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  • 7/28/2019 els9examplesydsoys


    EXAMPLES FROM YDS/OYS1- This book gives details about various tribes .............. customs are

    very strange to us.A) those B) which C) whomD) that E) whose

    (YS 1988)

    2- He is looking for an engineer ............ .A) if the pay is good enoughB) it was four years ago tcyC) who knows both German and English

    D) until the department was openedE) who really had a lot of experience

    (YS 1988)

    3- Some months ago, a team of physicists working in the researchlaboratory discovered some new facts about solar energy.A) Aylardan beri laboratuvarda aratrmalar yapan fizikiler, gne

    enerjisi ile ilgili baz yeni veriler elde ettiler.B) Birka aydan beri aratrma laboratuvarnda almalarn

    srdren bir grup fiziki, gne enerjisinin baz yenizelliklerini ortaya koydu.

    C) Birka ay nce, aratrma laboratuvarmda alan bir fizikilerekibi, gne enerjisi ile ilgili baz yeni gerekleri kefetti.

    D) Gne enerjisi ile ilgili birtakm bilgiler laboratuvarda aratrma

    yapan bir grup fiziki tarafndan daha birka ay nce elde edildi.E) Laboratuvarda aratrmalarn srdren bir grup fiziki birkaaydan beri, gne enerjisi ile ilgili yeni gerekleri kefetmeyebalad.

    (YS 1989)

    4- This city, which was totally destroyed in the war, has been rebuilt andis today a major centre of international trade.A) Bu ehir savata tamamen yklm, fakat en ksa zamanda

    yeniden ina edilmi ve artk bugn uluslararas ticarettenemli bir merkez olarak ortaya kmtr.

    B) Bugn uluslararas bir ticaret merkezi olan bu ehir, savatatamamen yklm olmasna ramen, en ksa zamanda yenidenina edilmitir.

    C) Savata tamamen yklm olan bu ehir, yeniden ina edilmitir

    ve bugn uluslararas ticaretin nemli bir merkezidir.D) Yeniden ina edilerek uluslararas ticaretin en nemli bir

    merkezi olan bu ehir, savata batan baa yklmt.E) Bugn nemli bir uluslararas ticaret merkezi olan bu ehir, nce

    savan ykmna uram fakat hemen arkasndan yeniden inaedilmitir.

    (YS 1989)

    5- There are certain countries in the world ........... .A) that is developing rapidly where famine is still a serious

    problemB) where famine is still a sreious problemC) unless the rainfall is heavyD) as the food supplies are limited

    E) even if rice is the main diet (YS 1989)

    6- ............. which I had grown myself.A) Here are some of the bananasB) For the salad I will use the lemonsC) They don't want thoseD) I gave her some of the flowersE) I am sending her some of the pears

    (YS 1989)

    7- You will be introduced to the president.............. interests includefishing and travelling.A) that B) which C) whoD) whom E) whose

    (YS 1989)

    8- The group I am responsible for consists largely of high schoolstudents.

    A A) Ben sadece lise rencilerinin grubundan sorumluyum.

    B)Benim sorumlu olduum grup, ounlukla liserencilerinden oluuyor.

    C) Tamamen lise rencilerinin oluturduu grup benimsorumluluum altndadr.

    D) Ben genel olarak gruptaki lise rencilerinden sorumluyum.E) Grupta bulunan lise rencilerinin byk ounluundan ben

    sorumluyum.(YS 1990)

    9- I don't think anybody would argue against the proposals we madeto the authorities.

    A) Herhangi birisinin, st makamlara sunulan nerileri tartmakistediini sanmyorum.

    B) Yaptmz nerileri yetkililere ikayet edecek birisininolacan sanmyorum.

    C) Yetkililere yaptmz nerilere kimsenin kar kacansanmyorum.

    D) Yaptmz nerileri st makamlarn kabul etmeyeceinidnyorum.

    E) st makamlara yaptmz nerileri bakalar iletartacamz dnmyorum.

