elise poillot professor of civil law (droit civil) at the university …€¦ · 10-03-2018  ·...

1 Elise POILLOT Professor of Civil Law (Droit civil) at the University of Luxembourg Head of the Research Unit in Law Co-Director of the Master in European Private Law Director of the Consumer Law Clinic Université du Luxembourg, Bâtiment Weicker 4 rue Alphonse Weicker L-2721 Luxembourg Tél : 00352 46 66 44 69 35 e-mail : [email protected] FORMER POSITIONS Associate Professor at the University Jean Moulin-Lyon III (France) Deputy Director of the Edouard Lambert Institute of Comparative Law University Jean Moulin-Lyon III (France) Research Assistant (2004-2005) at the University of Turin, Italy (Post-doctorate contract) Research Assistant (2000) at the University of Münster, Germany (Postgraduate contract) Teaching and Research Assistant (1997-2000; 2000-2002) at the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne EXTERNAL APPOINTMENTS 2018 Member of the Belgian universities study programmes evaluation committee 2015/6 Member of the Italian national selection committee for full and associate professors of private law EDUCATION 2004 Doctorat en Droit Privé with honours (Ph. D., Private Law) 1996 DEA en Droit Privé de l’Economie with honours (French postgraduate programme – LLM - in Business Private Law) 1994 Maîtrise en droit with honours (French 1st year postgraduate degree) 1993 Licence en Droit with honours, (French Bachelor Law Degree) LANGUAGES SKILLS French (native speaker); English (C2); German (B2); Italian (C2); Spanish (B1). AREAS OF EXPERTISE European Law; Clinical Legal Education, Consumer Law (national, Comparative and European law); Contract Law, Comparative Law; Civil Law; Common Law.

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Page 1: Elise POILLOT Professor of Civil Law (Droit civil) at the University …€¦ · 10-03-2018  · Drafting of a Report on the Consumer Clinic of Luxembourg. 2014: In collaboration


Elise POILLOT Professor of Civil Law (Droit civil) at the University of Luxembourg Head of the Research Unit in Law Co-Director of the Master in European Private Law Director of the Consumer Law Clinic Université du Luxembourg, Bâtiment Weicker 4 rue Alphonse Weicker L-2721 Luxembourg Tél : 00352 46 66 44 69 35 e-mail : [email protected]


Associate Professor at the University Jean Moulin-Lyon III (France) Deputy Director of the Edouard Lambert Institute of Comparative Law University Jean Moulin-Lyon III (France) Research Assistant (2004-2005) at the University of Turin, Italy (Post-doctorate contract) Research Assistant (2000) at the University of Münster, Germany (Postgraduate contract) Teaching and Research Assistant (1997-2000; 2000-2002) at the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne


2018 Member of the Belgian universities study programmes evaluation committee 2015/6 Member of the Italian national selection committee for full and associate professors of

private law


2004 Doctorat en Droit Privé with honours (Ph. D., Private Law) 1996 DEA en Droit Privé de l’Economie with honours (French postgraduate programme – LLM -

in Business Private Law) 1994 Maîtrise en droit with honours (French 1st year postgraduate degree) 1993 Licence en Droit with honours, (French Bachelor Law Degree)


French (native speaker); English (C2); German (B2); Italian (C2); Spanish (B1).

AREAS OF EXPERTISE European Law; Clinical Legal Education, Consumer Law (national, Comparative and European law); Contract Law, Comparative Law; Civil Law; Common Law.

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Member of the Associazione Italiana di Diritto Comparato (since 2015), Head of the European Law working group (since 2016) Member and Director of Europrilex, the Working group on European Private Law of the University of Luxembourg (since 2010, Director from 2010 to 2014). Member of the Acquis communautaire Group, (since 2003). Member of the European Law Institute (as a fellow from the University of Luxembourg since 2011). Member of the Société de législation comparée (since 2005). Member of SECOLA the Society for European Contract Law (Since 2012). 1rst prize of the competition of the young comparative lawyers for a presentation on the Right of Withdrawal in European and Comparative Consumer Law (2005). 1rst prize awarded for the PhD work “The impact of European Consumer Law on the Standardisation of Contract Law” by the Centre français de droit comparé (2005).

TEACHING ACTIVITIES Subject matters: Law of Persons; Law of Contracts; English Contract Law; European Consumer Law; Comparative Legal Traditions; European Private Law, Legal Clinical Methods

TEACHING ACTIVITIES ABROAD June 2018: Course on French Legal Methodology, University of Como (Italy) June 2018: Course on European Contract Law, University of Brescia (Italy) May 2016: Seminars on European Consumer Law in English, University of Rome 3 (Italy) March 2015: Seminars on European Consumer Law in French, Université de Lausanne (Switzerland) Since 2012: Seminars on European Consumer Law in French, Université de Montpellier I (France) March 2011: Seminars on English Contract Law in French, Université de Sceaux - Paris XII (France) 2009-2011: Course on Comparative Legal Traditions in English, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 (France) Since 2009: Seminars on European Consumer Law in French, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 (France) September 2009: Course on French Consumer Law, Université Saint Joseph de Beyrouth (Lebanon). From 2008 to 2010: Seminars on Unfair Contract Terms in European Law in English, University of Essex (United Kingdom) October 2007: Course on European Consumer Law in English, University of Georgia (United States of America)

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May 2007 to May 2009: Course on Comparative Legal Traditions in French, Université Saint Joseph de Beyrouth (Lebanon). November 2005 Seminars on French Tort Law in Italian, Università del Piemonte orientale (Italy)


2018 – 2021: Member of the Doctoral Training Unit coordinated by Prof. Joana Mendes on Enforcement in Multiregulatory Systems assessing the efficacy of multi-level enforcement-systems expected to respect certain core constitutional principles of liberal democracies: democracy (such as equality and fairness), fundamental rights’ protection, and the rule of law. Research field: the impact of ADR systems on enforcement-systems in the financial sector. 2017 - 2020: Initiator and coordinator of the STARS project (Skills Transfers in Academia: a Renewed Strategy): this project run in the frame of the Erasmus Plus programme aims to strengthen clinical legal education in Europe and to develop research in that field. The project members are: University of Brescia, University of Luxembourg, Palacký University, University of Rome 3, Romanian-American University. Total amount granted from the EU Commission for the project 185 017 € 2018: Co-organiser with M.-C. Paglietti of the conference” Verso una cultura europea delle cliniche legali, il progetio STARS” (Towards a European Culture of Legal Clinics: the STARS Project), 14th of June 2018, University of Rome 3. Co-organiser, as the chair of the European Union Law working group of the Associazione du Diritto Comparato Italiano with. A-M. Mancaleoni of the conference held at the University of Cagliari (Italy) on National Judges and the Case Law of the CJEU, 1st of June 2018. Co-organiser with the European Parliament delegation in Luxembourg of the Dialogue Citoyen on “La place du citoyen dans un monde complexe: Liverté vs Sécurité” with EU commissioner V. Jourova and Luxembourg Justice Minister Felix Braz, Luxembourg, 27th of April. 2017: Co-organiser with S. Tabusca of the opening Conference of the STARS programme (Skills Transfers in Academia, a Renewed Approach), held at the Romanian-American University on the 24th of November. Co-organiser with J. Kayser of the conference “La mediation dans la recherche et l’enseignement” (Introducing Mediation into Teaching and Research programmes), in the frame of the Semaine mondiale de la Médiation, Luxembourg 18th of October 2017. 2014 - 2017: In collaboration with Carole de Vincelles, professor at the University of Cergy-Pontoise (France), organisation on a empirical research on the interpretation by jurisdictions of the standard of fairness according to the Unfair Commercial Practices Directive under Belgian, French, German Italian and Luxemburgish law. 2015 – 2016: Organisation of the Conference for the inauguration of the Consumer Law Clinic, 31rst of March 2015 Organisation of a series of conference on Freedom of Expression: Conflicting Convictions: a European and Comparative Approach, MM. Jørgen Steen Sørensen (Danish Ombudsman), Jens Røn (Danish Deputy General Prosecutor), Guy Canivet (former President of the French

