electronic copy of report is due june 1, 2015. send to ... report s15... · student-faculty ratio...

SJSU Annual Program Assessment Form Academic Year 2014-2015 Electronic copy of report is due June 1, 2015. Send to Undergraduate Studies ([email protected]), with cc: to your college’s Associate Dean and college Assessment Facilitator. List of AFs is found at http://www.sjsu.edu/ugs/faculty/programs/committee/index.html> Department Psychology Program BA, BS College College of Social Sciences Website www.sjsu.edu/psych _ Check here if your website addresses the University Learning Goals. We do not list the ULGs, but we do list our PLOs http://www.sjsu.edu/psych/plo/index.html Program Accreditation (if any) n/a Contact Person and Email Clifton Oyamot [email protected] Date of Report 05/29/15 Part A 1. List of Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) No changes 2. Map of PLOs to University Learning Goals (ULGs) No changes 3. Alignment – Matrix of PLOs to Courses No changes 4. Planning – Assessment Schedule No changes 5. Student Experience No changes

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SJSU Annual Program Assessment Form Academic Year 2014-2015

Electronic copy of report is due June 1, 2015. Send to Undergraduate Studies ([email protected]), with cc: to your college’s Associate Dean and college Assessment Facilitator. List of AFs is found at http://www.sjsu.edu/ugs/faculty/programs/committee/index.html>

Department Psychology

Program BA, BS

College College of Social Sciences

Website www.sjsu.edu/psych

_ Check here if your website addresses the University

Learning Goals.

We do not list the ULGs, but we do list our PLOs http://www.sjsu.edu/psych/plo/index.html

Program Accreditation (if any) n/a

Contact Person and Email Clifton Oyamot [email protected]

Date of Report 05/29/15

Part A 1. List of Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

No changes

2. Map of PLOs to University Learning Goals (ULGs) No changes

3. Alignment – Matrix of PLOs to Courses No changes

4. Planning – Assessment Schedule No changes

5. Student Experience No changes

Part B 6. Graduation Rates for Total, Non URM and URM students (per program and degree)

The six year graduation rate for all first-time freshman in the department admitted in Fall 2008 (51.5%) exceed the College and University rates (48.4 and 49.7%,

respectively), and was very close the University’s target for 2015-2016. The same pattern was generally found for URM and non-URM students. The

department’s URM graduation rate of 54.7% was noteworthy compared to college and university rates, and exceeded the target. However, the department’s

non-URM graduation rate was lower than the university rate and the target. The department’s three year graduation rate for transfer students exceeded by a

substantial margin that of the university across all student types, and was higher than the college except for non-URM students. The department’s three year

graduation rate for graduate students was comparable to the College but lower than the university’s rates.

Item 6. Graduation Rates by Entering Cohorts: Psychology First-Time Freshmen Undergraduate Transfer New Credential

Fall 2008 Cohort: 6-Year Graduation Rate SJSU Target

Fall 2011 Cohort: 3-Year Graduation Rate Fall 2011 Cohort: 3-Year Graduation Rate

Program Cohort Size

Program Grad Rate

College Average

Grad Rate -

All Students

Who Entered

This College

University Average

Grad Rate - All Students

Who Entered

the University

Program Cohort


Program Grad Rate

College Average

Grad Rate -

All Students

Who Entered

This College

University Average

Grad Rate - All Students

Who Entered

the University

Program Cohort


Program Grad Rate

College Average

Grad Rate -

All Students

Who Entered

This College

University Average Grad

Rate - All Students Who

Entered the University

Total 165 51.5% 48.4% 49.7% 51.6 154 72.1% 68.1% 55.3% 0 /0 /0 8.3%

URM 75 54.7% 47.2% 40.7% 47.8 56 85.7% 67.5% 55.2% 0 /0 /0 12.2%


72 50.0% 50.3% 53.3% 53.2 65 67.7% 70.3% 54.9% 0 /0 /0 8.0%

All others

18 44.4% 44.1% 52.9% 33 57.6% 63.7% 56.9% 0 /0 /0 4.9%

First-Time Graduate

Fall 2011 Cohort: 3-Year Graduation Rate

Program Cohort Size Program Grad Rate College Average Grad Rate - All Students Who Entered This College

University Average Grad Rate - All Students Who Entered the University

Total 28 50.0% 51.0% 60.8%

URM 4 50.0% 54.8% 65.2%


18 50.0% 50.0% 54.2%

All others

6 50.0% 50.0% 69.4%

7. Headcounts of program majors and new students (per program and degree) Headcounts for the department have remained stable over the last few years and there is high demand for the major.

Item 7. Headcount of Program Majors by Degree: Psychology Fall 2014

New Students Continuing Students Total

FT Admit New Transf Continuing Retn.Tranf Returning Trnst-Ugrd

Total 227 224 898 4 2 1 1,356

BA 120 178 686 4 1 1 990

MA 11 16 1 28

BS 72 46 186 304

MS 24 10 34

8. SFR and average section size (per program)

The department’s undergraduate SFR has regularly exceeded that of the college for both lower and upper division classes. One reason for the increase is that the department began offering a very large section of General Psychology (300 students) starting Fall 2012. However, the gap was evident prior to Fall 2012 for lower division classes, and has been consistent for upper division classes.

Item 8. Student-Faculty Ratio (SFR) and Average Headcount per Section: PSYC

- Psychology Fall 2014 Fall 2014

Subject SFR

College SFR

University SFR

Subject Headcount per Section

College Headcount per Section

University Headcount per Section

Lower Division 51.5 40.0 31.0 Lower Division 55.6 41.8 35.6

Upper Division 34.0 26.8 25.5 Upper Division 35.2 27.4 28.0

Graduate Division

11.6 12.2 20.8 Graduate Division

7.9 8.9 15.8

9. Percentage of tenured/tenure-track instructional faculty (per department) The department’s FTEF% compares favorably to the College and University. However, there is still a strong argument that additional tenure-track hires are needed. Please see the department’s 2015 Program Planning Report for details.

Item 9. Percentage of Full-Time Equivalent Faculty (FTEF): Psychology Fall 2014

Department FTEF # Department FTEF % College FTEF % University FTEF %

Tenured/Tenure-track 15.2 49% 44.9% 42.8%

Not tenure-track 15.9 51% 55.1% 57.2%

Total 31.1 100% 100.0% 100.0%

Part C 10. Closing the Loop/Recommended Actions 11. Assessment Data 12. Analysis 13. Proposed changes and goals (if any)

See table below for summary of AY2014-15 assessment activities

Program Learning Outcome Direct Measure of Performance

Data and Results (Brief) Closing the Loop and Proposed Changes

(1) Knowledge Base of Psychology. Students will be able to demonstrate familiarity with the major concepts, theoretical perspectives, empirical findings, and historical trends in psychology.

