
HALLOWEEN The last 30 th of October we celebrate Halloween holiday in the Ramon y Cajal School. This is a typical American holiday in which it´s easy to see witches and ghosts. After lunch time we disguised and the teachers told us that we could go to the playground to play for a while. Mean while some pupils of 5º and 6º of primary acted for other pupils. We had a great time with our friends. Next time you open the door be careful because someone can ask you TRICK OR TREAT!!! Jajajajaj Natalia Scheder-Bieschin. Belén Hontoria. Rubén Buján González. HALLOWEEN The last 30 th October, all primary celebrated Halloween in the CRC. Students in 4 th of ESO oraganized all the games. We divided primary by years and each year was assigned to a group of students in 4 th of ESO. During the week, we had meetings with English teachers to decide the activities. When the great day arrived, we all were very nervous. In the afternoon, we got dressed and finished the little details for the party. We made up the kids, we made a lot of games with them and, for the oldest (5 th and 6 th ) we made a tunnel of horror. The kids enjoyed a lot because they could do a lot of activities, listen the storytellers... everything in English, so that they learnt at the same time they played. For us it was a great experience because we could be with kids and practise our English. At the end of the day, we were all exhausted but we had had a great afternoon. All the teachers congratulated us because they said we had made it very well, but to my mind, kids made it easy. Isabel Palomo. 4º ESO Nº 1 22ND JUNE 2009

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HALLOWEEN Belén Hontoria. Rubén Buján González . Isabel Palomo. 4º ESO Spring is here..!! I can see the butterfly…!! Working all together in our Spring poster Bunny Bunny Where`s my tail? Here I goooo! WOW!! Merry Christmas!! A Christmas present to all the children! 1, 2, 3,


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HALLOWEEN The last 30th of October we celebrate Halloween holiday in the Ramon y Cajal School. This is a typical American holiday in which it´s easy to see witches and ghosts. After lunch time we disguised and the teachers told us that we could go to the playground to play for a while. Mean while some pupils of 5º and 6º of primary acted for other pupils. We had a great time with our friends. Next time you open the door be careful because someone can ask you TRICK OR TREAT!!! Jajajajaj

Natalia Scheder-Bieschin. Belén Hontoria. Rubén Buján González.

HALLOWEEN The last 30th October, all primary celebrated Halloween in the CRC. Students in 4th of ESO oraganized all the games. We divided primary by years and each year was assigned to a group of students in 4th of ESO. During the week, we had meetings with English teachers to decide the activities. When the great day arrived, we all were very nervous. In the afternoon, we got dressed and finished the little details for the party. We made up the kids, we made a lot of games with them and, for the oldest (5th and 6th) we made a tunnel of horror. The kids enjoyed a lot because they could do a lot of activities, listen the storytellers... everything in English, so that they learnt at the same time they played. For us it was a great experience because we could be with kids and practise our English. At the end of the day, we were all exhausted but we had had a great afternoon. All the teachers congratulated us because they said we had made it very well, but to my mind, kids made it easy.

Isabel Palomo. 4º ESO

Nº 1

22ND JUNE 2009

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During this course our

children have learnt many


But at the same time they

have enjoyed quite a lot!.

We had fun with different

activities such as:

Halloween Party, which was

really scary and spooky and

all the teachers (English and

Spanish) helped in its


Christmas Play: it was a

wonderful present to the

students from the English

team with the participation

of the Spanish teacher. You

should have seen their


The Easter Egg hunt, kids

made absolutely everything

for the Easter eggs hunt,

they painted their eggs,

coloured and cut their

masks and their ears., and

finally they found the eggs.

The had a great time!!.

In Spring our students went

to the playground to look

for bugs and flowers using

recycled binoculars.

The 3 years old children

have enjoyed singing and

playing and listening to

English stories.

Our 4 years old students

have started to talk and

express themselves.

This year our five years old

and their English teachers

organized a special show so

that their parents could

discover what their kids

have learnt. But the most

important thing our

students have achieved is

the meaning of I CAN!!

Our English Project: Fun and Learning

WOW!! Merry Christmas!!




Bunny!! Look

at the Easter



count the


Working all

together in

our Spring


1, 2, 3,

Bunny Bunny

Where`s my


Here I


Spring is


I can see the


A Christmas


to all the children!

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En inglés hacemos muchas cosas, por ejemplo vemos peliculas los viernes, escuchamos historias y las hacemos nosotros, cantamos canciones, hacemos juegos. Os voy a decir las historias: Caperucita Roja, Pinoccio, Jack y las judías mñágicas, Hansel y Gretel. Pablo Sánchez. 1ºC. Esto es lo que hacemos en inglés: Cuando hay clase de English nos divertimos mucho, sobre todo cuando hacemos manualidades, por ejemplo “The three little pigs” or “Materials”. Cantamos y bailamos. ¡Eso es lo que me gusta hacer en English! Esther Carrasco. 1ºD El inglés es muy divertido. Esto es lo que hemos aprendido: Los materiales, las figuras geométricas, los cuentos y estamos aprendiendo el abecedario. Me gusta mucho aprender! Sergio Rodrigo. 1ºC. Me lo paso muy bien en inglés. En inglés hemos hecho “The three little pigs”, hemos cantado muchas canciones y hemos hecho little books. Los viernes es “movie day”. También escuchamos muchas historias, bailamos muchas veces y hacen muchas bromas. Estamos aprendiendo el abecedario! Mónica Falceto. 1ºC Esto es lo que hago en inglés: En inglés estamos aprendiendo “the birthday”, “the classroom”, “the body”, “the clothes” and “the food”. Este año me lo estoy pasando muy bien viendo pelis de Dora y Diego. Ana Gordón. 1ºC

Lo que más me gusta hacer en las clases de English es “Doctor doctor”. Es un juego súper divertido. Se aprende como decir in English las cosas, por si vas a Inglaterra saber decirlo correctamente. Lucía Cabello. 1ºA. En inglés hacemos cosas muy divertidas. Vemos pelis de Dora y Diego en inglés. También hemos hecho “The three little pigs” y me ¡me encanta hablar en inglés! Manuel López 1ºB En las clases de inglés hemos hecho un póster de los tres cerditos. Para hacer las casas usamos: para la de paja espaguetis, para la de madera palillos y para la de ladrillos pintura cuadrada. La pintura era de color rojo. Y los viernes vemos Dora y Diego y Magic English. Hicimos un póster de los materiales. Hemos aprendido en inglés la letra a y la e. Alejandro Navarro. 1ºA I’m Matias. I like English. In English we do a lot of games. Games are fun. We do songs too. I like English a lot! Matías Mussini. 1ºB En ingles hemos aprendido la letra “A” y la “E”. hemos hecho un librito de “Ants” y “Edd likes eggs”. También hicimos “The three little pigs”. Hicimos la casa de paja con espaguetis, la de madera con palillos y la de ladrillo con pintura. También hacemos “little books”. Con nuestros little books aprendemos mucho inglés y también con la “Magic board” y viendo “Dora y Diego”. Cristina Vico. 1ºB

En clase de inglés hemos echo unos materiales: wood, wool, cotton y plastic. También hemos hecho el cuento de “The three little pigs” y con formas de papel hemos hecho figuras. Miguel Muñoz. 1ºA. Me encanta el inglés! Y también me gusta mucho cuando hacemos manualidades y me sé un montón de palabras como hat, cap, legs, pack, books, sand y muchas más. Todos los viernes vemos películas de Dora the Explorer y Diego! Alberto Montero. 1ºD En English hemos hecho “The three little pigs”, cantamos canciones. Hemos aprendido estos materials: wood, wool, plastic and cotton. Hicimos en la asamblea “Doctor, doctor”. Todos los días cambiamos los días de la semana en un cartel. Mi cosa favorita es hablar English!. También hacemos muchas bromas. Tenemos un vocabulario y hacemos juegos en la asamblea. David Romera. 1ºD.

