els10 practice exam 2

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  • 7/28/2019 ELS10 Practice Exam 2


    PRACTICE EXAM 21- Bu testteki soru says 100'dr.2- nerilen cevaplama sresi 150 dakikadr.

    1-18. sorularda cmlede bo braklan yerlere uygun den kelime yadaifadeyi bulunuz.1- Some people ........ throw everything in the rubbish bin instead of

    taking advantage of the council's recycling scheme.A) conveniently B) usefully C) thoughtfullyD) considerably E) wastefully

    2- This new model of car is very ......... it can travel 20 kilometres on asingle litre of petrol!A) extravagant B) financial C) expensiveD) efficient E) illogical

    3- It's easier to ......... juice from an orange with a machine than to do itby hand.A) squeeze B) spill C) repelD) purchase E) attempt

    4- Thomas felt a deep sense of......... towards his step-mother he neverforgave her for marrying his father after his mother's tragic death.A) resentment B) respect C) reliefD) reluctance E) reunion

    5- Richard left hastily after he had ......... a brief phone call, and didn'tsay anything about whether he'll come back today or not.A) told B) did C) madeD) spoke E) talked

    6- If you ........ for the exam properly last week, you ........ it again rightnow.A) prepare/won't have taken B) had prepared/wouldn't be takingC) would prepare/haven't taken D) have prepared/won't be takingE) were preparing/aren't taking

    7- We ........ in the reception area for over an hour before anyone ........ tosee us.A) are waiting/will agree B) have been waiting/has agreed

    C) will wait/will be agreeing D) had been waiting/agreedE) waited/agrees

    8- Since World War I, Turkey ........ a more modest, but still significant,role In international politics.A) is playing B) plays C) playedD) will be playing E) has played

    9- Your car ........ this afternoon unless parts that we haven't got in stockA) will be fixed/are neededB) has been fixed/will be neededC) is fixed/will have neededD) will have been fixed/have neededE) would have fixed/were needed

    10- I haven't tried it, but Jeff says snake meat tastes ......... fried chickenwhen it's cooked ........ oil.A) to/with B) like/in C) as/byD) with/through E) of/on

    11- I love coffee, but I prefer to let it ........ a bit before drinking it so that Idon't burn my mouth on the hot liquid.A) stir up B) settle in C) cool downD) warm up E) calm down

    12- Tommy and Genna ran to greet the postman, but sadly, he had .......letters for ....... of them.A) any/each B) /none C) no/eitherD) some/both E) the/neither

    13- I promised ........ sister that ....... would go to the zoo together at theweekend.A) her/their B) mine/she C) our/ID) me/ours EJ my/we

    14- The meal we had at that restaurant was not so expensive, ........?A) hadn't we B) was it C) did weD) hadn't it E) wasn't it

    15- Though they don't fit perfectly and do hurt my feet a little, mynew shoes are ......... comfortable .......... my old ones.A) so/that B) such/as C) the most/thatD) more/than E) too/as

    16- ......... he found in the clothes shops in Japan fit Giles as he wassimply too big for their sizes.

    A) Whatever B) However C) NothingD) Anything E) Anywhere

    17- ........ I have told the tax office that I no longer live in Britain,they keep sending me tax bills for money I have not earned.A) Even though B) So that C) BecauseD) Owing to E) However

    18- Harold died of a myocardial infarction; ......... he had a heartattack.A) meanwhile B) otherwise C) for instanceD) in other words E) on the contrary

    19-24. sorularda yarm braklan cmleyi uygun ekilde tamamlayanifadeyi bulunuz19- Though the insurance is expensive, ........... .

    A) I wouldn't waste my hard-earned money on itB) it might save you a lot more than you pay for itC) so everything has gone up in price recentlyD) you'd be better off putting money in a bankE) it still costs a lot more than it really should

    20- ......... if you could manage to come over and see her some timesoon.A) I was going to visit my mother's oldest sister in hospitalB) She's aware that plane tickets are much too expensiveC) Auntie Karen is not feeling very well at all nowadaysD) It would make your poor grandmother extremely happyE) He had said that he'd try to come during the holidays

    21- The gardener had been here for half an hour ....... .A) when he remembered that he wasn't supposed to come until

    tomorrowB) because during that time, he didn't manage to do a single

    useful thingC) since he usually works from 7.00 until sometime around

    middayD) so he decided that he just didn't feel well enough to continue

    workingE) even though he has never really seemed to stay for a verylong time

    22- .......; otherwise, everything was perfectly prepared.A) Tommy always did his maths homework carefully and on

    timeB) Nothing that he tries to do ever seems to be done correctlyC) We had been expecting a well-built house with a sea viewD) Nobody has ever managed to please the district managerE) The restaurant served us a rather flavourless chocolate

    pudding23- ......... there's no way I would have made such a stupid decision.

    A) As I've never been known as the cleverest personB) Until you tell me everything I need to know about the caseC) Since I'm always making lots of careless mistakesD) I just couldn't decide whether I was doing the right thingE) If I had known at the time as much as I know today

    24- Instead of making us stay late at the office, ......... .A) I don't think we'll be able to finish the project before the


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    B) I'd prefer to go home now and come in early tomorrowC) our manager told us not to leave until everything was doneD) the boss allowed us to take the work home and do it thereE) there doesn't seem to be much for us to do anyway

    25-27. sorular verilen paraya gre cevaplaynzThe citizens of London have for over nine centuries held and exercisedspecial rights and privileges, such as the right to elect their own LordMayor to lead the city. The "Square Mile", as the City of London is oftencalled, is, in fact, 677 acres, within which live a mere 6,500 permanentresidents, although an additional working population of about 350,000

    pours into its offices daily. It is a governing body in its own right, for ithas its own Parliament, and even its own police force. Within its perimeterit encloses St. Paul's Cathedral, Guildhall and the Bank of England butnot the Tower of London, which was excluded in the 17 th century.25- It's clear from the passage that Londoners ...... .

