elastic solids vol.1 math

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  • 8/3/2019 Elastic Solids Vol.1 Math


    Lecture Notes on

    The Mechanics of Elastic Solids

    Volume 1: A Brief Review of Some Mathematical


    Version 1.0

    Rohan Abeyaratne

    Quentin Berg Professor of Mechanics

    Department of Mechanical Engineering


    Copyright c Rohan Abeyaratne, 1987All rights reserved.

    http://web.mit.edu/abeyaratne/lecture notes.html

    December 2, 2006

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    Electronic Publication

    Rohan Abeyaratne

    Quentin Berg Professor of Mechanics

    Department of Mechanical Engineering

    77 Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyCambridge, MA 02139-4307, USA

    Copyright c by Rohan Abeyaratne, 1987All rights reserved

    Abeyaratne, Rohan, 1952-

    Lecture Notes on The Mechanics of Elastic Solids. Volume 1: A Brief Review of Some Math-

    ematical Preliminaries / Rohan Abeyaratne 1st Edition Cambridge, MA:

    ISBN-13: 978-0-9791865-0-9

    ISBN-10: 0-9791865-0-1


    Please send corrections, suggestions and comments to [email protected]

    Updated June 25 2007

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    Dedicated with admiration and affection

    to Matt Murphy and the miracle of science,

    for the gift of renaissance.

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    The Department of Mechanical Engineering at MIT offers a series of graduate level sub-jects on the Mechanics of Solids and Structures which include:

    2.071: Mechanics of Solid Materials,

    2.072: Mechanics of Continuous Media,

    2.074: Solid Mechanics: Elasticity,

    2.073: Solid Mechanics: Plasticity and Inelastic Deformation,

    2.075: Advanced Mechanical Behavior of Materials,

    2.080: Structural Mechanics,

    2.094: Finite Element Analysis of Solids and Fluids,

    2.095: Molecular Modeling and Simulation for Mechanics, and2.099: Computational Mechanics of Materials.

    Over the years, I have had the opportunity to regularly teach the second and third of

    these subjects, 2.072 and 2.074 (formerly known as 2.083), and the current three volumes

    are comprised of the lecture notes I developed for them. The first draft of these notes was

    produced in 1987 and they have been corrected, refined and expanded on every following

    occasion that I taught these classes. The material in the current presentation is still meant

    to be a set of lecture notes, not a text book. It has been organized as follows:

    Volume I: A Brief Review of Some Mathematical Preliminaries

    Volume II: Continuum Mechanics

    Volume III: Elasticity

    My appreciation for mechanics was nucleated by Professors Douglas Amarasekara and

    Munidasa Ranaweera of the (then) University of Ceylon, and was subsequently shaped and

    grew substantially under the influence of Professors James K. Knowles and Eli Sternberg

    of the California Institute of Technology. I have been most fortunate to have had the

    opportunity to apprentice under these inspiring and distinctive scholars. I would especially

    like to acknowledge a great many illuminating and stimulating interactions with my mentor,colleague and friend Jim Knowles, whose influence on me cannot be overstated.

    I am also indebted to the many MIT students who have given me enormous fulfillment

    and joy to be part of their education.

    My understanding of elasticity as well as these notes have also benefitted greatly from

    many useful conversations with Kaushik Bhattacharya, Janet Blume, Eliot Fried, Morton E.

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    Gurtin, Richard D. James, Stelios Kyriakides, David M. Parks, Phoebus Rosakis, Stewart

    Silling and Nicolas Triantafyllidis, which I gratefully acknowledge.

    Volume I of these notes provides a collection of essential definitions, results, and illus-trative examples, designed to review those aspects of mathematics that will be encountered

    in the subsequent volumes. It is most certainly not meant to be a source for learning these

    topics for the first time. The treatment is concise, selective and limited in scope. For exam-

    ple, Linear Algebra is a far richer subject than the treatment here, which is limited to real

    3-dimensional Euclidean vector spaces.

    The topics covered in Volumes II and III are largely those one would expect to see covered

    in such a set of lecture notes. Personal taste has led me to include a few special (but still

    well-known) topics. Examples of this include sections on the statistical mechanical theoryof polymer chains and the lattice theory of crystalline solids in the discussion of constitutive

    theory in Volume II; and sections on the so-called Eshelby problem and the effective behavior

    of two-phase materials in Volume III.

    There are a number of Worked Examples at the end of each chapter which are an essential

    part of the notes. Many of these examples either provide, more details, or a proof, of a

    result that had been quoted previously in the text; or it illustrates a general concept; or it

    establishes a result that will be used subsequently (possibly in a later volume).

    The content of these notes are entirely classical, in the best sense of the word, and noneof the material here is original. I have drawn on a number of sources over the years as I

    prepared my lectures. I cannot recall every source I have used but certainly they include

    those listed at the end of each chapter. In a more general sense the broad approach and

    philosophy taken has been influenced by:

    Volume I: A Brief Review of Some Mathematical Preliminaries

    I.M. Gelfand and S.V. Fomin, Calculus of Variations, Prentice Hall, 1963.

    J.K. Knowles, Linear Vector Spaces and Cartesian Tensors, Oxford University Press,

    New York, 1997.

    Volume II: Continuum Mechanics

    P. Chadwick, Continuum Mechanics: Concise Theory and Problems, Dover,1999.

    J.L. Ericksen, Introduction to the Thermodynamics of Solids, Chapman and Hall, 1991.

    M.E. Gurtin, An Introduction to Continuum Mechanics, Academic Press, 1981.

    J. K. Knowles and E. Sternberg, (Unpublished) Lecture Notes for AM136: Finite Elas-

    ticity, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 1978.

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    C. Truesdell and W. Noll, The nonlinear field theories of mechanics, in Handbuch der

    Physik, Edited by S. Flugge, Volume III/3, Springer, 1965.

    Volume IIII: Elasticity

    M.E. Gurtin, The linear theory of elasticity, in Mechanics of Solids - Volume II, edited

    by C. Truesdell, Springer-Verlag, 1984.

    J. K. Knowles, (Unpublished) Lecture Notes for AM135: Elasticity, California Institute

    of Technology, Pasadena, CA, 1976.

    A. E. H. Love, A Treatise on the Mathematical Theory of Elasticity, Dover, 1944.

    S. P. Timoshenko and J.N. Goodier, Theory of Elasticity, McGraw-Hill, 1987.

    The following notation will be used consistently in Volume I: Greek letters will denote real

    numbers; lowercase boldface Latin letters will denote vectors; and uppercase boldface Latin

    letters will denote linear transformations. Thus, for example, ,,... will denote scalars

    (real numbers); a, b, c,... will denote vectors; and A, B, C,... will denote linear transforma-

    tions. In particular, o will denote the null vector while 0 will denote the null linear

    transformation. As much as possible this notation will also be used in Volumes II and III

    though there will be some lapses (for reasons of tradition).

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    1 Matrix Algebra and Indicial Notation 1

    1.1 Matrix algebra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

    1.2 Indicial notation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

    1.3 Summation convention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

    1.4 Kronecker delta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

    1.5 The alternator or permutation symbol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

    1.6 Worked Examples. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

    2 Vectors and Linear Transformations 17

    2.1 Vectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

    2.1.1 Euclidean point space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

    2.2 Linear Transformations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

    2.3 Worked Examples. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

    3 Components of Tensors. Cartesian Tensors 41

    3.1 Components of a vector in a basis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

    3.2 Components of a linear transformation in a basis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

    3.3 Components in two bases. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

    3.4 Determinant, trace, scalar-product and norm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47


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    viii CONTENTS

    3.5 Cartesian Tensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

    3.6 Worked Examples. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

    4 Symmetry: Groups of Linear Transformations 67

    4.1 An example in two-dimensions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

    4.2 An example in three-dimensions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

    4.3 Lattices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

    4.4 Groups of Linear Transformations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

    4.5 Symmetry of a scalar-valued function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

    4.6 Worked Examples. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

    5 Calculus of Vector and Tensor Fields 85

    5.1 Notation and definitions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

    5.2 Integral theorems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

    5.3 Localization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

    5.4 Worked Examples. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

    6 Orthogonal Curvilinear Coordinates 99

    6.1 Introductory Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99

    6.2 General Orthogonal Curvilinear Coordinates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102

    6.2.1 Coordinate transformation. Inverse transformation. . . . . . . . . . . 102

    6.2.2 Metric coefficients, scale moduli. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104

    6.2.3 Inverse partial derivatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106

    6.2.4 Components ofei/xj in the local basis (e1, e2, e3) . . . . . . . . . . 107

    6.3 Transformation of Basic Tensor Relations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108

    6.3.1 Gradient of a scalar field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108

    6.3.2 Gradient of a vector field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109

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    6.3.3 Divergence of a vector field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110

    6.3.4 Laplacian of a scalar field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110

    6.3.5 Curl of a vector field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110

    6.3.6 Divergence of a symmetric 2-tensor field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111

    6.3.7 Differential elements of volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112

    6.3.8 Differential elements of area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112

    6.4 Examples of Orthogonal Curvilinear Coordinates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113

    6.5 Worked Examples. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113

    7 Calculus of Variations 123

    7.1 Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123

    7.2 Brief review of calculus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126

    7.3 A necessary condition for an extremum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128

    7.4 Application of necessary condition F = 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130

    7.4.1 The basic problem. Euler equation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130

    7.4.2 An example. The Brachistochrone Problem. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132

    7.4.3 A Formalism for Deriving the Euler Equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136

    7.5 Generalizations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137

    7.5.1 Generalization: Free end-point; Natural boundary conditions. . . . . 137

    7.5.2 Generalization: Higher derivatives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140

    7.5.3 Generalization: Multiple functions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142

    7.5.4 Generalization: End point of extremal lying on a curve. . . . . . . . . 147

    7.6 Constrained Minimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151

    7.6.1 Integral constraints. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151

    7.6.2 Algebraic constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154

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    7.6.3 Differential constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155

