electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance measurements ... · the electrochemical quartz crystal...

Electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance measurements of CO adsorption and oxidation on Pt in various electrolytes Citation for published version (APA): Visscher, W., Gootzen, J. F. E., Cox, A. P., & Veen, van, J. A. R. (1998). Electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance measurements of CO adsorption and oxidation on Pt in various electrolytes. Electrochimica Acta, 43(5-6), 533-547. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0013-4686%2897%2900092-3, https://doi.org/10.1016/S0013- 4686(97)00092-3 DOI: 10.1016/S0013-4686%2897%2900092-3 10.1016/S0013-4686(97)00092-3 Document status and date: Published: 01/01/1998 Document Version: Publisher’s PDF, also known as Version of Record (includes final page, issue and volume numbers) Please check the document version of this publication: • A submitted manuscript is the version of the article upon submission and before peer-review. There can be important differences between the submitted version and the official published version of record. People interested in the research are advised to contact the author for the final version of the publication, or visit the DOI to the publisher's website. • The final author version and the galley proof are versions of the publication after peer review. • The final published version features the final layout of the paper including the volume, issue and page numbers. Link to publication General rights Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. • Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain • You may freely distribute the URL identifying the publication in the public portal. If the publication is distributed under the terms of Article 25fa of the Dutch Copyright Act, indicated by the “Taverne” license above, please follow below link for the End User Agreement: www.tue.nl/taverne Take down policy If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us at: [email protected] providing details and we will investigate your claim. Download date: 21. Sep. 2020

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Page 1: Electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance measurements ... · The electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance "EQCM# is a very sensitive device for in situ monitoring of adsorption

Electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance measurements ofCO adsorption and oxidation on Pt in various electrolytesCitation for published version (APA):Visscher, W., Gootzen, J. F. E., Cox, A. P., & Veen, van, J. A. R. (1998). Electrochemical quartz crystalmicrobalance measurements of CO adsorption and oxidation on Pt in various electrolytes. Electrochimica Acta,43(5-6), 533-547. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0013-4686%2897%2900092-3, https://doi.org/10.1016/S0013-4686(97)00092-3


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\ PergamonElectrochimica Acta, Vol. 43, Nos 5–6, pp. 533–547, 1998

7 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.Printed in Great Britain

0013–4686/98 $19.00+0.00PII: S0013-4686(97)00092-3

Electrochemical quartz crystal microbalancemeasurements of CO adsorption and oxidation

on Pt in various electrolytes

W. Visscher,* J. F. E. Gootzen, A. P. Cox and J. A. R. van Veen

Laboratory of Inorganic Chemistry and Catalysis, Eindhoven University of Technology, P.O. Box 513,5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands

(Received 8 November 1996; in revised form 19 February 1997)

Abstract—The adsorption behaviour of Pt was investigated with the electrochemical quartz microbalanceduring potential scanning in acid electrolytes. From the mass increase with potential it is concluded that inthe potential range of hydrogen desorption and double layer both water and anions are adsorbed in H2SO4

and H3PO4, whereas in HClO4 there is only adsorption of water molecules. The mass changes in the oxygenregion indicate that anions are included in the oxide layer. The Pt/COads system was studied in H2SO4, HClO4

and H3PO4. The presence of adsorbed CO is observed as a mass increase with respect to the CO-free system.The results show that water is adsorbed on top of the adsorbed CO layer at low potentials. Moreover, it canbe concluded from the mass-balance data that water molecules are attached to the hydrogen monolayer at0.03 V vs R.H.E. in sulfuric and perchloric acid, but not in phosphoric acid. 7 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd

Key words: electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance, Pt, water adsorption, anion adsorption, carbonmonoxide


The electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance(EQCM) is a very sensitive device for in situmonitoring of adsorption processes at electrodes,enabling detection of species even in submonolayerquantities [1–4].

The technique is based on the measurement ofchanges in the resonant frequency of a quartzcrystal. By coating the crystal with metal, the systembecomes an electrochemical mass sensor, capable ofmeasuring mass changes of all species that araattached to the electrode surface, including non-elec-trochemically active species such as electrolyte ionsand water molecules. In a recent review onelectrosorption studies, however, Horanyi [5] raisesdoubts whether water can indeed be measured withthe EQCM.