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In English my favourite song is “It’s hot and sunny today, Oh great! We can go out to play!”. We learn about the weather. My favourite weather is: It’s sunny! We do some activities in the magic board. Virgi and Sol are very nice and very fun! English is very fun! Alicia Altarejos. 2ºB. In the English classes we learn songs. The songs are fun. My favourite song is “the alphabet” and “the pirate” I love English. I have a lot of fun! Virginia and Sol teach us a lot of English. I love the teachers! Pablo Deike. 2ºB. In English we have fun with the magic board because we learn a lot! and we watch Dora the Explorer and it’s very funny. I like the magic board! The teachers are very helpful and are very nice. I like the teachers! Patricia Fernández 2ºA. I love hacer the theatre. Javi Cocerria 2º D We read books for the class. I read for the class Alphabets. I got a book. My book is pupils book. I like we watch TV Dora the Explorer. We sing songs like Pirate Mego Ho Ho Ho! Queenie Queenie. I like Tigers. I like muy English. Ines Ferreira 2ºC In English we use the magic board. The magic board is very wonderful. We enjoy learning. The songs are funny and my favourite song is “What’s the weather like?” The units are very fun like “The weather” “The Queen of Hearts” and “Things I can do” Silvia García. 2ºA.

Lucía Laorden. 2ºA Hemos hecho muchos murales el de “Recycling”, el de “Workers/ Jobs” y el de “Trees”. Nos gusta mucho hacer murales. En el mural de “Recycling” pusimos un contenedor azul, un contenedor amarillo y un contenedor gris. En el contenedor azul pusimos papel y cartón. En el contenedor amarillo pusimos plásticos y en el contenedor gris pusimos residuos orgánicos. ¡Me encantó el de Recycling! Laura Iris Picatoste. 2ºB. “The workers” is not a unit of the English book but we have learnt a lot about jobs. We listen to the song “People Work”. It’s very funny. We make posters about jobs, we finish the posters and we put them on the wall. The teachers give us the posters. The songs are very funny but the song I like is “the tree song”. Pablo Fernández. 2ºA. In English we learn about the weather. My favourite weather is it’s snowing because we can make a snowman. There are different kinds of weather and one of them is sunny. In English we use the magic board. The magic board is very wonderful. We enjoy learning. The songs are funny and my favourite song is “What’s the weather like?” The units are very fun like “The weather” “The Queen of Hearts” and “Things I can do” Silvia García. 2ºA. My favourite song is elephant. My favourite activity is footprints. I use computer in my bedroom in English. We read in English a book. Rocío Fernández, 2ºC My favourite song is… Pirate Meg HoHo! I like read for us. I play games in English. We can read. Gonzalo Gadea, 2ºC Play Hospital. I sing song. We like we read. I use a computer in my house to study English. Román Sánchez, 2ºC I like to read in English. I read in English. Stories like The Space Race, Home Sweet Home, Nice Mike and Rude Jude. Fran Frechoso 2ºD

En English hemos aprendido a hacer murales de “Trees”, hemos puesto encima de cada cosa lo que es, también nos han enseñado canciones en English para aprendernoslas. También “Recycling” que el plástico va en la papelera amarilla, las sobras en la gris, y el papel en lña azul. Todos los viernes vemos pelis. También hacemos dos libros: uno es Pupil´s Book y otro se llama Activity Book. Todo gracias a Sol y Virginia. Carlos Sunkel. 2ºB. Las profesoras de ingles nos han enseñado a ahorrar agua. Una manera de ahorrar agua es cuando me lavo los dientes tengo el grifo cerrado para no gastar agua. Otra manera es ducharte en vez de darte un baño porque se gastaría más agua. Rocío Velasco. 2ºA. In English, we watch Dora the Explorer. English is fun. My favourite song is Animals. I like my teachers. I play theatre. I´m good in English. I play song. I play games in English. I like English. Rocío Fernández, 2ºC We follow the footprints map. Frodo, Alex, Katie, Pip and Squeak. I sing: Ladybird, Ladybird, fly away home. Your house is on fire adn you chidren all gone. Marina Lozoya, 2ºC Las profesoras de ingles nos han enseñado a ahorrar agua. Una manera de ahorrar agua es cuando me lavo los dientes tengo el grifo cerrado para no gastar agua. Otra manera es ducharte en vez de darte un baño porque se gastaría más agua. Rocío Velasco. 2ºA.

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In the English class

In English class we do some theatres like “Kiper and the Trolls” or “The sleeping beauty”. Some of us read and act the play, it’s very funny, and later different people act and read it. Ana Ruiz, 3ºC I like the English class because Rebeca and Traci sing very well the songs of the book. The exams of the book are very very easy. Today, the 23rd of April, the giraffes class learnt about the beach for example: I want to go fishing, I want to fly my kite or I want to play volleyball. Ignacio del Hierro, 3ºC In English we sing songs like “In the classroom”, “Let’s play sports”, “The clothes box”, “My favourite food”, “Rodney the robot”, “Where’s the elephant?” and “On the beach” these songs are very funny! Mónica Sánchez, 3ºC When the lesson starts we all read. On Friday we watch a movie. We sing songs. We have great teachers and friends. We have got a pupil’s book and an activity book. Diego Miranda, 3ºD In class we sing the songs of the pupil’s book and play very funny games. The teachers make games. María Sanchez, 3ºC The English class is very funny. At the beginning we read a book we change every Monday. It’s great when we sing girls vs boys. We play and take exams. English is good, it’s excellent! Pablo García, 3ºC In English we play and sing songs. My teachers are Traci and Rebeca. I learn about the animals, the beach… I like English, it’s super! Belén Moreno, 3ºC In the English class I watch TV and sing songs. We play with our teachers. We study. In the book there are some characters: Wag, Hoot, Scrufy, Bobby, Vicky, Nathalie, Hassan… We have books and more things! Rodrigo Aladro, 3ºC In my class there is posters of superstar. There are many book in the library. There are many children in the class. I have two books in English class. My favourite class is the giraffes. I have two teachers. Dani Alvarez 3ºD My teachers for English class are Rebeca and Traci. My teachers for English are nice. I like the English class: playing, singing dancing. I have a friend, her name is Siena. She is American. Maria Serrano 3ºD The funny songs and the two nice teachers We sing in the first part of the unit. Everyone sing a funny song. It´s fantastic! We have luck because we have two, nice teachers. The two and nice teachers are: Traci and Rebeca. The Science and the exams In the Science notebook, we put more information for the English Exam. The English Exam is a difficult test. It has three tests: the oral test (it´s the easy part), the writing part (it´s the difficult part) and the listening part (it´s the more difficult). Alvaro de Prada 3º D

