el observador oct 1

VOLUME 31 NUMBER 40 OCT 1 - 7, 2010 www.el-observador.com Pg. 5 Pg. 13 “No respetan mi arte”: India SCC Requests to Opt Out of Secure Communities Program Photo F&F Media Corp

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“No respetan mi arte”: India

SCC Requests to Opt Outof Secure CommunitiesProgram


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|2| OCT 1 - 7, 2010 | www.el-observador.com Community

*Puedes optar por pagar tu prima en cuotas por un cargo mensual de servicio de $1. Ahorros anuales promedio por casa basados en un estudio en California realizado a asegurados nuevos en el 2009 quienes reportaron haber ahorrado al cambiarse a State Farm. Las pólizas, formularios y notificaciones deState Farm están escritas en inglés. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, Bloomington, IL.

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Una buena noticia para todos los pa-cientes de Kaiser Permanente. Elpasado 29 de septiembre Kaiser

Permanente inauguró su módulo en español enlas especialidades de Ginecología y Obstetricia.

“Debido a la gran demanda de pacientesque hablan español y a fin de ofrecer el cuidadoque merecen decidimos abrir este modulo” dijoJoseph Derrough, Director del DepartamentoOB-Gyn en Kaiser Permanente de San José.

En la fotografía los doctores en Ginc-cología y Obstetricia Dr. Joseph Derrough, laDra. Silvia Terán y Dra. Eveylyn Nuñez a ladode un excelente equipo de trabajo perfecta-mente bilingüe.

El porcentaje de pacientes en Kaiser Per-manente de San José es del 32%. Esta iniciativaes bastante saludable y con el lema “VivaBien”, este hospital se acerca más a la comu-nidad latina. Δ

Por Rosario VitalEl Observador

La aerolínea que inició sus vuelos operativos desde San José a Guadalajaraahora cuenta con más vuelos en la

ciudad de México. Noticia que es de agradopara todos los viajeros que deseen realizarconexiones a otras ciudades en México.

Los nuevos destinos que parten de la ciudadde México está Tijuana, Hermosillo, Guadala-jara, Cancún, Chihuahua, La Paz, Los Cabos yMérida. Asi lo dio a conocer la Jefe de Rela-ciones Públicas y Redes Sociales Sai IreneSánchez.

La aerolínea informa que hay 3,625pasajeros han volado desde San José a Guadala-jara y de Guadalajara a San José han viajado

unas 3,500 personas.Miguel Aguiñiga, Gerente de Ventas de

Volaris dijo que la aerolínea permite que suspasajeros compren los boletos con mucha facilidad.“Estamos próximamente negociando conMoney.Gram para que los pasajeros comprensus boletos sin problema, confirmación que sehará en un par de semanas”, explica Aguiñiga.

Sánchez por su parte explicó que Volaristiene un nuevo socio. Se trata de Indigo Part-ners que incluye corporaciones especializadasy otras compañías inversoras en esta aerolínea.

Además del buen servicio que ofrece, laaerolínea mantiene un contacto directo con susclientes a través de Twitter y Facebook. Volarispromueve concursos a fin de acercarse más asus clientes. El sitio web de volaris eswww.volaris.mx. Δ

Servicio en español en Kaiser

José Lopez (Station Manager), Alejandra Arias,(Representante en San José),Sais Irene SánchezCorrea, (Jefe de Relaciones Públicas y Redes Sociales), Miguel Aguiñiga (Gerente de Ventas) y EdNelson del Aeropuerto Internacional de San José durante la conferencia de prensa sobre lo ultimode Volaris realizado el pasado 28 de septiembre en el Hotel Hilton de San José.

Volaris anuncia nuevos vuelos

Page 3: el observador oct 1

www.el-observador.com | OCT 1 - 7, 2010 |3|Opinion


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A weekly newspaper serving Latinos in the San Francisco Bay Area.

P.O. Box 1990, San Jose, CA 9510999 N. First Street, Suite 100, San Jose, California 95113

By Hilbert Morales

EL OBSERVADOR was founded in 1980 to serve the informational needs of theHispanic community in the San Francisco Bay Area, with special focus on San Jose, the

capital of Silicon Valley. All Rights Reserved: No part of this publication may betransmitted or reproduced in any form or by any means, this includes photo copying

recording, or by an information storage and retrieval systems, electronic ormechanical, without the express written consent of the publishers.

Opinions espressed in El Observador by persons submitting articles are notnecessarily the opinions of the publishers.



Washington, DC – The ServiceEmployees InternationalUnion, Mi Familia Vota Civic

Participation Campaign, and America’s Voiceare launching Spanish-language radio ads innine media markets across the country. Theads point to the Republican Party’s obstruc-tionism on immigration reform, cite theGOP’s successful effort to block a vote on theDREAM Act last week, and encourage votersto support the candidates who “support ourfamilies, and make our dreams come true.”

The $300,000 ad buy is the largest na-tional ad campaign from pro-immigration re-form organizations, and marks the beginningof a voter mobilization drive across the nationto hold politicians accountable for demoniz-ing immigrants and blocking progress oncommon sense immigration reform. The adswill run in Phoenix and Tucson, AZ; Denver,CO; Miami and Orlando, FL; Chicago, IL;Las Vegas, NV; and Houston and McAllen,TX—all areas where Latino voters will playa decisive role in contested races this Novem-ber and in 2012.

For more information on the impactLatino voters are poised to make in the 2010and 2012 elections, and how voters currentlyview the two parties, see this report fromAmerica’s Voice and these tracking polls fromLatino Decisions.

"Last week, the same Republicans whohave rallied their support behind Arizona's‘papers please’ law made a clear choice tocrush the dreams of tens of thousands of high-achieving immigrant youth," said SEIU Sec-retary Treasurer Eliseo Medina. "Today, it iscritical that our community understands whois on their side and what is at stake if we donot hold our elected leaders accountable inNovember.”

The ads are in additional to a nationalvoter mobilization strategy this year that en-

courages Latino and immigrant voters tomake their voices heard at the polls. Variousmobilization efforts are already underway inthese six states, as well as in other locationsfeaturing significant Latino voting popula-tions. For example, in Colorado, Latino civicengagement organizations aim to turn outover half of all registered Latino voters thiscycle through aggressive mail, phone, andgrassroots outreach campaigns. And in Ari-zona, organizations are on track to turn out230,000 Latinos in Phoenix, Yuma, and Tuc-son.

“This is our moment—from Miami toDenver—to use the power of the Latino voteto fight back against the anti-immigrant at-tacks, the SB1070 copycat laws, and the pettypolitics in Washington that have blocked allprogress on immigration reform," said BenMonterroso, Executive Director of Mi FamiliaVota Civic Participation Campaign. “Latinovoters must take stock of who is with us andwho is against us. This is the moment to votefor leaders who will offer real solutions to ourbroken immigration system and who willcommit to building an economy that works forall working families."

The ad buy and larger mobilization effortare designed to increase turnout among“surge” and “low propensity” Latino voters,and help close the gaps between those eligibleto vote and those who turn out on electionday.

According to Frank Sharry, Executive Di-rector of America’s Voice, “The outrageousdecision by Senate Republicans to block theDREAM Act last week demands a strong re-sponse. We are pleased to partner with SEIUand Mi Familia Vota Civic Participation Cam-paign to bolster the on-the-ground efforts tomobilize voters and build support for neededimmigration reforms.”

Six Figure Spanish-Language Ad BuyHighlights GOP Obstruction to Immigration Reform

A Debate It Was Not

The word ‘debate’ is defined as “adiscussion, especially of a publicpolicy question, in an assembly”.

Debate involves the affirmative and negativesides of a proposition which is advocated byopposing speakers. California gubernatorialcandidates Jerry Brown (D) and Meg Whit-man (R), had their first face to face meeting.A litany of the experience and projections ofeach candidate was presented to those whocared to view this event that happened at U.C.Davis.

Candidate jerry Brown touted his experi-ence and made a few jokes especially about hispension. Meg Whitman recited all positionswhich have been already stated in her politicalads funded by about $120 million of her ownpersonal wealth. There was no pro & con dis-cussion of taxation, education, state budgetimpasse (except to ‘punish the legislators’ bynot providing funds), etc. etc.

The most important public policy issuewhich could have been debated (pro & con) toreveal the differences between Republicansand Democrats was not evident at all. Thatissue was the cause of high unemploymentlevels in the current labor force in the state.What caused it? How could that cause be mit-igated in the future? How to accelerate the cre-ation of jobs in this new informationtechnology era? The main issue of interest toall was ‘a plan to repair the current economy’.Presently, federal bail-out program funding isbeing used to shore up employment.

A variety of sources reveal that many cor-porations have huge amounts of ‘cash onhand’, but none are investing it in a mannerthat creates jobs here in America. Meaningfuljobs are in factories where a product is assem-bled (manufactured) and shipped out to localeswhere consumers may buy it. Some jobs canbe created by government program and proj-ect funding. These are the ‘shovel ready’ proj-ects which are a one time expenditure tocorrect a need which exists in the infrastruc-ture for which government is responsible. Thisusually means construction work or mainte-nance/repair work on roads, bridges or over-passes, airports, and harbors. The currentconstruction of infrastructure elements such asBART, Light Rail transit and high speed railsystems are such projects.

The real problem today is that the Ameri-can consumer economy has been seriously

damaged by the concept that America can bethe creative think tank for a good idea, thescale-up (building the factories which producethe widget) is accomplished by investment ofcapital to build the factories and assemblylines needed. One issue not discussed at allwas the impact of robotics, cybernetics and au-tomation. Just compare photos of automobileassembly lines from the 1940’s with today’sassembly lines to see that fewer workers areneeded because of automation. In the old days,all work was performed by a member of theskilled labor force. Today it is possible formany assembly tasks to be performed by anautomated machine. The issue of how a formeremploye who was replaced by an automaticmachine, may earn a living which enables thesupport of family, making timely payments onthe mortgage, educate the children, purchasefood and other commodities, etc. was not de-bated. That debate needs to happen. Take notethat welfare and unemployment compensationentitlements do not solve this challenging sit-uation.

At the very base of this issue is that today’scorporate executive is focused on makingprofits without being committed to providingjobs for the local work force. Hence muchmanufacturing employment is now performedoffshore where labor is cheaper and the per-mits, EIR analyses, licenses are simply ob-tained easily. Here in America all that takestime...in some cases about two years.

Just consider the following: the Americantoy industry is replaced by toys “made inChina”; All TV’s are made ‘offshore’; batteriesare made elsewhere, and electronics commodi-ties are now ‘outsourced’. Many of these com-modities were once made in America…nomore because it is more profitable to makethem offshore. The debates of Brown andWhitman in the future must deal with theirideas and plans to enable markets to be estab-lished in California which are serviced bycommodities manufactured in California infactories which employ Californians. Onlythen will the high unemployment levels drop.A skilled worker with a job that provides a re-liable living wage is essential to the Americanconsumer economy…that was not discussed atall. The face-off by Brown and Whitman wassimply not a debate that enabled any registeredvoter to discern who would be the Governor,State of California. So a debate it was not.Δ

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|4| OCT 1 - 7, 2010 | www.el-observador.com Community


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Paid for by: Re-Elect Madison Nguyen for City Council 2010, PO Box 18494, San Jose, CA 95158 FPPC# 1322714

Por Favor Reelija

a la Concejal

Concilio de la Ciudad de San José, Distrito 7

Por Rosario VitalEl Observador 

Laura Villalobos está muy contenta ypuede trabajar con tranquilidad enla jurisdicción del Condado de Santa

Clara. Esta semana las autoridades anunciaronque el condado no trabajará de la mano con la“migra” y esto ha causado alegría entre todoslos trabajadores honestos e indocumentadoscomo Laura.

“Esto había causado mucho temor en nues-tros vecindarios ahora con esta noticia estamosseguros”, dijo Villalobos.

La Junta de Supervisores del Condado deSanta Clara votó por unanimidad de no imple-mentar el Programa de Comunidades Seguras.Este programa federal consiste en la aplicaciónde ley de la policía local con la ley ley de in-migración federal a través de un sistema auto-matizado de intercambio de información quecompara los datos de huellas dáctilares recogi-das por las agencias locales con una base dedatos de estado de inmigración federales.

“Decidimos no participar porque no quere-mos separar a más familias trabajadoras”, dijoen la conferencia de prensa, el Supervisor DaveCortese

Después de oir de los líderes comunitarios,los supervisores acordaron que la implementa-ción del programa de Comunidades Seguras enel Condado de Santa Clara se complica con laspólizas del Condado y acordaron no participaren la aplicación de la ley federal de inmigra-ción.

Los supervisores también tomaron nota deque la participación podría poner en peligro laseguridad de los residentes del Condado ha-ciendo que los residentes no llamen a la policíao busquen servicios por temor a su estado mi-gratorio. El Programa de Comunidades Segurasha sido ampliamente criticado porque se handetenido y deportado a personas que no tienencondenas penales o condenas por delitos meno-

res como manejar sin licencia, a pesar de ser unprograma destinado a detener a los criminalesesto ha generado arrestos injustos.

“Desde mi perspectiva, este programa noasegura que nuestro condado cuente con unaciudad segura porque crear temor entre los re-sidentes les previene a que muchos de ellos re-porten el crimen”, dijo el Supervisor delCondado de Santa Clara George Shirakawa,Jefe del Comité de Justicia y Seguridad Pública. “Nuestra responsabilidad como condado es noaplicar leyes de inmigración a costa de la con-fianza de nuestros residentes”, agrego Shira-kawa.

Bajo esta ley, las huellas de cualquier per-sona arrestada en el condado son enviadas elec-trónicamente al Departamento de Justicia deCalifornia. Históricamente el Departamento deJusticia ha compartido la información con elgobierno federal a fines de aplicar la ley penal.

Bajo el programa de Comunidades Seguras,el Departamento de Justicia ha permitido quelos datos de huellas dáctilares recogidas por lasagencias locales sean comparadas con las hue-llas dáctilares en el Departamento de SeguridadNacional \ del Sistema de Identificación Bio-métrica (IDENT) a los efectos de hacer cumplirlas leyes civiles de inmigración. Cuando estacomparación conduce a la identificación de di-chos individuos, los agentes federales buscan laayuda del condado en la detención, el interro-gatorio y eventualmente se hacen cargo de lacustodia de las personas.

El programa de Comunidades Seguras esvoluntario y por esta razón el Condado de SantaClara se ha retirado de la listas de otros conda-dos en no poner en marcha este programa.

Las autoridades del Condado enviarán unanotificación formal a la Agencia federal de In-migración y Aduanas (ICE) y al Fiscal Generalsolicitando el cese del recojo de las huellas delcondado para determinar el estado migratorio opara investigar violaciones migratorias.