Performance on a Core

Concepts Psychology Exam

developed faculty in the

psychology department

Assessed AY2012-13

Not assessed AY2014-15

Results from the last data collection have informed faculty discussions on possible revisions to the major. The next iteration of the exam will test items on cognitive psychology and APA style.

(2) Research Methods in Psychology. Students will be able to design, implement, and communicate basic research methods in psychology, including research design, data analysis, and interpretations.

Quality of original research and accompanying reports developed in research methods classes (Psychology 120), as assessed using instructor rubrics.

Appendix A, A2

Assessed AY2014-15

The majority of students in Psychology 120 met expectations in implementing an original research project and reporting the results of the study in an APA style research report (69%). However, a significant minority of students approached (15%) or did not meet these expectations (16%).

In practice different 120 sections cover similar content, however there is no overarching department-level defined program learning outcomes for the course. Therefore, one suggestion is for the department to develop a common set of course learning outcomes and rubrics for assessing PLO 2 in Psychology 120. A substantial minority of students are not meeting PLO 2 expectations (31%), so in future assessments it will be crucial to collect additional data to illuminate why some students struggle to design, implement, and communicate original research.

Program Learning Outcome Direct Measure of Performance

Data and Results (Brief) Closing the Loop and Proposed Changes

(3) Critical Thinking Skills. Students will be able to use critical and creative thinking, skeptical inquiry, and a scientific approach to address issues related to behavior and mental processes.

Performance on the Psychology Critical Thinking Exam (Lawson, 1999)

Assessed AY2013-14

Not assessed AY2014-15

We intend to expand the use of the Psychology Critical Thinking Exam to include additional items (we pilot tested the instrument using only 1 vignette from a total of 16 available).

We considering using 100W or 190 papers as another way to assess PLO 3.

(4) Applications of Psychology. Students will be able to apply psychological principles to individual, interpersonal, group, and societal issues.

Performance on an Application of Research Methodology Knowledge developed the psychology department

Assessed AY2014-15

Analysis in progress.

(5) Values in Psychology. Students will value empirical evidence, tolerate ambiguity, act ethically, and recognize their role and responsibility as a member of society.

Successful completion of online tutorials on ethical principles in human research (e.g., Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) or the NIH Office of Extramural Research)

Assessed AY2013-14

Not assessed AY2014-15

Consider additional methods for assessing PLO 5 to supplement completion of IRB tutorials.

Program Learning Outcome Direct Measure of Performance

Data and Results (Brief) Closing the Loop and Proposed Changes

Student Experience. Though not a PLO, per se, we were also interested in students’ knowledge and perceptions of what it means to be a psychology major.

Completion of a Student Experiences and Perceptions Survey assessing awareness of department PLOs.

Among other things, the survey assessed:

Post-graduation plans

PLO awareness, ability to accurately recall them, opportunities to achieve the PLOs when going through the major, and self-assessed mastery of the PLOs.

Free-response data on challenges encountered at SJSU, ways the department contributed to their successes, and ways the department can be improved.

Appendix B

Assessed AY2014-15

Graduating seniors reported being fairly aware of department PLOs, but on average could only list 1 of 5 accurately.

Students reported that the department gave them many opportunities to master the PLOs (once listed for them), and felt they had achieved them at an adequate level.

One dominant theme in terms of departmental contributions to student success was that faculty were caring and passionate about teaching and available for advising and mentoring.

Some dominant themes in terms of departmental improvements were improving the physical learning environment (e.g., AC is needed in DMH), increasing advising accessibility and offering enough courses to meet student demand.

Results from the last data collection informed faculty discussions at our May 2015 retreat in several capacities. For example, one topic discussed was how to make advising more accessible. Although the department devotes substantial resources to advising, the sheer number of majors we have can limit student access to advisers. One solution is to develop online advising “tutorials” to address basic advising issues, which would free up face-to-face advising time for other concerns.

Appendix A Program Learning Outcome 2 Assessment Data, Analysis, and Proposes Changes

PLO 2. Students will be able to design, implement, and communicate basic research methods in

psychology, including research design, data analysis, and interpretations.

Primary Measure

The primary measure of PLO 2 was student performance on the final Research Report submitted in Psychology 120 (Advanced Research Methods and Design). Psychology 120 is an ideal course to evaluate PLO 2 as the culminating experience involves designing, implementing and communicating original research (in APA style), and it is a required course in the major.

Each instructor provided copies of the rubrics he or she used to evaluate the papers (see Appendix A2).



Instructors from 3 (out of 6) Psychology 120 sections offered in Fall 2014 provided data on grades

earned on the final Research Report for the class (2 instructors, total # students = 95).

Assignment Description and Rubrics

The final Research Report is the culminating experience of the course and involved students designing,

implementing an original research project, and then reporting the results of the study in an APA style

research report. The report included the rationale for the study and hypotheses, a description of the

design and methodology used to test the hypotheses, statistical analysis of the data, and interpretation

of those results. Instructor rubrics were used to evaluate these aspects of the report, as well as

readability and APA style (see Appendix A).

The research projects were conducted in small groups, and the research report was a blend of individual

and group work. For example, members of the same team could have the same Abstract, Method, and

Results section (although this was not required), but their Introductions, Conclusions, and Reference

sections needed to be individually completed.


Levels of achievement were based on consultation and comments from Psychology 120 instructors. The

data were as follows:

Research Report Grade Criteria % achieved

100% - 80% Meets Expectations 69

79% - 70% Approaches Expectations 15

69% or less Did Not Meet Expectations 16

There was a non-significant trend such that BS majors tended to score higher on their research reports

than BA majors, t(90) = .90, p = .37, d = .29.


The majority of students in Psychology 120 are able to implement an original research project and

report the results of the study in an APA style research report (69%). However, a significant minority of

students approached (15%) or did not meet these expectations (16%).

Limits and Suggestions

This analysis suggest that the majority of psychology majors are meeting PLO 2 expectations, but

improvements can be made. This is a required course in the major, and it covers crucial skills for a

psychology major that emphasizes the science of psychology. Individual Psychology 120 instructors

have done a good job of developing a rigorous set of standards that cover the many aspects of PLO 2

(and other crucial learning outcomes). However, although in practice different 120 sections cover

similar content, there is no overarching department-level defined program learning outcomes for the

course. Therefore, one suggestion is for the department to develop a common set of course learning

outcomes and rubrics for assessing PLO 2 in Psychology 120.

A substantial minority of students are not meeting PLO 2 expectations (31%), so in future assessments it

will be crucial to collect additional data to illuminate why some students struggle to design, implement,

and communicate original research.

