis (Usher & Ereskovsky, 2005). Thelarvae of C. australiensis were described as small andovate, with posterior cilia being sparser and longerthan those of the remaining larval surface, with mono-ciliated cells being pseudo-cylindrical except for flat-tened cells at the posterior pole, and with a larvalblastocoel filled with symbiotic bacteria transferred viathe blastomeres, as in A. aerophoba. More interest-ingly, ultrastructural peculiarities of the ciliated cellsof the C. australiensis larva strongly matched some ofthe ones reported in the present study for A. aero-phoba: (1) the nucleolated nucleus was pyriform,showing an apex closely associated with the basalapparatus of the cilium, the short rootlet, and the Golgiapparatus and (2) there was also a secondary centriolethat was not perpendicular to the basal body butangled at about 60°. Published micrographs (i.e. Usher& Ereskovsky, 2005) suggest that, according to theposition of the Golgi apparatus, it could also be encir-cling the nuclear apex as in A. aerophoba. Neverthe-less, this detail was not mentioned by those authorsand requires re-examination using serial sections.

The striking cytological and ultrastructural simi-larities in development and larval organization leavelittle doubt that the orders Verongida and Chon-drosida are closely related. The occurrence of theseshared distinctive traits comes into complete agree-ment with the outcome of rRNA and mtDNA analy-ses, which had also suggested affinity between thesetwo orders (Borchiellini et al., 2004; Nichols, 2005;Lavrov et al., 2008). Although former claims thatverongids and chondrosids made a monophyletic cladecould initially have been received skeptically in theabsence of morphological evidence pointing in thesame direction, the congruence found in the presentstudy between developmental and molecular data isfar more conclusive. The Chondrosida are a verysmall order, containing only four genera. It wasincluded in the subclass Tetractinomorpha but hadunclear affinities with other demosponge orders(Boury-Esnault, 2002). It is also noteworthy thatthree of the four chondrosid genera (Chondrosia, Thy-mosia, Thymosiopsis) lack siliceous spicules and haveimportant development of collagen fibrils in themesohyl and cortex. Similar collagen developmentoccurs in the fourth genus, Chondrilla, but with pres-ence of small, aster-like siliceous spicules. Although,for most of the 20th Century, the Chondrosida hadbeen diagnosed in many, but not all, studies aslacking spongin fibres, recent analyses of 28S rRNAsequences revealed that the monotypic genus Thymo-sia, which is characterized by small, nodule-likespongin fibres, clustered with Chondrosia (Vaceletet al., 2000), confirming earlier suspicions of relation-ship (Topsent, 1895; Boury-Esnault & Lopès, 1985).The nodule-like fibres of Thymosia are only approxi-

mately 100 mm in length and show a dendriticarrangement with occasional anastomoses. They havean externally verrucose appearance, which makesthem apparently quite different from the diversefibres found in the order Verongida, Dendroceratida,and Dictyoceratida. Nevertheless, in cross section,they show a laminar bark and granular pith (Topsent,1895; Boury-Esnault, 2002), resembling the fibrestructure in Verongida. This resemblance was alsonoticed by de Laubenfels (1948), who transferred Thy-mosia to his ‘keratose’ subfamily Verongiinae from thefamily Chondrosiidae in which Topsent (1895) hadoriginally placed the genus. In light of the ultrastruc-tural findings reported in the present study, it isinstructive to note that both Topsent and de Lauben-fels were correct in their interpretations, and thattheir once-confronting opinions now emerge ascomplementary because chondrosids and verongidsare related.

