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  • 8/6/2019 Electronic Trading in India


    Electronic Trading in IndiaIndias debt markets have experienced rapid growth and along with that electronic trading also risen

    sharply, with the market growing at a CAGR over 75% since 2005.

    India's debt markets have experienced rapid growth and along with that electronic

    trading also risen sharply, with the market growing at a CAGR over 75% since 2005,according to a recent Celent report. In spite of being a late starter, India is expectedto have around 80% share of debt transactions being conducted electronically by the

    end of 2009, making it competitive with the US and Japan, the world's leading globaldebt markets. However, the Indian debt markets are small by international

    standards, constituting just about 1% of the global market, according to the newreport, E-Trading in the Indian Debt Markets: Growth in the Downturn. Celent is a

    Boston-based financial research and consulting firm. Key findings of the reportinclude:

    India is one of the world's leading emerging markets, growing at a rate of 5-6%even through a period of global economic downturn. The introduction of electronic

    trading has increased transparency and liquidity in the market. The CAGR for thegovernment bond market has been nearly 79% since the introduction of electronictrading.

    India is one of the world's leading emerging markets, growing at a rate of 5-6%

    even through a period of global economic downturn. The introduction of electronictrading has increased transparency and liquidity in the market. The CAGR for the

    government bond market has been nearly 79% since the introduction of electronictrading.

    India is one of the world's leading emerging markets, growing at a rate of 5-6%even through a period of global economic downturn. The introduction of electronic

    trading has increased transparency and liquidity in the market. The CAGR for thegovernment bond market has been nearly 79% since the introduction of electronic


    Electronic trading will continue to become more popular, and the role of voice-brokingwill decrease further. NDS-OM has already set the trend, and the exchanges and theinterdealer brokers (e.g., ICAP) are following it with a greater emphasis on electronictrading.The corporate bonds market is dwarfed by its government bond counterpart. Currently,the corporate side of the bond market accounts for only 8% of the overall debt market,while government securities account for as much as 92%. The government debt markethas greater liquidity and depth, and this is expected to continue even after the success of

    NDS-OM, the electronic platform.India's retail market has failed to meet expectations. There had been high expectations fora rise in retail participation in the markets, especially from the exchanges. This has failedto materialize and both NSE and BSE have seen no trading in the segment. However,retail interest in debt funds is high because they are an attractive means of reducingvolatility in the current economic climate. As much as Rs. 1.3 trillion has been mobilizedin April-May 2009 by debt mutual funds, as opposed to an outgo of Rs. 285 billion in theprevious financial year (i.e., April 2008 to March 2009).

  • 8/6/2019 Electronic Trading in India


    A couple of the leading global IDBs have entered the market. However, the Indianmarket environment as it stands is not conducive to the entry and growth of IDBs due tothe nature of the market and regulatory issues. But it is believed that the IDBs have animportant contribution to make if the Indian market is to achieve its true potential byglobal standards, as they aid price discovery and improve access to large pools of

    liquidity while maintaining anonymity.The derivatives market has suffered from regulatory hurdles and a lack of participation. Ithad seen high volumes for OTC interest rate swaps (IRS) until July 2008, but there hasbeen a decline, and the turnover of IRS is only 30-35% of July 2008 levels. However,Celent believes that fixed income derivative products will increase in number andvolume.The Clearing Corporation of India (CCIL) has had a critical role to play in the growth ofthe industry. Its contribution has been vital in the success of the NDS-OM platform aswell as the money markets for instruments such as collateralized borrowing and lendingobligations (CBLOs). More innovative participants such as CCIL are required for thedebt markets to succeed in the long run.

    India's retail market has failed to meet expectations. There had been high expectations fora rise in retail participation in the markets, especially from the exchanges. This has failedto materialize and both NSE and BSE have seen no trading in the segment. However,retail interest in debt funds is high because they are an attractive means of reducingvolatility in the current economic climate. As much as Rs. 1.3 trillion has been mobilizedin April-May 2009 by debt mutual funds, as opposed to an outgo of Rs. 285 billion in theprevious financial year (i.e., April 2008 to March 2009).NSE has created a niche in the debt markets. The wholesale debt market of NSEcommands an 8% share of overall government debt trading. Similarly, it has a 46% sharein 2009 (until June) in the corporate bond market. However, BSE is struggling in thegovernment bond market and has a 16% share in the corporate bond market.To get the full report visit www.Celent.com

    Electronic trading will continue to become more popular, and the role of voice-brokingwill decrease further. NDS-OM has already set the trend, and the exchanges and theinterdealer brokers (e.g., ICAP) are following it with a greater emphasis on electronictrading.The corporate bonds market is dwarfed by its government bond counterpart. Currently,the corporate side of the bond market accounts for only 8% of the overall debt market,while government securities account for as much as 92%. The government debt markethas greater liquidity and depth, and this is expected to continue even after the success ofNDS-OM, the electronic platform.

