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Elementary Scheduling Chancery SMS

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Page 1: Elementary Scheduling Chancery SMS - Ysleta High … owned or licensed by Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliates. Other brands ... Assign Resource Assignment to a ... The Facilities

Elementary Scheduling

Chancery SMS

Page 2: Elementary Scheduling Chancery SMS - Ysleta High … owned or licensed by Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliates. Other brands ... Assign Resource Assignment to a ... The Facilities

Document Owner: Product Education

This edition applies to Release 7.4 of the Chancery SMS software and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions or updates.

The data and names used to illustrate the reports and screen images may include names of individuals, companies, brands, and products. All of the data and names a re fictitious; any similarities

to actual names are entirely coincidental.

Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. All trademarks are either owned or licensed by Pearson Education, Inc. o r its affiliates. Other brands and names are the

property of their respective owners.

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Contents iii

Contents Basic Scheduling Elements (Step 1)............................................................... 5

Staff List....................................................................................................5

Room Setup ...............................................................................................5

Subject Framework ....................................................................................5

Automatic Scheduling ............................................................................5

Manual Scheduling ................................................................................5

Hands-on Exercise 1: Set Up Basic Scheduling Elements ..............................6

1.1 View Staff List .................................................................................6

1.2 Add a Room ....................................................................................7

1.3 Validate the Subject Framework and Schedule Subjects ....................9

1.4 Continue to Manually Schedule Subject(s) ......................................10

Homerooms and Classes ............................................................................... 12


Class Setup Page Flags .............................................................................12

Homeroom Setup ..........................................................................................12

Hands-on Exercise 2: Add a Homeroom ....................................................12

Hands-on Exercise 3: Manually Schedule Classes.......................................14

3.1 View Class Setup Page ...................................................................14

Class Schedules and Students .......................................................................16

Adjusting Class and Homeroom Rosters .........................................................16

Hands-On Exercise 4: Assign and Transfer Homerooms ............................16

4.1 Assign Students to Homerooms......................................................17

4.2 View Class Setup Page ...................................................................17

4.3 Transfer Homerooms .....................................................................18

Student Schedules ........................................................................................19

Hands-on Exercise 5: Assign Students to the Default Classes .....................19

5.1 Create Student Schedules ..............................................................19

Hands-on Exercise 6: Assign Students to the Manually Scheduled Classes and View Student Schedule .............................................................................20

6.1 Mass Assign Students to Classes ....................................................20

6.2 Transfer Students Between Classes ................................................20

6.3 View Student Schedule ..................................................................21

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Contents iv

After School Begins ....................................................................................... 22

Assigning Grade Level and Homeroom to Newly Enrolled Student....................22

Effective Dates .............................................................................................23

Change Reason Codes ...................................................................................25

Resource Services .........................................................................................25

Hands-on Exercise 7: Dropping a Class and Using Changes Effective Date .......26

Hands-on Exercise 8: Undo a Schedule Change ..............................................27

Hands-on Exercise 9: Using Resource Services ...............................................27

9.1: Adding a Resource Service ................................................................27

9.2: Assign Resource Assignment to a Student from Scheduling Steps Page28

Hands-on Exercise 10: View Change History Page ..........................................29

Departmentalize ........................................................................................... 30

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Basic Scheduling Elements (Step 1)

Staff List

User accounts and staff records are created at the district level and validated at the school level. It is during the creation of a staff record that staff members are assigned to schools and receive a staff ID.

Once the district completes staff setup, all scheduling information related to a staff member is defined at the school level.

Ensure your school staff exist in Chancery SMS and are set up correctly so that you can assign teachers in your school to a specific homeroom and classes.

Room Setup

The Facilities Management feature enables you to define and track information about the buildings and rooms at your school. Rooms in a building must be designated as able to be scheduled in order for them to be available during the scheduling of subjects and classes.

Subject Framework

As mentioned earlier, once the district publishes the subject framework, each school validates it to determine the subjects that will be offered and to which grade levels. Schools can choose to ‘not’ schedule existing subjects but cannot add new subjects to the framework.

Automatic Scheduling

The automatic scheduling feature automatically:

Makes subject available for scheduling.

Assigns the homeroom teacher as the teacher of the subject.

Creates as many classes as there are homerooms for each subject.

Assigns students to the classes based on their grade level and homeroom #.

You can easily modify any of these settings manually if required.