Science In Science, we study villages, towns and cities. We study in English what´s in Spanish. It´s fantastic. They teach what is a village, a town and a city. For example. The villages hasn´t got many inhabitants and it has got bars. Lucia Manzano 3º D

English Festival To the English festival came one magician and the magician eat a balloon and the actor represented a “cieter”. Marta Rivas, 3ºD I love the festival because the magician exploded a balloon. Too the competition of the girls against the boys. And too: acted two people: Lollypop and Candy, they are an actor and an actress. Giselle 3ºD The English festival, me and my friends enjoyed, because we see one boy and two boys with a guitar and we see two boys, we played girls vs. boys, the boys won, because Traci my teacher help the boys and the boys es the winner, and I see a magician we make a tissue in a magic wand. To finish with an actor and an actress. The actress name is Lollypop, Lollypop is very shy. Ignacio del Hierro 3ºC The day 27 April we celebration the English festival. One magician make many magic. 3 musics play a guitar, drums very well and they told us a fairy tail. Mónica Sanchez, 3ºD

Secret Friend In English class we did an activity called “Secret Friend”. You wrote a letter to a friend and he or she had to guess who it was. Ana Ruiz, 3ºC The secret friend activity is very funny. We practice English to write very well. We can write and be funny the same time. When we finnish all we have to do we pick a letter and we write to the secret friend. Vasco Oliveira, 3ºC The secret friend I like very much. First, Alicia and Traci working in papers with names of the list. I write three letters. Second, tell a boy and this boy get out a paper with names, this boy talk with the teacher. And three the teacher give a letter of my secret firend. Goodbye! Paula Nuñez, 3ºA The secret friend you has got one firend and you’ve got a paper and you write from your friend and your friend write for you. You find out who write for you and you write to the speak notebook. Marta Rodriguez, 3ºA

Celebrations In Easter the boys and girls in 3rd year played with eater eggs. We put them on the tables, on the chairs… and the other had to find them. Nacho Muñoz, 3ºC On the 23rd April we celebrate the book day. Everyone participated, we wrote poems. The teachers gave a present to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd winners. María Sanchez, 3ºC Rebeca and Traci sing the song “On the Beach”. I write 10 sentences with “I want”. I write in the speak book “in the sand” and “in the sea”. Marta Rivas 3ºD We finish the units and we do exams. I get “Notables” and “Sobres”. We finish the trimester and we do a test. I like the exams. Guillermo Garcia 3º D I like the English class and the test is fun. And because the class is very fun. I like the English class because the songs are very fun and beautiful. The most important is the teachers, Rebeca and Traci because they are very funny. Maria Errazquin 3ºD The exam for units 4-6 is very easy. Traci and Rebeca pass out the exam so the Giraffes can correct it. On April 23, we celebrate Book Day. The Giraffes and the Dolphins went down to the “Salon de Actos.” Jaime Cuadra 3º D

Recycling In the green we put glass bottles. In the blue bin we put paper. In the yellow bin we put plastic. In the grey bin we put the rest of food. María Mir, 3ºC


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English Culture Week The week before Christmas vacation, we had an English Culture Week. In 3º Grade, we did a number of activities in which we learned that there are many places in the world which speak English. Our teachers showed us that there are over 100 countries which use English as an official language. We were very surprised to see that even in Africa and Asia, people speak English every Day. We also worked in groups in order to do a mini investigation about English Speaking places. In December, we make posters about the U.S.A. I work on California. I am very happy. California is in U.S.A. We make with Ernesto, Raul and the girls. Guillermo Carcia 3ºD I like English week because the food is very delicious and I did a poster of Canada. The food come from United States. I like because my teacher is from the United States. Ignacio del Hierro 3ºC

What I liked the most in my English class!

In the English Week, we studied the United States of America. We looked at many things about the English speaking countries. For example, we learned that the USA has got fifty states. We learned how to draw the American flag with its fifty stars (representing the 50 states). We did many worksheets about the USA and we had a lot of fun to learn about the American food, cities, and sports. Alba de Vicente, 4º A de Primaria We learned the United Kingdom in my English class. Ion and Bertrand prepared some sheets to practice. Now we know that the United Kingdom is very big, it’s got many cities. We learned the countries of the UK: Wales, England, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Lucía de la Fuente 4ºA de Primaria

The week before Christmas Holidays, an event was celebrated at our school: The English week. The aim was to introduce the culture of different English speaking countries. Soon, corridors became exhibitions made by students where the gastronomy, religions… were explained . And, also, English language evolution, which was very interesting. Everybody could teach and learn something new. The eldest students became, for a few minutes, natives of English countries; in front of primary children. We did a presentation for 4th graders about the United States of America. We had prepared it for the English class, so, although the audience was very different, we had the

The USA In the English class I studied and learned a lot about the USA. Their famous sport is American football. Their typical dishes are hamburgers, hot dogs or other things. During their free time they listen to music or watch TV. Irene Cortón 5ºb

USA We learned that the USA are located in North America. We also learned about their sports and their food. The USA are surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, Canada and Mexico. The typical cuisines brought by immigrants are Chinese food and Italian-American food. The flag represents the 50 states by stars and the 13 original colonies by red and white stripes. The American kids start nursery school at age 4. In their free time they normally lisen to musicand play computer games. They also participate in community services such as taking care of elderly, handicapped, hospital patients and help cleaning the environment. Maria del Pino Guilabert 5ºb

Celebrations In Easter the boys and girls in 3rd year played with eater eggs. We put them on the tables, on the chairs… and the other had to find them. Nacho Muñoz, 3ºC On the 23rd April we celebrate the book day. Everyone participated, we wrote poems. The teachers gave a present to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd winners. María Sanchez, 3ºC

opportunity of performing and practicing before. More activities were held in the school auditorium, which became a theatre where lots of comedies were represented by professional actors. In addition, the project was extended to the kitchen too. For instance, one day, the menu consisted of nuggets, sweet corn; ending in a delicious brownie. Now, months later, everything came back to normality. However, the remainings are still around us. Look at corridor’s windows! You will see lots of posters called Australia, United States, or any English speaking country, they are waiting for the next ENGLISH WEEK!! Nuria Pilar Plaza. 4º ESO


