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ELEVEN SUPER “Sneaky” Rapid Fat-Burning Secrets

KEEP Your Body in “Fat Burning Mode” 24/7

By: Shaun Hadsall

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Welcome to my ELEVEN SUPER “Sneaky” (love that word) Fat-Loss Tricks! I’m not going to beat around the bush. Some of these tricks are quick and easy. Some take a little more planning and effort. Some are exercise. Some are nutrition. But all of them work, big time, and have solid science along with real world testing and results to prove it. Keep in mind, 90% of the time you’ll be able to incorporate these tricks with any other plan you may be following. Enjoy and keep going strong, Your friend, Shaun

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SUPER “Sneaky” Fat Burning Secret #1: Reverse Fasted Bursting

This is a trick Karen and I have been using off and on for years and it works like crazy on stubborn fat. They are 3 simple rules to reverse fasted bursting.

Step 1 – Reverse Reverse the time of day you perform intervals or high intensity exercise. So if you exercise in the a.m., you’ll pick two or three days of the week and move your sessions to early afternoon or late evening. If you exercise in the early afternoon or evening, move a few of your sessions to early in the a.m. when you wake up. You might have to do this on weekends to make the scheduling work if necessary. The Effect: This will trick your body to overcome ANY patterning the metabolism is experiencing to fight against fat-loss. In other words, it’s a “metabolic shock” that will fight adaptation, plateaus, and release more stubborn fat into the blood stream to be burned off. When your body is used to having food at certain times or exercising at certain times, it only takes a few short weeks before it will catch on and adapt to the schedule you’re giving it. So step number one will literally “trick” your body to burn more fat.

Step 2 – Put yourself in a “Fasted” State Exercise in a fasted state. You have a few options here, but keep the workout short and intense to maximize the hormonal effect and prevent muscle loss (more on this below in step #3). So either…

a. Wake up early, have some water and cup of black coffee if you want. Then break your fast with a short high intensity workout.

b. Use an Intermittent Fasting protocol of 16 to 24 hours, and then break your fast with a strategic workout.

c. You can also wait three to four hours after a balanced meal if you’re doing your workout later in the day to ‘mimic’ intermittent fasting.

The Effect: This will kick your SNS (sympathetic nervous system) into HIGH gear, which will force the release of Growth Hormone, Adrenaline, and Free Fatty Acids….all while lowering insulin dramatically.

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ALL of this = an aggressive RAPID fat-loss environment inside your body that sets you up perfectly for Step 3… Step 3 – Bursting Perform high intensity bodyweight circuits or bursts of cardio for 20 to 30 seconds at a time (recover for about a minute in-between) for at least 5 to 10 minutes straight for some ridiculous fat-loss. Cool down by doing some calisthenics or if you have time, do 15 to 30 minutes of steady state cardio to burn off residual fatty acids. The Effect: MASSIVE amounts of Free Fatty Acids (i.e. broken apart fat) will be automatically released into the blood stream and calorie burning will be accelerated for hours and hours after the workout to dramatically increase your fat loss. ALL three of these steps work together synergistically to create the perfect hormonal storm inside your body to bust through a plateau and prevent any metabolic slowdown associated with your plan. Here’s a little bonus for you nerds or science geeks out there. Below are three (there are many more) links to published studies that give evidence that supports that fasting workouts are superior for fat loss. This study shows that fasting prior to exercise increases nutrient uptake and absorption in post workout meals: http://www.springerlink.com/content/w8712615714k8150/ This one demonstrates that fasting increases the release of catecholamines (precursors to adrenalin) and therefore naturally increases resting metabolic rate. If you combine that with high intensity exercise, you get a powerful 1-2 punch: http://www.ajcn.org/content/71/6/1511.abstract This study (for the first time) shows that fasted training is more potent than fed training to facilitate adaptations in muscle and to improve whole-body glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity during hyper-caloric fat-rich diet. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20837645 If you absolutely HAVE to have something before a workout (maybe

because of health concerns, or if you’re already super lean or maybe

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you just can’t tolerate fasted exercise), I recommend a scoop of whey

protein powder with a few krill oil capsules.