Manual Scheduling

The manual scheduling feature requires user input of the following:

Click ‘Can Schedule’ box to make the subject ready for scheduling.

Select either ‘Automatically Assign …’ or ‘School will assign …’

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Designate the homeroom teacher as the teacher of the class, or specify a teacher by selecting the appropriate teacher from the dropdown list.

Select number of rosters (classes) needed for the subject being scheduled.

Automatically Assign Students… School will assign Students …

The system will assign students to classes based on their grade level and homeroom number.

Requires the user to select students and manually put them into classes.

Hands-on Exercise 1: Set Up Basic Scheduling Elements

Scenario: In order for your school to continue to receive funding for a specific program, you must track instructional minutes for two subjects. (Hint – this will require utilizing the step 2 scheduling structure.) It is assumed that you already defined your General Settings to indicate you are using elementary scheduling.

First, you will view the Staff List, then auto schedule the majority of subjects and manually schedule 2 specialty subjects.

1.1 View Staff List

1. On the control bar, under ADMIN, click Scheduling.

2. Under Step 1, click Staff List.

3. Click Display All Records.

You can use the Basic or Detail tab to narrow down your search.

4. Click a staff member to open his/her record. Look at the Overview tab fields.

5. Click the Address/Phone tab. (Note: some of these fields are not editable at the school level). Look at the type of data stored here.

6. Click the Professional Info tab. Look at the type of data stored here.

7. Click the Additional Info tab. Look at the type of data stored here.

8. On the control bar, click Schools. (Note: the staff member’s school(s) is listed here.)

9. To the right of the first school listed, click Add Assignment. Look at the type of data stored here.

Assignments are school specific. While the district can view all staff assignments for all schools, you can only see the assignments that pertain to your school.

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10.Click Cancel to return to the Schools List page.

11.On the task bar, click Home.

1.2 Add a Room

In this task, due to the influx of Kindergarten students this year, your school has added a portable classroom, which will later serve as a homeroom. You will add the room and make it available for scheduling purposes and allow 2 concurrent classes to be held in it.

1. On the control bar, under ADMIN, click Scheduling.

2. Under Step 1, click Room Setup.

3. Under the Building No. column, click the first building listed to view data stored here about the building.

4. In the breadcrumbs, click Buildings.

5. Under the # Rooms column, click the number to see a list of existing rooms.

6. On the Rooms page, on the Actions menu, click Add Room.

7. Enter the information according to the following table:

Field Name Enter/Select

*Building no.

*Building name

No entry required.

Defaults from the prior buildings page.

Defaults from the prior buildings page.

*Room no. 115

Room name Portable #1

You can enter either a name or number, whatever is most meaningful to your school.

*Room type Select a room type that closely resembles ‘Classroom’ from the dropdown list.

Selections available from this dropdown come from the Room Type setup list populated by the district.

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Field Name Enter/Select

*Optimal capacity 30

This is the preferred capacity given the size of the room.

*Maximum capacity


This is the maximum number of students the room can hold.

Can be scheduled Leave this field selected.

This field must be selected in order for the room to be able to be scheduled.


concurrent classes

Select this field.


If the room you are creating is only going to hold one class at a time, the allow field should be left blank.

Wheelchair accessible

Leave this field selected.

Communication number

Leave this field as is.

You can enter a phone number, fax number if applicable, etc. for this room.

Communication type

Leave this field as is.

Selections available in this dropdown come from the Contact Communication Number Type setup list populated by the district.

Comments Leave this field as is.

Comments with regard to room layout, etc. can be added when required. It is a free form text field.

7.8. Click OK to save the room just entered.

8.9. In the breadcrumbs, click Scheduling.

Formatted: Bullets and


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1.3 Validate the Subject Framework and Schedule Subjects

While on the Scheduling page, in this task, you will validate the subject framework published by the district. You will review each subject and schedule them for each applicable grade level, and manually schedule two specialty subjects.

1. On the Scheduling page, under Step 1, click Subject Framework.

2. Click the checkbox to the left of the first subject listed.

3. On the Actions menu, click Schedule/Un-schedule Generic Subject.

4. Select every grade level (by clicking in the box next to each grade).

5. Click OK.

At this point – the subject has been automatically scheduled. The homeroom teacher assigned as the teacher and the homeroom as the room, and the students will be assigned to the classes based on their grade level and homeroom number.

