eiu ensemble audition excerpts trumpet fall 2019

EIU Ensemble Audition Excerpts Trumpet Fall 2019 Small: 27 Melodious and Rhythmical Exercises for Trumpet , Etude 15, beginning Copland: An Outdoor Overture Sousa: Golden Jubilee Vaughn Williams: Toccata Marziale Britten: The Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra Prepare excerpts on either B-flat or C Trumpet

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Page 1: EIU Ensemble Audition Excerpts Trumpet Fall 2019

EIU Ensemble Audition Excerpts Trumpet Fall 2019

Small: 27 Melodious and Rhythmical Exercises for Trumpet, Etude 15, beginning Copland: An Outdoor Overture

Sousa: Golden Jubilee Vaughn Williams: Toccata Marziale

Britten: The Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra

Prepare excerpts on either B-flat or C Trumpet

Page 2: EIU Ensemble Audition Excerpts Trumpet Fall 2019



Small - Etude 15

Page 3: EIU Ensemble Audition Excerpts Trumpet Fall 2019

3 USMB� � Trumpet/Cornet� Audition� Excerpts

An Outdoor Overture (Copland) Trumpet in B-flat

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“Golden Jubilee” (Sousa) Trumpet in B-flat

- End preliminary round excerpts -

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Page 4: EIU Ensemble Audition Excerpts Trumpet Fall 2019

7 USMB� � Trumpet/Cornet� Audition� Excerpts

Toccata Marziale (Vaughan Williams) Trumpet in B-flat

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(Allegro maestoso.)

Page 5: EIU Ensemble Audition Excerpts Trumpet Fall 2019