Appendix A2

Research Report Evaluation Rubrics

Rubric 1

Grading Rubric – Final Paper Psyc 120 – Fall 2014 Student Name:

Structure & Style

Formatting -double-spaced? -page numbers used? -fonts and margins? -headings correct?


Spelling & Grammar -words spelled correctly? -text grammatical?


In-Text Citations -papers cited correctly? -match ref and in-text?


Sections -all sections included? -correct order/pagination?



Content Title Page -all parts present and placed?


Abstract -correct length? -adequately describes study?


Introduction -at least 3 studies cited and discussed? -current study clearly linked to previous studies? -introduction provides rationale for study? -hypotheses clearly identified?


Method -Participants described correctly? -Adequate description of materials and equipment? -Procedure detailed enough to replicate?


Results -Descriptive statistics provided for each condition? -Correct inferential tests used? -Statistical results reported correctly? -Clear table or figure showing results? -Interpretation of results correct?


Discussion -Conclusions explained? -Results linked back to introduction? -Limitations of methods or generalizability identified and discussed? -Areas for follow-up or further research identified?


References -All references present and correctly cited?




Rubric 2

Experiment in-class participation 4 points APA Style 9 points Times New Roman, 12-point font, 1 inch margins, Double spaced 1 = full marks 0.5 = Font or spacing error 0 = no marks APA style in-text and parenthetical citations 3 = full marks 2 = improper citation 1 = missing citations 0 = no marks APA style reference section 4 = full marks 3 = 1 major error 2 = 2 major errors 1 = 3 errors 0= no marks Appropriate page sections and page/section breaks 1 = full marks 0 = no marks Length 3 points* Abstract: 150 word maximum 3 = falls in range 0 = falls outside of range *Introduction: 3-5 pages *(-10 points for each page short) *Conclusion: 1.5 – 3 pages *(-3 points for each ½ page short) References 6 points Minimum of 5 peer-reviewed references 3 = full marks 2 = 4 refs 1 = 3 refs 0 = no marks Each should be relevant to your study 3 = full marks 2 = 1 questionable 1.5 = some relevant 0 = no marks Introduction 22 points Style & Mechanics – Is writing coherent, cohesive, clear and concise with good mechanics (spelling, grammar). 4 = full marks 3 = minor issue with mechanics, conciseness, or clarity 2 = many minor or one major issue 1 = serious issues 0 = many issues; needs major revision Discussion of previous research Does the writing demonstrate an understanding of the topic and the references included in the paper? 6 = full marks 5 – minor issue with 1-2 refs 4 = minor issues with several references 3 = demonstrates some understanding 2 = major issues with 2+ references 1 = many conclusions are unfounded by discussion of research 0 = no marks Does the author discuss the referenced material in a way that adequately and logically introduces the experiment? 4 = full marks 3 = most refs fit with experiment 1= limited logical flow 0 = no marks Are the references summarized and discussed at the appropriate level of analysis? 3 = full marks 2 = more than one minor issue with level 0 = no marks

Is a hypothesis (or hypotheses) for the study provided? Is the hypothesis a natural extension of previous research? 5 = full marks 3 = hypothesis present but ill formed 0 = no marks Methods 13 points Is enough information provided to replicate the study? 8 = full marks 7 = minor issue 5 = 2+ minor issues or major issue 3 = difficult to understand 2+ sections 0 = too few details or too poorly written to understand method Are all components of the method section reported? 5 = full marks 4 = missing component 2 = missing 2 components 0 – missing 3+ components Results 11 points Were appropriate analyses used? 3 = full marks 0 = no marks Are the data interpreted and reported correctly? 6 = full marks 5 = one minor miss 4 = missing parts (M, SD, statistic); moderate misinterpretation; wrong formatting 2 = major issue 0 = no marks Are data reported objectively? 2 = full marks 1 = reported results but also discussed them 0 = no marks Conclusion 17 points Is the writing coherent, cohesive, clear, concise, free of grammatical and spelling errors? 3 = full marks 2 = several issues with mechanics and clarity 0 = no marks Discussion of results – Does the author provide an accurate summary and interpretation of results. Are results discussed in terms of original hypothesis? 7 = full marks 6 = minor issue with interpretation 4 = missing interpretation or relation to original hypothesis 2 = major issue; incorrect conclusion 0 = no marks Discussion of implications 5 = full marks 4 = minor issue 2 = major issue with application or situating within literature 0 = no marks Future research 2 = logical and thoughtful future research 1 = something mentioned 0 = no marks

Appendix B

Psychology Graduating Seniors Exit Survey Results

Spring 2015

Degree Breakdown

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative



BA, Psychology 218 82.6 82.6 82.6

BS, Psychology 31 11.7 11.7 94.3

MA, Experimental 10 3.8 3.8 98.1

MS, IO 5 1.9 1.9 100.0

Total 264 100.0 100.0

Post-Graduation Plans

Degree Graduate School Attending

BA, Psychology Brandman University- MA Psychology with an emphasis in MFT and PCC

BA, Psychology SSU

BA, Psychology SJSU M.S. Clinical Psychology Program

BA, Psychology Palo Alto University

BA, Psychology SJSU's M.S. Program in I/O Psychology

BA, Psychology SJSU

BA, Psychology USF

BA, Psychology Capella University

BA, Psychology SJSU's Clinical Psychology Masters Program

BA, Psychology Law school (UCI)

BA, Psychology SJSU

BA, Psychology Notre Dame de Namur University

BA, Psychology San Jose State University

BS, Psychology SJSU Master's of Science in Clinical Psychology

BS, Psychology unspecified

BS, Psychology SJSU

BS, Psychology CSU East Bay

Program Learning Outcomes: Awareness and Accuracy in Listing PLOs

The SJSU Psychology Department has 5 Program Learning Outcomes. These are skills and

knowledge that psychology majors should have acquired by the time they have graduated. How

aware are you of these Program Learning Outcomes?

1 = not at all aware to 5 = very aware

List out as many Program Learning Outcomes as you can. It is ok to say “I don’t know”.

Coded for accuracy, 0 – 5.


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative



.0 196 74.2 74.8 74.8

1.0 8 3.0 3.1 77.9

2.0 9 3.4 3.4 81.3

3.0 22 8.3 8.4 89.7

4.0 7 2.7 2.7 92.4

5.0 20 7.6 7.6 100.0

Total 262 99.2 100.0

Missing System 2 .8

Total 264 100.0

Rawareness-accuracy = .38, p < .05














PLO Awareness # of PLOs correctly listed

PLO Awareness and Accuracy

Program Learning Outcomes: Self-Perceived Opportunities and Achievements

To what extent do you think that the Psychology Department has given you an OPPORTUNITY

to...[develop a broad knowledge base in psychology?]

