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  • 7/29/2019 Email History














    Nov 24 2010From EB to ME:

    Here is the 2nd application. Mrs Jackson. She is asking to divide the security deposit over 3 months, no pet

    deposit, and asking for the rent to be $1400/month not $1490. No processing for this application until you say

    that this offer is acceptable to you.

    PS: I think this can be a back up to the 1st application.

    Please let know your thoughts.

    Nov 28 2010

    From JJ to EB:

    I just wanted to touch base with you again about the rental of the house. I hope no news good news, and that the

    owners are still considering me as a possible renter. As I said, my credit history is not an accurate representation

    of what I am working toward. I am in the process of repairing my credit and credit score, and I really appreciate

    the owners considering me. Please let me know of the status.

    Thanks, again!

    Nov 29 2010

    From EB to JJ:

    I got your message, thank you, that is true no bad news. I will let you know if anything change. Also, if you like to

    improve your offer in anyway please let me know.

    Thank You

    From JJ to EB:

    I can not offer more rent, but I will say that a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. I am ready to move in

    within 2 weeks of getting the ok - I just need to give notice here and they know I'm considering moving. The long

    the owners wait to see what other offers they get, the longer they house is unoccupied and recieving no rent.

    They run the risk of loosing more money the longer they wait, when they have a tenant who is ready and willing to

    move in - the sooner the better. I would also be willing to do some improvements on the house like finishing the

    4th side of the fense and repairing the bathroom floor and window, but of course, I'd want the rent to be credited

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    for what I spend to improve the look and value of the house to their benefit. I'll wait to hear from you. Thanks,


    Nov 30 2011

    From ME to EB:

    Thanks for forwarding the email. I don't remember seeing the credit report for this applicant. Was there at least animprovement in the history? or does this applicant have good reference for rental history?

    If there are positive signs, I'm open-minded. What is your recommendation?

    PS: I don't know what he means about the bathroom floor and window. Which bathroom? I don't remember any

    problems in that area.

    From EB to ME:

    This is the backup applicant.. She offered the security deposit over 3 months and the rent lowered to

    $1400/month. Now she says something about improvement she never talked to me about before.

    The house is in the same condition as you left it, nothing changed.

    She is talking about improvements. I think she is trying to show us value in her offer by making improvements that

    will increase the price of the house in the future. She got her own credit report and score of about 520 (we still

    would have to get the report through my office. Based on her application and her emails. Is her offer acceptable

    to you, and if it is the next step is to check her credit and references. At the same time the search is on going for

    best possible tenant.

    Dec 1 2010

    From ME to EB:

    Thanks for the credit report. If her rental history is acceptable, I would accept this tenant's offer.

    From EB to JJ:

    After talking with the landlord, they asked me to process your application. pleased send in your application with$50. money order made out to " JB. Finnancial ". The address to send it to: 2095 Chain Bridge Rd. #300 Vienna

    Va. 22182.

    Also, please list what you plan to get done for the bathroom floor, window, fance, and any other.

    From JJ to EB:

    Great to hear from you today! I mailed the application and fee this afternoon. If all goes well, I'd hope to be in the

    house before Christmas. The house could use a good cleaning and pest control inside and out (basement entrance

    is covered in spider webs and there's crickets in the tub). I'd love to see the house one more time to give you a

    complete list of items, but from what I can remember, here's what I noticed that needs work.

    1) complete the fourth side of the fense

    2) bathroom floor repair - linolium floor pealing up

    3) bathroom window repair or replacement - it doesnt open, and the floor damage is probably due to long term

    trapped moisture

    4) living room and bedroom ceiling lighting wires exposed

    A couple of non-urgent, optional improvements would be to repair the deck overhang and to install a railing along

    the basement steps, but I can live without those done any time soon.

    Other than that, I dont remember anything else, but like I said I'd like to get one more look to be sure we've

    addressed everthing.

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    Thanks, again. I'll talk to you again soon!

    Dec 2 2010

    From EB to JJ:

    I forwarded your email to the landlord to let them know what you think needs to get done. I will let you know

    what their response is, as soon as I hear from them.

    Dec 3 2010

    From ME to EB:

    I think the list is a bit excessive. I think the bathroom linoleum floor is fine, for example. It was installed 3 years ago

    and a corner is detached, but overall it's a solid floor. I'm not sure which bathroom window doesn't open. I had all

    the windows checked and fixed before I left. I can discuss specific items with the tenant as we go along. It does not

    add any conditionality to the rental either way, I hope?

    I'm definitely up for necessary repairs in the house. Optional items (to increase value/etc) is a different matter.

    These may be discussed later. Could the tenant provide specifics on the necessary repairs, if any?

    I would strongly advise against dealing with the living room ceiling lighting wires, by the way.

    From EB to ME:

    I just finished talking to Mrs. Jackson "tenant" about your thoughts about the bathroom and she said that it is OK,

    she can live with it or she can get it done later and get reimbursed.

    she also said that the fence is very important to her because she has a dog.

    (its the fence on the side between the yard and the neighbor).

    I think it would be a good idea to complete the fence to protect the property from out side.

    Please let me know what you like to do about that, and if you still want to deal with this tenant or move on to look

    for others.

    From EB to ME:

    Just a reminder!

    Mrs. Jackson mentioned in the application that she has a 70 pound dog. She does not think there is a need for "

    pet deposit". Which I think it would be important to get another $600. for pet deposit but she asked not pay.

    These could mean dividing the deposits over 4 payments

    Dec 5 2010

    From ME to EB:I am asking you for your recommendation as you have more experience with this. I've never had a pet so I don't

    know how much damage could be inflicted. Please go ahead and come to an agreement with the tenant that you

    think is reasonable.

    About the fence, I agree that it could do a lot of good to complete it. We looked into it ourselves a couple of times,

    but found it difficult to do considering the row of trees right at the border. We had wanted to do a wooden fence

    all the way around. This would have cost around $4,000 at the time. However, we're interested to hear the

    tenant's proposal, and would be interested in completing the fence.

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    Dec 9 2010

    From EB to ME:Attached is the credit report for Mrs. Jackson. Please take a look and tell me your thoughts without my influence

    over your view.

    Dec 10 2010

    From EB to ME:

    This is the feedback from the current landlord.

    Yes, she is a current resident and has been late two times. Thank you.

    Dec 12 2010

    From ME to EB:

    Sorry for the delay in responding. If she was late twice in a lease over a year I think that's not too bad. I really hope

    that it works out better than that, but two late payments are better than none. I also will be thinking about the

    home improvements that she wants to do later.

    Dec 14 2010

    From EB to ME:

    Mrs Jackson can move in on Sat. 1/8/2011. She would pay $1400 for 1st month rent plus $500 deposit.. The

    prorated rent would be for the second month which would be for 23 days of rent $1038.71. plus 500 deposit. Is

    that OK with you?

    Dec 15 2010

    From ME to EB:

    Sorry EB. I'm a little confused. So what is the total deposit? and is it over 2 months?

    Would the payments be like this:

    Jan = $1400 rent + $500 deposit

    Feb = prorated rent (-8 days) + $500 deposit

    Mar = $1400 rent

    From EB to ME:The payments would be like this : Jan = $1400 rent + $500 deposit $1400 will go to my broker per our agreement and $500 will be deposited to your

    account.and all future payments will also be deposited to your account.

    Feb = prorated rent (-8 days) is $1038.70+ $500 deposit

    Mar = $1400 rent +495 deposit$1400 per months to the end of the lease.

    From ME to EB:

    Excellent. Thanks!

    I hope that this will be a smooth relationship.

    Dec 19 2010

    From EB to ME:

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    Please read the lease, if you have any questions let me know.

    If everything is ok, please let me know as well.

    The tenant will sign the lease Sun at 12 noon, then I will send it to you to sign.

    Dec 21 2010

    From EB to ME:

    Here is the lease. Mrs Jackson signed it on the 19Th and payed 1400+500 in money orders.

    Please sign it and email back.She would like to get the fence done before she moves in.

    Dec 23 2010

    From EB to ME:

    Please try to send the signed lease soon because I have to turn it in to my broker asap.

    Mrs. Jackson made a list of her requestes and here it is:

    "~Days of trash collection?

    ~Contacts for landscaping? (grass maint & snow removal)

    ~Fense completion: I'm expecting some quotes shortly and will forward those to you soon for payment.

    ~House Cleaning: I'm expecting some quotes shortly and will forward those to you soon for payment.

    ~Pest Control: I'm expecting some quotes shortly and will forward those to you soon for payment.

