embedded systems security

Embedded Systems Security: (Why its difficult and what we can do about it) Malachi Jones, PhD Software Engineer

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Embedded Systems Security: (Why its difficult and what we can do about it)

Malachi Jones, PhD

Software Engineer

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About me (Cyber-security Background)


• Intel Corporation (Summer 2011)

– Software security internship

– Designed/implemented an authentication method for mobile embedded devices

• Georgia Tech (2007-2013)

– Security research collaboration between Georgia Tech (GT) and University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB)

– PhD thesis: “Asymmetric Information Games and Cyber Security”

Giovanni Vigna, PhD

Security Researcher

Joao Hespana, PhD

Game Theorist

Jeff Shamma, PhD

Game Theorist

Georgios Kotsalis, PhD

Game Theorist

Malachi Jones, PhD

Security Researcher

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• Motivation

• Cyber Security Overview

• Embedded Systems Security

– Networked Systems

– Embedded Systems OS

• Principles for Designing Secure Software

– Minimal Implementation

– Component Architecture

– Independent Expert Validation

• Conclusion

• Additional Resources

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• Why should embedded security be important to YOU (and your loved ones)?

Critical Infrastructure

(Nuclear Power Plant)

Life Critical Systems

(Pace Maker)

Transportation Systems

(Flight Control)

Financial Infrastructure

(Banking & Investing)

Information Systems

(Patient MRI information)

Consumer Products

(Wireless Router)

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• What could possibly happen if your home router was

attacked by a hacker?

– Step 1: Hacker gains access to router settings

– Step 2: Changes DNS settings on router

– Step 3: Router now talks to hacker’s server to resolve

name address

– Step 4: www.yourbank.com now resolves to an IP

address of the hacker’s server

– Step 5: You think you are entering login information for

your bank account, but you are handing it over to the


– Step 6: pwn3d (Hacker speak for you’ve been owned)

• True story (DNSChanger Trojan)

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Main Takeaways


• Why is embedded security difficult?

– Economic/Business incentive to produce bad security products: Oftentimes

buyers (experts included) are unable to observe the difference in quality between

a good security product and a lemon.

– Increased software complexity: Linear growth in hardware/software content

creates non-linear growth in overall system complexity. Complexity breeds flaws.

– Security as an afterthought: Often financially and/or technically infeasible to

retrofit security capabilities to an embedded system that was not originally

designed for it

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Main Takeaways


• How can we address these difficulties?

– Balance the tradeoffs: Strike a balance between security, performance, cost,

and schedule.

– Control complexity: Aspire for a minimal implementation that provides the

simplest solution to the problem with respect to tradeoffs (e.g. cost and schedule)

mentioned above

– Design in security from conception: Build in security from the start by following

well-established security-design principles and techniques

Theme of presentation

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Cyber Security Overview


• Objectives of cyber security

– Confidentiality: Prevention of unauthorized access to resources

– Integrity: Prevention of modification or corruption of resources

– Accessibility: Prevention of attacks that would keep a resource from being

accessed or used according to its intended function

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Cyber Security Overview


• Security topic areas include:

Cryptography Penetration Testing Monitoring &


Social Engineering

Cyber Situational


Security System


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Cyber Security Overview


• Cyber security principles

– Without physical security, there is no security: If the physical system is

compromised, so are the other components of the system that interact directly or

indirectly with the physical system

– Once “root”, always “root”: Once a system has been compromised, a hacker

can install “backdoors” to access the system with root privileges later

– Defense in depth: Complete prevention is impossible. Multiple layers of

prevention and monitoring are necessary to achieve the optimum degree of

protection (for a given budget).

– Kerckhoffs’s Principle: Assume the hacker knows the system. Corollary:

Security by obscurity is not secure.

– Weakest Link Principle: Weakest link in the system is the most likely part of the

system to be first attacked because it is the easiest

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Cyber Security Overview


• What are some of the primary culprits for the abundant security

vulnerabilities found in most mainstream products?

