element partitioning and earth's core composition determining the composition of the...

Element Partitioning and Earth's Core Composition Bernie J. Wood Summary by: Dave Stegman Determining the composition of the Earth's Core is essential for understanding the internal structure, evolution, and present dynamics of the Earth. This area of research has extremely important consequences for much of the current research in the fields of mantle geochemistry, geodynamics, mineral physics, geomagnetism, and seismic tomography. Yet many researchers in these fields remain unaware of the implications the knowledge of the composition of the Earth's core has on our understanding of the solid Earth as a whole. Studying how and to what degree elements are partitioned into either metal (siderophile elements) or silicate (lithophile elements) is essential for understanding the processes in which the Earth differentiated and what the composition of the core might be. Better constraints on core formation and composition have the potential to either validate or discredit current models for formation, differentiation, and early evolution of the Earth, and may have a crucial role in reconciling current geochemical and seismological data. In approaching the problem of composition of the core, the first thing one might think to do is examine the abundance of siderophile elements in the silicate portion of the Earth (Figure 1) relative to a CI chondrite, and indeed, this is what has been done. The silicate Earth is defined as the undifferentiated mantle, presumed to be a combination of continental crust and present day upper mantle composition. The CI chondrite is the type of meteorite Figure 1. Abundance of elements in the silcate Earth relative to a CI chondrite plotted in order of increasing condensation temperature. This is used to estimate depletions in the silicate Earth, either due to having not been accreted to the Earth or by being dissolved in the Core. There is an observed trend with decreasing temperature of condensation that is there is increasing depletion of those elements.

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Page 1: Element Partitioning and Earth's Core Composition Determining the composition of the Earth's Core is essential for understanding the internal structure, evolution, and present dynamics

Element Partitioning and Earth's Core Composition

Bernie J. Wood

Summary by: Dave Stegman

Determining the composition of the Earth's Core is essential for understanding theinternal structure, evolution, and present dynamics of the Earth. This area of research hasextremely important consequences for much of the current research in the fields ofmantle geochemistry, geodynamics, mineral physics, geomagnetism, and seismictomography. Yet many researchers in these fields remain unaware of the implications theknowledge of the composition of the Earth's core has on our understandingof the solid Earth as a whole. Studying how and to what degree elements are partitionedinto either metal (siderophile elements) or silicate (lithophile elements) is essential forunderstanding the processes in which the Earth differentiated and what the compositionof the core might be. Better constraints on core formation and composition have thepotential to either validate or discredit current models for formation, differentiation, andearly evolution of the Earth, and may have a crucial role in reconciling currentgeochemical and seismological data.

In approaching theproblem ofcomposition of thecore, the first thingone might think todo is examine theabundance ofsiderophileelements in thesilicate portion ofthe Earth (Figure 1)relative to a CIchondrite, andindeed, this is whathas been done. Thesilicate Earth isdefined as theundifferentiatedmantle, presumed tobe a combination ofcontinental crustand present dayupper mantlecomposition. TheCI chondrite is thetype of meteorite

Figure 1. Abundance of elements in the silcate Earth relative to a CIchondrite plotted in order of increasing condensation temperature. This isused to estimate depletions in the silicate Earth, either due to having notbeen accreted to the Earth or by being dissolved in the Core. There is anobserved trend with decreasing temperature of condensation that is there isincreasing depletion of those elements.

Page 2: Element Partitioning and Earth's Core Composition Determining the composition of the Earth's Core is essential for understanding the internal structure, evolution, and present dynamics

which has a composition that most closely matches that of present solar values, and istherefore presumed to be the most primitive of all meteorites. The degree to which certainelements are siderophile is roughly known from experiments that have been done at lowpressure and the appropriate oxidation state of the mantle to study the equilibriumpartitioning. .

Then for those elements that have a high temperature of condensation, or are highlyrefractory, we observe several things. First, very siderophile elements are not depletedenough in the silicate portion. For example Nickel should be .002 x CI but is 0.068 x CI,Cobalt should be .02 x CI but is 0.077 x CI, and Platinum Group Elements (PGE) such asRe, Os, Ir, Ru, Pt, Rh, Pd, and Au should be 10E-5 x CI, but instead are .003 x CI. Onthe other hand, elements that are seen at low pressure to be only weakly siderophile aretoo depleted. For example, Vanadium, Chromium, and Manganese should be ~0.95 -0.99 x CI, but instead are 0.53, 0.36, and 0.2 (x CI), respectively. This is the first cluethat there are some very interesting things going on during core formation.