You have the option of modifying these settings if desired.

6. In the Subject Framework, click the ‘Y’ where the first subject and the first grade level intersect.

You will see the results of what Step 3 did above. Classes have been created at this grade level based on the number of homeroom teachers at this grade level. It is set so the classes will be taught by the homeroom teacher in the homeroom.

7. Click Cancel.

8. On the Edit Subject page, in the Schedule panel, click Can schedule.

This makes the subject available for scheduling.

9. To the right of ‘Student’, click ‘School will assign this subject to individual


This means the user must select the students and manually put them into classes.

10.To the right of ‘Default teacher’, click ‘Specify’ and from the dropdown list, select a teacher.

When you specify a teacher, this teacher will be assigned to all classes for this subject. You can change this by specifying a different teacher at the Class Setup page. (For example: Art class – Teacher A was specified here as the teacher. However, Teacher B is going to teach some of those Art classes, so at the Class setup page – Teacher A can be assigned to some classes and Teacher B to other classes.)

11.To the right of ‘Number of rosters’, select ‘Specify’ and enter 1.

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By specifying one roster is required, regardless of how many homerooms there are for the grade level we’re looking at – that one class will be created.

12.Click OK.

13.On the control bar, click Scheduling to return to the Scheduling page.

14.On the Scheduling page, under Step 3, click Subject Scheduling and navigate to the subject you just manually scheduled.

This Subject Scheduling page lists all the classes in a grid format – showing the number of classes per subject and whether or not it is automatically or manually scheduled in an easier larger picture.---

You can use this page to confirm that you have scheduled all subjects for your school. (# of Classes will show a zero ‘0’)

If there are subjects outstanding, you can schedule them here (Step 3 Subject Scheduling) as well as in Step 1 – Subject Framework.

15.In the breadcrumbs, click Scheduling.

1.4 Continue to Manually Schedule Subject(s)

In the previous exercise, you manually scheduled one grade level of one subject.

This exercise, you will continue to manually schedule the rest of the grade levels for that same subject – using the Subject Framework page.

‘Y’ - Students are automatically assigned to classes

‘Blank’ – Students will be selected and manually placed into classes

Number of Classes created for Subject/Grade Level

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Then, you will manually schedule the other specialty subject that was not ‘automatically’ scheduled in prior exercises.

(Hint – if you don’t know which subject has not been scheduled – go to Step 3 Subject Scheduling and scroll through the subjects until you find one that has a zero in the # of Classes column. Then you can go back to the Subject Framework and manually schedule them)

1. On the Scheduling page, under Step 1, click Subject Framework.

2. Click the ‘Y’ where the subject and the next grade level intersect.

3. Manually schedule the subject according to the following table:

Field Name Enter/Select

Can Schedule Select this box.

Student Select ‘School will assign this subject to individual students’

Default Teacher Select ‘Specify’ and from the dropdown list select a teacher.

Number of rosters:

Select ‘Specify’ and enter 2.

4. Click OK.

5. Continue to manually schedule all grade levels for the subject according to steps 2 through 4 above.

6. In the breadcrumbs, click Scheduling.

7. On the Scheduling Page, under Step 3, click Subject Scheduling.

Question: Have all subjects been scheduled? How can you tell?

Answer: _______________________________________________________

8. In the task bar, click Home.

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Homerooms and Classes

By the end of this section, you will be able to:

Add a homeroom

Explain the purpose of constraints functionality

Manually schedule classes and assign meeting patterns


Classes are automatically created when subjects are scheduled.

As mentioned, subjects can be scheduled as you validate the subject framework, or via the Subject Scheduling link on the Scheduling page.

The number of classes created for each subject displays on the Subject Scheduling page; the actual class displays on the Class Setup page.

It is on the Class Setup Page where scheduling information – such as teacher and room allocations, meeting patterns and constraints (if applicable), and whether attendance is taken in class – can be modified.

Class Setup Page Flags

S – Classes that include students from another homeroom.

T – Classes that taught by someone other than the homeroom teacher.

Homeroom Setup

Each homeroom must be entered at the school level.

Hands-on Exercise 2: Add a Homeroom

For this exercise, we will use the portable classroom that you created earlier in the course. That portable has been created so now you are ready to make it a homeroom.