“Estamos seguros en el Condadode Santa Clara”

Page 5: el observador oct 1

www.el-observador.com | OCT 1 - 7, 2010 |5|Community


STOCKTON, CALIFORNIA“Este aviso traducido es sólo para fines informativos. El aviso oficial es la versiónpublicada en inglés. Todo formulario de Evidencia de Reclamo presentado antela FDIC como Síndico de Pacific State Bank debe estar en inglés.”

El 20 de agosto de 2010 (la “Fecha de Cierre”), el Departamento de InstitucionesFinancieras de California cerró Pacific State Bank, Stockton, California, 95207(la “Institución en Cierre”) y nombró como Síndico a la Corporación Federal de Segurode Depósitos, FDIC (el “Síndico”) para que maneje todos los asuntos relacionadoscon la Institución en Cierre.


Todos los acreedores que tengan reclamos contra la Institución en Cierre debenpresentar sus reclamos por escrito, junto con evidencia de los reclamos, al Síndicohasta el 24 de noviembre de 2010 inclusive (la “Fecha Límite para Reclamos”). Losreclamos se pueden presentar por fax o por correo a la siguiente dirección:

FDIC as Receiver of Pacific State Bank40 Pacifica Irvine, CA 92618

Attention: Claims AgentPuede obtener un formulario oficial de Evidencia de Reclamo e instrucciones enwww.fdic.gov o llamando al (949) 208-6700.Conforme a las leyes federales, el Síndico denegará los reclamos que sepresenten después de la Fecha Límite para Reclamos. La denegación serádefinitiva. 12 U.S.C., Sección 1821(d)(5)(C).

NOTA PARA LOS DEMANDANTES COLECTIVOS: Conforme a la ley, el Síndico noaceptará un reclamo presentado en nombre de un grupo propuesto de personas oentidades, o un grupo de personas o entidades certificado por un tribunal. CADApersona o entidad debe presentar un reclamo por separado ante el Síndico.


La FDIC, que asegura sus depósitos como corporación (la “FDIC”), indicó que setransfirieran todos los depósitos (“Depósitos”) que se encontraban en la Instituciónen Cierre, incluidos los montos no asegurados, a otra institución de depósitoasegurada, Rabobank, N.A., El Centro, California 92243 (la “Nueva Institución”).Esta medida debería reducir al mínimo cualquier inconveniente causado por el cierrede la Institución en Cierre. Usted puede dejar sus Depósitos en la Nueva Institución,pero debe tomar medidas para reclamar la propiedad de sus Depósitos.

Las leyes federales [12 U.S.C., Sección 1822(e)] exigen que usted reclame la propiedad(“reclamo”) de sus Depósitos ante la Nueva Institución tomando una de las siguientesmedidas en un plazo de 18 meses a partir de la Fecha de Cierre. Si tiene más deuna cuenta, la acción para reclamar sus Depósitos en una de ellas automáticamentereclamará sus Depósitos en todas sus cuentas.1. Hacer un depósito o retiro de una de su(s) cuenta(s). Esto incluye hacer un cheque

de cualquier cuenta, hacer que se acredite un depósito directo automatizado ohacer que se debite un retiro automatizado de cualquier cuenta, o cerrar la cuenta.

2. Firmar una nueva tarjeta de firmas para su(s) cuenta(s), celebrar un nuevo acuerdode depósito con la Nueva Institución, cambiar la propiedad de su(s) cuenta(s), orenegociar las condiciones de su(s) cuenta(s) de certificado de depósito, si lastuviera.

3. Proporcionar a la Nueva Institución un formulario de cambio de domicilio completo. 4. Escribir a la Nueva Institución para notificarle que desea mantener su(s) cuenta(s)

activa(s) en la Nueva Institución. Asegúrese de incluir el nombre de la(s) cuenta(s),el número(s) de cuenta(s), la firma de una persona autorizada para firmar en la(s)cuenta(s), y un nombre y dirección.

Le informamos que los Instrumentos Oficiales emitidos por la Institución en Cierre,por ejemplo, cheques de caja, cheques de dividendos, cheques de intereses, chequesde gastos y giros, se consideran Depósitos y deben reclamarse dentro del plazo de18 meses a partir de la Fecha de Cierre.Si no reclama la propiedad de sus Depósitos en la Nueva Institución dentro del plazode 18 meses a partir de la Fecha de Cierre, las leyes federales exigen que la NuevaInstitución devuelva sus Depósitos a la FDIC. Es posible que la FDIC deba entregarloscomo propiedad no reclamada al Estado que figura en su domicilio, según los registrosde la Institución en Cierre. 12 U.S.C., Sección 1822(e). Si su dirección no es en losEstados Unidos, es posible que la FDIC deba entregar los Depósitos al Estado dondela Institución en Cierre tenía su oficina central. Si el Estado acepta la custodia desus Depósitos, usted tendrá 10 años a partir de la fecha de la entrega para reclamarsus Depósitos al Estado. Después de ese plazo de 10 años, se le prohibirá que reclamesus Depósitos de manera permanente. Si el Estado no acepta la custodia de sus Depósitos después del período de 18 meses,usted puede reclamar sus Depósitos a la FDIC hasta que la sindicatura de la Instituciónen Cierre haya finalizado. La sindicatura puede finalizar en cualquier momento. Unavez finalizada, usted no podrá reclamar sus Depósitos.


The County of Santa Clara Board of Supervisorsunanimously voted to authorize efforts to opt outof the Secure Communities Program. This federal

program involves local law enforcement in the enforcementof federal immigration law through an automated informa-tion-sharing system that compares fingerprint data collectedby local agencies with a federal immigration status database.

After hearing from community leaders, the Supervisorsagreed that implementation of Secure Communities in SantaClara County conflicts with the County’s policy not to partic-ipate in the enforcement of federal immigration law. The Su-pervisors further noted that participation might jeopardize thesafety of County residents by causing residents not to call po-lice or seek services out of fear that their immigration statuswill be questioned. The Secure Communities Program hasbeen widely criticized for resulting in the detention and de-portation of people with no criminal convictions or convic-tions for minor offenses like driving without a license, despitebeing promoted as a program targeting serious offenders.

“From my perspective, this program does not make anycommunity in our County safer, because it creates fear amongour residents and prevents them from reporting crime,” saidSupervisor George Shirakawa, Chair of the Board’s PublicSafety and Justice Committee. “Our responsibility as a Countyis not to enforce immigration law at the expense of losing ourresidents’ trust.”

Under current law, the fingerprints of anyone arrested inthe County are sent electronically to the California Depart-ment of Justice. Historically, the Department of Justice hasshared this information with the federal government for crim-inal law enforcement purposes only. However, under SecureCommunities, the Justice Department has allowed fingerprintdata collected by local agencies to be compared against fin-gerprints in the Department if Homeland Security’s Auto-mated Biometric Identification System (IDENT) for thepurposes of enforcing civil immigration laws. When thiscomparison leads to the identification of such individuals, fed-eral agents seek the assistance of the County in detaining,questioning, and eventually taking custody of individuals.

“It is unfortunate this so called voluntary federal programwas implemented without our knowledge and without our ap-proval,” said Ken Yeager, President of the County of SantaClara Board of Supervisors. “We strive to implement trans-parent policies that are consistent with our priorities. We donot see how this kind of forced ‘collaboration’ can make SantaClara County a better place.”

In response to a request from County Counsel MiguelMárquez, the Department of Homeland Security has con-firmed that Secure Communities is a voluntary program andprovided a potential “Opt Out” process.

Through today’s vote, the Board authorized the CountyExecutive and County Counsel to take all necessary actionsto allow the County to opt out of participation in Secure Com-munities. Following the Board’s direction, the County Exec-utive and County Counsel plan to send a formal notificationto the federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency(ICE) and the California Attorney General requesting that theycease using fingerprints collected in the county to determineimmigration status or investigate immigration violations.

County of Santa Clarato Request to Opt Outof Secure CommunitiesProgram

Page 6: el observador oct 1

|6| OCT 1 - 7, 2010 | www.el-observador.com Education

Por María de los Angeles del CorralCollege Board

Los próximos 13 y 16 de octubre milesde escuelas y alumnos de tercer ycuarto año de secundaria, ofrecerán y

rendirán el examen del College Board “Prelimi-nary SAT/National Merit Scholarship QualifyingTest (PSAT/NMSQT)” que prepara para el SAT,la prueba de admisión a la universidad.

Algunos estudiantes podrían pensar que elPSAT/NMSQT es otro examen más, sin embargolas escuelas lo ofrecen por una serie de razones desuma importancia.

El PSAT/NMSQTes un examen estandarizadoque evalúa las capacidades de los estudiantes enlectura, escritura y matemáticas con el objetivo deprepararlos para el SAT.” Los resultados ayudan aque los educadores identifiquen las áreas que losestudiantes necesitan reforzar así como para crearun plan que les preparare para ingresar a la uni-versidad”, dijo Glenn Milewski, director ejecutivodel PSAT/NMSQT.

Para Magdalena Meza, de Chicago y madrede uno de los estudiantes que presentará el exameneste año, fue una gran noticia saber que hay estaayuda para que su hijo realice una exitosa transi-ción de la secundaria a la universidad.

Se utiliza a menudo el PSAT/NMSQT paradeterminar el potencial de los estudiantes para loscursos avanzados AP. “Algunas veces los estudi-antes no creen que serán capaces para las exigen-cias de las asignaturas del AP, y este examen nosayuda a identificar a esos estudiantes y a propor-cionarles los estímulos para tener éxito en AP”agregó Milewski.

Las oportunidades que ofrece elPSAT/NMSQT van más allá de la escuela secun-daria. El examen ayuda a los estudiantes a sobre-salir en sus solicitudes universitarias gracias aprogramas de reconocimiento, y, les permite pos-tularse a becas y recibir asistencia en planear sufuturo.

El PSAT/NMSQT evalúa los mismosconocimientos y destrezas que el SAT. Es una ex-celente manera de prepararse para el SAT e inclusoeleva el rendimiento en este examen. De acuerdoal College Board, los estudiantes que presentan elPSAT/NMSQT, usualmente obtienen resultadossignificativamente mejores comparados con los

que no presentan esta prueba.Además, al momento da hacer la prueba, el

alumno puede elegir recibir información de uni-versidades. Descubrir que hay universidades in-teresadas en su ingreso y con voluntad deofrecerles ayuda financiera, puede cambiar la ideaque tienen los estudiantes sobre sus posibilidadesde ir a la universidad. “Es un gran estímulo parajóvenes que no piensan que la universidad es unaopción para ellos”, señaló Angel B. Pérez, directorde admisión del Pitzer College en Claremont, enCalifornia.

Cada año el College Board selecciona a 5.000estudiantes latinos con altas calificaciones en elPSAT/NMSQT para el National Hispanic Recog-nition Program (Programa Nacional de Re-conocimiento Hispano). El College Board seencarga de enviar los nombres de estos estudiantesa instituciones selectivas de educación superior.“Es otra manera de resaltar la excelenciaacadémica del alumno, al mismo tiempo le da laposibilidad de postular a becas y a otros tipos deayuda financiera”, dijo Pérez.

De hecho, los estudiantes que alcanzan las cal-ificaciones más altas, pueden obtener una beca Na-tional Merit Scholarship de U$2,500 dólares parasus gastos universitarios.

El PSAT/NMSQT también le facilita a ado-lescentes la elección de sus futuros estudios y pro-fesiones. La herramienta en internet “My CollegeQuickStart™” les permite analizar su personalidady le orienta sobre qué carreras y qué estudios seadaptan a sus intereses y fortalezas. Se puede crearun portafolio para ordenar y analizar las opcionesy solicitudes universitarias, así como para estruc-turar un plan de estudios para el SAT que incluyecientos de ejercicios y preguntas de práctica.

La mayoría de las escuelas secundarias de losEstados Unidos ofrecen el PSAT/NMSQT gratis.Si la escuela de su hijo no lo ofrece, consulte en lainstitución de educación secundaria más cercanay confirme si lo puede presentar allí.

Para más información por favor llame al 866-433-7728 o visite el sitio web www.college-board.com/espanolpsat o www.nationalmerit.org.

Si tiene preguntas o desea más detalles, porfavor diríjase a María de los Angeles del Corral

[email protected].

Un examen que abre las puertas ala universidad

Foto de George Lange proporcionada por el College Board.

Page 7: el observador oct 1

www.el-observador.com | OCT 1 - 7, 2010 |7|Online

© 2010 JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. Miembro FDIC

Celebremos juntos el Mes de la Hispanidad

En este Mes de la Hispanidad, celebremos la historia y los triunfos de los hispanos. Chase rinde tributo a la rica herenciacultural latina.



LOCALIndependent Police AuditorSelects Advisory Committee

San Jose’s Independent PoliceAuditor (IPA), Judge LaDorisCordell (Ret.), has selected 22individuals to serve on the IPAAdvisory Committee (IPAAC).

County Adopts Second Phaseof Green Building Ordinance The County of Santa ClaraBoard of Supervisors has ap-proved the second phase of theGreen Building Ordinance,which expands the County’sGreen Building policies to pri-vate property development ofnon-single family residentialbuildings in the unincorporatedareas.

¿Es Usted Uno de los Con-ductores Más Seguros delPaís?El Reporte de Allstate de losMejores Conductores compara200 Ciudades

NATIONALBILL TO SPEED UP GUNBACKGROUND CHECKS BE-COMES LAWLegislation designed to en-hance safeguards preventingunstable people from obtainingfirearms was signed into lawby the Governor.

ENTERTAINMENTRicky Martin FoundationLaunches 2010 Online Auc-tion for Children’s RightsBid at www.charitybuzz.com tosupport our causeCharitybuzz, the leading desti-nation for online charity auc-tions, is joining forces with TheRicky Martin Foundation tolaunch The Ricky Martin Foun-dation’s 2010 Online Auctionfor Children’s Rights on Sep-tember 28. Funds raised willstrengthen the Foundation’seducational initiatives to endchild trafficking.

Articles online

Page 8: el observador oct 1


Local educators andcommunity leadersapplauded the pro-

fessional excellence of SantaClara County’s 30 “Teachersof the Year” at the 41st annualTeacher Recognition Celebra-tion, that took place at theHeritage Theatre in Camp-bell.

School districts selectedtheir honorees based on eachteacher’s dedication to stu-dents, classroom skill andcommitment to life-longlearning. This year’s recipi-ents of the most prestigiouslocal teaching award includepublic school teachers ofnearly every grade and sub-ject matter.

