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Post on 09-Dec-2021




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Page 2: ELO's Greatest Hits - archive.org


ee ee Soe eh te

i carers ae oo le at a ot lt

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A New sone: ee 355235 eee

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OS Me" KZ2ASSIOL = (at Ae


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Stone Oe

eo Goeeeeees erreeee eee


A A el tl awe,


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This OUbum in a big Unt for me in many ciays. These ane cur Act Singfes anol (am prouel Har

wot / wnt mesee { The Songs Span a perocl og S years (frm 973 & 1979) Se thin record ic tke a muricak dary tr me, and Enngs BH HOY memories. On the earls songs Eee ‘Shas anol mo. ma: belle’ (73) we were SELL Tying To fend our Way muse but / can stile Crrster tr these Tacks and Smile anol thnk Kerr emporloant

is Seonad oat the time, even ee Oe eS we autrwmbered Ue auclionce !

Thine are re miler! Cat eee C10) aoa the Grad Seng om eohieh

We upeol a Zopeece Yering Section playny along wth uw » Rerious®, we kad ureo! ay

mer 2 celles amd Ivickn and Lee ee hoe be wake te one wt Stund,

Thio Sng war Gm (omd $i20 io) the allem Elloradz) which eammedd uo eu ferat got alive In th USA.

In (978, Sy SNe oe up most of our Tome we died manage. Ur Cook Some

SerALnA mM a Studia: ut had Mare = et Bee Callas munizBnd en munted.. There we recoroltel

‘ERR Woman ond een | wrote “Evtk tooman' in the Studio and it Came to me

on ge eer sony Thane ee: (76 wie wetinee aE A ae etd Hacer

fies ts eee Peles 02.4) Gr Lal i gene gol Smaps)

‘pleare excure ahh thre Cmekets aie venoms: dee onl BLO. een ol) puereel Seca

amd Suddenk, we wene playiny te auolences of uf G 20,000 peapla un one. night. 1t

war oll pretty fontnstic Stag! Lacking tach aX it, /Uhink | hed Started Ur corte Gettir songs at his time ami ‘war becoming a prorlucer mstiad shat playing usith the bnets mthe miner,

1977 arrwed ond we olecided tr make a darbte album, | Gched myrelf any tm a Chalet om Suitgzerlamel and fortimatily Came op with 13 Songs im 3 weeks and crete 3 mere. on Che Stadio

recording Secs of epic. propartions Come’ Tarn ter Stone Sweet Talhini Aleman’ anol ‘mie, Blur Shy’

main renin we hame continued te use that Stade in the engineer Chere ne shit Cu tine tig

He in Called mack, anil -frem ‘Face the music! (tle album with Et Weman omit) minds we kane fred & get Grimdahip an welbar o grat sorting seletiomehie Mach whee The Sound emsmeer on all or Ere Short. Fosple crn ok me which Comurirsty the murce or the oordae Withat fk Re musre ta compalelicl well bofere the Eyre. SémeTemeo | fenink comtiny the wxorda inn Che Stuchior ama Simg thom Immedialil, , and on a Couple of Senyr | Samg the werdo Lefre ( had writtr thr! lye been teachers myneeh tr phan te Plane fer

abrut 5 years Pe LT ee UE, Mains because / Carn never fur aru Paper,

Bernarly femal , Richard's Key bool plang i Sone ns ce apa ee Xe 3 faybourdo at once! wore GAS one out

tr gure, Baws constant Sokid dremmen§ anol Kelly's intricate Cars work add up te a

quot hey Huth Section im im which my guitar @yrgs a ekace , anol ae Te Q Bo-prece Strmy Section, L in om Stage whine our String players m

inter err own. Thanks 3 Don Adon whe Ecleved in us whos guidance har helped te pust us where we ane Corlary. }

Mone exciting than walking inte a Stidic te Shirt Recording o pans album

SOE BUND 8 NCE! Mass peat bg rok of virgin Tape deiting

[om reote foe eo, ene dhe posite. os aos


”? begonal ony thing / ener (magined .

1. Thanko te lt he tum at cet //

uy 7464-36310-1

On” = Thick Day. ny 7 38525).


“Chrom-the-album.— = > farhe Blue KZ235530).

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