    7.7 Weirstrass-Erdman corner conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157

    7.7.1 Piecewise smooth minimizer with non-smoothness occuring at a pre-

    scribed location. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158

    7.7.2 Piecewise smooth minimizer with non-smoothness occuring at an un-

    known location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162

    7.8 Generalization to higher dimensional space. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166

    7.9 Second variation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178

    7.10 Sufficient condition for convex functionals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180

    7.11 D irect method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183

    7.11.1 The Ritz method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185

    7.12 Worked Examples. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187

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    Chapter 1

    Matrix Algebra and Indicial Notation


    {a} ..... m 1 matrix, i.e. a column matrix with m rows and one columnai ..... element in row-i of the column matrix {a}

    [A] ..... m n matrixAij ..... element in row-i, column-j of the matrix [A]

    1.1 Matrix algebra

    Even though more general matrices can be considered, for our purposes it is sufficient to

    consider a matrix to be a rectangular array of real numbers that obeys certain rules of

    addition and multiplication. A m n matrix [A] has m rows and n columns:

    [A] =

    A11 A12 . . . A1n

    A21 A22 . . . A2n

    . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Am1 Am2 . . . Amn

    ; (1.1)

    Aij denotes the element located in the ith row and jth column. The column matrix

    {x} =



    . . .



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    has m rows and one column; The row matrix



    {y1, y2, . . . , yn


    has one row and n columns. If all the elements of a matrix are zero it is said to be a null

    matrixand is denoted by [0] or {0} as the case may be.Two mn matrices [A] and [B] are said to be equalif and only if all of their corresponding

    elements are equal:

    Aij = Bij , i = 1, 2, . . . m, j = 1, 2, . . . , n . (1.4)

    If [A] and [B] are both m n matrices, their sum is the m n matrix [C] denoted by[C] = [A] + [B] whose elements are

    Cij = Aij + Bij , i = 1, 2, . . . m, j = 1, 2, . . . , n . (1.5)

    If [A] is a p q matrix and [B] is a q r matrix, their product is the p r matrix [C] withelements

    Cij =


    AikBkj , i = 1, 2, . . . p, j = 1, 2, . . . , q; (1.6)

    one writes [C] = [A][B]. In general [A][B] = [B][A]; therefore rather than referring to [A][B]as the product of [A] and [B] we should more precisely refer to [A][B] as [A] postmultiplied

    by [B]; or [B] premultiplied by [A]. It is worth noting that if two matrices [A] and [B] obeythe equation [A][B] = [0] this does not necessarily mean that either [A] or [B] has to be the

    null matrix [0]. Similarly if three matrices [A], [B] and [C] obey [A][B] = [A][C] this does

    not necessarily mean that [B] = [C] (even if [A] = [0].) The product by a scalar of a m nmatrix [A] is the m n matrix [B] with components

    Bij = Aij, i = 1, 2, . . . m, j = 1, 2, . . . , n; (1.7)

    one writes [B] = [A].

    Note that a m1 n1 matrix [A1] can be postmultiplied by a m2 n2 matrix [A2] if andonly if n1 = m2. In particular, consider a m n matrix [A] and a n 1 (column) matrix{x}. Then we can postmultiply [A] by {x} to get the m 1 column matrix [A]{x}; but wecannot premultiply [A] by {x} (unless m=1), i.e. {x}[A] does not exist is general.

    The transpose of the m n matrix [A] is the n m matrix [B] where

    Bij = Aji for each i = 1, 2, . . . n , and j = 1, 2, . . . , m . (1.8)

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    Usually one denotes the matrix [B] by [A]T. One can verify that

    [A + B]T = [A]T + [B]T, [AB]T = [B]T[A]T. (1.9)

    The transpose of a column matrix is a row matrix; and vice versa. Suppose that [A] is a

    m n matrix and that {x} is a m 1 (column) matrix. Then we can premultiply [A] by{x}T, i.e. {x}T[A] exists (and is a 1 n row matrix). For any n 1 column matrix {x} notethat

    {x}T{x} = {x}{x}T = x21 + x22 . . . + x2n =n


    x2i . (1.10)

    A n n matrix [A] is called a square matrix; the diagonal elements of this matrix are theAiis. A square matrix [A] is said to be symmetrical if

    Aij = Aji for each i, j = 1, 2, . . . n; (1.11)

    skew-symmetrical if

    Aij = Aji for each i, j = 1, 2, . . . n . (1.12)Thus for a symmetric matrix [A] we have [A]T = [A]; for a skew-symmetric matrix [A] we

    have [A]T = [A]. Observe that each diagonal element of a skew-symmetric matrix must bezero.

    If the off-diagonal elements of a square matrix are all zero, i.e. Aij = 0 for each i, j =

    1, 2, . . . n , i = j, the matrix is said to be diagonal. If every diagonal element of a diagonalmatrix is 1 the matrix is called a unit matrix and is usually denoted by [I].

    Suppose that [A] is a n n square matrix and that {x} is a n 1 (column) matrix. Thenwe can postmultiply [A] by {x} to get a n 1 column matrix [A]{x}, and premultiply theresulting matrix by {x}T to get a 1 1 square matrix, effectively just a scalar, {x}T[A]{x}.Note that

    {x}T[A]{x} =n



    Aijxixj. (1.13)

    This is referred to as the quadratic form associated with [A]. In the special case of a diagonal

    matrix [A]

    {x}T[A]{x} = A11x21 + A22x21 + . . . + Annx2n. (1.14)

    The trace of a square matrix is the sum of the diagonal elements of that matrix and is

    denoted by trace[A]:

    trace[A] =n


    Aii. (1.15)

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    One can show that

    trace([A][B]) = trace([B][A]). (1.16)

    Let det[A] denote the determinantof a square matrix. Then for a 2 2 matrix


    A11 A12

    A21 A22

    = A11A22 A12A21, (1.17)

    and for a 3 3 matrix


    A11 A12 A13A21 A22 A23A31 A32 A33

    = A11 det A22 A23A32 A33

    A12 det

    A21 A23

    A31 A33

    + A13 det

    A21 A22

    A31 A32


    The determinant of a n n matrix is defined recursively in a similar manner. One can showthat

    det([A][B]) = (det[A]) (det[B]). (1.19)

    Note that trace[A] and det[A] are both scalar-valued functions of the matrix [A].

    Consider a square matrix [A]. For each i = 1, 2, . . . , n, a row matrix {a}i can be createdby assembling the elements in the ith row of [A]: {a}i = {Ai1, Ai2, Ai3, . . . , Ain}. If the onlyscalars i for which


    a}1 + 2

    {a}2 + 3

    {a}3 + . . . n


    n ={



    are 1 = 2 = . . . = n = 0, the rows of [A] are said to be linearly independent. If at least

    one of the s is non-zero, they are said to be linearly dependent, and then at least one row

    of [A] can be expressed as a linear combination of the other rows.

    Consider a square matrix [A] and suppose that its rows are linearly independent. Then

    the matrix is said to be non-singular and there exists a matrix [B], usually denoted by

    [B] = [A]1 and called the inverse of [A], for which [B][A] = [A][B] = [I]. For [A] to be

    non-singular it is necessary and sufficient that det[A] = 0. If the rows of [A] are linearlydependent, the matrix is singular and an inverse matrix does not exist.

    Consider a nn square matrix [A]. First consider the (n1)(n1) matrix obtained byeliminating the ith row and jth column of [A]; then consider the determinant of that second

    matrix; and finally consider the product of that determinant with (1)i+j. The number thusobtained is called the cofactor of Aij. If [B] is the inverse of [A], [B] = [A]

    1, then

    Bij =cofactor of Aji


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    If the transpose and inverse of a matrix coincide, i.e. if

    [A]1 = [A]T, (1.22)

    then the matrix is said to be orthogonal. Note that for an orthogonal matrix [A], one has

    [A][A]T = [A]T[A] = [I] and that det[A] = 1.

    1.2 Indicial notation

    Consider a n n square matrix [A] and two n 1 column matrices {x} and {b}. Let Aijdenote the element of [A] in its ith row and jth column, and let xi and bi denote the elements

    in the ith row of{x} and {b} respectively. Now consider the matrix equation [A]{x} = {b}:A11 A12 . . . A1n

    A21 A22 . . . A2n

    . . . . . . . . . . . .

    An1 An2 . . . Ann



    . . .





    . . .


    . (1.23)Carrying out the matrix multiplication, this is equivalent to the system of linear algebraic


    A11x1 +A12x2 + . . . +A1nxn = b1,

    A21x1 +A22x2 + . . . +A2nxn = b2,

    . . . + . . . + . . . + . . . = . . .

    An1x1 +An2x2 + . . . +Annxn = bn.


    This system of equations can be written more compactly as

    Ai1x1 + Ai2x2 + . . . Ainxn = bi with i taking each value in the range 1, 2, . . . n; (1.25)

    or even more compactly by omitting the statement with i taking each value in the range

    1, 2, . . . , n, and simply writing

    Ai1x1 + Ai2x2 + . . . + Ainxn = bi (1.26)

    with the understanding that (1.26) holds for each value of the subscript i in the range i =

    1, 2, . . . n. This understanding is referred to as the range convention. The subscript i is called

    a free subscript because it is free to take on each value in its range. From here on, we shall

    always use the range convention unless explicitly stated otherwise.