List of teachers

Virginia Vaquera-MacaspacPainter Elementary SchoolAlum Rock Union School District

Randy Y. LeeRuskin SchoolBerryessa Union School District

Imelda WongFarnham Charter Elementary SchoolCambrian School District

Anna LucasBranham High SchoolCampbell Union High School District

Eve LindsayMonroe Middle SchoolCampbell Union School District

Amy E. SinnottOsborne SchoolAlternative Education DepartmentSanta Clara County Office of Education

David LewisLawson Middle SchoolCupertino Union School District

Maeleen HiattIndependence High SchoolEast Side Union High School District

Mosselle GillQuimby Oak Middle SchoolEvergreen School District

Rosalee SanbornRamblewood ElementaryFranklin-McKinley School District

Michelle BalmeoMonta Vista High SchoolFremont Union High School District

Kimberly O. OrdazLuigi Aprea Elementary SchoolGilroy Unified School District

Sharon DahnertC.T. English Middle SchoolLoma Prieta Joint Union School District

Dorothy DicksonSanta Rita SchoolLos Altos School District

Carolyn Lossius McIntyreBlossom Hill SchoolLos Gatos Union School District

Lisa CochrumSaratoga High SchoolLos Gatos-Saratoga Joint Union High School District

Hannah WalshLuther Burbank School Luther Burbank School District

Leslie Johnson-TatsutaMetropolitan Adult Education ProgramMetropolitan Education District

Beverly Chang McCarterWeller Elementary SchoolMilpitas Unified School District

Elaine HeckmanCountry Lane SchoolMoreland School District

Donna RuebuschLive Oak High SchoolMorgan Hill Unified School District

Cindy MoriciValle Vista SchoolMount Pleasant School District

Catherine PattersonCastro SchoolMountain View Whisman School District

Michael WilsonFoothill Middle CollegeMountain View-Los Altos Union High School District

Mary SasakiBernal Intermediate SchoolOak Grove School District

Jef WindWillow Glen High SchoolSan Jose Unified School District

Nancy FohnerPeterson Middle SchoolSanta Clara Unified School District

Sandy Waite-LopezFoothill Elementary SchoolSaratoga Union School District

Marian B. GerickeFairwood SchoolSunnyvale School District

Laura J. CoorNoddin Elementary SchoolUnion School District

The Teacher RecognitionCelebration was co-sponsoredby National SemiconductorFoundation and Santa ClaraCounty Federal Credit Union,with support from the SanJose Mercury News. TheSCCOE, Sixth District PTAand Santa Clara CountySchool Boards Associationprovide additional support.

Other supporters of theevent include 300 San Jose,All Ears Audio Books, BalletSan Jose,

Classic Car Wash ofCampbell, Computer HistoryMuseum, Electronic Arts,Happy Hollow,

Milligan News Co., Mon-terey Bay Aquarium, Morri-son School Supplies, OperaSan Jose, Resource Area forTeachers, San Jose RepertoryTheatre, Santana Row, Sym-phony Silicon Valley, Targetand Theatreworks SiliconValley.

|8| OCT 1 - 7, 2010 | www.el-observador.com

Audiencia PúblicaSanta Clara Valley Water District

Ordenanza Propuestapara Un Incremento en la

Compensación de Directores

Se ha hecho el llamado para una audiencia pública que se llevará a cabo en el despacho del buró de directores en el 5700 Almaden Expressway, Headquarters Building, San José, California, el 12 de octubre del 2010, a las 6:10 p.m. en referencia a lo siguiente:


El buró de Directores de Santa Clara Valley Water District ordena lo siguiente:

PRIMERA: Esta ordenanza es adoptada siguiendo el capitulo 2, división 10, sección 20200 y siguiendo el código del agua de California.

SEGUNDA: Por cada año calendario, siguiente a la fecha efectiva de esta ordenanza, la presente compensación de doscientos sesenta dólares con tres centavos ($260.03) por día otorgado a cada miembro del buró de distrito por cada día de asistencia a las reuniones del buró, ó por cada día de servicio prestado como miembro del buró a petición del buró es incrementado por un monto igual al diez (10) por ciento por un total de doscientos ochenta y seis dólares con tres centavos ($286.03), comenzando el primero de Enero del año 2011.

El aumento es de acuerdo con el Código del Agua de California, Sección 20202 que autoriza al buró a incrementar la compensación hasta en un(5) cinco por ciento por cada año calendario siguiendo el último incremento adoptado por ordenanza. El último aumento adoptado porla ordenanza 08-02 para el año calendario 2009 representó un monto igual al diez (10) por ciento sobre la compensación del 2007, cinco (5) por ciento por el año calendario 2008 y cinco (5) por ciento por el año calendario 2009.

TERCERA: Esta ordenanza no deberá considerar la autorización de una compensación por más de diez (10) días en cualquier mes calendario.

CUARTA: Esta ordenanza deberá ser efectiva no menos de 60 días de la fecha de su aprobación final, a dicha aprobación final le debe ser seguida una audiencia pública.

A la audiencia publica todas las personas pueden asistir y ser escuchadas.


Se ha hecho el llamado para una cabo en el despacho del buró

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SAN JOSE, CA – Reality tel-evision star Dog the BountyHunter will speak at Cathedralof Faith in San Jose, Sunday,October 3 at 5:00 and 7:00p.m. Admission is free. Hewill be joining his goodfriend, Rev. Tim Storey duringthese services. Tim Story is anacclaimed author, teacher andlife coach to a broad spectrumof people, from celebrities totop business executives.

For Duane "Dog"Chapman, crime was a familybusiness - though this wasone family who ended up onthe right side of the law. As asuccessfully reformed ex-con,Dog has made more than6,000 captures in his 27-yearcareer. He has come to run asuccessful bounty huntingbusiness out of Hawaii, pro-filed on the popular reality TVseries, "Dog the BountyHunter," aired on A&E.Shedding the spotlight onChapman's particular busi-ness of tracking down thecriminal element, the showdistinguishes the former con-vict's ability to understandcriminals and his efforts tohelp rehabilitate them afterthey were caught. This highlyintense, charismatic ex-conand born-again Christian isthe king of the comebacks.

This modern-day hero onceserved time in a Texas prison."I am what rehabilitationstands for," Dog says.

Dog is author to his newestbook Where Mercy is Shown,Mercy is Given. It is theincredible story of struggle,redemption, and bounty hunt-ing -- which has catapultedDuane 'Dog' Chapman intothe hearts of millions,sparked a #1 rated televisionshow, and inspired a #1 NewYork Times bestselling book.

Hear his amazing story liveat the Cathedral of Faith inSan Jose, Sunday, October 3,at 5:00 and 7:00 p.m.Admission is free.

For information, visitwww.cathedraloffaith.org orcall 408-267-4691.

Duane "Dog" Chapman

‘DOG’ The Bounty Huntercomes to San Jose

‘DOG’ will speak at Cathedral of Faith

Teacher Recognition Celebration Applauds Santa Clara County’s Finest Teachers








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|10| OCT 1 - 7, 2010 | www.el-observador.com Community

Consulta Gratis

(408) 279-2730Capítulo 7 - Capítulo 13Se Habla Español

Somos una agencia de alivio de deudas. Ayudamos a la gente que tramite la bancarrota bajo el Código de la Bancarrota.93 Devine St., Suite 100 • San Jose, CA 95110

(423) 471-0596óPara Atención en Español

By Cinthia Rodriguez

This year marks Dolores Huerta's 80th birthday. Along with SanJose's birthday wishes she received the Steinbeck Award shortlyafter discussing the new Chicano civil rights movement at the

Morris Dailey Auditorium at San Jose State University. As part of the 19th Annual San Jose Mexican Heritage and Mariachi Fes-

tival, the co-founder of United Farm Workers discussed politics and socialchange with Thomas A. Saenz, President, Mexican American Legal Defenseand Education Fund (MALDEF) and three members of the Ozomatli band.

The conversation was moderated by Richard Gonzales of National PublicRadio.

The audience traveled back in time with Huerta's stories about gettingthe Latino community to vote and be organized to get things done. She talkedabout the grape boycott and how perseverance really made a difference inaccomplishing their goals. Dolores Huerta continues to work tirelessly de-veloping Latino farm workers as leaders who advocated for the poor, womenand children. Huerta is currently the President of the Dolores Huerta Foun-dation.

The auditorium was filled by students that benefited from being remindedof UFW organizing as the panelists referred to the DREAM Act. Arizona'sSB 1070 legislation was also discussed along with the nation's broken im-migration system and the harm caused by remaining a broken system.

As the conversation wrapped up, the famous slogan, 'Si Se Puede,' lin-gered in the auditorium resonating perfectly with every audience member.

Dolores Huerta receivesthe Steinbeck AwardPor Rosario Vital - El Observador

Como parte de la mejora en las crucesde trenes y en el marco del mes dela “Seguridad Ferroviaria”, el servi-

cio Caltrain ha instalado el primero de los 250letreros dentro de los cuales se incluye unnúmero de ayuda para situaciones de crisis.

“Los letreros son importantes porque ahoraexiste una ayuda y un teléfono a donde recurriren caso ocurra un intento de suicidio”, dijo elComisario Salvador Zuno quien patrulla desdeSan Francisco a Gilroy las vías del tren.

Gracias a su intervención el oficial Zuno hapodido salvar la vida a 11 personas en lo que vadel año.

Los letreros han sido instalados como partede un estudio elaborado para evitar número desuicidios. Por esta razón Caltrain se unió a laAsociación Americana de Suicidio - organi-zación encargada de prevenir los suicidios anivel nacional.

Lanny Berman Director de esta organi-zación dijo que “junto al Servicio de Familiasy Jóvenes hacemos un gran esfuerzo para pre-venir que más personas opten por quitarse lavida”.

Los letreros fueron instalados entre MenloPark y Mountain View. El número de teléfonolo conecta directamente al centro de crisis deSan Carlos. Las llamadas harán un seguimientopara determinar si los letreros son una her-ramienta eficaz para la prevención del suicidio.

Los letreros tuvieron un costo de 110,000dólares y han sido invertidos en la instalaciónde vallas, puertas, pasos a nivel, en las esta-ciones a lo largo de la línea de tren.

Aunque Caltrain ha tenido letreros simi-lares en sus vías desde el año 2001, losnúmeros telefónicos de antes tenían letra, ahoracon una línea local los actuales teléfonos seajustan a este moderno y rápido sistema.

Caltrain ha intensificado sus esfuerzos paraprevenir el suicidio en las vías del tren, despuésde que el año pasado cuatro personas perdieranla vida en un período de seis meses.

"Siempre que ocurre una muerte, estamosprofundamente entristecidos", dijo OmarAhmad miembro de la Junta de Caltrain."Como miembro de la comunidad es impor-tante para Caltrain participar en el esfuerzo dela comunidad para hacer frente a este problemacomplejo y preocupante".

Caltrain continuamente ha llevado a cabomejoras de seguridad en los últimos años, in-cluida la mejora de pasos a nivel y la modernización de las estaciones. Desde 2006, Caltrainha gastado $ 4,2 millones de dólares para insta-lar 61 mil pies en vallas a lo largo la vías fer-roviarias.

Las personas que deseen información sobrela educación de seguridad ferroviaria y sugeren-cias pueden llamar al (650)508-7934 o visitewww.caltrain.com. Δ

Letreros para prevenir suicidios

Oficiales Brandon Hensel y Salvador Zunopatrullan a diario las estaciones de tren.

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www.el-observador.com | OCT 1 - 7, 2010 |11|

Santa Clara County, California – The Santa ClaraCounty Public Health Department is offering threefree vaccination clinics during October as part of

BiNational Health Week for people who do not have health in-surance or access to a physician. Vaccines for whoopingcough/diphtheria/tetanus and seasonal flu will be available toprotect residents against these diseases.

222 whooping cough cases have been reported in SantaClara County as of September 14, compared to 25 in all of2009. No deaths due to whooping cough have been reportedin Santa Clara County, but nine infant deaths have been re-ported in California so far this year.

Although flu seasons are unpredictable, getting the flu vac-cine soon after it becomes available each year is always a goodidea. The protection received from vaccination will lastthroughout the flu season. The 2010-2011 flu vaccine will pro-tect against three different flu viruses: an H3N2 virus, an in-fluenza B virus and the H1N1 virus that caused so much illnesslast year.

At the BiNational Health Week vaccination clinics on Oc-tober 10 and 16, whooping cough shots will be given to thoseover the age of 7 who live with or care for an infant. An addi-tional clinic providing whooping cough vaccinations only willbe held on Sunday, October 2. Seasonal flu shots will be givento people aged 18 years and over at the October 10 and 16 clin-ics. There is no cost to receive any of these shots, and thesevaccination clinics are designed to provide vaccinations forpeople in our community who do not have health insurance oraccess to a physician.

Whooping Cough/Seasonal Flu Clinic Schedule* Sunday, October 10, 2010: 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

at the Berryessa Flea Market Pavilion, 1590 Berryessa Road,San Jose

* Sunday, October 10, 2010: 11:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.at La Región Supermarket, 400 S. King Road, San Jose

* Saturday, October 16, 2010: 9:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.,at the Mayfair Community Center, 2039 Kammerer Ave., SanJose, CA.

Whooping Cough ONLY Clinic

* Saturday, October 2, 2010: 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. atthe Franklin-McKinley Children's Initiative (FMCI)Health/Resource Fair, 1535 Santee Dr., San Jose. Please note:Flu shots will not be given at this clinic.

For information on other immunization clinics, seehttp://www.sccphd.org and for additional information on Bi-National Health Week activities in Santa Clara County andCalifornia, see www.binationalhealthweek.org

Public Health DepartmentOffers Free Vaccinations

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|12| OCT 1 - 7, 2010 | www.el-observador.com

México, (Notimex).

Los actores Fernando Colunga, José Ron,Daniel Giménez Cacho, Alejandro Fernán-dez, Carlos Ferro, Pablo Cruz, y el futbolista

Javier Hernández “El Chicharito” figuran entre Los 12hombres más sexys de México, de acuerdo con un son-deo realizado por una revista de circulación nacional.

La encuesta se llevó a cabo mediante el sitio de In-ternet de la publicación, en la cual se subieron las imá-genes de 30 candidatos y fue Fernando Colunga,protagonista de la telenovela “Soy tu dueña”, quien ob-tuvo el primer lugar del conteo con un total de 33 mil500 votos.

De acuerdo con la revista “Quién”, a Colunga legusta de sí mismo sus manos y su franqueza, además deque se reconoce fanático del motociclismo, la natacióny el buceo. Es uno de los pocos artistas que puede pre-sumir estar lejos de los escándalos del espectáculo.

En tanto, Julio Bekhor, quien está próximo a estre-nar la película “Oscura obsesión”, se ganó el corazónde quienes votaron por sus ojos. Asimismo, el brasileñoAbelardo Marcondes, empresario que ha sabido llevaral éxito a su agencia de producción de eventos.

Entre los deportistas se encuentran el polista Anto-nio Madrazo y el futbolista mexicano Javier Hernández“El Chicharito”, además de los empresarios Miguel Ál-varez y Jorge Marroquín y el actor del filme “El estudi-ante”, Pablo Cruz.