    ~Handyman Issues:

    -living room light stays on (never turns off)

    -master BR doorway clasp hanging off

    -filters need to be changed

    -hole in wall in cabinet under kitchen sink

    -repair cabinet in front of sink

    -basement ceiling vent hanging"

    Dec 23 2010

    From ME to EB:

    Please find the signed lease attached.

    Regarding the tenant requests:

    Days of trash collection?

    Trash and recycling are collected every Tuesday morning.

    ~Contacts for landscaping? (grass maint & snow removal)

    I don't have a reliable contact for this. The man who mowed my lawn promised to send me

    paypal information so I can pay him for this service while I was in Egypt, but he never

    responded to me after that. She might have to find someone else. As for the usual snow

    shovelling and mowing/leaf raking, we used to do it ourselves. There's a lawn mower andshovel in the shed in the back yard.

    ~Fense completion: I'm expecting some quotes shortly and will forward those to you soon for


    Looking forward to the quote and also the method. We were having trouble figuring out how a

    fence could be constructed with the row of trees that are barely on the edge of our property.

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    ~House Cleaning: I'm expecting some quotes shortly and will forward those to you soon for


    Seriously? The house was professionally cleaned after it was emptied before I left. I can imagine

    that dust has accumulated since then but is there more than sweeping required at this point?

    ~Pest Control: I'm expecting some quotes shortly and will forward those to you soon for


    Yes, we tend to have an annual issue around the fall with the crickets finding their way into the

    basement. I'll be expecting a quote for that service. I expect that for a while she will find lots of

    dead crickets in there and by mid-winter the problem will stop.

    ~Handyman Issues:

    -living room light stays on (never turns off)

    As you know this problem appeared about two days before my departure and I didn't

    have time to deal with it. So...will be expecting a quote for that.

    -master BR doorway clasp hanging off

    Yes, that's a problem I've had for ages and never bothered fixing. Good to have it fixed


    -filters need to be changed

    Filters of what? the AC? This was changed shortly before I left so they have not been used

    and should be fine.

    -hole in wall in cabinet under kitchen sink

    Why is that a problem?

    -repair cabinet in front of sink

    Is she referring to the water damage? That's fine to fix.

    -basement ceiling vent hanging"That's also fine to fix. Shouldn't be too expensive.

    From EB to ME:

    I got you signature but not on the lease all you have to do is print the last page of the lease, and sign under you

    name, then scan it and email it. I can't do anything with signature you sent.

    I agree with you on the handyman requests. Yesterday, I had one estimate for $450 without the fence, this person

    said they would let me know about the estimate for the fence later. I also have another handyman to take to the

    house tomorrow for another estimate..

    All that while Mrs. Jackson try to get other estimates and will take the lowest.

    I will update you with the progress.

    I think Mrs. Jackson is asking about a filter replacement for the the heat furnace.

    Dec 25 2010

    From EB to ME:

    Please find the attached estimate for one side of the fence and the indoor handy work.

    The furnace was not working properly (there was no heat) . The problem was identified and added it to this


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    The signature is OK with me but I will see what will the broker say if any problem I will let you know.

    I will be depositing the $500 check to your account.

    I don't have any checks from the account to pay for the fixings on the house, and I am not sure how much money

    you have in it. Please advice on how you would like to get this things payed.

    From EB to ME:

    On the estimate, the closet doors is not going to be done by us. This is something that Mrs. Jackson wants to do in

    the basement to use the closet in front of the stairs as a library for her and her daughter's books. If she takes them

    off she will have to put them back when she moves out.

    Dec 26 2010

    From ME to EB:

    I will send it by email now to my brother-in-law and ask him to print it for me so I can sign the hard copy tomorrow

    and scan it back to you.

    I will be traveling to Lebanon Dec 28-Jan 4 but I will try to log on every day to make sure I don't miss anything.

    I can also handle payments online. The bank account we opened still only has $300 in it, but I can transfer more as

    needed from my other account.

    Dec 27 2010

    From EB to ME:

    Thank you and sorry for the trouble. I wish a happy and safe trip to Lebanon.

    Without checks the only way for me to pay for the improvements we talked about is in cash. I can get the cash

    using the most card I received from your bank, if that is OK with you!. If you would like to handle it any differently

    please let me know.

    From ME to EB:I have signed the printed page and scanned it. The PDF of the last page of the lease (signed) is attached.

    I am about to open your earlier emails with the estimates of the work so I can make a transfer now for the neededamount. Of course it is ok to use the card to withdraw the amounts needed for payment! Thank you for your work.

    Dec 28 2010

    From ME to EB:

    I have just transferred $825 to the account for the payments needed. The balance now is $1,110.

    Originally, there was $300 in the account but when I logged in now there was $285. There was a transaction of $15

    as a maintenance fee

    I should have no problems logging on regularly in Lebanon and will be able to see emails and make transfers

    online. I don't think I will have easy access to a scanner/printer during that week though so hopefully any such

    action can wait until after Jan 4th.

    Dec 28 2010

    From JJ to ME:

    Hello, again!

    I hope you're enjoying Egypt's warm weather!! : D

    Thanks for keeping in touch and keeping the lines of communication open. So here's what I've found:

    *Pest Control: I have a friend who works at American Pest Services, and we can get a slight discount for an annual

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    service of initial preventative service visit for $179 and a monthly fee of $39.99 for visits 6 times each year and free

    followup visits; OR you can just do one initial preventative service visit for $199 and $79 for any/each follow up

    visit if necessary. Regarding the cricket issue you mentioned, if its only a winter issue, we probably would only

    need 2 visits each year (not 6), so I'm assuming you'd prefer the second option.

    *Cleaning: I understand that you cleaned the house before you left, but it has since been visited by potential

    renters, crickets, spiders (basement exit is covered in spider webs) and dust so I'd like to have the house cleanbefore I move in. I have to clean the apartment I'm leaving from top to bottom when I move out, so I'm sure you

    can understand that wouldn't feel right about also having to clean the house I'm moving into as well. My main

    concerns are the bathroom and kitchen, which both need a good cleaning, in addition to the above mentioned


    ~Maids Home Services will send 4 women to clean the inside of the house in about an hour for $156/ hour. The

    rep said that was the average time it takes to clean a house of about 1,200 sf, and the house is only about 900 sf so

    it could take a bit less time. Merry Maids will send 2 women to clean the inside of the house at a flat rate of

    $240 OR an hourly rate of $100 with a 2 hour minimum. I also have a family friend who cleans houses from time-

    to-time. He's retired and cleans houses on the side. He'd probably charge about $150 for the whole house

    including the basement exit.

    *Handyman: You asked about the need for the filters to be changed. When I tried to turn the heat on and it didnot warm the house I thought changing the filters might help, but if they're new, I suppose that's not part of the

    problem. EB has someone working on the furnace issue, so hopefully that will solve that problem before we move

    in, because the house is still freezing at 48 degrees, and I'm concerned for the pipes in this fridged weather. He is

    also going to address some of the handyman issues. Anything not taken care of by the time I move in, I will use my

    handyman to address. One other thing I'd like the handyman to fix are the closet doors at the bottom of the

    basement steps. They don't open. The knobs have either been removed or have fallen off, which would help, but

    they are really stiff. They either need to be sanded at the bottom so they can move without friction on the carpet

    or they need to be greased or both so they can be opened and closed. I actually would prefer having the

    doors removed altogether to create some additional shelving instead of closets, so let me know if you have a

    preference between removal and repair.

    Just for reference purposes, here's a list of things to be fixed: furnace, hole under sink, cabinet in front of sink (canthat be turned into a drawer, please??), bedroom door clasp, basement closet doors, living room light, basement

    ceiling vent...i think that's it!

    Fence: Soul Squad can put in the fence for $900, but the trees are a real problem. What do you think about

    installing the fence a bit inside of the property line into the yard instead of trying to squeeze it between the line

    and the trees? I'm not sure about the best way to go about this so I'm just looking for your thoughts and a little


    Let me know what you think...Thanks, again!

    From ME to EB:

    I'm using an iPad to write to you today so forgive me if there are too many typos in this message. I don't want to

    be stubborn over small things so I think I will accept the house cleaning cost once especially since there are dead

    crickets to clean.

    what I am surprised about is that she is discussing a continuous pest control service. I imagined that I would handle

    it once but that she would take care of it after that. I hope you can tell me what the usual arrangement is?

    Here is what I think I can do:

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    Pest control. I will pay for only one time a year. In the fall when it usually happens. It doesn't happen more than

    once a year so there is no need for services at any other time.

    House cleaning. Will pay for it once before she moves in only. After that of course she is responsible for keeping

    the house clean and cleaning it again after she leaves.