  • 8/6/2019 Electronic Trading in India


    India's retail market has failed to meet expectations. There had been high expectations fora rise in retail participation in the markets, especially from the exchanges. This has failedto materialize and both NSE and BSE have seen no trading in the segment. However,retail interest in debt funds is high because they are an attractive means of reducingvolatility in the current economic climate. As much as Rs. 1.3 trillion has been mobilized

    in April-May 2009 by debt mutual funds, as opposed to an outgo of Rs. 285 billion in theprevious financial year (i.e., April 2008 to March 2009).A couple of the leading global IDBs have entered the market. However, the Indianmarket environment as it stands is not conducive to the entry and growth of IDBs due tothe nature of the market and regulatory issues. But it is believed that the IDBs have animportant contribution to make if the Indian market is to achieve its true potential byglobal standards, as they aid price discovery and improve access to large pools ofliquidity while maintaining anonymity.The derivatives market has suffered from regulatory hurdles and a lack of participation. Ithad seen high volumes for OTC interest rate swaps (IRS) until July 2008, but there hasbeen a decline, and the turnover of IRS is only 30-35% of July 2008 levels. However,

    Celent believes that fixed income derivative products will increase in number andvolume.The Clearing Corporation of India (CCIL) has had a critical role to play in the growth ofthe industry. Its contribution has been vital in the success of the NDS-OM platform aswell as the money markets for instruments such as collateralized borrowing and lendingobligations (CBLOs). More innovative participants such as CCIL are required for thedebt markets to succeed in the long run.India's retail market has failed to meet expectations. There had been high expectations fora rise in retail participation in the markets, especially from the exchanges. This has failedto materialize and both NSE and BSE have seen no trading in the segment. However,retail interest in debt funds is high because they are an attractive means of reducingvolatility in the current economic climate. As much as Rs. 1.3 trillion has been mobilizedin April-May 2009 by debt mutual funds, as opposed to an outgo of Rs. 285 billion in theprevious financial year (i.e., April 2008 to March 2009).NSE has created a niche in the debt markets. The wholesale debt market of NSEcommands an 8% share of overall government debt trading. Similarly, it has a 46% sharein 2009 (until June) in the corporate bond market. However, BSE is struggling in thegovernment bond market and has a 16% share in the corporate bond market.To get the full report visit www.Celent.com

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  • 8/6/2019 Electronic Trading in India


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    This is a public forum. United Business Media and its affiliates are not responsible for and do not control what isposted herein. United Business Media makes no warranties or guarantees concerning any advice dispensed by its staffmembers or readers.

    Community standards in this comment area do not permit hate language, excessive profanity, or other patentlyoffensive language. Please be aware that all information posted to this comment area becomes the property of UnitedBusiness Media LLC and may be edited and republished in print or electronic format as outlined in United BusinessMedia'sTerms of Service.

    Important Note: This comment area is NOT intended for commercial messages or solicitations of business.

    Popular Articles

    1. High-Speed Trading Reaches Saturation in the U.S. - Report2. Flash Crash Forensics Fly at Tabb Forum3. BNY Mellon Unveils iPad App; Eyes Versions For iPhone and Android4. Morgan Stanley Revamps Trading Platform Ahead of 'Naked Access' Ban

    5. Breaking it Down: An Overview of High-Frequency Trading6. Wells Fargo Joins LCH.Clearnet's SwapClear7. Redline Trading Speeds Up NBBO Calculations8. A Buy Side Cloud Kit9. Wall St Wk Ahead: Troubling Signs Hint of More Losses10. A Tale of Two Hedge Funds

  • 8/6/2019 Electronic Trading in India



    street-2010-next-stop-nanoseconds.html Accelerating Wall Street 2010 Next Stop: Nanoseconds