1 = not at all to 5 = very much

After completing your Psychology degree, to what extent do you think that you...[have

developed a broad knowledge base in psychology?]

1 = not at all to 5 = very much

BS > BA (independent samples t-test, p < .05): PLO 2 (research methods), PLO 3 (critical








Knowledge Base ResearchMethods

Critical Thinking Applications Values

Perceived Opportunity to Achieve PLO Skills







Knowledge Base ResearchMethods

Critical Thinking Applications Values

Perceived Acquisition of PLO Skills

Student Challenges

What were the major challenges, if any, that you faced while earning your degree at SJSU?

A combinations of financial difficulties, lack of needed classes, parking and being able to arrive to class on time because there is not parking available in the garages after paying an expensive fee. Also throughout my 4.5 years the internet connection was bad and sometimes affected the time I could complete assignments.

A lot of it was financial and personal, it really felt like as a minority that I wasn't as valued as my asian or white counterparts and wasn't always treated the same. It would only be among a few professors that I could feel comfortable with, but otherwise i just didn't feel like any of the professors cared about me and would rather help other students. Same goes for those students they would rather work with someone of their own background as opposed to incorporate a latino in their group.

A major challenge that I faced was being able to afford school. I struggle financially, I wish there could have been more aid available.

Adding classes

adding classes

Advising on my own, adding my last needed course, juggling life and work and school workload to graduate in time

All of the above

Almost being made homeless/lost my home, working part time to full time, family health issues, impaction of classes needed prevented me from graduating with honors due to being short one class

As I transfer student, I had great difficulty with accessing faculty in order to prepare myself for graduate school. Faculty tend to cater to students they have had when providing research opportunities. I need letters of recommendation but have had only two years for faculty to get to know me. I was not introduced to the many resources available at SJSU (e.g., tour of resources) due to being a transfer student and had to find these resources out on my own. Psi chi does not accept transfer students into their program that easily due to minimum requirement. I have only recently joined and been able to affiliate myself with fellow Psi Chi members as a result. In essence, resources are unknown, restricted or withheld from psychology transfer students. Impaction of the department has also forced me to take classes in the summer, take classes at irregular times, and made me unable to graduate with honors in the department. I am short one class in order to graduate with honors in psychology but the class was too impacted though I made the greatest effort to get in and add it.

balancing family life, finding classes to fit my schedule

Balancing full-time school, full-time work, and family/friends

Balancing my time between work and school work.

Balancing work and school

balancing work and school

balancing work, completing thesis on time

balancing work, family and school

Because I'm legally blind, there are related challenges such as transportation, being able to take tests in the AEC, and twice my guide dog was attacked at school by dogs off leash.

Being a student athlete while trying to gain the appropraite breadth of knowledge and experience to get into a clinical doctorate program for graduate school. It was challenging, but not impossible.

Being in an abusive relationship, working part-time and being a full-time mom. But it was all worth it. thank you

Being told by an advisor that I was disqualified due to academic probation when in fact I was not which held me back one year and steered me back to community college before transferring in and almost completing the reinstatement process for DQ'd students. Also, recovering from a poor GPA to graduate with honors.

Budget cuts, change of majors, not aware of programs and opportunities

challenges getting into classes due to being impacted

changing majors

changing majors

changing majors, finances and work, family issues

Changing majors, getting classes, finances

Changing majors, needing classes

Commuting, Class selection night classes

commuting, working, balancing and managing my time

Counselors telling me I was ready to graduate and I was missing a class and had to pay out of pocket when I normally had financial aid.

Course load and working at the same time was a struggle

early financial issues, classes being dropped

Everyone faces challenges


exactly as the examples are listed, financial, work, family.



family (being first generation is tough) and financial

Family problems, personal problems, not sure if Psychology was the right major for me, feeling like I cannot make it in this field.

family, financial

family, financial

family, financial, and work were definitely major challenges.

Family, getting classes, advisement prior to senior year, lack of resources

Family, money, dealing with an uncooperative bureaucracy

Family, work, school, life balence

feeling alone, feeling left out in some classes where many students knew each other from other labs/research, juggling school with work/volunteering, feeling confused about future pursuits (grad school, job)

Finance, family, getting the classes I needed, deadlines

Finance, family, getting the classes I needed, deadlines

Finances and Getting into classes

Finances, depression, advising, uncaring professors.

Finances, work, completing required courses, registration

Finances, Work, time, deaths, failing/withdrawing from classes.











financial ,work full time ,

Financial / Family

financial and developing computer skills

Financial and Family

Financial and getting the classes I needed

Financial and personal, physical disabilities.

financial and work

Financial and work related challenges were common for me.

financial and work stress

financial and work-life balance

Financial challenges, being an intl student, relocating, visa and immigration concerns, coordinating with institutions and requirements in my home country, getting a full-time job and sponsorship for my working visa, applying for the visa, completing my thesis while working full-time, getting health benefits and otherwise being secure here, concerns about my future and about being able to stay where I have now built my career, network and life

financial hardships for tuition, books, parking permits, and food, balance between school and work, impact of classes, and traffic/parking during class time

Financial Stress

financial support and getting classes

financial, family, study abroad class conversions

Financial, family, thesis


Financial, getting into classes and commuting. Also all the group projects nearly lowered my perfect GPA because of the poor quality of classmates assigned to teams with me

financial, getting into classes, FINANCIAL AID OFFICE, Graduation worksheet, professor getting fired mid semester

Financial, getting needed classes

Financial, getting needed classes, and lack of passion for my major

Financial, getting needed classes, work

Financial, getting needed classss, juggling between both work and being a full-time student

Financial, health issue

financial, health issues

Financial, scheduling, school Bureaucracy

financial, sense of belonging, family

financial, statistics requirements

financial, work

Financial, Work

Financial, work

Financial, work

Financial, work and getting classes needed.

financial, work and repeating courses and support

Financial, work, and family issues. Also, not enough time to take the WST and lack of information from advisors.

Financial, work, changing majors,

financial, work, family, being waitlisted, time constraints

Financial, work, family, getting classes

Financial, Work, Family, getting classes, finding exactly what I need in order to graduate, understanding policy

Financial, work, family, getting needed classes.


Financial, Work, Family, Juggling School/Work and Air Force ROTC

Financial, work, family, personal relationships, personal struggles with anxiety and depression

financial, work, getting classes

financial, work, getting lazy teachers who don't care to learn your name was difficult to adjust to, having teachers care more about attendance then knowledge was difficult, having counselors lack knowledge or seem uninterested, graduation information very difficult to get, and finals being scheduled 3 hours before the psych grad ceremony is a hassle as well.

Financial, Work, Getting Needed Classes

Financial, Work, Getting Needed Classes

financial, work, getting needed classes

Financial, work, sudden move, and commuting.