    (YS 1990)

    10-Toplantda ele alnan konulardan bir tanesi de hava alanndakigvenlik sorunuydu.

    A) They discussed whether a meeting should be called to dealwith the question of airport security.B) At the meeting held at the airport, the question of security

    was discussed.C) At one of the meetings the question of security at the airport

    attracted attention.D) It was pointed out at the meeting that the question of security

    at the airport was of first importance.E One of the matters discussed at the meeting was the question

    of security at the airport.(YS 1990)

    11-The novel our literature teacher has asked us to read will takeseveral weeks to finish.A) Edebiyat retmenimizin verdii roman okumamz

    haftalarmz alacak.B) Edebiyat retmenimiz birka hafta iinde o roman

    bitirmemizi istiyor.C) Roman edebiyat retmenimizin istedii ekilde okumamz

    birka hafta srer.D) Birka haftamz alsa da edebiyat retmenimizin syledii

    roman okuyacaz.E) Edebiyat retmenimizin okumamz istedii roman

    bitirmek birka hafta alacak.(YS 1991)

    12-He is the director of an institute ................ has become famous forits research into nutrition.A) who B) what C) whichD) whom E) whose


    13-New housebuilding should not mean the disappearance of theplaying fields and green spaces which every town and cityneeds.A) Yeni konut yapm, her kasaba ve ehrin gereksinim duyduu

    oyun sahalarnn ve yeil alanlarn yok olmas anlamnagelmemelidir.

    B) Konut yapmnda almaya yeni balayanlarn ilk dikkatedecei ey, kasaba ve ehirlerin gereksinimi olan oyunsahalarna ve yeil alanlara dokunmamaktr.

    C) Konut yapmyla uraanlar, kasaba ve ehirlerdeki oyunsahalarna ve yeil alanlara dokunulmamas gerektiinibilmelidir.

    D) Her yeni konut yapmyla birlikte kasaba ve ehirlerimizinoyun sahalar ve yeil alanlarnda azalma grlmektedir.

    E) Kasabalar ve ehirler planlanrken yeni konut alanlarndaoyun sahalarna ve yeil alanlara gereksinim duyulacaunutulmamaldr.

    (YS 1993)

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    14-Today's cities are faced with considerable problems, most of whichare caused by rapid growth.A) Gnmzn ehirleri, hzl bymeden kaynaklanan sorunlar

    azaltacak birok olanaa sahiptir.B) Gnmzde, ehirlerdeki hzl bymenin getirdii birok

    sorunu zmek iin almalar aralksz srdrlyor.C) Pek ok sorunla kar karya olan ehirlerimizin gnmzdeki

    bir dier sorunu da hzl bymedir.D) ehirlerimiz, hzl bymenin beraberinde getirdii pek ok

    sorunla ba etmek durumundadr.

    E) Gnmzn ehirleri, ouna hzl bymenin neden olduupek ok sorunla kar karyadr.

    (YS 1993)

    15-The sun, ............. has a surface temperature of 6000'C, warms theEarth from a distance of 150 million km.A) whom B) which C) whoseD) when E) what

    (YS 1994)

    16-Brazil produces only one fifth of the 1.8 million barrels of oil that itconsumes every day.A) Brezilya'da her gn tketilen 1,8 milyon varil petroln yalnz

    bete biri ithal edilmektedir.

    B) Brezilya, her gn tkettii l ,8 milyon varil petroln yalnz betebirini retmektedir.C) Brezilya'da her gn retilen 1,8 milyon varil petroln yalnz

    bete biri tketilmektedir.D) Brezilya, sadece gnlk tketimin bete biri olan 1,8 milyon

    varil petrol retebilmektedir.E) Her gn l ,8 milyon varil petrol tketen Brezilya, bunun sadece

    bete birini ithal edebilecek imkanlara sahiptir.(YS 1994)