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Cour de cassation, former member of the Conseil constitutionnle) and Frédéric Dieu (Maître de requêtes at the French Conseil d’Etat). Liberté d’expression et globalisation. Défis, risques et contradictions, Conference of Prof. Zeno Zencovich, Università di Roma 3, 21rst of October 2015 “Voltaire, Charlie et les autres: paroles de juristes”, 10th of February 2015 2014 – 2016: Participation in the research Project “L’enseignement du droit : Learn to think like a lawyer ?” coordinated by G. Lhuilier and supported by the French Ministry of Justice, Professor at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure of Rennes. Drafting of a Report on the Consumer Clinic of Luxembourg. 2014: In collaboration with S. Grundman, organisation of the annual conference of the Society on European Contract Law (SECOLA), “The CJEU as a Creator of European Contract law”, 13th and 14th of June in Luxembourg. Conference sponsored by the Fonds National de la Recherche luxembourgeois (10 000 €). Organisation of the conference “Breach of Contract: Common law versus Civil law? Cases Study from a Comparative Law Perspective”, 1rst April 2014. Case Study conducted by P. Ancel, Professor at the University of Luxembourg, J. Cartwright, Professor of the Law of Contract at the University of Oxford, Elise Poillot, Professor at the University of Luxembourg. 2013: Creation of a Consumer Law Clinic, opening in September 2013 at the University of Luxembourg in the frame of the LLM in European Private Law. Organisation of the symposium on “L’enseignement clinique du droit: perspectives nationales et internationales” (Clinical Legal Education: National and International Aspects) held in Luxembourg 6-7th of June 2013. 2012: Organisation of the cycle conferences on the Proposal for a Regulation on Common European Sales Law. 2nd conference, 20th June 2012, The European Sales Law: A Trade Facilitator or an Esperanto Fallacy? By Diana Wallis former European MP. 1rst Conference, 20th March 2012, The proposed Common European Sales Law - A common law perspective by Ch. Twigg-Flessner, Professor at the University of Hull. Organisation of the cycle of conferences A Forum for young Doctors in European Private Law: 2nd conference, 4th July 2012, La dialectique du droit commun et du droit spécial – Aspects de droit européen (Combining General and Specific Rules. A European Perspective), by N. Delgove, Doctor of the University of Paris II Panthéon-Assas, France). 1rst Conference, 26th June 2012. Les clauses abusives dans les contrats conclus avec des consommateurs. Proposition de Règlement relatif à un droit commun européen de la vente et droit Suisse (Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts. A comparison of the Proposal for a Regulation on Common European Sales Law and Swiss Law), by A.-Ch. Fornage, Doctor of the University of Fribourg, Switzerland 2011-2013: Organisation of series of workshops on the Preliminary Ruling in European Private Law, starting November 25th 2011. 2010: Organisation of the conference “The boundaries of European Private Law” held in Luxembourg 28-29th October 2010.

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As a member of the Working group on European Private Law of the University of Luxembourg. Supervision and collaboration to the answer to the Green Paper on Policy Options for Progress Towards a European Contract Law for Consumers and Businesses COM (2010) 348 Final. 2007: As a member of the French branch of the Acquis Group. Collaboration to the answer to the Green Paper on the Review of the Consumer Acquis COM (2006) 744 Final. Drafting of the answer regarding the right of withdrawal. 2005: Coordinator at the University Jean Moulin-Lyon 3 (France) of the Research Network ”Improving Human Potential”: A Uniform Terminology for European Law, European Consortium (Universities of Münster, Turin, Warsaw, Oxford, Nijmegen and Barcelona) (2005).


Elected Head of the Research Unit in Law of the Faculty of Law Economics and Finance of the University of Luxembourg (mandate of 4 years starting September 1st 2018). Expert of the Evaluation Committee of Universities’ Teaching Programme in Belgium, nominated by the President of the “Agence pour l’Evaluation de l’Enseignement Supérieur” of the Walloon Brabant federation (6 Bachelor programmes evaluated) from October to December 2017. Chair of the APUL (Association des Professeurs de l’Université du Luxembourg) elected in June 2017. Member of the Ethics Advisory Committee of the University of Luxembourg 2015 - 2017. Member of the Recruitment Committee for the recruitment of an Associate Professor in Labour Law (University of Luxembourg, 2014). Member of the Experts Evaluation Committee for the ARES (Académie de Recherche et d’Enseignement Supérieur), Belgian Agency for Academic Research Evaluation, Evaluation of the Centre de Droit Privé de l’Univeristé Libre de Bruxelles, Februray 2013. Member as Foreign Commissary of the “Commissione per l’Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale nel settore concorsuale 12/A1 (Diritto Privato)” per le tornate 2012 e 2013 (Italian National Committee for Accreditation of Private Law Professors for years 2012 and 2013), nominated by ministerial decree n° 31486 of 23rd December 2014. Sitting from February 2015 to April 2016. Member elected of the Faculty Council of the Faculté de Droit d’Economie et de Finance of the University of Luxembourg (since 2010, re-elected in 2014). Member elected of the Doctoral School of the Law Department of the Faculté de Droit d’Economie et de Finance of the University of Luxembourg (2010 - 2015). Member of the Study Directors Board of the Faculté de Droit d’Economie et de Finance of the University of Luxembourg (since 2012).


- Member of the Board of the revue “Cliniques Juridiques” - Member of The ENCLE (European Network for Clinical Education) Board

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- Member of the Scientific Committee of the Italian Review Osservtario di diritto civile (Il Mulino ed.) - Expert on How to Increase the Legal Certainty and Attractiveness of CESL: a Consumer Law Expert’s Perspective in The Proposal fo a European Consumer Law : the way forward, Workshop with the Participation of EU Parliaments, 10th July 2013. - Member of the Experts Group appointed by the Justice Minister of Luxembourg on the proposition for a European Common Law on Sale, Compilation of Briefing notes, 2012-2014. - Expert for the Study on the application of Directive 2005/29/EC on Unfair Commercial Practices in the EU requested by the European Commission (2010-2011), supervised by Civic Consulting. - Expert with A. Melchior on Luxemburgish Law in Implementation of Optional Instruments within European Civil Law, Study for the European Parliament supervised by Trans Europe Experts, 2011 - Expert on Technical Surveys under French Law in the field of Immovable Property Sales for the Norwegian Administration, 2008. - Expert for France for the EC Consumer Law Compendium ordered by the EU commission and drafted under the supervision of H. Shulte-Nölke, Ch. Twigg-Flesner, M. Ebers, 2007. - Expert on the Res Judicata under Italian Process law for the French Supreme Court in Private Law (Cour de cassation), 2006.