Just make sure you do a thorough five to ten minute warm up to bring

down insulin levels so you can maximize fat loss during and after the


Speaking of fasting…let’s dive into “Sneaky” Trick number two, which expands upon number one…

SUPER “Sneaky” Fat Burning Secret #2: “Harness” the Power of Intermittent Fasting

I know sometimes it’s hard to accept change when we’ve been programmed to adhere to silly dieting rules for so long, but I’ve actually skipped breakfast now for 4 or 5 days of the week over the past 2 years to prove the validity, efficacy and simplicity of intermittent fasting. Am I crazy? Kind of. :-) The end result? I have more energy, I get more accomplished, I eat less junk food and I haven’t lost ONE ounce of muscle. Additionally, it’s been MUCH easier to stay lean as I get older and deal with declining hormones. Best of all, I’m only eating 3 or 4 times a day now. Not only that, I’ve had HUGE breakthroughs in controlling my emotional attachment with food in general. Here are the results from my first year of experimenting with Intermittent Fasting:

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I want to be 100% transparent and let you know that the before picture (taken on February 7th of 2011) was after a ten day vacation of eating bad and partying in Jamaica, so it was the perfect time to take a “before” picture and test out this fairly new method. But this isn’t about me. Who cares about me? This is about YOU.

And I’m not here to tell you what you should or shouldn’t do. I’m here to educate you and let you know how “IF” has worked on my clients and myself. In my opinion, Intermittent Fasting is MUCH easier to adhere to than trying to ram in 5, 6 or even 7 small meals a day. It’s also the easiest way to put yourself into a healthy calorie deficit and has an awesome hormonal benefits So first, let’s look at the reasoning behind the “IF” strategy and why it makes a lot of sense. Then you can make an educated decision to see if this approach is a good fit for your lifestyle.

Intermittent Fasting or “IF” (in case you didn’t already know) is essentially not eating or drinking anything that contains calories for a set time period. Generally this time period is between 16 and 36 hours.

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And even though we’ve been told over and over again if we don’t feed ourselves every 3 hours our metabolic rate will slow down, it’s simply not true. It’s a big fat myth. There are now multiple peer-reviewed studies indicating you can literally fast (not eat) for up to 36 hours before your metabolism will slow down.

How to SKIP Breakfast for Faster Fat-Loss? Based on this approach, you’ll also be skipping the traditional time of day you would normally consume breakfast.

Although there’s a lot of solid research indicating breakfast is the most important meal of the day, you have to keep in mind what the word breakfast means – literally. Let’s look at the word itself. “BREAK-FAST” or to “break” your “fast” is the true definition of breakfast.

Keeping that in mind, the research hasn’t really looked at the timing of that meal. Instead, it’s all about the actual food choices you make to start your day or “break” your “fast”. So we’re not really “skipping” breakfast. We’re just changing the time of day breakfast is consumed. Now I will be the first one to admit that I held up a cross like a vampire was attacking me when I initially heard about this strategy a few years ago.

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And although it goes completely against the grain of traditional approaches, the science and real world results can’t be denied. When applied properly, intermittent fasting is not only great for your metabolism, it’s also a killer way to break bad food habits or shock your body mentally and physically.

How Intermittent Fasting Gives You CONTROL Over Your Hunger Hormones… I also noticed after a few weeks of using the intermittent fasting protocol that I NEVER got hungry anymore. In other words, over time, fasting has become a lot easier and skipping breakfast doesn’t even faze me anymore. After discussing this phenomenon I was experiencing with my good friend John Romaniello, I discovered it was because I had “retrained” my hunger hormone Ghrelin. Simply put (to save you from all the science jargon), Ghrelin is the hormone that controls your body’s hunger response to food. It’s secreted when you’re about ready to eat. In other words, you can reprogram Ghrelin to respond at a different time of the day. This process only takes a few weeks (sometimes less) with intermittent fasting. Also, Ghrelin is a potent stimulator of growth hormone. So if you combine the growth hormone release that occurs naturally during fasting with your body’s ability to “re-train” Ghrelin, you get a potent one-two GH punch

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Research also shows it lowers insulin, increases growth hormone release, and raises catecholamine levels by ramping up the sympathetic nervous system (SNS). More on this below. So in many ways Intermittent Fasting actually “mimics” high intensity exercise. Weird but 100% true. Every hormonal trigger activated by Intermittent Fasting seems to help you burn more fat and preserve muscle. Mentally, it can also help break you of bad emotional habits or negative neuro-associations you may have with food and provide you with new found energy and focus.

