elements supporting creativity irene m. pepperberg brandeis and harvard universities june 24, 2010

Elements Supporting Creativity Irene M. Pepperberg Brandeis and Harvard Universities June 24, 2010

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Elements Supporting Creativity

Irene M. Pepperberg

Brandeis and Harvard Universities

June 24, 2010

About me…

Switched from a PhD in chemical physics to

animal behavior

Switched when the term ‘avian cognition’ was an


Creativity arises from a confluence of

events, situations and issues

No clear roadmap exists, but rather

helpful suggestions

the Greek philosopher, Heraclitus

Not much new since….

The only thing creative in several centuries has been how the various

gurus have packaged their sell

My package for academics:

● General “Smarts”

●A Prepared Mind

●Lack of Indoctrination



General “Smarts”

● Avoid destroying childhood curiosity

● Daydreaming is good

● To some extent, creativity or is not present

“Yesterday, today was tomorrow”

Beyond some point, skip teaching to the test

Exposure is good, overscheduling is not; students can’t THINK

Facts are good, but it’s what you do with them that matters


A Prepared Mind

●Need to learn lots about a topic

●Switching fields brings novel approaches

●Need to learn about tangentially related topics

Articles, seminars, books, conferences, questions

ANYTHING that might be relevant; different views

Brainstorming is good


Lack of


●Haven’t learned something is impossible

●Be willing to hear divergent expert opinions

●Believe your common sense

Ferster’s apes

Modeling techniques vs. trial-and-error

Defense clarifies ideas



●Illegitimi non carborundum

●If one creative idea fails, keep going

● Accept the fallow periods—like a field, the mind may need to rest

A lot to be said for platitudes about spaghetti on walls and Edison’s “99% perspiration”



●Maslow—cognitive release—brain relieved from worries can be used creatively


Lab animals are ‘smarter’ because they don’t worry about getting food or shelter

●Relieve brain from trivia, too

You didn’t get a PhD to make airline reservations

Media Lab, Radcliffe Fellow, dot.com campuses, jogging

Incentives, not punishments

And not to work any 80 hrs/wk we wish


Freeeeedom ***5

Why is it I get my best ideas in the morning while I'm shaving? - Albert Einstein

If you are seeking creative ideas, go out walking. Angels whisper to a man when he goes for a walk.

- Raymond Inmon, philosopher

But if I can then manage to relax properly (for a few minutes or, if necessary, for days or months), I find

that in certain circumstances at an unexpected moment, such as in the morning when I wake, I get

an inspiration that more or less answers the problems concerned. – C.F. Weizsäcker, physicst

None of these alone is enough

They must all come together….

Intersection of:

General “smarts”

Prepared mind

Lack of indoctrinatio