Colunga entrelos más sexys

México. (Notimex)

El actor mexicano Diego Luna dijo sentirseorgulloso de haber dirigido la película“Abel”, ya que ha tenido la fortuna

de gozar de gran nivel de atención fuera deMéxico, ello tras adjudicarse el Premio Hor-izontes y el Premio Euskaltel de la Juven-tud, en la edición 58 del Festival de Cinede San Sebastián.

“Me siento muy feliz de estar acáen España recibiendo los premios,muy orgulloso y eufórico. Estoy muyagradecido en todo sentido de que miprimera película haya contado contanta fortuna y el haber podido co-laborar con el equipo que hizo`Abel`, de verdad que sí es una for-tuna”, explicó en entrevista tele-fónica con Notimex desde España.

Diego Luna aseguró que la felici-dad que lo embarga por dichos galar-dones la quiere compartir con la genteque hizo posible la realización de“Abel”. “Tengo unas ganas terribles decompartir esto con todos ellos, es muyraro venir solo por estos premios, dan tan-tas ganas de recibirlos con todos ellos”.

Diego Luna se enorgullece de haber dirigido “Abel”


SAN JOSÉ, Calif.

As part of a series of multiculturalevents that pay tribute to the His-panic Heritage, Luis Valdez , who

is often called “the father of Chicano theatre,”will present an insightful lecture at The Na-tional Hispanic University (NHU) in San José.

He will present “The Influence of Mexico’sIndependence and Revolution as Is Relevant toour Past, Present and Future.” Valdez will eval-uate the consequences of the Revolution, showhow particular events in Mexico’s struggle forindependence are connected to larger historicaldevelopments.

Valdez has more than 40 years of experi-ence as a playwright, director, writer, actor andteacher. The founder and artistic director of ElTeatro Campesino, Valdez has written and di-rected two films: Zoot Suit, based on his playof the same name, and La Bamba, the 1987 hitmovie based on the life of Mexican-Americanrock star Ritchie Valens.

The presentation will take place onWednesday, Oct. 6, 2--5 p.m. at the UniversityLibrary of the National Hispanic University,14271 Story Road, San José. Δ

Luis Valdez, Director and Playwright, toSpeak at NHU

Page 13: el observador oct 1

www.el-observador.com | OCT 1 - 7, 2010 |13|Entertainment

Pese a que recibió agradecida y conalegría una nominación para la próx-ima entrega de los premios Latin

GRAMMY, la cantante India declaró que noasistirá a la ceremonia de premiación por con-siderar que, por parte de sus organizadores, “noexiste respeto a su arte”.

“Agradezco que la Academia pensó en mí.Que hay gente que dijo: nomina a esa mujer.Nomínala porque ese disco está bueno. Eso amí, me llegó muy grande", dijo la intérprete enuna entrevista concedida a la prestigiosa agen-cia EFE (Agencia Española de Noticias) elpasado viernes durante su visita a Miami, endonde se encontraba para ofrecer una pre-sentación en el club “Hoy como Ayer”, que re-sultó “sold out”.

Empero, Linda Bell Viera Caballero, tam-bién conocida como “La Princesa de la Salsa”,no titubeó al decir que su trayectoria no ha sidoreconocida como es debido, ya que ella fue unade las artistas que promovió más categorías lati-nas en los GRAMMY anglosajones “antes de

que se creara la versión latina”. También haobtenido varias postulaciones en el pasado paraambas academias, LARAS y NARAS, asícomo ha recibido otras distinciones como elBillboard Latino por su disco "Sola" y una callebautizada con su nombre en el condado delBronx, en Nueva York.

India, quien es la mujer con más éxitos enel número uno en el Tropical Billboard Chart,sigue destacándose por su género, pues en lacategoría “Mejor Álbum de Salsa” de los men-cionados premios, a los que fue nominada esteaño por su nuevo álbum, es la única fémina.

“Mejor me quedo sola. La India nació paracantar y morir en una tarima. Mi éxito no estanto la voz. Mi éxito es ser sincera con losdemás y agradecerle al pueblo que me hapuesto donde estoy", expresó la cantante de“Estúpida”, la cual se presentará en Panamájunto al músico boricua Cucco Peña, como di-rector de su orquesta; luego partirá a Europapara entonces volver a cantar en unos días enMéxico.

“No respetanmi arte”:India

Page 14: el observador oct 1

Toda época tiene suvisionario, que dejatras su genial paso

un mundo cambiado... peroraramente el cambio ocurre sinuna batalla para definir exacta-mente lo que sucedió y quiénestaba allí en el momento de lacreación. En The Social Net-work, el director DavidFincher y el guionista AaronSorkin exploran el surgimientode Facebook, el fenómeno so-cial más revolucionario delnuevo siglo, a través de las per-spectivas encontradas de losdos inteligentísimos jóvenesque aseguran haber estado allíen el momento de su concep-ción. El resultado es un dramaplagado de creación y destruc-ción, que evita intencional-mente adoptar un único puntode vista y, por el contrario, alseguir narrativas opuestas,muestra las verdades en-frentadas y los cambios con-stantes en las relacionessociales que definen nuestraépoca.

Basándose en múltiplesfuentes, la película va desdelos pasillos de Harvard hasta

los cubículos de Palo Alto a finde recoger la excitación vis-ceral que se vivió en los em-briagadores primeros días deun fenómeno cultural enciernes... y el modo en queprimero unió a un grupo dejóvenes revolucionarios paraluego enemistarlos para siem-pre. En el ojo de la tormenta seencuentran Mark Zuckerberg(JESSE EISENBERG), el bril-lante estudiante de Harvardque concibió un sitio que pare-ció redefinir el entramado so-cial de nuestros días de lanoche a la mañana; EduardoSaverin (ANDREWGARFIELD), quien solía ser elmejor amigo de Zuckerberg yaportó el dinero para comenzarla novel empresa; el fundadorde Napster, Sean Parker(JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE),quien llevó Facebook a los es-pecialistas en capitales deriesgo de Silicon Valley; y losmellizos Winklevoss (ARMIEHAMMER y JOSH PENCE),los compañeros de Harvard deZuckerberg, quienes aseguranque les robó la idea y lo de-mandaron por su propiedad.

Cada uno cuenta su propiorelato, su propia versión de lahistoria de Facebook... pero

todas estas versiones dan comoresultado mucho más que lasuma de las partes y se con-vierten en un retrato multi-facético del éxito en el sigloXXI: tanto de la fantasía juve-nil como de sus realidades fini-tas.

Columbia Pictures pre-senta en sociedad con Relativ-ity Media una producción deScott Rudin / Michael De Luca/ Trigger Street, The SocialNetwork, una película deDavid Fincher. Dirigida porDavid Fincher. Guión deAaron Sorkin. Basada en ellibro "The Accidental Billion-aires" de Ben Mezrich. Pro-ducida por Scott Rudin, DanaBrunetti, Michael De Luca yCeán Chaffin. El productorejecutivo es Kevin Spacey. Eldirector de fotografía es JeffCronenweth, ASC. El directorde arte es Donald GrahamBurt. Los editores son AngusWall, A.C.E. y Kirk Baxter. Ladiseñadora de vestuario esJacqueline West. La música esde Trent Reznor & AtticusRoss

The Social Network hasido clasificada PG-13 por laMotion Picture Association ofAmerica por incluir contenidosexual, uso de drogas y alcoholy lenguaje adulto. La películase estrenará en las salas de cinede todo el país el 1 de octubrede 2010.

|14| OCT 1 - 7, 2010 | www.el-observador.com Movies






Please tell us your name and daytime phone number. Passes are limited and will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis, while supplies last.


Please note: NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Passes received through this promotion do not guarantee admission and must be surrendered upon demand. Theater is overbookedto ensure a full house. Seating is on a first-come, first-served basis. No one will be admitted without a ticket or after screening begins. All federal, state and local regulationsapply. A recipient of tickets assumes any and all risks related to use of ticket, and accepts any restrictions required by ticket provider. Rogue Pictures, El Observador andtheir affiliates accept no responsibility or liability in connection with any loss or accident incurred in connection with use of a prize. Tickets cannot be exchanged, transferredor redeemed for cash, in whole or in part. We are not responsible if, for any reason, winner is unable to use his/her ticket in whole or in part. Not responsible for lost, de-layed or misdirected entries. All federal and local taxes are the responsibility of the winner. Void where prohibited by law. Participating sponsors, their employees & family members and their agencies are not eligible. NO PHONE CALLS!














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All federal, state and local regulations apply. A recipient oftickets assumes any and all risks related to use of ticket, andaccepts any restrictions required by ticket provider. WaltDisney Pictures, El Observador, Terry Hines & Associates andtheir affiliates accept no responsibility or liability inconnection with any loss or accident incurred in connectionwith use of a prize. Tickets cannot be exchanged, transferredor redeemed for cash, in whole or in part. We are notresponsible if, for any reason, winner is unable to use his/herticket in whole or in part. Not responsible for lost; delayed ormisdirected entries. All federal and local taxes are theresponsibility of the winner. Void where prohibited by law. Alldisputes regarding application of the rules must be submittedin writing and will be decided by El Observador. Must be atleast 17 years of age to obtain a pass. No purchase necessary.Participating sponsors their employees & family membersand their agencies are not eligible. NO PHONE CALLS!

IN THEATRES OCTOBER 8Disney.com/Secretariat • Text RACE to DISNEY (347639)

Llike us on Facebook: Facebook.com/Secretariat • Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com/DisneyPictures

For your chance to receive an admit-two

advance screening pass, please call the offices of

El Observador at (408) 457-1054 beginningTODAY, Friday, October 1st

between the hours of 9am – 5pm or go online to:

www.el-observador.com. Please tell us your name and daytime

phone number. Passes are limited and will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis, while supplies last.

Invite you and a guest to an advance screening of

The Social Network

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NO. 542339The follo wing person(s) is(ar e)doing business Techspecs, Thindi-cator, 687 Valley Way, Santa Clara,CA 95051, S anta Clara Co. ChrisHaidinyak, 687 Valley Way, SantaClara, CA 95051. This business isconducted by an individual, regis-trant has not y et begun businessunder the fictitious business nameor names listed hereon. “I declarethat all information in this sta te-ment is true and correct.” (A regis-trant who declar es as trueinformation which he or sheknows t o be false is guilt y of acrime.)Chris HaidinyakOct. 01, 08, 15, 22, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 09/23/10.


NO. 542572The follo wing person(s) is(ar e)doing business B engali S weets,783 E El Camino Real, Sunnyvale,CA 94587, Santa Clara Co. SakoonSweets Inc. 306 Mission Tierra, Fre-mont, CA 94538. This business isconducted by a corporation, regis-trant began business under the fic-titious business name or nameslisted here in 07/15/10. “I declarethat all information in this sta te-ment is true and correct.” (A regis-trant who declar es as trueinformation which he or sheknows t o be false is guilt y of acrime.)Sakoon Sweets Inc.Gurdeep S. Bidwal/SecretaryOct. 01, 08, 15, 22, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 09/16/10.


NO. 542867The follo wing person(s) is(ar e)doing business Infobay, 1370 FloydAve, Sunnyvale, CA 94087, S antaClara Co. Calvin Wang, 1370 FloydAve, Sunn yvale, C A 94087,Michelle Wu, 1370 Floyd Ave, Sun-nyvale, CA 94087. This business isconducted by a husband and wife,registrants has not yet begun busi-ness under the fic titious businessname or names list ed hereon. “Ideclare that all information in thisstatement is true and c orrect.” (Aregistrant who declares as true in-formation which he or she kno wsto be false is guilty of a crime.)Calvin WangOct. 01, 08, 15, 22, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 09/27/10.


NO. 542969The follo wing person(s) is(ar e)doing business Daggy, 2256 Deb-orah Dr “D”, Santa Clara, CA 95050,

Santa Clara Co. Hector M. Flores,2256 Deborah Dr., “D”, Santa Clara,CA 95050. This business is c on-ducted by an individual, registrantbegan business under the fic ti-tious business name or nameslisted here in 03/23/10. “I declarethat all information in this sta te-ment is true and correct.” (A regis-trant who declar es as trueinformation which he or sheknows t o be false is guilt y of acrime.)Hector FloresOct. 01, 08, 15, 22, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 09/28/10.


NO. 542022The follo wing person(s) is(ar e)doing business QQ Noodle , 416Barber Lane, Milpitas, CA 95035,Santa Clara Co. Big Hand Inc, 416Barber Lane, Milpitas, CA 95035.This business is c onducted b y acorporation, registrant has not yetbegun business under the fic ti-tious business name or nameslisted hereon. “I declare that all in-formation in this statement is trueand correct.” (A registrant who de-clares as true informa tion whichhe or she kno ws t o be false isguilty of a crime.)Qiang WuOct. 01, 08, 15, 22, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 09/01/10.


NO. 542774The follo wing person(s) is(ar e)doing business B arrio F iestaRestaurant, The Original Barrio Fi-esta Restaur ant of Manila, 1790Milmont Dr., Milpitas, CA 95035,Santa Clara Co. Barrio Fiesta, LLC.,1659 N Capitol Ave Unit 321, S anJose, CA 95132. This business isconducted b y a limit ed liabilit ycompany, registrants have not yetbegun business under the fic ti-tious business name or nameslisted hereon. “I declare that all in-formation in this statement is trueand correct.” (A registrant who de-clares as true informa tion whichhe or she kno ws t o be false isguilty of a crime.)Barrio Fiesta, LLCJune Francis A. Rono/PresidentOct. 01, 08, 15, 22, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 09/22/10.


NO. 542782The follo wing person(s) is(ar e)doing business Visia Productions,Visia, 4432 Lair d Cir cle, S antaClara, CA 95054, S anta Clara Co.Brent Hoo, 4432 Laird Circle, SantaClara, CA 95054, Timothy Hui, 118Rosilie Str eet, S an Ma teo, C a94403, Ian D exter P ascua, 172

Ayer Lane , Milpitas , C a 95035,Jackson Thach, 9955 Amulet Place,Sacramento, C A 95829, JesseSuen, 4425 lair d Cir cle, S antaClara, CA 95054, D erek Tong, 181Cymbidium Circle, S. San Francisco,CA 94080, Christina Suen, 4425Laird Circle, Santa Clara, CA 95054.This business is c onducted b y ageneral par tnership, r egistrantsbegan business under the fic ti-tious business name or nameslisted here in 09/18/10. “I declarethat all information in this sta te-ment is true and correct.” (A regis-trant who declar es as trueinformation which he or sheknows t o be false is guilt y of acrime.)Ian Dexter Pascua Oct. 01, 08, 15, 22, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 09/23/10.