    A) have been choosing their own leader for nearly a millenniumB) are obliged to do whatever the Lord Mayor of the city ordersC) are not subject to the usual laws of the United KingdomD) were the first people in the world to hold free electionsE) are not capable of ruling themselves without a mayor

    26- According to the figures in the passage, .... .A) everybody living in London owns close to ten acres of propertyB) in the British system of measurement, there are 677 acres in a

    square mileC) people coming to London every day to work far outnumber its

    permanent residentsD) more than a third of a million Londoners have to work 7 days a

    weekE) few of the residents of London actually work within the city limits

    27- We can infer from the passage that the Tower of London ...... .A) was moved to beyond the city walls of London in the 17 th centuryB) was considered to be inside the City of London until the 17 th

    centuryC) is not considered to be of any importance by London historians

    D) used to be near the Bank of England before it was moved to itscurrent location

    E) was destroyed some time between the years 1601 and 1700

    28-30. sorular verilen paraya gre cevaplaynzNicknames, from the old word ekename, meaning additional name, areknown in all cultures and have been used for hundreds of years, At the endof the first millennium, they were in common use by the Vikings. Many ofthem were simply descriptive: Ketil Flatnose, Hallgard Longlegs... .Among the Turkanas of Kenya it is customary to give descriptive namesfor a very good reason. The Turkanas are a nomadic people, keepingsheep, goats and camels. It is therefore useful for them to be able torecognise people from a long distance away. Hence nicknames such as"Ichang ichang", meaning "crab", to identify someone who takes quick

    little steps and "hiproll" for a large woman with a swaying walk arecommon in everyday use.28- The Vikings, as is related in the passage, ..... .

    A) often had some strange physical characteristicsB) got the idea of nicknames during travels in AfricaC) generally used nicknames instead of first namesD) were the first people to make use of nicknamesE) were already using nicknames over 1000 years ago

    29- It is clear from the passage that the Turkanas of Kenya ...... .A) have better eyesight than most other people in AfricaB) cannot even recognise the people of their own tribeC) have no fixed residence and live by raising animalsD) don't have first names, so they are known by nicknamesE) are very good at seeing people who are far away

    30- From the examples given in the passage, one can infer that manyTurkana nicknames ...... .A) are based on the way a person moves aboutB) are rather insulting to the person so namedC) are based on the animals the people look after

    D) are used to identify strangers or foreignersE) refer to people whose real names are unknown

    31-33.sorular verilen paraya gre cevaplaynzThe first person across the threshold on the first day of New Year istraditionally of great symbolic significance in many parts of Englandas the person is thought to set the pattern for the year to come. If he isunlucky, poor or sick, he is bound to bring bad luck, poverty,sickness or all three to the house. In certain parts of the country, thevery worst omen used to be the accidental arrival of any woman onthe doorstep as the first visitor of the New Year though she was, and

    still is, acceptable in parts of Scotland and Wales. Normally,however, families choose a suitable man to be the first visitor. Thiscould be a member, or a friend, of the family, who would go outbefore midnight and come in again immediately after.

    31- According to the passage, in English tradition, ...... .A) certain symbols are used to protect visitors from unlucky

    influencesB) the first visitor of the year is considered an indicator of the

    coming yearC) it is not common to accept visitors on the first day of the yearD) it is not at all lucky to invite groups of three people inside the

    houseE) it is unlucky to give help to poor or ill people on the first day

    of the New Year

    32- The author tells us that in parts of England, ...... .A) it is considered bad luck to allow foreign women into one's

    houseB) having a woman as the year's first visitor is a sign of bad luck

    to comeC) sick, poor and unlucky people are quite likely to visit at New

    Year'sD) sensible people would never let a woman enter their private

    homesE) women are thought to be the cause of disease, poverty and


    33- Because of the superstitions mentioned in the passage,families ......... .A) do not allow any member to stay out too long after midnightB) only allow men to enter their homes as visitorsC) try to accept only the visitors dressed in formal clothingD) arrange the first visitpr of the year rather than leave it to

    chanceE) do not accept any visitors on the first day of the New Year at


    34-36. sorular verilen paraya gre cevaplaynzThe British brought the tea habit, introduced by the British East IndiaTea Company, to its North American colonies. They later imposed aheavy tax on the people's daily beverage, an act which was one of the

    factors that led to the American War of Independence. In protestagainst this tax, the colonists dumped a valuable cargo of tea into theBoston Harbour in 1773. Following this, coffee gained popularity asthe democratic beverage and a symbol of resistance. Americanpatriots plotted their strategies for independence in the coffeehousesof the colonies. Coffee quickly became the favourite drink of theyoung nation. It moved west with the pioneers. To this day, coffeeranks as the number two drink among American adults, after plainwater.34- We understand that the tax mentioned in the passage ...... .

    A) raised funds for the American War of IndependenceB) resulted from a colonial protest in Boston HarbourC) increased the price of tea and angered the colonistsD) applied to all drinks consumed by the colonistsE) was designed to reduce the American addiction to tea

    35- We learn from the passage that coffee ........... .A) was the most important cause of the American War of

    IndependenceB) is by far the cheapest drink obtainable in the United StatesC) gained popularity in America before it did so anywhere else

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    D) is only drunk by people in the US with liberal political views E)was a political symbol as well as a beverage in early America

    36- The passage makes it clear that today in America, ........ .A) coffee is the most popular beverage with adults, except waterB) people drink more tea than they did in colonial timesC) some people refuse to drink tea to protest against the British

    D) plain water is considered to be better than both tea and coffeeE) there are no longer any taxes on common beverages like tea andcoffee

    37-39. sorular verilen paraya gre cevaplaynzWhen we talk about the standard of living of a country, it is a little liketalking about the "average man". No country has a general standard ofliving for everyone, any more than it has an average citizen. We speak ofChina and india as having very low living standards, but many Chineselive in great luxury, and some of the world's richest men live in India. Thesize of the average paycheck is no indication of a country's standard ofliving. The cost of living varies over the world. The man who earns $100 amonth in one part of the world may live better than one who is paid $100 aweek in another place because his lower wages buy more goods andservices to satisfy his needs.37- The author seems to feel that statistics about what is average ...... A)

    give a good indication of what life is like in different countriesB) only apply to those people who work in an official departmentC) show us how the wealth of a country is distributed among its

    citizensD) can be very misleading, and perhaps even meaninglessE) should apply to everyone, especially the wealthiest citizens

    38- It's clear from the passage that ...... .A) India is one of the world's richest countries, as is ChinaB) Indians do not have many needs, and thus require little moneyC) even the world's poorer countries have wealthy individualsD) the lifestyle in China is among the most luxurious in the worldE) people are considered rich if they can meet the basic necessities of

    life39- We can conclude from the passage that $100 ........ .