    Furnace. Since this is a new problem, I don't know what the issue is, but it sounds like she has gotten her ownhandyman to see it. Do you think it's ok not to have our own handyman/contact to confirm what the problem is?

    Naturally, I would take care of what is needed to keep it working.

    Regarding the closet doors at the base of the stairs, the issue of stiffness came up after we carpeted the basement,

    which means that sanding the bottom of the doors will make it easier. However, I souls like to postpone this

    expense until after a few months of rent so that I can afford to deal with it. I would like to know first how much all

    the other stuff would cost. On the other hand, if she wants to remove those doors as she mentioned, I don't

    understand why she wants them sanded. She can remove them if she wants. They are easy to remove and put


    Other things I'm willing to do include the living room light, basement ceiling vent and bedroom door clasp. Also,

    the cabinet under sink can be repaired in front for water damage. But I don't understand the problem with thehole she mentioned in back (which I had never even seen in the7 years I lived there). If she can explain the

    problem we can discuss it.

    I dont have a problem with her installing a drawer under the sink if she does it at her own expense.

    The yard fence issue has been a difficult one for us because we realized a long time ago that the only way to do it

    properly is to remove the trees or else eat up a part of the back yard by fencing the trees out. I wanted to remove

    the trees but the expense is too big. I think I would accept fencing them out only if it would be easy for us later to

    remove that fence and handle it properly.

    I hope I,ve addressed all the issues she mentioned. Please let me know about costs and I will now check the bank

    account to see if they have responded to my email regarding the strange msg about credit balance.

    Jan 2 2011

    From EB to ME:

    Happy New Year.

    As a better solution to the fence problem there is a wireless fence I ordered it on line for $279.95 will be deducted

    out the bank account. I think that this is less expensive way because the fence would have to be permanent and

    there are some issues with such as the trees and the property line, things that you as an owner would have to be

    here to over see. This week I will have a company look at the furnace, the handyman that fixed the kitchen could

    not fix the furnace. Things are coming along and by Wednesday I hope to have everything done including the

    cleaning and the pest control.

    Jan 7 2010

    From EB to ME:

    I hope all is well!

    Here is the list for the things we got done for the new tenant to move in:

    -The furnace, changed the control board and the ignitor.

    -The living room lights that did not turn off, rewired the switches correctly according to the code to fix and avoid

    future problems

    - Kitchen under the sink and water damage wood, fixed

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    -Celling light in basement next to washer replaced

    -Shower head, fixed for leak and drain cleaned to opened drain and avoid water stopping.

    -Bedroom door fixed

    -Front porch light bulbs replaced

    -House and back porch cleaned, outside drain in the back of the house cleared to avoid water stopping and

    creating any problems.

    - Pest control done-Invisible fence ordered and should arrive some time today the 7Th of January

    Mrs Jackson will have an alarm installed on her own expense

    She also wrote:

    " Now that the heat is on (and hopefully stays on) the last two issues are changing the locks on all three doors to

    the house and getting the invisible fence.

    1) Please be sure to have the locks changed by or before Saturday, January 8th. Please let me know when the

    locks are scheduled to be changed and I'll stop by to pick up the new keys. If it would make things move more

    quickly and conveniently, I can schedule the lock change and you can call with your method of payment.

    2)You said you ordered the invisible fence a few days ago, so it should arrive before Saturday. Please leave it in the

    house, so it's available to use when we move in."

    I think we have done everything Mrs Jackson asked for and she seems to come up with some new things to do. I

    do not think that changing the locks is something you want to do and much less to pay for. Mrs Jackson thinks

    because the key was with an employee of a company that was working on the kitchen and then I put it in the lock-

    box for other companies to do the work, that someone might have made a copy of the key. That makes her feel

    unsafe. please let me know your thoughts.

    From the time she moves in, I think she should email you with any issues she may have and you email me with

    what you would like done.

    This email was long after a long break, but I tried to update you on the progress all at once.

    Please email me with your thought as soon as you can.

    Jan 9 2011

    From EB to ME:

    I payed them $500 in cash for the furnaces to save some money on the charges and that was including the fixing

    of the living room lights. As you probably know that the bill for getting that work done is more than 7 or 8

    hundred dollars.

    The handyman work was $230. I payed for the cleaning myself. The rest came out of the bank account and they

    are as follows: $279 for the invisible fence , $69 for checking the furnace to find out what was wrong. (That

    company wanted $400 just to fix the iginitor.) andThe pest control $100 per quarter equal to $400 for the year for that you get service every 3 months or if for any

    pest control needed through the year. If you do not think that is worth it then it would be $175. for one time

    service. Just let me know which you prefer.

    That totals about $1,178

    Please send in a separate email any instructions for the new tenant to handle the appliances such as the

    dishwasher since the paper you wrote was taken by one of the visitors, and on changing utilities to her name.

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    Jan 11 2011

    From EB to ME and JJ:

    I am writing and copying you both to let you know each others email address. to begin communicating with one

    another. If anything I can do for you both please let me know.

    Jay, I hope your move in went well and you are settling in nicely. Please let me know if I can be of any help.

    This is Jay's email: Jamila Jackson ***@***.com

    This is Sahar's email: sahar shahin ***@***.com

    Jan 12 2011

    From ME to EB and JJ:Thanks for connecting us.Jay, I hope you are settling in now. I know how stressful moving can be. I am still settling in to my new place here

    in Egypt after months of being here. But I hope that you feel at home already.

    I don't know if EB has informed you already, but I wanted to let you know what I found out about the transfer ofthe electricity and gas utilities to you. On Monday night (your morning) I called PEPCO and they told me that all

    that's needed is for you to call them and give them the address of the house and the date you moved in, and they

    will transfer the billing to you as of that date. I don't confirm or close my own billing cycle myself. I only close the

    account, which could create a "gap" in which there is no service. So the seamless way to do it would be for you to

    call them so the uninterrupted account would simply switch to you as of the date you tell them you moved in.

    I followed by calling Washington Gas to get their instructions but their on-hold message indicated that I would be

    on hold for 30-33 minutes. I was paying international rates for the call so I hung up. I figured that their instructions

    would be similar to PEPCO and that you would need to call them for the account transfer so that they'd have your

    information for the new billing. I hope you could let me know how it all went after you contact them, and please

    do let me know if they need me to contact them for anything. I would try to find a less busy day to call than

    Monday or a cheaper phone service of some kind.

    The water and sanitation account will remain in my name and I will continue to pay those bills, so no follow-up is

    needed in this area.

    Thanks and looking forward to hearing from you.

    Jan 14 2011

    From JJ to ME and EB:

    Thanks for sharing your house with us! We are settling in nicely. I love the master bedroom and my daughter

    wishes there was a similar theme in her room, but she's happy to have a ceiling fan! The heat is working, and we

    are comfortable. We're finding creative ways to fit everything in the house! Love all the shelving and

    hooks...they're great to find extra space.

    After receiving your email I got online with PEPCO and entered my info and I'm waiting for a confirmation and/or

    bill. I tried to do the same with Washington Gas, but their site was not as user friendly. So I called today and

    provided my info. Both utilities should be shifted over to me as of Jan 8th. I'll confirm with you as soon as I hear

    back from them.

    After living here for close to a week, I've got a couple of questions that you and/or EB can help with:

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    ~Did you know the front door is very, very drafty? The living room is significantly colder than the kitchen. I'm not

    sure how to correct this, but I'm sure some minimul insullation around the frame would help.

    ~Sahar, is there a secret to removing the filter from the kitchen sink? When I turn the water on it sprays off to the

    side in two directions wetting everything around it. I've tried for the past few days and it wont loosen. I even tried

    one of the wrenches in the basement, but it wasnt big enough.

    ~There's a large hole under the bathroom sink, just like the hole that was under the kitchen sink. EB, can you have

    your handyman contact me or give me his number to have that taken care of as well? Maybe he can help withremoving the filter from the kitchen sink.

    ~Also the left front burner on the stove doesnt light.

    ~EB, you mentioned that there was an extra panel to the patio roof that could replace the broken one. I didnt

    think it would need replacing anytime soon, but it blows in the wind and bags all night, and i'm pretty sure its

    gonna blow off soon.

    ~FYI - there's one window in each bedroom that are missing a screen. It's moot right now, but as the weather

    warms we'll want to open the windows.

    Thank you both for your help!!