As always, with any great tactic, more is not better.

If you abuse this strategy your body may start shedding lean muscle to slow down the metabolism and the end result is no weight loss at all. Essentially, your body thinks you are starving yourself so it will have to use amino acids from precious muscle tissue to survive and fuel itself. Research shows this only happens if you overdue it. Over the past year, I’ve found that the 16/8 (16 hours of fasting, 8 hours fed) protocol works best and is easiest to adhere to, but you have to do it RIGHT. For example, you could start your fast at 9 pm and end your fast with a noon workout the next day. Then you would go ahead and consume your largest meal of the day after your workout – around 1pm. So this would be considered your real “break-fast” or your first meal of the day. Remember, after intense exercise your body is highly sensitive to nutrient uptake and protein synthesis (aka – nutrient partitioning).

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So when you break your fast with a high intensity workout you should eat your largest meal of the day within 30 to 45 minutes after. Now don’t freak out about this. I guarantee it’s a lot easier to follow and more effective than you can ever imagine.

I personally start my fast at around 10 pm and workout at 1 pm so I’m eating my post workout meal and breaking my fast right at 2 pm, which is the 16 hour mark. So I eat 3 or 4 larger meals between 2 pm and 10 pm, then I fast from 10 pm until 2 pm the next day. Rinse and repeat for 3 to 5 days of the week. There are also many days where I work out first thing in the a.m. at 6 or 7 am in a total “fasted” state. I just make sure to consume 5 to 10 grams of amino acids before and after… Then I wait until 1 or 2 pm until I break my fast (“break-fast”) with the largest meal of the day. If you’ve never fasted before, the first time can be tough, but it quickly becomes easier, especially when the fat starts falling off your body. Remember, IF isn’t the “holy grail” or anything, but it sure is a simple way to take control of fat-loss when it’s applied properly.

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SUPER “Sneaky” Fat Burning Secret #3: The Grapefruit Trick

A fairly recent study done in La Jolla, CA showed that consumption of grapefruit was found to be associated with a significant reduction in weight. In fact, this particular study showed that two-hours AFTER ingesting grapefruit, post-glucose insulin levels were significantly reduced among subjects compared to a placebo group. So this research indicates that this may be the ONLY fruit that actually increases fat-burning after ingestion. The study concluded that, “Half of a fresh grapefruit eaten before meals was associated with significant weight loss. Insulin resistance was improved with fresh grapefruit." This is despite the carbs and sugars found inside this fruit. VERY interesting stuff. Another great benefit to consuming Grapefruit is that it’s loaded with naringin. Naringin has been documented to inhibit certain enzyme activity in the human liver. So what does this scientific jargon mean for you? It means that naringin (found inside grapefruit) may increase the half-life (extending the activity) of various alkaloids, especially caffeine. Even certain fat burners utilize naringin for enhanced alkaloid effect. In other words, the natural ingredients found in grapefruit could help you metabolize fat more efficiently. A couple VERY important notes about “how” to eat grapefruit for more efficient fat-loss.

1. Do NOT use traditional grapefruit juice from concentrate. The pasteurization process DESTROYS the natural citrus qualities found inside fresh grapefruits. You must either use the whole fruit (preferably organic) or flash pasteurized juices, which are typically very hard to find.

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2. Do NOT eat grapefruit every day of the week. Just like any great nutrition strategy, more is NOT better. I recommend using a ½ grapefruit before two of your daily meals about 4 or 5 days of the week. This will ensure awesome results without adapting to the fat-burning properties found inside this fruit.