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    Observe that

    Aj1x1 + Aj2x2 + . . . + Ajnxn = bj (1.27)

    is identical to (1.26); this is because j is a free subscript in (1.27) and so (1.27) is requiredto hold for all j = 1, 2, . . . , n and this leads back to (1.24). This illustrates the fact that

    the particular choice of index for the free subscript in an equation is not important provided

    that the same free subscript appears in every symbol grouping.1

    As a second example, suppose that f(x1, x2, . . . , xn) is a function of x1, x2, . . . , xn, Then,

    if we write the equationf

    xk= 3xk, (1.28)

    the index k in it is a free subscript and so takes all values in the range 1, 2, . . . , n. Thus

    (1.28) is a compact way of writing the n equations


    x1= 3x1,


    x2= 3x2, . . . ,


    xn= 3xn. (1.29)

    As a third example, the equation

    Apq = xpxq (1.30)

    has two free subscripts p and q, and each, independently, takes all values in the range

    1, 2, . . . , n. Therefore (1.30) corresponds to the nine equations

    A11 = x1x1, A12 = x1x2, . . . A1n = x1xn,

    A21 = x2x1, A22 = x2x2, . . . A2n = x2xn,

    . . . . . . . . . . . . = . . .

    An1 = xnx1, An2 = xnx2, . . . Ann = xnxn.


    In general, if an equation involves N free indices, then it represents 3N scalar equations.

    In order to be consistent it is important that the same free subscript(s) must appear once,

    and only once, in every group of symbols in an equation. For example, in equation (1.26),

    since the index i appears once in the symbol group Ai1x1, it must necessarily appear once

    in each of the remaining symbol groups Ai2x2, Ai3x3, . . . Ainxn and bi of that equation.

    Similarly since the free subscripts p and q appear in the symbol group on the left-hand

    1By a symbol group we mean a set of terms contained between + , and = signs.

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    side of equation (1.30), it must also appear in the symbol group on the right-hand side.

    An equation of the form Apq = xixj would violate this consistency requirement as would

    Ai1xi + Aj2x2 = 0.Note finally that had we adopted the range convention in Section 1.1, we would have

    omitted the various i=1,2,. . . ,n statements there and written, for example, equation (1.4)

    for the equality of two matrices as simply Aij = Bij; equation (1.5) for the sum of two

    matrices as simply Cij = Aij + Bij ; equation (1.7) for the scalar multiple of a matrix as

    Bij = Aij; equation (1.8) for the transpose of a matrix as simply Bij = Aji ; equation

    (1.11) defining a symmetric matrix as simply Aij = Aji ; and equation (1.12) defining a

    skew-symmetric matrix as simply Aij = Aji .

    1.3 Summation convention

    Next, observe that (1.26) can be written as


    Aijxj = bi. (1.32)

    We can simplify the notation even further by agreeing to drop the summation sign and instead

    imposing the rule that summation is implied over a subscript that appears twice in a symbol

    grouping. With this understanding in force, we would write (1.32) as

    Aijxj = bi (1.33)

    with summation on the subscript j being implied. A subscript that appears twice in a

    symbol grouping is called a repeated or dummy subscript; the subscript j in (1.33) is a

    dummy subscript.

    Note that

    Aikxk = bi (1.34)

    is identical to (1.33); this is because k is a dummy subscript in (1.34) and therefore summa-

    tion on k in implied in (1.34). Thus the particular choice of index for the dummy subscript

    is not important.

    In order to avoid ambiguity, no subscript is allowed to appear more than twice in any

    symbol grouping. Thus we shall never write, for example, Aiixi = bi since, if we did, the

    index i would appear 3 times in the first symbol group.

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    Summary of Rules:

    1. Lower-case latin subscripts take on values in the range (1 , 2, . . . , n).

    2. A given index may appear either once or twice in a symbol grouping. If it appears

    once, it is called a free index and it takes on each value in its range. If it appears twice,

    it is called a dummy index and summation is implied over it.

    3. The same index may not appear more than twice in the same symbol grouping.

    4. All symbol groupings in an equation must have the same free subscripts.

    Free and dummy indices may be changed without altering the meaning of an expression

    provided that one does not violate the preceding rules. Thus, for example, we can changethe free subscript p in every term of the equation

    Apqxq = bp (1.35)

    to any other index, say k, and equivalently write

    Akqxq = bk. (1.36)

    We can also change the repeated subscript q to some other index, say s, and write

    Aksxs = bk. (1.37)

    The three preceding equations are identical.

    It is important to emphasize that each of the equations in, for example (1.24), involves

    scalar quantities, and therefore, the order in which the terms appear within a symbol group

    is irrelevant. Thus, for example, (1.24)1 is equivalent to x1A11 + x2A12 + . . . + xnA1n =

    b1. Likewise we can write (1.33) equivalently as xjAij = bi. Note that both Aijxj = bi

    and xj Aij = bi represent the matrix equation [A]{x} = {b}; the second equation does notcorrespond to {x}[A] = {b}. In an indicial equation it is the location of the subscripts thatis crucial; in particular, it is the location where the repeated subscript appears that tells us

    whether {x} multiplies [A] or [A] multiplies {x}.Note finally that had we adopted the range and summation conventions in Section 1.1,

    we would have written equation (1.6) for the product of two matrices as Cij = AikBkj ;

    equation (1.10) for the product of a matrix by its transpose as {x}T{x} = xixi; equation(1.13) for the quadratic form as {x}T[A]{x} = Aij xixj; and equation (1.15) for the trace astrace [A] = Aii.

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    1.4 Kronecker delta

    The Kronecker Delta, ij, is defined by

    ij =

    1 if i = j,

    0 if i = j. (1.38)

    Note that it represents the elements of the identity matrix. If [Q] is an orthogonal matrix,

    then we know that [Q][Q]T = [Q]T[Q] = [I]. This implies, in indicial notation, that

    QikQjk = QkiQkj = ij . (1.39)

    The following useful property of the Kronecker delta is sometimes called the substitution

    rule. Consider, for example, any column matrix {u} and suppose that one wishes to simplifythe expression uiij. Recall that uiij = u11j + u22j + . . . + unnj . Since ij is zero unless

    i = j, it follows that all terms on the right-hand side vanish trivially except for the one term

    for which i = j. Thus the term that survives on the right-hand side is uj and so

    uiij = uj. (1.40)

    Thus we have used the facts that (i) since ij is zero unless i = j, the expression being

    simplified has a non-zero value only ifi = j; (ii) and when i = j, ij is unity. Thus replacing

    the Kronecker delta by unity, and changing the repeated subscript i j, gives uiij = uj.Similarly, suppose that [A] is a square matrix and one wishes to simplify A


    j. Then by the

    same reasoning, we replace the Kronecker delta by unity and change the repeated subscript

    j to obtain2Ajk j = Ak. (1.41)

    More generally, if ip multiplies a quantity Cijk representing n4 numbers, one replaces

    the Kronecker delta by unity and changes the repeated subscript i p to obtainCijk ip = Cpjk. (1.42)

    The substitution rule applies even more generally: for any quantity or expression Tipq...z, one

    simply replaces the Kronecker delta by unity and changes the repeated subscript i j toobtain

    Tipq...z ij = Tjpq...z. (1.43)

    2Observe that these results are immediately apparent by using matrix algebra. In the first example, note

    that jiui (which is equal to the quantity ijui that is given) is simply the jth element of the column matrix

    [I]{u}. Since [I]{u} = {u} the result follows at once. Similarly in the second example, jAjk is simply the, k-element of the matrix [I][A]. Since [I][A] = [A], the result follows.

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    1.5 The alternator or permutation symbol

    We now limit attention to subscripts that range over 1, 2, 3 only. The alternator or permu-tation symbol is defined by

    eijk =

    0 if two or more subscripts i,j, k, are equal,

    +1 if the subscripts i,j, k, are in cyclic order,

    1 if the subscripts i,j, k, are in anticyclic order,


    0 if two or more subscripts i,j, k, are equal,

    +1 for (i,j,k) = (1, 2, 3), (2, 3, 1), (3, 1, 2),

    1 for (i,j,k) = (1, 3, 2), (2, 1, 3), (3, 2, 1).


    Observe from its definition that the sign ofeijk changes whenever any two adjacent subscripts

    are switched:

    eijk = ejik = ejki. (1.45)

    One can show by direct calculation that the determinant of a 3 matrix [ A] can be written

    in either of two forms

    det[A] = eijk A1iA2j A3k or det[A] = eijk Ai1Aj2Ak3; (1.46)

    as well as in the form

    det[A] =1

    6eijk epqrAipAjq Akr. (1.47)

    Another useful identity involving the determinant is

    epqr det[A] = eijk AipAjq Akr. (1.48)

    The following relation involving the alternator and the Kronecker delta will be useful in

    subsequent calculations

    eijk epqk = ipjq iqjp . (1.49)

    It is left to the reader to develop proofs of these identities. They can, of course, be verified

    directly, by simply writing out all of the terms in (1.46) - (1.49).

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    1.6. WORKED EXAMPLES. 11

    1.6 Worked Examples.

    Example(1.1): If [A] and [B] are n

    n square matrices and{






    are n

    1 column matrices, express

    the matrix equation

    {y} = [A]{x} + [B]{z}

    as a set of scalar equations.