    A) is the average monthly wage in most parts of the worldB) might be a lot of money to some people and little to othersC) will not cover a week's expenses of a person in any country in the

    worldD) should satisfy any person's needs, if he's careful with moneyE) is far too little for most people to live comfortably on

    40-42. sorular verilen paraya gre cevaplaynzA superb system of roads linked all the parts of the Inca Empire with thecapital at Cuzco. A road along the coast, three to four metres wide, wasmarked with stones or mud walls. The highland roads were narrower butrequired greater engineering skill. Workmen paved the roads with largeflat stones and built retaining walls on the steep hillsides. They hung ropebridges across rivers and canyons and built rest stations at regular intervalsalong the roads. Because of their superior road system, the Incas

    maintained an efficient postal service. Runners stationed every fewkilometres relayed the messages, which sometimes travelled as much as250 kilometres a day, making it possible to get a letter from one end of theempire to another in just a few days.

    40- The highland roads mentioned in the passage ...... .A) were neither paved nor marked but had some amazing bridgesB) were the only way to get from the coast to the imperial capitalC) carried even more traffic than the coastal ones and were better-

    builtD) made it possible for the Incas to expand into neighbouring tribesE) were less than four metres wide and somewhat difficult to

    construct41- According to the passage, letters posted in the Inca Empire ...... .

    A) took a minimum of a week to get from one place to anotherB) were delivered rather quickly since the empire was very smallC) could only be delivered to places within a 250 km distanceD) were carried by a series of people, all of whom travelled on footE) did not always make it to their destination in a reasonable time

    42- It is obvious from the passage that the Inca Empire ...... .A) was located in a mountainous area and extended to the sea

    B) only had good roads in places covered with flat rocksC) had more workmen than any other country at the timeD) used to have some of the world's most impressive bridgesE) built its system of roads primarily to ensure an efficientpostal

    system43-45. sorular verilen paraya gre cevaplaynzIndonesia is a country made up of a string of islands between Asiaand Australia. It includes parts of the world's second and third largestislands. New Guinea and Borneo; three other large islands and over3,000 smaller ones. Early explorers called Indonesia the Spice

    Islands, or the Indies. Christopher Columbus was looking for awestward route to these islands when he discovered America In 1492.European traders developed thriving commercial posts on theseislands. The Netherlands controlled some of them for over threecenturies and called them the Dutch East Indies, but in 1945, theIndonesians began fighting for independence. It was not until late1949, however, that they finally achieved their goal of freedom fromtheir European oppressors.43- The author informs us that Indonesia ........ .

    A) is considered to be part of both Australia and AsiaB) shares its two largest islands with other countriesC) is the world's largest island country after AustraliaD) owns most of the islands of New Guinea and BorneoE) is situated near the Spice Islands and the Indies

    44- From the information given in the passage, we can conclude thatthe Dutch ...... .A) first seized control in Indonesia some time in the seventeenth

    centuryB) were by far the most oppressive of all the European colonial

    powersC) still control parts of the society of the now independent

    IndonesiaD) granted Indonesia independence without a struggle over fifty

    years agoE) fought against the European oppressors in Indonesia in the

    1940s45- Upon reading the passage, we can assume that ...... .

    A) Indonesians did not actively fight for independence until1945

    B) European explorers were surprised to find European-styletrading posts operating in Indonesia

    C) Europeans took spices to the islanders and used them toinitiate commerce

    D) The Netherlands was the first country to establish colonies inthe islands

    E) Christopher Columbus accidentally arrived at the islandswhile trying to get to America

    46-52. sorularda verilen cmleye anlamca en yakn olan seeneibulunuz46- The population of Istanbul is less than half that of Tokyo.

    A) Though a big city, Tokyo is not so crowded as Istanbul.B) Istanbul and Tokyo are among the most crowded cities in the

    world.C) Istanbul has double the number of people that Tokyo does.D) Less than half the size of Tokyo, Istanbul is not very

    crowded.E) More than twice as many people live in Tokyo as do in


    47- Though he's never been a good player, last night he was worsethan ever.A) He played an absolutely terrible match last night and now

    everyone thinks he's a bad player.B) While he's always thought of as a poor performer, he didn't

    actually do too badly last night.C) He's known to be a poor player, but his performance last

    night was the worst in his career.D) The horrible game he played last night made it clear that he'll

    never be any good at it.E) No one was more surprised than he himself was about the

    incredibly bad , match he played yesterday.48- I wish that you'd told me what was upsetting you, because I could

    have helped you.

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    A) If you hadn't told me what you were upset about, I wouldn'thave been able to help.

    B) I would have been able to help you if only you'd told mewhat the problem was.

    C) I wanted to help you, but I was upset because you didn't tellme what was bothering you.

    D) You didn't tell me that it would have been better if I'd helpedyou with your problem.

    E) If you want me to help you, first of all, you should tell mewhy you are upset.

    49- They'd told us everything was included, yet the hotel tried to charge usextra for meals.A) Since everything but meals was included, they were the only

    thing we paid for at the hotel.B) The hotel asked us for money for food despite having told us

    there'd be no additional charges.C) When the hotel requested payment for our meals, we

    reminded them that they'd been paid for.D) While the hotel did charge extra for meals, everything else

    was covered by the room's price.E) We had to pay the hotel for every extra except meals, which

    were included in the price of the room.

    50- I wonder why no one ever tried to do that before.A) It's been wonderful because I'm the first one to have tried it.B) I'd like to know whether anyone has actually tried to do it yet.C) It's no surprise to me that nobody has made such an attempt

    before.D) Since it's such an effort, it's no wonder I've never tried it.E) The reason it wasn't attempted earlier makes me curious.

