electronics engineering ethics law of the philippines-ra5734 9292

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  • 7/25/2019 Electronics Engineering Ethics Law of the Philippines-ra5734 9292


    Republic Act No.5734

    - Electronics andCommunications Engineering

    Law of te !ilippines

  • 7/25/2019 Electronics Engineering Ethics Law of the Philippines-ra5734 9292


    Section 1. Title of Act."

    #is Act sall be $nown and cited aste Electronics andCommunications EngineeringLaw of the Philippines.

  • 7/25/2019 Electronics Engineering Ethics Law of the Philippines-ra5734 9292


    Section 2. Practice of Electronics

    and Communications Engineering

    % &a' No person sall offer imself in te!ilippines as( or use te title )Electronicsand*or Communications Engineer+ or an,word( letter( figure( or sign watsoeer( tendingto cone, te impression tat e is anelectronics and*or communications engineer(or adertise or indicate in an, manner tat eis ualified to perform te wor$ of an

    electronics and communications engineerwitout olding a alid certificate of registrationas electronics and communications engineerissued b, te /oard 0

  • 7/25/2019 Electronics Engineering Ethics Law of the Philippines-ra5734 9292


    % &b' 1t sall be unlawful for an, firm(

    compan,( or corporation( to offer itself to

    te public as electronics and

    communications engineer witout te

    certification( superision and*or guidance

    a dul, registered electronics and

    communications engineer.

  • 7/25/2019 Electronics Engineering Ethics Law of the Philippines-ra5734 9292


    Section . Pre!"ualifications for E#amination. ! $n

    order to %e admitted to the electronics and

    communications engineering e#amination& an applicantmust& at time of the filing of his application therefor&

    esta%lish to the satisfaction of the 'oard that(

    a' 2e is at least twent,-one ,ears of age

    b' 2e is a citien of te !ilippines or of a foreign countr,ualified to ta$e te eamination under 6ection twent,-treeof tis Act

  • 7/25/2019 Electronics Engineering Ethics Law of the Philippines-ra5734 9292


    c' 2e is of good moral caracter

    d' 2e is a older of te degree of /acelor of

    6cience in Electronics and CommunicationsEngineering( or suc euialent engineeringcourse from an, scool(0 recognied b, teoernment 0!roided( #at witin tree ,ears

    after te approal of tis Act( olders of acertificate of Associate in Electronics andCommunications Engineering or an, alliedengineering course or older of a alid first classradiotelegrap, or radiotelepon, commercial

    operator license wit at least fie ,ears actiepractice in electronics( communications( or alliedfields sall be ualified to ta$e 0 eamination.

  • 7/25/2019 Electronics Engineering Ethics Law of the Philippines-ra5734 9292


    Section ). Schedule of E#amination.- Eaminations for candidatesdesiring to practice electronics and communications engineering in te!ilippines sall be gien b, te /oard twice a ,ear in te Cit, of 8anilaor in suc oter places as ma, be deemed necessar, and epedient b,te /oard.

    Section *. +ating in the E#amination. - #o pass te eamination( acandidate must obtain an aerage of se,ent- percent( wit no ratingbelow fift, percentin an, sub9ect:

    Provided, That an applicant who fails to obtain a passing average but whoobtained at least seventy per cent in each of at least one-half of the total

    subjects given in the examination, may be permitted to take within twoyears from the date of his examination, another examination on thesubjects in which he obtained a grade below seventy per cent. Shouldthe examinee fail in the set of subject repeated in the secondexamination, he shall be reuired to take all the subjects in the nextexamination.

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    Section 21. efinitions.- #e following definitions( unless tecontet oterwise reuires( sall goern in te application and

    construction of tis Act.% &a' /oard. - #e /oard of Eaminers for Electronics and

    Communications Engineers.% &b' Communications. - #e process of sending and*or receiing

    messages between two or more points b, radio( electronics( oroter electrical deices.

    % &c' Electronics. - #e science dealing wit te deelopment andapplication of deices and s,stems inoling te flow of electrons ina acuum( in gaseous media( plasma( and in semi-conductors.

    % &d' Electronics and Communications Engineer. - A person wo isualified to old imself out as an electronics and communicationsengineer under tis Act and to affi to is name te letters )E.C.E.+

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    Section 2/. 0oreign +eciprocit-.- No foreigner sall beadmitted to an eamination or registration as electronics andcommunications engineer under tis Act unless e proes inte manner as proided b, te /oard tat( b, specificproisions of law( te countr,( state or proince of wic e isa citien( sub9ect( or national admits ;ilipino Citiens to tepractice of electronics and communications engineering after

    an eamination on terms of strict and absolute eualit, witte citiens( sub9ects( or national of said countr,( includingte conditional recognition of prereuisite degrees issued b,institutions of learning dul, recognied b, te oernment ofte !ilippines.

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    Section 2*. Effecti,it-.- #is Act sall ta$e effect upon its approal.