    Solution: By the rules of matrix multiplication, the element yi in the ith row of{y} is obtained by first pairwise

    multiplying the elements Ai1, Ai2, . . . , Ain of the ith row of [A] by the respective elements x1, x2, . . . , xn of

    {x} and summing; then doing the same for the elements of [B] and {z}; and finally adding the two together.Thus

    yi = Aijxj + Bijzj ,

    where summation over the dummy index j is implied, and this equation holds for each value of the free index

    i = 1, 2, . . . , n. Note that one can alternatively and equivalently write the above equation in any of the

    following forms:

    yk = Akjxj + Bkjzj , yk = Akpxp + Bkpzp, yi = Aipxp + Biqzq.

    Observe that all rules for indicial notation are satisfied by each of the three equations above.

    Example(1.2): The n n matrices [C], [D] and [E] are defined in terms of the two n n matrices [A] and[B] by

    [C] = [A][B], [D] = [B][A], [E] = [A][B]T.

    Express the elements of [C], [D] and [E] in terms of the elements of [A] and [B].

    Solution: By the rules of matrix multiplication, the element Cij in the ith row and jth column of [C] is

    obtained by multiplying the elements of the ith row of [A], pairwise, by the respective elements of the jth

    column of [B] and summing. So, Cij is obtained by multiplying the elements Ai1, Ai2, . . . Ain by, respectively,

    B1j , B2j, . . . Bnj and summing. Thus

    Cij = AikBkj ;

    note that i and j are both free indices here and so this represents n2 scalar equations; moreover summation

    is carried out over the repeated index k. It follows likewise that the equation [D] = [B][A] leads to

    Dij = BikAkj ; or equivalently Dij = AkjBik,

    where the second expression was obtained by simply changing the order in which the terms appear in the

    first expression (since, as noted previously, the order of terms within a symbol group is insignificant since

    these are scalar quantities.) In order to calculate Eij, we first multiply [A] by [B]T to obtain Eij = AikBTkj .

    However, by definition of transposition, the i, j-element of a matrix [B]T equals the j, i-element of the matrix

    [B]: BTij = Bji and so we can write

    Eij = AikBjk .

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    All four expressions here involve the ik,kj or jk elements of [A] and [B]. The precise locations of the

    subscripts vary and the meaning of the terms depend crucially on these locations. It is worth repeating that

    the location of the repeated subscript k tells us what term multiplies what term.

    Example(1.3): If [S] is any symmetric matrix and [W] is any skew-symmetric matrix, show that

    SijWij = 0.

    Solution: Note that both i and j are dummy subscripts here; therefore there are summations over each of

    them. Also, there is no free subscript so this is just a single scalar equation.

    Whenever there is a dummy subscript, the choice of the particular index for that dummy subscript is

    arbitrary, and we can change it to another index, provided that we change both repeated subscripts to the

    new symbol (and as long as we do not have any subscript appearing more than twice). Thus, for example,

    since i is a dummy subscript in SijWij , we can change i p and get SijWij = SpjWpj. Note that we canchange i to anyother index except j; if we did change it to j, then there would be four js and that violates

    one of our rules.

    By changing the dummy indices i p and j q, we get SijWij = SpqWpq. We can now change dummyindices again, from p j and q i which gives SpqWpq = SjiWji. On combining, these we get

    SijWij = SjiWji.

    Effectively, we have changed both i and j simultaneously from i j and j i.

    Next, since [S] is symmetric Sji = Sij; and since [W] is skew-symmetric, Wji = Wij. ThereforeS





    ij. Using this in the right-hand side of the preceding equation gives

    SijWij = SijWijfrom which it follows that SijWij = 0.

    Remark: As a special case, take Sij = uiuj where {u} is an arbitrary column matrix; note that this [S] issymmetric. It follows that for any skew-symmetric [W],

    Wijuiuj = 0 for all ui.

    Example(1.4): Show that any matrix [A] can be additively decomposed into the sum of a symmetric matrix

    and a skew-symmetric matrix.

    Solution: Define matrices [S] and [W] in terms of the given the matrix [A] as follows:

    Sij =1

    2(Aij + Aji), Wij =


    2(Aij Aji).

    It may be readily verified from these definitions that Sij = Sji and that Wij = Wij . Thus, the matrix [S]is symmetric and [W] is skew-symmetric. By adding the two equations in above one obtains

    Sij + Wij = Aij,

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    1.6. WORKED EXAMPLES. 13

    or in matrix form, [A] = [S] + [W].

    Example (1.5): Show that the quadratic form Tijuiuj is unchanged if Tij is replaced by its symmetric part.

    i.e. show that for any matrix [T],

    Tijuiuj = Sijuiuj for all ui where Sij =1

    2(Tij + Tji). (i)

    Solution: The result follows from the following calculation:

    Tij uiuj =


    2Tij +


    2Tij +


    2Tji 1


    uiuj =


    2(Tij + Tji) uiuj +


    2(Tij Tji) uiuj

    = Sij uiuj ,

    where in the last step we have used the facts that Aij = Tij Tji is skew-symmetric, that Bij = uiuj issymmetric, and that for any symmetric matrix [A] and any skew-symmetric matrix [B], one has AijBij = 0.

    Example (1.6): Suppose that D1111,D1112, . . .D111n, . . .D1121,D1122, . . .D112n, . . .Dnnnn are n4 constants;

    and let Dijk denote a generic element of this set where each of the subscripts i,j,k, take all values in

    the range 1, 2, . . . n. Let [E] be an arbitrary symmetric matrix and define the elements of a matrix [ A] by

    Aij = DijkEk. Show that [A] is unchanged ifDijk is replaced by its symmetric part Cijk where

    Cijk =1

    2(Dijk +Dijk). (i)

    Solution: In a manner entirely analogous to the previous example,

    Aij = DijkEk =


    2Dijk +


    2Dijk +


    2Dijk 1




    2(Dijk + Dijk) Ek +


    2(Dijk Dijk) Ek

    = Cijk Ek,

    where in the last step we have used the fact that (DijkDijk) Ek = 0 since DijkDijk is skew symmetricin the subscripts k, while Ek is symmetric in the subscripts k, .

    Example (1.7): Evaluate the expression ijikjk .

    Solution: By using the substitution rule, first on the repeated index i and then on the repeated index j, we

    have ij ik jk = jk jk = kk = 11 + 22 + . . . + nn = n.

    Example(1.8): Given an orthogonal matrix [Q], use indicial notation to solve the matrix equation [Q]{x} ={a} for {x}.

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    Solution: In indicial form, the equation [Q]{x} = {a} reads

    Qijxj = ai.

    Multiplying both sides by Qik gives

    QikQijxj = Qikai.

    Since [Q] is orthogonal, we know from (1.39) that QrpQrq = pq. Thus the preceding equation simplifies to

    jkxj = Qikai,

    which, by the substitution rule, reduces further to

    xk = Qikai .

    In matrix notation this reads {x} = [Q]T{a} which we could, of course, have written down immediately fromthe fact that {x} = [Q]


    {a}, and for an orthogonal matrix, [Q]1

    = [Q]T


    Example(1.9): Consider the function f(x1, x2, . . . , xn) = Aijxixj where the Aij s are constants. Calculate

    the partial derivatives f/xi.

    Solution: We begin by making two general observations. First, note that because of the summation on

    the indices i and j, it is incorrect to conclude that f/xi = Aijxj by viewing this in the same way as

    differentiating the function A12x1x2 with respect to x1. Second, observe that if we differentiatiate f with

    respect to xi and write f/xi = (Aijxixj)/xi, we would violate our rules because the right-hand side

    has the subscript i appearing three times in one symbol grouping. In order to get around this difficulty we

    make use of the fact that the specific choice of the index in a dummy subscript is not significant and so wecan write f = Apqxpxq.

    Differentiating f and using the fact that [A] is constant gives



    xi(Apqxpxq) = Apq

    xi(xpxq) = Apq


    xq + xpxqxi


    Since the xis are independent variables, it follows that



    0 if i = j,

    1 if i = j,i.e.


    = ij .

    Using this above givesf

    xi= Apq [pixq + xpqi] = Apqpixq + Apqxpqi

    which, by the substitution rule, simplifies to


    xi= Aiqxq + Apixp = Aijxj + Ajixj = (Aij + Aji)xj .

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    1.6. WORKED EXAMPLES. 15

    Example (1.10): Suppose that {x}T[A]{x} = 0 for all column matrices {x} where the square matrix [A] isindependent of {x}. What does this imply about [A]?

    Solution: We know from a previous example that that if [A] is a skew-symmetric and [S] is symmetric thenAijSij = 0, and as a special case of this that Aijxixj = 0 for all {x}. Thus a sufficient condition for thegiven equation to hold is that [A] be skew-symmetric. Now we show that this is also a necessary condition.

    We are given that Aijxixj = 0 for all xi. Since this equation holds for all xi, we may differentiate both

    sides with respect to xk and proceed as follows:

    0 =

    xk(Aijxixj) = Aij

    xk(xixj) = Aij


    xj + Aijxixjxk

    = Aijik xj + Aij xi jk , (i)

    where we have used the fact that xi/xj = ij in the last step. On using the substitution rule, this simplifies


    Akj xj + Aik xi = (Akj + Ajk) xj = 0. (ii)

    Since this also holds for all xi, it may be differentiated again with respect to xi to obtain

    (Akj + Ajk)xjxi

    = (Akj + Ajk) ji = Aki + Aik = 0. (iii)

    Thus [A] must necessarily be a skew symmetric matrix,

    Therefore it is necessary and sufficient that [A] be skew-symmetric.

    Example (1.11): Let Cijkl be a set of n4 constants. Define the function W([E]) for all matrices [E] by

    W([E]) = W(E11, E12, ....Enn) =

    12 CijklEijEkl. Calculate


    Eij and


    EijEkl . (i)

    Solution: First, since the Eijs are independent variables, it follows that



    1 if p = i and q = j,0 otherwise.