    17-Kurul tarafndan belirlenen adaylardan en ok hangisinidestekliyorsun?A) Won't the committee support any of the candidates that have

    been nominated?B) Which of the candidates has the support of most of the

    committee members?C) All the candidates will be considered by the committee but

    which one has your support?D) Will you support any of the candidates that the committee has

    nominated?E) the candidates determined by the committee, which one do you

    support most?(YS 1994)

    18-I'd like to introduce you to Mrs Trot, ...... husband you used to workwith.A) where B) whom C) whoseD) which E) who

    (YS 1995)

    19-Faxing is a means of telecommunication, .............. .A) that worked on a system similar to the telephone systemB) which has developed very quickly over the past few yearsC) therefore charges will vary according to the time of the dayD) unless companies were using it in place of telex machinesE) whether or not you state the name of the receiver

    (YS 1995)

    20.......... who crossed the Atlantic alone in a small sailing craft.A) That must be the manB) The news is thatC) I can't believe that anyoneD) I didn't realize how few peopleE) Presumably he was lying

    (YS 1996)

    21.......... whose coat was stolen last week?A) Why were they surprisedB) Do you have their addressC) How unusual is it

    D) Isn't that the new librarianE) Is there any news yet

    (YS 1997)

    22-O, eserlerini okumaktan byk zevk aldm ada birkayazardan biridir.A) Among the contemporary writers he is the one whose work I

    enjoy reading.B) I really enjoy reading the works of only a few contemporary

    writers.C) Except for him, there are few contemporary writers whose

    works I actually enjoy reading.D) I get a great deal of pleasure out of reading his works and

    those of a few other contemporary writers.E)) He is one of the few contemporary writers whose works I

    greatly enjoy reading.(YS I997)

    23-Many Italian cities are famous for their beautiful gardens many......... date from the great days of the Italian Renaissance.A) of whose B) at which C) of whichD) in what E) with whom

    (YS 1998)

    24-1950'lerde ou ngiliz romancs, ozan ve oyun yazar, toplumzerinde derin bir etkisi olan siyasal gelimeler zerindencelikle durmulardr.A) In the 1950s, most British novelists, poets and playwrights

    focused primarily upon the political developments whichhad a profound impact on society.

    B) Most English novelists, poets and dramatists concentrated onthe 1950s and upon the political developments that had soprofound an impact upon society.

    C) The political developments of the 1950s attracted theattention of most English novelists, poets and playwrightssince they had a profound impact upon society.

    D) poets and playwrights, it was the political developments ofthe 1950s that had the greatest effect on society.

    E) The astounding impact on society of the 1950s has attractedthe attention of a great many English novelists, poets anddramatists.


    25- I still haven't had a chance to thank the nurse ............ .A) until the child was well enough to go homeB) why she visited us every day for a weekC) who looked after my mother so well in hospitalD) whose carelessness would make recovery slowE) whether any more treatment was necessary


    26-The Great Pyramid of Khufu, ....... is near Cairo, is one of themost famous monuments in the world.A)who B) where C) whichD) whom E) what


    27- Surely that's the boy .......... .A) that his sister won the painting competitionB))who sang so beautifully at the concert last nightC) unless he sent us the heavy boxD) whether his bicycle has been repairedE) which everyone is talking about


    28-....... who really established and developed the thriller style infilms.A) The cartoon is another popular type of film, especially

    among children

  • 7/28/2019 els9examplesydsoys


    B) Strong film industries began to emerge in other countriesC) Contemporary issues such as violence and poverty will attract

    the attention of many film directorsD) Star Wars is perhaps his best film It was the film director Alfred

    HitchcockE) It was the film director Alfred Hitchcock

    (YDS 2001)

    ANSWER KEY t0 EXAMPLES FR0M 0YS/YDSl-E 2-C 3-C 4-C 5-B 6-D 7-E 8-B 9-C 10-E 11-E 12-C 13-A 14-E 15-B 16-B17-E 18-C 19-B 20-A 21-D 22-E 23-C 24-A 25-C 26-C 27-B 28-E