eia & ec for kathalchari field development, block (aa-onn ... hearing...requested the member...

EIA & EC for Kathalchari Field Development, Block (AA-ONN-2002/1), Tripura Public Hearing Report Prepared for: Jubilant Oil and Gas Private Limited Prepared by: SENES Consultants India Pvt. Ltd. June, 2016

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Page 1: EIA & EC for Kathalchari Field Development, Block (AA-ONN ... Hearing...requested the Member Secretary of Tripura State Pollution Control Board (TSPCB) to arrange the public hearing

EIA & EC for Kathalchari Field Development, Block (AA-ONN-2002/1), Tripura

Public Hearing Report

Prepared for:

Jubilant Oil and Gas Private Limited

Prepared by:

SENES Consultants India Pvt. Ltd.

June, 2016

Page 2: EIA & EC for Kathalchari Field Development, Block (AA-ONN ... Hearing...requested the Member Secretary of Tripura State Pollution Control Board (TSPCB) to arrange the public hearing

EIA for development activities of hydrocarbon, installation of GGS & pipeline laying at Kathalchari

SENES/M-ESM-20241/June, 2016 2 JOGPL

1 Public Consultation

The proposed activities qualify the Project under Category A and hence, the process of Public

Hearing forms a pre-requisite for obtaining Environmental Clearance under EIA Notificat ion,

2006. As the project site is located in South Tripura and Gomati Districts of Tripura, JOGPL

requested the Member Secretary of Tripura State Pollution Control Board (TSPCB) to arrange the

public hearing. Upon receipt of the request the Member Secretary selected 29th December and 31st

December 2015 to be the date of Public Hearing in South Tripura and Gomati District respectively.

Along with the application JOGPL provided sufficient copies of Draft Environmental Impact

Assessment (EIA), and Executive Summary in English and Bengali to TSPCB. The announcement

of Public hearing was conducted in these two districts (refer Photographs-7.1). Further, Public

notices for these public hearing was published on 30th Nov 2015 in following local and national

level newspaper:

Dainik Sambad (Bengali newspaper)

Daily Desher Katha (Bengali newspaper)

Telegraph (English newspaper)

Photograph 7.1: Public Hearing Announcement in Gomati and South Tripura Districts

Announcement of Public Hearing scheduled in villages of Gomati District

Page 3: EIA & EC for Kathalchari Field Development, Block (AA-ONN ... Hearing...requested the Member Secretary of Tripura State Pollution Control Board (TSPCB) to arrange the public hearing

EIA for development activities of hydrocarbon, installation of GGS & pipeline laying at Kathalchari

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Announcement of Public Hearing scheduled in villages of South Tripura District

Photograph 7.2: Public Hearing Advertisement in Newspaper

Page 4: EIA & EC for Kathalchari Field Development, Block (AA-ONN ... Hearing...requested the Member Secretary of Tripura State Pollution Control Board (TSPCB) to arrange the public hearing

EIA for development activities of hydrocarbon, installation of GGS & pipeline laying at Kathalchari

SENES/M-ESM-20241/June, 2016 4 JOGPL

Newspaer -


Newspaer – Dainik Sambad Newspaper – Deshar Katha

(1) Public Hearing Venue and Participants

(A) South Tripura District

The public hearing for South Tripura district was held on 29th Dec 2015 at Kwaifung community

hall, Santirbazar. Total 8 nos. development wells of Kathalchari Field falls under South Tripura

district. This public hearing was conducted in the presence of Mr. Rawal H. Kumar (Additiona l

District Magistrate & Collector & I/c of District Magistrate & Collector, South Tripura District)

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EIA for development activities of hydrocarbon, installation of GGS & pipeline laying at Kathalchari

SENES/M-ESM-20241/June, 2016 5 JOGPL

and Mr. Rupanjan Das (Deputy Collector & Magistrate, Santirbazar, South Tripura). The offic ia ls

from TSPCB, Jubilant Oil & Gas Private Ltd. (JOGPL), GAIL (India) Ltd. and environment

consultants were also present in this Public Hearing.

(B) Gomati District

The public hearing for Gomati district was held on 31st Dec 2015 at Amarpur Town hall, Amarpur.

Total 3 nos. development wells of Kathalchari Field falls under Gomati district. This public

hearing was conducted in the presence of Mr. Sajal Biswas (SDM, Amarpur) and Mr. Rupan Das

(Deputy Collector & Magistrate, Amarpur). The officials from Jubilant Oil & Gas Private Ltd.

(JOGPL), GAIL (India) Ltd. and environment consultants were also present in this Public Hearing.

TSPCB officials Chairman and Vice Chairman (South Ekchhari Gram Panchayat) were also

present in the hearing.