NO. 543025The follo wing person(s) is(ar e)doing business The Nordic Group,Nordic Bic ycle P roducts, 20183somerset Sr., Cupertino, CA 95014,Santa Clara Co. Steven M. Scharf,20183 Somerset Dr., Cupertino, CA95014. This business is conductedby an individual, registrant beganbusiness under the fictitious busi-ness name or names listed here in9/29/10. “I declare that all infor-mation in this sta tement is trueand correct.” (A registrant who de-clares as true informa tion whichhe or she kno ws t o be false isguilty of a crime.)Steven M. ScharfOct. 01, 08, 15, 22, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 09/29/10.


NO. 542482The follo wing person(s) is(ar e)doing business Ernies Liquors ,Ernies Wines & Liquors , 3401 E lCamino Real, Palo Alto, CA 94306,Santa Clara Co. Mathew Chacko,142 K enbrook Cir ., S an Jose , C a95111. This business is conductedby an individual, registrant has notyet begun business under the fic-titious business name or nameslisted hereon. “I declare that all in-formation in this statement is trueand correct.” (A registrant who de-clares as true informa tion whichhe or she kno ws t o be false isguilty of a crime.)Mathew ChackoOct. 01, 08, 15, 22, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 09/15/10.


NO. 542763The follo wing person(s) is(ar e)doing business Inflo wtek L td.,3751 Trina Way, S an Jose , C A95117, Santa Clara Co. Andre Ar-

cilla, 6326 P aso los C erritos, SanJose, C A 95120. This business isconducted by an individual, regis-trant began business under thefictitious business name or nameslisted here in 04/01/2005. “I de-clare that all informa tion in thisstatement is true and c orrect.” (Aregistrant who declares as true in-formation which he or she kno wsto be false is guilty of a crime.)Andre ArcillaOct. 01, 08, 15, 22, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 09/22/10.


NO. 542010The follo wing person(s) is(ar e)doing business United HandymanServices, 763 Mabur y Rd #1, S anJose, CA 95133, S anta Clara Co.Ramon Bustamante, 17975 Mon-terey Rd #4, Mor gan Hill , C a95037. This business is conductedby an individual, registrant has notyet begun business under the fic-titious business name or nameslisted hereon. “I declare that all in-formation in this statement is trueand correct.” (A registrant who de-clares as true informa tion whichhe or she kno ws t o be false isguilty of a crime.)Ramon BustamanteOct. 01, 08, 15, 22, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 09/01/10.


NO. 542902The follo wing person(s) is(ar e)doing business The Queen Clean-ing House, 1380 Fruitdale Ave., Apt38, S an Jose , C A 95126, S antaClara C o. Reyna C oronel, 1380Fruitdale Ave., Apt #38, S an Jose,CA 95126. This business is c on-ducted by an individual , registranthas not yet begun business underthe fic titious business name ornames list ed her eon. “I declar ethat all information in this sta te-ment is true and correct.” (A regis-trant who declar es as trueinformation which he or sheknows t o be false is guilt y of acrime.)Reyna CoronelOct. 01, 08, 15, 22, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 09/27/10.


NO. 542258The follo wing person(s) is(ar e)doing business Buzzfish,Buzzfish.com, 530 Sho wers D r.,Suite 7-243, Moun tain View, C A94046, Santa Clara Co. Victor Yang,500 E Calaveras Blvd., #309, Milpi-tas, CA 95035, Louis Chiong 1235Wildwood Ave #109, Sunn yvale,Ca 94089, Matthew Lau, 5561 ViaLugano, Fremont, CA 94555. This

business is c onducted b y a join tventure, r egistrants has not y etbegun business under the fic ti-tious business name or nameslisted hereon. “I declare that all in-formation in this statement is trueand correct.” (A registrant who de-clares as true informa tion whichhe or she kno ws t o be false isguilty of a crime.)Victor YangOct. 01, 08, 15, 22, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 09/09/10.


NO. 542730The follo wing person(s) is(ar e)doing business Be Clean Go Green,1179 C urtner A v., S an Jose , C A95125, Santa Clara Co. Liliana Cu-tura, 1179 Curtner Av, San Jose, CA95125. This business is conductedby an individual, registrant has notyet begun business under the fic-titious business name or nameslisted hereon. “I declare that all in-formation in this statement is trueand correct.” (A registrant who de-clares as true informa tion whichhe or she kno ws t o be false isguilty of a crime.)Liliana CuturaOct. 01, 08, 15, 22, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 09/22/10.


NO. 110CV183351Superior C ourt of C alifornia,

County of Santa Clara-In the mat-ter of the applica tion of : ThuyHoang Doan Pham, TO ALL INTER-ESTED PERSONS: The c ourt findsthat petitioner Thuy Hoang D oanPham, has filed a petition forChange of Name with the clerk ofthis court for a decr ee changingnames as follows: a. Thuy HoangDoan Pham to Cindy Thuy Pham.THE COURT ORDERS tha t all per-sons interested in this ma tter ap-pear befor e this c ourt a t thehearing indicated below to showcause, if any, why the petition forchange of names should not begranted on 12/14/2010 a t 8:45am, Room 107: loca ted at 191 N.First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. Acopy of the O rder to Show causeshall be published a t least once aweek for four suc cessive w eeksprior to the date set for hearing onthe petition in E l Obser vador, anewspaper of general circulation,printed in the c ounty of S antaClara.Sept. 23, 2010Thomas Wm. CainJudge of the Superior CourtOct. 01, 08, 15, 22, 2010.


NO. 110CV181707Superior C ourt of C alifornia,

County of Santa Clara-In the mat-ter of the applica tion of : AlmazKahsu, TO ALL INTERESTED PER-SONS: The c ourt finds tha t peti-tioner Almaz Kahsu , has filed apetition for Change of Name withthe clerk of this court for a decreechanging names as follo ws: a.Rahwa Ar egawi Gebr emicael t oRosalynn Almaz Kahsu. THE COURTORDERS that all persons interestedin this matter appear before thiscourt a t the hearing indica tedbelow to show cause, if any, whythe petition for change of namesshould not be gr anted on11/23/2010 a t 8:45 am, Room107: located at 191 N. First Street,San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of theOrder to Show cause shall be pub-lished at least once a week for foursuccessive weeks prior to the dateset for hearing on the petition in ElObservador, a newspaper of gen-eral cir culation, prin ted in thecounty of Santa Clara.Sept. 07, 2010Thomas Wm. CainJudge of the Superior CourtOct. 01, 08, 15, 22, 2010.



The following person(s) has/haveabandoned the use of the fictitiousbusiness name(s). The informationgiven below is as it appear ed onthe fictitious business name state-ment that was filed at the CountyClerk-Recorder’s office. Dona Computer Service & Consult-ing, DCSC, 1542 Chabot Way, SanJose, C A 95122. F iled in S antaClara C ounty on 10/07/2005,under file no . 468523. Mario ADona, 1542 Chabot Way, San Jose,CA 95122. This business was con-ducted by an individual. I declarethat all information in this sta te-ment is true and c orrect (A regis-trant who declar es as trueinformation which he or sheknows t o be false is guilt y of acrime.) Mario A. DonaOct.01, 08, 15, 22, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of S anta Clar a on09/10/2010


NO. 542000The follo wing person(s) is(ar e)doing business Yong Kim Chir o-practic, 2656 El Camino Real, SantaClara, CA 95051, S anta Clara Co.Yong Hyeon Kim, 99 Oak Ave #219,South S an Francisco, C A 94080.This business is c onducted by anindividual, registrant has not y etbegun business under the fic ti-tious business name or nameslisted hereon. “I declare that all in-formation in this statement is true

and correct.” (A registrant who de-clares as true informa tion whichhe or she kno ws t o be false isguilty of a crime.)Yong Hyeon KimSept. 24; Oct. 01, 08, 15, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 08/31/10.


NO. 541915The follo wing person(s) is(ar e)doing business The J Br adleyGroup, 59 N Santa Cruz Ave, Ste. R.,Los Gatos, CA 95030, Santa ClaraCo. Brad Marshall, 200 WinchesterCircle #F21, Los Gatos, CA 95032.This business is c onducted by anindividual, registrant has not y etbegun business under the fic ti-tious business name or nameslisted hereon. “I declare that all in-formation in this statement is trueand correct.” (A registrant who de-clares as true informa tion whichhe or she kno ws t o be false isguilty of a crime.)Brad MarshallSept. 24; Oct. 01, 08, 15, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 08/30/10.


NO. 542784The follo wing person(s) is(ar e)doing business TEVA S olutions,973 Amador Ave, Sunnyvale, CA94085, S anta Clar a C o. NichelleCraig, 973 Amador A ve., Sunn y-vale, C A 94085. This business isconducted by an individual, regis-trant began business under the fic-titious business name or nameslisted here in 9/20/10. “I declarethat all information in this sta te-ment is true and correct.” (A regis-trant who declar es as trueinformation which he or sheknows t o be false is guilt y of acrime.)Nichelle CraigSept. 24; Oct. 01, 08, 15, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 09/23/10.


NO. 542728The follo wing person(s) is(ar e)doing business Q uikCase, 1775Monterey Road #40- A, San Jose,CA 95112, S anta Clara C o. Win-dow Trim Kits, Inc., 1775 MontereyRoad #409-A, San Jose, CA 95112.This business is c onducted b y acorporation, registrant has not yetbegun business under the fic ti-tious business name or nameslisted hereon. “I declare that all in-formation in this statement is trueand correct.” (A registrant who de-clares as true informa tion whichhe or she kno ws t o be false isguilty of a crime.)Window Trim Kits Inc.Knut Schroeder/CEO

Sept. 24; Oct. 01, 08, 15, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 09/22/10.


NO. 541757The follo wing person(s) is(ar e)doing business T & N ATM Service,417 Gosser St., Milpitas, CA 95035,Santa Clar a C o. Sinh Tran, 417Gosser St., Milpitas, CA 95035. Thisbusiness is conducted by an indi-vidual, r egistrant has not y etbegun business under the fic ti-tious business name or nameslisted hereon. “I declare that all in-formation in this statement is trueand correct.” (A registrant who de-clares as true informa tion whichhe or she kno ws t o be false isguilty of a crime.)Tran Phuc SinhSept. 24; Oct. 01, 08, 15, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 08/25/10.


NO. 542631The follo wing person(s) is(ar e)doing business Rosas House Clean-ing, 3220 Garden Ave., San Jose,CA 95111, S anta Clara C o. Ros-alina Rosas, 3220 Garden Ave., SanJose, CA 95111. This business isconducted by an individual, regis-trant began business under the fic-titious business name or nameslisted here in 01/01/2010. “I de-clare that all informa tion in thisstatement is true and c orrect.” (Aregistrant who declares as true in-formation which he or she kno wsto be false is guilty of a crime.)Rosalina RosasSept. 24; Oct. 01, 08, 15, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 09/20/10.


NO. 542660The follo wing person(s) is(ar e)doing business B ay Area Fashion-ista, The Bay Area Fashionista, 37Sunnyside A ve., C ampbell, C A95008, Santa Clara Co. Amir Kash-fia, 37 Sunnyside Ave., Campbell,CA 95008. This business is c on-ducted by an individual, registrantbegan business under the fic ti-tious business name or nameslisted here in 05/2009. “I declarethat all information in this sta te-ment is true and correct.” (A regis-trant who declar es as trueinformation which he or sheknows t o be false is guilt y of acrime.)Sept. 24; Oct. 01, 08, 15, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 09/20/10.


NO. 542633The follo wing person(s) is(ar e)


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Page 16: el observador oct 1

doing business Granzo Realty & Fi-nancial Services, 1692 Lucca Place,San Jose, CA 95138, S anta ClaraCo. Lillian W Xia, 1692 Lucca Place,San Jose, CA 95138. This businessis conducted by an individual, reg-istrant began business under thefictitious business name or nameslisted here in 09/06/2005. “I de-clare that all informa tion in thisstatement is true and c orrect.” (Aregistrant who declares as true in-formation which he or she kno wsto be false is guilty of a crime.)Lillian W. XiaSept. 24; Oct. 01, 08, 15, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 09/20/10.


NO. 541892The follo wing person(s) is(ar e)doing business Tony’s Janit orialService, 869 S. Winchester Blv d.#57, S an Jose, C A 95128, S antaClara Co. Antonio Real, 869 S. Win-chester Blv d # 57, S an Jose , C A95128. This business is conductedby an individual, registrant beganbusiness under the fictitious busi-ness name or names listed here in04/29/10. “I declare that all infor-mation in this sta tement is trueand correct.” (A registrant who de-clares as true informa tion whichhe or she kno ws t o be false isguilty of a crime.)Antonio RealSept. 17, 24; Oct. 01, 08, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 08/27/10.


NO. 542376The follo wing person(s) is(ar e)doing business Net work CrescentSystems In vestment Trust, 6214Joaquin Murieta A ve. Unit B ,Nework, C A 94560, S anta Clar aCo. Ke Zhu, 6214 Joaquin MurietaAve. Unit B , Newark, C A 94560.This business is c onducted by anindividual, registrant has not y etbegun business under the fic ti-tious business name or nameslisted hereon. “I declare that all in-formation in this statement is trueand correct.” (A registrant who de-clares as true informa tion whichhe or she kno ws t o be false isguilty of a crime.)Jin YangSept. 24; Oct. 01, 08, 15, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 09/13/10.


NO. 542181The follo wing person(s) is(ar e)doing business Water Mart, B + J’swhat nots, 631 1 St. Street, Gilroy,CA 95020, S an , S anta Clara Co.Janet Nelson, 2091 hastings D r.,Los Baños, CA 93635, Brian Nel-son, 2091 Hastings Dr., Los Baños,CA 93635. This business is c on-ducted by husband and wife, reg-istrants began business under thefictitious business name or nameslisted here in 08/22/10. “I declarethat all information in this sta te-ment is true and correct.” (A regis-trant who declar es as trueinformation which he or sheknows t o be false is guilt y of acrime.)Janet NelsonSept. 24; Oct. 01, 08, 15, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 09/07/10.


NO. 542125The follo wing person(s) is(ar e)doing business Bay Area SingingLessons, 1 West C ampbell, A veBuilding K59, C ampbell, C A95008, S anta Clara C o. AmandaDieck, 115 Towne Terrace #4, LosGatos, CA 95032. This business isconducted by an individual, regis-

trant has not y et begun businessunder the fictitious business nameor names listed hereon. “I declarethat all information in this sta te-ment is true and correct.” (A regis-trant who declar es as trueinformation which he or sheknows t o be false is guilt y of acrime.)Amanda DieckSept. 24; Oct. 01, 08, 15, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 09/03/10.


