els17 examples from yds

EXAMPLES FROM YDS 1- I didn't ............ we would be leaving quite s o early. A) consult B) expect C) wait D) ask E) determine (ÖYS 1991) 2- They couldn't find a house in London at a price they could ............. . A) obtain B) demand C) get D) afford E) require (ÖYS 1991) 3- Although he appears to be fluent in English, his sentences are full of grammatical ............ . A) wrongs B) dangers C) mistakes D) duties E) rules (ÖYS 1992) 4- The new cas hier soon .......... hi ms elf to be both ef fi ci ent and trustworthy. A) proved B} spoiled C) exaggerated D) upheld E} undermined (ÖYS 1992) 5- Have you seen t he .... ........ f or th e 5 day-tr ip t o Sco tland for only $ 150 ? A) reservation B) dream C) holiday D) advertisement E) newspaper (ÖYS 1993) 6- Such accide nts are usua lly the resul t of care les sne ss and can be avoided by taking a few simple ............. . A) reasons B) wonders C) explanations D) precautions E) introductions (ÖYS 1994) 7- I didn't want to .......... with Peter about doing the washing up. A) apologize B) conclude C) quarrel D) contrast E) blame (ÖYS 1995) 8- What att racted most atten tion in his s peech was his .......... to create new jobs. A) strike B) election C) precaution D) promise E) doubt (ÖYS 1995) 9- In order to ............ this theory, we carried out a number of experiments. A) contest B) persuade C) inherit D) engage E) demonstrate (ÖYS 1996) 10- The ......... about the date of the meeting was the result of a typing error. A) dependence B) approval C) confusion D) expression E) contribution (ÖYS 1996) 11- Our school has manag ed to coll ect a lot of boo ks to .......... to the children in a village school. A) distribute B) publish C) contain D) depart E) employ (ÖYS 1997) 12- Everyone knows that these two firms have been in fierce ......... to get the job of running the hotel. A) involvement B) management C) reference D) arrangement E) competition (ÖYS 1997) 13- I don't know the scheduled time of ........... but I do know that the plane to Istanbul has already left. A) purchase B) customs C) accommodation D) reference E) departure (ÖYS 1998) 14- Parents who understand child behaviour are more ....... about their ability to handle difficult situations. A) familiar B) watchful C) confident D) virtuous E) forgiving (OYS 1998) 15- Although the new manager has been very strict with us, he is highly ....... by everyone in the company. A) required B) respected C) refused D) challenged E) expected (ÖYS 1998) 16- Foods tha t wer e ........ sea son al may now be found thr oug hout the year. A) pr operly B) sati sf actorily C) pr evious ly D) rapidly E) seriously (ÖYS 1998) 17- During a family discussion on our next holiday plans, my father asked me for my ......... . A) opposition B) reason C) disappointment D) suggestion E) denial (YDS 1999) 18- They ........ that their team is far better than ours and they expect to win the forthcoming match. A) claim B) regard C) include D) prefer E) object (YDS 1999) 19- Several of my friends have entered the ........ but none of them expects to win. A) perf or ma nce B) ap pl ic at io n C) comp etition D) responsibility E) vacancy (YDS 2000) 20- The survivors of the shipwreck who were able to reach the land decided to ....... a fire and wait to be rescued. A) make B) do C) show D) set E) put (YDS 2000) 21- The melting of all the ice mass in the Arctic would ........ the sea level by several metres. A) establish B) preserve C) raise D) restore E) spoil (YDS 2000) 22- I tried hard to ..... why the motor would have to be replac ed, but he couldn't understand what I was trying to say. A) insist B) complain C) reply D) inform E) explain (YDS 2001) 23- The market for comp ute rs and all relat ed goods has been ..... rapidly in recent years. A) reaching B) expanding C) exploring D) exceeding E) disturbing (YDS 2001) 24- The company is not only looking for well-qualified people, it also wants them to be ..... about their work. A) enthusiastic B) comprehensive C) relevant D) indifferent E) convenient (YDS 2001) 25- I met your father once years ago, but I can ..... remember him. A) hardly B) enormously C) extremely D) immensely E) simultaneously (YDS 2001) EXAMPLES FROM ÖYS/YDS ANSWER KEY l.B 2.D 3.C 4A 5.D 6.D 7.C 8.D 9. E 10.C 11.A 12.E 13.E 14.C 15.B 16.C 17.D 18.A 19.C 20.A 21.C 22.E 23.B 24.A 25.A

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