1. On the Scheduling page, under Step 3, click Homerooms.

2. On the homerooms page, on the Actions menu, click Add Homeroom.

3. Enter the information according to the following table:

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Field Name Enter/Select

Homeroom name Enter K-C

Room 115 (the room created in the earlier exercise)

Capacity Enter 30

Teacher Select a teacher from the dropdown list.

Other teacher Leave this field as is - (n/a)

Grade Select K

If the homeroom were for a split class, you would select the appropriate grades. For example, select grades 2 and 3 for a 2/3 split.

Attendance Select Full Day

(means once daily – even if the class meets for ½ day)

Scheduling group Select Homerooms

Meeting pattern Leave this field as is - (None)

At this point, if you had added a room to your school building for this homeroom and had defined meeting patterns for Kindergarten, you could select the appropriate meeting pattern here. However, because meeting patterns have been created only for specific periods within the bell schedule and apply only to full class pullouts, meeting patterns do not apply in this scenario.

Default attendance code

Leave this field as is – (*Present )

This means that every student in this homeroom is considered Present – unless they are marked otherwise.

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Field Name Enter/Select

Constraints If a restriction constraint exists (district or school defined) for homerooms, it is displayed here. Depending on how it is defined, it may appear in the Available constraints, the Selected constraints, or the Mandatory constraints list.

4. Click OK

5. In the breadcrumbs, click Scheduling.

Hands-on Exercise 3: Manually Schedule Classes

Continuing with the same scenario of tracking instructional minutes for classes associated with the two specialty subjects from earlier tasks, you will manually schedule each class and assign it to one of the meeting patterns defined in earlier exercises.

First, though, you will view the Class Setup page and the classes that were automatically scheduled when you originally scheduled the majority of the subjects for your school.

3.1 View Class Setup Page

In this task, you will review and explore the Class Setup page.

1. On the Scheduling page, under Step 4, click Class Setup.

2. On the Class Setup page, in the Subject Search panel, on the Basic tab, click Display All Records.

To change the layout of columns in the grid, from the Edit menu, click Choose Columns > Subject Search Results.

Select the columns you want to appear in the grid results.

Question: How many classes have been scheduled? (Hint: Look to the right of the printer icon.)

Answer: _______________________________________________________

Question: How are classes differentiated from subjects?

Answer: _______________________________________________________

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For classes where you have specified a teacher, # of rosters, and/or manually assigned students, links are provided so you can modify teacher, room and the number of students in the class.

‘Add Class’ button appears for manually scheduled classes as stated above. If you add a class here, the specified number of rosters on the Edit Subject page is updated.

Question: What does the T in the Flag column mean?

Answer: __________________________________________________

3. In the row of the first class, click in the yellow background section of one of the classes to ‘focus’ on this row.

4. Scroll down to the Class Information panel.

Use homeroom classroom is the default when a subject is automatically scheduled and no changes have been made to how students are assigned to the subject, the teacher, or the number of class rosters.

De-select this checkbox if you want to assign the class to a different room.

The Collect Attendance checkbox is available for selection if you want attendance to be taken during the class. (Which is in addition to attendance taken at the homeroom.)

If the district or school has created a restriction constraint, it appears in the applicable list based on how it is defined (i.e., Available, Selected or Mandatory) in the Class Constraints panel. To apply an Available constraint to a class, double-click the constraint to move it to the Selected Constraints list.

5. Scroll down to the Class Schedule panel.

To assign a meeting pattern to a class, click Meeting Pattern dropdown and select the appropriate pattern.

6. Click Save.

7. Scroll up to the top of the page and click By Teacher tab.

8. Click Display All Records.

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You can assign a teacher additional classes by scrolling down to the Class Search panel, searching for and selecting the required class, then clicking Add in the applicable subject panel.

9. Click the By Room tab.

10.Click Display All Records.

You can assign a room additional classes by scrolling down to the Class Search panel, searching for and selecting the required class, then clicking Add in the applicable room number panel.

11.Click By Subject tab.

Class Schedules and Students

By the end of this section you will be able to:

Assign students to a homeroom

Explore methods of assigning students to classes

Transfer students between homerooms

Transfer students between classes

This step of the scheduling process is to assign students to homerooms and subsequently to classes. Because the majority of the subjects are typically set up to automatically assign students to classes based on their grade level, students will appear in those classes once they have been assigned to their homeroom.