    Feb 3 2011

    From ME to EB and JJ:I just wanted to send you a quick note to let you know that Egypt is back online, though our cell phones still do not

    have texting capability. I thought I'd check in to make sure all is ok. I have a bad feeling about tomorrow here in

    Egypt so it might be possible that our internet may be cut off again, but hopefully that won't happen. Please let meknow if there have been any pending issues or emails I may have not received. I will get online as often as I can and

    will check.

    Feb 5 2011

    From EB to ME:

    Glad to hear you and family are OK. I hope things will get better soon.I will call Jay to check on rental and second part of the deposit and let you know.

    Feb 7 2011

    From JJ to ME:

    I'm so happy to hear from you...I had been thinking of you and your family during the most recent revolts in Egypt.

    Are you anywhere close to Cairo, or are you in the southern part of Egypt? I hope you and your family remain

    safe! So far so good only question is how to program the thermostat, but that's not urgent.... I think I

    have an HVAC contact who can help me. I've gotten the water filter off the kitchen sink with a brand new

    adjustable wrench and put a new filter on the faucet. I'd like to replace the shower faucet and add a filter there

    too. I bought the filter and faucet, but havent gotten around to replacing it we'll see how that goes.

    Anyway, like I said, all is well right now...I will keep you and your family in my prayers.....stay safe!

    Feb 8 2011

    From ME to JJ:We live in the Southern part of Cairo, a bit on the outskirts, so not so near to downtown where the demonstrations

    are taking place. Though we did join the million man march last Tuesday. And I intend to get out there again on

    Wednesday to join a "protest of mothers". They are asking women to bring their children or at least a sign

    representing them. I will not take my daughter but I do want to be a part of this.

    I am not sure how to program the thermostat. The only thing I knew how to do was to turn it on and off. Basically, I

    set the fan to AUTO and I set the temperature higher or lower as needed. I can't remember specifics, but there was

    a button to hold down until the numbers flashed, then set up or down, then I held the button down again to set. I

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    can't believe I've already forgotten which buttons.

    Thanks for your thoughts and prayers! Wish us luck. We need this to work or else I fear this regime might be

    tougher after this has blown over than before the whole thing started.

    Feb 9 2011

    From EB to JJ:I got your text about changing the locks on the house. I am not sure if that was OK with the owner to get that

    done! you might want to ask Sahar if she is willing to pay for it.

    Today is the 9Th of Feb. and as you know the rent is due on the 1st day of the month. A 5% late fee is added if rent

    is not received by the 10th day of the month. Please try to pay your rent in time to avoid the late fee.

    Feb 10 2011

    From JJ to ME:

    I deposited the cash today less the cost to change the locks on the house. The receipt is attached. I had assumed

    that EB mentioned the need to change the locks to you last month (prior to moving in), but judging from his last

    email below, I guess not. During the weeks after I signed the lease and prior to my moving in, EB gave the lock boxcode to several people, so they could use the key to gain access to the house without supervision - the cleaners, at

    least 2 HVAC servicers, handyman(men?), and pest control were given the code. When EB told me about that just

    days before I moved in, I told him that the locks needed to be changed. I explained that I am a single woman with

    a young child and that I was concerned for our safety, knowing that unknown men could have access to our new

    home. EB said that he understood and the lock change would be taken care of, but when the locks were not

    changed by the time we moved in, I had it done myself. FYI - the key I was first given didn't work for the dead bolt

    locks on the back and basement doors.

    On another note; I'm a little confused about how the payments are to be made. EB gave me a bank name and

    account number to deposit the money into your account, but on the deposit receipt it says that the money went

    into an account that belongs to EB. Is that right? Thanks for clarifying!

    From ME to JJ and EB:

    EB had told me earlier about the lock issue and I was reluctant to take it on at the time because I was suffering

    from "expense fatigue" and the account I had opened at the time was opened with a very low balance that I kept

    supplementing to handle the move-in costs. Now that there is some deposit back into the account, I think I can

    handle this expense. And I'm hopeful that there won't be any issues for a while since you've settled in and most

    major appliances and issues have probably been covered.

    The bank account where you've deposited the rent is a joint account I have opened with EB before leaving the US

    to handle matters of apartment expenses and rental income. So that's ok. We have a challenging situation since

    I'm out of the country and can't really do anything myself, including rent collection or expenses. I really only

    access the account online from here to keep abreast. It is a joint account, however, so my name just failed to

    appear on your deposit slip.

    As I write now, the whole country is in a heightened state of anticipation! We are waiting for the president's

    address with a strong hope that he will finally step down. We are nervous about the next steps and whether the

    transition will lead to real democracy, to the current VP or to a military takeover. It is a very intense hour right

    now, though the protesters are already celebrating in the square downtown. I feel so far away from America right


    Unfortunately though I do have an issue that I hope you could assist with. It's tax time and I'm expecting 2 W2s to

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    be sent to me. I'm sure by now that the post office has figured out that mail to my home address is mostly

    undeliverable. But in case either of the W2s or any other tax-related documents get sent to my last mailing address

    at **** Street, could you please keep them for me and let me know you received them? I will also contact the

    companies and HR Block and find out how I can file my taxes from here.

    Your support in this issue would be most appreciated. If you have received my tax documents, I will figure out how

    to handle it. Thanks for your help and please wish us luck over here.

    From ME to JJ and EB:

    I just logged onto the account online and I see a deposit for $783.25. Is that the deposit you mentioned?

    Feb 11 2011

    From JJ to ME:

    I've been collecting your mail in a drawer, and you have quite a bit of it...but so far there's only one W2...would

    you like me to forward them somewhere or scan them to you by email? I can do either...or just hold them until

    you're ready to deal with them....there's also what looks like a check form Verizon, as well as some mail from the

    IRS, Social Security Admin and WSSC. Let me know what you'd like done with these items, if anything...and yes,

    the $783.25 deposit is the cash amount that I deposited on Wednesday. Barring any unforseen issues, I'll bepaying the full $1,400 for March rent.

    Feb 13 2011

    From ME to EB:

    I need to touch base with you before responding to Jamila to make sure you and I are on the same page.

    As you have seen in my message to her earlier, I said that I had refused to pay to change the locks when you told

    me about it, but that I am now accepting it. The problem is that she sent me this receipt for the locks for $255, and

    the amount she deposited for rent was $783. She did not explain that amount to me and I wanted to know if you

    knew something I didn't know. Why did she feel free to deduct over $600 from the rent?

    I hope she didn't make other changes and payments and think that I would pay for everything she wants to do at

    any time. I appreciate any information you could give me about what you know of this amount.

    Also, to catch up because I had lost track of all the expenses, could you please tell me what the payment of around

    $700 (I forgot the exact amount) was that was made by check from the account? Were these for expenses made

    for the house or was it a payment for something else?

    I also notice that Jamila did not make a payment for the second half of the security deposit yet. As I remember,

    there were supposed to be 2 months, each month one half of the security deposit. The last time I checked the

    bank account was Thursday so maybe the payment has been made by now. I will check again.

    I won't talk with Jamila again until you reply so I can be sure to have all the information you have. Thanks!

    From EB to ME:

    Any communication from myself to Jay you have been copied on. If you look at the last 2 or 3 email I send to her

    and sent you a copy. . On the 8Th of Feb. I called her and left a voice mail, if she made the rent. She respond with

    a voice mail that she did not have the account no. to make the deposit to. I sent her the account no. On the 9Th I

    sent her an email to remind her that rent is due on the 1st day of each month and if rent is not received by the

    10Th day she would have a late fee of 5%.

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    The amount she was supose to deposit and I stated that in the email $1073 prorated amount plus the $500

    deposit payment, a total of $1573. I have no explanation for the amount she deposit even after she deducted

    $255.46. for the locks. I did not receive anymore communication from Jay since.

    Did she explain to you why she did not make the second part of the deposit ? or where is the rest of the money she

    is supose to deposit?

    Since she moved in I only will do what you ask me to do. From her move in day I think evetything we knownneeded to get fix, we did it. According to the contract, she must get your permission before she can get anything

    else done. If its emergincy and we do not respond to her email within 12 hours she can call and get it done and

    they can bill you.

    The $730 was refund to me for paying cash to pay for the fixing of the furnce($500) and the handy work(230) that

    was done for light in the livingroom, the kitchen, the bedroom door, and the light next to washer and dryer.

    From ME to EB:

    So she didn't explain to either of us why she deposited only $783.

    Tell me, the $1,073 pro-rated amount that you mentioned. Wasn't that the pro-rated amount for January? I

    believe that we are now talking about the February rent, which should be the full $1,400 minus the $255 for the

    locks, right? ($1,144.54)

    I just remembered that there is one month's rent that is to be paid to your office. Is this why the February rent is

    pro-rated for me? So that your office would get one full month and I would get a pro-rated month between both

    Jan and Feb rents? Sorry, if my questions are a bit unclear.