Akme Djedje, La directive 2005/29/CE relative aux pratiques commerciales déloyales des entreprises vis-à-vis des consommateurs dans le marché intérieur : entre protection des consommateurs et fonctionnement du marché intérieur. (The UFCT Directive: Protection of Consumers or Contribution to the Smooth Functioning of the Internal Market? Defended on the 16th of July 2014. Anthi Beka, The Ex Officio Doctrine in European Consumer Law. A procedural tool invigorating individual consumer litigation. Defended on the 4th of March 2015. Cécile Pitzalis : La sanction de l’obligation légale d’information en droit des contrats de consommation : étude de droit comparé français et luxembourgeois (Sanctioning Legal Duties of Information in Consumer Contracts a Comparative Study of French and Luxemburgish Legislation) Defended on the 26th of October 2016. Frank Adde: La vente sur Internet: quel modèle pour le droit ivoirien? Etude de droit européen et comparé (Sales Contracts on Internet: which legal regulation for the Ivory Coast? A European and Comparative Study), currently in process, starting September 2016. Daniel Quintero: The Raise and Fall of a Legal Transplant: the Duty of Disclosure from Competition Law to Consumer law (Co-supervision with Prof. Bruno Deffains, University of Patis II Panthéon – Assas, starting September 2017).


Coordinations: Supervisor Prof. Mark Cole, Carsten Ullrich, Infringing content on the internet: rethinking the liability of content hosts in the platform economy, starting 2016.

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Supervisor Ass. Prof. Mark Cole, A. Gniewek, Challenging facing Cloud Computing. Legal Assessment with Special consideration of Data Protection and Intellectual Property Law including a Case Study of the Banking and Financial Sector, Defended in 2016. Supervisor Prof. P. Ancel,: D. Jeanpierre, Les contrats liés au regard de l'harmonisation européenne du droit des contrats, (Linked contracts, a European perspective) Defended in 2016. Supervisor, Prof. S. Braum, Sophie De Sanctis, La pénalisation du droit de la concurrence en Europe, (Criminalization of Competition Law in Europe), Defended in 2016. Supervisor, Prof. G. Cuniberti, D. Singh: The Outsourcing of Legal Services to India: Trends, Challenges and Potential. Defended in 2014. PhDs Examination Committees: Sèdjro Axel-Luc Hountohotegbè, Repenser la procédure civile. Les enjeux théoriques de l’accès à la justice et l’hypothèse de la régulation sociale par l’intégration des modes extrajudiciaires de prévention et de règlement des différends (PRD), (Re-thinking Civil Procedure : a Reflection on the Theorical Challenges of Access to Justice through Social Regulation based on ADR Processes), University of Sherbrook, Québec, 3rd of February 2017. Cécile Pitzalis : La sanction de l’obligation légale d’information en droit des contrats de consommation : étude de droit comparé français et luxembourgeois (Sanctioning Legal Duties of Information in Consumer Contracts a Comparative Study of French and Luxemburgish Legislation) Defended on the 26th of October 2016. Sophie De Sanctis, Droit pénal et régulation de la concurrence. La sanction pénale des cartels dans l’Union européenne (Criminal Law and Competition Regulation: criminal sanctions applying to carels in the European Union), sous la dir. De S. Braum, University of Luxembourg, 20th of January 2016. Delphine Jeanpierre, Les contrats liés à la lumière de l’harmonisation européenne du droit des contrats, (Linked Contracts, a case study in the light of European approximation of national contract laws), sous la dir. de P. Ancel, University of Luxembourg, 21rst of January 2016. Patricia Franc, La réception par la jurisprudence de la législation sur le crédit à la consommation, (The Courts’ Interpretation of Credit Consumer Law) sous la dir. de P. Ancel, Université de Saint Etienne, 14th of December 2015. Anthi Beka, The ex officio doctrine in European consumer law. A procedural tool invigorating individual consumer litigation. Defended on the 4th of March 2015. Evangelina Theocharidi, L’européanisation du droit national, le cas des contrats conclus par le travailleur et le consommateur (Europeanisation of National Law : Cases Study on Consumers and Work Contracts) sous la dir. de J-S. Bergé Université Jean Moulin-Lyon III, University of Paris X Nanterre La Défense, 3rd of December 2014. Areum Kim, “Financial Advice and Consumer Protection” sous la dir. de K. Langenbucher, Professor at the University of Frankfurt, Sciences Po Paris, 8th of October 2014. Report written on the work as required under French Law. Akme Djedje, La directive 2005/29/CE relative aux pratiques commerciales déloyales des entreprises vis-à-vis des consommateurs dans le marché intérieur : entre protection des consommateurs et fonctionnement du marché intérieur. (The UFCT Directive: Protection of Consumers or Contribution to the Smooth Functioning of the Internal Market? Defended on the 16th of July 2014. Jacqueline Passalacqua, Le règlement des litiges de consommation par la médiation. Perspectives comparatives (Consumers’Disputes Resolution through Mediation. A Comparative Approach), sous la dir.

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d’O Cachard; Doyen de la Faculté de Droit de Nancy, 3rd of December 2013. Report written on the work as required under French Law. Nathalie Douche-Doyette, La sanction de la violation du droit de la consommation dans les contrats de consommation, (Remedies for Breach of Consumers’ Contracts) sous la dir. de X. Henry, Professeur à l’Université de Nancy, defended the 31rst of November 2012. Report written on the work as required under French Law. Ali Ariaeipour, La responsabilité du fait des produits défectueux en droit des affaires international et comparé (droit européen, droit français, droit américain et droit iranien), Liability for Defective Products, International and Comapartive Perspective (American, European, French and Iranian Law), sous la dir. de H. Fulchiron, defended the 12nd of March 2012. Report written on the work as required under French Law. Academic Committees: Member of the Committee for accreditation to supervise academic research of Malo Depincé, 17th of December 2012, University of Montpellier.


2018: With Cristina Amato: Towards a European Culture of Legal Clinics, Speech delivered at the Colloquium in Honour of Reiner Schulze’s Seventieth Birthday, Researching European Private Law 19th tof October 2018. Schrems II: a case law study: Inaugural conference for the beginning of the academic year, University of Luxembourg, 17th tof September 2018. “Il progetto STARS” (“The STARS Project”) in ”Verso una cultura europea delle cliniche legali, il progetto STARS” (Towards a European Culture of Legal Clinics: the STARS Project), 14th of June 2018, University of Rome 3. With Etienne Rigal – Cronaca di un rinvio: il caso Cofidis SA c. Jean-Louis Fredout (C-473/00) (Telling the Story of a Preliminary Ruling: the Cofidis SA c. Jean-Louis Fredout Case (C-473/00) , Conference on I giudici nazionali e la giurisprudenzadella Corte di Giustizia dell’Unione Europea (National Judges and CJEU Case Law), University of Cagliari, 1st June 2018. Le cadre européen de la médiation en matière financière: de la directive aux applications nationales, points clés et exemples choisis (The European ADR framework in the financial sectors key issues and selected examples), conference held at the Banque de France (Paris) on the 29th of March 2018. 2017: Presentation of the STARS programme (Skills Transfers in Academia, a Renewed Approach), held at the Romanian-American University on the 24th of November. Iuris Dictio et médiation: concurrence ou complémentarité ?, key note speech delivered at the conference on “La médiation dans la recherche et l’enseignement” (Introducing Mediation into Teaching and Research programmes), in the frame of the Semaine mondiale de la Médiation, Luxembourg 18th of October 2017. “The Legal Framework of Sustainable Consumption in France: Review and Perspectives”, 6th Conference of the European Consumer Center of Luxembourg, 4th of October 2017, Luxembourg. “Conclusion and Future Perspective” Closing words of the Conference Banking and Financial Dispute Resolution organised by the Bank of Italy, The University of Rome 3, Fin-net and the University of Luxembourg held in Rome, 15th of September.