Interestingly, the analyses of 28S rRNA sequencesand mitochondrial genomes have also suggested thatHalisarcida are also phylogenetically related to Chon-drosida and Verongida (Borchiellini et al., 2004;Lavrov et al., 2008). Similar to the order Chondrosida,the Halisarcida is a very small order containing onlythe genus Halisarca. A complete absence of bothmineral and spongin skeletons has extraordinarilycomplicated the taxonomic allocation of Halisarcathroughout history. Halisarcida has been strandedwithin Demospongiae subsequent to its erection byBergquist (1996), because robust evidence to supportaffinity to any of the other demosponge orders has notbeen found (Bergquist, 1996; Bergquist & Cook,2002). Recent ultrastructural studies of the larva ofHalisarca dujardini have revealed that monociliatedlarval cells and choanocytes posses a pyriformnucleus with a marked apex, as well as a basalapparatus bearing an accessory centriole, which is notperpendicular to the basal body, but angling byapproximately 45° (Gonobobleva, 2007). In addition, asystem of short rootlets arose from the proximal edgeof the basal body and run longitudinally to contact thenucleus apex. The accessory centriole, the rootlet, andthe nucleus apex are encircled by a large Golgi appa-ratus, exactly as described in the present study forA. aerophoba.

Consequently, in addition to shared features inrRNA and mtDNA organization, three solid apomor-phies appear to be consistently shared by the epithe-lial cells of the larva in the orders Chondrosida,Verongida, and Halisarcida: (1) an angling (nonper-pendicular) orientation of the accessory centriole rela-tive to the basal body; (2) a protruding nuclear apex;and (3) a Golgi apparatus encircling the nuclear apexand part of the organelles of the basal apparatus.Furthermore, these three features also occur in at


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least the choanocytes of Halisarca (Gonobobleva &Maldonado, 2009) and A. aerophoba (Fig. 14).

Regarding embryology, there is some internalheterogeneity within the ‘Chondrosida–Verongida–Halisarcida’ clade. The viviparous Halisarcida have adistinctive brooded larva produced through a processof internal development essentially different fromthat described in the oviparous Chondrosida andVerongida (Lévi, 1956; Ereskovsky & Gonobobleva,

2000; Maldonado & Bergquist, 2002). For this reason,this three-order clade does not fit properly into eitherthe subclass Tetractinomorpha (initially erected foroviparous demosponges) or the Ceractinomorpha(originally erected for viviparous sponges). Rather,heterogeneity in development mode within a well-supported ‘Chondrosida–Verongida–Halisarcida’ cladeprovides additional evidence that the subclasses Tet-ractinomorpha and Ceractinormorpha cannot bemaintained on embryological criteria any longer. It iswidely understood that, although Tetractinomorphaand Ceractinomorpha remain formally accepted taxo-nomic subclasses (Table 1), their entities have beenchallenged by both traditional taxonomic discussion(Hooper & Van Soest, 2002) and several recentmolecular studies (Borchiellini et al., 2004; Nichols,2005; Lavrov et al., 2008). The latter studies con-cluded these subclasses to be polyphyletic assem-blages of orders and indicated the need to undertakea high-rank reorganization of the Demospongiaeclassification.

A first step towards re-organization may be to erecta new subclass to harbour Verongida, Chondrosida,and Halisarcida, which will also reflect taxonomicallythe phylogenetic closeness between these threeorders. For this purpose, the old name Myxospongia(new subclass) is resuscitated because it was recentlyused by Borchiellini et al. (2004) to refer to the cladeconsisting of ‘Chondrosida + Halisarcida + Verongida’,as revealed by their 28S rRNA analyses. The namecan be traced back until Haeckel (1866: XXIX), whoused it at the order level (as ‘Myxospongiae’) toharbour sponges lacking both mineral and fibre skel-eton. Although Haeckel’s Myxospongiae originallyincluded the genus Halisarca only, genera such asChondrosia and Oscarella were added by others later,fostering a non-natural group based on the absence ofskeleton. This concept pervaded through the first halfof the 20th Century, until Lévi (1957) efficientlyargued that the loss of skeleton had been an indepen-dent, parallel process in different sponges lineages,and dismantled this and other high-rank groups ofthat time to establish his subclass system based onembryological features.