    Who should contact her about this now? Obviously, she owes the rest of the rent for February plus the second half

    of the security deposit, and she has not explained the amount she deposited to either of us.

    EB, I am sensing that you are starting to get impatient with this relationship, as you have encouraged the tenant

    and I to contact each other directly. Do you prefer for me to sort out these issues of payment with her? I would

    appreciate it if you could be the buffer and if you could point out to her that (if needed) as per the contract,

    expenses must be approved before being incurred and reimbursed by me.

    thanks for your help. Also, MABROUK for Egypt. I hope you feel the good mood we are feeling over here. It is

    strange not to have a president....

    From EB to JJ and ME:

    I know there has been some communication between yourself and Sahar. Sahar ask me to contact you regarding

    the rent and the second part of the deposit of $500. As you the lease states rent due on first day of each month

    and if any issue with the place does not give the right to hold the against anything you think has to get done.

    I think Sahar was very understanding to let you divide the deposit over 3 payments, also, I think I was helpful to

    recommend for her to give you the place. Your responsibility now is to taking care of your obligation and pay all

    your rent on time. That is also good for your credit and reference in the future.

    According to the lease you must get permission from the owner to get anything done to the house and I think I was

    clear in explaining that. You asked for lots of things to get done and it got done and the owner spent more that

    you payed so far just to get things right for you. Now anything else you need done its only fair to the owner to let

    her make the decision about what she agrees to get done.

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    If you are having money problems and this is your way of trying to avoid paying the rent, that would not be fair

    because I did ask you many times if you are sure you will be able to pay the rent.

    Please let me know how can I explain to the owner, instead of getting $1573 minus $255.46 for the lock,

    deposited to her account. She only received $783.

    Feb 14 2011From EB to ME:

    Congratulation to you also. you are now part of history. Thank you for contribution to the best revolution in the

    Egyptian history.

    The answer to your question is yes you have right. We always collect the full month first and the following month

    would be the prorated amount. The fist month gone to my office is also correct.

    Every time we get things done Jay seems to come up with more things she wants done. I sent her an email earlier and she has not yet answered it, I copied you on that email.

    Feb 15 2011

    From EB to ME:

    I do not know if Jay sent you any email in response to the one I sent her?

    If she did not, I will have to call her on tomorrow (Tues).

    I can't understand why she did not pay rent and deposit as agreed!

    Please let me know if you hear from her.

    From JJ to EB:The amount that was deposited ($783.25) was the prorated January rent ($1,038.70) scheduled to be paid

    February 1st less the cost to rekey the house ($255.46).

    Unfortunately I am not currently in the financial position to make an additional contribution to the security depositat this time, but I fully intend to reach the requested amount in the near future. Fortunately, the delay in reaching

    the full security deposit will not effect Sahar financially, being that Maryland law requires that the security deposit

    be placed in an interest bearing account during the entire term of the Lease. I appreciate your patience as I gather

    the additional funds.

    Please note that there has not been and will not be any problem with paying the rent timely. As you know, rent

    was paid late this month, because I was not provided the bank and account information in which to deposit the

    cash; and as soon as it was provided, I promptly paid the rent. I find it quite distasteful that you insinuate that I'm

    using the lock change as a "way of trying to avoid paying the rent," particularly since you created the need to have

    the locks changed by being irresponsible with the key. You said that you understood my concern and would get

    the locks changed. So please don't accuse me of anything unsavory simply because I did what you said you would

    do, but did not do. If you had the locks changed, I would have paid the full $1,038 in rent, but you didn't.

    On another note, Sahar, as I mentioned in a previous email, I have some mail for you that looks rather important.

    Would you like anything done with it? - or shall I just continue to gather your mail.

    From EB to JJ:

    We have a professional relationship and name calling is not something I would get into. Do not forget that

    my irresponsible way did not only get you $0.0 pet deposit while other people pay $500 and $600 for pet deposit,

    but also helped you with getting a break on the rent, and on dividing the deposit over 3 payments.

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    Since everything is my fault, as you stated, how would you explain your delayed communication about your

    situation and never asked for an extension for the deposit. Not having the account number could have easily been

    found out by asking either Sahar or myself, and if payment and communication have been done early on we would

    not be having this conversation.

    FYI: The escrow account does not mean you have unlimited time to pay the deposit.

    From ME to JJ and EB:

    I'm so sorry that our communication has deteriorated so badly and so quickly. Please bear with me and each other.

    We've just started and we have a long way to go. I hope that we will be able to work together without any mishaps

    for the time to come. I really believe that once we've ironed out a few things here, we shouldn't have any

    problems later on.

    Jay, I resorted to EB regarding the amount deposited because I thought he knew something I didn't know, but he

    didn't know why the amount was low either. The question I have is why the rent for February is pro-rated. Because

    I assumed that your move-in date being Jan 8th would mean that the pro-rated amount would have been paid

    back in early Jan when you moved in. Based on that, I assumed that the amount you paid now in early Feb was

    Feb's rent, which would have been a full month. It seems from what I'm reading that what you deposited now is

    the pro-rated January rent amount. Is that the case? And if so, are you scheduled to pay the month's rent after the

    end of each month rather than the beginning?

    EB, I know that your office must be paid one month's rent (in full, of course) for the service provided. How and

    when would this amount be paid? I was assuming that I hadn't seen any rent until now because the first payment

    would be to the office. Perhaps January's rent was paid in full, and February's rent was pro-rated? Thus, the

    January rent was paid in full to your office and Feb's pro-rated amount was deposited to my account? If that's the

    case, then everything is on track and things are moving along nicely in terms of rent payments. If not, please let the

    3 of us be on the same page regarding the schedule of payments.

    As you can both tell, we are talking to each other a lot but lots of questions remain unanswered. I hope we can just

    communicate more clearly and pro-actively so that we don't have any misunderstandings.

    Jay, it is important to me that you feel comfortable in your home and I hope you don't feel that I have been

    begrudging regarding customization of the home to your needs. However, I think that any changes in the future

    will be limited only to repairs of an essential nature (broken appliance, etc). I think you probably agree with me on

    this matter. If so, then I think there should be no future surprises. Please be mindful to inform us of any costs in

    advance, unless they are emergencies that need immediate attention (such as gas or water leaks) and you cannot

    wait for our responses.

    EB, I will email you separately regarding the ESCROW account that will hold the security deposit.(I have the bank

    forms with me here)

    Jamila, please clarify the dates of deposit for the 2nd and 3rd part of the deposit. I would like to make the transfer

    from my account to the ESCROW account in one click, as I have a limited amount of transfers online per month.

    I'm hoping for a smooth working relationship for the three of us as we are only a month into the year. Looking

    forward to hearing from you and getting clarity on how we're going to do this.

    From EB to ME:

    This is true, you got it right "I know that your office must be paid one month's rent (in full, of course) for the

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    service provided. How and when would this amount be paid? I was assuming that I hadn't seen any rent until now

    because the first payment would be to the office. Perhaps January's rent was paid in full, and February's rent was

    pro-rated? Thus, the January rent was paid in full to your office and Feb's pro-rated amount was deposited to my

    account? If that's the case, then everything is on track and things are moving along nicely in terms of rent

    payments." The only thing you are missing is the second payment of $500. for the Feb. part deposit which Jay

    asked for you to give her more time. The monthly fee is the only thing you owe and I will collect that once things

    get straighten out with Jay.

    Sahar you need to apply for the rental license, I have emailed you the forms before.

    Feb 16 2011

    From JJ to ME:

    Thank you for your diplomacy and understanding. I appreciate your eagerness to keep our relationship amicable

    and respectful. You mentioned quite a few things in your email, so to be clear, I have replied directly to each

    question in your email below in bold....J

    I'm so sorry that our communication has deteriorated so badly and so quickly. Please bear with me and each other.

    We've just started and we have a long way to go. I hope that we will be able to work together without any mishapsfor the time to come. I really believe that once we've ironed out a few things here, we shouldn't have any

    problems later on.

    I agree.

    Jay, I resorted to EB regarding the amount deposited because I thought he knew something I didn't know, but he

    didn't know why the amount was low either. The question I have is why the rent for February is pro-rated. Because

    I assumed that your move-in date being Jan 8th would mean that the pro-rated amount would have been paid

    back in early Jan when you moved in. Based on that, I assumed that the amount you paid now in early Feb was

    Feb's rent, which would have been a full month. It seems from what I'm reading that what you deposited now is

    the pro-rated January rent amount. Is that the case? And if so, are you scheduled to pay the month's rent after the

    end of each month rather than the beginning?