For mass changes smaller than 0.5% of the totalweight of the crystal, a linear correlation existsbetween the mass change (Dm) and the frequencychange (Df ):

Dm= −SADf S=zrqmq

2f 20


where S=Sauerbrey constant which can becalculated from the quartz material constants;f0 = resonant frequency; A=active area of thecrystal; mq and rq are shear modulus and density ofquartz. S=17.67 ng Hz−1 cm−2 for a crystal withresonant frequency of 5 MHz. The frequency changeof the crystal in contact with a liquid with density (rL)and viscosity (hL) is also affected by viscosity changeD(zrLhL) in the interface:

Df= −2f 2


zrqmq 0DmA


z4pf0 1.Changes in the viscosity of the outer Helmholtz layerhave been considered to interpret frequency changesthat were measured in the double layer region on Au[6]. The roughness of the electrode can also play arole: liquid, trapped in surface cavities, will give anextra mass contribution. Moreover changes in thesurface roughness can distort the results [7].*Corresponding author.


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The mass balance results published up to now forthe electrochemically well known system of Pt arecontradicting. In sulfuric acid generally a massincrease during potential scanning from low to highvalues has been found, which was interpreted as anincrease of water adsorption and/or anion adsorption[8–11].

For the electrochemically very similar system of Ptin perchloric acid both a mass increase and a massdecrease have been reported in the low potentialrange [12–14].

We wanted to apply the EQCM method for afurther investigation of CO adsorbed on Pt, inparticular, to find out whether water is co-adsorbedwith CO. With ellipsometry an adsorbed CO layerwas clearly observed [15], but its composition couldnot be established. For proper evaluation of thePtCOads system detailed knowledge of the adsorptionbehaviour of Pt itself is required. So in this paper wewill study: (i) the mass changes on Pt in the presenceof different anions and (ii) the oxidation of adsorbedCO in different electrolytes.


The electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance(Eco Chemie) is a (Teflon) probe which can be placedin an electrolyte solution, such that one side of thedisc-shaped metal coated quartz crystal (area0.374 cm2) is in contact with the electrolyte. Thefrequency changes were measured with a Philips PM6680B/016 frequency counter, the noise level is ca0.5 Hz. The fundamental frequency of the quartzcrystal (AT cut, Au coated) is 5 MHz and wasobtained from Phelps Electronics.

For the electrochemical experiments the probe isconnected with Autolab potentioscan PGSTAT 10 or20; the frequency–potential changes can be recordedsimultaneously with the voltammogram. All chemi-cals are p.a. grade solutions and were prepared withultrapure water (Ecostat 18.2 MV); CO gas (HoekLoos) purity is 4.7. The counterelectrode was a Ptfoil; the reference electrode was a Hg/Hg2SO4,saturated K2SO4 reference electrode in acid electro-lytes and a Hg/HgO in alkaline electrolyte. Allpotentials are referred to R.H.E.

Before the experiments argon was passed throughto remove dissolved oxygen. All measurements wereperformed at Pt which was electrodeposited onto Aufrom 0.02 M (NH4)2PtCl6 +0.8 M Na2HPO4 at acurrent density of 5 mA cm−2 for 10 min, such thata smooth light grey deposit is obtained.


Cu deposition

For calibration of the Pt/Au quartz crystal theelectrodeposition of (bulk) Cu was chosen.

Cu was deposited onto Pt from 10−3 MCuSO4 +0.5 M H2SO4 at 0.06 V for a fixed time;thereafter, the deposit was dissolved during potentialscan (20 mV s−1) in a positive direction and thechange in frequency with potential was recordedsimultaneously with the voltammogram. The fre-quency change corresponding with the Cu dissolutionwas determined by taking the difference in frequencyat 0.06 V with respect to that in Cu-free electrolyte,which is taken as the bare surface. From thevoltammogram, the coulometric charge was ob-tained. Several runs were carried out with Cu depositsranging from 3 to 14 mC. From these data theSauerbrey constant was calculated with:



Q=charge associated with Cu dissolution,MW=molecular weight of Cu, n=number ofelectrons, F=Faraday constant. This yields:S=(17.62 2%) ng Hz−1 cm−2, in agreement withthe theoretical value.

Fig. 1. (A) Frequency–potential diagram and (B) voltam-mogram of Pt in 0.5 M H2SO4; scan rate 20 mV s−1.