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“Public Justice/Private Justice Competition or complementarity? A case Study: can the EU B2C ADR scheme be seen as a model for B2C ADR in a globalized world?” Conference held at the University Suor Orsola Benincasa in the frame of the biannual conference of the Italian Association of Comparative Law “Ius Dicere in a Globalized World”, Naples, 15 - 17 June 2017. « La confiance légitime et la sécurité juridique en droit européen de la consommation » (Legitimate Expectations and Legal Certainty in European Consumer Law), speech delivered at the conference organised by the Paris Bar Association and held on the 19th of May in Paris at the Paris Bar. “Reforming Codified Consumer Law: Civil Law Re-codification or True Consumer Law Codification? A case Study on French and Luxembourg Law”, Conference held at Tokyo University on the 24th of April. “The Luxembourg Consumer Law Clinic Connecting Clinical Legal Education to Legal Research?” Conference held at Kyoto University on the 22nd of April. « Médiation et protection du consommateur: subsidiarité, complémentarité ou attraction fatale? » (ADR and Consumer Protection : Subsidiarity, Complentarity or Fatal Attraction ?), Conference held at the University of Sherbrook, Canada, 3rd of February 2017. 2016: “Are Legal Clinics a Place to Educate Mediators?” speech delivered in the Summer course on Alternative Dispute Resolution conference of the Europäisches Recht Akademie, 3rd of July 2016. “European Consumer Credit Legislation, the 2008 Directive and Beyond”, speech delivered at the conference on “New Trends in the Regulation of Banking and Financial Markets in the EU and in Russia”, conference organised by the University of Luxembourg, the Faculty of Law, HSE, Moscow, the Banking Institute, HSE, Moscow the International Fiscal Association (Russian branch), 17th of June 2016. Los modelos francés y luxemburgés de recodificación civil (French and Luxembourg Models of Civil Law Recodification), speech delivered at the conference on Diseño y codificación de instrumentos reequilibradores en contextos de asimetría negocial, Universitat de Barcelona, 4th and 5th of March 2016. 2015: Le bilan de l’enseignement Clinique du droit dans le cadre de la Clinique de droit de la consommation de l’Université du Luxembourg (A First Report on the Functioning of the Consumer Clinic of the University of Luxembourg), speech delivered at the Workshop “La création de la clinique du droit: Enjeux et difficultés”, University of Luxembourg, 18th December 2019. L’insegnamento clinico del diritto a Lussemburgo: evidenziare il legame tra formazione professionale e ricerca (Clinical Legal Teaching in Luxembourg: Highlighting the Link Between Teaching Skills and Fundamental Research), speech delivered at the conference “Diffusione dell’ insegnamento clinico in Italia e in Europa: radici teoriche e dimensioni pratiche”, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, 15th-16th October 2015. Case Studies of the Implementation of the UCP Directive (France and Luxembourg), speech delivered at the conférence on Unfair Commercial Practices and Private Law of EU Member States, the Impact of Directive 2005/29/EC on National Contract Law and Tort law, Università degli Studi di Ferrara, 9th October 2015. "Supranational Trends of Civil and Commercial Law: Towards a Reunification of Private law?" a Case Study of Consumer Law, speech delivered at the First Colloquium of the Osservatorio di Diritto Privato, University of Siena, 8th October 2015. Transnational Legal Studies at the University of Luxembourg: the Reformed Bachelor in Law Programme, speech delivered at the XXIII Bi-Annual Colloquium of the Italian Association of Comparative Law (AIDC), Palermo, 11th -13th June 2015. Présentation de la Clinique de Droit de la Consommation de l’Université du Luxembourg, (Presentation of the Consumer Law Clinic of the University of Luxembourg) in Conférence inaugurale de la Clinique de droit de

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la consommation de l’Université du Luxembourg (Inaugural Conference of the The Consumer Law Clinic of the University of Luxembourg), 31rst March 2015, University of Luxembourg. 2014 : - L’Europe des droits - La Cour de justice et les citoyens de l’Union : double regard académique et citoyen, (Exercising Rights in the European Union : the ECJ and the Citizens of the Union : the Perspective of a Scholar and a Citizen, speech delivered during the presentation of the book Europa e Diritti. La Corte di Giustizia e i cittadini dell’Unione (Exercising Rights in the European Union : the ECJ and the Citizens of the Union), 18th

of November 2014, University of Luxembourg, G. Gattinar, F. Pappalardo (ed.), Donzelli, 2014. - “Public Interest Litigation in France“, conference held in the frame of the Symposium In the name of consumers? Public interest litigation in Europe, 16th of October 2014, University of Bayreuth (Germany). - La directive 2011/83/UE sur les droits des consommateurs, rappel des points clés (The Directive on Consumers Rights: a reminding of the key points), speech delivered at the annual conference of the Europäisches Recht Akademie in the frame on the annual conference on Consumer Law, 9th and 10th of October 2014. - La transposition de la directive 2011/83/UE sur les droits des consommateurs en France, (Implementing the Consumers Rights Directive in France) speech delivered at the annual conference of the Europäisches Recht Akademie on Consumer Law, 9th and 10th of October 2014. - La transposition de la directive 2005/29/CE sur les pratiques commerciales déloyales en France, (Implementing the Unfair Commercial Practices Directive in France), speech delivered at the annual conference of the Europäisches Recht Akademie in the frame on the annual conference on Consumer Law, 9th and 10th of October 2014 - “Creating Innovative Remedies”, conference held at the annual symposium of the Society on European Contract Law (SECOLA), “The CJEU as a Creator of European Contract law”, 13th and 14th of June in Luxembourg. - Le consommateur (Consumer), conference held in the frame of the Symposium La notion de personne en droit de l’Union européenne (The Concept of Person in European Union Law), 23rd of May 2014, Université Catholique de Lyon. - “Good faith v. Enforcerment of the contract “Speech delivered during the of the conference “Breach of Contract: Common law versus Civil law? Cases Study from a Comparative Law Perspective”, 1rst April 2014. Case Study conducted by P. Ancel, Professor at the University of Luxembourg, J. Cartwright, Professor of the Law of Contract at the University of Oxford, Elise Poillot, Professor at the University of Luxembourg. 2013 : - Le droit privé européen à l’épreuve de la gouvernance économique : manifestations et perspectives à la lumière d’exemples choisis (“European Private law and Economic Governance”: what is happening and what may happen according to chosen examples), conference held in the frame of the Symposium Conflits de gouvernance et vérité du politique au sein de l’Union européenne (Conflicts of Governance : the political truth at the level of the European Union), at the University of Toulon, the 21rst and the 22nd of November 2013. - The building of a European consumer procedural protection by the ECJ: Evaluating the Influence of European Private Law on National Legislation: How to Proceed? An Example in the Field of Consumer Protection, conference delivered during the doctoral seminar on International influence on private law and the methodological challenges at the Fransk- Norsk senter for humaniora og samfunnsfag, Paris 19th of September 2013. - Report on how to Increase the Legal Certainty and Attractiveness of CESL: a Consumer Law Expert’s Perspective in The Proposal fo a European Consumer Law : the way forward, pp. 55-71, Workshop with the Participation of EU Parliaments, PE 474.401 available at http://www.europarl.europa.eu/