    No, per EB's instruction, the first month that I paid had to be the full $1,400 rent. When I asked about prorating

    the rent, he said to pay the prorated rent in February. The intention was to pay full February rent before I

    moved in, and the prorated January rent February 1st, so essentially the 2 payments were switched. I suppose

    that was done so that EB could get his full one month payment that you mention below.

    EB, I know that your office must be paid one month's rent (in full, of course) for the service provided. How and

    when would this amount be paid? I was assuming that I hadn't seen any rent until now because the first payment

    would be to the office. Perhaps January's rent was paid in full, and February's rent was pro-rated? Thus, the

    January rent was paid in full to your office and Feb's pro-rated amount was deposited to my account? If that's the

    case, then everything is on track and things are moving along nicely in terms of rent payments. If not, please let the

    3 of us be on the same page regarding the schedule of payments.

    I believe that's what the intention was, as I tried to explain above.

    As you can both tell, we are talking to each other a lot but lots of questions remain unanswered. I hope we can just

    communicate more clearly and pro-actively so that we don't have any misunderstandings.

    Jay, it is important to me that you feel comfortable in your home and I hope you don't feel that I have been

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    begrudging regarding customization of the home to your needs. However, I think that any changes in the future

    will be limited only to repairs of an essential nature (broken appliance, etc). I think you probably agree with me on

    this matter. If so, then I think there should be no future surprises. Please be mindful to inform us of any costs in

    advance, unless they are emergencies that need immediate attention (such as gas or water leaks) and you cannot

    wait for our responses.

    I agree, that there should be no surprises and any needs should be discussed in advance. Please understand thatI didn't realize that the key change would be a surprise to either of you, being that I spoke with and emailed EB

    about it in advance (before i had your email address) and he said he would handle it and mention it to you.

    Just to cover all bases, I want to also mention that I had an ADT alarm system installed on the property. I also

    mentioned this to EB way before I signed the Lease and he said he would mention it to you as well. I'm not sure

    if he did, so I just wanted to let you know now. The installation required a very small hole (big enough for a wire

    to come thru) and will not been an additional cost for you. I paid for the installation and the monthly bill.

    EB, I will email you separately regarding the ESCROW account that will hold the security deposit.(I have the bank

    forms with me here)

    Jamila, please clarify the dates of deposit for the 2nd and 3rd part of the deposit. I would like to make the transferfrom my account to the ESCROW account in one click, as I have a limited amount of transfers online per month. I

    recently had some costly car trouble and my daughter's father stopped paying child support, so I'm working on

    making up for those financial changes. I'm sorry that I can not give you a solid date, but I am doing my best to

    find those funds in my budget. I will keep you posted with my progress.

    I will keep you posted with my progress, but I assume the partial security deposit should be deposited to the

    escrow account just the same.

    Mar 23 2011

    From JJ to ME:

    Attached is the FedEx bill for sending the mail. I'll short the April rent by that amount...J

    Apr 27 2011

    From ME to JJ:

    I just checked the bank account online and I didn't see a deposit for the April rent. As May is around the corner,

    please let me know at your earliest if you need the bank account information again for the deposits.

    As agreed, the April rent was minus the amount paid for the FedEx bill: $1,396.02. The May rent will be the full

    amount of $1,400.

    Apr 29 2011

    From ME to JJ:Resent message of Apr 27

    From ME to JJ:

    A correction to my earlier email in which I stated that $1,396.02 is overdue for the month of April. The amount

    should have been $1,296.02 before application of a 5% late fee. If the 5% is applied to the overdue portion of the

    rent only, the total payment works up to exactly $1,360.82.

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    Please respond to my email at your earliest convenience and let me know if you are having any trouble with your

    payments. I hope to avoid a situation in which months might pile up since May is almost here. We haven't agreed

    to a payment date for the rest of the security deposit at this time either. I'm concerned about the silence. Please

    let me know what to expect.

    Apr 30 2011

    From ME to EB:I just checked the account online and there was a deposit of $1,400 made yesterday. But there was no response

    from Jamila by email so there is no clarification about the amount. She only owed around $1,296 for April (that

    amount is without the late fee). So maybe she paid a full month now and will pay the lower amount for May.

    I will wait and see what she does during the first 10 days of May. If she doesn't pay the rent again, I will follow up

    with her again about it and will also demand the rest of the security deposit that she still owes.

    Please let me know if you think I should handle this differently. I just don't want to do anything that might

    endanger my legal rights if the time ever comes when I want to enforce them.

    From EB to ME:

    This is good news that she made the $1400. payment. I was worried about no response and no payment, but now

    that she made it, that could mean that she will respond to you soon.

    I also recommend calling her when she does not respond to let her know that you are series.

    May 1 2011

    From JJ to ME:

    I just read your emails...this is my new email address...please update your records. I rarely check the old email

    address anymore because I get soooo much junk mail ever since Epsilon's email records got hacked earlier this

    month...anyway, Sahar, I'm so sorry for the confusion, but for some reason I thought I had paid April's rent in late

    March, but I just went back and reviewed my bank records,and clearly I didnt...So embarressing!!

    I just made a deposit yesterday for what I intended to be May rent of $1,400.00. Unfortunatley I dont have an

    extra $1,296, right now for April. Would you consider allowing me to pay that down? I can deposit another $200

    next week, and maybe pay an additional $200 each month until we reach the total...I would really appreciate the

    opportunity to make up that balance over time...Thanks!

    May 10 2011

    From ME to EB:I didn't realize until I got your email this morning that you weren't copied on the last communication between Jay

    and me so I'm forwarding you the last message I had received from her below.

    The deposit she made of $1,400 was for the month of May. So basically, she skipped April.

    According to her message below, she didn't realize that she hadn't paid April and now she's asking for time to pay

    it in installments of $200 starting this week and every month. I wrote back and told her that would be fine as long

    as she continued to communicate with me and let me know whenever she has any issue with a payment along

    with her plan of when to make that payment.

    She didn't address the issue of security deposit yet.

    I think if I don't see a deposit from her this week for $200, I'll write to her and ask her to please be clear about her

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    payment schedule, and I will yet again bring up the issue of the rest of the security deposit.

    From EB to ME:

    I wish you would have let me read her email before you agreed to let her get away with paying 200 each month

    and ignore everything like if she has no responsibility to pay her rent or security deposit. .

    I think you should be more demanding of the rent and keep emailing her from the 1st of every month to let her

    know that you are keeping track of her late payments, and give her the new figures to show how far behind she is

    and how much she needs to pay in order to get caught up.

    You might want to give her an incentive to get her to catch up on her rent and deposit. For example, you can

    telling her if she gets caught up you would drop her rent from $1400 to $1300 if and only if she get back on track

    and keep up.

    P.S. Please let her send a copy of the house keys to someone or to my office. We must have a copy for your

    protection. Please keep me posted.

    From ME to EB:

    EB, I really didn't think she was going to be able to do better than that because since she was behind one full

    month, the only way to catch up was to pay 2 months at once. So I just stressed to her the importance of staying in

    touch and not being silent.

    You're right that I should let her know that I'm keeping track. I'm going to take your advice and send her a tracking

    list with dates and amounts. So this week I'm expecting $200 and I will be giving her notices before payment is due

    from now on as reminders. I will also ask her to please finish paying the security deposit first and I'll include the

    request for a copy of the new key to be sent to your office.

    I will also show you all communication I get from her from now on, but please if we ever need to call her by phone

    to follow up, I will need you to make the call. Calls from here are much more difficult for me.

    I don't like the idea of reducing rent so much as I would rather have the full rent (even if sometimes late) than tohave a lower rent (even if only $100).

    I forgot to ask you something... I remember that when you negotiated with her, you had waived the pet deposit

    and you had let her pay the security deposit in 3 payments instead of one. But I can't remember if the security

    deposit is still one full month of $1,400. Could you please confirm this with me before I write her the reminder?

    Because I want to be clear with her on amounts and dates, my messages will include due dates and exact amounts

    and what each amount is for. So for example, for this week, my reminder will be to remember $200 for the April

    rent plus $xx which is second payment of security deposit. Then next month, I will send a reminder for June rent

    and for the last payment of security deposit, etc.

    From EB to ME:The deposit is $1400 which is equal to 1 month rent, you received,

    $500 as far as I know.

    May 11 2011

    From Me to JJ:I thought it would be a good idea to send reminders to you before payment is due every month to help keep track.