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From what the dictionary says, a drug is a substance with stimulating, depressing, narcotic or hallucinogenic effects. We can distinguish between the different effects: - The drugs with stimulating effects: it get exited the organism acting different organs. EX: Nicotine, amphetamine and cocaine. - The drugs with depressing effects: it produces a general depression in the majority of the organs. EX: Alcohol, GHB, Heroin, morphine and other calming drugs. - The drugs with narcotic or hallucinogenic effects: it alters the nervous system producing hallucinations. EX: cannabis, ketamine or LSD. Now you know all the bad effects of the drugs. Would you consume it? The joint, alcohol drinks and the tobacco are the more frequent drugs which teenagers consume. It’s a big problem in our society.

consume drugs for not be the strange, for not go cross-current, sometimes is only because of the boredom. I know, as a lot of people, that it’s difficult, but before of try the drugs we have to question ourselves if it’s really what we want to do, knowing all the effects (positives or negatives) that it’ll cause us. The drugs cause a lot of havoc in teenager’s life, summing also more problems to the family communication. In this article I want to send a message, especially for the teenagers: - Who think the things before doing it, strange occasion get into trouble - That everybody think something, don’t mean that they are true - The best decisions are this which asks the brain after heard the heart. I hope the people think about it and choose the best election. Laura Fernández Aguilera, 3ºA

The adolescence is difficult; at least, all the adults say it. In this phase of the life, the teenagers need the friend’s approval, which isn’t always the best. General speaking, teens start to


CINDERELLA Cindy is afraid and screams: “It can’t be true, it’s a dream!” When the prince goes into the house Cindy says, “Let me out!” She ran and ran from north to south, So everybody started to shout. She was crazy, and she was going to blow. Lucía Fernández-Sedano 6ºB

CINDERELLA Cindy pocked her own head around the door, and saw her prince on the floor. Cindy ran to meet her prince, when she does it, Cindy starts to plea, “Around the world I can go but I can’t behead a buffalo” I could forget this pretty price but I only see his pretty feet. And now I found a prettier prince than him and his name is Yao Ming Javier Martínez del Campo 6ºA

CINDY Cindy was disappointed with the Prince. He wasn’t the love that she had in mind. Cindy went to talk with him. They made their friendship up and went to swim. The stepsisters locked up Cindy in a dungeon. The prince entered in action. In a fierce fight, he defeated them And took out Cindy from the mess. Cinderella got married with the prince. Their choice was right and they lived together for a lot of time.

POEM María is bigger than what I can be but Tomás is stronger than you and me Ana's eyes are green and Elena's eyes are bluer than the sea Álex is taller for his age but he isn't the best at playing chess Nina is a girl who is very pleasant because to be her friend is a present. Paula del Burgo Corella 5ºD

Everything is different

The elephant is bigger than the mouse the pen is smaller than the house the tree is longer than the leaf the night is shorter than the life the giraffe is taller than the hat the ant is smaller than the cat and so he is bad Belén Salcedo 5ºC

THE NATURE The birds can stay on trees So they can be free The fish can swim on the sea They can’t eat other fish but can be fished The stars are the tallest of the sky But when I cry The stars fly and disappear The nature has all this Simple things Prettier than what you can see Diego Ortiz Velasco 5ºC

THE COLOURS Yellow is worse than the marshmellow because I am in the meadow Red is in the bed but it's better than Ned Green is like a bean and it is taller than you and me Blue is the colour of the moon and it's older than you Purple is eating an apple and is shorter than yellow all they form a very beautiful rainbow. María Rosa Gabriela de Mora 5ºD


Elena is taller than I am Nina is happier than Gabriel Han María's hands are bigger than my hands Javi is younger than paula Ana is older than Laura There are so many differences between us But we are a fantastic class Daniel Garasa 5ºD

IN THE ZOO I went to the zoo and I lost my shoe Where is it? I have no clue! I saw a horse, he is hungrier than the mouse I also saw a tiger he is bigger than the panther I asked the grasshopper and he saw a shoe in the newspaper And this is the end of the poem Paola Acevedo Lejo 5ºD

YOU Your eyes are darker than the chocolate Your hair is longer than the wheat And you are sweeter than a cloud A cloud made of cotton. Cristina Encinar 5ºa y Valentina Castilla 5ºa




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CARNIVAL 4TH PRIMARY In the last carnival, we did many activities. The first activity was to make a mask. The second one, we went to “the burial of the sardine”. Finally we went to the playground and we had a fun party!! In the party we put a beautiful mask. I HAD A LOT OF FUN DURING THE CARNIVAL!!!!! Clara Monsalve, 4º B de Primaria In the carnival we had a lot of fun! We danced, played, we ate and a lot of more things! We put our masks on, then we took them off and finally we danced and played in the playground. Javier Goecochea, 4º A de Primaria

Hoy hemos tenido el festival de inglés. Ha habido magia, payasos que hacían música, otros hacían teatro y hemos cantado en Inglés. Lo que más me ha gustado fueron los trucos de magia. Sergio Rodrigo. 1ºC Primero, fuimos al salón de actos y vimos y cantamos canciones en inglés, luego fuimos a la clase y vinieron dos hombres con silbato. Lo que más me gustó fue Mr. Green. Helena Cruz. 1ºB Primero ha venido una profe de teatro y hemos aprendido animales en inglés, después hemos cantado una canción. Más tarde han venido más profes y han hecho trucos y bromas y ha habido un concurso. Héctor Galán. 1ºA Me reí mucho con el mago y me ha gustado mucho. Quiero volver a verlo. Todo el rato hemos hablado en inglés y me he enterado de todo. Gonzalo Domínguez. 1ºD El mago de la guitarra y el del bombo son los que mas me han gustado porque eran muy divertidos. He aprendido mucho inglés y me gustaría que haya más festivales como este. Sergio Lianes. 1ºD Hoy en clase de inglés hubo un festival al que vino un mago que hizo desaparecer un pañuelo, también vino un payaso que tocaba un bombo y me gustó mucho. Marina Rodriguez. 1ºC


The traditional English breakfast

The traditional English breakfast is called “Full English” and is composed of:

- Scrambled eggs - Fried eggs - Boiled eggs - Sausages - Baked beans - Fried bread - Mushrooms - Tea - Coffee - Orange juice

British people are like Americans: they eat lots of junk food. I think that British people must eat healthier food because this junk food is not very good for their health!! Sofia San Pablo 5ºa

Traditional English Breakfast

The English breakfast is called “Full English”. It consists on scrambled, boiled or fried eggs, bacon, fried bread, sausages, mushrooms, baked beans, orange juice and tea or coffee. I think their traditional breakfast is very greasy but once a week it’s okay. Paula Leonardo 5ºa

There were Clowns and a magician. The clowns were funny. The magician did some magic tricks. I would like to see them again. David Romera. 1ºD Hoy hemos tenido una fiesta de inglés. Hemos ido al salón y hemos hecho karaoke. Ha venido un mago que hacía unos increíbles trucos y nos ha enseñado uno: el del pañuelo. Diego casado. 1ºA Nos fuimos al salón de actos y nos enseñaron a cantar en inglés y luego hicimos un concurso de chicas y chicos. Luego vino un mago y se comió un globo y nos hicieron un teatro. Carlos San Miguel. 1ºB


Recycling The Environment - El Medioambiente This year we had a great time doing our Project on the Environment. We had a chance to work together and come up with our own ideas about what we should do to help save the planet. Each class had a poster of Troy from High School Musical and Pikachu from Pokeman. We voted on a title and the best titles were chosen. Take a look at our work! The planet. We make big posters and we draw Pikachu and Troy. We have some idas about respect the planet. We write. Save the toys, Save the water, Save the trees and Save the environment. Alex Lopez 3ºB

In the class, we make two posters of Pikachu and Troy. We made clouds with ideas to save the planet. Example: Save the tress, Save the electricity and Save the animals. David Serrano 3ºB I like the week of environment. I make posters of ideas of recycle. Clean the planet is very important to save it.. Please separate the trash in bins: green, blue, grey and yellow. PLEASE COLABORATE WITH SAVE THE PLANET! Rodrigo Minguez 3ºB In the green bin we put glass bottles. In the blue bin we put paper. In the yellow bin we put plastic. In the grey bin we put the rest of food.