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- Propos introductifs, de liaison et conclusifs de la table ronde « La codification du droit de la consommation en Europe » dans le cadre du colloque les 20 ans du Code de la consommation : nouveaux enjeux (Introducing and concluding the round table “Codifying Consumer Law in Europe“ at the symposium on 20 years of Consumer Code: new challenges), delivered at the French Cour de cassation, Paris 4th of July 2013. - « L’enseignement clinique du droit à Luxembourg; présentation du projet de clinique du droit de la consommation à l’Université du Luxembourg », conference delivered in the frame of the symposium “L’enseignement clinique du droit: perspectives nationales et internationales” (Clinical Legal Education: National and International Aspects) Luxembourg 6-7th of June 2013. 2012: - La défense de l’intérêt général par les associations: le phénomène en droit de la consommation, (When Associations act as Defensors of the General Interest: how does t look like in Consumer Law?), conference delivered at the Symposimum, Associations as Defensors of the General Interest held in Paris 12th November 2012. - Presentation of the inaugural lecture « Vers un droit de la déconsommation : comment concilier en droit protection du consommateur et protection de l’environnement » (Consuming less? How to make compatible Consumer protection and Environmental Protection), Inaugural Lecture delivered on 10th February 2011 at the University of Luxembourg at the symposium 40 ans de Droit de la consommation (40 years of Consumer Law) held at the University of Montellier I, 28th Septembre 2012. Codifying Consumer Law: the Luxemburgish Consumer Code, conference delivered at the Forschungsstelle für Verbraucherrecht of the University of Bayreuth, 28th June 2012. - “The ECJ and General Principles Derived from the Acquis Communautaire”, conference delivered at the annual SECOLA (Society for European Contract Law) symposium “Principles and Specific Rules in European Contract law” in Messina, 1rst June 2012. - « L’influence du droit de la consommation sur le droit des obligations, une conséquence de la régionalisation du droit des contrats », (The Impact of Consumer Law on the Law of Contrat as a Consequence of the Regionalization of Contract Law), conference delivered the 10th of May 2012, in the frame of the Symposium, Droit français, droit japonais, quel dialogue ?, (French law meeting Japanes Law : Which kind of Dialogue ?), Sciences po Lyon. 2011: « Regards sur l’arrêt Pénzügyi Lízing (CJUE 9th nov. 2010, case C-137/08) », Conference delivered on 25th November 2011 at the University of Luxembourg during the Workshop on the Preliminary Ruling in European Private Law. « Le médiateur, garant de l’équité » (The Ombudsman as a Guarantor of Equity), Conference delivered on 17th November 2011 for the Association des Médiateurs de la Francophonie, Luxembourg « Le nouveau Code luxembourgeois de la consommation dans son environnement national et européen » (The Consumer Code of Luxembourg : a domestic and European perspective), Conference delivered at the University of Luxembourg with L. Gloden, 15th June 2011. « Vers un droit de la déconsommation : comment concilier en droit protection du consommateur et protection de l’environnement » (Consuming less? How to make compatible Consumer protection and Environmental Protection), Inaugural Lecture delivered on 10th February 2011 at the University of Luxembourg. « Le particularisme de l’enseignement du droit à Luxembourg » (Specificities of Teaching Law at the University of Luxembourg), Conference delivered at the University of La Rochelle (France) for the Symposium « Quelles pédagogies pour l’étudiant juriste ? Expérimentations, modélisation, circulation » (Educating Law Students, Experiments, Models, Circulations of Models) 20th and 21st January 2011.

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2010: « Le droit européen de la consommation protège-t-il le consommateur. Réflexions sur les ambiguïtés de la législation européenne », (Does European Consumer Law protect Consumers? Reflections on the Ambiguities of European Legislation), Conference delivered at the French Senate for the annual symposium of the alumni of the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan, Paris 9th June 2010. « La directive services au service des consommateurs ? », (Does the Services Directive benefit Consumer?), conference delivered at the Symposium on La directive Services en principes et en pratique, (The Services Directive : theoretical and practical Approach) in Lyon, 25th May 2010 « L’actualité des clauses abusives en droit européen », (Actuality of Unfair Terms) Conference delivered at the University of Luxembourg, 25th May 2010. « Le droit européen de la consommation vous protège-t-il ? », (Does European Consumer Law protect you?), Conference organised by the European Parliament Information Office for the “midis de l’Europe”, Luxembourg 15th March 2010. Final Report of the Symposium of the “Institut Européen d’Études Notariales”: « Le notaire dans son environnement numérique » (Notaries in an electronic Context), Luxembourg 26th March 2010. « Droit européen de la consommation et droit des contrats » (European Consumer Law and European Contract Law), Conference delivered at the University of Luxembourg, 24th February 2010. 2009 : « Diritto europeo del consumo e uniformazione del diritto dei contratti » (European Consumer Law and Standardisation of the Law of Contract), Conference delivered in Italian at the University of Insubria, Varese, Italy, 13th November 2009. « Vues de France : réflexion sur les méthodes d'enseignement françaises appliquées aux étudiants du système de Common Law », (From a French Perspective : Reflections on French Teaching Methods applied to Common Law Students), Conference delivered at the Symposium organised by the Maison française d’Oxford « L’enseignement et la recherche en droit français au Royaume-Uni et en Irlande, état des lieux, spécificité et perspectives » (Teaching and Research regarding French Law in the United Kingdem and Ireland : Facts, Specificites, Future) in Oxford (UK) 9th and 10th October 2009. 2008 : « L’influence du droit européen de la consommation sur le droit des contrats », (Influence of European Consumer Law on the Law of Contracts), Conference delivered at the Symposium on Contract Law European European Prospects and Internal Reforms organised by the French Society of Notaries, Paris 4th June 2008. Short speech in English at the round table organised by the University of Oslo, Norway (dir. Prof. Kåre Lilleholt) on the Influence of European Consumer Law on the Law of Contract, (April 2007 and May 2008). 2006 : Comparative Reflections on the Transposition of European Directives : Unfair Terms, conference delivered in French at the Symposium of Toronto, 27th and 28th October 2006, Multijuralism: Manifestations, Causes, and Consequences. 2005 : Consumer and Contract Law, conference delivered in English at the Symposium of the European Law Academy (Europäisches Recht Akademie), 17th and 18th November 2005, Towards a European Frame of Reference.