(2) Public Hearing Issues

A detailed power point presentation was presented to the public as well as district administra t ion

on a large screen by JOGPL representative and environment consultant. At the onset of

presentation, TSPCB scientist Dr. Mihir Kumar Das addressed the public and shared a brief

understanding on the applicability of public hearing in light of EIA notification 2006 and the

purpose of public hearing. During the presentation, project planning and associated environmenta l

and social implications were communicated. After the presentation, a round of discussion was

initiated to receive comments and suggestion of public at both the hearing locations.

The concerns received during the public hearing and response provided by the project proponent

for South Tripura and Gomati public hearings are presented below in Table 9.1 and 9.2

respectively. Minutes of public hearing recorded by Tripura State Pollution Control Board for

South Tripura and Gomati District are attached as Annex-1.1 and 1.2 respectively.

Table 1.1: Public Hearing Issues in South Tripura District

S.No. Person Name and


Public Concerns Responses of JOGPL to


1 Mr. Chandimohan

Village: Tailuma

Will proposed project cause

earthquake in the region?

There is no proof evidences

which shows that development

wells drilling will cause


What will be the impact on

soil fertility after completion

of project?

After project completion, site

will be restored to previous

condition. Further, control

measures will be taken to avoid

Page 6: EIA & EC for Kathalchari Field Development, Block (AA-ONN ... Hearing...requested the Member Secretary of Tripura State Pollution Control Board (TSPCB) to arrange the public hearing

EIA for development activities of hydrocarbon, installation of GGS & pipeline laying at Kathalchari

SENES/M-ESM-20241/June, 2016 6 JOGPL

impact on soil fertility by

storing the top soil separately.

What type of job

opportunities we can expect

for locals?

We will encourage contractors

to engage local people as per the


Table 1.2: Public Hearing Issues in Gomati District

S.No. Person name and


Public Concerns Responses of JOGPL to


1 Mr. Khudiram


Village: Gunadhar


Enquired about the

probability of contamination

of drinking and bathing

water due to proposed


JOGPL representative assured

that control measures will be

taken to avoid contamination of


Dr. Das (Scientist C) of TSPCB

assured to check the water


Also requested to provide

some amenities in school

and market.

CSR and welfare activities will

be done on the need based

assessment and in

consultatation with local elected

govt. bodies.

2 Mr. Karnajoy Reang

Mr. Khatiroy Reang



Concerned about the effect

on their rubber and

pineapple plantation and

mode of compensation.

Compensation for rubber and

pineapple crops planted in the

land acquired for drilling (

either Forest or Private) will be

decided and paid in

consultation with District


3 Mr. Milan Murasing



What will be the job

opportunities from the

proposed project?

We will encourage contractors

to engage local people as per the


Page 7: EIA & EC for Kathalchari Field Development, Block (AA-ONN ... Hearing...requested the Member Secretary of Tripura State Pollution Control Board (TSPCB) to arrange the public hearing

EIA for development activities of hydrocarbon, installation of GGS & pipeline laying at Kathalchari

SENES/M-ESM-20241/June, 2016 7 JOGPL

S.No. Person name and


Public Concerns Responses of JOGPL to


4 Smt. Padmarani


Concerned was on the

problem that might raise

after gas has been found?

Dr. Das (Scientist C) of TSPCB

assured that TSPCB and local

administration will take care if

any problem arises.

Photographs7.2: Public Hearing in Gomati and South Tripura Districts

Kuwaifung, South Tripura District

Amarpur, Gumati District

Page 8: EIA & EC for Kathalchari Field Development, Block (AA-ONN ... Hearing...requested the Member Secretary of Tripura State Pollution Control Board (TSPCB) to arrange the public hearing

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Minutes of Public Hearing Recorded by TSPCB

Page 9: EIA & EC for Kathalchari Field Development, Block (AA-ONN ... Hearing...requested the Member Secretary of Tripura State Pollution Control Board (TSPCB) to arrange the public hearing

Minutes of the Public Hearing for the proposed FieldDevelopment for setting up of Surface Facilities, GroupGathering Station(GGS), Development Driil ing andInterconnecting Pipeline between welts for .KathalchariField Development' Block: AA-oNN-2oo2t1 ot M/s JubirantOil & Gas Pvt. Ltd., held on December 29, 2O1S atKwaifung Gommunity Hall, Santirbazar, South Tripura.

Public Hearing for Dri l l ing of. g nos development wells of Kathalchhari FierdDevelopment Block, Interconnecting pipel ine and Group Gathering stat ion in South TripuraDistr ict was held on December zg, zors at Kwaifung community Hall , santirbazar, southTripura.

Public notices ( in vernacular language- Bengali) were issued on 30.11.2015 in twodaily regional newspapers namery Dainik sambad, Daily Desher Katha. Apart from this,English version of the said notice was also published in one major National dai ly namely theTelegraph on 30.11.20L5. suggestions, comments, views and objections of the public onenvironmental issues about the project were invited through the notice. No writrensuggestion/comment/view/objection was received.