    = pi qj . (ii)

    Keeping this in mind and differentiating W(E11, E12, ....E33) with respect to Eij gives


    Eij =

    Eij 12 CpqrsEpqErs = 12 CpqrsEpqEij Ers + Epq ErsEij =


    2Cpqrs (pi qj Ers + ri sj Epq)


    2Cijrs Ers +


    2Cpqij Epq


    2(Cijpq +Cpqij) Epq.

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    where we have made use of the substitution rule. (Note that in the first step we wrote W = 12 CpqrsEpqErs

    rather than W = 12 CijklEijEkl because we would violate our rules for indices had we written (12 CijklEijEkl)/Eij .)

    Differentiating this once more with respect to Ekl gives


    Eij Ekl=



    (Cijpq +Cpqij) Epq



    2(Cijpq + Cpqij) pkql (iii)


    2(Cijkl + Cklij) (iv)

    Example (1.12): Evaluate the expression eijkekij .

    Solution: By first using the skew symmetry property (1.45), then using the identity (1.49), and finally using

    the substitution rule, we have eijkekij =

    eijkeikj =

    (jk kj

    jj kk) =


    jj kk) =



    3) = 6.

    Example(1.13): Show that

    eijkSjk = 0 (i)

    if and only if the matrix [S] is symmetric.

    Solution: First, suppose that [S] is symmetric. Pick and fix the free subscript i at any value i = 1, 2, 3. Then,

    we can think ofeijk as the j, k element of a 33 matrix. Since eijk = eikj this is a skew-symmetric matrix.In a previous example we showed that SijWij = 0 for any symmetric matrix [S] and any skew-symmetric

    matrix [W]. Consequently (i) must hold.

    Conversely suppose that (i) holds for some matrix [S]. Multiplying (i) by eipq and using the identity(1.49) leads to

    eipqeijkSjk = (pjqk pkqj)Sjk = Spq Sqp = 0where in the last step we have used the substitutin rule. Thus Spq = Sqp and so [S] is symmetric.

    Remark: Note as a special case of this result that

    eijkvjvk = 0 (ii)

    for any arbitrary column matrix {v}.


    1. R.A. Frazer, W.J. Duncan and A.R. Collar, Elementary Matrices, Cambridge University Press, 1965.

    2. R. Bellman, Introduction to Matrix Analysis, McGraw-Hill, 1960.

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    Chapter 2

    Vectors and Linear Transformations


    ..... scalar

    a ..... vector

    A ..... linear transformation

    As mentioned in the Preface, Linear Algebra is a far richer subject than the very restricted

    glimpse provided here might suggest. The discussion in these notes is limited almost entirely

    to (a) real 3-dimensional Euclidean vector spaces, and (b) to linear transformations that

    carry vectors from one vector space into the same vector space. These notes are designedto reviewthose aspects of linear algebra that will be encountered in our study of continuum

    mechanics; it is not meant to be a source for learning the subject of linear algebra for the

    first time.

    The following notation will be consistently used: Greek letters will denote real numbers;

    lowercase boldface Latin letters will denote vectors; and uppercase boldface Latin letters will

    denote linear transformations. Thus, for example, ,,... will denote scalars (real num-

    bers); a, b, c,... will denote vectors; and A, B, C,... will denote linear transformations. In

    particular, o will denote the null vector while 0 will denote the null linear transforma-



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    2.1 Vectors

    A vector spaceV

    is a collection of elements, called vectors, together with two operations,addition and multiplication by a scalar. The operation of addition (has certain properties

    which we do not list here) and associates with each pair of vectors x and y in V, a vector

    denoted by x + y that is also in V. In particular, it is assumed that there is a unique vector

    o V called the null vector such that x + o = x. The operation of scalar multiplication (hascertain properties which we do not list here) and associates with each vector x V and eachreal number , another vector in V denoted by x.

    Let x1, x2, . . . , xk be k vectors in V. These vectors are said to be linearly independent if

    the only real numbers 1, 2 . . . , k for which

    1x1 + 2x2 + kxk = o (2.1)

    are the numbers 1 = 2 = . . . k = 0. If V contains n linearly independent vectors but

    does not contain n + 1 linearly independent vectors, we say that the dimension ofV is n.

    Unless stated otherwise, from hereon we restrict attention to 3-dimensional vector spaces.

    IfV is a vector space, any set of three linearly independent vectors {e1, e2, e3} is said tobe a basis for V. Given any vector x V there exist a unique set of numbers 1, 2, 3 suchthat

    x = 1e1 + 2e2 + 3e3; (2.2)

    the numbers 1, 2, 3 are called the components of x in the basis {e1, e2, e3}.Let U be a subset of a vector space V; we say that U is a subspace (or linear manifold)

    ofV if, for every x, y U and every real number , the vectors x + y and x are also in U.Thus a linear manifold U ofV is itself a vector space under the same operations of addition

    and multiplication by a scalar as in V.

    A scalar-product (or inner product or dot product) on V is a function which assigns to

    each pair of vectors x, y in V a scalar, which we denote by x

    y. A scalar-product has

    certain properties which we do not list here except to note that it is required that

    x y = y x for all x, y V. (2.3)

    A Euclidean vector space is a vector space together with an inner product on that space.

    From hereon we shall restrict attention to 3-dimensional Euclidean vector spaces and denote

    such a space by E3.

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    2.1. VECTORS 19

    The length(or magnitude or norm) of a vector x is the scalar denoted by |x| and definedby

    |x| = (x x)1/2

    . (2.4)A vector has zero length if and only if it is the null vector. A unit vector is a vector of unit

    length. The angle between two vectors x and y is defined by

    cos =x y|x||y| , 0 . (2.5)

    Two vectors x and y are orthogonal if x y = 0. It is obvious, nevertheless helpful, to notethat if we are given two vectors x and y where x y = 0 and y = o, this does notnecessarilyimply that x = o; on the other hand ifx y = 0 for everyvector y, then x must be the nullvector.

    An orthonormal basis is a triplet of mutually orthogonal unit vectors e1, e2, e3 E3. Forsuch a basis,

    ei ej = ij for i, j = 1, 2, 3, (2.6)where the Kronecker delta ij is defined in the usual way by

    ij =

    1 if i = j,

    0 if i = j. (2.7)

    A vector-product(or cross-product) on E3 is a function which assigns to each ordered pair

    of vectors x, y E3, a vector, which we denote by x y. The vector-product must havecertain properties (which we do not list here) except to note that it is required that

    y x = x y for all x, y V. (2.8)

    One can show that

    x y = |x| |y| sin n, (2.9)

    where is the angle between x and y as defined by (2.5), and n is a unit vector in thedirection x y which therefore is normal to the plane defined by x and y. Since n is parallelto x y, and since it has unit length, it follows that n = (x y)/|(x y)|. The magnitude|x y| of the cross-product can be interpreted geometrically as the area of the triangleformed by the vectors x and y. A basis {e1, e2, e3} is said to be right-handed if

    (e1 e2) e3 > 0. (2.10)

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    2.1.1 Euclidean point space

    A Euclidean point space P whose elements are called points, is related to a Euclidean vector

    space E3 in the following manner. Every order pair of points (p,q) is uniquely associated

    with a vector in E3, say

    pq, such that


    pq = qp for all p, q P.


    pq +qr=

    pr for all p,q,r P.

    (iii) given an arbitrary point p P and an arbitrary vector x E3, there is a unique pointq P such that x =pq. Here x is called the position of point q relative to the point p.

    Pick and fix an arbitrary point o P (which we call the origin ofP) and an arbitrary basisfor E3 of unit vectors e1, e2, e3. Corresponding to any point p P there is a unique vectorop= x = x1e1 + x2e2 + x3e3 E3. The triplet (x1, x2, x3) are called the coordinates of pin the (coordinate) frame F= {o; e1, e2, e3} comprised of the origin o and the basis vectorse1, e2, e3. If e1, e2, e3 is an orthonormal basis, the coordinate frame {o; e1, e2, e3} is called arectangular cartesian coordinate frame.

    2.2 Linear Transformations.

    Consider a three-dimensional Euclidean vector space E3. Let F be a function (or transfor-

    mation) which assigns to each vector x E3, a second vector y E3,

    y = F(x), x E3, y E3; (2.11)

    F is said to be a linear transformation if it is such that

    F(x + y) = F(x) + F(y) (2.12)

    for all scalars , and all vectors x, y E3. When F is a linear transformation, we usuallyomit the parenthesis and write Fx instead of F(x). Note that Fx is a vector, and it is the

    image of x under the transformation F.

    A linear transformation is defined by the way it operates on vectors in E3. A geometric

    example of a linear transformation is the projection operator which projects vectors

    onto a given plane P. Let Pbe the plane normal to the unit vector n.; see Figure 2.1. For

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    P n x


    Figure 2.1: The projection x of a vector x onto the plane P.

    any vector x E3, x Pis the vector obtained by projecting x onto P. It can be verifiedgeometrically that P is defined by

    x = x (x n)n for all x E3. (2.13)

    Linear transformations tell us how vectors are mapped into other vectors. In particular,

    suppose that {y1, y2, y3} are any three vectors in E3 and that {x1, x2, x3} are any threelinearly independent vectors in E3. Then there is a unique linear transformation F that

    maps {x1, x2, x3} into {y1, y2, y3}: y1 = Fx1, y2 = Fx2, y3 = Fx3. This follows from thefact that {x1, x2, x3} is a basis for E3. Therefore any arbitrary vector x can be expresseduniquely in the form x = 1x1 + 2x2 + 3x3; consequently the image Fx of any vector x is

    given by Fx = 1y1 + 2y2 + 3y3 which is a rule for assigning a unique vector Fx to any

    given vector x.

