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ELIT 48C Class 39 Awhile or A while?

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ELIT 48C Class 39

Awhileor A while?

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Quick rules:A while is a noun meaning "a short spell." It has been a while since I met with Tom.

Awhile is an adverb meaning "for a short spell." Use it to modify verbs. Let's wait awhile. After school, I needed to sleep awhile.

When there is a preposition, use a while. (A noun can be the object of a preposition, but an adverb can't be.) Let's sit down and talk for a while. We spoke a while ago. 

Try this:When in doubt, try replacing awhile with another adverb, such as "slowly" or "happily." If the substitute adverb sounds fine, then use awhile. If not, use a while. Let's wait quietly. (It works.) >> Let's wait awhile.Let's wait for quietly. (It doesn't work.) >> Let's wait for a while.

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Chair Poet?  I believe that every English

poet should read the English classics, master the rules of grammar before he attempts to bend or break them, travel abroad, experience the horrors of sordid passion, and - if he is lucky enough - know the love of an honest woman.

Robert Graves

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Sherman Alexie “This is What it Means to say Phoenix, Arizona”Style and TechniqueDiscussion

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Style and Technique “This is What it Means to Say Phoenix, Arizona” is from Alexie's

short-story collection The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven (1993). It continues the story of an alienated young Indian man named Victor.

Told mainly through the consciousness of Victor, the tone is bleak, even cynical at times, with small details carrying great weight. Here again, we see the technique of interweaving short stories into a novel-length work. This intricate story telling method allows Victor, through his own memories and his connection with Thomas, to tell his story.

The story is more psychological than social or political, and references to the BIA, HUD (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development), alcohol, poverty, and the reservation emphasize both the catastrophic history of the Native Americans’ relations with the U.S. government and their psychological consequences.

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Discuss POV and how or why it is important to the plot.

The POV [. . .] is, I believe, 3rd person limited. [. . .] it allows us to see more than just what Victor sees and thinks but also what he doesn’t mention to us. This helps us see the friendship of Thomas and Victor through a more neutral position than if it were solely from Victor’s eyes.

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Discuss the relationship of Thomas and Victor.When they are little kids they are best friends but after Victor beats up

Thomas in their teens it seems to be the end of their friendship. I almost feel as though Victor is the closest thing Thomas has to family and that it why he helps him.

The relationship between Victor and Thomas is one of tolerance.

Thomas helps Victor see and understand himself better.

I think the best way to sum up their relationship from Victor’s point of view is that Thomas is like the person that Victor is glad he has in his life, but is ashamed that he feels like he cannot admit that in public because of the way Thomas is (with his stories I mean) [. . .] It is like how you love your sibling, but sometimes in public they go crazy [. . .]and you wish you were not related to them.

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The role of storytelling[Thomas builds-the-fire] realized his destiny, what in Chinese is called “ming,” his sole purpose for being embodied. “We are all given one thing by which our lives are measured, one determination. Mine are the stories which can change or not change the world. It doesn’t matter which as long as I continue to tell the stories.” By respecting and accepting who he is, and recognizing the total irrelevance of external opinion in assessing his worth, he’s able to achieve a clarity of vision reflected in his prophetic abilities.

Thomas would have been revered in the tribe were he born a century earlier. Thomas even says in one of his stories “it was too late to be warriors in the old way” (1215), and in a sense he is explaining why he is now considered crazy.

Stories make phoenixes of the dead, whether fresh flesh corpses or long decayed memories, they’re reborn every time the story is retold. Forms to rise from the ashes like the shapely flames of the storyteller’s bonfire.

Victor seeks Thomas after his father dies and he is in dire straights. “Victor felt a sudden need for tradition” (1215). The storyteller is one of the oldest forms of passing down cultural stories, traditions, and collective memories. “I have no brothers or sisters. I have only my stories which came to me before I even had the words to speak. I learned a thousand stories before I took my first thousand steps. They are all I have. It’s all I can do” (1220).

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Discuss this story in terms of postmodernism

I think this text is very postmodern due to the fact that it is breaking down and reconstructing culture.

Sherman Alexie is making a postmodernist statement about storytelling in this short piece. Just like other post-modernists stories, in this one Thomas realizes that not all stories are universal.

One aspect of it is the jumping between the plot of the story and the tales of Victor and Thomas’ youth. The framing of the story in this way displays that the story is not about the plot, but about how These stories, the stories of your youth and culture, and the stories of those around you are what make up your world.

Another postmodern aspect is the matter-of-fact diction [and] the narrative. It ends abruptly, and without a good sense of closure, which is come to be expected from postmodern literature.

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Discuss this story in terms of minority theory or multiculturalism.

Reservations are stuck in an endless cycle of poverty, alcoholism, and discrimination. When Victor beat up Thomas because he was drunk, the main problem wasn’t that Victor was beating up Thomas. The main problem was that Victor was drunk at age 15, still barely a teenager.

By using this setting and the Native American importance of family, tribes, and community, Sherman Alexie is able to successfully impose the idea that family and community is always important.

Sherman Alexie balances two opposing facets of multicultural life while allowing his main character, Victor, to walk through the middle. Thomas Builds-the-Fire shows the fight of continuing tradition. By showing various internal multicultural conflicts Alexie takes the modernism to postmodernism.

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Cormac McCarthyCormac McCarthy is an American novelist and playwright. He has written ten novels, ranging from the Southern Gothic, western, and post-apocalyptic genres. He has also written plays and screenplays.

He received the Pulitzer Prize in 2007 for The Road, and his 2005 novel No Country for Old Men was adapted as a 2007 film of the same name, which won four Academy Awards, including Best Picture. He received a National Book Award and National Book Critics Circle Award for his 1992 novel, All the Pretty Horses.

His previous novel, Blood Meridian, (1985) was among Time Magazine's poll of the best English-language books published between 1923 and 2005 and he placed joint runner-up in a poll taken in 2006 by the New York Times of the best American fiction published in the last 25 years.

Literary critic Harold Bloom named him as one of the four major American novelists of his time, along with Don DeLillo, Thomas Pynchon, and Philip Roth. In 2010 the London Times ranked The Road no.1 on its list of the 100 best fiction and non-fiction books of the past 10 years. He is frequently compared by modern reviewers to William Faulkner.

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End of DaysClass 40: The Road: The age of terror; the apocalypse;


Class 41: The Road: Concepts; Symbols

Class 42: The Road: Postmodernism; Critical Theory; The American Dream; Introduce Essay #2

Class 43: The quarter in review; Self-Assessment; Discuss Exam #3

Class 44: Optional Class: Make-up Exam #1 or #2

Class 45: Final

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HOMEWORKRead The Road: the first half of the novel: page 86 in the

online version (linked under “full text prose). Stop here:he kissed the boy and crawled into the other bunk under the clean blankets and gazed one more time at this tiny paradise trembling in the orange light from the heater and then he fell asleep.

Post #38: What caused the devastation of the land? Provide the clues

you used to come to your conclusion.

Start thinking about essay #2. You may draw from any of the texts we have read in this second half: from the postmodern manifestos, forward.