Adjusting Class and Homeroom Rosters

As you begin to finalize your scheduling, you may find you need to adjust your rosters. Some of the reasons may include:

Ethnicity distribution among homerooms. In this case you might transfer students to different homerooms to balance homerooms ethnically.

Student schedule adjustments. Adding or dropping a class from a student’s schedule. Or, transfer a student to a different class.

Subjects that run in partial year durations. For example, you may have grade 5 students take both Music and Art. One group of grade 5 students take Music in the first half of the year, while the other group of grade 5 students take Art. In the second half of the year, the students switch

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subjects (i.e., Music students are transferred from the Music class roster to the Art class roster, and vice versa).

Hands-On Exercise 4: Assign and Transfer Homerooms

Scenario: You have finalized student and teacher matches for your school; you will now add students to the applicable homerooms. You will split the number of students between homerooms. You will then view the Class Setup page to confirm that students have been scheduled into classes.

As an example: If there are two homerooms per grade level and 20 students in each grade level. You would end up assigning 10 students per homeroom.

Finally, you will transfer students between homerooms and balance the number of students between homerooms.

4.1 Assign Students to Homerooms

In this task, you will assign students to homerooms.

1. On the Scheduling page, under Step 5, click Student Search.

2. On the Student Search page, click Display All Records.

3. Click the Gr(A) column heading twice – to sort the students by grade level in descending order.

4. Select the first 5 Kindergarten students (by clicking the boxes to the left of the student name) NOTE: If you do not have Kindergarten students, use any other grade level.

5. On the Actions menu, click Assign > Values.

6. On the Assign Values dialog, in the Assign Field dropdown, click Homeroom.

7. In the New Value dropdown, select a Kindergarten homeroom.

8. Click Add to list.

9. Click OK.

10.In the warning dialog, click OK.

11.In the confirmation dialog, click OK.

12.Assign the remaining students without homerooms to applicable homerooms.

Hint: To find students without homeroom assignments, click HR column heading twice to sort students with n/a homerooms to the top.

Make sure the students are assigned to homerooms that correspond to their grade level.

13.In the task bar, click Home.

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4.2 View Class Setup Page

In this task, you will confirm students have been assigned to classes.

1. On the Home page, on the control bar, under ADMIN, click Scheduling.

2. On the Scheduling page, under Step 4, click Class Setup.

3. On the Class Setup page, on the Basic tab, click Display All Records.

Question: Have students been assigned to classes?

Answer: _______________________________________________________

If you do not see the ‘# of Students’ as a column in the grid – on the Edit menu, click Choose Column > Subject Search Results and move ‘# of students’ to the selected columns, and click OK.

Question: Which classes have student assignments outstanding?

Answer: __________________________________________________

4. On the task bar, click Home.

4.3 Transfer Homerooms

In this task, you will transfer students between two homerooms within the same grade level.

1. On the Home page, perform a quick search for Grade 2 students.

2. On the Student Search Results page, click the Homeroom column heading to sort homerooms in ascending order.

3. Select 2 students from the first homeroom.

4. On the Actions menu, click Transfer Homeroom.

5. On the Transfer homeroom page, in the HR column, select another 2nd grade homeroom.

6. Click OK.

If the transfer has the potential to exceed the homeroom capacity, a ‘!’ appears in the Grade column on the Transfer Homeroom page.

7. In the Change Options dialog, choose ‘Student’s first day in school this year’.

8. Click OK.

9. On the task bar, click Home.

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Student Schedules

Student Schedules list classes to which students have been assigned, and if applicable, meeting patterns.

Individual student schedules are accessible from the Student Demographics page. The following information is displayed for each student:

Homeroom information

Core and specialty classes

Subject Exceptions

Resource Assignments

It is possible to perform the following functions directly from the Student Schedule page:

Load the student into their default classes

Add the student to a class

Drop the student from a class

Transfer the student between classes

Other tasks that can be performed from the student schedule include:

Transfer the student to a new homeroom

Hands-on Exercise 5: Assign Students to the Default Classes

Scenario: Now comes time to place students in their default classes. Students are automatically placed into their default classes based upon their homeroom assignment.

5.1 Create Student Schedules

In this task, you will assign students to their default classes.