NO. 542142The follo wing person(s) is(ar e)doing business Hope for O utdoorPeople, 586 N F irst St #102, S anJose, CA 95112, S anta Clara Co.Cornelius Solomon, 80 S. Mark etSt., S an Jose , C A 95113, RonaldHarrison, 80 S. Mark et St ., S anJose, CA 95113. This business isconducted by an unincorporatedassociation other than a par tner-ship, r egistrants ha ve not y etbegun business under the fic ti-tious business name or nameslisted hereon. “I declare that all in-formation in this statement is trueand correct.” (A registrant who de-clares as true informa tion whichhe or she kno ws t o be false isguilty of a crime.)Cornelius SolomonSept. 24; Oct. 01, 08, 15, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 09/07/10.


NO. 542524The follo wing person(s) is(ar e)doing business K’s crepes & café,126 E Fremont Ave., Sunnyvale, CA94087, S anta Clar a C o. GabrielGaleana, 271 Garner D r., Sunny-vale, CA 94089. This business isconducted by an individual, regis-trant began business under the fic-titious business name or nameslisted here in 10/05/10. “I declarethat all information in this sta te-ment is true and correct.” (A regis-trant who declar es as trueinformation which he or sheknows t o be false is guilt y of acrime.)Gabriel GaleanaSept. 24; Oct. 01, 08, 15, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 09/15/10.


NO. 542673The follo wing person(s) is(ar e)doing business Gala Str ategy,10835 Willowbrook Way, Cuper-tino, CA 95014, S anta Clara C o.Hsiuwen Cheng , 10835 Willow-brook Way, Cupertino, CA 95014.This business is c onducted by anindividual, registrant has not y etbegun business under the fic ti-tious business name or nameslisted hereon. “I declare that all in-formation in this statement is trueand correct.” (A registrant who de-clares as true informa tion whichhe or she kno ws t o be false isguilty of a crime.)Hsiuwen ChengSept. 24; Oct. 01, 08, 15, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 09/20/10.


NO. 110CV175931Superior C ourt of C alifornia,

County of Santa Clara-In the mat-ter of the application of: Elsa Dino-rah Gousheh, TO ALL INTERESTEDPERSONS: The court finds that pe-titioner Elsa Dinorah Gousheh, hasfiled a petition for Change of Namewith the clerk of this c ourt for adecree changing names as follows:a.Elsa Dinorah Gousheh to DinorahGousheh. THE COURT ORDERS thatall persons interested in this mat-ter appear before this court at thehearing indicated below to show

cause, if any, why the petition forchange of names should not begranted on 11/23/2010 a t 8:45am, Room 107: loca ted at 191 N.First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. Acopy of the O rder to Show causeshall be published a t least once aweek for four suc cessive w eeksprior to the date set for hearing onthe petition in E l Obser vador, anewspaper of general circulation,printed in the c ounty of S antaClara.Sep 7, 2010Thomas Wm. CainJudge of the Superior CourtSept. 24; Oct. 01, 08, 15, 2010.


NO. 110CV182147Superior C ourt of C alifornia,

County of Santa Clara-In the mat-ter of the applica tion of : Br yantCeja-Garcia, TO ALL INTERESTEDPERSONS: The court finds that pe-titioner Br yant C eja-Garcia, hasfiled a petition for Change of Namewith the clerk of this c ourt for adecree changing names as follows:a. Br yant C eja-Garcia t o Br yanJesus C eja P reciado. THE C OURTORDERS that all persons interestedin this matter appear before thiscourt a t the hearing indica tedbelow to show cause, if any, whythe petition for change of namesshould not be gr anted on11/30/2010 a t 8:45 am, Room107: located at 191 N. First Street,San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of theOrder to Show cause shall be pub-lished at least once a week for foursuccessive weeks prior to the dateset for hearing on the petition in ElObservador, a newspaper of gen-eral cir culation, prin ted in thecounty of Santa Clara.Sept. 10, 2010Thomas Wm. CainJudge of the Superior CourtSept. 24; Oct. 01, 08, 15, 2010.


NO. 110CV182260Superior C ourt of C alifornia,

County of Santa Clara-In the mat-ter of the application of: MaissamSam Noori, TO ALL INTERESTEDPERSONS: The court finds that pe-titioner Maissam Sam Noori, hasfiled a petition for Change of Namewith the clerk of this c ourt for adecree changing names as follows:a. Maissam S am Noori t o S amNoori. THE COURT ORDERS that allpersons interested in this ma tterappear befor e this c ourt a t thehearing indicated below to showcause, if any, why the petition forchange of names should not begranted on 11/30/2010 a t 8:45am, Room 107: loca ted at 191 N.First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. Acopy of the O rder to Show causeshall be published a t least once aweek for four suc cessive w eeksprior to the date set for hearing onthe petition in E l Obser vador, anewspaper of general circulation,printed in the c ounty of S antaClara.Sept. 13, 2010Thomas Wm. CainJudge of the Superior CourtSept. 24; Oct. 01, 08, 15, 2010.


NO. 110CV176530Superior C ourt of C alifornia,

County of Santa Clara-In the mat-ter of the applica tion of : CarmenCabrera & Valentin N. L opez, TOALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Thecourt finds tha t petitioners C ar-men Cabrera & Valentin N. Lopez,have filed a petition for Change ofName with the clerk of this c ourtfor a decr ee changing names asfollows: a. Jerr y L opez t o Jerr yLopez Cabrera. THE COURT ORDERSthat all persons in terested in thismatter appear before this court at

the hearing indica ted belo w t oshow cause, if any, why the peti-tion for change of names shouldnot be granted on 11/09/2010 a t8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113.A copy of the Order to Show causeshall be published a t least once aweek for four suc cessive w eeksprior to the date set for hearing onthe petition in E l Obser vador, anewspaper of general circulation,printed in the c ounty of S antaClara.Sept. 16, 2010Thomas Wm. CainJudge of the Superior CourtSept. 24; Oct. 01, 08, 15, 2010.


NO. 110CV182914Superior C ourt of C alifornia,

County of Santa Clara-In the mat-ter of the application of: Lisa Cam-panella, TO ALL INTERESTEDPERSONS: The court finds that pe-titioner Lisa Campanella, has fileda petition for Change of Namewith the clerk of this c ourt for adecree changing names as follows:a. Gianni Campanella Martinez toGianni Martinez Campanella. THECOURT ORDERS that all persons in-terested in this matter appear be-fore this c ourt a t the hearingindicated below to show cause, ifany, why the petition for changeof names should not be granted on12/14/2010 a t 8:45 am, Room107: located at 191 N. First Street,San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of theOrder to Show cause shall be pub-lished at least once a week for foursuccessive weeks prior to the dateset for hearing on the petition in ElObservador, a newspaper of gen-eral cir culation, prin ted in thecounty of Santa Clara.Sept. 20, 2010Thomas Wm. CainJudge of the Superior CourtSept. 24; Oct. 01, 08, 15, 2010.


NO. 541617The follo wing person(s) is(ar e)doing business Little Angel’s Fam-ily Daycare, 3105 Florence Ct., SanJose, CA 95127, S anta Clara Co.Elizabeth A S anchez, 3105 F lo-rence Ct., San Jose, CA 95127. Thisbusiness is conducted by an indi-vidual, registrant began businessunder the fictitious business nameor names listed here in 5/12/05. “Ideclare that all information in thisstatement is true and c orrect.” (Aregistrant who declares as true in-formation which he or she kno wsto be false is guilty of a crime.)Elizabeth A. SanchezSept. 17, 24; Oct. 01, 08, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 08/23/10.


NO. 541635The follo wing person(s) is(ar e)doing business Lantian Software,900 Llagas Road, Morgan Hill, CA95037, S anta Clar a C o. JuanitaHun Mah, 900 Llagas Road , Mor-gan Hill, CA 95037. This businessis conducted by an individual, reg-istrant has not yet begun businessunder the fictitious business nameor names listed hereon. “I declarethat all information in this sta te-ment is true and correct.” (A regis-trant who declar es as trueinformation which he or sheknows t o be false is guilt y of acrime.)Juanita Hun MahSept. 17, 24; Oct. 01, 08, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 08/23/10.


NO. 542077The follo wing person(s) is(ar e)doing business Varsha Indian Veg-

etarian F ood, 263 W C alaverasBlvd, Milpitas, C A 95035, S antaClara Co. Varsha Rad, 920 Tama-rack Lane Apt#4, Sunn yvale, C A94086. This business is conductedby an individual, registrant has notyet begun business under the fic-titious business name or nameslisted hereon. “I declare that all in-formation in this statement is trueand correct.” (A registrant who de-clares as true informa tion whichhe or she kno ws t o be false isguilty of a crime.)Varsha RadSept. 17, 24; Oct. 01, 08, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 09/02/10.


NO. 542007The follo wing person(s) is(ar e)doing business Bridge Medical In-novation, LLC., 1429 TrestlewoodDr., S an Jose , C A 95138, S antaClara Co. Bridge Medical Inno va-tion LL C., 1429 Trestlewood D r.,San Jose, CA 95138. This businessis conducted by a limited liabilitycompany, r egistrant has not y etbegun business under the fic ti-tious business name or nameslisted hereon. “I declare that all in-formation in this statement is trueand correct.” (A registrant who de-clares as true informa tion whichhe or she kno ws t o be false isguilty of a crime.)Bridge Medical Innovation LLCFaouzi Kallel/President & CEOSept. 17, 24; Oct. 01, 08, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 09/01/10.


NO. 541540The follo wing person(s) is(ar e)doing business New Sitai Restau-rant, 5223 St evens Cr eek Blv d.,Santa Clara, CA 95051, Santa ClaraCo. Lisa Pham, 2937 Fenwick Way,San Jose, CA 95148. This businessis conducted by an individual , reg-istrant began business under thefictitious business name or nameslisted here in 08/20/2010. “I de-clare that all informa tion in thisstatement is true and c orrect.” (Aregistrant who declares as true in-formation which he or she kno wsto be false is guilty of a crime.)Lisa PhamSept. 17, 24; Oct. 01, 08, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 08/20/10.


NO. 541891The follo wing person(s) is(ar e)doing business B ay Ar ea RugGallery, 201 W E l C amino Real ,Sunnyvale, CA 94087, Santa ClaraCo. MF B ay Area Rug Galler y In-corp., 201 West E l C amino Real ,Sunnyvale, CA 94087. This busi-ness is conducted by a corporation,registrant has not yet begun busi-ness under the fic titious businessname or names list ed hereon. “Ideclare that all information in thisstatement is true and c orrect.” (Aregistrant who declares as true in-formation which he or she kno wsto be false is guilty of a crime.)MF Bay Area Rug Gallery Incorp.Marita Lahijanian/CFOSept. 17, 24; Oct. 01, 08, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 08/27/10.


NO. 542021The follo wing person(s) is(ar e)doing business Triumph PropertyServices, Triumph Notary Services,3101 Middlefield Road Unit 3, PaloAlto, CA 94306, S anta Clara C o.Katrina Edwards, 3101 MiddlefieldRoad #3, Palo Alto, CA 94308. Thisbusiness is conducted by an indi-vidual, registrant began business

under the fictitious business nameor names list ed her e in04/18/2005. “I declare that all in-formation in this statement is trueand correct.” (A registrant who de-clares as true informa tion whichhe or she kno ws t o be false isguilty of a crime.)Katrina EdwardsSept. 17, 24; Oct. 01, 08, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 09/01/10.


NO. 542302The follo wing person(s) is(ar e)doing business AB Party Rentals,487 North Lake Dr., #103, San Jose,CA 95117, Santa Clara Co. AdrianaBarragan, 487 Northlake Dr. #103,San Jose, CA 95117. This businessis conducted by an individual, reg-istrant began business under thefictitious business name or nameslisted here in 9/10/2010. “I declarethat all information in this sta te-ment is true and correct.” (A regis-trant who declar es as trueinformation which he or sheknows t o be false is guilt y of acrime.)Adriana BarraganSept. 17, 24; Oct. 01, 08, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 09/10/10.


NO. 542350The follo wing person(s) is(ar e)doing business Hemp Daddy Mo -bile Dispensary, 2570 Nor th FirstSt. Suite 200, San Jose, CA 95131,Santa Clara C o. CapFlow Invest-ments, I., 3100 Turk Blv d., S anFrancisco, CA 94118. This businessis conducted by a corporation, reg-istrant has not yet begun businessunder the fictitious business nameor names listed hereon. “I declarethat all information in this sta te-ment is true and correct.” (A regis-trant who declar es as trueinformation which he or sheknows t o be false is guilt y of acrime.)CapFlow Investments, IncPhillip Zakhour/SecretarySept. 17, 24; Oct. 01, 08, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 09/10/10.


NO. 541607The follo wing person(s) is(ar e)doing business Little S eeds Chil-dren’s Center and Natural FamilyResources, 500 West 10th St. Spc.70, Gilroy, CA 95020, S anta ClaraCo. T heresa W ebb-Harding, IanWebb-Harding, 500 West 10th St.Spc. 70, Gilr oy, C A 95020. Thisbusiness is conducted by husbandand wife, registrants began busi-ness under the fic titious businessname or names list ed her e in08/13/10. “I declare that all infor-mation in this sta tement is trueand correct.” (A registrant who de-clares as true informa tion whichhe or she kno ws t o be false isguilty of a crime.)Theresa Webb-HardingSept. 17, 24; Oct. 01, 08, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 8/23/10.


NO. 542415The follo wing person(s) is(ar e)doing business Home ShoppersGroup, 1582 Br anham Lane, SanJose, CA 95118, S anta Clara Co.Jeff Szafransky, 4960 Almaden Ex-pressway, #303, S an Jose , C A95118. This business is conductedby an individual, registrant has notyet begun business under the fic-titious business name or nameslisted hereon. “I declare that all in-formation in this statement is trueand correct.” (A registrant who de-

clares as true informa tion whichhe or she kno ws t o be false isguilty of a crime.)Jeff SzafranskySept. 17, 24; Oct. 01, 08, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 09/13/10.


NO. 542007The follo wing person(s) is(ar e)doing business B etter S chool-house, Point Doubler, 115 EverettAvenue, 3F, Palo Alto, CA 95125,Santa Clara Co. Lucky Pacific LLC.,1065 Spencer Ave., S an Jose, CA95125. This business is conductedby a limited liability company, reg-istrant has not yet begun businessunder the fictitious business nameor names listed hereon. “I declarethat all information in this sta te-ment is true and correct.” (A regis-trant who declar es as trueinformation which he or sheknows t o be false is guilt y of acrime.)Lucky Pacific LLC,Jeffrey A Unze/ManagerSept. 17, 24; Oct. 01, 08, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 08/18/10.


NO. 542393The follo wing person(s) is(ar e)doing business Sunriser Lanc oreInvestments, Sunriser Real Estate,13349 Mc culloch A venue,Saratoga, CA 95070, S anta ClaraCo. Hesam Tooloee, 13349 Mccul-loch Avenue, Saratoga, CA 95070.This business is c onducted by anindividual, registrant has not y etbegun business under the fic ti-tious business name or nameslisted hereon. “I declare that all in-formation in this statement is trueand correct.” (A registrant who de-clares as true informa tion whichhe or she kno ws t o be false isguilty of a crime.)Hesam TooloeeSept. 17, 24; Oct. 01, 08, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 09/13/10.