    1L A# - !resident of te 6enateEL16E? 8. #EN@A - 6ecretar, of te 6enate

    2?=6E ?; RE!RE6EN#A#1E6:

  • 7/25/2019 Electronics Engineering Ethics Law of the Philippines-ra5734 9292


    +EP'L$C ACT 3. 4242

    ! Electronics Engineering Law

    of 2556

  • 7/25/2019 Electronics Engineering Ethics Law of the Philippines-ra5734 9292


    SECT$3 1. Short Title.- #is Act sall be $nown as te

    GElectronics Engineering Law of BHH4G.

    SEC. 2. Statement of Policy.- #e 6tate recognies teimportance of electronics engineering in nation-building anddeelopment. #e 6tate sall terefore deelop and nurture

    competent( irtuous( productie and well-rounded!rofessional Electronics Engineers( Electronics Engineersand Electronics #ecnicians wose standards of practiceand serice sall be ecellent( ualitatie( world-class andgloball, competitie troug iniolable( onest( effectieand credible licensure eaminations and troug regulator,

    measures( programs and actiities tat foster teir integrit,(continuing professional education( deelopment andgrowt.

  • 7/25/2019 Electronics Engineering Ethics Law of the Philippines-ra5734 9292


    SEC. /. Definition and Interpretation of Terms.- As

    used in tis Act( te following terms sall mean:

    &a' Electronics - te science dealing wit te deelopment

    and application of deices and s,stems inoling te flow

    of electrons or oter carriers of electric carge( in a

    acuum( in gaseous media( in plasma( insemiconductors( in solid-state and*or in similar deices(

    including( but not limited to( applications inoling optical(

    electromagnetic and oter energ, forms wen

    transduced or conerted into electronic signals.

  • 7/25/2019 Electronics Engineering Ethics Law of the Philippines-ra5734 9292


    &b' !rofessional Electronics Engineer - a person wo is

    ualified to old imself*erself out as a dul,

    registered*licensed !rofessional Electronics Engineer

    under tis Act and to affi to is*er name te letters


    &c' Electronics Engineer - a person wo is ualified to old

    imself*erself out as a dul, registered*licensedElectronics Engineer under tis Act and to affi to is*er

    name te letters GECEG.

    &d' Electronics #ecnician - a person wo is ualified to

    old imself*erself out as a dul, registered*licensedElectronics #ecnician under tis Act and to affi to

    is*er name te letters GEC#G.

  • 7/25/2019 Electronics Engineering Ethics Law of the Philippines-ra5734 9292


    SEC. 6. Categories of Practice. - #e following sall be teengineering and tecnician categories coered b, tis Act:

    &a' !rofessional Electronics Engineer &!ECE'

    &b' Electronics Engineer &ECE'

    &c' Electronics #ecnician &EC#'SEC. . Nature and Scope of Practice of Electronics Engineering

    and Electronics Technician Professions

    &a' #e scope and nature of practice of te Electronics Engineer sallembrace and consist of an, wor$ or actiit, relating to teapplication of engineering sciences0specification( researc anddeelopment( proision( procurement( mar$eting and sales(manufacture and production( construction and installation( 0telecommunications( information and communications tecnolog,&1C#'( computers and teir networ$ing andardware*firmware*software 0broadcasting( cable and wirelessteleision( consumer and industrial electronics( electro optics*

    potonics*opto-electronics( electro-magnetics( aionics( aerospace(naigational and militar, applications( medical electronics( robotics(c,bernetics( biometrics and all oter related and conergent fields0

  • 7/25/2019 Electronics Engineering Ethics Law of the Philippines-ra5734 9292


    AR#1CLE 11

    !R?;E661?NAL RE=LA#?R> /?ARF ?;


    SEC ). Composition of the 'oard

    - #ere is ereb, created a !rofessional Regulator, /oard of

    Electronics Engineering( ereinafter referred to as te /oard(

    under te administratie control and superision of te

    !rofessional Regulation Commission( ereinafter referred to aste Commission( composed of a cairman and two &B' members

    wo sall be appointed b, te !resident of te !ilippines from

    te tree &3' recommendees per position cosen and ran$ed b,

    te Commission( wic recommendees sall in turn be cosen

    from te fie &5' nominees for eac position submitted b, teaccredited professional organiation( in accordance wit rules

    and regulations presentl, in eistence or tat ma, be

    promulgated for suc purpose.