By the way, this is a GREAT tactic to break a plateau. Not only will it increase insulin sensitivity, it will flood your body with natural enzymes that will potentially help get the fat burning again. Of course, it’s only going to work if you’re exercising and eating healthy. This trick used all by itself probably won’t make that big of a difference. But if you’re consistent with your eating and workout habits, give this puppy a try!

SUPER “Sneaky” Fat Burning Secret #4: The Strategic Sauna

This is a simple15 minute daily sauna ritual you can use that requires absolutely NO exercise, yet it can help you nearly DOUBLE your calorie burn. It’s something I try to do at least 4 or 5 days a week and after reading this, I’m confident you’ll want to join me. And just so you know – I never used this 15 minute trick to intentionally get these added benefits. I personally use the sauna because it helps me KEEP my sanity in a busy, fast paced world full of technology and interruptions. In other words, it can help you escape the chaos of everyday life and cultivate your mind to be more productive. However, I’ve been conducting a little investigation and I’ve uncovered some other VERY interesting facts you should know about… The sauna has a ton of “hidden” fat-loss and calorie burning benefits you should be aware of. Here they are…

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1. Flushes toxins. The dry sauna can help reduce levels of unwanted toxins

picked up from the environment. These toxins have been proven to create bad estrogen levels in the body and they can even block fat-loss altogether.

2. Helps rinse and cleanse your skin’s epidermal layer and sweat ducts. Cleansing of your pores gives your skin a soft, beautiful appearance. Nice!

3. Shown to help you sleep better because you’ll be more relaxed. This will help with exercise recovery, weight-loss AND productivity.

4. Provides recreation or what I call “Re-Creation.” In other words, it will help you “re-charge” your mental battery to deal with the stresses of daily living so you can operate at your “peak potential”.

5. Helps improve recovery time by soothing and relaxing muscles, aches and soreness.

6. As I stated above, sometimes you can nearly DOUBLE your calorie burn using this method.

7. It will also help you FEEL better and relieve stress so you’ll be happier! Just go to the dry sauna 3 or 4 times a week after your workout for 15 to 25 minutes to enhance to post workout calorie burn and help burn off any residual fatty acids that may be left floating around in your blood stream. Just look at my results I’ve monitored from this sneaky trick…

Exercise 7 am: Intervals followed by 20 minutes of steady state cardio

Duration: 35 minutes

Calories burned: 493

5 minute transition to the dry sauna (with a book, meditation audios, and my personal journal)

20 minutes in the dry sauna (I went a little longer than 15 minutes, which easy to do once you get in the zone.)

Additional calories burned while inside sauna: 264 On my ride home I looked at my monitor and it showed that I had burned a total of 757 calories! (Remember, I only exercised for 35 minutes) This means while I was meditating, praying, and cultivating my mind for success I not only got ALL the added health benefits… …I also burned an additional 264 calories! Wow.

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Long story short, this ritual or habit can also help you restore your mind, body, and soul, which can have ALL kinds of positive effects on your life. When you find a warm quiet place to relax without distractions, it will carry over into every other area of your life – automatically without even trying. Make sure you test out this method first by using 10 minutes at a time and drink LOTS of filtered water afterwards.

SUPER “Sneaky” Fat Burning Secret #5:


Since we all know cheat food is going to part of the fat-loss journey, doesn’t only make sense to put damage control in place?

Of course it does.

And this silly little GLUT 4 activation trick, which takes only 90 seconds, will ensure ALL your cheat food gets “re-directed” straight into muscle and liver tissue…

INSTEAD of being stored as fat?

How cool would that be? I know. Real cool.

This metabolic glucose transporter can help you beat meal-induced insulin release to the punch.

All you have to do is perform short bouts of a few simple exercises, lasting at least 90 seconds, and you’ll instantly bring glucose transporter type 4 (GLUT 4) to the surface of muscle cells.

These super short bouts of muscular contractions will open the flood gates of your muscle cells for extra carbs and cheat food calories to flow into, while preventing fat “spillover.”

