email excellence ® using the medium with intelligence & skill

Email Excellence ® Using the medium with intelligence & skill

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Post on 15-Dec-2015




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Email Excellence Using the medium with intelligence & skill Slide 2 First Principles Email is serious business. Email is not about you. Email is about the reader. Email is now the predominant medium. Email is here to stayat least for a while. Email may entail serious risk. With every email you write, your professionalism is on display. Email is susceptible to misinterpretation. Slide 3 A closer look WRITING TOOLS & DECISIONS ORIGINAL From: Wilson, Thomas Sent:Wednesday, March 29 9:30 AM To:Smith, John Cc:Jones, Sarah Subject:RE: Roundtable Minutes John: Thanks for the heads up John. I was not aware of this meeting but since Contracts is now my area, I guess I need to be going to this meeting. I will speak with Sarah and see if both Harry and I should go or just me if they only want one representative. Since you dont have Contracts at this point I understand that it is appropriate that we make this change. Thanks for letting me know about this meeting. I guess I need to speak with Sarah about the rest of the Contracts meetings but I hadnt gotten a chance until now. I just spoke to Sarah and she is fine with Harry coming to that meeting. Sam also attends that meeting as a lot of things are related to Minor Contracts. I told Sarah that I would probably be coming as the Director for the Contracts area. I will try to attend as much as possible, but it will also be good to have Harry there as well. Good suggestion. Thanks. Thomas REVISION From: Wilson, Thomas Sent:Wednesday, March 29 9:30 AM To:Smith, John Cc:Jones, Sarah Subject:RE: Roundtable Minutes John: Thanks for the heads up. Two quick points: First, I was not aware of this meeting, but since Contracts is now my area, I will definitely attend. Second, I think Harry should attend as wellpartly because he can cover for me if Im called awayand Sarah has already okayed his participation. Thanks again for bringing this meeting to my attention. Thomas Slide 4 The ORSON Model WRITING TOOLS & DECISIONS OROrient the Reader Let the reader know why youre writing, how your information relates to him or her. SOSpell Out the details Communicate essential details, background, explanation, instructions whatever is needed. NNail down (where we go from here) Indicate what you expect or would like to see happen next. Slide 5 REVISION From: Wilson, Thomas Sent:Wednesday, March 29 9:30 AM To:Smith, John Cc:Jones, Sarah Subject:RE: Roundtable Minutes John: Thanks for the heads up. Two quick points:Orienting First, I was not aware of this meeting, but since Contracts Spelling Out is now my area, I will definitely attend. Second, I think Harry should attend as wellpartly because Spelling Out he can cover for me if Im called awayand Sarah has already okayed his participation. Thanks again for bringing this meeting to my attention. Nailing down Thomas WRITING TOOLS & DECISIONS The ORSON Model (cont.) Slide 6 WRITING TOOLS & DECISIONS Good Decisions vs. Unthinking Habits An email? Really? Do you remember how to talk? Slide 7 WRITING TOOLS & DECISIONS Good Decisions vs. Unthinking Habits (cont.) Writing is not always our best option: lengthy explanations no one needs in writing; sensitive situations in which a written record poses unnecessary risk; sensitive interpersonal situations with the potential for misunderstanding; and so on. The problem: Email has becoming an unthinking habit. Slide 8 Email Excellence eLEARNING EXCERPT Press Play