1. On the Home page, on the control bar, under ADMIN, click Scheduling.

2. On the Scheduling page, under Step 5, click Create Student Schedules.

3. Select All Students.

4. Click OK.

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Hands-on Exercise 6: Assign Students to the Manually Scheduled Classes and View Student Schedule

Scenario: You have completed the majority of your scheduling. The only outstanding task now is to assign students to the classes for the subjects that you manually scheduled earlier in the course. Using the Assign Classes action, you will assign students to these classes. You will then transfer specific students from one class to another. Finally, you will view a student’s schedule.

6.1 Mass Assign Students to Classes

In this task, you will assign students by homeroom to your two specialty classes.

It is assumed that no class restrictions have been created or applied.

5. On the Home page, on the control bar, under ADMIN, click Scheduling.

6. On the Scheduling page, under Step 5, click Student Search.

7. On the Student Search page, click Display All Records.

8. Select all students in a 3rd grade homeroom.

9. On the Actions menu, click Assign > Classes.

10.On the Assign Classes page, in the Class Search Results panel, click Display All Records.

11.Select one of the classes of your specialty subjects. (Ex: xxxx 3[1] )

12.Click Add Class to add the class to the students’ schedules. This puts the assignment in the Add Classes box. You may have to scroll down to see it.

13.Click OK to add the class and return to the Student Search page.

14.On the Student Search page, assign the remaining students in that grade, by homeroom to the other specialty class(es).

15.On the task bar, click Home.

6.2 Transfer Students Between Classes

In this task, you will transfer three students from one specialty class to another class because of student/teacher conflict.

1. On the Home page, on the control bar, under ADMIN, click Scheduling.

2. On the Scheduling page, under Step 4, click Class Setup.

3. On the Class Setup page, display all records.

4. Select two classes of the same subject. (Ex: x 4 [1] and x 4 [2] )

5. On the Actions menu, click Transfer Students between Classes.

6. On the Transfer Students between Classes page, select three students that you want to move out of the class.

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7. At the top of the page, select the other class to move these three students into.

8. Click Transfer to Selected Class.

9. In the Class Change Options dialog, select an Effective Date of Today.

10.In the breadcrumbs, click Scheduling.

11.On the task bar, click Home.

6.3 View Student Schedule

In this task, you will view a grade 4 student’s schedule to confirm that classes for each required subject have been assigned.

1. On the Home page, perform a quick search for grade 4 students.

2. On the Student Search Results page, click the name of the first student in the list.

3. On the Student Demographics page, on the control bar, click Schedule.

4. On the task bar, click Home.

The Scheduling process is finished. You should now have a Schedule in place.

The next sections will be tasks to do after the School has begun….

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After School Begins By the end of this section, you will be able to:

Assign a grade level and homeroom to a newly enrolled student.

Explain the purpose of ‘Effective Dates’ and ‘Change reason codes’.

Modify student schedules.

Use the Class Change Option box.

Add Resource Services.

Assign Students to Resource Services.

Add Subject Exceptions.

View Change History.

Assigning Grade Level and Homeroom to Newly

Enrolled Student

Typically, when a student gets enrolled in your school they are assigned an enrollment date and a grade level. Sometimes however, the grade level is not entered at time of enrollment. The homeroom gets assigned to the student as a separate step from enrollment. There are at least two approaches to assigning a homeroom to a student. Listed below are two ways:

1. Assigning homeroom from within the student record.

After student is enrolled, search for and open the student record.

On the Demographics page, click Current Homeroom dropdown box and select a homeroom.

Click OK at the bottom of the page.

The Change Dialog box appears --- select the appropriate effective date.

If this is the first homeroom assignment for this student – you SHOULD ALWAYS use the ‘Student’s first day in school this year’ option.

If this is a change from one homeroom to another homeroom – you can then use the ‘Today’ or ‘Specify’ options.

Click OK.

2. Assigning homeroom from the student search results grid.

After student is enrolled, search for the student.

Select the student.

On the Actions menu, click Transfer Homeroom.

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Select the appropriate homeroom for the student.

Click OK at the bottom of the page.

The Change Dialog box appears --- select the appropriate effective date.

If this is the first homeroom assignment for this student – you SHOULD ALWAYS use the ‘Student’s first day in school this year’ option.

*** Don’t use the ‘Today’ option even if the student’s first day in school happens to be today ! --- Still use the ‘Student’s first day in school this year’ option. ***

If this is a change from one homeroom to another homeroom – you can then use the ‘Today’ or ‘Specify’ options.