    The null linear transformation 0 is the linear transformation that takes every vector x

    into the null vector o. The identity linear transformation I takes every vector x into itself.


    0x = o, Ix = x for all x E3. (2.14)

    Let A and B be linear transformations on E3 and let be a scalar. The linear trans-

    formations A + B, AB and A are defined as those linear transformations which are such


    (A + B)x = Ax + Bx for all x

    E3, (2.15)

    (AB)x = A(Bx) for all x E3, (2.16)(A)x = (Ax) for all x E3, (2.17)

    respectively; A + B is called the sum of A and B, AB the product, and A is the scalar

    multiple of A by . In general,

    AB = BA. (2.18)

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    The range of a linear transformation A (i.e., the collection of all vectors Ax as x takes

    all values in E3) is a subspace ofE3. The dimension of this particular subspace is known

    as the rank ofA

    . The set of all vectorsx

    for whichAx


    is also a subspace ofE3; it isknown as the null space of A.

    Given any linear transformation A, one can show that there is a unique linear transfor-

    mation usually denoted by AT such that

    Ax y = x ATy for all x, y E3. (2.19)

    AT is called the transpose of A. One can show that

    (A)T = AT, (A + B)T = AT + BT, (AB)T = BTAT. (2.20)

    A linear transformation A is said to be symmetric if

    A = AT; (2.21)

    skew-symmetric if

    A = AT. (2.22)Every linear transformation A can be represented as the sum of a symmetric linear trans-

    formation S and a skew-symmetric linear transformation W as follows:

    A = S + W where S =1

    2(A + AT), W =


    2(A AT). (2.23)

    For every skew-symmetric linear transformation W, it may be shown that

    Wx x = 0 for all x E3; (2.24)

    moreover, there exists a vector w (called the axial vector ofW) which has the property that

    Wx = w x for all x E3. (2.25)

    Given a linear transformation A, if the only vector x for which Ax = o is the zero

    vector, then we say that A is non-singular. It follows from this that if A is non-singular

    then Ax = Ay whenever x = y. Thus, a non-singular transformation A is a one-to-onetransformation in the sense that, for any given y E3, there is one and only one vector x E3for which Ax = y. Consequently, corresponding to any non-singular linear transformation

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    A, there exists a second linear transformation, denoted by A1 and called the inverse ofA,

    such that Ax = y if and only if x = A1y, or equivalently, such that

    AA1 = A1A = I. (2.26)

    If {y1, y2, y3} and {x1, x2, x3} are two sets of linearly independent vectors in E3, thenthere is a unique non-singular linear transformation F that maps {x1, x2, x3} into {y1, y2, y3}:y1 = Fx1, y2 = Fx2, y3 = Fx3. The inverse of F maps {y1, y2, y3} into {x1, x2, x3}. If bothbases {x1, x2, x3} and {y1, y2, y3} are right-handed (or both are left-handed) we say thatthe linear transformation F preserves the orientation of the vector space.

    If two linear transformations A and B are both non-singular, then so is AB; moreover,

    (AB)1 = B1A1. (2.27)

    If A is non-singular then so is AT; moreover,

    (AT)1 = (A1)T, (2.28)

    and so there is no ambiguity in writing this linear transformation as AT.

    A linear transformation Q is said to be orthogonal if it preserves length, i.e., if

    |Qx| = |x| for all x E3. (2.29)

    If Q is orthogonal, it follows that it also preserves the inner product:

    Qx Qy = x y for all x, y E3. (2.30)

    Thus an orthogonal linear transformation preserves both the length of a vector and the angle

    between two vectors. IfQ is orthogonal, it is necessarily non-singular and

    Q1 = QT. (2.31)

    A linear transformation A is said to be positive definite if

    Ax x > 0 for all x E3, x = o; (2.32)

    positive-semi-definite if

    Ax x

    0 for all x E3. (2.33)

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    A positive definite linear transformation is necessarily non-singular. Moreover, A is positive

    definite if and only if its symmetric part (1/2)(A + AT) is positive definite.

    Let A be a linear transformation. A subspace U is known as an invariant subspace ofA if Av U for all v U. Given a linear transformation A, suppose that there exists anassociated one-dimensionalinvariant subspace. Since U is one-dimensional, it follows that if

    v U then any other vector in U can be expressed in the form v for some scalar . SinceU is an invariant subspace we know in addition that Av U whenever v U. Combiningthese two fact shows that Av = v for all v U. A vector v and a scalar such that

    Av = v, (2.34)

    are known, respectively, as an eigenvector and an eigenvalue of A. Each eigenvector of A

    characterizes a one-dimensional invariant subspace ofA. Every linear transformation A (ona 3-dimensional vector space E3) has at least one eigenvalue.

    It can be shown that a symmetric linear transformation A has three real eigenvalues

    1, 2, and 3, and a corresponding set of three mutually orthogonal eigenvectors e1, e2, and

    e3. The particular basis ofE3 comprised of{e1, e2, e3} is said to be a principal basis of A.Every eigenvalue of a positive definite linear transformation must be positive, and no

    eigenvalue of a non-singular linear transformation can be zero. A symmetric linear transfor-

    mation is positive definite if and only if all three of its eigenvalues are positive.

    If e and are an eigenvector and eigenvalue of a linear transformation A, then for any

    positive integer n, it is easily seen that e and n are an eigenvector and an eigenvalue of An

    where An = AA...(n times)..AA; this continues to be true for negative integers m provided

    A is non-singular and if by Am we mean (A1)m, m > 0.

    Finally, according to the polar decomposition theorem, given any non-singular linear trans-

    formation F, there exists unique symmetric positive definite linear transformations U and

    V and a unique orthogonal linear transformation R such that

    F = RU = VR. (2.35)

    If and r are an eigenvalue and eigenvector of U, then it can be readily shown that and

    Rr are an eigenvalue and eigenvector of V.

    Given two vectors a, b E3, their tensor-product is the linear transformation usuallydenoted by a b, which is such that

    (a b)x = (x b)a for all x E3. (2.36)

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    Observe that for any x E3, the vector (a b)x is parallel to the vector a. Thus the rangeof the linear transformation a b is the one-dimensional subspace ofE3 consisting of all

    vectors parallel toa

    . The rank of the linear transformationa


    is thus unity.For any vectors a, b, c, and d it is easily shown that

    (a b)T = b a, (a b)(c d) = (b c)(a d). (2.37)

    The product of a linear transformation A with the linear transformation a b gives

    A(a b) = (Aa) b, (a b)A = a (ATb). (2.38)


    {e1, e2, e3

    }be an orthonormal basis. Since this is a basis, any vector in E3, and

    therefore in particular each of the vectors Ae1, Ae2, Ae3, can be expressed as a unique

    linear combination of the basis vectors e1, e2, e3. It follows that there exist unique real

    numbers Aij such that

    Aej =3


    Aijei, j = 1, 2, 3, (2.39)

    where Aij is the ith component on the vector Aej. They can equivalently be expressed as

    Aij = ei (Aej). The linear transformation A can now be represented as

    A =



    Aij (ei ej). (2.40)

    One refers to the Aijs as the components of the linear transformation A in the basis

    {e1, e2, e3}. Note that3


    ei ei = I,3


    (Aei) ei = A. (2.41)

    Let S be a symmetric linear transformation with eigenvalues 1, 2, 3 and corresponding

    (mutually orthogonal unit) eigenvectors e1, e2, e3. Since Sej = j ej for each j = 1, 2, 3, itfollows from (2.39) that the components of S in the principal basis {e1, e2, e3} are S11 =1, S21 = S31 = 0; S12 = 0, S22 = 2, S32 = 0; S13 = S23 = 0, S33 = 3. It follows from the

    general representation (2.40) that S admits the representation

    S =3


    i (ei ei); (2.42)

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    this is called the spectral representation of a symmetric linear transformation. It can be

    readily shown that, for any positive integer n,

    Sn =3


    ni (ei ei); (2.43)

    if S is symmetric and non-singular, then

    S1 =3


    (1/i) (ei ei). (2.44)

    If S is symmetric and positive definite, there is a unique symmetric positive definite linear

    transformation T such that T2 = S. We call T the positive definite square root of S and

    denote it by T = S. It is readily seen that

    S =


    i (ei ei). (2.45)

    2.3 Worked Examples.

    Example 2.1: Given three vectors a,b, c, show that

    a (b c) = b (c a) = c (a b).

    Solution: By the properties of the vector-product, the vector (a + b) is normal to the vector (a + b) c.Thus

    (a + b) [(a + b) c] = 0.On expanding this out one obtains

    a (a c) + a (b c) + b (a c) + b (b c) = 0.

    Since a is normal to (a c), and b is normal to (b c), the first and last terms in this equation vanish.

    Finally, recall thata


    = c


    . Thus the preceding equation simplifies to

    a (b c) = b (c a).

    This establishes the first part of the result. The second part is shown analogously.

    Example 2.2: Show that a necessary and sufficient condition for three vectors a,b, c in E3 none of which

    is the null vector to be linearly dependent is that a (b c) = 0.

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    2.3. WORKED EXAMPLES. 27

    Solution: To show necessity, suppose that the three vectors a,b, c, are linearly dependent. It follows that

    a + b + c = o

    for some real numbers , , , at least one of which is non zero. Taking the vector-product of this equation

    with c and then taking the scalar-product of the result with a leads to

    a (b c) = 0.

    Analogous calculations with the other pairs of vectors, and keeping in mind that a (b c) = b (c a) =c (a b), leads to

    a (b c) = 0, a (b c) = 0, a (b c) = 0.Since at least one of , , is non-zero it follows that necessarily a (b c) = o.