Some studies have recently suggested abandoningthe subclass rank in the classification system ofPorifera. For example, based on examples of mito-chondrial genetic divergence within a single family ofDemospongiae being approximately three-fold greaterthan that between two orders, Lavrov et al. (2008)recently argued that the traditional taxonomic ranksin demosponge systematics are artificial, proposingthat these ranks should be abandoned. However, theirarguments connecting mtDNA distances and taxo-nomic ranks may not be straightforward. It is wellestablished that different genomic regions have expe-

Fig. 14. A, B, longitudinal sections of choanocytes in anadult male sponge. ac, accessory centriole; bb, basal body;c, cilium; cl, collar microvilli; g, Golgi apparatus; nb,nuclear beak; r, rootlets.


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rienced substantially different evolutionary historiesand that taxa with high rates of mtDNA change areoften taxa with low rates of rRNA evolution. There-fore, the argument by Lavrov et al. (2008) would onlybe valid in the case that genetic distances were cal-culated from complete genomes. With the currentstate of knowledge, disparity of evolutionary rates inonly the mitochondrial genomes should never beinterpreted as a ‘lineal’ measure of taxonomic close-ness among high-level taxa, and not in the absence ofcomplete genomes and without a sensible under-standing of the selective pressures behind the evolu-tion of mitochondrial and ribosomal genomes. Giventhat both molecular and morphological phylogeneticanalyses show that the taxonomic orders of the classDemospongiae cluster in groups, those groups mustbe interpreted taxonomically as subclasses, wheneverwe understand the class Demospongiae as a mono-phyletic unit. Hence, rather than eliminating thesubclass rank, the challenge is to refine our currentunderstanding of the ordinal relationships so that thetaxonomic subclasses reflect natural clades that canbe confirmed by both morphological and moleculardata, as appears to be the case of Myxospongia. Areliable global re-organization of the Porifera high-rank taxonomy will require extensive discussion onthe relative strengths of the phylogenetic signal in avariety of molecular, histological, and reproductivecharacters.


The developmental and ultrastructural data gatheredin the present study strongly support the hypothesisthat spongin skeletons have evolved independently atleast twice within Demospongiae. This view is alsoconsistent with the demosponge phylogenies proposedfrom recent molecular studies (Borchiellini et al.,2004; Nichols, 2005). Loss of spicules followed bydevelopment of spongin fibres appears to haveoccurred at least once within a ‘lineage’ characterizedby aster-like spicules (i.e. Chondrosida–Verongida),and also once through a ‘linage’ probably character-ized by monaxonic spicules (i.e. Haplosclerida‘in part’ – Dictyoceratida – Dendroceratida). Indepen-dent ‘evolutionary assays’ to acquire spongin skel-etons as an alternative to silica skeletons could havebeen favoured by major environmental changes atthe Cretaceous–Tertiary boundary (approximately65 Mya). It has been postulated that the evolutionaryexpansion of diatoms at that time caused a drasticdecrease in silicate concentration in the photic zone ofthe world’s ocean, a process suspected to have hada great impact on the skeletal evolution and bathy-metric distribution of modern siliceous sponges(Maldonado et al., 1999). During that silicate-