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Fig. 2. Effect of scan rate on frequency–potential curve in 0.5 M H2SO4 for electrodeposited Pt (roughness factor 33). Scanrates: (a) 200, (b) 20 and (c) 5 mV s−1.

Electrodeposited Pt; effect of roughness

Figure 1 gives the frequency–potential plottogether with the voltammogram for Pt in 0.5 MH2SO4. Going from 0.03 to 1.4 V the frequencydecreases and thus the mass increases over the wholepotential range. The f–E curve shows a steep changein the H desorption area followed by a smaller changein the double layer region; in the hydrogen desorptionarea the frequency changes coincide with the H peakpotentials. There is a further rapid frequency decreaseconcurrent with the start of the oxygen coverage.Changing the scan rate does not affect thefrequency–potential pattern. The pattern of fre-quency change for the electrodeposited Pt is verysimilar to that observed on other types of Ptelectrodes such as sputtered Pt [8, 9], film-coated Pt[10] or evaporated Pt [11]. The roughness factor of theelectrodeposited Pt in Fig. 1 is 13 (calculated from QH

with 0.21 mC cm−2 for a Pt0H monolayer); theroughness factor of the film coated Pt is 3.5, for theevaporated Pt 13 and for the sputtered electrodes wecalculated roughness factors 2–5. If a rougher depositis applied (roughness factor 33), the f–E plot at thesame scan rate [Fig. 2(b)] shows a different behaviourin the H desorption/adsorption range: the frequency

remains virtually constant up to 0.25 V and thendecreases; furthermore, the frequency response in thelow potential range varies with increasing scan rate,as shown by the other curves in Fig. 2. Soelectrodeposited Pt will only give the same massbalance results as smooth Pt if the roughness factoris low. Data obtained with rougher deposited Pt canbe affected by the electrolyte present in the porousdeposit, such an effect was also noted by Schumacheret al. [7].

Ageing can drastically alter the frequency responseaccording to Raudonis et al. [16]. Using sputtered Pt(roughness factor 6–7) in 0.2 M H2SO4 they found afrequency decrease (mass increase) over the wholepotential range of H desorption and O adsorption ifthe electrode is fresh and stabilized, but a frequencyincrease for a strongly aged electrode (more than10,000 cycles). A less aged electrode (1000 cycles)shows an intermediate pattern of both an increaseand a decrease of frequency. In their opinion suchchange in behaviour is not evoked by changes inroughness, although the voltammograms change intime. A similar frequency increase for Pt over thewhole potential range was reported earlier [17], but itis not clear whether this concerns an aged electrode.

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Wilde and Zhang [12, 13] also have used electro-deposited Pt on Au (roughness factor 20–30), butthey found that the mass changes in the low potentialregion in 0.1 M HClO4 differ with the scan rate;repeated cycling affected the results which wereattributed to changes in area and structure.

Mass–potential behaviour in H2SO4 electrolyte

The frequency change of Pt during potentialcycling was investigated in 0.1, 0.5 and 1 M H2SO4.All curves show a similar behaviour. The masschange per mol Pt can be calculated from thefrequency change in the potential range of Hdesorption, taking into account the real surface area,given by QH. The results for the mass change in theH desorption area are summarized in Table 1; thevalues do not vary significantly with acid concen-tration. The literature data, also listed in this table,show some variation, but it is noted that the resultsare obtained by different authors.

The frequency change in the potential rangecorresponding with oxygen coverage was measuredfor potential scans to different end potentials up to1.6 V. The oxide coverage at each end potential,QO(E), was determined from the simultaneouslyrecorded voltammograms. The total frequencychange, determined with respect to the frequency atthe initial potential (0.03 V), is plotted in Fig. 3 for0.5 M H2SO4 as a function of the oxide coveragewhich is expressed as QO(E)/2QH to exclude theroughness factor. The frequency varies linearly withoxygen coverage. The frequency data for the threesulfuric acid concentrations are converted to masschange per mol Pt, taking into account the QH valuefor each series; these results are given in Fig. 4. Theslope of the curves increases with acid concentration.At QO(E)/2QH =0 all curves reach virtually the samemass value, ca 9 g (mol Pt)−1; this implies that thetotal mass change in the region of H desorption anddouble layer region does not vary with acidconcentration. This is an interesting result, particu-larly in view of the fact that it has been established[18–24] that sulfate species adsorb on Pt in the rangefrom ca 0.1 to 1.1 V, reaching a maximum around0.6–0.8 V, with increasing concentration more sulfate