    51- I'd love to talk to you about it, but I've been sworn to secrecy.A) I enjoy speaking to you about it and I promise that I won't discuss

    it with anyone else.B) I'd really like to tell you about it, but you must promise not to tell

    anyone else.C) If you give me your word that you'll keep quiet about it, I'll tell

    you the secret

    D) I want to discuss the issue with you; however, they've made mepromise not to tell anyone.

    E) Had I not given my word, I would have told you all the secrets thatI know.

    52- I'd rather starve than eat my brother's cooking.A) I was so hungry that I even found It possible to consume food that

    my brother had made.B) If my brother hadn't managed to cook something, I might have

    died from lack of food.C) In my opinion, dying of hunger is preferable to eating the food my

    brother prepares.D) My brother cooks in such a way that I am always extremely

    hungry when I see him.

    E) I would prefer death from hunger to having my brother comeround for a meal.

    53-60. sorularda verilen ngilizce cmlenin Trke dengini bulunuz53- The accordion, a hand-held musical instrument, first became popular

    in Austria and Germany in the early 19 th century.A) Elde tutulan bir mzik aleti olan akordiyon ilk olarak 19. yzyln

    balarnda, Avusturya ve Almanya'da popler olmutur.B) 19. yzyln balarnda ok popler bir mzik aleti olan akordiyon,

    ilk kez Avusturya ve Almanya'da kullanlmtr.C) Avusturya ve Almanya'da 19. yzyl balarnda en popler mzik

    aleti, elde tanan akordiyondu.D) Avusturya ve Almanya'da ilk olarak 19. yzyl balarnda popler

    olan akordiyon, elle alnan bir mzik aletidir.E) Elle alnan akordiyon, 19. yzyl balannda Avusturya ve

    Almanya'da en popler mzik aletiydi.

    54- Directly or indirectly, plants provide food, clothing, fuel, shelter andmany other necessities of life for man.

    A) Bitkiler, bazen dolayl bazen dolaysz, yiyecek, giyecek,yakt ve barnak gibi insanolunun pek ok hayatigereksinimini karlamaktadr.

    B) Dolayl ya da dolaysz, bitkiler, insanolu iin yiyecek,giyecek, yakt, barnak ve hayatn dier pek ok ihtiyacnkarlar.

    C) Yiyecek, giyecek, yakt, barnak ve insanolunun yaamnndier pek ok ihtiyac, dolayl ya da dolaysz, bitkilerdensalanmaktadr.

    D) nsanolu iin yiyecek, giyecek, yakt, barnak ve dieryaamsal gereksinimler dolayl ya da dolaysz olarak

    bitkilerden elde edilmektedir.E) Bitkiler, insanolunun yiyecek, giyecek, yakt, barnak vedier pek ok hayati ihtiyacn, bazen dolayl bazen dedolaysz olarak karlyor.

    55- Some cities and towns in Alaska can only be reached by ship,riverboat or airplane.A) Alaska'nn baz ehir ve kasabalarna ulamak, sadece gemi,

    nehir teknesi ya da uakla mmkn olmaktadr.B) Alaska'daki baz ehir ve kasabalara ulam yalnzca gemi,

    nehir teknesi veya uakla salanmaktadr.C) Alaska'da yalnzca gemi, nehir teknesi ve uakla ulalabilen

    baz ehir ve kasabalar bulunmaktadr.D) Alaska'daki baz ehir ve kasabalara sadece gemi, nehir

    teknesi ya da uakla ulalabilmektedir.E) Alaska'nn baz ehir ve kasabalarna ulamak iin sadece

    gemi, nehir teknesi veya uak kullanlmaktadr.

    56- The effects of acid rain can be devastating to many forms oflife, including human life.A) Asit yamurlarnn, insan yaam dahil, pek ok canl tr

    zerinde zararl etkileri grlebilir.B) Pek ok canl tr iin ok zararl olan asit yamurlar, insan

    yaamn da etkileyebilmektedir.C) Asit yamurlarnn zararlarndan, insan yaam dahil, pek ok

    canl tr etkilenmektedir.

    D) Asit yamurlarnn etkilen, sadece insan yaam iin deil,pek ok canl tr iin zararldr.

    E) Asit yamurlarnn etkileri, insan yaam dahil, pek ok canltr iin ok zararl olabilmektedir.

    57- Contrary to popular belief, there is no known connectionbetween acne and diet.A) Akne ile beslenme arasnda bir balant olduu yaygn olarak

    bilinmektedir.B) Yaygn inann aksine, akne ile beslenme arasnda bilinen

    bir balant yoktur,C) Akne ile beslenme arasnda bir balant olduuna inanlr

    ama bu doru deildir.D) Akne ile beslenme arasnda bir balant olduuna inanmak

    kesinlikle yanltr.E) Yaygn olarak kabul gren yanl bir inan da, akne ilebeslenme arasnda bir balant olduudur.

    58- A curious blend of reality and fantasy characterised both the lifeand works of the Spanish artist Salvador Dali.A) spanyol ressam Salvador Dali, hem yaamnda hem de

    eserlerinde gerekle fantezinin tuhaf bir karmmyanstmtr.

    B) spanyol ressam Salvador Dali'nin hem yaamnn hem dealmalarnn karakteristii, gerekle fantezinin tuhaf birkarmndan ibarettir.

    C) Gerekle fantezinin tuhaf bir karm, spanyol ressamSalvador Dali'nin hem yaamn hem de eserlerini karakterizeetmitir.

    D) Gerekle fantezinin garip karmndan spanyol ressamSalvador Dali'nin hem yaamnn hem de eserlerininkarakteristii kmtr.

    E) spanyol ressam Salvador Dali'nin yaamnn karakteristiiolan gerekle fantezinin tuhaf karm, onun eserlerinde dehissedilir.

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    59- On March 27, 1964, southern Alaska was struck by the most intenseearthquake ever recorded in North America.A) Gelmi gemi en iddetli deprem, 27 Mart 1964'te Kuzey

    Amerika'da, Alaska'nn gneyinde meydana gelmitir.B) 27 Mart 1964'te gney Alaska'y sarsan deprem, Kuzey

    Amerika'da kaydedilmi gelmi gemi en iddetli depremdi.

