electrolysis cleaning method or how to make your yugo

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  • 7/29/2019 Electrolysis Cleaning Method or How to Make Your Yugo


    Electrolysis cleaning method or How to make your Yugo's bore shine.

    on: September 20, 2007, 09:19:27 AM

    handyrandyrc and I used his electrolysis rig last night to clean a couple of my rifles. One was

    my FR8 and the other my Yugo SKS. I will describe the steps that we used and the tools we usedto do this.

    First, the electrolysis rig:This was an old AC power supply that was rated at 6 volts. It has two alligator clips on it, one

    large clip for positive and a small clip for negative. The electrode is just a piece of steel rod that

    has electrical tape on it to insulate it from touching the bbl and shorting the system.

  • 7/29/2019 Electrolysis Cleaning Method or How to Make Your Yugo


    Prepping the gun:

    Too simple for words... Plug the chamber with whatever you have handy. Randy has a number of

    various sized rubber stoppers. One of them fit perfectly into the 7.62 mm breach. Then you tapea funnel to the bbl to ease pouring the solution into the bbl and to accomodate the foam and

    detritus that will come up.

  • 7/29/2019 Electrolysis Cleaning Method or How to Make Your Yugo


    Getting started:

    You then insert the rod into the bbl, making sure that you have tape at the muzzle to keep a short

  • 7/29/2019 Electrolysis Cleaning Method or How to Make Your Yugo


    from occurring. Pour in your solution (thoughts on this later) and attach the positive lead to the

    bbl and the negative lead to the electrode.

  • 7/29/2019 Electrolysis Cleaning Method or How to Make Your Yugo


    Time for fun:

    Plug in the AC adapter and watch the surface of the solution. Very soon, assuming no shorts in

    the system, you will see bubbles start to rise. In a few minutes the bubbles will bring up somespecs of the material being removed from the bore. We let it sit for about ten minutes before

    unplugging the power source and cleaning off the electrode with cloth and then steel wool. Pour

    out the solution and then rinse and repeat.

  • 7/29/2019 Electrolysis Cleaning Method or How to Make Your Yugo


  • 7/29/2019 Electrolysis Cleaning Method or How to Make Your Yugo


  • 7/29/2019 Electrolysis Cleaning Method or How to Make Your Yugo


    Finishing off the cleaning process:

    After a few cycles of cleaning, remove the plug, pour boiling water into the bore to remove the

  • 7/29/2019 Electrolysis Cleaning Method or How to Make Your Yugo


    solution, and then run some Ed's Red through the bore to bring out the funk. Once your patches

    are clean oil the bore and you are good to go.

    Final thoughts and theories:Concerning the solution. We used diluted household cleaner. I think there may be better choices

    however. I think that if you used salt water you would get a better result.

    The electrolysis did not remove all of the material, but it does seem to loosen it to the point that

    it is removed easily with patches and solvent. The Yugo in particular had an almost tar

    substance that was coming out of the bore. It's amazing how much crap came out once weloosened the baked on glaze that was in that bore.

    The electrode may work better if you have high grade steel. It also may work better if the

    solution was as close to neutral pH as possible. Some conductivity is required in the solution sosalt water will work better than plain water and distilled water will not work at all.

    The first power source we used died mid way. Randy simply replaced the source with a 5 volt

    cell phone charger that worked like a champ. He soldierd the clips to the wires after checkingthe voltage with a multimeter.