    With data latency on its way to being measured in nanoseconds, Wall Street firms all arelooking for an edge. This special editorial report examines the latest innovations in thelow-latency arms race and provides exclusive insights from WS&T's Accelerating Wall

    Street 2010 conference.Tag Trends

    1. Regulation2. Hedge Fund3. SEC4. Market Data5. Derivatives6. Risk Management7. Algorithmic Trading8. Dodd-Frank9. Compliance

    10. Steven Cohen

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    BNY Mellon Unveils iPad App; Eyes Versions For iPhone and Android The firmannounced the launch of BNY Mellon Connect Mobile, an application thatenables institutional investors to link to its latest research on the global currencymarkets, and manage their cash investments.

    Maple Group Goes Hostile for TMX The banks and pension funds with a C$3.7

    billion hostile offer for the Toronto Stock Exchange touted their offer directly toshareholders on Monday, denying that it would curb competition and urgingshareholders to vote for the made-in-Canada solution.


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    #tabs-menu { position: absolute; font-size:9px; margin: 0px; margin-left: 220px; }#carousel_nav li { color:#fff; font-weight: bold; } #carousel_nav ul, #carousel_nav

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    Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.0/0Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.Electronic trading will continue to become more popular, and the role of voice-brokingwill decrease further. NDS-OM has already set the trend, and the exchanges and theinterdealer brokers (e.g., ICAP) are following it with a greater emphasis on electronictrading.The corporate bonds market is dwarfed by its government bond counterpart. Currently,the corporate side of the bond market accounts for only 8% of the overall debt market,

    while government securities account for as much as 92%. The government debt markethas greater liquidity and depth, and this is expected to continue even after the success ofNDS-OM, the electronic platform.India's retail market has failed to meet expectations. There had been high expectations fora rise in retail participation in the markets, especially from the exchanges. This has failedto materialize and both NSE and BSE have seen no trading in the segment. However,retail interest in debt funds is high because they are an attractive means of reducingvolatility in the current economic climate. As much as Rs. 1.3 trillion has been mobilizedin April-May 2009 by debt mutual funds, as opposed to an outgo of Rs. 285 billion in theprevious financial year (i.e., April 2008 to March 2009).A couple of the leading global IDBs have entered the market. However, the Indian

    market environment as it stands is not conducive to the entry and growth of IDBs due tothe nature of the market and regulatory issues. But it is believed that the IDBs have animportant contribution to make if the Indian market is to achieve its true potential byglobal standards, as they aid price discovery and improve access to large pools ofliquidity while maintaining anonymity.The derivatives market has suffered from regulatory hurdles and a lack of participation. Ithad seen high volumes for OTC interest rate swaps (IRS) until July 2008, but there hasbeen a decline, and the turnover of IRS is only 30-35% of July 2008 levels. However,

  • 8/6/2019 Electronic Trading in India


    Celent believes that fixed income derivative products will increase in number andvolume.The Clearing Corporation of India (CCIL) has had a critical role to play in the growth ofthe industry. Its contribution has been vital in the success of the NDS-OM platform aswell as the money markets for instruments such as collateralized borrowing and lending

    obligations (CBLOs). More innovative participants such as CCIL are required for thedebt markets to succeed in the long run.India's retail market has failed to meet expectations. There had been high expectations fora rise in retail participation in the markets, especially from the exchanges. This has failedto materialize and both NSE and BSE have seen no trading in the segment. However,retail interest in debt funds is high because they are an attractive means of reducingvolatility in the current economic climate. As much as Rs. 1.3 trillion has been mobilizedin April-May 2009 by debt mutual funds, as opposed to an outgo of Rs. 285 billion in theprevious financial year (i.e., April 2008 to March 2009).NSE has created a niche in the debt markets. The wholesale debt market of NSEcommands an 8% share of overall government debt trading. Similarly, it has a 46% share

    in 2009 (until June) in the corporate bond market. However, BSE is struggling in thegovernment bond market and has a 16% share in the corporate bond market.To get the full report visit www.Celent.com

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    { padding: 20px; border:1px solid #eeeeee; margin: 20px 0; display:table; clear:both; }Like this article? Sign up for Advanced Trading daily e-mail newsletterto get more news

    and analysis delivered right to your in-box.