impoverished Late-Cretaceous environment, manysiliceous sponge species were extinguished, othersmigrated down to nonphotic waters richer in silicate,and others remained in silica-impoverished shallowwaters at the cost of weakening their siliceous skel-etons. In this latter group, and under the increasingenvironmental pressure of decreasing silicate avail-ability in seawater, any fortuitous production of mate-rials (e.g. collagen derivatives = spongins) that couldsomehow complement or replace the weakening silicaskeletons could have been favoured by natural selec-tion. Therefore, the hypothesis is proposed thatspongin skeletons could have been acquired simulta-neously, but independently, by different lineages ofsiliceous demosponges in response to the Cretaceoussilicate crisis caused by the expansion of diatoms.Interestingly, this hypothesis is also consistent withthe fact that Verongida and Chondrosida, as well asDictyoceratida and Dendroceratida, are all orderscontaining mostly shallow water species in temperateand tropical latitudes. Only few species are able tolive in relatively cold waters at either high latitudesor bathyal depths (Lévi & Lévi, 1983; Vacelet, 1988;Ilan, Ben-Eliahu & Galil, 1994; McClintock, Amsler &Baker, 2005). Experimental evidence indicates thatadults can survive in waters colder than those of theirnatural habitats, although, in such a case, theirsexual reproduction appears to be inhibited (Mal-donado & Young, 1998). All this information is con-sistent with the previously suggested idea of‘corneous’ sponges having appeared in shallow watersof temperate or tropical latitudes (Maldonado &Young, 1998). Unfortunately, the fossil record is oflittle help in this regard because aspiculate spongesrarely leave many obvious traces. The best knownfossils regarded as ‘keratose’ belong to the familyVauxiidae (Walcott, 1920), dating from the middleCambrian Burgess Shale (520–512 Mya). Such anancient origin for a ‘keratose’ sponge would defini-tively disprove the hypothesis of a Cretaceous origintriggered by the silicate crisis. Nevertheless, there arereasonable doubts that Vauxiidae are fossils charac-terized by a true spongin skeleton. Their hexagonalskeletal network was originally interpreted byWalcott (1920) as belonging to the class Hexactinel-lida; subsequently, it was considered to be a lithistidskeleton (Rigby, 1980) and, more recently, putativelyreinterpreted as a ‘keratose’ skeleton (Rigby, 1986).The amazing ‘taxonomic journey’ from one end to theother of Porifera classification illustrates the enor-mous uncertainty surrounding any unequivocal inter-pretation of these ancient fossils. It advises cautionbefore considering Vauxia as refutable evidence thatthe cretaceous silicate crisis was unrelated to theemergence of at least some forms of aspiculate demo-sponges. Likewise, it cannot be ruled out that the


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Late-Cretaceous silicate crisis also favoured attemptsto replace the increasingly scarce silicon for theoverabundant calcium carbonate to build the spongeskeletons, giving rise to some particular forms of‘coralline’ sponges. Although there is unequivocalfossil evidence that the emergence of most ‘corallinelineages’ predated the Cretaceous, the case could bedifferent for Vaceletia, a hypercalcified spongerecently demonstrated by rDNA analyses to be adictyoceratid (Wörheide, 2008).



Development in A. aerophoba was shown in thepresent study to be a relatively sophisticated process.Oogenesis involved not only events in the oocyte, butalso selective migration of microgranular and spheru-lous maternal cells to the oocyte vicinity, as well ascoupled secretion of an enveloping collagen layer bythe oocyte to produce a ‘nesting follicle’. It remainsunresolved from the present study whether the fol-licle had a role in either transference of the sperma-tozoon to the oocytes or in providing a physicalbarrier to prevent polyspermia. Spherulous cellsoccur in adults of A. aerophoba in a wide range ofsizes (up to 12.6 ¥ 7.0 mm, measured in the presentstudy), but only those in a mid-size category(6.6 ¥ 4.2 mm to 10.5 ¥ 6.2 mm) were used to build theoocyte follicle. These mid-size cells were previouslydescribed in Aplysina cavernicola by Vacelet (1967).During oogenesis and also early cleavage, the spheru-lous cells of the follicle exocytosed some of theirmultigranular inclusions for subsequent incorpora-tion by both oocytes and blastomeres. Transference ofnutrients from the follicle cells had not been detectedin a previous study of Aplysina oocytes (Gallissian &Vacelet, 1976). Likewise, microgranular cells, whichwere comparatively scarce in the follicles, were unre-ported in that same study (Gallissian & Vacelet,1976).