In the hearing, Mr Rawal H.Kumar, Addit ional Distr ict Magistrate & col lector & r/c ofDistr ict Magistrate & col lector, south Tripura Distr ict was present to preside over themeeting. This apart the sri Rupanjan Das, Deputy col lector & Magistrate, santirbazar, southTripura was also present.

The fol lowing off icials from Jubilant oi l & Gas private Ltd. & GArL were present:

. 1. Mr Tajender Pal Singh, Project Manager, Jubi lant Oil & Gas private Ltd.2. Colonel D.K Sawan, Base Manager Jubi lant Oil & Gas private Ltd.3. Mr Mahender Pi l leywar,Snr Manager GAIL .

This apart, Dr.Mihir Kr, Das, Scientist- C, TSPCB, Aparaj i ta Das, AEE, TSpCB and Srishoumabho Bhattacharya, consultant of SENES consultant India pvt. Ltd appointed by M/sJubilant Oil & Gas Pvt. Ltd.were also present in the hearing

At the onset Dr. Mihir Kr. Das, Scient ist 'C' , representat ive of the Tr ipura State pol lut ioncontrol Board welcomed al l the members and part ic ipants and emphasized on the purposeof the instant publ ic hear ing. He also highl ighted the provis ions of the Rules including theEIA Not i f icat ion. Thereafter sr i shoumabho Bhattacharya, consultant of sENES consultant


Page 10: EIA & EC for Kathalchari Field Development, Block (AA-ONN ... Hearing...requested the Member Secretary of Tripura State Pollution Control Board (TSPCB) to arrange the public hearing

India Pvt. Ltd made a power point presentat ion descr ibing the project features, the base I inedata related to environment, out l in ing the environmental & socio economic impacts anddescr ibing the environmental management plan of the proposed project. He atso ensuredthat publ ic wi l l get better service from them after implementat ion of the project. This wasfol lowed by speech from sr i Rupanjan Das, Deputy Col lector & Magistrate, sant i rbazar,South Tr ipura making the publ ic aware about the af ter ef fects of oi l dr i l l ing and stat ing theimportance of their act ive part ic ipat ion in i t . These after t ime was given for discussionwhere in quest ions from the publ ic were invi ted and repl ied accordingly.

There was no such adverse comment on the said project on environment. However,sr i .chandimohan Tr ipura, resident of Tai luma expressed concern about earthquake and effecton soi l fer t i l i ty af ter the sett ing of the project. He also enquired about. job opportuni t ies oflocal people in connect ion with the Dri l l ing act iv i ty. In relat ion to this Off ic ia l of M/s Jubi lantoi l & Gas Pvt ' Ltd assured to restore the land to be used after the complet ion of theprocess. He also stated that there is no wri t ten proof regarding increase in intensi ty ofearthquake occurrence dur ing oi l dr i l l ing. He also assured that Contractors wi l l be instructedto include local people dur ing the dr l l l ing process.

No other witness/part ic ipa nts raised any other issues related to adverse impact of theproject on environment.

\Ll;*,v- a7D1[ty't; '

(Dr. Mihlr Kr. Das)Scientist-C

Tripura State Pollut ion Control Board

*e{*\r-(Sri Rupanjan Das)

Deputy Collector & MagistrateSouth Tripura Distr ict, Tripu ra

,/-: (a . ' ' . ' / \ , '

\".,{ rr,, \ \.,,-1.4\' \

(Mr Rawal H.Kr- lmar , IAS)Addit ional Distr ict Magistrate & Col lector

& l /c of Distr ict Magistrate & Col iectorSouth Tr ipura Distr ict , Belon ia

Page 11: EIA & EC for Kathalchari Field Development, Block (AA-ONN ... Hearing...requested the Member Secretary of Tripura State Pollution Control Board (TSPCB) to arrange the public hearing

Minutes of the Public Hearing for the proposed Field Development forsetting up of Surface Facilit ies, Group Gathering Station(GGS), DevelopmentDril l ing and Interconnecting Pipeline between wells for 'Kathalchari FieldDevelopment' Block: AA-ONN-2002 /L of Mls Jubilant Oil & Gas Pvt. Ltd., heldon December 37,20L5 at Amarpur Town Hall, Amarpur, Gomati Tripura.

