elp022 high intermediate writing. it is a comparison of two things. example: i feel like a fish out...

Download ELP022 High Intermediate Writing. It is a comparison of two things. example: I feel like a fish out of water. She was as quiet as a mouse. In writing

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Verbal analogies are a part of tests like the GRE. Example: Clock is to time as thermometer is to: (a) temperature (b) degrees (c) weather (d) centigrade


ELP022 High Intermediate Writing It is a comparison of two things. example: I feel like a fish out of water. She was as quiet as a mouse. In writing we use two types of analogies. similes metaphors Verbal analogies are a part of tests like the GRE. Example: Clock is to time as thermometer is to: (a) temperature (b) degrees (c) weather (d) centigrade Similes and Metaphors are used to: give your writing expressive power. add cleverness to your writing if they are used wisely. make your ideas clearer. create powerful and lasting images. If used correctly, figurative language can make your writing stronger. Simile A direct comparison using like or as. Example: Her ideas were fresh like a flower. An indirect comparison without like or as. Example: I appreciate her fresh ideas. Metaphor Dictionary definition: figurative / f gj r t v/ adjective of words, language, etc. : used with a meaning that is different from the basic meaning and that expresses an idea in an interesting way by using language that usually describes something else Similes are usually used to give the reader a reference for the image created. Example 1. Sallys hands were cold. 2. Sallys hands were as cold as ice. Which is more interesting? An expression is used to refer to something that is not logical or realistic to suggest similarity. Example: She has a lot of paperwork. She is drowning in paperwork. Doing a lot of paperwork is being compared to drowning in an ocean. You want your metaphors to be short and sweet. Remember! They can add cleverness to your writing if they are used wisely. Be careful not to overuse analogies in your writing. Too many metaphors and similes can cause writing to become flowery (wordy) and light. Similes and metaphors without meaning are empty and weak. Choose your words wisely, especially when flavoring your essay with metaphors.