Fig. 3. Total frequency change vs oxide coverage QO/2QH in0.5 M H2SO4.

is adsorbed. At higher potentials ( q 1 V) sulfate ionsare included in the oxide layer. Shimazu and Kita [10]attribute the mass change in both H desorption anddouble layer region to water adsorption, whereasWatanabe et al. [8] argue that in the double layerregion specific adsorption or coadsorption ofbisulfate species takes place. Markovic et al. [23]

Fig. 4. Total mass change vs oxide coverage QO/2QH; Q:0.1, q: 0.5 and W: 1 M H2SO4.

Table 1.Mass change [g (mol Pt)−1] in H desorption range inH2SO4

Concentra- This Literaturetion (M) work values Reference

0.05 6.5a 80.1 6.3 5 9

6.5 100.5 7.1 9 111 6.6

aEstimated from their results.

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Table 2.Mass change [g (mol Pt)−1] for oxygen monolayer[QO(E)/2QH =1] in H2SO4

Concentra- This Literaturetion (M) work values Reference

0.05 17.2a 80.1 14.7 16 9

17.9b 100.5 18.2 18.1b 111 19.9

aEstimated from their results.bExtrapolated from their results.

weakly bonded hydrogen. On strongly bondedhydrogen this water structure is no longer observed.If we take their model, in which for each pair of watermolecules three H sites are involved, we have for thecoverage at 0.03 V: (2×18)/3+1=13 g (mol Pt)−1.

The total mass difference between oxygen mono-layer and hydrogen monolayer then amounts to16−13=3 g (mol Pt)−1 if the oxygen coverageconsists of PtO and to 34−13=21 g (mol Pt)−1 forcoverage with Pt(OH)2. The experimental total massdifference data are higher than these values; theyincrease from 24 g (mol Pt)−1 in 0.1 M H2SO4 to28.5 g (mol Pt)−1 in 1 M. Hence, it follows that at thepotential where QO(E)/2QH =1 the surface is notonly covered with an oxygen monolayer, but alsowith coadsorbed H2O and/or sulfate species, whichincrease with higher acid concentration. For example,if in 1 M acid a H2O·SO4 species were present on topof a PtO layer, this would amount to a content of ca22%. Whether the oxide species is PtO or Pt(OH)2cannot be concluded from these data.

The anion effect on the mass–potential behaviour

The frequency changes with potential were alsomeasured in 0.5 M HClO4 and in 0.5 M H3PO4 toinvestigate the role of the anion. The results obtainedin 0.5 M HClO4 are shown in Fig. 5. The mass changein the H region is about half of that in sulfuric acid,cf. Table 3. Our results agree with those of Shimazuand Kita [10]. Others [12–14] however report both amass increase and decrease in 0.1 M HClO4 in the lowpotential region. Hachkar et al. [14] found a massdecrease of 7 ng cm−2 (i.e. 3.2 g (mol Pt)−1) duringadsorption of strongly adsorbed H, but a massincrease of 11 ng cm−2 (i.e. 5.0 g (mol Pt)−1) forweakly adsorbed hydrogen. Hence, over the wholepotential range of H desorption a total mass decreaseis obtained.

The frequency change in the oxide region wasdetermined for different end potentials and the resultsof the total mass change with oxygen coverage arepresented in Fig. 6. It is seen that the mass changeuntil the beginning of oxygen coverage is 4.7 g (molPt)−1, which accounts for H desorption and doublelayer region. This is much less than in the case ofsulfuric acid. So we can therefore now conclude thatin sulfuric acid both water and sulfate species (ca 4%)are adsorbed, whereas in perchloric acid only wateris adsorbed in the low potential range. With IRspectroscopy the presence of hydronium in the Hregion was observed [28]. If we assume for thereference state at 0.03 V the same water adsorptionstructure as in sulfuric acid, it follows that at thebeginning of oxygen coverage the surface is coveredwith a layer corresponding with 16.7 (=12+4.7) g(mol Pt)−1 or about a full monolayer of water. Themass change in the oxide region is lower in HClO4

than in H2SO4.The total mass change at QO(E)/2QH =1 amounts

to 18.9 g (mol Pt)−1, indicating inclusion of H2O

concluded from cyclic voltammetry data in the lowpotential range that sulfate anions are adsorbed onlyin the potential range corresponding with stronglyadsorbed hydrogen, not as potentials of weaklyadsorbed hydrogen.