    Please see below the schedule of payments for the year and let me know if you think there will be any problems

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    with these amounts and dates. I would like to catch up and to get the security deposit before things snowball out

    of hand. I can help a bit by waiving the late fee for April, but I can see already that it's easy for amounts to build up.

    I put this together based on your proposal of depositing $200 this week and $200 monthly after that.

    As I mentioned above, I'll be sending you a reminder a few days before payments are due and I will follow up with

    a message if rent is delayed beyond the 10th of any given month.



    PS: Could you please share a copy of the new house key with EB?

    May 14

    Sec Deposit $500

    April Rent $200

    Total: $700

    Jun 1

    Sec Deposit $400Apr Rent $200

    Jun Rent $1,400

    Total: $2,000

    Jul 1

    Apr Rent $200

    Jul Rent $1,400

    Total: $1,600

    Aug 1

    Apr Rent $200

    Aug Rent $1,400Total: $1,600

    Sep 1

    Apr Rent $200

    Sep Rent $1,400

    Total: $1,600

    Oct 1

    Apr Rent $200

    Oct Rent $1,400

    Total: $1,600

    Nov 1

    Apr Rent $96

    Nov Rent $1,400

    Total: $1,496

    Dec 1

    Dec Rent $1,400

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    Total: $1,400

    May 13 2011

    From JJ to ME

    Thanks for the opportunity to pay down the April balance. I really appreciate you working with me. I am ok with

    the rent schedule except for the additional funds for the SD. I will deposit $200 on Friday toward April rent and

    will deposit an additional $200 each month to pay down the April rent. I'll have to let you know about the SD, as

    extra funds are few and far between at this juncture. I am happy to recieve reminders about the rent each month.

    Thanks for the update.

    From EB to ME:

    I think that would be good if she keeps her promise!.

    I would recommend checking the account on the dates she suppose to make the deposit. Don't forget to include

    the late fees.

    She should also know that you need the money to make the mortgage and that you will not be able to do more for

    her if she falls behind again.

    Last, we still need the key for the house. By law you should have a copy of the keys to your rental in case anything


    May 29 2011

    From ME to JJ:

    This is a reminder that the rent payment is due Wednesday, June 1st.

    I have revised the payment schedule I sent earlier and shifted ahead the security deposit payments. Below is the

    revised payment schedule.

    Also, please don't forget to send a copy of the new house key to EB.



    Jun 1

    Sec Deposit $500

    Apr Rent $200

    Jun Rent $1,400

    Total: $2,100

    Jul 1

    Sec Deposit $400

    Apr Rent $200

    Jul Rent $1,400

    Total: $2,000

    Aug 1

    Apr Rent $200

    Aug Rent $1,400

    Total: $1,600

    Sep 1

    Apr Rent $200

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    Sep Rent $1,400

    Total: $1,600

    Oct 1

    Apr Rent $200

    Oct Rent $1,400

    Total: $1,600

    Nov 1

    Apr Rent $96

    Nov Rent $1,400

    Total: $1,496

    Dec 1

    Dec Rent $1,400

    Total: $1,400

    June 6 2011

    From EB to ME:I hope all is well. I have not received a copy of the keys yet. I hope that you have received some kind of deposit

    from Jay by now. Otherwise, she would need another reminder about making her rent.

    June 7 2011

    From ME to EB:

    She hasn't paid the rent yet. On the 10th, I will either send her a message saying "thank you for the payment" or

    "please note that you're late and you've incurred a 5% penalty". Either way, i will add a reminder about the key.

    From EB to ME:

    I think you should remind her that you did not receive the rent. I think you should send her that reminder today

    and every day until she pays it or responds.

    From ME to JJ:

    Another reminder that payment should be made before Friday June 10th to be considered timely.

    June 8 2011

    From EB to ME:

    As an owner you have every right to demand your rent to be payed and on time or else

    The reminders are to let her know that you are keeping up and you demand payment as soon as possible. You can

    let her know that you do not want to involve your lawyer because that will cost her even more. You can say those

    thing in your own words.

    I think that she will respond if you get tough and you mean business.

    You could say that you are going to be in the US by the end of the month and that you are going to go by and see


    June 11 2011

    From ME to JJ:Jay, you did not pay the rent on time this month either and you have incurred at $70 late fee. You did not respond

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    to my messages at all, and you never got back to me about your ability to make good on your security deposit


    I tried to be optimistic and flexible, but so far I have little reason to believe that you're serious about honoring your

    commitments. I can't afford to let you pay at your leisure. I need to make my mortgage payments and to do that, I

    need a reliable and honest tenant. Please re-consider your attitude towards this lease if you want to re-new it at

    the end of the year. Despite the inconvenience of putting the house on the market again, I can't afford to dobusiness with you in this way.

    If you catch up with your payments as outlined below, we can continue.



    Jun 13

    Sec Deposit $500

    Apr Rent $200

    Jun Rent $1,400

    Late fee 5%: $70

    Total: $2,170

    Jul 1

    Sec Deposit $400

    Apr Rent $200

    Jul Rent $1,400

    Total: $2,000

    Aug 1

    Apr Rent $200

    Aug Rent $1,400

    Total: $1,600

    Sep 1

    Apr Rent $200

    Sep Rent $1,400

    Total: $1,600

    Oct 1

    Apr Rent $200

    Oct Rent $1,400

    Total: $1,600

    Nov 1

    Apr Rent $96

    Nov Rent $1,400

    Total: $1,496

    Dec 1

    Dec Rent $1,400

    Total: $1,400

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    Jun 12 2011

    From JJ to ME:

    While understand your disapointment in the timeliness of payments, I disagree with your analysis of the situation.

    I'm doing my best to pay timely and in full, but things are tight for me right now. I'm not attempting to decieve

    you in anyway. I am simply paying when I have the funds to do so, and a deposit will be made this Monday.

    I'm not sure why you're saying that I dont respond to your inquiries. We have remained in consistant

    communication, but I did not see a need to respond to reminders for June rent. Last month, when you first

    proposed a rent schedule including 2 additional $500 payments for security deposit, I informed you that I was

    unable to do that, and nothing has changed.

    As for the future of our relationship, I think its a bit premature to discuss that now, but clearly this is your house

    and you make the final decision about who lives here, and I respect whatever decision you make.

    Thanks again for your patience.

    Jun 13 2011From ME to JJ:

    Jay, I expected a response to my rent reminder by doing one of two things; either by paying the amount owed or

    by informing me that you were delayed and wouldn't be able to pay before Monday. I'm not implying that it's ok to

    pay at your own pace, but at least it would have been more confidence-inspiring than silence and no payment

    beyond the due date.

    Also, regarding the security deposit owed, even the language you use in your emails implies that you see it as a

    frivolity and not as one of the terms of the lease that you are bound to - even negotiated. You had negotiated

    away the pet deposit and broken down the security deposit into three installments. You paid the first one before

    moving in, but once you moved into the house, the rest of it became unimportant. What message does that

    convey besides that it was a mistake to hand over the key before payment was made in full up front as is the


    A security deposit is a means to provide a homeowner with a limited amount of security against any default by the

    tenant. Where we stand now, even if you had paid it in full, I would still not fully recover what is owed to me. But

    in your email below, you refer to it as "2 additional payments". I did not add payments to your schedule. They

    were already there and were supposed to by paid by February and it's June.

    I'm sending you new schedules of payment trying to fit it all into one year. You only tell me that you're not ready

    yet, but you don't propose alternative dates and a new schedule. I can only log onto my bank account online and

    keep watching hoping for the best.

    I wouldn't say it's pre-mature to be thinking about next year, but with another 6 months to go on the lease I would

    say this is still salvageable. And I hope that we can get on track together, as it's a relief for me to have consistency

    on this as well.



    PS: Please remember to send EB that key.

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    Jun 14 2011

    From ME to EB:

    Just to let you know that Jay didn't respond to my second email in which I explained my frustration in further

    detail. And as of this morning I still see no deposit despite what she said in her email that a deposit will be made on


    So I'm getting online now to do some research into MD's laws and regulations on the subject. I know I have every

    right to demand my rent. But before getting into the "or else" part I need to educate myself what my options are.

    You see, I've met people like her before. I remember once a colleague of mine telling me that she pays her rent

    whenever she feels like it. She makes sure she pays a part of the rent so she could establish before a judge that she

    is "making an effort". I think that tenants like Jay have more experience at being bad tenants than I have

    experience at being a landlord. So I must be very educated about what I can actually DO besides emailing her. And

    I never make idle threats. If I say something I mean it. So it's important for me to know what I can do.