Another interesting observation is that the core's density can't be explained with a pureIron composition. Iron meteorites are suspected to be fragments of the cores of asteroidsor small planetisimals which have since collided and broken into smaller pieces. Thecomposition of the Iron meteorites is nearly pure Iron, and if the Earth's core were madeof pure Iron, it's density, after accounting for high pressure phases of Iron, would bemuch larger than the observed density. Instead, the density of the core is observed to bemuch less than that of a pure Iron core. This is another clue that Earth's core has adifferent composition than that of smaller planetisimals, and indeed may have haddifferent processes involved in its core formation. The processes involved may be uniqueto the Earth with respect to it's size, which implies that the effects of high pressures mayhave a role in determining the composition. Adding elements such a Nickel, Cobalt, andother metals to the composition of the core does not gain much towards the goal ofdecreasing the core's densityThis arises from the fact that they are all approximately asdense as Iron, and they are not observed in large enough quantities in chondrites toaccount for being a large component of the core's composition. Therefore, there must bea sufficient amount (about 10 weight percent) of some light element or combination oflight elements in the core that can account for the lower density. However, many of thecandidate light elements also have low temperatures of condensation, and are thereforequite volatile. Since the silicate Earth is depleted in volatile elements, it is difficult toreconcile how some volatile elements made it into the core. So any scenario of coreformation needs to be able to explain both the abundances of siderophile elements inthesilicate Earth as well as the presence of a light element in the core.

Figure 1 shows that any element with abundances in the silicate Earth lower than thechondritic value, are referred to as being depleted. In general, there are two ways tomake something depleted: not accrete it in the first place (due to the Earth beingprimarily composed of high temperature involatile materials), or to dissolve the elementsin the core. Either of these will deplete a given element in the silicate Earth relative tothe chondrites. By only studying the highly refractory elements at first, the issue ofvolatility is avoided and the degree to which these elements partitioned into the core can

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be isolated. The information required to provide constraints on core composition ofhighly refractory, siderophile elements is the composition of the Bulk Earth (BE) andcomposition of the Bulk Silicate Earth (BSE), the difference of which gives thecomposition of the Core. The composition of the Bulk Silicate Earth is derived from thecompositions of the most primitive peridotites available and it is assumed there are nohidden reservoirs in the lower mantle. The composition of the Bulk Earth is derived fromthe observation that chondritic meteorites and primitive peridotites have essentiallyconstant ratios of the refractory lithophile elements such as Ca, Al, Sc, Ti, and the RareEarth Elements. It is assumed then that the relative abundances of elements in the bulkEarth are similar to the relative abundances of elements in chondrites, and therefore it isappropriate to assume that the depletions of elements in Figure 1 are actual depletions. Inother words, it's probably a good assumption to use chondritic ratios of elements todetermine the degree to which elements are depleted in the silicate Earth.

There have been a number of efforts (Hart and Zindler, 1986; Allegre et al., 1995;McDonough and Sun, 1995; and Allegre et al., 2001) to build a BSE model, and sincethese models all make similar assumptions concerning the relation of mantle peridotitesto chondrites, all the models are in fairly good agreement with each other. These modelsare a starting place to estimate the composition of the core, which are again mostly inagreement with one another. Together these models propose about 80-85% Iron, about5% Nickel, and another few percent being made up of various amounts of the othersiderophile elements (Mn, Co, Cr, P). All these models leave about 10 weight percent tobe composed of a light element or combination of light elements: Hart and Zindler, 1986propose about 9% Oxygen, McDonough And Sun, 1995 are unspecific, Allegre et al.1995 suggest 7.35% Silicon, 2.30% Sulfur, and 4.10% Oxygen. Also considering thatCarbon and Hydrogen may also be in the core and we now have a list of all the lightelement candidates that have been suggested to be in the core.

An important distinction to point out is that the list of suggested light elements are ofvariable volatility. Oxygen and Silicon condense at relativelty high temperatures whileSulfur, Carbon, and Hydrogen are more volatile. However, all of the BSE models hingeupon the assumption that the volatile elements did not condense into the material thatformed the Earth in similar quantities to the other elements. If these elements are greatlydepleted in the Bulk Earth to begin with, then they are unlikely to be available insufficient enough quantities to account for the light element in the core. Therefore, inorder for the BSE models to be internally consistent, the light element of the core shouldbe one of the refractory elements, Oxygen or Silicon. If neither Oxygen nor Silicon is thelight element in the core, then the assumptions which the BSE models are built upon arequestionable at best, and subsequent BSE models would lead to very different pictures ofthe composition of the Earth. In other words, the abundances and relative proportions ofall elements in the whole Earth rest upon the behavior of just two elements, Oxygen andSilicon, and whether either one is sufficiently siderophile to be the light element in thecore.