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    This is a public forum. United Business Media and its affiliates are not responsible for and do not control what isposted herein. United Business Media makes no warranties or guarantees concerning any advice dispensed by its staffmembers or readers.

    Community standards in this comment area do not permit hate language, excessive profanity, or other patentlyoffensive language. Please be aware that all information posted to this comment area becomes the property of UnitedBusiness Media LLC and may be edited and republished in print or electronic format as outlined in United BusinessMedia'sTerms of Service.

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    Important Note: This comment area is NOT intended for commercial messages or solicitations of business.

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    20. A Tale of Two Hedge Funds


    street-2010-next-stop-nanoseconds.html Accelerating WallStreet 2010 Next Stop: Nanoseconds

    With data latency on its way to being measured in nanoseconds, Wall Street firms all arelooking for an edge. This special editorial report examines the latest innovations in the

  • 8/6/2019 Electronic Trading in India


    low-latency arms race and provides exclusive insights from WS&T's Accelerating WallStreet 2010 conference.

    Tag Trends

    11. Regulation12. Hedge Fund13. SEC14. Market Data15. Derivatives16. Risk Management17. Algorithmic Trading18. Dodd-Frank19. Compliance20. Steven Cohen

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    Maple Group Goes Hostile for TMX The banks and pension funds with a C$3.7billion hostile offer for the Toronto Stock Exchange touted their offer directly toshareholders on Monday, denying that it would curb competition and urgingshareholders to vote for the made-in-Canada solution.


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    Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.0/0Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.Electronic trading will continue to become more popular, and the role of voice-brokingwill decrease further. NDS-OM has already set the trend, and the exchanges and theinterdealer brokers (e.g., ICAP) are following it with a greater emphasis on electronictrading.The corporate bonds market is dwarfed by its government bond counterpart. Currently,the corporate side of the bond market accounts for only 8% of the overall debt market,while government securities account for as much as 92%. The government debt market

    has greater liquidity and depth, and this is expected to continue even after the success ofNDS-OM, the electronic platform.India's retail market has failed to meet expectations. There had been high expectations fora rise in retail participation in the markets, especially from the exchanges. This has failedto materialize and both NSE and BSE have seen no trading in the segment. However,retail interest in debt funds is high because they are an attractive means of reducingvolatility in the current economic climate. As much as Rs. 1.3 trillion has been mobilized

  • 8/6/2019 Electronic Trading in India


    in April-May 2009 by debt mutual funds, as opposed to an outgo of Rs. 285 billion in theprevious financial year (i.e., April 2008 to March 2009).A couple of the leading global IDBs have entered the market. However, the Indianmarket environment as it stands is not conducive to the entry and growth of IDBs due tothe nature of the market and regulatory issues. But it is believed that the IDBs have an

    important contribution to make if the Indian market is to achieve its true potential byglobal standards, as they aid price discovery and improve access to large pools ofliquidity while maintaining anonymity.The derivatives market has suffered from regulatory hurdles and a lack of participation. Ithad seen high volumes for OTC interest rate swaps (IRS) until July 2008, but there hasbeen a decline, and the turnover of IRS is only 30-35% of July 2008 levels. However,Celent believes that fixed income derivative products will increase in number andvolume.The Clearing Corporation of India (CCIL) has had a critical role to play in the growth ofthe industry. Its contribution has been vital in the success of the NDS-OM platform aswell as the money markets for instruments such as collateralized borrowing and lending

    obligations (CBLOs). More innovative participants such as CCIL are required for thedebt markets to succeed in the long run.India's retail market has failed to meet expectations. There had been high expectations fora rise in retail participation in the markets, especially from the exchanges. This has failedto materialize and both NSE and BSE have seen no trading in the segment. However,retail interest in debt funds is high because they are an attractive means of reducingvolatility in the current economic climate. As much as Rs. 1.3 trillion has been mobilizedin April-May 2009 by debt mutual funds, as opposed to an outgo of Rs. 285 billion in theprevious financial year (i.e., April 2008 to March 2009).NSE has created a niche in the debt markets. The wholesale debt market of NSEcommands an 8% share of overall government debt trading. Similarly, it has a 46% sharein 2009 (until June) in the corporate bond market. However, BSE is struggling in thegovernment bond market and has a 16% share in the corporate bond market.To get the full report visit www.Celent.com

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