NO. 542346The follo wing person(s) is(ar e)doing business Garcia’s Tires, 458 SKing Rd ., S an Jose , C A 95116,Santa Clar a C o. Tobias Gar cia,10307 F inglenton, S an Jose , C A95111. This business is conductedby an individual , r egistrant hasnot yet begun business under thefictitious business name or nameslisted hereon. “I declare that all in-formation in this statement is trueand correct.” (A registrant who de-clares as true informa tion whichhe or she kno ws t o be false isguilty of a crime.)Tobias GarciaSept. 17, 24; Oct. 01, 08, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 09/10/10.


NO. 542251The follo wing person(s) is(ar e)doing business Unique Nail , 991Saratoga Ave., Suite 150, San Jose,CA 95129, Santa Clara Co. Thien-trang Nguy en, 1663 P ala R anchCircle, S an Jose, C A 95133. Thisbusiness is conducted by an indi-vidual, r egistrant has not y etbegun business under the fic ti-tious business name or nameslisted hereon. “I declare that all in-formation in this statement is trueand correct.” (A registrant who de-clares as true informa tion whichhe or she kno ws t o be false isguilty of a crime.)Thientrang NguyenSept. 17, 24; Oct. 01, 08, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 09/08/10.


NO. 542280The follo wing person(s) is(ar e)doing business Vargas Auto Uphol-stery, 675 E E l Camino Real, Sun-nyvale, CA 94087, Santa Clara Co.Luis Mendez Garcia, 828 Morse Ave#32, Sunnyvale, C A 94085. Thisbusiness is conducted by an indi-vidual, r egistrant has not y etbegun business under the fic ti-tious business name or nameslisted hereon. “I declare that all in-formation in this statement is trueand correct.” (A registrant who de-clares as true informa tion whichhe or she kno ws t o be false isguilty of a crime.)Luis Mendez GarciaSept. 17, 24; Oct. 01, 08, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 09/09/10.


NO. 542294The follo wing person(s) is(ar e)doing business B engie & B omberServices, 751 Lakewood Dr., Sun-nyvale, CA 94089, Santa Clara Co.Marleny Ortiz, 751 Lakewood Dr.,Sunnyvale, CA 94089. This busi-ness is conducted by an individual,registrant began business underthe fic titious business name ornames listed here in 09/09/10. “Ideclare that all information in thisstatement is true and c orrect.” (Aregistrant who declares as true in-formation which he or she kno wsto be false is guilty of a crime.)Marleny OrtizSept. 17, 24; Oct. 01, 08, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 09/09/10.


NO. 541800The follo wing person(s) is(ar e)doing business CK-Systems, 193 NMurphy Ave Apt. #4, Sunn yvale,CA 94086, S anta Clara Co. ChuckKunz, 193 N Murphy Ave., Apt# 4,Sunnyvale, CA 94086. This busi-ness is conducted by an individual,registrant has not yet begun busi-ness under the fic titious businessname or names list ed hereon. “Ideclare that all information in thisstatement is true and c orrect.” (Aregistrant who declares as true in-formation which he or she kno wsto be false is guilty of a crime.)Chuck KunzSept. 17, 24; Oct. 01, 08, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 08/26/10.


NO. 542522The follo wing person(s) is(ar e)doing business Native Heart Land-scapes, 1190 Locust St., San Jose,CA 95110, Santa Clara Co. DebbieBallentine, 1190 L ocust St ., S anJose, CA 95110. This business isconducted by an individual, regis-trant began business under the fic-titious business name or nameslisted here in 9/15/10. “I declarethat all information in this sta te-ment is true and correct.” (A regis-trant who declar es as trueinformation which he or sheknows t o be false is guilt y of acrime.)Debbie BallentineSept. 17, 24; Oct. 01, 08, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 09/15/10.


NO. 541871The follo wing person(s) is(ar e)doing business All Star D rywall,3477 S weigert Rd., S an Jose , C a95132, Santa Clara Co. Jose CarlosSilveira, 3477 Sweigert Rd., S anJose, CA 95132, Mary L. A. Silveira,3477 Sweigert Rd., S an Jose, CA

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www.el-observador.com | OCT 1 - 7, 2010 | 17 |Legal Notices95132. This business is conductedby a husband and wife, registrantsbegan business under the fictitiousbusiness name or names listedhere in 03/31/1990. “I declarethat all information in this state-ment is true and correct.” (A reg-istrant who declares as trueinformation which he or sheknows to be false is guilty of acrime.)Jose Carlos SilveiraSept. 17, 24; Oct. 01, 08, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on08/27/10.


NO. 542296The following person(s) is(are)doing business Ultimate Photo-booth, 4245 Atlantic Ct., SantaClara, CA 95054, Santa Clara Co.Dalan Chan, 4245 Atlantic CT.,Santa Clara, CA 95054. This busi-ness is conducted by an individual,registrant has not yet begun busi-ness under the fictitious businessname or names listed hereon. “Ideclare that all information in thisstatement is true and correct.” (Aregistrant who declares as true in-formation which he or she knowsto be false is guilty of a crime.)Dalan ChanSept. 17, 24; Oct. 01, 08, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on09/10/10.


NO. 110CV180914Superior Court of California,

County of Santa Clara-In the mat-ter of the application of: RobertoCarlos Ahumada, TO ALL INTER-ESTED PERSONS: The court findsthat petitioner Roberto CarlosAhumanda, has filed a petition forChange of Name with the clerk ofthis court for a decree changingnames as follows: a. Roberto Car-los Ahumada to Roberto CarlosHernandez. THE COURT ORDERSthat all persons interested in thismatter appear before this court atthe hearing indicated below toshow cause, if any, why the peti-tion for change of names shouldnot be granted on 11/09/2010 at8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113.A copy of the Order to Show causeshall be published at least once aweek for four successive weeksprior to the date set for hearing onthe petition in El Observador, anewspaper of general circulation,printed in the county of SantaClara.Aug. 25, 2010Thomas Wm. CainJudge of the Superior CourtSept. 17, 24; Oct. 01, 08, 2010.


NO. 110CV182300Superior Court of California,

County of Santa Clara-In the mat-ter of the application of: MarinaKazarian, TO ALL INTERESTED PER-SONS: The court finds that peti-tioner Marina Kazarian, has filed apetition for Change of Name withthe clerk of this court for a decreechanging names as follows: a.Roya Kazarian to Alexandra RayaKazarian. THE COURT ORDERS thatall persons interested in this mat-ter appear before this court at thehearing indicated below to showcause, if any, why the petition forchange of names should not begranted on 11/30/2010 at 8:45am, Room 107: located at 191 N.First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. Acopy of the Order to Show causeshall be published at least once aweek for four successive weeksprior to the date set for hearing onthe petition in El Observador, anewspaper of general circulation,

printed in the county of SantaClara.Sept. 13, 2010Thomas Wm. CainJudge of the Superior CourtSept. 17, 24; Oct. 01, 08, 2010.


NO. 110CV182094Superior Court of California,

County of Santa Clara-In the mat-ter of the application of: Jaime DeLos Rios and Jan McCutcheon, TOALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Thecourt finds that petitioners JaimeDe Los Rios and Jan McCutcheon,have filed a petition for Change ofName with the clerk of this courtfor a decree changing names asfollows: a. Fiona Marta De los Rios,McCutcheon to Fiona marta De LosRios-McCutcheon. THE COURT OR-DERS that all persons interested inthis matter appear before thiscourt at the hearing indicatedbelow to show cause, if any, whythe petition for change of namesshould not be granted on11/30/2010 at 8:45 am, Room107: located at 191 N. First Street,San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of theOrder to Show cause shall be pub-lished at least once a week for foursuccessive weeks prior to the dateset for hearing on the petition in ElObservador, a newspaper of gen-eral circulation, printed in thecounty of Santa Clara.Sept. 10, 2010Thomas Wm. CainJudge of the Superior CourtSept. 17, 24; Oct. 01, 08, 2010.


Date of Filing Application: Sep-tember 03, 2010To Whom It May Concern:The Name of the Applicant is/are:


The applicant listed above is ap-plying to the Department of Alco-holic Beverage Control to sellalcoholic beverages at: 1150 S. King RdSuite 20San Jose, CA 95122-2140Type of license applied for:41-ON-SALE Beer and Wine – Eat-ing PlaceDepartment of Alcoholic BeverageControl100 Paseo de San Antonio Room119,San Jose, CA 95113 (408) 277-1200Published on Sept. 17, 24; Oct. 01,2010


NO. 542257The following person(s) is(are)doing business Bryan NunesRestoration, Santa Clara Co. BryanNunes, 1380 Los Padres Blvd.,Santa Clara, CA 95050. This busi-ness is conducted by an individual,registrant has not yet begun busi-ness under the fictitious businessname or names listed hereon. “Ideclare that all information in thisstatement is true and correct.” (Aregistrant who declares as true in-formation which he or she knowsto be false is guilty of a crime.)Bryan NunesSept. 10, 17, 24; Oct. 01, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on09/09/10.


NO. 541562The following person(s) is(are)doing business A & A Landscaping,1054 Saddlewood Dr., San Jose, CA95121, Santa Clara Co. ArturoAlaniz, 1054 Saddlewood Dr., SanJose, CA 95121. This business is

conducted by an individual, regis-trant began business under the fic-titious business name or nameslisted here in 08/20/2010. “I de-clare that all information in thisstatement is true and correct.” (Aregistrant who declares as true in-formation which he or she knowsto be false is guilty of a crime.)Arturo AlanizSept. 10, 17, 24; Oct. 01, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on08/20/10.


NO. 542249The following person(s) is(are)doing business The Best Buy Mo-tors INC., 1333 W. San Carlos St.,San Jose, CA 95126, Santa ClaraCo. The Best Buy Motors, 1333 W.San Carlos, St., San Jose, CA95126. This business is conducteda corporation, registrant has notyet begun business under the fic-titious business name or nameslisted hereon. “I declare that allinformation in this statement istrue and correct.” (A registrantwho declares as true informationwhich he or she knows to be falseis guilty of a crime.)The Best Buy Motors Saeed Etemadi/SecretarySept. 10, 17, 24; Oct. 01, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on09/08/10.


NO. 541636The following person(s) is(are)doing business S.J. Delivery Serv-ice, 130 Descanso Dr. #253, SanJose, CA 95134, Santa Clara Co.Initial Services Enterprise, LLC.,130 Descanso Dr. # 253, San Jose,CA 95134. This business is con-ducted by a limited liability com-pany, registrant has not yet begunbusiness under the fictitious busi-ness name or names listed hereon.“I declare that all information inthis statement is true and correct.”(A registrant who declares as trueinformation which he or sheknows to be false is guilty of acrime.)Initial Services Enterprise, INCJoseph Holtz/CEOSept. 10, 17, 24; Oct. 01, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on08/24/10.


NO. 541966The following person(s) is(are)doing business Lisa Ling Designs,1063 Morse Ave #6-302, Sunny-vale, CA 94089, Santa Clara Co.Ing Hoa Liauw, 1063 Morse Ave 6-302, Sunnyvale, CA 94089. Thisbusiness is conducted by an indi-vidual, registrant has not yetbegun business under the ficti-tious business name or nameslisted hereon. “I declare that allinformation in this statement istrue and correct.” (A registrantwho declares as true informationwhich he or she knows to be falseis guilty of a crime.)Ing Hoa LiauwSept. 10, 17, 24; Oct. 01, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on08/31/10.


NO. 542161The following person(s) is(are)doing business SV Enterprises,Dandy Alternatives, 489 WagmanDr., San Jose, CA 95129, SantaClara Co. Sergio Vargas, 489 Wag-man Dr., San Jose, CA 95129. Thisbusiness is conducted by an indi-vidual, registrant has not yetbegun business under the ficti-

tious business name or nameslisted hereon. “I declare that allinformation in this statement istrue and correct.” (A registrantwho declares as true informationwhich he or she knows to be falseis guilty of a crime.)Sergio VargasSept. 10, 17, 24; Oct. 01, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on09/07/10.


NO. 541660The following person(s) is(are)doing business All Phase Mechan-ical, 18840 Saratoga-Los GatosRd., Los Gatos, CA 95030, SantaClara Co. Christopher Colby, 5281Turnberry Pl., San Jose, CA 95136.This business is conducted by anindividual registrant began busi-ness under the fictitious businessname or names listed here in8/24/10. “I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is trueand correct.” (A registrant who de-clares as true information whichhe or she knows to be false isguilty of a crime.)Christopher ColbySept. 10, 17, 24; Oct. 01, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on08/24/10.


NO. 541987The following person(s) is(are)doing business Natural CravingsBay Area, Natural Cravings, 111Saratoga Ave. #2209, Santa Clara,CA 95051, Santa Clara Co. An-drew Flachner, 111 Saratoga Ave#2209, Santa Clara, CA 95051,Brett Bernstein, 111 SaratogaAve., #2209, Santa Clara, CA95051. This business is conductedby a general partnership, regis-trants began business under thefictitious business name or nameslisted here in 8/30/2010. “I de-clare that all information in thisstatement is true and correct.” (Aregistrant who declares as true in-formation which he or she knowsto be false is guilty of a crime.)Andrew FlachnerSept. 10, 17, 24; Oct. 01, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on08/31/10.


NO. 541364The following person(s) is(are)doing business California SongContest, 3290 Hecker Pass Hwy.,Gilroy, CA 95020, Santa Clara Co.Adrian Menig, 7906 WestwoodDr., Gilroy, CA 95020. This busi-ness is conducted by an individual,registrant has not yet begun busi-ness under the fictitious businessname or names listed hereon. “Ideclare that all information in thisstatement is true and correct.” (Aregistrant who declares as true in-formation which he or she knowsto be false is guilty of a crime.)Adrian MenigSept. 10, 17, 24; Oct. 01, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on08/16/10.


NO. 541928The following person(s) is(are)doing business Kingz Crown,KingzCrown.com, 1580 SilverRanch Ln., San Jose, CA 95138,Santa Clara Co. Hameet Singh, 38N. Almaden Blvd., Suite 809, SanJose, CA 95110. This business isconducted by an individual, regis-trant began business under the fic-titious business name or nameslisted here in 8/15/2010. “I de-clare that all information in this

statement is true and correct.” (Aregistrant who declares as true in-formation which he or she knowsto be false is guilty of a crime.)Hameet SinghSept. 10, 17, 24; Oct. 01, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on08/30/10.