So at this point we conclude that the observed masschange of ca 9 g (mol Pt)−1 for hydrogen desorptionand double layer region is due to adsorbed water andmaybe some sulfate species. Whether indeed sulfatespecies are adsorbed in this potential region will bediscussed in the next section, where the effect ofdifferent anions is investigated.

The mass value corresponding with a monolayer ofoxygen can be obtained from Fig. 4 as the differencebetween the g mol−1 values at QO(E)/2QH =1 and 0;this is given in Table 2. Literature data of massbalance experiments for oxygen coverage have beenreported for one oxidation potential, therefore, thesevalues were converted to monolayer coverage inorder to compare the various results; these are alsopresented in Table 2.

The mass values for an oxygen monolayer are allclose to 16 g (mol Pt)−1. Earlier mass balance studies[9, 11] have concluded that this points to PtO. Within situ Raman spectroscopy of the oxidized layer, thepresence of PtO has been reported [25]. It must berealized, however, that the results actually refer to amass difference; so the mass change for a true PtOmonolayer can only be obtained if the surface is bareat the potential where the oxide coverage begins. Itis obvious from the results in Fig. 4 that this iscertainly not the case. At the beginning of oxygencoverage there is already a mass increase of ca 9 g(mol Pt)−1 compared with the state at 0.03 V.Another approach is therefore to consider the totaldifference in mass between the surface covered withan oxygen monolayer and the initial state at 0.03 V.The question then is whether the reference state at0.03 V is adequately represented by a hydrogenmonolayer (PtH). IR spectroscopy studies onadsorbed hydrogen have proved the presence of water[26, 27]. Bewick and Russell [26] suggest a model fora particular water structure on adsorbed hydrogen inwhich dimers of water molecules are present on the

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Fig. 5. (A) Frequency–potential diagram and (B) voltammogram of Pt in 0.5 M HClO4; scan rate 20 mV s−1.

and/or perchlorate on the oxygen layer. Thesefindings are in agreement with IRAS measurementson Pt(111) [29], which showed that specific adsorp-

tion of perchlorate begins at 0.5 V and increases withpotential to a maximum at 0.8 V.

The f–E curve in 0.5 M H3PO4 shows the same

Table 3.Mass change [g (mol Pt)−1] in HClO4

Concentration This Literature(M) work values Reference

H desorption 0.1 4.3 100.5 3.9

QO(E)/2QH =1 0.1 13.8a 100.5 14.2

aExtrapolated from their results.

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Fig. 6. Total mass change vs oxide coverage QO/2QH in 0.5 M HClO4.

patterm as in sulfuric acid. The mass change in Hdesorption region is larger than in 0.5 M H2SO4

so more phosphate is adsorbed than sulfate. Themass change for an oxygen monolayer is about thesame in both electrolytes, see Table 4, which impliesthat water and phosphate are included in the oxidelayer.

The anion effect was further investigated bycarrying out measurements in 0.5 M p-toluenesulfonic acid, which introduces a heavier and largeranion (Fig. 7). As shown in Fig. 7(A) the frequencydecreases during a positive potential scan in the Hand O region only; there is virtually no change in thedouble layer range. The f–E curve resembles that ofHClO4; the total frequency change is about the same.QH is ca 50% of the value in perchloric acid, henceonly half of the Pt molecules on the surface isavailable for H coverage in the presence of p-toluenesulfonic acid. From the frequency change inhydrogen desorption range a mass change of 4.5 g(mol Pt)−1 is calculated (this refers to the availablesites), which is about the same value as in perchloricacid; thus confirming the above conclusion that inperchloric acid only water molecules are adsorbed in

the low potential range. The sulfonic anionapparently does not desorb from the surfacewith increasing potential. The onset of oxidegrowth is strongly retarded in toluene sulfonicacid. The total mass change calculated from 0.03 to1.4 V amounts to 24.4 g (mol Pt)−1, at this potentialthe oxygen coverage QO(E)/2QH =1.1. This massvalue is higher than in perchloric acid and points tothe presence of organic species on the sites notcovered with p-toluene sulfonic acid from thebeginning.