Financial, work, the homework load of the classes,

Financial,family, changing major, difficulty in getting classes

financial,social, familial


Finding the right major ot pursue

finding the time to commit fully to both work and school requirements

Full time work, major shut down due to budget, family split, commute, etc.

getting classes

Getting classes

Getting classes

Getting classes and finances

Getting classes I needed - WAY TO IMPACTED

Getting classes I needed, financial and work.

getting classes needed

getting classes, time management

Getting classes, work

Getting courses. Graduate students should NEVER have to fight for courses. Twice I was unable to take the course/had to wait a year because it was full.

Getting financial aid, getting needed classes,

Getting help with declaring a minor, graduation details (cap & gown, application, deadlines)

Getting into classes

Getting into the courses I had to complete!

Getting needed classes

getting needed classes

getting needed classes

getting needed classes

getting needed classes

getting needed classes

Getting needed classes

Getting needed classes

Getting needed classes

Getting needed classes

getting needed classes

getting needed classes

getting needed classes

Getting needed classes

getting needed classes

Getting needed classes

getting needed classes

Getting needed classes and paying way too much a semester

getting needed classes for almost two semesters

getting needed classes, being directed to advisors

Getting needed classes, learning and understanding what I needed to succeed at SJSU

getting required courses

getting the classes I needed

Getting the classes I needed

getting the classes I needed, finances, and lack of guidance from advisors when applying to graduate

Getting the classes that I needed. Not being able to add a minor due to too many units after transfering to the school.

getting the courses i needed sometimes I couldn't add classes.

Getting the needed classes

getting, needing classes, money

having to miss class from basketball

Having to work and being a full time student

having to work and take full time courses

I didn't have any major challenges while I was earning your degree at SJSU.

I had a difficult time getting the courses I needed to take because of the way they were scheduled.

I have test anxiety disorder which did not help my cause but thanks to my professors, I survived.

I was broke and my cat died

I was very used to the community college environment and when I transferred to SJSU I felt a bit out of place and had a hard time with my classes the first semester but I ended up getting the hang of things by my second semester.

I worked part time and was competing at a very high level in dressage, I also lived fairly far away

impaction and campus construction

impaction and campus construction

Issues with enrolling in my capstone class (easily one of the worst experiences EVER, please prepare for this in the future, this was extremely unnnecessary), minor misadvising, not enough or explicit information about graduation requirements (the BA/BS road map should include the upper division SJSU studies because transfer students are unaware of this).

it seemed like every advisor was on a completely different page. I was told I could graduate a semester sooner than I actually could the original adviser didn't catch that I didn't have enough credits

It was primarily financial issues.

Knowing what classes I needed


money, changing majors, medical issues

Money/Living Situation

My father passed away, First generation low income student, Ward of the court, Working full-time (Except my last semester), Helping take care of my brother and sister



n/a the major was a good one

n/a the major was a good one

New friends








not being able to get into my desired major.

Not enough financial aid; work; my parents are moving out of the country; not having a stable place to live; difficulty in obtaining classes because of the nonsensical cap SJSU places on class sizes (that even professors cannot explain reasons for); too few sections are offered in required courses; the increasing danger of being alone on/around campus, especially in the evening, because of the violence in downtown SJ and the lack of police presence.

Not enough sleep from all the late night studying.

not liking major as a biochemistry major, changing majors and catching up on classes, repeating courses, getting needed classes, commuting, lack of support of changing majors to psych, not enough encouraged advising in psych

Nothing. Smart planning and time management helped me through these four years smoothly.

On-going medical illnesses for myself and family

overlapping school work.


pay back student loans , family problems

Personal family problems

Please see my comments on my application that I submitted 4/30/15.

Pre-OT being cancelled and having to switch majors

Prep for Psychology courses not transferring, family problems, mental illness, athletics

procrastination, financial

repeating courses

repeating courses from previous JC classes

repeating courses that I had already taken, but didn't count for transfer credit

repeating courses, adding and finishing my minor, deciding to switch to psychology major

Repeating courses, getting classes needed, family/friendship stress

Scheduling, long commute

SJSU administration

Social life versus Academic responsibilities

Some financial and family issues.

Some major challenges include money, family, getting into classes, depression, and having to repeat a few courses

Stable housing, family.

stress, work/school load, personal relationships

Taking 16 units per semester, summer and winter school to graduate on time.

The major challenges that I faced at SJSu were getting into the required classes and dealing with the expenses of being a full time student.

Transferred Credits, Many issues with the registrar's office

transitioning from a rural, agricultural area to a city; gaining social support among peers; getting needed classes; developing connections and finding work

Trying to change majors from Psychology to Kinesiology, but I ended up being in the major I was meant for.

trying to get into the nursing program, working, getting into the classes needed to graduate, having a hold placed on my account because I had too many credits so I couldn't get the class I needed to graduate

Trying to sign up for classes.

understanding college system, I am a first generation college student. At first I had difficulty getting information.


work and finances

Work and financial issues

Work, adding classes, tuition

Work, Being an RA

Work, changing majors, financial, staying on track

Work, commuting, getting needed classes

work, family

Work, family issues, procrastination, getting "senioritis," & getting into classes needed for graduation.

work, family, and financial

work, family, changing majors, getting into classes

work, family, stress!

Work, getting needed class, changing major's focus

work, moving, changing majors

work, sport, family, changing majors

work, time management

working and taking on a full class load and repeating classes that I already took at a pervious university. I also felt that I wasnt aware of programs that I would have gotteninvolved in

Working full time

working full time, courses not available in the evening

working full-time and studying, financial issues

Working over 40hrs while attending school

Departmental Contributions to Students

In what way(s) has the department contributed to your success(es) as a student or otherwise?

A few of the professors were very helpful.

academically and mentally

academically and mentally

ACCESS center



All of my professors provided me and my peers with fantastic information. Their time, hard work, communication, dedication, and patience have had a positive impact on my academic success.

All of my Psych professors have helped me to achieve academically, either by providing helpful feedback on academic work, or by offering professional support and understanding through personal challenges. I could not have succeeded without such a wonderful team of educators, who all have inspired me to achieve my best and to persevere through challenges.

All the professors and advisors really cared and demostrated genuine support to all of us.

All the professors have been great advisors and readily available to assist with classes and future plans.

Allowing me to be a research assistant, and having professors who have helped give me academic advice

Allowing students to meet there professors for office hours.

Always having someone available to talk to

Always open and available for help and support

amazing professors that truly want their students to succeed

Being available for advice both educationally and interpersonally

better understanding of human development, and meet people who can help me become better

Broad subject matter covered.