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In other words, you can literally “flip the metabolic switch” so all these extra calories are siphoned into muscle tissue instead of accumulating more belly fat.

Example: Perform bodyweight movements like… Body weight squats, lunges, jump squats, push-ups, pull-ups, wall push-ups, wall triceps extensions, triceps dips, etc. for 90 seconds straight about 15 to 30 minutes before cheating. You’ll wind up with somewhere between 50 to 100 reps total, but focus on time. Bonus Tip: Research shows you can also use this same trick within 90 minutes AFTER a cheat meal or higher carb meal too.

Pow! NO fat-spillover. :-)

IMPORTANT: Make sure you use a combination of exercises that activates larger muscles (like your legs, chest, and back) to help enhance this effect.

SUPER “Sneaky” Fat Burning Secret #6:

How a Simple Spoon Can Make You Slimmer A lot of dieters do the same portion control mistakes around healthy fats. Don’t get me wrong… healthy fats are essential and will support your fat loss. But remember that a single tablespoon of coconut or olive oil packs 120

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calories – and going overboard is really easy. Let’s say that you “forget” to use a tablespoon to carefully portion control your healthy oils. You might end up using 2 tbsp. to cook your eggs in the morning instead of one, and might repeat this mistake by putting 1 more tbsp. of olive oil than you’d want on your salad for lunch, and use 1 more tbsp. of coconut oil to cook your steak at night. Bad, bad idea. Without even noticing, you’ve just added a whopping 360 “hidden” calories to your daily intake. For some people, this may just be the difference between losing vs. gaining. Carefully monitoring your fat and calories consumption will help you reach your goal weight faster. Things like raw nuts, nut butters, avocado, and even certain oils are some of the healthiest foods on earth. But you MUST monitor your portion control and eat small amounts ONLY if you want to keep your body in a calorie deficit.

SUPER “Sneaky” Fat Burning Secret #7: Cheat Day Manifesto

Ok, so this isn’t really a “sneaky” trick….it’s several of them. And I had to put Cheat Day tricks inside this guide for a very important reason. You see, you could use EVERY trick inside this guide, but if you abuse the cheat day you’ll never see results from all your efforts. So here’s how you can limit fat spillover by forcing storage of excess carbs as glycogen, stabilizing insulin and utilizing the digestive system on your cheat day.

1. As always, try to get some type of intense workout the morning of your cheat day.

2. Make sure breakfast is not a binge meal and includes a lean protein.

3. Limit your cheat day to a five hour window.

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This will prevent binging, while providing a reward along with a metabolic spark to help keep your metabolism happy.

4. Consume a small amount (8oz) of grapefruit juice or eat ½ grapefruit

before your first cheat meal.

This will help stabilize insulin before the re-feed or cheat. This is also a great time to consume a cup of coffee because the naringin extends the fat burning effect of the caffeine.

Go ahead and put your favorite cream or whatever you want in your coffee…just avoid sugar for this cup. :-)

5. Drink 50 to 75 ounces of filtered water before noon.

This will help prevent dehydration, set up the digestive system for a healthy binge, and prevent early day cravings.

6. Don’t weight yourself for at least 2 to 3 days after your cheat day.

This will keep you psychologically in the right spot because any weight you’ve gained is just water weight from carbs. You should be one to three pounds lighter a few days after you cheat day if you’re doing things properly and using the next trick…

7. Try to avoid a lot of alcohol when cheating.

This can mess up the metabolic and hormonal effect you’re trying to accomplish.

8. Try to avoid a lot of deep fried foods and high fructose corn syrup.

Deep fried foods are basically void of any nutritional value and therefore don’t provide any metabolic or hormonal benefits for the cheat. HFCS has been shown to potentially block or negatively impact leptin levels. Again, it’s a cheat day so you don’t have to get anal, but little tricks like this can really help.

9. Plan for extra water the day after a cheat day.

Remember the extra water your body will carry (from all the carbs) the next day. That’s why you hear people talking about “carb-bloat” the day after cheating. Water is great damage control to get you back on track.