Mass–potential behaviour on 0.5 M KOH

All of the acid electrolytes show a mass increasewith increasing potential. This has also been observedon Au [30]; however, in alkaline electrolyte a massdecrease over the H desorption and double layerregion was reported on Au [4, 6]. This was attributedto cation desorption [4], although others [6] haveinterpreted these results as a change in the viscosityof the outer Helmholtz layer.

It was therefore decided to carry out a massexperiment on Pt in 0.5 M KOH. The frequency–potential curve (Fig. 8) shows initially a smallvariation, followed by a steep decrease in the oxideregion. A similar behaviour was found in 0.1 MNaOH [10]. A slight maximum can be noted around0.15 V; the total frequency decrease in the potentialrange between 0.45 and 1.1 V amounts to a massincrease of 15.9 g (mol Pt)−1; the oxygen coveragereaches a value of QO(E)/2QH =0.69, correspondingwith 11.9 g (mol Pt)−1. The frequency changes in thelower potential range amount to a few g (mol Pt)−1,but are too small for a further evaluation. The fact

Table 4.Mass changes [g (mol Pt)−1] in 0.5 M H3PO4 and p-toluenesulfonic acid

Electrolyte H desorption QO(E)/2QH =1

0.5 M H3PO4 8.4 16.50.5 M CH3C6H4SO3H 4.5 18.1

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Fig. 7. (A) Frequency–potential diagram and (B) voltammogram of Pt in 0.5 M CH3C6H4SO3H (toluene sulfonic acid); scanrate 20 mV s−1.

that these values are much smaller than in acid mediaindicates that in alkaline electrolyte, water moleculesare not attached to the surface, due to the abundantpresence of hydroxyl ions.

The frequency pattern at Pt does not show such alarge difference between acid and alkaline electrolyteas is observed on Au. Hence, it is more likely that thechanges on Au are due to difference in adsorption

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than to change in viscosity of the adjacent layer. Themass decrease would thus imply a decrease in K+

adsorption with increasing potential, accompanyingthe H desorption.

Mass changes due to CO adsorption and oxidation

On polycrystalline Pt at least two types of COadsorbates can be formed depending on the

Fig. 8. (A) Frequency–potential diagram and (B) voltammogram of Pt in 0.5 M KOH; scan rate 20 mV s−1.

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adsorption conditions and the substrate structure[31–35]; the bridge bonded species is oxidized at lowerpotential than the linearly bonded CO which is thedominant species.

The electro-oxidation of CO adsorbate was studiedfor different adsorption potentials in 0.5 M H2SO4,0.5 M HClO4 and 0.5 M H3PO4. The experimentswere carried out as follows: first a voltammogramand frequency plot were recorded in O2-freeelectrolyte; then CO was introduced using a dilute(10%) CO–argon gas mixture, while the potential waskept at the adsorption potential for 5 min; thereafterthe electrolyte was flushed with argon for 10 minwhile keeping the potential constant; after 10 minwaiting period at that potential, the potential cyclingwas started in a negative direction. Figure 9(A) givesthe voltammogram for CO adsorbate (Eads =0.44 V)in 0.5 M H2SO4 with an oxidation peak at 0.70 V. Thecorresponding frequency–potential curve [Fig. 9(B)]shows during the first positive going scan a gradualincrease of frequency; beyond 0.7 V the frequencydecreases. This occurs before the current maximumof the CO oxidation peak is reached. During thenegative going scan the frequency increases to a finalvalue that is higher than at the start, whichdemonstrates that adsorbed CO was measured indeedduring the first scan. The frequency behaviour in theoxide region is identical to that in the CO-freeelectrolyte, the oxide growth is thus not affected bythe presence of CO. At lower CO adsorptionpotential a prewave occurs in the voltammogram.Fig. 10(A) gives the result for CO adsorbed at 0.27 V.The presence of a more easily oxidizable COadsorbate is indeed known to be found if CO isadsorbed at Hads covered surface [36]. At the potentialof the onset of the prewave the frequency [Fig. 10(B)]shows a more rapid increase; however, here again thedecrease in frequency occurs at lower potential thanthe peak maximum. In ellipsometric measurements[15] we found also a significant change of the opticalparameter D in the presence of CO adsorbate, but theadsorbate oxidation peak here coincides with adistinct change in D. It is remarkable that in themass-balance measurements the main peak of the COoxidation do not coincide with a distinct change inthe frequency; moreover, already some mass decreaseoccurs before the CO oxidation starts. Apparently anon-electrochemical active species, most likely water,is desorbed in the low potential range, in contrastwith a CO-free surface where the mass increases withpotential. This corroborates the fact that enhancedwater adsorption was found in the presence of COwith electrochemical thermal desorption mass spec-trometry [37]; this means that water is adsorbed ontop of COads. The formation of a carbon monoxidehydrate was proposed earlier by Stonehart [38]. Thesewater molecules are present on top of CO as dipoleswith the positive pole towards CO. Hence, withincreasing potential the positive charge increases andthe water molecules (on top of CO) are being