María Mir, 3ºC

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THE ENGLISH FESTIVAL English Festival On Tuesday, April 28th, we had the English Festival. First we went to the classes of 5th A and B to do a scene of Matrix with Candy and Lollipop, two clowns. Later, we went to the auditorium to do a karaoke in English. After this, we returned to the classes of 5th A and B to see very funny magical tricks. Then we went to the playground. After the playground, we went to the classes and we saw clowns playing the guitar and the drums. Finally, we did a competition between boys and girls, and the boys won. Daniel Garasa 5ºD

THE FESTIVAL The festival was an English past because people came from England and were English speakers. The festival saw magicians perform magic and make me out to do a trick I've never seen this spectacle! Also we sang karaoke songs, they were cool but very old, the activities I liked best were the magic and the competition between the kids, and I liked the least was the guitar and drum making the festival had many silly things. The folks who came were very kind and especially the wizard taught us to make a good party trick magic. One English festival was ended at half past one and then we lost lots of hours of class. Guillermo Rueda 6ºB

The English Festival Last Tuesday, 28th April, it was a special day, American people came, for us talk and practice the English language in a funny way. We did a lot of activities with them; we sang in the karaoke with or without microphone, we sang three songs: Titanic, Summer Love and Mamma Ma. Also we did a theatre in which we did “Matrix”. Another thing that we did was a kind of quiz, boys vs. girls, also a magician came, and he did magic, a white magic. To finish but not for this the less important there were musicians. It was brilliant and very funny, I hope that this festival repeat next year. Sandra Álvarez 6ºD

On the 28th of April the 5th grade students of Ramon y Cajal celebrated the English Festival. There were two people who came with a guitar and a drum. They played many songs for us! Their names were Mr. Green and Mr. Red. After a man named Candy came with his friend Lollipop. They were actors and were having an acting contest. The teachers Lucy and Marta were the winners. Actually the Oscar had been stolen from Penelope Cruz. After that we went downstairs into the theatre and participated in karaoke.

The 27th and 28th April, primary had an English festival where a lot of artists experts in English, did a lot of activities with children of primary. The 27th kids from 1st to 3rd celebrated the festival. There were story tellers that escenified trditional tales in English. “We play Little Red Ridding Hood and the Three Little Pigs for the youngest kids because they are very famous tales and they understand better, and for the oldests we play Matrix because it has a lot of movements and it’s more interesting for them” they said. When I asked children they said they understood very well because, though they didn’t

3rd of Primary: “WE HAD LOADS OF FUN”

The English Festival, the magician eat a balloon. He said to the dog “Play dead!” and then the balloon exploded. The musi-cians play the guitar and the drum. In the karaoke we did music with the micro-phone. Miguel Arias 3ºB Yesterday, in school we have an English Festival. They come a magician and two clowns and two actors. The magician asked for a voluntary. Luis was the boluntary. Luis have a colloon and the magician say that the balloon have to die and the magician exploded the balloon. That´s very funny! I have a lot of fun when we sing “The heart goes on” and “Dancing Queen”. I love the English Festi-val. It´s very funny. Vasco Oliviera 3ºC

understand every single word, the acting helped them to understand better. They were enjoying a lot because the actors made them laugh very much. There was also a Karaoke where some kids sang a lot of songs in English. That is a great activity, because they learnt a lot of vocabulary while they were reading the lyrics. There were also two clowns that made the kids speak English by blowing a whistle. And two musicians who made the kids laugh with a guitar and a drum. I think they had a great experience in English and they have learnt a lot, which is a great experience for the future. Isabel Palomo. 4º ESO

It was a lot of fun!!!!!!!!!!! We had recess and then the funniest part of all, a magician came! He made a tissue disappear, he later taught us how, but a secret is a secret! Two guys came in one had big hair he was the boy leader. Another came to. He was the girl’s leader!!!!!!!!! GO GIRLS!!!!!!!! The boys won but we still had a lot of fun! I hope that next year we can have fun again!! Laurel Hinshelwood and Belen Salcedo

The English Festival

The festival is beautiful. The clowns were funny. The people separate groups. The clowns play music, the magic, and the book of “Little Red Riding Hood”. I like the magic. When the magician eat the balloon, it disappeared a tissue and change the colors of the cards. Victor Gonzalez 3º A The festival was good. My favorite was the magician. I like the magician. Two boys make two groups, girls and boys. The girls won. Tow boys played the guitar and the drum and one boy and one girl represented “Little Red Riding Hood”. I like very much the festival. Paula Nuñez 3ºA

In the English Festival, we saw: two boys to make different games, a magician, music and we saw a girl and her name is Lolipop. We acted with a boy and represented a film “Matrix”. We put on a black cape and black sunglasses. Laura Martinez 3º B In the English Festival, there was two boys with sunglasses, wigs and whistles, magician and clowns and we did a karaoke and the magician said to the dog “Play dead!” and then the balloon exploded! Daniel Gutierrez 3ºB

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I’m going to write about one of the stories of the book called “Fairy Tales” that was written by Hans Christian Andersen and was published in Penguin Popular Classics in 1994. The story I selected is called “The Nightingale”. The author, Hans Christian Andersen was born in Odense (Denmark) in 1805 and he died in 1875. He is famed as one of the world’s greatest writers of fairy tales, and these types of stories do full justice to his genius. In his early teens he left home and set out to find fame and fortune in Copenhagen, possibly in a career on a stage. In 1822 he was taken up by one of the theatre’s director, who secured the ambitious but poorly educated youth a grant to attend the grammar school at Spagelse and later the University of Copenhagen. He continued write in many genres until his death, but fairy tales were what brought him to the world-wide fame. Between 1835 and 1872 he wrote over 150 fairy tales; the first volume was published in 1835. While some of his tales have a childlike simplicity, others are so subtle and sophisticated that they can be properly appreciated only by adults. This story is about an emperor who prefers the tinkling of a bejeweled music box to the song of a nightingale. You should read this book if you like fantasy and fairy tales. Together the tales transport the reader into a magical world of kings and princesses, mermaids and witches, farm hands and shepherdesses, and even the devil’s grandmother. The story is about the Emperor of China that learns

