ellie tsang josiah wong ruben cole marilynn pascual cailin o’sullivan

Uncle’s Tom Cabin/Aunt Phillis's Cabin 11.2/11.3 Ellie Tsang Josiah Wong Ruben Cole Marilynn Pascual Cailin O’Sullivan

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Page 1: Ellie Tsang Josiah Wong Ruben Cole Marilynn Pascual Cailin O’Sullivan

Uncle’s Tom Cabin/Aunt Phillis's Cabin


Ellie TsangJosiah WongRuben Cole

Marilynn PascualCailin O’Sullivan

Page 2: Ellie Tsang Josiah Wong Ruben Cole Marilynn Pascual Cailin O’Sullivan

Historical Context Harriet Beecher Stowe's(1811-1896) anti-slavery novel,

Uncle Tom's Cabin: Or life among the Lowly, sold over 300,000 of copies during it's first year of publication (1852). 

Intended Audience Harriet Beecher Stowe's knew her primarily audience

would be women. So specifically she targeted Northern white women since they could help with the Abolitionist movement.

Uncle’s Tom Cabin

Page 3: Ellie Tsang Josiah Wong Ruben Cole Marilynn Pascual Cailin O’Sullivan

Purpose The author introduces her audience with a scene that seemed

realistic with her characters who had a  "Talk of the abuses of slavery!" (2) Along as she also expresses herself being against slavery by having her characters mention "Humbug! The thing itself is the essence of all abuse!"(2) 

Rather than the fact the author demonstrates how slave lives in the south were so abusive she also gave recognition specifically towards women, how women were being sexually abused which demonstrates the foible type of authority along with the slave owners morals in the south upon the time.

“Harriet Beecher Stowe pinpointed the sexual abuse of women as profound moral failing of the slave regime.”(Henretta 370)

Uncle’s Tom Cabin

Page 4: Ellie Tsang Josiah Wong Ruben Cole Marilynn Pascual Cailin O’Sullivan

Point of View Harriet Beecher Stowe writes a story about how a black family

gets torn apart once their child gets to a certain age. That boy is then sold into slavery.

o Quashy does all of the work, earns all of the money while his master spends it all.

o The master makes Quashy lie down over puddles so the master can walk on “dry-shod”

o Saint Clare is a white boy that had the face as perfect as a Greek statue.o Believes that he has been giving everything but he doesn’t want to be

handed everything in life; he wants to work for it.o Saint Clare believes the North is more horrible because they do not do

anything about slavery in the South.o Believe human virtue is trash because slavery existso He had fallen on democratic terms and embraced the democratic party.

Uncle’s Tom Cabin

Page 5: Ellie Tsang Josiah Wong Ruben Cole Marilynn Pascual Cailin O’Sullivan

Historical Context Random info Mary Henderson Eastman published her work in 1852 Plantation fiction novel Most read anti-Tom novel in American literature Over 20,000 copies sold

About the Author Born in Warrenton, Virginia to a family of the elite

planter class Descendants of the First Families of Virginia Grew up in a slaveholding society

Aunt Philli’s Cabin

Page 6: Ellie Tsang Josiah Wong Ruben Cole Marilynn Pascual Cailin O’Sullivan

Ploto Setting: rural town in Virginiao Relies on cotton trade for its economyo Masters treat slaves in a kinder, peaceful mannero Maintains balance and ensures safety of townspeopleo Represents slave as loyal to masters with feelings of


Two characters

Arthur Westono Abolitionist critico Pro-slavery

Able Johnsono Neutralo Slightly sympathetic towards slaves

Aunt Philli’s Cabin

Page 7: Ellie Tsang Josiah Wong Ruben Cole Marilynn Pascual Cailin O’Sullivan

Audience Eastman’s audience is primarily focused on anyone

who have read and reacted to Stowe’s “Uncle’s Tom Cabin” primarily directed to northerners, republicans, and abolitionists in response to Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Her Novel countered those made in Stowe’s novel and reformed their perceptions of slavery.

Aunt Philli’s Cabin

Page 8: Ellie Tsang Josiah Wong Ruben Cole Marilynn Pascual Cailin O’Sullivan

Point of View In 1852, Mary Henderson Eastman in her novel “Aunt

Philli’s Cabin” reacts and counters Harriet Beecher Stowe’s in “Uncle Tom’s Cabin by comparing and contrasting Stowe’s arguments on how slaveholding is justifiable. Eastman was pro-slavery, her novel was a response to Stowe’s “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” and mostly southerns read and agreed with her perspective.

Aunt Philli’s Cabin

Page 9: Ellie Tsang Josiah Wong Ruben Cole Marilynn Pascual Cailin O’Sullivan

Purpose Compare and contrast ideas in Uncle Tom’s

Cabino Puts her own interpretation of slaveryo South believed that Uncle Tom’s Cabin was

inaccurate Justify slaveholdingo Alludes to the Bible “Those who consider slavery a sin, challenge

the truth of the Bible.” –Arthur Westono Slavery is a natural institution

Aunt Philli’s Cabin

Page 10: Ellie Tsang Josiah Wong Ruben Cole Marilynn Pascual Cailin O’Sullivan

Synthesis During the Civil War, the Union and the

Confederacy used the Bible to justify their position on slavery

Manipulated parts of the Bible to support their arguments

Pro-slavery: "Slaves, obey your earthly masters with fear and trembling" (Ephesians 6:5)

Anti-slavery: “Whoever steals a man and sells him, and anyone found in possession of him, shall be put to death” (Exodus 21:16)

Aunt Philli’s Cabin

Page 11: Ellie Tsang Josiah Wong Ruben Cole Marilynn Pascual Cailin O’Sullivan

Similar to controversy over gay marriageo “Adam and Eve” (Genesis 2: 19-25)o “Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for

there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. 2 Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves” (Romans 13:1-2)

Aunt Philli’s Cabin