    I've already made it clear to her that if she doesn't stop this, I won't renew her lease next year. I'm not going to

    mention this to her again, because I don't want her to be "ready" for this. If she thought she's going to get kicked

    outanyway, she will definitely not pay up what she owes.

    So..I will let you know what I manage to find out and what I'm willing to do. I might even plan a trip to MD this year

    to work it out. But that won't be before the fall or winter.

    Will update you.

    Jun 15 2011

    From ME to EB and JJ:

    The $1,400 June rent was deposited in the account yesterday.

    The updated schedule is as follows:

    Jun ??? (ASAP)

    Sec Deposit $500

    Apr Rent $200

    Late fee 5%: $70

    Total: $770

    Jul 1

    Sec Deposit $400

    Apr Rent $200

    Jul Rent $1,400

    Total: $2,000

    Aug 1

    Apr Rent $200

    Aug Rent $1,400

    Total: $1,600

    Sep 1

    Apr Rent $200

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    Sep Rent $1,400

    Total: $1,600

    Oct 1

    Apr Rent $200

    Oct Rent $1,400

    Total: $1,600

    Nov 1

    Apr Rent $96

    Nov Rent $1,400

    Total: $1,496

    Dec 1

    Dec Rent $1,400

    Total: $1,400

    June 19 2011From ME to JJ:

    I didn't see another deposit since the June rent. Are you suspending your payment plan for April's rent? At $200

    per month, it would be fully paid by November. What's your expectation?

    Jun 21 2011

    From JJ to ME:

    I am not suspending the plan, however, I just dont have the $200 right now, but I am working toward it.

    Jun 28 2011

    From ME to JJ:

    This is a reminder that rent is due on Friday July 1st.

    Also please remember to send a copy of the new house key to EB.


    Security Deposit: $500

    April Rent: $200

    Late Fee: $70

    Total: $770

    July 1:

    Security Deposit: $400

    April Rent: $200

    July Rent: $1,400

    Total: $2,000

    Aug 1:

    April Rent: $200

    August Rent: $1,400

    Total: $1,600

    Sep 1:

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    April Rent: $200

    September Rent: $1,400

    Total: $1,600

    Oct 1:

    April Rent: $200

    October Rent: $1,400Total: $1,600

    Nov 1:

    April Rent: $96

    November Rent: $1,400

    Total: $1,496

    Dec 1:

    Dec Rent: $1,400

    July 11 2011From JJ to ME:

    Thank you for the reminder. I had hoped that I would have the full rent payment for you before the 10th,

    but unfortunately that has not happened. I will continue to do my best to get the rent to you in the very near

    future, hopefully in the next couple of days. Thank you for your continued patience.

    Jul 27 2011

    From ME to JJ:

    This is a reminder that rent is due on Monday August 1st.

    Also please remember to send a copy of the new house key to EB.


    Security Deposit: $500

    April Rent: $200

    June Late Fee: $70

    Security Deposit: $400

    April Rent: $200

    July Rent: $1,400

    July Late Fee: $70

    Total: $2,840

    Aug 1:

    April Rent: $200

    August Rent: $1,400

    Total: $1,600

    Sep 1:

    April Rent: $200

    September Rent: $1,400

    Total: $1,600

    Oct 1:

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    April Rent: $200

    October Rent: $1,400

    Total: $1,600

    Nov 1:

    April Rent: $96

    November Rent: $1,400Total: $1,496

    Dec 1:

    Dec Rent: $1,400

    Aug 1 2011

    From JJ to ME:

    Thanks again, for your patience with me. It appears that I'm just getting in deeper and deeper with you. Each

    month I review your reminder & rent schedule and I've been racking my brain to find a way to get current. I've

    been trying to find a part time job, to no avail, and it just looks like I'm regretfully reaching the conclusion that I

    can no longer afford to continue renting this house. Barring another solution presenting itself, I am prepared tovacate the house by the end of August to avoid the continued financial hardship to either of us. I am more than

    willing to help facilitate leasing the house again to another party. Please let me know your thoughts at your

    earliest convenience.

    Aug 3 2011

    From JJ to ME:

    I had hoped to have a response from you in regards to my email below, but since we haven't had any further

    communications about this, I feel compelled to give you official notice that I intend to vacate the house within 30

    days, no later than Sunday, September 3rd. I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused, but I'm sure

    you'd agree that it makes more sense for us to each cut our losses and try to pursue a situation that is more

    financially beneficial to both of us. As I mentioned in the email below, I am more than happy to help in any way

    with your pursuit of another tenant to rent the house.

    Hope to communicate with you soon!

    Aug 8 2011

    From ME to EB:

    Please see the emails I received below on August 1st and 3rd. I had been offline for a couple of weeks while I

    moved so I just saw these now.

    Please advise regarding next steps.

    Aug 9 2011

    From EB to ME:

    I hope all is well and Ramadan Kareem. I think that she has decided to move out and we can't do anything aboutthat. I think she is still responsible for the amounts owed to you. As far as her help on renting the place is up to

    you! do you trust her to keep any agreement with you after what happened?. I just hope that she will leave the

    place in the same condition as she took it. I also would want to find out about utility bills if she is behind on

    anything. I think you should let her know that you received her email and that she should know that is consider a

    breaking of the lease. You can't stop her from moving out but she also should know that any money she owes

    based on the agreement she is responsible for.

    We would have to do a walk through to document the condition of the place at the time she moves out.

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    Sorry about this bed experience but as you know lots of people are having hard times and this is part of what you

    have to deal with as a landlord.

    From MY HUSBAND to JJ, EB and ME:

    im sorry to be jumping in at the end of the story here, but the outstanding amounts are still going to be paid?


    From ME to JJ and EB:

    Jay, I hope that you continue to make your best efforts to pay the amounts you owe. I have summarized below the

    owed amounts by the end of August. (I didn't included a pro-rated amount for Sep 1-3 or a $70 late fee for August,

    which isn't applicable for another 2 days).

    The remaining security deposit owed of $900 can be scratched out if the house is in the appropriate condition. If

    there are no damages at all, I will credit the $500 you already paid in security deposit towards what you

    owe. Therefore, the final total amount owed could range between $3,466 and $4,866 depending on the condition

    of the home.

    EB, please coordinate with Jay regarding the home inspection and handover of property and keys.

    Also, please let me know if I'm needed in Maryland for any changes and I'll arrange the trip. Regarding the utility

    bills, the only one for which I have an account in my name is the water and that payment has been regular. I might

    come to establish new pepco/gas accounts in my name until a new tenant takes over.

    I haven't re-read the lease yet, but I'll do that tonight. Please let me know if there''s anything I'm forgetting.




    Security Deposit: $500

    April Rent: $200

    June Late Fee: $70

    Security Deposit: $400

    April Rent: $200

    July Rent: $1,400

    July Late Fee: $70

    April Rent: $200

    August Rent: $1,400

    April Rent: $200

    April Rent: $200

    April Rent: $96

    Aug 11 2011

    From EB to MY HUSBAND and ME:

    I think the option that you have at this point is to take her to court and that would require you hiring an attorney.

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    The best part of this is that she is moving out, and we do not have a hold over situation.

    Also that would give us a chance to find someone better. I know how you feel but this how things work out

    sometimes and I see it sometimes.

    Aug 14 2011

    From JJ to ME:

    So here's the plan to move to another location has fallen thru. I'm scrambling now to find a more

    affordable option, but a solution is not guaranteed. I know that's not your problem, however I do want to propose

    a couple of options that may work for us.

    1) we could renegotiate the lease to a more affordable rate, maybe $800/month starting sept 1 and based on my

    calculations that would be guaranteed. I know that less than the full rent is not ideal for u but at least you'd be

    sure to be getting some payment and not have a completely vacant house for months on end.

    or 2) I could get a subtenant in the basement room to help, but I'm not sure how long the process would take to

    get someone in here and contributing.

    Please let me know your thoughts ASAP.

    Aug 17 2011

    From ME to JJ:

    Sorry I've been offline again. I just had a new DSL installed so I should be able to keep in touch better.

    Unfortunately, my mortgage is around $1,400 a month so a rent of $800 puts me on the spot to pay $600 a month

    out-of-pocket to keep my house. I don't have an income that could support that at all. My only options are to

    1. receive the full mortgage amounts in rent

    2. to come back to the US, live in the house and get a US based salary so I can afford the payments.

    3. sell the house and unburden myself of the debt. (In today's market, this isn't something I can do overnight or

    from over here)

    In fact, I've been looking forward to the annual rent increase as a way to ensure I have some money on the side for

    household repairs, and to keep things going in between tenants - a little cushion. The little cushion I had when I

    left Ame