My book report

The title of the book is George sees stars, the author is Dave Couper and the publisher is oxford university press. The book has 25 pages and doesn´t have chapters. I think that the purpose of the writer to write the book is to make fun that ones ho read it. This book is a “comedy” because the people that are “on it” are doing all the time stupid but very fun things. The book is about George that is the manager of a hotel, Mary that helps George (they are married), Judy the cook and Peter an old man that helps in the garden. The story is about Toni Madoc that is a famous TV star that her really name is Margaret Adams. The secretary of Tony Madoc calls to the hotel to do a book up for Tony Madoc and George when he hears the new he was very extressed and he starts to do silly things. When Margaret Adams or Tony Madoc arrived to the hotel George thought that the woman are a simple person and not the TV star Tony Madoc, and then a student went to the hotel and the manager thought that he is Tony Madoc and he give to him the bedroom that the TV star book up and give to Tony Madoc a mad room and there starts the chaos. I think that the book is a nice one to read if you don’t like it too much, well if you like it also is nice one but if you like to read I think that an other book with more length and a better history is as better as this book. Ignacio Fernández López 2nd A-ESO

that one of the most beautiful things in his empire is the song of the nightingale. He orders a nightingale to come to the palace and sing. The nightingale agrees to appear at court. When the Emperor is given a bejeweled mechanical nightingale, he loses interest in the real bird that returns to the forest. The mechanical bird breaks down due to overuse. When the Emperor is taken deathly ill shortly thereafter the real nightingale returns to the palace. Everybody can read this story: adults, children, teenagers, ancients… Especially this story is for children because it has become a children´s classic but adults can read it too. As it is especially for children it can be a little boring to adults because it is very simple and is not a thriller at all. The boring thing is that there is very little dialogue and much narrator´s text. It is very interesting and good the message what sends the story: “Actual people and animals are more important than mechanic things that do not give any love.” Because sometimes people forget other people´s love and live isolated with material things. In the story of “The Nightingale” there are many irreal things, for example the nightingale can talk with the people: “It sounds best out of doors, said the nightingale.” This isn´t the most famous Hans Andersen´s stories but it is original and interesting. With this sentence I mean that if you like irreal, magic and imaginary things you should read this story because it has much fantasy. Alba Menéndez Pereda 2ºA ESO

“The Nightingale”

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• Biography Bruce Springsteen was born in Long Branch, New Jersey, and spent his childhood and high school years in Freehold Boro. He lived off South Street in Freehold Boro and attended Freehold Regional High School (today known as Freehold Borough High School). His father, Douglas Frederick Springsteen, was a bus driver of Dutch and Irish ancestry, his (Dutch) surname means stepping stone. His mother, Adele Ann Zerilli, was a legal secretary of Italian ancestry. He has an older sister, Virginia - who took photos for the Human Touch and Lucky Town albums - and a younger sister, Pamela. Pamela Springsteen had a brief film career, but left acting to pursue still photography full time. Raised as a Roman Catholic, Springsteen attended the St. Rose of Lima parochial school in Freehold Borough, where he was at odds with both the nuns and other students, even though much of his later music reflected a deep Catholic ethos and included a lot of rock-influenced, traditional Irish-Catholic hymns.

• Outlaw Pete His song “Outlaw Pete” included in his last album Working on a dream is an amazing song which lasts almost eighth minutes. In this song, we are told the story of an outlaw man called Pete since he was born until the very last moment of his disappearance or death. It is a really American song, that is, it sounds very American. The music is just splendid together with the lyrics. We listened to that song in our English class and with Aurelio’s help we could understood everything. In this song we can see the progression of the protagonist: he was born in the Appalachian Trail; he robbed a bank when he was only a baby and after that he introduces himself to the world saying: “I’m Outlaw Pete, can you here me?” After that, he steals a pony

Outlaw Pete... He was born a little baby on the Appalachian Trail At six months old he'd done three months in jail He robbed a bank in his diapers and his little bare baby feet All he said was "Folks, my name is Outlaw Pete." I'm Outlaw Pete! I'm Outlaw Pete! Can you hear me? At twenty-five a mustang pony he did steal And they rode around and 'round on heaven's wheel Father Jesus, I'm an outlaw, killer and a thief And I slow down only to sow my grief I'm Outlaw Pete! I'm Outlaw Pete! Can you hear me? He cut his trail of tears across the countryside And where he went, women wept and men died One night he woke from a vision of his own death Saddled his pony and rode her deep into the West Married a Navajo girl and settled down on the res

And as the smoke fell he held that beautiful daughter to his chest I'm Outlaw Pete! I'm Outlaw Pete! Can you hear me? Can you hear me? Can you hear me?Out of the East on an Irish stallion came Bounty Hunter Dan His heart quickened and burdened by the need to get his man He found Pete peacefully fishing by the river, pulled his gun and got the drop

mustang and rode deep into the West. On his way to the West, he marries a Navajo girl and they have a daughter. Finally, when Pete is changing his lifestyle, a way much easier, he is found by Hunter Dan. They have a talk by the river while Pete is fishing and when Dan is going to pull the trigger and get his man, Pete throws him a knife which pierced Dan’s heart. Pete rode his pony for forty days and nights until he disappears at the top of an icy mountain. I like it also because it is like a legend and we do not know whether he is dead or still alive.

By Judith Ordóñez. 1º C ESO

He said, "Pete, you think you've changed, but you have not." He cocked his pistol, pulled the trigger and shouted, "Let it stop!" He drew a knife from his boot and pierced Dan through the heart Dan smiled as he lay in his own blood dying in the sun And whispered in Pete's ear, "We cannot undo these things we've done." You're Outlaw Pete! You're Outlaw Pete! Can you hear me? Can you hear me? Can you hear me? For forty days and nights Pete rode and did not stop Till he sat high upon an icy mountain top He watched a hawk on a desert updraft slip and slide Moved to the edge and dug his spurs deep into his pony's side Some say Pete and his pony vanished over the edge Some say they remain frozen high upon that icy ledge The young Navajo girl washes in the river, skin so fair And braids a piece of Pete's buckskin chaps into her hair Outlaw Pete! Outlaw Pete! Can you hear me? Can you hear me? … … … … … … … … … … … …

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Well, maybe you already know it, but if not I’m going to remember you. This year, 2009, is the 200th anniversary of the Charles Darwin birth. This man was, and still now, one of the most important scientists of human history. His most important study was his famous animals and plants’ evolution theory. As a consequence of this anniver-sary, we, first of Bachillerato stu-dents, are doing a multidisciplinary project. It is a Charles Darwin’s project, and we have to orientate it according to different subjects. Specifically, in the English subject, we have to investigate about England’s characteristics in some areas like society, politics or economy at Darwin’s time. Basically, the main points I could say about Darwin’s era are these: the Queen Victory ruled England, that’s why this period is called the Victorian Era. England was growing because the Industrial Revolution was being carried out, so this helped England to increase its economical level to a higher position. England’s society was very defined in three groups: aristocracy (rich and powerful), middle class (they had some privileges), and working class (extremely poor). Talking about culture, there was a little confrontation with gothic and

classical style. The second part of our research is about famous quotes by Darwin. Here you can see some of them and think how important, funny or true they are: - A scientific man ought to have no wishes, no affections, a mere heart of stone. - Man tends to increase at a greater rate than his means of subsistence - A man's friendships are one of the best measures of his worth. - A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life. - A man's friendships are one of the best measures of his worth. - A moral being is one who is capable of reflecting on his past actions and their motives of approving of some and disapproving of others. - I love fools' experiments. I am always making them. - It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - The highest possible stage in moral culture is when we recognize that we ought to control our thoughts. - Animals, whom we have made our slaves, we do not like to consider our equal. Pedro Burgos.1º Bachillerato