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    6EC. 7. !owers and ;unctions of te /oard

    6EC. I. Jualifications of /oard 8embers- #e cairman and members of te /oard

    must possess te following ualifications

    at te time of teir appointment

  • 7/25/2019 Electronics Engineering Ethics Law of the Philippines-ra5734 9292


    % &a' /e a citien and a resident of te !ilippines for at

    least to fie &5' consecutie ,ears prior to is*er


    % &b' /e of good moral caracter and integrit,

    % &c' /e a older of a alid Certificate of Registration and a

    alid !rofessional 1dentification Card as a !rofessional

    Electronics Engineer( dul, ualified to practice as a!rofessional Electronics Engineer in te !ilippines

    % &d' /e a member of good standing of te Accredited

    !rofessional ?rganiation

    % &e' /e in actie practice of te electronics engineeringprofession for at least ten &H' ,ears prior to is

    appointment( eiter in self-practice( or emplo,ment in

    goernment serice and*or in te priate sector

  • 7/25/2019 Electronics Engineering Ethics Law of the Philippines-ra5734 9292


    % &f' 8ust not ae an, pecuniar, interest( directl, or

    indirectl,( in an, scool( academ,( college( uniersit, or

    institution conferring an academic degree and*or

    certification*accreditation necessar, for admission to te

    practice of Electronics Engineering and*or Electronics

    #ecnician or were reiew classes in preparation for te

    licensure eamination are being offered or conducted norsall e*se be a member of te facult, or of te

    administration tereof prior to ta$ing is*er oat of

    office and

    % &g' 8ust not ae been conicted of an offense inolingmoral turpitude.

  • 7/25/2019 Electronics Engineering Ethics Law of the Philippines-ra5734 9292


    SEC. 4. Term of 3ffice.

    - #e members of te /oard sall old office for a term oftree &3' ,ears from date of appointment or until teir

    successors sall ae been appointed and ualified and

    ma, be re-appointed once for anoter term. An,

    acanc, occurring witin te term of a member sall be

    filled for te unepired portion of te term onl,: !roided(

    #at te member appointed to sere te unepired term

    ma, be re-appointed more tan once for as long as

    is*er continuous tenure sall not eceed si &' ,ears.

    Eac member of te /oard sall ta$e te proper oatprior to te assumption of office.

  • 7/25/2019 Electronics Engineering Ethics Law of the Philippines-ra5734 9292


    AR#1CLE 111

    EKA81NA#1?N( RE16#RA#1?N ANF

    L1CEN6=RESEC. 1/. Licensure E#amination.

    - Ecept as oterwise specificall, proided in tis Act( all

    applicants see$ing to be registered and licensed as

    Electronics Engineers and Electronics #ecnicians( sall

    undergo te reuired eaminations to be gien b, te

    /oard in suc places and dates as te Commission ma,

    designate in accordance wit te proisions of Republic

    Act No. IDI.

  • 7/25/2019 Electronics Engineering Ethics Law of the Philippines-ra5734 9292


    SEC. 16. Qualifications for Examinations.- 1n order to

    be allowed to ta$e te eamination for Electronics

    Engineer or Electronics #ecnician( an applicant must( at

    te time of te filing of is*er application( establis to

    te satisfaction of te /oard tat:

    &a' 2e*6e is a citien of te !ilippines or of a foreign

    countr, ualified to ta$e te eamination as proided for

    in 6ection 33 of tis Act

    &b' 2e*6e is of good moral caracter and ad not been

    conicted b, a court of law of a criminal offense inolingmoral turpitude

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    &c' ;or te Electronics Engineering eaminations( e*se is

    a older of a degree of /acelor of 6cience in

    Electronics and Communications Engineering or

    Electronics Engineering( or sub9ect to compliance wit

    minimum reuirements to be prescribed b, te /oard(

    suc euialent and*or related engineering course orprogram from an, scool( institute( college( or uniersit,

    recognied b, te oernment or te 6tate were it is

    establised( after completing a resident collegiate course

    euialent to tat of a full baccalaureate degree

  • 7/25/2019 Electronics Engineering Ethics Law of the Philippines-ra5734 9292


    6EC. 5. 6cope of Eamination for

    Electronics Engineers and Electronics

    #ecnicians. -

  • 7/25/2019 Electronics Engineering Ethics Law of the Philippines-ra5734 9292


    SEC. 1). Ratings.- #o pass te licensure eamination( acandidate for Electronics Engineer or Electronics

    #ecnician must obtain a passing rating of seent,percent &7H' in eac sub9ect gien during teeamination:

    % Provided, however, #at a candidate wo obtains apassing rating in te ma9orit, of te sub9ects but obtainsa rating in te oter sub9ect*s below seent, percent&7H' but not lower tan sit, percent &H'( sall beallowed to ta$e one remoal eamination on tesub9ect*s were e*se failed to obtain te passingrating: Provided, finally, #at sould te eaminee fail toobtain a passing rating in te remoal eamination(

    e*se sall be considered as aing failed te entirelicensure eamination.

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    SEC. 6/. Effectiity.- #is Act sall ta$e effect fifteen &5' da,sfollowing its full publication in te !fficial "a#ette or an,newspaper of general circulation.

    Approed.;RANML1N 8. FR1LL?N

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    #e Seal of Professional Electronics Engineer

  • 7/25/2019 Electronics Engineering Ethics Law of the Philippines-ra5734 9292


    % S7L8$A $CAS$A3!9A+CEL3

    Cairman " /oard of ECE

    1. EST3+ C. ACAA7

    2. :3EL '. 'A:A3+