Click OK.

To make sure the original homeroom assignment and/or grade level assignment has been correctly entered in Chancery SMS – look at the View Change History Page on the student’s schedule page.

There should NOT be a change record listed on the Grade and Homeroom Change History panel.

If there is …. Contact a technical support person. You can click the start date, and try and change the date to ‘the student’s first day in school’ option.

Effective Dates

In Chancery SMS, you have the ability to apply an effective date to grade level changes, and homeroom and class changes within a student’s schedule. This is done via the Changes effective field on the Student Schedule page as well as other pages within the system.

On the Student Schedule page, the Changes effective field defaults to 1st Day in School (i.e., the first possible day the student will be in class). This default is dependent upon the school calendar, class term (i.e., Full Year), and the enrollment date of the student.

1st Day in School means – the first day the student is in school, not the first school calendar day. In other words – the enrollment date of the student.

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Generally, this default should be used to make changes after the new school year begins and until such time that somebody:

Takes attendance for a class – Applies only if your school uses Supplementary Attendance (i.e., selects the Collect Attendance checkbox for a class on the Class Setup page.)

Assigns a grade to a student for any class.

Makes a schedule change with a date in the future.

If any of the above has occurred, the Changes effective date field should be changed to:

Today. Used to capture changes made today as long as class attendance has not been taken that day.

You could continue to use this selection throughout most of the school year.

Tomorrow. Used if class attendance has already been taken today.

Specify. Used to apply a date in the future.

When making grade level, homeroom and/or class changes from pages other than the Student Schedule page, the Effective Date defaults to Today.

Field Selection Description

1st Day in School

Use this option to make schedule changes effective from the beginning of the school year of the student(s) you are working with.

You should use this option for new students. You can also use it for existing students soon after the new school year has started, as long as:

Attendance has not been entered for

any class in the student’s schedule

A grade has not been assigned to the

student for any class in his or her schedule


Use this option to make schedule changes effective on the current date for existing students as long as attendance has not been taken and/or grades have not been entered for that date.

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Field Selection Description

Tomorrow If attendance has been taken and/or grades entered on the current day, use this option to make schedule changes effective for existing students the following day.

Specify Use this option to make schedule changes effective on a specific date in the future or in the past for existing students or new students, as long as attendance and grades have not been entered for the date specified.

Change Reason Codes

In addition to the Changes effective field, districts have the option of using change reason codes. For each change that is made to a student’s schedule, a reason can be applied.

These codes are populated in a setup list at the district level to be available to your school. If the district chooses not to set up the list, the Change Reason dropdown will not display on student schedule. The district can also make the Change Reason dropdown a required field. Like the Changes effective field, change reason codes can be applied to grade level changes, and class and homeroom changes.

Resource Services

Resource services are optional services typically taught by a resource teacher (who often moves between schools) and are associated with a particular subject.

The resource service is usually taught in a small group or on an individual basis, either in a pullout format where students are moved to another room for the class, or in an inclusion format where students are taught the resource service in the regular classroom.

Classes are not created for resource services. You can assign students a resource assignment and specify when each student receives a service, and whether it is given in the classroom or in a pullout format.

Services are not included in the standard report card that comes with Chancery SMS.

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Hands-on Exercise 7: Dropping a Class and Using

Changes Effective Date

In this scenario, we are a month into school. You will search for class, click the number of students, and select a student. Then, you will drop a student from the class due to the Parent’s request. We will make the changes effective date be two days from now.

1. On the Home page, on the control bar, click Scheduling.

2. On the Scheduling page, under Step 4, click Class Setup.

3. Click Display All Records.

4. On the row of one of the classes, click the link for the # of students.

5. Select one of the students.

6. On the Actions menu, click Drop Students.

7. On the Class Change Options dialog box (Changes Effective Date), select Specify and enter a date two days into the future.

8. From the Change Reason dropdown, select a reason for the change.

9. If there are no change reasons, in the Comments box, enter ‘Parental Request’.

10.Click OK.

11.On the task bar, click Home.

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Hands-on Exercise 8: Undo a Schedule Change

First, let’s add a class for a student using ‘today’s date, then we will ‘undo’ the schedule change.