    C) 27 Mart 1964'te gney Alaska, Kuzey Amerika'da kaydedilmitm zamanlarn en iddetli depremiyle sarsld.D) Alaska'nn gneyini vuran ve tm Kuzey Amerika'y sarsan 27

    Mart 1964 depremi, kaytlara gre tm zamanlarn en iddetlidepremiydi.

    E) 27 Mart 1964'te gney Alaska'y sarsan gelmi gemi en iddetlideprem, tm Kuzey Amerika'da hissedilmiti.

    60- The American cartoonist Scott Adams, the creator of the popularcomic strip "Dilbert", was also a specialist hypnotist.A) Sevilen karikatr dizisi "Dilberf'in yaratcs olan Amerikal

    karikatrist Scott Adams ayn zamanda uzman bir hipnozcuydu.B) Uzman bir hipnozcu olan Amerikal karikatrist Scott Adams,

    sevilen karikatr dizisi "Dilbert" in de yaratcsdr.C) Amerikal karikatrist Scott Adams hem sevilen karikatr dizisi

    "Dilbert" in yaratcs hem de son derece baanl bir hipnozcudur.D) "Dilbert" adl karikatr dizisiyle popler olan Amerikal

    karikatrist Scott Adams, hipnoza da zel bir ilgi duymaktadr.E) Popler karikatr dizisi "Dilbert" in yaratcs olan Scott Adams,

    asl mesleinin yan sra, hipnoz ile de zel olarak ilgilenmektedir.

    61-68. sorularda verilen Trke cmlenin ngilizce dengini bulunuz.61- Gneyde yer almasna ramen, lkenin byk bir blmnn olduka

    yksek rakmndan dolay Trkiye'nin iklimi arlklar gsterir.A) The climate of Turkey is temperate, but extreme temperatures

    occur in many southern parts, which have relatively highaltitudes.

    B) The extreme temperatures experienced in Turkey are unusual for acountry with such a southerly location, but they are caused by the

    high altitudes.C) Turkey's relatively high altitude means that colder temperatures

    are experienced than one would expect for its southern location.D) The climate of Turkey is less temperate than its southern location

    would indicate, which is due to the mountainous nature of muchof the country.

    E) Despite its southern location, the climate of Turkey displaysextremes because of the relatively high altitude of a great part ofthe country.

    62- Gz diye bilinen olduka sakin, bulutsuz merkezinden dolay hortum,yukardan bakldnda kocaman bir halka gibi grnr.A) The overall shape of a cyclone resembles a huge ring with a

    comparatively quiet, cloudless centre called the eye.

    B) Viewed from above, a cyclone looks like a huge ring because ofthe relatively quiet, cloudless centre known as the eye.C) In the centre of a cyclone there is a quiet, cloudless part, known as

    the eye, which resembles a huge ring when viewed from above.D) If we look at a cyclone directly above us, we will notice that the

    centre, known as the eye, resembles a huge ring.E) The top of a cyclone looks like a huge ring, which is because of

    the comparatively quiet, cloudless centre called the eye.

    63- Zararl bcekler her yl tm dnyada milyarlarca dolar deerindehasara neden olmaktadrlar.A) Billions of dollars is spent every year attempting to eradicate

    harmful insects.B) Every year, harmful insects cost billions of dollars worldwide

    to destroy.C) On a worldwide scale, the damage done by harmful insects

    amounts to billions of dollars every year.D) Harmful insects cause billions of dollars' worth of damage

    worldwide every year.E) The damage done by harmful insects every year is worth

    billions of dollars worldwide.

    64- Eski kaytlar, Afganistan'da bir zamanlar verimli olan yerlerinverimsiz ta ve kum alanlara dntn gstermektedir.A) Although now a fertile area, ancient records describe this part

    of Afghanistan as barren stretches of rock and sand.B) According to the records, the barren stretches of rock and

    sand in Afghanistan used to be fertile areas in ancient times.C) Ancient records show that once-rich areas in Afghanistan

    have turned into barren stretches of rock and sand.D) Afghanistan is mainly barren stretches of rock and sand, butaccording to ancient records, it was once a rich country.

    E} Stretches of barren rock and sand in Afghanistan havereplaced the once-rich areas described in ancient records.

    65- Mermerin souk beyazln beenmeyen eski Yunanllar,heykelleri ve binalar boyuyorlard.A) The cold whiteness of marble was not to the taste of ancient

    Greeks, who painted both their statues and buildings.B) Ancient Greeks, who did not like the cold whiteness of

    marble, painted the statues and buildings.C) Ancient Greeks painted both marble statues and buildings to

    disguise the cold whiteness of marble.D) Ancient Greeks did not recognise the beauty of pure white

    marble and painted their statues and buildings.E) Cold white marble statues and buildings built by ancient

    Greeks were originally painted to satisfy the owners.

    66- "Grdnz m resmediyorsunuz?" sorusuna Picasso, "Oradaolduunu bildiim eyin resmini yapyorum." yantn vermitir.A) To the question, "Do you paint what you see?" Picasso

    replied, "I paint the thing that I know is there."B) When questioned as to why he didn't paint what he saw,

    Picasso replied, "I paint what I know is there."C) Although he never painted what he saw, in his words, Picasso

    said "I paint what I imagine is there."D) When Picasso was asked, "What do you paint?" he

    explained, "I paint the thing that I imagine is there."

    E) "I paint whatever is there," replied Picasso to a questionabout whether he painted what he saw.

    67- Kltrel mirasn korunmas, bir mzenin ilevlerinin en eskisidir.A) The conservation of ancient objects is the museum's most

    important function.B) The primary purpose of the museum is to preserve our

    cultural heritage from ancient times.C) Museums were first established to preserve cultural heritage.D) The preservation of a cultural heritage is the most ancient of

    a museum's functions.E) The most usual way for cultural heritage to be preserved is in

    a museum.68- Dnyada tam olarak ka tr hayvann yaadn kimse bilmiyor

    nk srekli olarak yeni trler kefedilip isimlendiriliyor.

    A) Every year new kinds of animals are discovered and named,adding to the total number of known species inhabiting ourEarth.

    B) Due to the ever increasing number of animals evolving, it isimpossible for anyone to estimate the number which inhabitthe Earth.