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SUPER “Sneaky” Fat Burning Secret #8: Manipulate Body Temperature

Here’s a couple crazy body temperature tricks that have scientific validity and can be very effective to burn 1 or 2 extra pounds of fat per week.

1. Consume 40 ounces of ice water on an empty stomach immediately upon waking. This will raise metabolic rate 5 to 30% for 40 to 60 minutes. Then have breakfast or perform a short duration high intensity workout of some kind.

2. Shiver your way to fat loss. Short term cold exposure has some

unbelievable benefits. Research shows it stimulates BAT (brown adipose tissue or stubborn fat) to burn glucose as heat. It can also help release fatty acids. Without getting too scientific, it’s basically fat that burns fat. Weird, I know – but effective. Here’s how it’s done:

Take a Cold Shower. At the end of your shower turn the water as cold as you can handle it and let the cold water run over your neck and shoulders for 30 seconds or longer. If you start shivering you know you’ve done it long enough. The best times to do this are after a workout, early morning or late evening.

Put large ice backs on the back of your neck and shoulders for 20 to 30 minutes. In the evening is the best because blood sugar is lower.

Take an Ice Bath for 20 minutes (if you’re absolutely insane ;-). Just like the other methods, early in the a.m., late in the evening, or post workout is best.

Cold exposure: For insane people only?

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SUPER “Sneaky” Fat Burning Secret #9: Manipulate & Stabilize Blood Sugar

Here are a couple quick tips I’ve read about (both of these are from the book, “The 4 Hour Body” by Tim Ferris), which have been show to help lower blood sugar and keep insulin at bay to enhance fat loss.

1. Consume 3 tablespoons of fresh squeezed lemon juice 15 minutes before or during meals. This will lower blood sugar 10% or more.

2. Certain types of cinnamon just before or during meals can lower the glycemic index of a meal up to 29%! Saigon is the best and Cassia comes in second. Consume no more than 4 grams per day. 1½ teaspoons taken 4 times a day. This needs to be freshly ground or use the raw sticks that roll up like a scroll.

3. Lastly, you can use our #1 blood sugar “fix” below each and every time

you eat carbs. In fact, this simple carb-fighting "ritual" is clinically proven to: *Lower your blood sugar *Increase insulin sensitivity *Decrease fat storage *Increase fat burning Even better, you can perform it in just a few seconds... …And it WORKS like gangbusters!

==> Do this BEFORE eating carbs (every time)

SUPER “Sneaky” Fat Burning Secret #10: Minimize Fat Storing Estrogen

Controlling estrogen levels in today’s toxic environment is critical for long term health and fat loss. If you just eat more vegetables, you can help control bad estrogen levels inside your body.

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Unhealthy estrogen levels give you man boobs and make you store more belly fat if you’re a guy. If you’re a female this can lead to depression, mood swings, and more accumulation of hip and butt fat. But, believe it or not, gorging on cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kale and cabbage have been shown to have a very positive effect. These vegetables contain a naturally occurring ingredient called 3,3′-Diindolylmethane or DIM for short. DIM is a compound derived from the digestion of indole-3-carbinol, which is found in these cruciferous vegetables.

DIM is strongly anti-estrogenic, and can help block xenoestrogens (sometimes called obsesogens), which can also make you store belly fat, so including them in your diet could go a long way. It can also act as an immuno-stimulant, which means it can naturally “boost” your immune system.

Wikipedia even touts this ingredient to have various potent anticancer properties. IMPORTANT: DIM is an oil soluble compound, so it’s best to consume these veggies with other oils and fats. This will greatly enhance the absorption.

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In other words, eat these specific veggies with things like wild caught salmon, krill oil, egg yolks, nuts, olive oil, or coconut oil.

