elastic inelastic analyzing collisions. collisions during a collision, there is a transfer of...

ELASTIC & INELASTIC Analyzing Collisions

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Post on 18-Jan-2018




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Collisions 2 types of collisions #1 = Elastic – “hit & rebound” - momentum is conservedFor Perfectly Elastic - KE remains the same


Page 1: ELASTIC  INELASTIC Analyzing Collisions. Collisions During a collision, there is a transfer of momentum  energy. To calculate momentum = p ai + p bi


Analyzing Collisions

Page 2: ELASTIC  INELASTIC Analyzing Collisions. Collisions During a collision, there is a transfer of momentum  energy. To calculate momentum = p ai + p bi


During a collision, there is a transfer of momentum & energy.

To calculate momentum =pai + pbi = paf + pbf

(remember p = mΔv)

To calculate energy =KEai + KEbi = KEaf + KEbf (remember KE = ½ mv2)

Page 3: ELASTIC  INELASTIC Analyzing Collisions. Collisions During a collision, there is a transfer of momentum  energy. To calculate momentum = p ai + p bi


2 types of collisions#1 = Elastic – “hit & rebound”

- momentum is conserved For Perfectly Elastic- KE remains the same

Page 4: ELASTIC  INELASTIC Analyzing Collisions. Collisions During a collision, there is a transfer of momentum  energy. To calculate momentum = p ai + p bi

mava initial

mbvb initial

P before = ma(+va) + mb(-vb)

mbvb final

P after = ma(-va) + mb(+vb)

mava final

Page 5: ELASTIC  INELASTIC Analyzing Collisions. Collisions During a collision, there is a transfer of momentum  energy. To calculate momentum = p ai + p bi

Elastic Collision Equation

ma(+va) + mb(-vb) = ma(-va) + mb(+vb)

*Positive velocity to the right*Negative velocity to the left

Page 6: ELASTIC  INELASTIC Analyzing Collisions. Collisions During a collision, there is a transfer of momentum  energy. To calculate momentum = p ai + p bi


2 types of collisions#2 = Inelastic – “hit & stick”

- momentum is conserved For Perfectly Inelastic- KE is decreased

Page 7: ELASTIC  INELASTIC Analyzing Collisions. Collisions During a collision, there is a transfer of momentum  energy. To calculate momentum = p ai + p bi

Collision: hit and stick

mava initial

mbvb initial

P before = ma(+va) + mb(-vb)

mbvb final

P after = (ma + mb)(va&b


mava final


Page 8: ELASTIC  INELASTIC Analyzing Collisions. Collisions During a collision, there is a transfer of momentum  energy. To calculate momentum = p ai + p bi

Collision: hit and stick

Inelastic Collision Equation

ma(+va) + mb(-vb) = (ma + mb)(va&b


*Positive velocity to the right*Negative velocity to the left