1. Search for and open a student’s record.

2. On the control bar, click Schedule.

3. Change the Changes Effective field to Today.

4. On the Class Search tab, click Display All Records.

5. Select a class.

6. Click Add Class button.

7. Click Save.

--------------------- Bogus Class is added ----------------------------

8. On the Actions menu, click View Change History.

9. Select the class just added above. (Should see a ‘Y’ in the Can Undo Column)

10.Click Undo Selected button.

11.In the Warning box, click OK.

12.In the breadcrumbs, click Student Schedule.

13.On the task bar, click Home.

Hands-on Exercise 9: Using Resource Services

There is a need for a Math Tutorial at your school. You will add this resource service and specify the resource teacher. Then, you will assign this service to two students. The students will remain in the homeroom when receiving this service.

9.1: Adding a Resource Service

1. On the Home page, on the control bar, under ADMIN, click Scheduling.

2. On the Scheduling page, under Step 6, click Resource Services.

3. On the Resource Services page, on the Actions menu, click Add Resource


4. Enter the information according to the following table:

Field Name Enter/Select

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Field Name Enter/Select

Resource service name Math Tutorial

Short name MT

Service number 321

Related subject Select Mathematics

Default Teacher Select a resource teacher

5. Click OK.

6. In the breadcrumbs, click Scheduling.

9.2: Assign Resource Assignment to a Student from Scheduling Steps Page

1. On the Scheduling page, under Step 6, click Resource Roster.

2. From the View dropdown, select Math Tutorial.

3. On the Actions menu, click Add Resource Assignment.

4. On the Add Resource Assignment page, next to the Student name field, click the link Select student…

5. Search for a student, from the Search results, move one student to the List members box.

6. Click OK.

7. Enter the information according to the following table:

Field Name Enter/Select

*Resource service Math Tutorial

Related subject Not Editable ….. shows Mathematics

Comment Student will receive service in the homeroom.

*Start Select a start date to begin this service.

*End Leave this field blank.

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Field Name Enter/Select

Instructional model

Inclusion in regular classroom

*Teacher Leave the default teacher listed.

Other teacher

Other teacher

Leave as ‘none’

Leave as ‘none’

*Minutes per week 45

Meeting times Mondays at 11am

8. Click OK.

9. On the task bar, click Home.

Hands-on Exercise 10: View Change History Page

The View Change History page is found within a student record, specifically within the Student Schedule page. This page shows grade level or homeroom changes, class changes and subject exception changes. You will review a student’s view change history page.

1. Search for and open a student record.

2. On the control bar, click Schedule.

3. On the Actions menu, click View Change History.

4. Review the page.

5. On the task bar, click Home.

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Departmentalize is setup by using the Class Setup page.

Scenario #1: 5th grade teachers are going to team teach. There are 2 5th grade homeroom teachers. Teacher A is going to teach Social Studies and Language Arts and Teacher B is going to teach Science and Math.

1. Using the Scheduling page, Step 3 – Class Setup, each 5th grade core class (Language Arts, Social Studies, Science and Math) needs to have the ‘School plans to use team teaching’ box checked.

2. On the Class Setup page, on the Basic tab, Search by: ‘Use team teaching’ equals ‘Yes’ and click Search. (This will list only the classes that are going to be team taught.)

3. Focus in on each class, scroll to the Class Schedule Panel and assign the appropriate teacher. (Remembering to click ‘Save’ after each class.)

Below is a sample picture after #3 above is completed:

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Scenario #2: There is going to be two levels of Math for the 4th graders; a regular class and an advanced class. 4th grade Teacher A is going to teach the regular level and Teacher B is going to teach the advanced level.

1. Using the Scheduling page, Step 3 – Class Setup, each 5th grade core class (Language Arts, Social Studies, Science and Math) needs to have the ‘School plans to use team teaching’ box checked.

2. On the Class Setup page, on the Basic tab, Search by: ‘Use team teaching’ equals ‘Yes’ and click Search. (This will list only the classes that are going to be team taught.)

3. Focus in on each class to change them to the appropriate teacher.

4. Select all classes of one subject and on the Actions menu, click Transfer students between classes. Manually select the students who will attend the regular level math (that are not already in that class).

5. At the top of the screen, select the math class that Teacher A teaches.

6. Click Transfer to Selected Class.

Teacher A

Teacher B

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7. In the breadcrumbs, click Class Setup.

8. Repeat steps 2 through 7 (skipping step 3) for the advanced level class.