    C) The precise number of kinds of animals inhabiting the Earthis not known as new ones are evolving all the time.

    D) The estimate of the number of kinds of animals that inhabitthe Earth is inaccurate, as new ones are discovered andnamed all the time.

    E) No one knows exactly how many kinds of animals inhabit theEarth, for new ones are discovered and named continually.

    69-76. sorularda parada bo braklan yere uygun den ifadeyibulunuz69- People told stories about fairies long before they wrote about

    them in books. On winter evenings, people often gatheredaround a fireplace or campfire to tell their favourite tales. ........ .In this way, people became familiar with fairy tales from manylands. This also explains the reason why many fairy stories toldtoday in different parts of the world resemble each other.

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    A) Fairy stories usually begin with the words, "Once upon a time..."B) Fairy tales usually changed as they passed from one place to

    anotherC) Belief in fairies was especially strong during the Middle AgesD) Shakespeare wrote about fairies in "A Midsummer Night's

    Dream"E) Travellers carried fairy stories to many different countries

    70- In all parts of the world, millions of people live and work on farms.For many families, farming is a profitable business. Some farmscover hundreds, or even thousands of acres. These huge farms may

    produce tons of food every year. Some farms produce vast crops ofcoffee, fruit or sugar. Others raise cattle or sheep by the thousands......... . These farmers often raise little more than the food they need tofeed their families.A) Fanners work with the soil, sunlight and water to raise cropsB) Besides, farmers plough the ground, sow seeds and harvest cropsC) Thus the farmer's crops and livestock provide many necessities of

    lifeD) However, for countless farmers, farming is a hard way of lifeE) But they are able to sell their crops or livestock for a lot of money

    71- The Chinese may have used firearms thousands of years ago, butfirearms as we know them were not developed in the Western worlduntil Europeans learnt ow to use gunpowder during the 1200s. Theinvention of firearms led to great changes in warfare. Bullets couldpenetrate armour. ....... . However, these huge structures crumbledbefore the assault of new weapons, such as cannon balls.A) Castles had easily withstood the attacks of men armed with

    swords, spears and bows and arrowsB) The rifle was invented in the late 1500s, but many

    improvements have been made since thenC) The first firearms were cannons, but men soon developed

    firearms that they could carryD) Early hand-held firearms, such as the pistol and the musket,

    were heavy and difficult to loadE) Many people believe that the world would be a better place if

    firearms hadn't been invented

    72- ........ . Some like fishing because it gives them a chance to beoutdoors. Some like to sit quietly on the bank of a stream, watch theripples in the water, and think. Others like the exciting fight of astrong game fish. Whatever the reason, about 20,000,000 people takeout fishing licences every year in the United States. As a licence isnot required for a fisherman under a certain age, or for fishing in saltwater, probably the total number of fishermen is more likely to benearer 30,000,000.A) Fish are one of the most important sources of food for manB) Fish that are smaller than a certain length may not be keptC) The pleasures of fishing are different for each fishermanD) Fishing has been the sport of many American PresidentsE) Fishing laws protect fish in every state in the United States

    73- Many materials provide protection against heat and cold. The body is

    protected by clothing made of various textiles. Generally, severallayers of lightweight clothing provide greater protection than onethick layer with the same total weight. This is due to the insulatingeffect of the air between the layers. ........ . For example, builders usestorm windows to help insulate houses. The layer of air between theinner and outer panes of glass provides insulation.A) Insulation may also be used when the conservation of heat is

    not the chief concernB) Other types of insulation do not readily permit sound or

    electricity to pass throughC) This same principle is applied to insulation in houses and

    other structuresD) Clothing is one of the most important and most common

    types of insulationE) The air is permanently trapped between the two layers of

    glass or other material74- No one can tell exactly how much any dog should eat. ....... . If it

    appears thin, feed it more food. Dogs of all ages need meat every day.You may give a fully grown dog scraps from the table, which shouldcontain at least one-third meat. However, do not give your dog bones,as bone splinters can injure him if he swallows them.

    A) Wash the food dish thoroughly every dayB) Throw uneaten food away after 20 minutesC) Keep fresh drinking water available at all timesD) Tinned food supplies the vitamins he needsE) If your dog becomes fat, feed it less food

    75- When man is not prepared, sudden and violent floods may bringhuge losses. They may destroy property, wipe out homes andcarry off the rich topsoil, leaving the land barren. ......... . TheNile River in Egypt, for example, built up the plains of Egyptwith its yearly floods and made the Nile Valley one of the mostfertile regions in the world. It brought fertile soil from lands that

    were far to the south and deposited the soil in the valley.A) Sometimes, however, floods may be helpful rather thandestructive

    B) Rivers may receive ten times as much water as they can holdC) Tree planting is an important part of modern flood controlD) Floods from the sea are usually caused by extremely high

    windsE) Floodwaters have often destroyed entire communities

    76- ........ . The land includes a desert, thick jungles, and one of theworld's rainiest areas. It also has broad plains, great rivers, thetallest mountain system in the world, and tropical lowlands. Thepeople of India belong to many different races and religions.They speak about 180 languages, including 14 major tongues.Some Indians have great wealth, while others can spend only afew cents a day on the bare necessities of life.A) Many ways of life in India have stayed the same for

    thousands of yearsB) Some Indians are college graduates, but others have never

    gone to schoolC) Many Indian people cannot even understand each other's

    languageD) India has great varieties and differences in both its land and

    its peopleE) Overcrowding gets worse as India's huge population keeps

    growing rapidly77-84. sorularda anlam bakmndan paraya uygun olmayan ifadeyibulunuz77- (I) Acid rain is a cocktail of acidic chemicals that is carried by

    the wind and delivered by the rain hundreds, even thousands, ofmiles from its origin. (II) In spite of this, the cheapest means ofsolving the problem is to increase energy efficiency. (III)Damaging or killing forests, lakes, wildlife, humans, buildings,works of art, it is one of the most serious environmental threats.(IV) It is worst in Europe and North America. (V) However, itsdamaging effects have been felt as far afield as Southern India,Brazil, Chile, Mexico, South-East Asia, Eastern China andAustralia.A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