Broaden my perspective and knowledge of psychology especially because of the amazing professors here at SJSU

By allowing talented teachers to practice their craft like Dr. Glen Callahan

by encouraging and advising me

by having a few professors that do care about their students and their success.

By having amazing professors like Dr. Mary Still and Dr. Glen Callagan that support their students so much

By providing instructors that are passionate about what they are teaching; for the most part.

By providing the resources such as academic advisors

By providing the right classes and great professors to educate students.

by the encouragement and support by my professors, especially Dr. Elena Klaw and Laura Jones

Critical thinking

Development of research interests and career opportunities

diversity has helped me and passionate teachers

Dr. Feist

Dr. Klaw was extremely supportive as a professor

Every teacher I have had in the department have been very open to helping whenever I needed it.

Faculty advising has helped me better prepare myself for graduate school.

faculty and fellow classmates are always extremely supportive and ready to offer help

Faculty were open to me discussing future career goals and tailoring my academic experience to it.

FANTASTIC approchable professors

gave me a better perspective in life

Gave me greater interest in the field of psychology.

Gave me the right skillset to obtain a position in the current workplace

given a variety of courses in different interests of psychology

Given me experience that I will use in the future

Good classes and helpful professors

good teachers

Good teachers

Good teachers

Great communication with professors

Great faculty

Great faculty has inspired me to keep growing

Great faculty has inspired me to keep growing

Great professor who encouraged me to succeed.

Great professors

Great professors and advisors

Great professors who were very helpful

Great professors, wonderful advisors - especially Dr Snyceski

Great professors, wonderful advisors - especially Dr Snyceski

great teachers

Great teachers

Greater understanding of myself and others; how complex psychological issues affect individuals and society, in both positive and negative ways


has a lot of courses that prepares you to what you want to be in your career life.

Has allowed to broaden my horizons in terms of seeking a career

Having a computer lab available for students

having a great selection of classes

having advisors at all hours was really helpful, drop in made it easy

Help me to become an outstanding student by fulling my needs as a person.

helped me along the way

Helped me focus on what I want to do after undergrad.


Helped me learn and acquire skills to better understand Psychology.

Helped with my writing skills, critical thinking skills, research skills, and interpersonal skills

helpful staff

helpful staff

Helpful when needed and all professors very knowledgable in their area of study.

Hiring of quality instructors and advisors

I am not more attuned to the field of Psychology. My research skills have greatly improved. I also feel that my capacity for empathy has increased tremendously. I still have A LOT to learn, but SJSU has given me the tools to mine my own gold

I feel more aware of my personal surroundings and have a better understanding of how mental illness affects the person in question.

i feel the department has provided me with the proper knoledge to one day apply for a masters program

I had great professors that were knowledgeable and passionate about psychology.

I have such a wide array of psychology knowledge

I learned a lot from the teachers, doing research with one of the teachers has been really helpful.

I liked every course I signed up for, I like that psy department does not have any filler classes. Each course adds value to students' degree programs.

I think that all the advisors are really helpful which help me understand career choices.

I think that the professor sin the Psych dept are just so passionate about teaching psychology that they really inspire psych students/

I took courses with professors that wanted to connect with students, this has motivated to seek a profession in which I help other achieve their best.

I was able to get into my classes

I was given many opportunities to improve my skills and a few opportunities to move forward in my career

I'm not sure

in giving me the knowledge to realize that the more I study the less smart I feel because there is so much in this world to learn.

increased my knowledge and expnded my views about topics in psychology

It gave me a different outlook on people and helped me understand why I may be the way I am and how I could become a better person.

It has giving me the foundation in psychology needed to be sucessful in graduate school.

It has helped me become analytical and understanding towards others when communicating

It has helped me better determine an area interest

It has helped me gain critical thinking skills as well as analyzing skills

it has made me want to continue my education in psychology

It has taught me how to be critical thinker, openess how to communicate with people, and better writing skills

It prepared me for life challenges as well as a strong understanding of psychology as a career.

It provided a student lounge at DMH and selected a handful of amazing professors (a few is better than none)

it's financial support to attend a professional conference and the office staff's support of Psi Chi.

I've had teachers that have taught me many things because they were so passionate about what they were teaching.

Just increasing my knowledge of the psychology world.

Knowledgable professors

Lab research with professors

Laid out the requirements all over the department so I understood what classes I need to graduate.

Learning and thinking as an Individual amongst many

Learning perspective

loved psyc 190 - can really apply the lessons to real life and modern day


Mentoring with professors and understanding they can be real people instead of people who give assignments.

mentorship and internship opportunities

My advisor, Dr. Snycerski, is always warm, willing to help, and informative. I enjoy that she was patient meeting with me each semester to ensure I was taking the correct course. Additionally, she was always open to help me with school assignments when I took her PSYC 100W. Ellyn Herb ignited a passion within me to learn about eating disorders. Glen Callaghan has taught me that everyone struggles and has always welcomed conversations of my future education. The majority of my professors have always been open to helping me with any school assignments and answering PSYC related questions.















not just the department, but once I was taking more psychology classes, I knew I had to get my act together

Not sure

Offered a degree program.

Offered opportunities

Office hours, approachable teachers

Opened my mind up to different ideas in psychology

Please see my comments on my application that I submitted 4/30/15.

Prepare us for grad school

prepared for an understanding of the badic knowledge in psychology and how to critically think and analyze articles related to psychology

Professional writing standard

Professors are compassionate and passionate about what they teach. Learned a lot from Professors. They are very dedicated to what they do.

Professors are very helpful, going through different electives helped me decide what I wanted

Professors give great advice on the necessary steps to take when planning for graduate school

Professors have been extremely open to support me in their office hours, with course reated discussions as well as discussions about higher education and professional opportunities. I also think it has been helpful for them to hold their students to high standards in preparation for work in the field of mental health (or other fields). They truly take pride in psychology and their respective areas of expertise and that is inspiring and a good model to follow as a student and professional.

Professors have contributed by being great instructors and advisors. By sharing their knowledge and passion, and going the extra mile for their students. A special thanks to Dr. Rogers for her exceptional support throughout my thesis process.

Professors inform you on what you need to do outside of the classroom to be successful in Psychology

Professors were always helpful and invested in their students

Professors who wanted to help you sucseed

Provided a fostering nature in which I was able to learn and develop my skills

Providing knowledgeable Professors that care about the future of their students.

Psychology is my passion. Professors, like Dr. Del Chiaro, and his different way of teaching (not using a power point) and giving real life examples helped me understand the various topics for the class.

Putting research into practice

Rad teachers.