NO. 542223The following person(s) is(are)doing business Yogurt Cove, 1275Lincoln Ave., San Jose, CA 95125,Santa Clara Co. John Claus, 3225Garnett Dr., San Jose, CA 95117,Heidi Claus, 3225 Garnet Dr., SanJose, CA 95117. This business isconducted by husband and wife,registrants have not yet begunbusiness under the fictitious busi-ness name or names listed hereon.“I declare that all information inthis statement is true and correct.”(A registrant who declares as trueinformation which he or sheknows to be false is guilty of acrime.)John ClausSept. 10, 17, 24; Oct. 01, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on09/08/10.


NO. 541985The following person(s) is(are)doing business HMG Real Estate,3190 S. Bascom Suite 155, SanJose, CA 95124, Santa Clara Co.Heindel Mortgage Group Incorpo-rated, 3190 S. Bascom #155, SanJose, CA 95124. This business isconducted by a corporation, regis-trant began business under the fic-titious business name or nameslisted here in 8/31/2010. “I de-clare that all information in thisstatement is true and correct.” (Aregistrant who declares as true in-formation which he or she knowsto be false is guilty of a crime.)Heindel Mortgage Group Incorpo-ratedJohn David Heindel/PresidentSept. 10, 17, 24; Oct 01, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on08/31/10.


NO. 542230The following person(s) is(are)doing business REO 1 Team, 1604– B Blossom Hill Rd., San Jose, CA95124, Santa Clara Co. Irene Borz,1604-B Blossom Hill Rd., San Jose,CA 95124. This business is con-ducted by an individual, registranthas not yet begun business underthe fictitious business name ornames listed hereon. “I declarethat all information in this state-ment is true and correct.” (A reg-istrant who declares as trueinformation which he or sheknows to be false is guilty of acrime.)Irene BorzSept. 10, 17, 24; Oct. 01, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on09/08/10.


NO. 542231The following person(s) is(are)doing business REO 1 Team, 1604– B Blossom Hill RD., San Jose, CA95124, Santa Clara Co. Borz Re-alty, 1604 – B Blossom Hill Rd.,San Jose, CA 95124. This businessis conducted by a corporation, reg-istrant began business under thefictitious business name or nameslisted here in 09/08/10. “I declarethat all information in this state-ment is true and correct.” (A reg-istrant who declares as trueinformation which he or she

knows to be false is guilty of acrime.)Borz RealtyIrene Borz/PresidentSept. 10, 17, 24; Oct. 01, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on09/08/10.


NO. 110CV181547Superior Court of California,

County of Santa Clara-In the mat-ter of the application of: EbrahimSamiee, TO ALL INTERESTED PER-SONS: The court finds that peti-tioner Ebrahim Samiee, has filed apetition for Change of Name withthe clerk of this court for a decreechanging names as follows: a. TaraSamiee-Esfahani to Tara Samiee .THE COURT ORDERS that all per-sons interested in this matter ap-pear before this court at thehearing indicated below to showcause, if any, why the petition forchange of names should not begranted on 11/23/2010 at 8:45am, Room 107: located at 191 N.First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. Acopy of the Order to Show causeshall be published at least once aweek for four successive weeksprior to the date set for hearing onthe petition in El Observador, anewspaper of general circulation,printed in the county of SantaClara.Sep. 02, 2010Thomas Wm. CainJudge of the Superior CourtSept. 10, 17, 24; Oct. 01, 2010.


NO. 110CV181441Superior Court of California,

County of Santa Clara-In the mat-ter of the application of: Alberta

Sumano Salazar, TO ALL INTER-ESTED PERSONS: The court findsthat petitioner Alberta SumanoSalazar, has filed a petition forChange of Name with the clerk ofthis court for a decree changingnames as follows: a. GiovanniYamil Sumano to Giovanni YamilSumano Salazar . THE COURT OR-DERS that all persons interested inthis matter appear before thiscourt at the hearing indicatedbelow to show cause, if any, whythe petition for change of namesshould not be granted on11/23/2010 at 8:45 am, Room107: located at 191 N. First Street,San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of theOrder to Show cause shall be pub-lished at least once a week for foursuccessive weeks prior to the dateset for hearing on the petition in ElObservador, a newspaper of gen-eral circulation, printed in thecounty of Santa Clara.Sep. 01, 2010Thomas Wm. CainJudge of the Superior CourtSept. 10, 17, 24; Oct. 01, 2010.


NO. 110CV180558Superior Court of California,

County of Santa Clara-In the mat-ter of the application of: SamsonAman Hadgu, TO ALL INTERESTEDPERSONS: The court finds that pe-titioner Samson Aman Hadgu, hasfiled a petition for Change of Namewith the clerk of this court for a de-cree changing names as follows: a.Samson Aman Hadgu to YukunoAmlak Hadgu. THE COURT ORDERSthat all persons interested in thismatter appear before this court atthe hearing indicated below toshow cause, if any, why the peti-tion for change of names shouldnot be granted on 11/09/2010 at

8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113.A copy of the Order to Show causeshall be published at least once aweek for four successive weeksprior to the date set for hearing onthe petition in El Observador, anewspaper of general circulation,printed in the county of SantaClara.Aug. 20, 2010Thomas Wm. CainJudge of the Superior CourtSept. 10, 17, 24; Oct. 01, 2010.


NO. 110CV181919Superior Court of California,

County of Santa Clara-In the mat-ter of the application of: YuanCh-ern Wang, TO ALL INTERESTEDPERSONS: The court finds that pe-titioner YuanChern Wang, hasfiled a petition for Change of Namewith the clerk of this court for a de-cree changing names as follows: a.YuanChern Wang to John YuanCh-ern Wang. THE COURT ORDERSthat all persons interested in thismatter appear before this court atthe hearing indicated below toshow cause, if any, why the peti-tion for change of names shouldnot be granted on 11/30/2010 at8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113.A copy of the Order to Show causeshall be published at least once aweek for four successive weeksprior to the date set for hearing onthe petition in El Observador, anewspaper of general circulation,printed in the county of SantaClara.Sep. 09, 2010Thomas Wm. CainJudge of the Superior CourtSept. 10, 17, 24; Oct. 01, 2010.




Board of Supervisors’ ChambersCounty Government Center

70 W. Hedding Street, San JoseThis location is served by VTA Light Rail and

Bus Lines 61, 62, 66, and 181.

2010 VTA Board of Directors Public Meetings

The Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) Board of Directors welcomes you to attend the

following VTA Board of Directors public meetings:

Please call the Office of the Board Secretary at (408) 321-5680 or email [email protected] to confirm dates and locations.

For more information on meeting agendas and schedules of other VTA Committee meetings, please visit www.vta.org.

Thursday, October 7 ................... 5:00 p.m.(Please note change in meeting time)

Friday, October 22 ...................... 9:00 a.m.(Workshop Meeting)

Thursday, November 4............... 5:30 p.m.

Page 18: el observador oct 1

Por Mario JiménezEl Observador.

Enemigos y en-vidiosos portodos lados. A

esta gente que no vive en pazy solo bajo el chisme lospuedes encontrar en el tra-bajo, en la familia, en elvecindario entre otros. Acontinuación recomenda-ciones para alejar a estasmalas energías convertidasen chismes, calumnias ymalos deseos de otras per-sonas a otras.

RecomendacionesInvoque y haga una ple-

garia a San AlejoQueme incienso de igle-

sia los martes y los viernes.Acaricie con frecuencia

una piedra ojo de tigre.Plante una mata de ruda

en el jardín.Hágase enjuagues con

agua de hierba buena todos

los domingos.Hágase una limpia con

siete ramas de pirul.Coloque una trozo de

raíz de mandrake en suhabitación.

Mantenga un rosario ensu mesa de noche.

Récele una novena aSanta Martha.

Ofrende velas color vio-leta a San Cipriano.

Ofrézcale una vela do-rada a San Uriel.

Queme una vela verde yuna azul en nombre deOchosi

Queme incienso tresreyes todos los jueves.

¿Cómo ahuyentar losmalos espíritus?

Ofrenda seis veladorasrojas a Santa

Bárbara.Cuelgue en el patio o en el jardín un racimo de cabezas de ajoQueme un poco de

azufre en día martes.Pase una rama de ruda

por su cama y luego la en-tierra.

Limpie su casa con unamezcla de agua florida, kolo-nia 1800 y agua bendita.

Coloque un crucifijo enmedio de los colchones de sucama.

Hágase un enjuague conhojas y flores de malva.

Coloque cortezas decoco en el techo o en las ven-tanas de su casa.

Todas las noches dejeuna copa con agua en suhabitación.

Recele una novena a laVirgen de Montserrat.

Ofrende una vela re-versible a San Juan Evange-lista.

Ofrende dos velas blan-cas a la Virgen de Juquila.

Rece la siguiente oracióntres veces antes de irse adormir:

Crux sancta miki luxnon draco miki duxnuncuam suade miki vanasva de retrum satanassum mala cuae livas ipse venenas vivas.

|18| OCT 1 - 7, 2010 | www.el-observador.com Community




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letsj rgo.A, IN PTEDSUPPOR





¡Ahora parte de la Cadena Livelinks®!


¿Cómo alejarte de energías negativas?

Somos Mayfair celebrated their 3rdAnnual fundraiser, Gracias a la Vida,on Thursday, September 30 at the

Mexican Heritage Plaza. Leaders and support-ers of Somos Mayfair were invited to hear someof the stories that inspired this organization totake action, and to celebrate the strength andbeauty of the Mayfair community. Jaime Al-varado, Executive Director of Somos Mayfair,spoke about the organization’s programs, theirwork to foster family health and wellness, nur-ture the early school success of the young chil-dren, and develop strong individuals who worktogether to secure full equity for the entire com-munity.

Somos Mayfair began in 1997 as the May-fair Improvement Initiative, and changed theirname to Somos Mayfair in 2006. Somos May-fair cultivates the dreams and power of the peo-ple of Mayfair through cultural activism, socialservices and community organizing. Their goalis to work toward the day when all people ofMayfair believe their barrio to be a place wherebeauty, power, and dignity flourish and staysconnected to the region, valued for contribu-tions to society and engaged with the broadermovement for justice. To learn more aboutSomos Mayfair, visit www.somosmayfair.orgor contact Camille Llanes-Fontanilla at 408937-2576.

Somos Mayfair Celebrates 3rd Annual Fundraiser, Gracias a la Vida

Photo: L-RCamille Llanes-Fontanilla, Development Director and Jaime Alvarado, ExecutiveDirector.

Article and photo by Monica Amador

L-R: Frank Biel, Jaime Alvarado, Blanca Alvarado, Consuelo & Carlos Avitia

Page 19: el observador oct 1

www.el-observador.com | OCT 1 - 7, 2010 |19|Sports

By Cinthia Rodriguez - El Observador

The San Jose Police Department isfacing money problems like manyother departments however volun-

teers are making a difference. Although therehave been staffing reductions within the PoliceActivities League (PAL), the San Jose PALvolunteers will not stop serving the familiesand youth participants.

Despite the reductions in services the ini-tial planning for Spring 2011 has begun forCambrian and East Valley. Meanwhile 2010rolls along with games in the Cambrian, EastValley, Rose Garden and Willow Glen neigh-borhoods each Saturday through November.

Registration fees that are paid by partici-pants to PAL Soccer cover the operating costsfor the league. Fees cover team uniforms, ref-erees, field rentals, field equipment, public li-ability insurance requirements. Along withattending a professional soccer game playedby the San Jose Earthquakes. The soccerleague includes the municipalities of SantaClara, Milpitas and San Jose.

The reduction in staffing and maintenancefees requires that more volunteers will have tocontinue to turn on the lights, secure the equip-ment and lock the gates. Volunteers currentlyorganize the league from registration intakeand team process to the game day field prepa-ration and lining.

The league and programs of San Jose PALprides itself in providing a soccer program thatis well organized in a pleasant environmentand at an affordable cost. Scholarships aremade available to families that cannot affordthe current registration fees. At present 1500youth and families are involved. In San JosePAL Soccer will continue with their 2010 sea-son.

San Jose PAL invites everyone to jointhem on October 2, 2010 from 9:00 AM to3:00 PM at PAL Stadium with teams, playersand families attending the annual Jamboreeand Photo Day. San Jose Earthquakes will bepresent along with vendors and entertaininggames with prizes.

For more information visit,www.sjpdpal.com

San Jose Police ActivitiesLeague still kicking

Despite the reductions in services the initial planning for Spring 2011 has begun for Cambrian andEast Valley. Meanwhile 2010 rolls along with games in the Cambrian, East Valley, Rose Garden and Wil-low Glen neighborhoods each Saturday through November.

Major League Baseball’s thirdbaseman, “The Panda” PabloSandoval, teamed up with Veri-

zon Wireless to visit with Bay Area fans at anexclusive in-store event in support of the Hope-Line program. Through HopeLine, VerizonWireless recycles no longer used phones, bat-teries, and accessories and turns these unusedphones into support for victims of domestic vi-olence.

El tercera base del béisbol, “El Panda”Pablo Sandoval, se unió a Verizon Wirelesspara convivir con sus fans de la bahía en unevento exclusivo en apoyo al programa Hope-Line. A través de HopeLine, Verizon Wirelessrecicla teléfonos, baterías y accesorios que yano se usan para entregarlos y apoyar a las víc-timas de la violencia doméstica.

Pablo Sandoval Supports theHopeLine program

Page 20: el observador oct 1

comprueba porqué más de 1,000 personas al día cambian

a chevrolet







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solo tanque de gasolina1

arrendamiento de bajo millaje para arrendatarios






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a la firma del contrato



compra cualquier camaro del 2010 y obtén hasta




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sin costo para ti

1 Basado en est. EPA. 2 Ejemplo basado en encuesta. Cada concesionario establece su precio. Tus pagos pueden variar. Los pagos son para un Malibu LS del 2011 con un MSRP de $22,695. 39 pagos mensuales para un total de pagos de $8,322. Opción de compra al final del arrendamiento por cantidad a ser determinada a la firma del contrato de arrendamiento. Ally debe aprobar el arrendamiento. Recibe entrega antes de 11/1/10. Cargo por millaje de $.20 la milla en exceso de 39,000 millas. Cargos por exceso de millaje y desgaste excesivo aplican. No disponible con otras ofertas. Restricciones de residencia aplican. 3 No compatible con otras ofertas privadas. Recibe entrega antes del 11/1/10. 4 Visita onstar.com/espanol para detalles y limitaciones del sistema. Los servicios varían por modelos y condiciones. Onstar actúa como enlace a proveedores existentes de servicios de emergencia.Malibu, Camaro y Chevrolet son marcas registradas de General Motors. ©2010 General Motors. ¡Abróchate! ¡Tu cinturón es tu vida! El sello de “Mejor Compra” es una marca registrada de Consumers Digest Communications, LLC., usado bajo licencia. ©2010 OnStar. Todos los derechos reservados.

|20| OCT 1 - 7, 2010 | www.el-observador.com