We made a volcano and card for the project. Making the volcano was very funny and interesting. To make it we used: Clay, a tray, green paint, vinegar, water, detergent, a plastic tube and bicarbonate of soda. When we finished making the volcano, we put into the plastic tube the detergent and the water and then we put the bicarbonate of soda and finally the vinegar. Later it started to make bubbles. And that is your volcano! Alba Menéndez Pereda and Anahid Topdjián Panosián. 2ºA ESO.

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The title of the book is “The adventures of Tom Sawyer.” The publisher is the “Oxford University Press.” And the author is Mark Twain. His real name is Samuel Clemens. He was born in Florida, in Missouri, USA, in 1835 and then he lived in Hannibal, Missouri. When his father died and he started to work he was only twelve years old. The name of Mark Twain came from his

life in the Mississippi.

He started to write books in 1867 and became famous for making people laugh. “The adventures of Tom Sawyer” (1876 and “Huckle-berry Finn” (1884) are his two most famous books. Mark Twain wrote many books. When he was old his life got very unhappy because his wife and two of his daughters died before him. He died in 1910. This book of Mark Twain is about adventures lived by a little boy. I think the book was good and people should read it because it is enter-taining. “The adventures of Tom Sawyer” is about a boy called Tom Sawyer. Tom is a lazy boy and he is orphan, so he lives with his aunt Polly. He has many friends and he lives many adventures with them. For example, when he went to the graveyard with one of his friends called Huckleberry Finn “Huck” and they saw how a man killed Doctor Robinson. In this

The English class 1ºA is not just an English class. It is also a travel agency! How did we get the idea? Well, in our English book there is a page about Ireland, presented as a tourist guide. We read the text, and it sounded cool, so Aurelio said:” And what if we do our own travel agency? It must be funny and interesting" and we started doing the project. First, the partner that I chose was one of my best friends, Belén. She is fantastic! Second, the place: There is an entire world to choose, it was quite difficult to choose a single country! But finally, we found our country. Norway. I had already been in Norway, so we had a little advantage. Third, the information: Wikipedia and Google helped us a lot. Internet is wonderful. Belén and I searched for typical foods, dances and the most beautiful places and towns. We found some history about Norway too. Fourth, the photos: I selected some beautiful photos and we glued them up to our triptych. Fifth, the presentation: It was very important to learn very well each part of the text! And not to get nervous when you had to present in public! The project was incredible. Countries

from all over the world were presented that day, and they were many varieties: from India to New York. But finally, Aurelio decided to go to... By María de Eusebio Aurelio’s decision: As your English teacher, I have to say that you all did excellent jobs on your projects and presentations. I think it was something different and a good thing from which we all could learn a lot. Let me also say that I am proud of you, not only because of your good level of English, but also for your great disposition to work and for contributing to the good environment that we have created in our class. Thank you! As for my decision about where to go among the many places that you presented in class, I cannot choose only one country or city because all of them are great and I really would like to visit all of them with you, my students! I know you are already people of the world, but I hope in the future when you visit Las Vegas, Egypt, Hawaii, Norway, Italy, Scotland, Canada, New York and Thailand you remember that we were already learning about these places in the travel agency that we founded together. Aurelio Martín. 1st E.S.O. teacher

story Mark Twain tells us many adventures of Tom and his friends. I think this book was written for kids, but anyone can read it. I thimk it is a book for kids because it tells you adventures of a kid, Tom. For children this book would be interesting and very exciting, but for an adult or a teenager it would be entertainig but boring. That happened with me. If you like adventures books you should read “The adventures of Tom Sawyer” because: -It has adventures of Tom and friends. -It is an entertaining book, espe-cially for children. -And it´s very easy to understand if you don´t know English. I recomend this book especially for little kids because for a teenager it will be very boring, but if you want to read it then read it. Anahid Topdjián Panosián. 2ºA ESO


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This year 4th of ESO have gone to Paris, and adventure full of joys and experiences. We had to wake up at three o’clock to be at the airport at half past four. These conditions did not wane our desire to travel. Parallel to the cultural knowledge of the city we entrenched relations between us, we lived experiences that we never thought we live and we related with partners that normally we had not stopped to meet. Paris is a city full of history and culture that we knew during our stay: Latin neighbourhood, Notre-dame cathedral, the Invalids, the arch of triumph, Alex-ander III bridge, Tullerias palace, Bastilla palace, the Moulin Rouge, Louvre’s museum, Basilica of Sacre-Coeur, Paris opera, La Fayette galleries and Disneyland resort Paris. We ate on our own and everybody was looking for a Burger King and similar restaurants, that’s why, the first day our friends and us ate in a pizzeria. This is not to say that French food is bad; however we preferred known food. A piece of advice: if you go to Paris, ask a pitcher of water because the drinks are very expensive! In some places you have to pay more than seven Euros for a Coke. In addition, the worst point is that you do not realize it until you pay the bill. During the late evening, we could stay in the rooms talking, playing cards o simply spending a great time. Although in some cases the guests complained about the noise we were making and because of it the director was always looking what we were doing. Talking about the weather we have to say that it was good, but it changed a lot of times, some days it was sunny and

others it was cloudy. Only one day was raining nevertheless we were in the bus.The teachers were like one of us but when they had to be serious, they did it. Besides, as in every trip the students did not obey sometimes... Also we need an authorityary person who tells us what we mustn´t do. However we were good teenagers and we did not have problems. To cut a long story short, the trip was an incredible experience that we will not forget. Lara Magallón and Esther Martín. 4ºC (A) ESO

Colegios Ramon y Cajal has been offered the wonderful opportunity to participate every week on the radio show THE MAGIC HOUR with Marilin Iañes. Each Monday, two students from 3rd to 6th have had

the chance to go to the Vaughan Radio studios and show their English speaking and understanding abilities. The kids have had a lot of fun playing games of all kinds.

Here are some of the participants’ opinions.