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Books : French aspects of the Chapter on Sale of Goods in Cases Materials and Text on Consumer Law, ed. by H.-W. Micklitz and J. Stuyck, Oxford, Hart Publishing, new edition, 2017. E. Poillot (ed.), L’enseignement Clinique du droit, Expériences croisées et perspectives pratiques (Clinical Legal Education, a Comparative a Practical Approach), Bruxelles, Larcier, 2014. Chapitre sur le droit processuel des contrats de consommation in Traité sur les règles communes des contrats de consommation, (Chapter on Consumer procedural rights in consumer contracts in Treaty on Common Rules for Consumer Contracts – French law), in collaboration with N. Sauphanor-Brouillaud C. Aubert de Vincelles and G. Bruneaux, 2012, pp. 921-1094. Ed. with I. Rueda of The boundaries of European Private Law, Preface A. Prüm, Larcier 2012. French aspects of the Chapter on Sale of Goods in Cases Materials and Text on Consumer Law, ed. by H.-W. Micklitz and J. Stuyck, Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2010. Droit européen de la consommation et uniformisation du droit des contrats, (European Consumer Law and Standardisation of the Law of Contract) Preface P. de Vareilles-Sommières, LGDJ, Bibliothèque de droit privé, t. 463, Paris 2006. Articles and contributions : - Les codes de l’intégration du droit de la consommation dans le système juridique : regards franco-allemands (Integrating Consumer Law into the Legal system: a French and German Comparison) in Mélanges en l’honneur du Professeur Claude Witz, LexisNexis 2018, pp. 669-698 - Foreword to Anthi Beka, The Active Role of Courts in Consumer Litigation Applying EU Law of the National Courts' Own Motion, pp. vii – ix, Intersentia 2018 - Chronique de droit européen de la consommation 2017 - 2018 – 1er juin 2017 au 30 juin 2018 (Annual Overview of European Consumer Law 2017- 2018 1st of June 2017 to 30thof June 2018), in Journal de Droit Européen, Sept. 2018, pp. 284 - 292. - Toward a European Instrument on Collective Redress, Luxembourg report drafted for the general report on Collective Redress by Trans Europe experts, September 2018, to be published on the website of the European Parliament (8 pages). - Rapport Luxembourgeois sur la vulnérabilité économique (partie sur le droit des contrats de consommation), Luxembourg (Report on Economic vulnerability, section on consumer contracts) in Les Journées internationales de l’Association Henri Capitant des amis de la culture juridique française, Journées Québécoises 2018, pp. 8-14, available on the website of the Association Henri Capitant : http://henricapitant.org/storage/app/media/pdfs/evenements/Quebec_2018/Economique/luxembourgeconomique.pdf - « Commentaires des arrêts de la CJUE, Banco Primus SA, aff. C-421/14, 1èère ch. 26 janv. 2017 ; Livio Menini, aff. C-75/16, 1èère ch. 14 juin 2017 ; Air Berlin, aff. C-290/16, 4ème ch., 6 juillet 2017 ; Christian Ferenschild, aff. C-133/16, 5ème ch., 13 juillet 2017 ; Ruxandra Paula Andriciuc, aff. C186/16, 2èère ch. 20 sept. 2017 » (Commentaries on ECJ Cases), in F. Picod (dir.), Jurisprudence de la CJUE 2016, Décisions et commentaires, Bruylant 2018, coll. Grands arrêts, Droit de l’Union Européenne, pp. 817-873.

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- In collaboration with H. Aubry and N. Sauphanor-Brouillaud, Panorama de droit de la consommation 2017, (Annual Overview of French Consumer Law) in Recueil Dalloz 2018, n°11, 22nd of March 2018, pp. 583-593. - Chronique de droit européen de la consommation 2016 - 2017 – 1er juin 2016 au 30 juin 2017 (Annual Overview of European Consumer Law 2016 - 2017, 1st of June 2016 to 30thof June 2017), in Journal de Droit Européen, Sept. 2017, pp. 286 - 293. - “Re-codification of civil law: are French and Luxembourg consumer codes going that road?” in Codificacion y reequilibrio de la assimetria negocial, C. Florès, M. Gramunt (ed.), Dykinson 2017, pp. 119 – 128. - « Le contrôle de la transparence matérielle des clauses portant sur l’objet du contrat : une nouvelle arme en matière de lutte contre les clauses abusives », commentaire de CJUE, C-154/15, Naranjo (Material Transparency of Contractual Terms on the Main Subject Matter of the Contract : a New Way of controlling Unfair Contractual Terms” a commentary of CJUE, C-154/15, Naranjo) in Recueil Dalloz 2017, n°19, 25th of May 2016, pp. 1096-1101. - In collaboration with H. Aubry and N. Sauphanor-Brouillaud, Panorama de droit de la consommation 2016, (Annual Overview of French Consumer Law) in Recueil Dalloz 2017, n°10, 9th of March 2017, pp. 539-549. - “Comparing Legal Clinics: is there a way to a European Clinical Culture? The Luxembourg Experience” European Journal of Comparative Law 2017, vol. 4, pp. 111-139. - “A High Level of Consumer Protection ou l’ascension de la protection des consommateurs au firmament des droits fondamentaux : à propos de l’article 38 de la Charte européenne“ (A High Level of Consumer Protection : is Consumer Protection going to Heaven ? About Article 38 of the Charter on Fundamental Rights) in Mélanges Rusen Ergec, Pasicrisie 2017, pp. 275 - 297. - « Le droit privé européen à l’épreuve de la gouvernance économique : L’exemple du droit européen des contrats“ (European Private law and Economic Governance : the European Contract Law Perspective) », in Vérités du Politique ». Les nouveaux enjeux de la gouvernance, Les Editions Ovadia 2017, coll. Chemin de pensée juridique, p. 101 - 122. - “Commentario all’articolo 38 della Carta dei Diritti fondamentali” (Comment on article 38 of the Charter on Fundamental Rights) Commentario alla Carta dei diritti fondamentali dell’Unione europea, Giuffrè ed. 2017. - « Commentaires des arrêts de la CJUE, Radlinger, aff. C-377/14, 3ème ch. 21 avr. 2016 ; Deroo-Blanquart, 7 septembre 2016, aff. C-310/15 ; Sabrina Wathelet, aff. C-149/15, 5ème ch. 9 novembre 2016 ; Naranjo, aff. jointes C-154/15, C-307/15, C-308/15, Gde ch. 21 décembre 2016 » (Commentaries on ECJ Cases), in F. Picod (dir.),Jurisprudence de la CJUE 2016, Décisions et commentaires, Bruylant 2017, coll. Grands arrêts, Droit de l’Union Européenne, pp. 715-755. - « La médiation en droit de la consommation : regards croisés sur les droits belge, français et luxembourgeois » (Consumer medaition : a comparative overview of Belgian, French and Luxemboug legislation), in Legimag 2016, n° 16, pp. 62-64. - « Plateformes en ligne : portée de l’obligation de loyauté », Entretien (Online Plateforms : Scope of the Duty of Loyalty), Recueil Dalloz 2016, p. 2056. - « L’articulation du droit commun et du droit spécial en matière de prescription », note sous Cass. avis, 4 juill. 2016, (Interaction between Common and Specific Rules on Prescription, commentary on the preliminary response of the French Supreme Court of 4th July 2016), JCP 2016, p. 1707 à 1709. - Chronique de droit européen de la consommation 2015 - 2016 – 1er juin 2015 au 30 juin 2016 (Annual Overview of European Consumer Law 2015, 1st of June 2015 to 30th of June 2016), in Journal de Droit Européen, Sept. 2016, pp. 281 - 289.