By determining the equilibrium partitioning of these proposed light elements, thesevarious hypotheses of core compositions can begin to be tested. The minimum criterion

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that must be met in order for a light element candidate to remain possible are that theelement(s) must be soluble in Fe-rich metal under the conditions of core segregation andthey must be abundant in chondritic meteorites. The list is immediately narrowed byobserving that the solubility of Oxygen appears to be too low under any conditions. Asfor Hydrogen, due to its small size, it is not clear that large amounts of Hydrogen willdecrease the density of the core, as it may very well fit in the open spaces between atomsof Iron and actually increase the core's density.

For the remaining volatile candidates, the amount of their content is simply estimatedfrom Figure 1. Since Zinc and Sulfur have similar volatility, and Zinc is a lithophileelement, the amount of Sulfur in the core is estimated by taking the difference inabundance between Zinc and Sulfur on Figure 1. This gives a Sulfur content in the coreof 1.9%, however, it is important to note that this estimation hinges upon the assumptionthat there is no Zinc in the core. Carbon and Hydrogen contents are estimated in a similarfashion, and since Carbon and Hydrogen are even more volatile than Sulfur, there mustbe lower amounts of these elements in the core. Another way to estimate Carbonabundance in the Bulk Earth is to look at the correlation with Ar36, again, assuming thatthere is no Ar in the core, so the relative amounts of C/Ar in the Silicate Earth is that ofthe Bulk Earth. These simple estimations give about 0.2% Carbon in the core and aneven smaller amount of Hydogen. When combining all these estimations together forSulfur, Carbon, andHydrogen, it accountsfor less than 3% of thecore. By making theseassumptions about thevolatility trend seen inFigure 1 and thereafterapplying the process ofelimination, this leavesSilicon as having toaccount for about 7%of the core, ashypothesized byAllegre.

The main problem withSilicon is that it is notvery siderophile, so itdoesn't naturally enterthe core. However, ingeneral, there are twoways to make anelement moresiderophile: makeconditions reducingenough or consider

Figure 2. The degree to which Co, Ni, and V are siderophile or lithophileas determined by the partitioning into either metal of silicate as a functionof oxygen fugacity. It appears that a single oxygen fugacity has difficultyexplaining the correct depletions of V, Co, and Ni if the curent Fe contentof the mantle is in equilibrium with the Fe in the core at 1.9 log unitsbelow Fe-FeO.

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equilibration at higher pressures. For the moment we will only consider the former. Theoxidation state is measured by the oxygen fugacity for a given reaction, namely, Fe-FeO.The curent Fe content of the mantle indicates that at 1.9 log units below Fe-FeO, themantle would be in equilibrium with the Fe in the core (Figure 2). In order to change theoxidation state in the Earth to put ~7% Silicon in the core, conditions would have tobecome extremely reducing (the oxygen fugacity would need to be 6 log units below Fe-FeO). However, under these conditions it is likely that the chondritic ratios of some ofthe lithophile elements in the mantle would be disturbed. Furthermore, it can be seen thatto get the right amount of Co and Ni in to the core, the core would have to have anoxygen fugacity of 0 or greater. While weakly siderophile elements such as Vanadiumrequire a more reducing environment. Clearly, there seems to be a problem with all theseelements requiring a different oxygen fugacity, so it appears to be not possible to makethe present mantle with a single oxygen fugacity. This is when the idea of "heterogenousaccretion" came into being, suggesting that as the Earth accreted, the oxidation state waschanging.

We can now consider the effects of pressure on the metal-silicate partitioning of theseelements. Figure 3 shows that when one takes effects of high pressure into account, it ispossible to have a single oxygen fugacity and explain the amounts of Cobalt and Nickel.It is seen that over a given range of higher pressures, Nickel becomes much lesssiderophile relative to the amount that Cobalt becomes less siderophile. Extrapolatingthese trends just slightly beyond the data indicates that at a pressure of roughly 25-30GPa, they will cometo an equilibriumthat can explaintheir abundances inthe core for theoxidationconditions of thepresent mantle.Therefore, thepressure effect onthe very siderophileelements Nickel andCobalt is to makethem lesssiderophile, whichaccountsfor the observationstated earlier thatthese elements wereapparently notdepleted enough inthe mantle. Theseelements are simplyless siderophile at

Figure 3. The effect of pressure on the partition coefficients for Ni and Cowhich shows that at high enough pressure (~25 - 30 GPa), Ni and Co willhave the same amount of depletion in the silicate Earth at the observedoxygen fugacity of the mantle.

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higher pressure, so there should be less of them in the core.