Referred me to opportunities and helped me create a CV, cover letter, as well as guiding me toward graduation and future success based on my performance. Really felt a great contribution from Dr. Van Selst and Dr. Chancellor-Freeland

research assistant opportunity

Several of my professors-- though not all-- were organized and interesting in their presentation of the material, along with their expectations of students. These professors motivated me to study hard, unlike the disorganized, unreliable, and unavailable professors who made me feel like their classes were a waste of time.

small cases, avalable and knowlegable instructores

so much help with grad school

some amazing staff , callaghan, wagner, green

some great professors

Some professors have been very supportive and encouraging

Surrounding myself with faculty and peers that understand what I'm trying to achieve for my goals and future. Providing the necessary resources to facilitate a learning environment along. The department indirectly helped me make new friends and close relations with ideal minds.

Taught me how to think critically.

Teachers have shaped the way their students learn, express themselves, and the world with their knowledge of psychology and daily life.

the ACCESS center!

The courses I took and the professors I interacted with helped to not only broaden my understanding of psychological topics but encourage my own curiosity and desire to conduct my own research into the field of psychology.

the courses, the professors who genuinely cared, helped, and taught, and advisors who genuinely guided and supported,

The department has active faculty who actually made me want to push myself and strive for success. They are always available and motivating.

The department has active faculty who actually made me want to push myself and strive for success. They are always available and motivating.

The department has contributed to my success with office hours to talk with professors for assistance, Psi Chi lounge for studying, discussions about the topic during class, and an opportunity to be a research assistant for one of faculty members

The department has given me the knowledge I need as well as the knowledge I am interested in pursuing to help me on my journey to my future career.

The department has helped me by hiring me for two different jobs.

The department has offered challenging courses that truly enhance me to think critically

The department has set the foundation to move on to the graduate program for Human Factors/Ergonomics

The department offers a lot of helpful workshops and conferences

The faculty members that I listed contributed to my success in presenting psych material in such a way that they were engaging and compelling enough to want to learn more.

The professors are all very knowledgeable and helpful.

The professors have been informative and professional. Their guidance has helped me plan out my future.

The professors I had were very excited to teach and want their students to succeed

The professors I have had the pleasure of learning from all offered resources and aid when ever needed.

The professors in the Psychology Department have contributed to my success as a student by providing good content in their classes and by making themselves available to help me outside of the classroom.

The professors I've taken have been very helpful. They break down course content in a way that's easy to understand and give assignments that further develop ideas and concepts.

The program has allowed me to be a better writer. I am able to think and look at topics from different point of views to help solve problems. I feel my creativity has greatly improved as well.

The psychology department has contributed to my success as a student and has helped me become one step closer to my goal. Thank you so much!

The psychology faculty are committed to student success, compassionate to student needs, and made themselves available to assist students in various ways.

The talented professors who are dedicated to educating all of the students to be their best in the field of psychology, being able to apply everything they have learned.

their passion and teaching skills

there are so many wonderful groups and events that cater to the student (most for free)

They are always open to help you and advise you, even push you to do your best. My professors have always encouraged me to do better.

They have always been open to questions

They have motivated me to go to graduate school

They have provided the knowledge and foundation I need in order to pursue a career within the field

they helped improve my writing ability. i am more confident in writing than i was in undergraduate.

They provided me with the knowledge and encouragement to find a path I want to pursue and do so well.

This department has provided me with very competent and intelligent professors who taught me valuable lessons from their subject speciality, and provided me with the tools needed to develop critical thinking skills.

This department has really taught me how to think critically and apply myself to a challenging situation

Varied courses

Very helpful professors

Very much. Professors I've worked with have informed and guided me in my decision to pursue the grad program I was accepted to.

Yes, Professor Van Selst has been incredibly helpful throughout my college career at SJSU

Suggested Improvements

In what way(s) can the department be improved?

100W was pointless. I felt as if I learned nothing new and my classmates had to figure out how to write a literature review on their own. Fortunately, I had taken social psychology a semester prior and had learned to write one there but if I hadn't, I would have struggled immensely in 100W

A/C in the building

A/C in the DMH.

Add a bit of overlap

Add in more people of color that have been through many life tribulations. Real issues not from the book.


Afford more psycholohy classes

Air conditioning

air conditioning

Air Conditioning in DMH building!

Air Conditioning!!!!!!!!

announce more research opportunities

Be more clear on students need to do be successful

Be more in tune with the needs of the 21st century workforce - be more analytic oriented

Better AC, more individual and counseling based courses

Better advertisement of opportunities and consistency in information for students

Better advisors

better building , teacher, more resources

Better communication when pulling a professor out for investigation (Lauree Huntsman)

Better enviroment, DMH is TOO HOT. Having summer and late spring classes in over-heated classrooms was hard to focus.

Better outreach to students.

Better professors

better professors

Better representation of student population in the faculty

Better, more personalized advising. Teaching about what career options are available.

bring in more hispanic and other ethnic/culturally diverse professors

Build a better building!

Building and Coursework

By allowing the teachers to just teach and add all their students that need the classes to graduate such as the Capstone class

By extending office hours of professors.

by looking for a more diverse faculty of professors, more latino professors, and give them they support they need if they feel as if they are not being treated the same.

by presenting current treatment interventions like ISTDP, Intensive Short Term Dynamic Psychotherapy

Can offer more guidance in terms of career and continuing education

care more about what the students learns by discussion versus by tests - tests cannot be generalized to intelligence

career resources/externship

class availability

cloning Dr. Feist

easy to slide through without actually knowing how to do research on your own by the end.

Every psychology class should spend at least 1-2 lectures discussing opportunities and options for higher education as well as careers/professional opportunities.

Get a new building for students.

Get a new psychology building

give more guidance on how to find and get internships

Give professors more time to dedicate to their students.

Give the psychology department a new building/center.

Guide students into what kind of jobs are available for them after receiving a BA or BS.

Have a course focusing on the multicultural perspective in th defied of psychology in terms of therapy.

Have more classes available for students so there isn't such a wait list for major/capstone classes

Have more classes offered so the courses needed for the major can be accessed by all who need them

Have more teachers who are passionate about psychology and Renovate DMH

Have professors that don't talk about themselves that whole time

Having DMH get AC

Having more Capstone classes!

Help more in understanding the process to graduation and what needs to be done.

Help more in understanding the process to graduation and what needs to be done.

Hire more professors of colour and let mediocre professors go

hold some professors more accountable for being enthusiastic for their subject.

I don't know

I know that professors are extremely busy, but office hours are too limited, especially since many students are working when they're not in class. Thus, they have difficulty meeting with professors one-on-one to get help. There are not enough major advisors and it is ridiculous how long students must wait to see one (during their limited days/hours of availability, rather than having the ability to make an appointment via phone/online, as I was able to do in my community college. I've often waited in the hallway for hours without being seen by an advisor. This does not encourage students to care whether or not they are on the right track towards graduation. Also, perhaps professors need to be evaluated more regularly because some do not have the patience or tact to be teaching. The challenges of getting into a class are also ludicrous, as if the school admits more students than they have room for; please either add more sections, be more selective with admissions, or develop a better system of ensuring that students obtain the classes they need to graduate.