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- In collaboration with H. Aubry and N. Sauphanor-Brouillaud, Panorama de droit de la consommation 2015, (Annual Overview of French Consumer Law) in Recueil Dalloz 2015, n°11, 17th of March 2016, pp. 617-627. - « Commentaires des arrêts de la CJUE, Bogdan Matei et Ioana Ofelia Matei contre SC Volksbank România SA, affaire C-143/13, 9ème ch. 26 févr. 2015 ; Jean-Claude Van Hove c. CNP Assurances SA, 23 avril 2015, aff. C-96/14 ; Bundesverband der Verbraucherzentralen und Verbraucherverbände - Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband e.V. contre Teekanne GmbH & Co. KG, affaire C-195/14, 9ème ch. 4 juin 2015 ; Froukje Faber contre Autobedrijf Hazet Ochten BV, affaire C-497/13, 9ème ch. 4 juin 2015 » (Commentaries on ECJ Cases), in F. Picod (dir.), Grands Arrêt, Jurisprudence de la CJUE 2015, Décisions et commentaires, Bruylant 2016, coll. Droit de l’Union Européenne, pp. 719-767. - Chronique de droit européen de la consommation 2014 - 2015 – 30 juin 2014 au 30 mai 2015 (Annual Overview of European Consumer Law 2015, 1st of July 2014 to 30th of May 2015), in Journal de Droit Européen, July 2015, pp. 298 - 305. - “The ECJ and General Principles Derived from the Acquis Communautaire” (amended version), in J. Rutgers, P. Sirena (ed.), Rules and Principles in European Contract Law, Intersentia, 2015, pp. 33-44. - “Public Interest Litigation in France” in M. Schmidt-Kessel, Ch. Strünck, M. Kramme (ed.), In Namen der Verbraucher? Kollektive Rechtsdurchsetzung in Europa, JWV 2015, pp. 139-146. - « L’effectivité en droit européen de la consommation » (“Consumer Law effectiveness in European Union law”), in Revue Lamy de Droit des Affaires 2015, n° 105, pp. 80-85. - « Commentaires des arrêts de la CJUE, Árpád Kásler, Hajnalka Káslerné Rábai c. OTP Jelzálogbank Zrt, affaire C-26/13, 4ème ch. 30 avril 2014 ; LCL le Crédit Lyonnais SA c. Fesih Kalhan, affaire C-565/12, 4ème ch. 27 mars 2014 ; Commission c. Royaume de Belgique, affaire C-421/12, 3ème ch. 10 juillet 2014 » (Commentaries on ECJ Cases), in F. Picod (dir.), Grands Arrêt, Jurisprudence de la CJUE 2014, Décisions et commentaires, Bruylant 2015, coll. Droit de l’Union Européenne, pp. 730-776. - « Le phénomène en droit de la consommation » (Protectiong General Interest in Consumer Law), in B. Parance (ed.) La défense de l’intérêt général par les Associations, LGDJ Lextenso Editions, coll. Grands Colloques, 2015, pp. 21-39. - Review (in French) on “Landmark Cases of EU Consumer Law”, Miscellaneous in honor of Jules Stuyck in Revue trimestrielle de droit européen, available at : www.dalloz-revues.fr/Revue_trimestrielle_de_droit_européen-26.htm - « La clinique de droit de la consommation de l’Université du Luxembourg: une pionnière en Europe » (The Consumer Law Clinic of the University of Luxembourg: a Pioneer in Europe), Legimag n°9, 2015, p. 14. - In collaboration with H. Aubry and N. Sauphanor-Brouillaud, Panorama de droit de la consommation 2014, (Annual Overview of French Consumer Law) in Recueil Dalloz 2015, n°10, 12th of March 2015, pp. 588-598. - « Avant-propos » (Forewords), in E. Poillot (ed.), L’enseignement Clinique du droit, Expériences croisées et perspectives pratiques (Clinical Legal Education, a Comparative a Practical Approach), Bruxelles, Larcier, 2014, pp. 5-7. - « La Clinique de droit de la consommation de l’Université du Luxembourg », (The Consumer Clinic at the University of Luxembourg), in E. Poillot (ed.), L’enseignement Clinique du droit, Expériences croisées et perspectives pratiques (Clinical Legal Education, a Comparative a Practical Approach), Bruxelles, Larcier, 2014, pp. 172-192. - « L’influence du droit de la consommation sur le droit des obligations, une conséquence de la régionalisation du droit des contrats ?», (Is the influence of Consumer Law on the Law of Obligations related to the

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Regionalization of Contract Law ?) in B. Jaluzot (ed.) Droit japonais, droit français. Quel dialogue ? Schultess coll. ENS de Lyon, 2014, pp. 149-164. - Chronique de droit européen de la consommation 2014 – 1er janvier au 30 juin, 2014 (Annual Overview of European Consumer Law 2014, 1rst Of January to 30th of June 2014), in Journal de Droit Européen, July 2014, pp. 297 - 305. - « Propos liminaires et mise en perspective du droit luxembourgeois » (Preliminary Remarks and some observations on Luxembourg Law) in Les 20 ans du code de la consommation. Nouveaux enjeux. C. Aubert de Vincelles, N. Sauphanor-Brouillaud (dir.), LexisNexis 2013, coll. LEJEP pp. 57-75. - « Propos conclusifs» (Conclusive Remarks ) in Les 20 ans du code de la consommation. Nouveaux enjeux. C. Aubert de Vincelles, N. Sauphanor-Brouillaud (dir.), LexisNexis 2013, coll. LEJEP pp. 121-126. - In collaboration with H. Aubry and N. Sauphanor-Brouillaud, Panorama de droit de la consommation 2013, (Annual Overview of French Consumer Law) in Recueil Dalloz 2014, n°22, 19th of June 2014, pp. 1297-1306. - “The ECJ and General Principles Derived from the Acquis Communautaire”, Osservatorio di Diritto Civile e Commerciale, 2014 n° 1, pp. 153-166. - « Vers un droit de la déconsommation : comment concilier en droit protection du consommateur et protection de l’environnement ?» (Consuming less? How to make compatible Consumer protection and Environmental Protection) in M. Depincé, D. Mainguy (ed.), 40 ans de droit de la consommation. Bilan et perspectives, Editions de la Faculté de droit et de science politique de Montpellier, 2013, pp. (195-221). - Chronique de droit européen de la consommation 2013, (Annual Overview of European Consumer Law 2013), in Journal de Droit Européen, January 2014, pp. 20-28. - Increasing the Legal Certainty and Attractiveness of CESL: a Consumer Law Expert’s Perspective in The Proposal for a European Consumer Law : the way forward, Workshop with the Participation of EU Parliaments, PE 474.401, 2013, pp. 55-71, available at http://www.europarl.europa.eu/ - In collaboration with H. Aubry and N. Sauphanor-Brouillaud, Panorama de droit de la consommation 2013, (Annual Overview of French Consumer Law), in Recueil Dalloz 2013, n°14, 18th April 2013, pp. 945-955. - « Le Code luxembourgeois de la consommation : étude de droit interne et comparé » (The Consumer code of Luxembourg, a Comparative Law Analysis), Journal des Tribunaux, Luxembourg, Janvier 2013, n° 1, pp. 1-7. - Chronique de droit européen de la consommation 2012, (Annual Overview of European Consumer Law 2012), Journal de Droit Européen, January 2013, pp. 26-33. - « Le rapport entre la directive et la proposition de règlement pour un droit européen de la vente », (The Relationship between the Consumer Law Directive and the Draft on a European Sales Law), Revues des Affaires Européennes 2012/3, pp. 569-580. - Report with A. Melchior on Luxemburgish Law in Implementation of Optional Instruments within European Civil Law, Study for the European Parliament supervised by Trans Europe Experts, PE 462.425, 2012, available at http://www.europarl.europa.eu/ In collaboration with H. Aubry and N. Sauphanor-Brouillaud, Panorama de droit de la consommation (Annual Overview of French Consumer Law), in Recueil Dalloz, 2012, n°13, 29th March 2012 , pp. 840-850. Chronique de droit européen de la consommation 2011, (Annual Overview of European Consumer Law 2011), Journal de Droit Européen, January 2012, pp. 22-27.