Interestingly, the opposite is true when considering the effects of pressure on the weaklysiderophile elements, such as V, Cr, and Mn, since they all become more siderophile withgreater pressure, not less siderophile. This increase in partitioning into the metal canaccount for the observation of their apparently being too depleted in the mantle, as wasmentioned earlier. The fact that the PGE, which are very siderophile, are not depletedenough in the mantle may also be due to them behaving similarly to Nickel and Cobalt,by becoming less siderophile with greater pressure. Yet an entirely different explanationmay be that of an addition of a late stage veneer of material deposited after the Earth hadundergone core segregation, and of course these ideas are not mutually exclusive. Onething that stands out is the assumption that all these elements seem to be able to beexplained by invoking equilibration at a single, high pressure of 25 GPa.

This brings up the idea of a magma ocean during the early accretion of the Earth in whichsome fraction of the mantle remains molten the entire time the Earth is growing. As theEarth accretes mass, its outer radius grows with time, core radius grows with time, andthe profile of gravitational force with depth changes with time, yet the depth of themagma ocean can be defined throughout the entire accretional history by a depthequivalent to a single pressure of order 25 GPa. The base of this magma oceancorresponds to the stability of the perovskite phase of peridotite, below which the mantlewould be a solid in the stable perovskite assemblage. With this model, it is possible forall of the mass of the accreting Earth to be processed through a magma ocean, with themetallic portion of it ponding at the base of the magma ocean, and coming to chemicalequilibrium at a single pressure of 25 GPa. One further observation is that provided fromthe W-Hf isotopic system in which the timescale of core formation is constrained to bewithin 50 Million years after the formation of the Earth. This suggests that chemicalequilibration happened relatively quickly and that the magma ocean was relatively shortlived.

Now that there are hypothesized models to provide the conditions under which elementsequilibrated under, namely, a single oxygen fugacity equal to the present equilibrium ofthe mantle of 1.9 log units below Fe-FeO and a single pressure of 25 GPa, experimentscan be carried out to investigate the partition coefficients of the hypothesized lightelement, Silicon. Experiments show that indeed Silicon becomes less lithophile athigherpressure, yet for the present oxidation state of the mantle, even at high temperature(2200 C) and high pressure (18 GPa), Silicon is still a lithophile element. However,experiments done at even higher pressure (25 GPa) and higher temperatures (from 2500C to 2800 C) show that Silicon does become siderophile and would result in a corecontent of less than 2%. If one were to extrapolate to even higher temperatures (3000 C),depending on the model used to make the extrapolation, one could dissolve about 5%Silicon into the core. When added to ~2% Sulfur and ~0.5% Carbon and Hydrogen,these values are approaching the amount of light element needed to explain the density ofthe core. However, the conditions required to dissolve roughly 7% Silicon in the corewould suggest a magma ocean much hotter than 3000 C. In conclusion, it is possible tohave Silicon be the light element in the core, but due to large differences in the models

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used for extrapolation, it is difficult to say how plausible. It seems that it is difficult toput as much as 7% Silicon in the core, but certainly a few percent is likely. In any case,if Silicon were the major component of the light elements, then as a refractory lithophileelement, it would have to become more siderophile than all of the other refractorylithophile elements.

Since it appears to bedifficult to constrain thetemperature at which thebase of the hypothesizedmagma ocean would havebeen, other ways ofconstraining the amount ofSilicon in the core shouldbe considered. There maybe a way to constrain theamount of Silicon in thecore if one considersNiobium. Figure 4 showsjust how lithophile Siliconis at low pressures and inthe range of Oxygenfugacity appropriate forcore-mantle equilibrium.Niobium is anotherrefractory lithophileelement, but has virtuallyidentical siderophilecharacter to Vanadium.Also, Niobium is slightly depleted in the silicate Earth relative to other refractorylithophile elements. Thus, if the Vanadium depletion in the silicate Earth is due todissolution in the metal, Vanadium must be accompanied by Niobium in the core.Therefore, the depletion of Niobium in the silicate part of the Earth should tell us roughlyhow much Silicon is in the core, so we need to find out how much Niobium is in the core.Another loose end is the depletion of Gallium in the silicate part of the Earth. Notingback on Figure 1, Gallium is a siderophile element which falls directly on the line of thevolatility trend. The assumption inherent in the BSE models is that the depletion ofGallium in silicate Earth is due entirely to volatility. However, since Gallium is amoderately siderophile element, it makes it hard not to put some Gallium into the core.So there must be at least some Gallium in the core, meaning the depletion of at least onevolatile element is not due entirely to volatility and therefore, the observed volatilitytrend should not be taken as a hard constraint to which there are no exceptions.

Figure 4. Experimental partition coefficient data for severalelements at low pressure. Silicon, along the 4+ slope, is stronglylithophile at the oxygen fugacity of the present mantle. Niobiumhas roughly the same chemical behavior as Vanadium.