    78- (I) A fable is a short story which teaches a lesson. (II) Somefables are no longer than a paragraph of prose, while others areshort poems. (III) The characters are usually animals, but theytalk and act like people. (IV) However, it is said that Aesop, aGreek slave, wrote most of the fables. (V) In fact, the meaningof the fable is often made clear at the end by what one of theseanimals wisely says.A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

    79- (I) The first match was invented in 1827 by the Englishpharmacist John Walker. (II) The tip of this match was coatedwith a mixture of antimony sulfide and potassium chlorate thatwas held onto the wooden matchstick by gum arable. (III) Otherand more efficient matches were developed later. (IV) Whenthis tip was rubbed on a rough surface, friction produced enoughheat to ignite the chemicals. (V) The burning chemicals thenproduced enough heat to ignite the wooden matchstick.A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

    80- (I) Keeping a diary is a valuable activity for young people. (II) Ithelps them learn to express their beliefs, their experiences andtheir desires. (III) The rereading of a diary which has been keptfor several years helps the writer to realise how his attitudes may

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    have changed and how his mind has grown. (IV) The attitude of theyoung has changed a great deal over the past few decades, in bothdesirable and undesirable ways. (V) It also serves as a factual recordof events that might otherwise be difficult for a person to recall.A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

    81- (I) An easy way to find direction is by means of a watch, a stick andthe Sun. (II) In addition, it is possible to find directions during themorning and afternoon. (III) Hold the stick upright at the outer end ofthe hour hand on the watch. (IV) Turn the watch slowly until theshadow of the stick falls along the hour hand. (V) South will liehalfway between the shadow and the twelve on the watchface.

    A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V82- (I) Costume dolls from foreign lands show how other people dress. (II)For hundreds of years, the Japanese have paid the highest honour totheir dolls. (III) They hold a three-day Festival of Dolls on the thirdday of the third month of each year. (IV) Sometimes this celebrationis called the Girls' Festival. (V) This is because all Japanese girlscelebrate their birthdays at that time, even if it falls on some otherday.A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

    83- (I) The stars in the clear night sky seem countless in number. (II) Yet,for every star you can see with your unaided eye, there are more thana hundred different species of insects on the Earth below. (III) Thechief reason that insects play such an important part in our lives isbecause they eat so much. (IV) Scientists have identified more than800,000 kinds of insects. (V) There are still so many unknown onesthat some authorities believe the list may total from 2,000,000 to4,000,000 species.A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

    84- (I) In June, the days and nights got hotter and hotter. (II) The sky waswhite and the sun was red hot until the middle or end of the month,when the sign the farmers had been waiting for came. (III) Everyonewas wet, and had to go inside to change their clothes. (IV) First therewould be a small cloud, then more clouds, and then the white skywould turn to grey. (V) Suddenly there would be a flash, and the firstdrops would come down and perhaps the next day, or a week later,there would be the first steady rain.A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

    85-92. sorularda verilen durumda sylenebilecek sz bulunuz85- You ate baby-sitting the neighbours' child, Tim, for the first time.

    After you've been there for about an hour. Tim says that he doesn'tfeel well, and he looks as if he may have a fever. You call his parentson their mobile phone, and taking care not to alarm them, say:A) You've got to come back, I'm afraid, as I'm not prepared to

    look after a sick child.B) I don't want to bother you, but could you tell me what your

    doctor's number is, please?C) Please come home immediately and look after Tim, because

    he's feeling terribly ill.D) I'm sorry to disturb you, but Tim is feeling slightly unwell

    and I'm not sure what to do.E) If you were good parents, you would take care of your sick

    child instead of going out.86- You and your brothers stayed up quite late last night, playing games

    and having a good time. This morning, your mother complains thatshe found it difficult to get to sleep last night, as the neighbours werebeing so noisy. Realising that it probably wasn't the neighbours whowere responsible for keeping your mother awake, you admit:A) I thought it was very quiet last night and I fell asleep quite

    easily.B) Perhaps I should go over and have a word with the

    neighbours about it.C) It couldn't have been me keeping you up because I went to

    bed early.D) The neighbours are troublemakers and they should be more

    considerate.E) It might have been us making the noise because we stayed up

    quite late.

    87- You and a friend have planned a day in town together. Unfortunately,you're not ready to go when she arrives at your house, so it's onlyafter abort ten minutes that you both leave for the station to catch thetrain into town. As you step onto the platform, you see the trainpulling out. Knowing that it will be half an hour before the next onearrives, you say guiltily:

    A) Wouldn't It be great if we could afford to travel by taxi allthe time?

    B) I'm really looking forward to going into town and doingsome shopping.

    C) We're not in a hurry, so we don't need to worry about missingthe train.

    D) We've got time for a coffee because the next one is in thirtyminutes.

    E) I feel bad. If I hadn't kept you waiting so long, we wouldhave caught it.

    88- You go out to dinner at a friend's house. Sadly, it turns out to beone of those dreadful evenings when everything goes wrong the food is awful and you don't get on with the other guests. Youleave as early as possible, saying insincerely:A) I really appreciate all the effort you made, but it wasn't a

    terribly successful evening, was it?B) Thank you so much for a wonderful evening. I haven't

    enjoyed myself so much for a long time.C) I would have enjoyed it much more if the food had been

    better and the guests had been nicer.D) Please tell me next time you want to have a dinner party and

    I'll help you with the cooking.E) l don't know where you met those other people, but I'm afraid

    I really don't like them at all.

    89- You have a new colleague whom you're helping to train. You sethim a task, leaving him to complete it on his own. He finishesthe work in half the time you expect it to take. You areimpressed, so you praise him, saying:A) I'd better find you something else to do now.B) I hope that you are finding this training useful.C) Now that you've finished that, you can do this.D) That was fast work! You did a really good job.E) If you worked more quickly, it would be better.

    90- You are working for a large supermarket. It's Saturday, and theshop is very crowded. Suddenly, one of the customersapproaches you. She is very upset because she has lost her five-year-old son. While a colleague goes off to look for the boy, you

    speak to the woman, saying reassuringly:A) Don't worry, Madam. This happens quite often and the

    children are always okay.B) It might be a good idea to call the police if we don't find him

    in the next ten minutes.C) If you bring a small child into a supermarket, you must hold

    his hand all the time.D) What does your son look like and can you remember what he

    is wearing today?E) The problem is that a supermarket just isn't a suitable

    environment for a young child.