Poor Implementation Flawed Design

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Cyber Security Overview


• Why can it be rational to produce bad security products?

• Market for Lemons

– Paper written by the economist George Akerlof in the 1970s to discuss

information asymmetry.

– Information asymmetry: One party has better information than another party

– Main Idea: When buyers don't have as much information about the quality of the

products as sellers do, there will be severe downward pressure on both the price

and quality of product

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Cyber Security Overview


• Market for cyber security “lemons”

– Buyers (security experts included) are often unable to distinguish a “good”

security product from a “bad” security product

– Difficult to evaluate a product’s claims when the source code and design

architecture are proprietary and kept private.

– Costs significant amount of money for an independent third party to evaluate

and test the product claims. Testing is also slow.

– Bottom line: Can be rational for companies to produce mediocre security

products because users and experts are likely to make their purchasing

decision on parameters (i.e. price) they can observe.

– Rare Exception: Secustick was exposed by Tweakers.net for not encrypting

data on USB drives when they claimed to have done so.

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Embedded Security: Embedded Systems


• Definition: An embedded system is an electronic product that contains

a microprocessor (one or more) and software to perform some

constituent function within a larger entity

• Key Point: Embedded systems may be constrained by cost, memory,

energy, mass, and volume

• Examples

• What do all these embedded devices have in common?

Smart Meter Raspberry Pi Smart Phone Router

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Embedded Security: Networked Systems


• What are the advantages of networked embedded systems?

• Remote management

– Monitor performance of devices deployed in the field

– Enables installation of patches or other software upgrades

– Execute a plethora of management duties

– Increases product lifetime, reliability, serviceability, and customer satisfaction

while reducing maintenance cost and total cost of ownership

• Example of remote management: Mars Pathfinder Mission

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Embedded Security: Remote Management


• Mars Pathfinder Mission (1997)

– Malfunction was diagnosed down to a software defect during mission

– Priority inversion issue between communication tasks (medium priority),

meteorological tasks (low priority), and information bus thread (high priority)

– Patch to remedy defect by implementing priority inheritance was installed via

radio link from Earth

– Remote management saved the mission from disaster

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Embedded Security: Remote Management


• Security implications of remote management

– Remote device management is the answer to the hacker’s wildest dreams

– The embedded system is imbued not only with internet access, but also a means to remotely modify and patch software

• What could go wrong?

– Critical and widespread vulnerability in VxWorks OS discovered in 2010

– A debug communication port that provided remote diagnostics was used to commandeer the system

– Using the debug interface, a remote attacker could read or write to any memory location:

– Hacker could install malware and even replace the OS itself

– Key Point: Even if your software is perfect, you still have to take into account the security of the third-party OS

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Embedded Security: Operating Systems


• Why is the operating system important to security?

– Recall: Even with perfect software, the OS can allow the system to be vulnerable

to a cyber attack

– Operating system (OS) controls the resources of the embedded system (e.g.

memory and CPU)

– The OS has the power to prevent unauthorized use of resources

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Embedded Security: Operating Systems


• Design decisions emphasize performance over security because

more profitable (Market for Lemons)

• Monolithic kernel: Popular OS design

– User applications able to access most services (TCP/IP, files, and I/O devices)

with a simple system call into kernel

– Services typically reside within a single process

• Microkernel: Secure OS design

– Implements services in separate processes

– Requires inter-process communication (added overhead)

– Extra context switching

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Embedded Security: Operating Systems


Traditional Kernel (Monolithic) Microkernel (Implemented in MILS)

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Embedded Security: Operating Systems


• Good News: A few OS technologies have taken a new approach to

embedded security that is based on a design concept originally

developed in the 1980’s.

• Design concept: Multiple Independent Levels of Security (MILS)

• Foundation of MILS-based embedded system is a special type of

microkernel called the separation kernel.