It was Monday, on this Monday I went to the Vaughan Radio. I get out of the school at 13:30 p.m. I went to the radio with Ernesto, a pupil of 3rd of Primary and his teacher. We had a taxi to arrive to the radio because it is so far. When we were in front of the radio, my nervous were coming big and big. We went inside of the building; a receptionist gave us some papers. Those papers were the rules of the radio program. Five minutes later, the receptionist guided us to a basement, this basement was the radio booth. Then we meet with Marilyn, she is the radio presenter of the “Magical Hour”. We did some activities and games such The Story, The Elephant Memory… We enjoyed a lot in the radio, that Monday, and I want to repeat. Javier González del Campo Artesero 6ªA

THE MAGIC HOUR One Monday, I went to the radio with Berdtrand and Gonzalo, to do a radio’s program. When we went inside, Marilin, the program’s presenter, was waiting for us. We went in to a radio’s studio and began the program “The Magic Hour”. Marilin started to ask questions Gonzalo and me. Then she told us a story and later asked questions about it. After that, we played some games: Elephant memory, Fast vocabulary… It was very fun! Then we went to a park, which is opposite the radio, and eat some food because it was the lunch time. Then we came back to the school. We had an unforgettable day! Mercedes Chozas Conde 6ºC

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A Canadian Experience Have you ever imagine getting away to a completely foreign country with your schoolmates and teachers, just to get to know the culture and experience new things? Last year the school organized a trip to Canada; a country where, not only the people speaks a different language from Spanish, but where there is a complete different lifestyle from the one Europeans are used to. Why is that? This country was founded from the mix of a lot of culture; you can find from Brazilian people to French people living together… Ask me that I had to live with a Jamaican family for a month. For the first week you can feel a little homesick, or maybe not, maybe you are very tired of your parents and just want to get away, but it is obvious that sooner or later you start to miss

Advantages and Disadvantages of studying English abroad and in Spain

Frequently, when an English’s student gets a good level, he is sent abroad to learn more and improve his level trying to reach the native one. This method as a lot of things has many benefits, advantages and disadvantages. However there are some people, here in Spain, who have learned a lot of English without going abroad. Also it has many bene-fits, advantages. Studying abroad is a faster system to have a perfect control of English, but it is not always effective for different facts, like the fact that English is not practised when other people of your own language are near. Moreover you can some-times feel frustrated because your pronunciation is not

Last year a group of 15 students from the school went to Canada 1 month. We arrived there very nervous because our family was unknown for us. My family was very big and very sympathetic. The first week we stayed only with the family, and this week I learnt a lot of English. I had the opportunity of meeting the whole family in a special barbecue in the uncle’s house. The food there was always fast food o similar. When we started the school we started to do some activities after the classes. One day we went bowling, there, they use to play with 5 pins and the ball is smaller than in the Spanish or American bowling. Other day we went canoeing, this day was incredible. First we chose our canoe and after that we went to do canoeing in a lake near. We fell twice or three times to the water but we had very good moments. The feeling there was very good. We always had good moments and laughs and of course bad moments but less than the goods ones. I would like to repeat to see my family again and to remember the things that we did all the evenings like going to the Wendys restaurant, the Blair station and more things that we will never forget. Juan del Pino. 4º E.S.O.

Micropolix I like MICROPOLIX. I go tu the supermarket. We play. I do theatre. Inés Ferrerira 2ºC I am in “Micropolix”. It’s a small city. We with teachers. I play very good. Salvador Rangem, 2ºC I go tho Micropolix y do many thing. This activity is funny. And I go to the Bus, hospital, Newspaper, plane, government… Pablo López, 2ºC One day, 2º all go to Micropolix. In Micropolix, I play with my friends. For me, Micropolix was funny. My best friend, Daniel go to Micropolix with me. It was very funny. Nacho Gonzales Andrés 2ºD

them; but this comes little issue when you feel the warm welcome that your host family gives you. Each host fam-ily is a different experience because they treat you like you were their own son, and not all families treat their sons alike. Bear in mind that the school plans this trip like an educational trip (to learn the language) so, like it or not, you have to go to school. The Ottawa International Centre is the designated school that Colegios Ramón y Cajal sends their students to; do not worry, you are not going to be staring a book until you pass out of boredom, classes are very fun compare to normal classes. The teachers are natives from Canada so, of course, you will have to speak absolutely in English, but, I emphasized what I said, the classes are fun. But the experience don´t stop there, the school has a complete schedule of activities for the all month, which goes from canoeing to having a picnic at the beach, and of course all the im-portant “must see” of Canada, like the Niagara Falls

always understood. However there are a lot of different bene-fits which you cannot get studying in your own country, for example going abroad give you a chance to meet new cultures and people, also it can be an exciting fruitful experience. Studying in your country is not as profitable as abroad, but cer-tainly, it is cheaper and with effort you can always achieve good English. Normally, people using this method since childhood reach an average English level. One of the advantages regarding studying abroad is that you have your family nearby which can always be a support. In my opinion, going abroad to study is very important for the development of the English of a student, this accompanied with daily work, like studying in your own country, is the best way to learn. So if you can try to go abroad.MisaelGoicoechea3ºEso

To sum up, I can only say that going away from the things you are used to, like school, friends and families, is an experience that must be lived by everybody; not just to know another culture but to push yourself to live different experiences that you will never forget. Ricardo de la Rosa. 4º E.S.O.




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CRYPTOGRAM QUOTES: Each of these cryptograms is a message in substitution code. THE SMART CAT might become MRX DGYUM LYM if M is substituted for T, R for H, X for E, etc. One way to break the code is to look for repeated letters. E, T, A, O, N, R, and I are the most often used letters. A single letter is usually A or I; OF, IF, IS and IT are common 2-letter words; try THE, FOR or AND for a 3-letter group. The code is different for each cryptogram. 1.- AO PBH EXLX GYBCJXL TXLDBY, EBHWQ PBH WAFX CB VX G OLAXYQ BO PBHLD? (Clues: G = A, X = E, A = I, B = O and H = U) (Courtesy of Maria de Eusebio 1st ESO) 2.- JQ JH OYEYK'H QWE HAY XTRH PJKZHY, KWHAJKI OWZXS IYH SWKY. (A bit more difficult! Clues: T = a, Y = e). …... AND, DON'T FORGET, CHECK YOUR DICTIONARIES!!!

Domino Theory Arrange the four dominoes on the right into the pat-tern on the left so that a correct multiplication problem is formed. The number of dots on each half-domino is considered a one-digit number; for exam-ple, a half with six dots represents the number 6.

El departamento de inglés está encantado de poderles ofrecer este primer número del suplemento del Murciélago “CRC English News”. Los artículos de los alumnos se han mantenido prácticamente sin modificar, de tal forma que algunos contienen fallos propios de su nivel. Creemos que es fundamental motivar la escritura y pensamos que este medio es idóneo para que ellos vean esta destreza como un modo de comunicación mediante el cual expresen sus experiencias, opiniones o sentimientos.

Esperamos que disfruten con esta iniciativa y que al mismo tiempo, todos los alumnos del CRC se animen a participar con el mismo entusiasmo que estos pioneros de la primera entrega. Desde el departamento de inglés, seguiremos trabajando con cariño y esfuerzo para apoyar el proceso de aprendizaje de nuestros alumnos desde infantil hasta bachillerato, haciéndoles vivir el inglés y potenciando la experiencia como vía de aprendizaje. Laura García. Jefa del departamento