    91- While you're preparing for a party, your sister spills coffee allover your new white shirt. She's very apologetic, but you'reupset, so you can't help but respond hurtfully, saying:A) If I put it in water straightaway, I don't think it will stain.B) Now look what you've done! You're always so clumsy.C) I know it was an accident, but you could at least say sorry.D) Don't worry about it. I'm always doing things like that.E) It's only an old shirt, so it really doesn't matter in the least.

    92- Your parents have gone out, and you and a group of friends arewatching a horror film on video. Just as the film finishes, youhear a noise that sounds a bit like a door slamming. Under theinfluence of the film, you say nervously:A) That was good timing. It sounds as if my parents have just

    got home.B) What's that? I think someone might be trying to break into

    the house.C) Please don't slam the door. That sound really gets on my

    nerves.D) I hope you all enjoyed the film. I thought it was absolutely

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    fantastic.E) Listen to the wind! Wouldn't it be great if there was a storm


    93-100. sorularda karlkl konumann bo braklan blmndesylenmi olabilecek sz bulunuz93- Charles: I heard that you're taking your car to Glasgow this weekend.

    Betty: Yes. I'm leaving after work on Friday.Charles: .........Betty: Okay. I'd also appreciate having someone to share thedriving with.

    A) Really? What day do you plan to come back to London?B) Great! What time do you finish? I'm done at five o'clock.C) Would it be possible for you to take this letter with you?D) Are you sure that you know the best way to get there?E) Can I come along if I help out with the cost of the petrol?

    94- Peter: ..........Helen: He's still living with his parents in Canterbury, isn't he?Peter: I don't think so. The letter I wrote there got returned.Helen: Hmmm. Why don't you e-mail his brother and ask him?A) Do you happen to know what Andrew's home address is?B) What do you think about visiting Ralph during the holiday?C) So, how did your meeting with your fiance's parents go?D) Did you happen to get a Christmas card from Fran this year?E) Would you happen to know when the Canterbury bus leaves?

    95- Kim: Hi, Mum. I'm at the shop now. They haven't got any redpeppers.Mum: .........Kirn: Okay, I'll get them instead. Do we need anything else?Mum: Yeah. Could you pick up a head of lettuce as well?A) Well, then I can't make a salad. Why don't we eat out?B) That's not a problem. The green ones will do just fine.C) Then perhaps you should try the greengrocer's in town.D) Really? What other colours have they got in stock?E) I don't actually need them. I'll use what I've got here.

    96- Receptionist: Good morning. St Mark's Books. How can I help you?Caller: Would you happen to have the Lonely Planet Guide to Peru?Receptionist: .........Caller: Could you please put it aside for me to come in and have alook at it?A) No. Why don't you try the travel book shop in Montague Street?B) Why should we? Peru is all the way on the other side of the world.C) It's a lovely country, isn't it? I went there myself a few years ago.D) No, I'm sorry, we're out. We have got the Rough Guide though.E) Sorry, we've sold out. What do you think about going to Brazil?

    97- Minette: I've just seen Joan Harrison. Do you remember her?Alfred: ..........

    Minette: Yes, she did, I'd forgotten that.Alfred: I seem to remember that all those children were veryintelligent.A) I think so. She was a tall girl, with beautiful long brown hair.B) I don't think I do, unless she was the girl with the big dog.C) Yes, of course. She had three younger brothers at my school.D) Yes, I saw Joan Karrison last week at my school reunion.E) Oh, I know her. She's married and has two little boys now.

    98- Deidre: ...........Alison: It should be, but it's new, isn't it?Deidre: Yes, I bought it a few days ago, so I haven't washed it yet.Alison: I'd do it by hand then. You don't want the colour to run.A) In this poor light I can't tell whether this skirt is dark grey or

    black.B) These trousers won't shrink if I wash them in hot water, will

    they?C) Do you think this blouse will be okay if I wash it in the

    machine?D) I should wash this dress because I want to wear it to the


    E) Woollen garments should be washed by hand in warm, soapywater.

    99- Theresa: I didn't expect to see you here. I thought you haddecided not to come.Susan: .........Theresa: Well, I'm glad you did, and I hope you enjoy yourself.Susan: Thanks a lot. I'm sure I will.A) I wouldn't have missed this opportunity to see my friends.B) I was tired, so I wasn't going to, but I changed my mind.C) Unfortunately I can't because I'm feeling a little ill today.

    D) I don't feel well, actually, but I didn't want to stay at homealone.E) Neither did I, but there are a few things I need to discuss.

    100- Megan: I'm going to clean all the windows in the house today.Robert: Is there anything I can do to help?Megan: .........Robert: I'll look in the garage. It should be there.A) If you do the back windows, I'll do the ones in the front.B) Please take this bucket and fill it with soapy water for me.C) If any of the windows are really dirty, you could clean them.D) It would be most helpful if you just kept out of my way.E) If you could find the ladder for me. I'd be very grateful.

    PRACTICE EXAM 21. E 2.D 3.A 4.A 5.C 6.B 7.D 8.E 9.A 10.Bll.C 12.C 13.E 14.B 15.D 16.C 17.A 18.D 19.B 20.D21.A 22.E 23.E 24.D 25.A 26.C 27.B 28.E 29.C 30.A31.B 32.B 33.D 34.C 35.E 36.A 37.D 38.C 39.B 40.E41.D 42.A 43.B 44.A 45.A 46.E 47.C 48.B 49.B 50.E51.D 52.C 53.A 54.B 55.D 56.E 57.B 58.C 59.C 60.A61.E 62.B 63.D 64.C 65.B 66.A 67.D 68.E 69.E 70.D71.A 72.C 73.C 74.E 75.A 76.D 77.B 78.D 79.C 80.D81.B 82.A 83.C 84.C 85.D 86.E 87.E 88.B 89.D 90.A91.B 92.B 93.E 94.A 95.B 96.D 97.C 98.C 99.B 100.E