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Embedded Security: Operating Systems


• Separation Kernel: A small microkernel that implements a limited set of critical functional security polices that include data isolation, damage limitation, and information flow

– Data Isolation: Data within partitioned applications cannot be read or modified by other applications

– Damage limitation: If a bug or attack damages a partitioned application, this damage cannot spread to other application

– Information flow: Information cannot flow between partitioned applications unless explicitly permitted by the system security policy

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Designing secure embedded systems


• Why not bolt on security after the fact?

• Key Concept: Often financially and/or technically infeasible to retrofit

security capability to a system that was not originally designed for it

• Think about the difficulty of retrofitting these systems:

• These systems can have a lifespan of 10+ years

• Moore's Law doesn’t apply!! (Very difficult to add/upgrade hardware)

Pace Maker

Smart Meter Nuclear reactor


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Designing secure embedded systems


• Software assurance: Refers to the level of confidence that software

end user and other stakeholders have that security policies and

functions claimed by software are actually fulfilled

• Key Point: Simply meeting functional requirements does not achieve

the assurance required for security-critical embedded systems

• Principles of High Assurance Software Engineering [2]

– Minimal Implementation

– Component Architecture

– Independent expert validation

– Least privilege

– Secure development process

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Designing secure embedded systems: Minimal Implementation


• Minimal Implementation

– Linear growth in hardware/software content creates non-linear growth in

overall complexity of the system

– Complexity increases nonlinearly because of the exponential increase in

interactions between functions and components

– Complexity breeds flaws, and those flaws can be exploited to breach the

system’s security

– Ideally: Implement the simplest system needed to solve the problem.

– Design Concept: Find a balance between schedule, performance, design,

and cost that doesn’t compromise the required security of the system

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Designing secure embedded systems: Component Architecture


• Component Architecture

– Difficult/infeasible for a single engineer to understand every single line of code

of a large monolithic system

– Design Concept: Compose large software systems from small components.

Each component should be easily maintained by a single engineer who

understands every single line of code

– Design Concept: Safety and/or security enforcing functionality should be

placed into separate components that allow critical operations to be protected

from compromise by noncritical portions of the system

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Designing secure embedded systems: Component Architecture


• Component Architecture

– Modern OS provides memory protected processes

– Design Concept: Designers should strive for a one-to-one ratio between threads

and processes

– Security/Performance Tradeoff: Threads are lighter weight than processes, but

processes can provide memory protection

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Designing secure systems: Independent Expert Validation


• Independent Expert Validation

– Security claims are a dime-a-dozen (e.g. Secustick)

– Design Concept: Evidence of a secure system must be evaluated by

independent experts

– Anyone can produce a security design that is so clever, they can’t defeat it

– Very difficult to produce a design that is so secure, others can’t defeat it

– Independent experts provide another set of eyes that can spot security

vulnerabilities that the designers can’t see

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“The art of war teaches us to rely not on the likelihood of the enemy’s not

coming, but on our own readiness to receive him; not on the chance of his not

attacking, but rather on the fact that we have made our position unassailable”

—The Art of War, Sun Tzu

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Additional Resources


1. M. Jones, G. Kotsalis, and J. Shamma, “Cyber-attack forecast modeling and

complexity reduction using a game-theoretic framework,” in Control of Cyber-

Physical Systems (D. C. Tarraf, ed.), vol. 449 of Lecture Notes in Control and

Information Sciences, pp. 65–84, Springer International Publishing, 2013.

2. Kleidermacher, D. & Kleidermacher, M. (2012). Embedded Systems Security:

Practical Methods for Safe and Secure Software and Systems Development.

3. Ferguson, Niels, Schneier, Bruce & Kohno, Tadayoshi (2010). Cryptography

Engineering: Design Principles and Practical Applications. Wiley Publishing

4. Gebotys, C.H. (2009). Security in Embedded Devices. Springer

5. Anderson, R., "Why information security is hard - an economic perspective,"

Computer Security Applications Conference, 2001. ACSAC 2001.

Proceedings 17th Annual , vol., no., pp.358,365, 10-14 Dec. 2001

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