I think the department can be improved by having more professors of color. As a student of color, it can be discouraging to see the lack of professors of color in the Psychology department. I think that they would bring a unique perspective, a perspective that isn’t always necessarily heard or talked about. They may even have different ways of thinking that could spark the mind of the next Sigmund Freud or Albert Einstein.

I think the department could be improved by adding additional labs for students to participate as research assistants. I know there were various professors that did have labs, but I had trouble finding one that was conducting research on a topic I was interested in to carry on to graduate school.

I wish counselors knew more about graduating and the next steps and I wish teachers would have mentioned that professor's labs were exclusively for master students.

I would have liked to have more guidance in getting involved outside of the classroom, such as being a part of research teams.

if there is a way to involve more students in group activities that would help strengthen the community of psych students

If they assigned the students an advisor.

Implementing a way that all professors can have the same APA style of writting.

Improving our department with more teachers and better classroom environments.

In its courses

introduce students to more employment opportunities prior to graduation

Involve the students more with the opportunities that are available.

It can teach us better writing skills earlier in college (before 100W)

It would be wonderful if all the professors used Canvas.

It's been said many times, but improve the building the department is housed in at least. Increase the resources allocated to the department as well. It is provided with such little resources that research courses are very limited in terms of what can be explored and applied. Incorporating statistics into the core classes would be a huge benefit to many students as well if they planned on pursuing graduate programs. By doing so, they may actually feel more confident in their skills and knowledge in statistics. Incorporate statistics as the format of APA is integrated into almost all psychology courses.

It's great

I've never been more stressed as a student when it came to adding classes. I would cry in the bathroom stalls because I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to sign up for classes.. For the first two semesters I didn't get priority registration, therefore I wasn't guaranteed a seat even if I signed up the moment my appointment time opened.

keep the good teachers in the department

Lack of resources is a problem in this department. The poor building conditions hinder academic involvement and success.

Lack of resources is an issue. Statistics lab needs to be improved with more openness to students coming in for help. Building is a detrimental environment that deters participation in the department activities. Faculty are available for advising but sometimes get overwhelmed with students who need to speak with them.

Letting students be ambitious

Major Advising and Air Conditioning

Make more room in the 190 classes

Making office hours more flexible to students who can only go to class in the afternoon and commute. Also having mentors within the department, even peer mentors.

Maybe add a couple more section of Capstone classes for future graduating seniors.

Maybe have courses listed by which courses will be open for which upcoming semesters like the anthro dept.

Maybe offer more resources for lab experience

Maybe offering more available seats in Capstone classes. Many graduating students had some difficulty adding.

More available spaces in courses!! definitely!

more check up with students on mid-semester grades- make sure they're emphasizing the importance of passing the course

More class room

More class sections open so students can get the classes they need

more classes

More classes for students to add.

more classes in how psychology is applied to the real world, less repetition of information in classes about things from ancient history, more recent topics in psychology, more opportunities for outside learning/research/events, a renovated building, and more organization from certain professors (an unorganized class is the most challenging to get through)

More classes offered

More classes offereed at different times of the day, and earlier in the day.

more classes with competent professors who want to be there

More classes!!

More courses similar to The Science of meaning of Life

more diversity in professors

More emphasis on research.

More good teachers

More good teachers

More hands-on training, less lecturing

More inclusive and informative of events, opportunities, internships, or lab positions available. The psych students should be emailed with these opportunities. Flyers on the boards are not enough.

More information about grad programs and path at SJSU

more involvement with helping aid students, counseling can be improved

more lab time

More multiculturalism

More outreach to help students understand what courses to take based on their field of interest and what opportunities (e.g. research) are available to them

more professors with a broader research background

more pysche evening classes

More research

More research based and statistics classes

More research support

More room in classes!!!

more teachers.











Need a different building

Need more Advisors

Need more job/intern oppurtunities!

need offer more course because psychology is so impacted.

needs better advising

needs more money for better equipment/supplies/resources

new building

new building

new building

No comment.










Not sure

not sure

Nothing that stands out to me.


offer more classes

offer more courses

Offer more paid employment opportunities to Research Assistants

Offer more/different classes

offer students more classes

Open more class spots

Opening more classes that are important for graduation (ex. Psyc 190)

Perhaps have more fun and different psychology courses.

Perhaps more workshops to help understand and layout what classes should be taken and what other activities one should be involved in in preparation for grad school. For instance, I did not know that research was important for going for a PhD or that research opportunities were available for students until the last semester of my Jr year.

please remodel DMH

Please see my comments on my application that I submitted 4/30/15.

Professor should inform student about grad progemas

professors must not allow plagiarism

Provide students with advisors who will take their time to go over your Ed. Plan step-by-step in order for students to not be confused and prosper. In addition, provide students with more professors from different cultures. The department should also inform students about the CLEP Exam. Many professors and students lack this information. The building needs to be seriously rebuilt.

Providing knowledgeable resources for Professors that care about the future of their students.

psychology office and office hours should be on the same floor, not just the same building

Reduce the number of students they can accept into the program so that the students already in the program can have decently sized classes where learning is optimal.

rework the MA program so that certain classes are not required (child psychology, neuroscience), understand that not everyone is going on to a PhD and so some career help would be appreciated

should have more classes that applied learning rather than strictly learning from the textbook

Show what type of class 190 is. Need to add in more research requirements and service learnin requirements

smalled classrooms. More one on one interaction with teather and student

Some counselors are rude and it is hard to approach them not feeling welcomed

Some of the faculty are very unapproachable. I also feel that there is a slight disconnect between the graduate students and undergraduates. I feel there should be some connection between the two, because when I was an undergraduate student I had no I dea of the experimental/IO/clinical programs and it would have been nice to somehow incorporate a meeting between the undergraduate psyc students and the graduate students.


Students should have more options for advisors or should be required to meet with one prior to their junior year

Teachers can put a higher emphasis on being prepared for grad school and the importance of the teacher, student relationship.

The 100w could be improved on. If you would actually like to hear some ideas I would love to share some of mine.

The advisors need to have better knowledge of the graduation applications as well as process

the building needs help

The MA program can be more research driven

The psychology department could provide more internship opportunities in the future, the department can be improved by providing better technology equipments in the classroom (e.g., portable usb ports so students don't have to bring their laptop each during presentation), improve the restroom, air-con and heater

There can be more organization when meeting with advisors.

to focus more on writing and give individual projects

We need better advising


With a new damn building. Or a floor with A/C.