Publ ic Hearing for Dr i l l ing of 3 nos development Wel ls of Kathalchhari FieldDevelopment Block and lnterconnect ing pipel ine in Gomati Distr ict was held on December31, 2015 at Amarpur Town Hall, Amarpur, Gomati Tripura,

Publ ic not ices ( in vernacular language- Bengal i ) were issued on 30.11.2015 in twodai ly regional newspapers namely Dainik Sambad, Dai ly Desher Katha. Apart f rom this,Elgl ish version of the said not ice was also publ ished in one major Nat ional dai ly namely theTelegraph on 30.11.2015. Suggest ions, comments, v iews and object ions of the publ lc onenvironmental issues about the project were invi ted through the not ice. No wri t tensuggestion/comment/view/objection was received.

In the hearing, Sr i Sajal Biswas, SDM, Amarpur, Sr i Rupan Das, Deputy Col lector &Magistrate, Amarpur, Gomati Tr ipura was present to preside over the meet ing. This apartChairman and Vice Chairman, South Ekchhari Gram Panchayat were also present in theh ea r in g.

The fol lowing off ic ia ls f rom Jubi lant Oi l & Gas Private Ltd. & GAIL were present:

1. Mr Tajender Pal Singh ,Project Manager, Jubi lant Oi l & Gas Private Ltd.

2. Colonel D.K Sawan ,Base Manager Jubi lant Oi l & Gas Private Ltd.

3 . Mr Mahender P i l l eywar ,Sn r Manager GAIL .

This apart, Dr.M.K. Das, Scientist- C, TSPCB, Aparaj i ta Das, AEE, TSPCB and SriShoumabho Bhattacharya, Consultant of SENES Consultant India Pvt. Ltd appointed by M/sJubilant Oil & Gas Pvt. Ltd.were also present in the hearin€,.

At the.-onset Dr. Mihir Kr. Das, Scient ist 'C' , representat ive of the Tr ipura State Pol lut ionControl Board welcomed al l the members and part ic ipants and emphasized on the purpose

of the instant publ ic hear ing. He also highl ighted the provis ions of the Rules including theEIA Not i f icat ion. Thereafter Sr i Shoumabho Bhattacharya, Consultant of SENES ConsultantIndia Pvt. Ltd made a power point presentat ion descr ibing the project features, the base l inedata related to environment, out l in ing the environmental & socio economic impacts anddescr ibing the environmental management plan of the proposed project. He also ensured

NL"'E? w,

Page 12: EIA & EC for Kathalchari Field Development, Block (AA-ONN ... Hearing...requested the Member Secretary of Tripura State Pollution Control Board (TSPCB) to arrange the public hearing

that publ ic wi l l get better service from them after implementat ion of the project. This wasfol lowed by speech from Sri Rupan Das, Deputy Col lector & Magistrate, Amarpur, GomatiTr ipura making the publ ic aware about the l imited resources and industr ies in Tr ipura. Last lythe Chairman explained the importance of act ive part ic ipat ion of the vi l lagers in the Publ icHearing in Kokborok (Local Regional Language).

During the session the fol lowing issues were discussed:

1. Sr i Khudiram Reang, resident of Gunadhar para, enquired about the probabi l i ty ofcontaminat ion of dr inking and bathing water. He also demanded for c iv ic ament iesl ike school and market. Dr. Das, Scient ist "C", Tr ipura State pol lut ion Control Boardassured to take care of the water qual i ty and off ic ia ls f rom M/s Jubi lant Oi l & GasPvt. Ltd. assured that arrangement of school and market wi l l be made incol laborat ion with Government only af ter gett ing gas in the region.

2. Sr i Karnajoy Reang and Khat i roy Reang, Resident of Gunadharpara enquired aboutthe ef fects on their Rubber and Pineapple plantat ion dur ing the Dri l l ing process. Dr.Das, Tr ipura State Pol lut ion Control Board said that their lands wi l l be used for 3years and compensat ion wi l l be made for that f rom the Distr ict Administrat ion . Sofar land restorat ion is concerned the Project Proponent is l iable to fol low that

1 otherwise Tr ipura State Pol lut ion Control Board wi l l take necessary steps.3. Mi lan Murasing, Resident of Gunadharpara asked about the job opportuni t ies to

which Dr. Das assured in a posi t ive manner.4. Smt. Padmarani Debbarma enquired about the problems that might raise af ter gas

has been found to which Dr. Das said that Tr ipura State Pol lut ion Control Board andthe local administrat ion wi l l take care i f anv problem ar ises.

No other witness/pa r t ic ipa nts raised any other issues related to adverse impact of the

project on environment.

\,1.\. rv/Y'"'z-tlrPl't(Dr. M.K. Das)Scientist-C

Tripura State Pol lut ion Control Board

fn ,/.0

ffiytol'\"(Sr i Rupan Das)

Deputy Col lector & MagistrateGomal i Distr ict , Amarpur

. ) , 1

f qN2-or\a,-a?\.

(Sxi Pl:ChaNnqJDistr ict Magistrate & Col lector

Gomat i D i s t r i c t ,Uda ipu r

SDM, Amarpur