    To show sufficiency, let a(bc) = 0 and assume that a,b, c are linearly independent. We will show that

    this is a contradiction whencea



    must be linearly dependent. By the properties of the vector-product,the vector b c is normal to the plane defined by the vectors b and c. By assumption, a (b c) = 0, andthis implies that a is normal to b c. Since we are in E3 this means that a must lie in the plane defined byb and c. This means they cannot be linearly independent.

    Example 2.3: Interpret the quantity a(bc) geometrically in terms of the volume of the tetrahedron definedby the vectors a,b, c.

    Solution: Consider the tetrahedron formed by the three vectors a, b, c as depicted in Figure 2.2. Its volume

    V0 =13 A0 h0 where A0 is the area of its base and h0 is its height.

    n = a b|a b|

    Volumelume = 13 A0 h0= |a b|0= c n0


    ab n

    Arearea A0

    Heigheight h0

    Figure 2.2: Volume of the tetrahedron defined by vectors a,b, c.

    Consider the triangle defined by the vectors a and b to be the base of the tetrahedron. Its area A0 canbe written as 1/2 base height = 1/2|a|(|b|| sin |) where is the angle between a and b. However from theproperty (2.9) of the vector-product we have |a b| = |a||b|| sin | and so A0 = |a b|/2.

    Next, n = (a b)/|a b| is a unit vector that is normal to the base of the tetrahedron, and so theheight of the tetrahedron is h0 = c n; see Figure 2.2.


    V0 =1

    3A0h0 =



    |a b|2

    (c n) = 1

    6(a b) c. (i)

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    Observe that this provides a geometric explanation for why the vectors a,b, c are linearly dependent if and

    only if (a b) c = 0.

    Example 2.4: Let (x) be a scalar-valued function defined on the vector space E3. If is linear, i.e. if

    (x+ y) = (x) + (y) for all scalars , and all vectors x,y, show that (x) = c x for some constantvector c. Remark: This shows that the scalar-product is the most general scalar-valued linear function of a


    Solution: Let {e1, e3, e3} be any orthonormal basis for E3. Then an arbitrary vector x can be written interms of its components as x = x1e1 + x2e2 + x3e3. Therefore

    (x) = (x1e1 + x2e2 + x3e3)

    which because of the linearity of leads to

    (x) = x1(e1) + x2(e2) + x3(e3).

    On setting ci = (ei), i = 1, 2, 3, we find

    (x) = x1c1 + x2c2 + x3c3 = c x

    where c = c1e1 + c2e2 + c3e3.

    Example 2.5: If two linear transformations A and B have the property that Ax y = Bx y for all vectorsx and y, show that A = B.

    Solution: Since (Ax Bx) y = 0 for all vectors y, we may choose y = Ax Bx in this, leading to|AxBx|2 = 0. Since the only vector of zero length is the null vector, this implies that

    Ax = Bx for all vectors x (i)

    and so A = B.

    Example 2.6: Let n be a unit vector, and let Pbe the plane through o normal to n. Let and R be thetransformations which, respectively, project and reflect a vector in the plane P.

    a. Show that and R are linear transformations; is called the projection linear transformationwhile R is known as the reflection linear transformation.

    b. Show that R(Rx) = x for all x E3.c. Verify that a reflection linear transformation R is non-singular while a projection linear transformation

    is singular. What is the inverse ofR?

    d. Verify that a projection linear transformation is symmetric and that a reflection linear transforma-

    tion R is orthogonal.

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    2.3. WORKED EXAMPLES. 29

    P n x

    x(x n)n

    Rx (x n)n

    Figure 2.3: The projection x and reflection Rx of a vector x on the plane P.

    e. Show that the projection linear transformation and reflection linear transformation can be represented

    as = I n n and R = I 2(n n) respectively.


    a. Figure 2.3 shows a sketch of the plane P, its unit normal vector n, a generic vector x, its projectionx and its reflection Rx. By geometry we see that

    x = x (x n)n, Rx = x 2(x n)n. (i)

    These define the images x and Rx of a generic vector x under the transformation and R. One

    can readily verify that and R satisfy the requirement (2.12) of a linear transformation.

    b. Applying the definition (i)2 ofR to the vector Rx gives

    R(Rx) = (Rx) 2(Rx) nnReplacing Rx on the right-hand side of this equation by (i)2, and expanding the resulting expression

    shows that the right-hand side simplifies to x. Thus R(Rx) = x.

    c. Applying the definition (i)1 of to the vector n gives

    n = n (n n)n = n n = o.

    Therefore n = o and (since n = o) we see that o is not the only vector that is mapped to the nullvector by . The transformation is therefore singular.

    Next consider the transformation R and consider a vector x that is mapped by it to the null vector,

    i.e. Rx = o. Using (i)2

    x = 2(x n)n.Taking the scalar-product of this equation with the unit vector n yields x n = 2(x n) from whichwe conclude that x n = 0. Substituting this into the right-hand side of the preceding equation leadsto x = o. Therefore Rx = o if and only ifx = o and so R is non-singular.

    To find the inverse of R, recall from part (b) that R(Rx) = x. Operating on both sides of this

    equation by R1 gives Rx = R1x. Since this holds for all vectors x it follows that R1 = R.

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    d. To show that is symmetric we simply use its definition (i)1 to calculate x y and x y forarbitrary vectors x and y. This yields

    x y = x (x n)n y = x y (x n)(y n)and

    x y = x y (x n)n

    = x y (x n)(y n).

    Thus x y = x y and so is symmetric.To show that R is orthogonal we must show that RRT = I or RT = R1. We begin by calculating

    RT. Recall from the definition (2.19) that the transpose satisfies the requirement x RTy = Rx y.Using the definition (i)2 ofR on the right-hand side of this equation yields

    x RTy = x y 2(x n)(y n).

    We can rearrange the right-hand side of this equation so it reads

    x RTy = x y 2(y n)n


    Since this holds for all x it follows that RTy = y 2(y n)n. Comparing this with (i)2 shows thatRT = R. In part (c) we showed that R1 = R and so it now follows that RT = R1. Thus R is


    e. Applying the operation (I n n) on an arbitrary vector x givesI n n

    x = x (n n)x = x (x n)n = x

    and so = I n n.Similarly

    I 2n nx = x 2(x n)n = Rx

    and so R = I 2n n.

    Example 2.7: IfW is a skew symmetric linear transformation show that

    Wx x = 0 for all x . (i)

    Solution: By the definition (2.19) of the transpose, we have Wx x = x WTx; and since W = WT for askew symmetric linear transformation, this can be written as Wx x = x Wx. Finally the property (2.3)of the scalar-product allows this to be written as Wx x = Wx x from which the desired result follows.

    Example 2.8: Show that (AB)T = BTAT.

    Solution: First, by the definition (2.19) of the transpose,

    (AB)x y = x (AB)Ty . (i)

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    2.3. WORKED EXAMPLES. 31

    Second, note that (AB)x y = A(Bx) y. By the definition of the transpose ofA we have A(Bx) y =Bx ATy; and by the definition of the transpose ofB we have Bx ATy = x BTATy. Therefore combiningthese three equations shows that

    (AB)x y = x BTATy (ii)

    On equating these two expressions for (AB)x y shows that x (AB)Ty = x BTATy for all vectors x,ywhich establishes the desired result.

    Example 2.9: Ifo is the null vector, then show that Ao = o for any linear transformation A.

    Solution: The null vector o has the property that when it is added to any vector, the vector remains

    unchanged. Therefore x + o = x, and similarly Ax + o = Ax. However operating on the first of these

    equations by A shows that Ax + Ao = Ax, which when combined with the second equation yields the

    desired result.

    Example 2.10: IfA and B are non-singular linear transformations show that AB is also non-singular and

    that (AB)1 = B1A1.

    Solution: Let C = B1A1. We will show that (AB)C = C(AB) = I and therefore that C is the inverse

    ofAB. (Since the inverse would thus have been shown to exist, necessarily AB must be non-singular.)

    Observe first that

    (AB) C = (AB) B1A1 = A(BB1)A1 = AIA1 = I ,

    and similarly that

    C (AB) = B1A1 (AB) = B1(A1A)B == B1IB = I .

    Therefore (AB)C = C(AB) = I and so C is the inverse ofAB.

    Example 2.11: IfA is non-singular, show that (A1)T = (AT)1.

    Solution: Since (AT)1 is the inverse of AT we have (AT)1AT = I. Post-operating on both sides of this

    equation by (A1)T gives

    (AT)1AT(A1)T = (A1)T.

    Recall that (AB)T

    = BT



    for any two linear transformations A and B. Thus the preceding equationsimplifies to

    (AT)1(A1A)T = (A1)T

    Since A1A = I the desired result follows.

    Example 2.12: Show that an orthogonal linear transformation Q preserves inner products, i.e. show that

    Qx Qy = x y for all vectors x,y.

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    Solution: Since

    (x y) (x y) = x x + y y 2x yit follows that

    x y = 12|x|2 + |y|2 |x y|2 . (i)

    Since this holds for all vectors x,y it must also hold when x and y are replaced by Qx and Qy:

    Qx Qy = 12

    |Qx|2 + |Qy|2 |QxQy|2 .By definition, an orthogonal linear transformation Q preserves length, i.e. |Qv| = |v| for all vectors v. Thusthe preceding equation simplifies to

    Qx Qy = 12

    |x|2 + |y|2 |x y|2 . (ii)Since the right-hand-sides of the preceding expressions for x y and Qx Qy are the same, it follows that

    Qx Qy = x y.Remark: Thus an orthogonal linear transformation preserves the length of any vector and the inner product

    between any two vectors. It follows therefore that an orthogonal linear transformation preserves the angle

    between a pair of vectors as well.