repulsed. If we assume that the part of the surfacethat is not covered with COads behaves like theCO-free system, then with increasing potential waterand anions should become adsorbed on these sites.However, Fig. 9(B) shows that in the positive scan thefrequency at ca 0.7 V, ie before the CO oxidation, iseven higher than in the negative going scan where COhas been oxidized. This means that the presence ofCO hinders adsorption of water and/or anions on thesites not covered by CO.

The mass change associated with adsorbed CO isobtained from the difference in frequency in thepresence and absence of COads at 0.03 V. The COcoverage is obtained from the anodic peak in thecorresponding voltammogram with u=QCO/2QH; QH

is taken from the blank experiment. The data arepresented in Table 5 together with the mass valuescalculated from the coulometric coverage for 1 COper Pt [=28 g (mol Pt)−1]. Although it is arguedabove that the measured amount comprises bothadsorbed CO and water, the values are much lowerthan the value predicted by the coulometric data.

It was discussed earlier that the reference state ofPt contains adsorbed water on top of the hydrogenmonolayer and it was assumed that this correspondswith 13 g (mol Pt)−1. The amount of water adsorbedon CO (Dmw) can be determined from the frequencydifferences at 0.7 and 0.03 V, although we do notknow whether this value represents all of theadsorbed water on top of COads. We can now makea tentative calculation of the total mass change dueto CO coverage with respect to the CO-free surface:

Dmcalc = 4uCO ×28+Dmw + (1− uCO)×135−13.

For Eads =0.44 V with Dmw =3.0 g (mol Pt)−1 thisyields Dmcalc =11.1 g (mol Pt)−1; for Eads =0.27 Vand Dmw =4.7 g (mol Pt)−1 this yields Dmcalc =14.3 g(mol Pt)−1. These values are close to the experimentalmass values. It could imply that indeed all the wateron CO was measured in the frequency increase;moreover, it can be considered as a confirmation ofthe assumed model for the water structure in thereference state.

The electrooxidation of COads in 0.5 M HClO4

gives similar results as in sulfuric acid; Fig. 11displays the i/E and f/E curves for Eads =0.43 V.From the initial frequency increase at low potentialit follows that also in perchloric acid water isadsorbed on CO. The CO mass change data aresummarized in Table 6 and show a similar largediscrepancy between the coulometric and mass valuesas in sulfuric acid. If the same reference state may betaken as in the case of sulfuric acid, Dmcalc =12.8 g(mol Pt)−1 for Eads =0.43 V with Dmw =4.1 g (molPt)−1; for Eads =0.32 V and Dmw =4.4 g (mol Pt)−1

Dmcalc =13.8 g (mol Pt)−1. There remains a dis-crepancy, which might imply that the assumptionabout the reference state was not correct. Measure-ments of Hachkar et al. [14] in CO saturated 0.1 MHClO4 also show some mass decrease before the

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Fig. 9. (A) Voltammogram and (B) frequency–potential diagram in the presence of adsorbed CO in 0.5 M H2SO4; dashedline: blank electrolyte; Eads =0.44 V; scan rate 20 mV s−1.

actual CO oxidation starts; the total mass decreaseamounts to ca 25 ng cm−2 [11.5 g (mol Pt)−1] for an(assumed) full coverage with CO, which is compar-able to the results reported here.

The results for the oxidation of the CO adsorbatein 0.5 M H3PO4 (Fig. 12) differ from those in sulfuricand perchloric acid. The voltammogram (Eads =0.37 V) shows a much broader CO oxidation peak

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Fig. 10. (A) Voltammogram and (B) frequency–potential diagram in the presence of adsorbed CO in 0.5 M H2SO4; dashedline: blank electrolyte; Eads =0.27 V; scan rate 20 mV s−1.