SUPER “Sneaky” Fat Burning Secret #11: The Law of Association

C’mon now, you know I couldn’t end this report without giving something that addresses the OTHER side of fat-loss. :-) There is a powerful strategy that I only use a few times per year (like during the holidays) that’s the BEST tip I can give you for avoiding Turkey Day fat-gain. In fact, this little “secret” I’m going to share with you has had a way more of positive impact on my body and life of ANY exercise or nutrition tip. Believe it or not, it can also be the simplest and easiest way to predict your future results (in any area of life) with precise accuracy. I know that sounds weird, but you’ll see exactly how this method can work its magic on YOUR life in just a second. But first, I want you to know that EVERY successful mentor and role model that I’ve ever known or worked with (in any area of life) has consistently used (and recommended) this ONE strategy. And ever since I dedicated myself to consistently doing this, I’ve seen EVERY area of my life improve: physically, mentally, spiritually, financially and emotionally. I guarantee you will too. Ok, enough already…let’s get to it!

It’s based off something called, The Law of Association, which states, “You become who you hang out with, or associate yourself with.” So do yourself a favor, and write down the FIVE people in your life that you spend the MOST time with RIGHT NOW. Next, take a good, hard, HONEST look at this list and consider the “influence” it’s having on your life. Why is this so powerful?

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Because this is your personal Crystal Ball.

It’s THE biggest predictor of what your future looks like. In fact, I can 100% guarantee that the five people you spend the most time with will have the biggest influence on the outcome of your goals in every area of life. I’ve experienced this first hand and believe me – I’ve been on both sides of the fence. And every single time my success or failure is directly related to who I’m spending my time with. What about you? Just think about the times you’ve been with great people vs. the times you’ve spent the majority of your time with losers or negative people. There’s probably a HUGE difference in your experiences and outcomes. Many authors and big shots have always said, “success is a choice.”…but it all starts with “who” you spend all your time with. So do not be deceived: “Evil company corrupts good habits.” I’ll never forget the first time I actually did this exercise and really took it seriously over 10 years ago. It was like getting a bloody nose.

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I realized no matter how disciplined I was or how hard I tried to get ahead in life I was spending a lot of time in the wrong environments and with the wrong people. And even though I loved and cared deeply for many of these people, I still had to make the tough decision to change it. Since then I’ve focused on spending more of my time learning from higher level mentors, coaches, entrepreneurs, spiritual leaders and fitness business experts. If you’ve never done this exercise before it won’t take you long to see the light and reap the rewards like so many others have. The people you hang out with will determine the environments where you spend all your time -- and this will ultimately control your outcomes and your destiny. I’m not saying you should ditch all your friends and family if they’re dysfunctional or abusive. We usually HAVE to spend time around family. Sometimes this can be good…sometimes this can be bad. :-) And as much as I believe in controlling who you hang out with…I still think we should all make our best effort to have unconditional acceptance of everybody regardless of his or her shortcomings. After all…every time we point the finger we always have three pointing back at us.

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But I still believe it’s in your best interest to do everything you can to spend time with quality people who support your goals and have a positive influence on your life and beyond. So don’t delay. Use the powerful Law of Association, NOW!

1. Take out a piece of paper and write down the five people you spend the most time with on a daily, weekly and monthly basis.

2. Make a column that says “pros” and “cons” and start listing the positives and negatives for all five relationships.

3. Make the necessary changes in your environments and relationships to brighten your future, improve your quality of life…and increase the speed of fat-loss.

It may be a big wakeup call and you may need to find some new friends or seek a mentor or coach… …Or you may give yourself a pat on the back because you’re consistently hanging around like-minded successful people who lift you up and improve your life. Either way, I’m sure you can see why this exercise is great indicator of where your life is headed. I’ll end today’s newsletter with one my favorite sayings: There are 2 types of people in this world.

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Those who brighten a room when they enter it, and…

Those who brighten a room when they leave it. [Silent Giggle] So which ones are you spending your time with? Even more important, which one are you? I have to admit -- I struggle weekly with certain relationships in my life so it’s not always easy. But it’s ALWAYS worth the fight, because we ALL rise and fall to the level of whom or what we follow.

And if you’re struggling with your health or fat-loss right now, this exercise is something you should take to heart…. Keep going strong, Shaun “you become who you hang out with” Hadsall