    Example 2.13: Let Q be an orthogonal linear transformation. Show that

    a. Q is non-singular, and that

    b. Q1 = QT.


    a. To show that Q is non-singular we must show that the only vector x for which Qx = o is the null

    vector x = o. Suppose that Qx = o for some vector x. Taking the norm of the two sides of this

    equation leads to |Qx| = |o| = 0. However an orthogonal linear transformation preserves length andtherefore |Qx| = |x|. Consequently |x| = 0. However the only vector of zero length is the null vectorand so necessarily x = o. Thus Q is non-singular.

    b. Since Q is orthogonal it preserves the inner product: Qx Qy = x y for all vectors x and y. Howeverthe property (2.19) of the transpose shows that Qx Qy = x QTQy. It follows that x QTQy = x yfor all vectors x and y, and therefore that QTQ = I. Thus Q1 = QT.

    Example 2.14: If 1 and 2 are two distinct eigenvalues of a symmetric linear transformation A, show that

    the corresponding eigenvectors a1 and a2 are orthogonal to each other.

    Solution: Recall from the definition of the transpose that Aa1 a2 = a1 ATa2, and since A is symmetricthat A = AT. Thus

    Aa1 a2 = a1 Aa2 .

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    2.3. WORKED EXAMPLES. 33

    Since a1 and a2 are eigenvectors ofA corresponding to the eigenvalues 1 and 2, we have Aa1 = 1a1 and

    Aa2 = 2a2. Thus the preceding equation reduces to 1a1 a2 = 2a1 a2 or equivalently

    (1 2)(a1 a2) = 0.Since, 1 = 2 it follows that necessarily a1 a2 = 0.

    Example 2.15: If and e are an eigenvalue and eigenvector of an arbitrary linear transformation A, show

    that and P1e are an eigenvalue and eigenvector of the linear transformation P1AP. Here P is an

    arbitrary non-singular linear transformation.

    Solution: Since PP1 = I it follows that Ae = APP1e. However we are told that Ae = e, whence

    APP1e = e. Operating on both sides with P1 gives P1APP1e = P1e which establishes the


    Example 2.16: If is an eigenvalue of an orthogonal linear transformation Q, show that || = 1.Solution: Let and e be an eigenvalue and corresponding eigenvector ofQ. Thus Qe = e and so |Qe| =|e| = || |e|. However, Q preserves length and so |Qe| = |e|. Thus || = 1.

    Remark: We will show later that +1 is an eigenvalue of a proper orthogonal linear transformation on E3.

    The corresponding eigvector is known as the axis ofQ.

    Example 2.17: The components of a linear transformation A in an orthonormal basis

    {e1,e2, e3

    }are the

    unique real numbers Aij defined by

    Aej =


    Aijei, j = 1, 2, 3. (i)

    Show that the linear transformation A can be represented as

    A =



    Aij(ei ej). (ii)

    Solution: Consider the linear transformation given on the right-hand side of (ii) and operate it on an arbitrary

    vector x: 3i=1


    Aij(ei ej)x = 3



    Aij(x ej)ei =3



    Aijxjei =






    where we have used the facts that (pq)r = (q r)p and xi = x ei. On using (i) in the right most expressionabove, we can continue this calculation as follows: 3



    Aij(ei ej)x = 3


    xjAej = A3


    xjej = Ax.

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    The desired result follows from this since this holds for arbitrary vectors x.

    Example 2.18: Let R be a rotation transformation that rotates vectors in IE3 through an angle , 0 < < ,

    about an axis e (in the sense of the right-hand rule). Show that R can be represented as

    R = e e + (e1 e1 + e2 e2)cos (e1 e2 e2 e1)sin , (i)

    where e1 and e2 are any two mutually orthogonal vectors such that {e1,e2, e} forms a right-handed or-thonormal basis for IE3.

    Solution: We begin by listing what is given to us in the problem statement. Since the transformation R

    simply rotates vectors, it necessarily preserves the length of a vector and so

    |Rx| = |x| for all vectors x. (ii)

    In addition, since the angle through which R rotates a vector is , the angle between any vector x and its

    image Rx is :

    Rx x = |x|2 cos for all vectors x. (iii)Next, since R rotates vectors about the axis e, the angle between any vector x and e must equal the angle

    between Rx and e:

    Rx e = x e for all vectors x; (iv)moreover, it leaves the axis e itself unchanged:

    Re = e. (v)

    And finally, since the rotation is in the sense of the right-hand rule, for any vector x that is not parallelel to

    the axis e, the vectors x,Rx and e must obey the inequality

    (xRx) e > 0 for all vectors x that are not parallel to e. (vi)

    Let {e1, e2, e} be a right-handed orthonormal basis. This implies that any vector in E3, and thereforein particular the vectors Re1,Re2 and Re, can be expressed as linear combinations of e1,e2 and e,

    Re1 = R11e1 + R21e2 + R31e,

    Re2 = R12e1 + R22e2 + R32e,

    Re = R13e1 + R23e2 + R33e,


    for some unique real numbers Rij , i , j = 1, 2, 3.

    First, it follows from (v) and (vii)3 that

    R13 = 0, R23 = 0, R33 = 1.

    Second, we conclude from (iv) with the choice x = e1 that Re1 e = 0. Similarly Re2 e = 0. These togetherwith (vii) imply that

    R31 = R32 = 0.

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    2.3. WORKED EXAMPLES. 35

    Third, it follows from (iii) with x = e1 and (vii)1 that R11 = cos . One similarly shows that R22 = cos .


    R11 = R22 = cos .

    Collecting these results allows us to write (vii) as

    Re1 = cos e1 +R21 e2,

    Re2 = R12 e1 +cos e2,

    Re = e,


    Fourth, the inequality (vi) with the choice x = e1, together with (viii) and the fact that {e1,e2, e} formsa right-handed basis yields R21 > 0. Similarly the choice x = e2, yields R12 < 0. Fifth, (ii) with x = e1

    gives |Re1| = 1 which in view of (viii)1 requires that R21 = sin . Similarly we find that R12 = sin .

    Collecting these results shows that

    R21 = + sin , R12 = sin ,

    since 0 < < . Thus in conclusion we can write (viii) as

    Re1 = cos e1 +sin e2,

    Re2 = sin e1 +cos e2,

    Re = e.


    Finally, recall the representation (2.40) of a linear transformation in terms of its components as defined

    in (2.39). Applying this to (ix) allows us to write

    R = cos (e1 e1) + sin (e2 e1) sin (e1 e2) + cos (e2 e2) + (e e) (x)

    which can be rearranged to give the desired result.

    Example 2.19: IfF is a nonsingular linear transformation, show that FTF is symmetric and positive definite.

    Solution: For any linear transformations A and B we know that (AB)T = BTAT and (AT)T = A. It

    therefore follows that

    (FTF)T = FT (FT)T = FTF; (i)

    this shows that FTF is symmetric.

    In order to show that FTF is positive definite, we consider the quadratic form FTFx x. By using theproperty (2.19) of the transpose, we can write

    FTFx x = (Fx) (Fx) = |Fx|2 0. (ii)

    Further, equality holds here if and only ifFx = o, which, since F is nonsingular, can happen only ifx = o.

    Thus FTFx x > 0 for all vectors x = o and so FTF is positive definite.

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    Example 2.20: Consider a symmetric positive definite linear transformation S. Show that it has a unique

    symmetric positive definite square root, i.e. show that there is a unique symmetric positive definite lineartransformation T for which T2 = S.

    Solution: Since S is symmetric and positive definite it has three real positive eigenvalues 1, 2, 3 with

    corresponding eigenvectors s1, s2, s3 which may be taken to be orthonormal. Further, we know that S can

    be represented as

    S =3


    i(si si). (i)

    If one defines a linear transformation T by

    T =



    i(si si) (ii)

    one can readily verify that T is symmetric, positive definite and that T2 = S. This establishes the existence

    of a symmetric positive definite square-root ofS. What remains is to show uniqueness of this square-root.

    Suppose that S has two symmetric positive definite square roots T1 and T2 : S = T21 = T

    22. Let > 0

    and s be an eigenvalue and corresponding eigenvector of S. Then Ss = s and so T21s = s. Thus we have

    (T1 +


    I)s = 0 . (iii)

    If we set f = (T1

    I)s this can be written as

    T1f =

    f . (iv)

    Thus either f = o or f is an eigenvector of T1 corresponding to the eigenvalue (< 0). Since T1 ispositive definite it cannot have a negative eigenvalue. Thus f = o and so

    T1s =

    s . (v)

    It similarly follows that T2s =

    s and therefore that

    T1s = T2s. (vi)

    This holds for everyeigenvector s ofS: i.e. T1si = T2si, i = 1, 2, 3. Since the triplet of eigenvectors form a

    basis for the underlying vector space this in turn implies that T1x = T2x for any vector x. Thus T1 = T2.

    Example 2.21: Polar Decomposition Theorem: IfF is a nonsingular linear transformation, show that there

    exists a unique positive definite symmetric linear transformation U, and a unique orthogonal linear trans-

    formation R such that F = RU.

    Solution: It follows from Example 2.19 that FTF is symmetric and positive definite. It then follows from

    Example 2.20 that FTF has a unique symmetric positive definite square root, say, U:

    U =FTF. (i)

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    2.3. WORKED EXAMPLES. 37

    Finally, since U is positive definite, it is nonsingular, and its inverse U1 exists. Define the linear

    transformation R through:

    R = FU1. (ii)
