elements of short story


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Post on 17-Aug-2015




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EL EMENT S OF S HORT S TORY2 0 1 3Setting Character PlotConfictPoint of ie! The"eSETT#N$The ti"e an% location in !hich a &tor' ta(e& )lace i& calle% the &etting* For &o"e &torie&the &etting i& er' i")ortant+ !hile for other& it i& not* There are &eeral a&)ect& of a &tor',& &etting to con&i%er !hen e-a"ining ho! &etting contri./te& to a &tor' 0&o"e+ or all+ "a' .e )re&ent in a &tor'123 )lace 4 geogra)hical location* 3 ti"e 4 0hi&torical )erio%+ ti"e of %a'+ 'ear+ etc13 !eather con%ition& 4 rain'+ &/nn'+ &tor"'+ etc53 &ocial con%ition& 4 the %ail' life of the character+ local color 3 "oo% or at"o&)here 4 6hat feeling i& create% at the .eginning of the &tor'5#& it .right an% cheerf/l or %ar( an% frightening5&etting2 The oerall &etting of a narratie or %ra"atic !or( i& the general locale+ hi&torical ti"e+ an% &ocial circ/"&tance& in !hich it& action occ/r&7 the &etting of a &ingle e)i&o%e or &cene !ithin the !or( i& the )artic/lar )h'&ical location in !hich it ta(e& )lace* The $ree( ter" o)&i& 08&cene+9 or 8&)ectacle91 i& no! occa&ionall' /&e% to %enote a )artic/lar i&i.le or )ict/ra.le &etting in an' !or( of literat/re+ incl/%ing a l'ric )oe"*CH:R:CTERThere are t!o "eaning& for the !or% character23 The )er&on in a !or( of ;ction*3 The characteri&tic& of a )er&on*Character& are the )er&on& re)re&ente% in a %ra"atic or narratie !or(+ !ho are inter)rete% .' the rea%er a& )o&&e&&ing )artic/lar "oral+ intellect/al+ an% e"otional & P'ra"i%* He %e&cri.e% the t')ical )lot of a ;e4act )la' a& a )'ra"i%al &ha)e+ con&i&ting of a ri&ing action+ cli"a-+ an% falling action* :ltho/gh the total )attern that Fre'tag %e&cri.e% a))lie& onl' to a li"ite% n/".er of )la'&+ ario/& of hi& ter"& are fre& fort/ne&+ !hether to the )rotagoni&t>& fail/re or %e&tr/ction+ a& in trage%'+ or &/cce&&+ a& in co"ic )lot&* The reer&al fre& ter"+ anagnori&i&1* Thi& i& the recognition .' the )rotagoni&t of &o"ething of great i")ortance hitherto /n(no!n to hi" or to her*#t i& hel)f/l to con&i%er cli"a- a& a three4fol% )heno"enon211 The "ain character receie& ne! infor"ation21 :cce)t& thi& infor"ation 0realiAe& it ./t %oe& not nece&&aril' agree !ith it131 :ct& on thi& infor"ation 0"a(e& a choice that !ill %eter"ine !hether or not he@&he gain& hi& o.?ectie1*CONFL#CTConfict i& e&&ential to )lot* 6itho/t confict there i& no )lot* #t i& the o))o&ition of force& !hich tie& one inci%ent to another an% "a(e& the )lot "oe* Confict i& not "erel' li"ite% to o)en arg/"ent&+ rather it i& an' for" of o))o&ition that face& the "ain character* 6ithin a &hort &tor' there "a' .e onl' one central &tr/ggle+ or there "a' .e one %o"inant &tr/ggle !ith "an' "inor one&*There are t!o t')e& of confict2E-ternal 4 : &tr/ggle !ith a force o/t&i%e one,& &elf*#nternal 4 : &tr/ggle !ithin one,& &elf7 a )er&on "/&t "a(e &o"e %eci&ion+ oerco"e )ain+