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Table 5.Mass change for COads in 0.5 M H2SO4

Eads g (mol Pt)−1 g (mol Pt)−1

(V) uCO calc. from uCO Df measurement

0.44 0.54 15.1 10.70.37 0.60 16.8 10.70.32 0.64 17.9 10.80.27 0.64 17.9 12.4

Table 6.Mass change for COads in 0.5 M HClO4

Eads g (mol Pt)−1 g (mol Pt)−1

(V) uCO calc. from uCO Df measurement

0.43 0.58 16.2 8.60.37 0.62 17.4 8.30.33 0.63 17.6 10.80.27 0.64 17.9 12.4

around 0.8 V and the frequency change nowcoincides with the coulometric change. Moreover, themass changes for CO adsorbate, listed in Table 7, arefar better in agreement with the coulometric data. An

explanation could be that the reference state of Pt isdifferent from that in sulfuric acid in the sense thatin the case of phosphoric acid no water is adsorbedon the hydrogen monolayer or on Pt. Whether there

Fig. 11. (A) Voltammogram and (B) frequency–potential diagram in the presence of adsorbed CO in 0.5 M HClO4; dashedline: blank electrolyte; Eads =0.43 V; scan rate 20 mV s−1.

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Fig. 12. (A) Voltammogram and (B) frequency–potential diagram in the presence of adsorbed CO in 0.5 M H3PO4; dashedline: blank electrolyte; E=0.37 V; scan rate 20 mV s−1.

also some anion adsorption on top of CO plays a roleis difficult to ascertain.

The effect of the CO adsorption potential is muchless in phosphoric acid than in sulfuric or perchloricacid; no prewave is observed at lower adsorptionpotential, At low potentials there is an initialfrequency increase, but this is much smaller. Apossible explanation for the difference in mass changearound the CO peak in the three electrolytes could bethat the oxidation of the CO adsorbate in sulfuric andperchloric acid occurs so fast (over a small potentialrange) that after the disappearance of CO the freesites are immediately covered with water molecules,whereafter the surface oxidation begins. In phos-

phoric acid more different sites are involved, theoxidation of the CO adsorbate occurs over a broaderpotential range.

Table 7.Mass change for COads in 0.5 M H3PO4

Eads g (mol Pt)−1 g (mol Pt)−1

(V) uCO calc. from uCO Df measurement

0.42 0.45 12.6 15.70.37 0.47 13.2 15.20.32 0.51 14.3 16.70.27 0.47 13.2 15.8

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The mass change of Pt was investigated duringpotential scanning in acid electrolytes. In the oxygenregion the mass increases linearly with increasingoxygen coverage. The mass change is larger withhigher sulfuric acid concentration, implying incor-poration of sulfate species in the oxide layer. Thetotal mass change in the potential range up to thebeginning of the oxygen coverage, however, does notvary with sulfuric acid concentration.

The total mass change in the H desorption rangedepends on the type of electrolyte anion: Dm(H3PO4)qDm (H2SO4)qDm (HClO4). It is con-cluded that in the low potential range the surfacebecomes increasingly covered only with watermolecules in the case of perchloric acid, while in thecase of sulfuric and phosphoric acid also some sulfaterespectively phosphate species are included.

The mass balance measurements of the Pt/COads

system in sulfuric acid, perchloric acid and phospho-ric acid show a mass increase compared with theCO-free electrolyte. On top of the adsorbed CO wateris present, which disapears with increasing potentialbefore CO is oxidized.

Moreover, it follows from the difference betweenthe frequency–potential curves in the presence andabsence of COads that the reference state of Pt at0.03 V is not the same in the different electrolytes. Itis concluded that water molecules are attached toadsorbed hydrogen at 0.03 V in H2SO4 and HClO4,but not in H3PO4. So, in spite of Horanyi’s warning[5] that detection of water is questionable, we thinkthat the presence of adsorbed water can be deducedfrom our mass-balance measurements. On the otherhand, it must be realized that the EQCM techniquegives information on the mass changes occurring atthe electrode/electrolyte interface during potentialscanning, but does not reveal which species isinvolved. This must be concluded from calculatedmodels for the different possible adsorbates. It istherefore recognized that the conclusions presentedhere are somewhat hypothetical and are subject tofurther confirmation by in situ spectroscopicmethods.


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