At no stage of development was there evidence tosupport that microgranular and spherulous cells inthe larva derived from either the blastomeres or epi-thelial larval cells. Both spherulous and microgranu-lar cells of the larval blastocoel consistently lackedyolk bodies and any other recognizable remains of thecytological organization of blastomeres. By contrast,spherulous and microgranular cells of the folliclewere seen to invade the cleavage furrows of earlyblastulae, strongly supporting the idea that thesecells are not proper larval cells derived from blas-tomeres but maternal cells migrated from the follicle.Migration of both microgranular and spherulous cellsfrom the follicle to the nascent blastocoel of embryosprovided a striking example of production of a chi-

meric organism, in which two types of maternal cellsco-exit with cells of the newly-produced individualduring the embryonic stage, the larval stage, and inearly settlers at least. ‘Chimeric’ larvae incorporatingmaternal cells have also been described in Chondro-sia (Lévi & Lévi, 1976) and Cliona (Warburton, 1961).In vivo light microscopy indicated that many of thematernal spherulous cells occurring in the mesohyl ofthe A. aerophoba settlers started darkening afterapproximately 3.5 weeks in the laboratory cultures(Fig. 7K, L, M). It remains unresolved whether theywere experiencing an apoptotic process to reinstatethe nonchimeric condition in the juvenile or justtrans-differentiating into other cell types. If it wasapoptosis, it is hard to determine whether it was anatural process or it was triggered by culturing con-ditions because, after 1 month in the laboratory, thesurviving juveniles looked unwell, possibly due tonon-ideal conditions, compared to those in the ocean,in terms of oxygen supply, light quality, food quality,micronutrients, etc. Therefore, the possibility that thechimeric condition of the juvenile reaches the adultstage cannot be discarded from the present study.

Spherulous cells are the primary cell compartmentin which bromotyrosine derivatives are produced andtemporarily stored in the sponge (Turon, Becerro &Uriz, 2000). These compounds, with demonstratedantibacterial activity, are postulated to be used inpopulation control of bacterial symbionts. Symbioticbacteria are engulfed from the maternal mesohyl bythe oocyte during early oogenesis. They remain undi-gested in membrane-bound vesicles, being subse-quently transferred to the cytoplasm of blastomeresand finally exocytosed by those to the nascent larvalblastocoel of developing larvae. Because a largeamount of free symbiotic bacteria are vertically trans-mitted within the larva blastocoel, coupled transfer-ence of spherulous cells could have evolved to makepossible the control of transmitted microbial popula-tions during those life-history stages prior to differ-entiation of a new generation of functional spherulouscells. Extrusion of spherulous cell through the poste-rior larval pole remains an enigmatic process. Extru-sion of spherulous cells through the epithelia of theaquiferous canals of adults had also been documentedby Vacelet (1967), who suggested that it could be away to eliminate excretory products.

Cyanobacteria are vertically transferred along withother symbiotic microbes via the cytoplasm of eggs andsperm in many demosponges (Usher et al., 2001; Mal-donado et al., 2005; Oren, Steindler & Ilan, 2005).Therefore, it is remarkable that inter-generationaltransference of symbiotic cyanobacteria does notappear to be the case in A. aerophoba. Althoughhundreds of bacteria ready for intergenerational trans-ference were seen within oocytes, cyanobacteria were


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never detected. After an intense TEM search, justthree cyanobacteria were found, and not in eggs butwithin the blastocoel of a 3-day old free-swimminglarva (Fig. 13D, E), which suggests that they hadrecently been incorporated from the ambient water.The case is similar to the one recently described forPetrosia ficiformis, in which neither cyanobacteria norbacteria were vertically transferred to the progeny(Maldonado, 2007). Hence, they have to be acquiredfrom ambient water at each generation.


The author thanks Almudena García, Eva López, andAna García (Microscopy Services, University of Bar-celona) for their help in processing material for TEM;Isabel Vaquerizo for invaluable support during fieldwork; María Bardají and Helena del Barrio (CEAB)for their efficient bibliographic search; Professor JeanVacelet (CNRS, Station Marine d’Endoume) for usefulcomments on early versions of the manuscript; andthree anonymous reviewers for their constructivecomments. This study was supported by two grantsof the Spanish Ministry of Science and Education(CTM205-05366/MAR and BFU2008-00227/BMC).


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© 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 97, 427–447