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Commentaire en italien des articles 12 et 169 du Traité sur le Fonctionnement de l’Union européenne en italien (Commentary in Italian of articles 12 and 69 of the Treaty on the Functioning of The European Union), Edizioni Simone Naples 2012, pp. 157-161 and 1380-1385. « La notion de droit privé européen », (The concept of European Private Law), partly in English, written version of the conference delivered at the Symposium on The Boundaries of European Private Law, held in Luxembourg, 28th and 29th October 2010, to be published by Larcier, Brussels, 2012, pp. 9-31 « Le médiateur, garant de l’équité ? » (The Ombudsman as a Guarantor of Equity), written contribution of the conference delivered on 17th November 2011 for the Association des Médiateurs de la Francophonie, Luxembourg, available at http://www.aomf-ombudsmans-francophonie.org/ « Influence du droit de l’Union européenne et primauté de la loyauté : une protection incidente du consommateur ? » (Primacy of Good Faith and Influence of European Union Law : an indirect protection of consumers ?), written contribution of the conference delivered at the Symposium La loyauté en droit de la concurrence et de la consommation (Good Faith in Consumer and Competition Law) held in Paris on 29th March 2011, Les Petites Affiches. 2011, n°234, pp. 34. En collaboration avec N. Sauphanor Brouillaud et H. Aubry, Panorama de droit de la consommation in Recueil Dalloz, 2011, 1rst april, p. 974 et s. (In collaboration with H. Aubry and N. Sauphanor-Brouillaud, Annual Overview of French Consumer Law). « La directive services est-elle au service du consommateur ? », (Does the Services Directive benefit Consumer?), written contribution of the conference delivered at the Symposium on La directive Services en principes et en pratique, (The Services Directive : theoretical and practical Approach) in Lyon, 25th May 2010, in La directive services, en principe(s) et en pratique, Larcier, Brussels, 2011, p. 87 et s. Report on the 2010 Trans Europe Experts (TEE) Forum of Paris, Zeitschrift für Europäisches Privatrecht, 4/2010, p. 975. Commentaire de l’arrêt de la Cour d’Appel de Luxembourg (Clauses abusives dans les contrats de crédit à la consommation) en date du 8 octobre 2009 (Commentary of the decision of the Court Of Appeal of Luxembourg, October 8th 2009, Unfair Terms in Consumer Credit), in Pasicrisie luxembourgeoise 2011, n°1, p. 20. « L’exécution du contrat » (Performance of Contract) in L’Acquis communautaire : le contrat électronique, (Contract Acquis : e-contracts) sous la dir. de J. Rochfeld, Economica 2010, p. 201 et s. En collaboration avec N. Sauphanor Brouillaud et H. Aubry, Panorama de droit de la consommation in Recueil Dalloz, 2010, n° du 1er avril, p. 790. (In collaboration with H. Aubry and N. Sauphanor-Brouillaud, Annual Overview of French Consumer Law) in Recueil Dalloz, 2009, p. 393. Comparative Reflections on the Transposition of European Directives : Unfair Terms, in Albert Breton, Anne Des Ormeaux, Katharina Pistor, and Pierre Salmon, (Eds.), Multijuralism: Manifestations, Causes, and Consequences, Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing, 2009 p. 149 and ff.. Report on EC Consumer Law Compendium, in European Contract Law Review, 2009-1, p. 65. En collaboration avec N. Sauphanor Brouillaud, Panorama de droit de la consommation (In collaboration with N. Sauphanor-Brouillaud, Annual Overview of French Consumer Law) in Recueil Dalloz, 2009, p. 393. Chronique régulière du dernier semestre 2004 au dernier semestre 2008 dans la rubrique (Column on the French bibliography on European Private Law 2004-2008) « Bibliografia frances de derecho privado europeo » pour l’Anuario de Derecho Civil. « L’influence du droit européen de la consommation sur le droit des contrats », (Influence of European Consumer Law on the Law of Contracts, written version of the conference delivered at the Symposium on Contract Law European European Prospects and Internal Reforms) Publication de l’intervention lors du

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colloque sur le droit des contrats « Perspectives européennes et réformes internes » de Paris du 4 juin 2008, in Droit et Patrimoine, n° spécial, oct. 2008, p. 12. « A propos du statut des enfants nés sans vie : réflexion à partir des arrêts de la 1ère chambre civile du 6 février 2008 », (Stillborn children, commentary of the decisions of the French Cour de cassation of 6th February 2008), in Gazette d’actualité juridique juillet 2008, Faculté de droit virtuelle de l’Université Jean Moulin – Lyon 3. « Regards européens sur la décision de la Cour suprême du Canada Dell Computer Corp. c. Union des consommateurs et Olivier Dumoulin », (European views on the Canadian Supreme Court’s decision Dell Computer Corp. c. Union des consommateurs et Olivier Dumoulin) Revue générale de droit de l’Université d’Ottawa 2007, n° 2, p. 391 and ff. - Report on the Res Judicata under Italian Process law for the French Supreme Court in Private Law (Cour de cassation), published on the website of the Court together with the Reports of the judges and the conclusions of the Advocate General regarding the Decision of the Assemblée Plénière 7th July 2006, www.courdecassation.fr « Le siège de la chose jugée », (Where does Res Judicata stand in a Court’s decision?) in Droit prospectif, Revue de la recherche juridique, n° 4, 2007, p. 1921 and ff.. « Variazioni sulla terminologia giuridica in diritto comunitario e francese : dal « francese comunitario » al « francese di Francia »: l’esempio del diritto di “résiliation” del compratore di un viaggio nella direttiva 90/314/CEE sui viaggi, vacanze e circuiti “tutto compreso », (European Legal Terminology, from EU French to “French Language of France”: about the Withdrawl Right in the 90/314/EEC Directive on Package Holydays) to be published in Il diritto contrattuale europeo nelle direttive communitarie e trasposizioni giuridiche nazionali, Giappichelli ed., Milan 2006, Collana: Materiali di diritto privato europeo. Consumer and Contract Law, in Specifics of Contract Law in the Acquis communautaire in ERA FORUM Special Issue 2006, p. 36. « Breve presentacion del anteproyecto de reforma frances del derecho de obligaciones », Short présentation of the Reform Project of French Contract Law, in Anuario de Derecho Civil T LIX, fac. III, Julio Septiembre 2006. With L Grynbaum, « La nomenclature des remèdes à l’inexécution du contrat en droit communautaire » (Remedies in European Contrat Law), in L’Acquis communautaire, collection Etudes juridiques, Economica, Paris 2006, p. 13. « La vente de services en droit communautaire (directive 1990/314/CEE sur les voyages, vacances et circuits à forfait) » (The Sale of services in European Law, the 90/314/EEC directive on Package Holiday), in Gianmaria Ajani/Martin Ebers (eds.), Uniform Terminology for European Contract Law, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, Baden-Baden 2005, p. 359 and ff.. « Le droit comparé au service de la compréhension de l’Acquis communautaire, l’exemple du droit de rétractation dans la directive 97/7/CE sur la vente à distance » (Comparative Law, an helpful tool to understand the Acquis communautaire? Reflection on the withdrawal right in the 97/7/EC directive on distance selling), in Revue internationale de droit comparé 2005, n° 4, p. 1017. Compte rendu des premières rencontres de l’UMR de droit comparé (Report on the Conferences of the first Meeting of the Comparative Law Group of Paris), Zeitschrift für Europäisches Privatrecht n° 1, 2003, p. 180. Articles Review for the Annuario de Derecho Civil (Spain), 2005-2010.