egyptian-themed dark moon - i

 An Egyptian Dark Moon Ritual  Incorporating T arot and W ater-Scrying By: Athauliz “Dragon's Eye” Firestorm, July 2010 Set This ritual was inspired by one that was  posted on . This ritual is best done indoors and in darkened surroundings because it incorporates Water- Scrying as its main feature. Materials: Indoors – Altars ( One – larger, two  – smaller , if possible ), Two Black Candles ( Pillar or Taper preferable ), Four Votive Candles ( White, Red, Purple, and Yellow ), Black Scrying Bowl – Covered at the start of the ritual, Lotus Oil, Four Tarot Cards ( The Moon, Judgment, Tower, The Sun ), Fine-ground Mugwort and Lavender, Frankincense incense, Bowl of Water – Cleansed with Sea Salt Sekhmet PURPOSE: This is a Dark Moon Ritual centered around the idea of utilizing W ater Scrying divination and "viewing". It uses Ta rot for assisting in differentiating illusion from reality , and the removal of interference by illusions. This ritual must be carefully concentrated on during workings as the deities that are called upon are very powerful archetypes! Care must be considered when conducting this ritual with careful consideration given to purifying and sealing the work space! The basic theme of the Tarot cards: Moon = signifying illusions, dreams, etc. - those things that are distractions from purpose, T ower = necessary destruction, removal of illusions and distractions, clearing away the outdated things, changes, Judgment = discernment, being able to distinguish reality and truth from illusion and falsehood, Sun = the truth revealed, revealing the actuality of reality The idea of being able to better focus on that which needs attention, rather than on the illusions, distractions, and those things, ideas that no longer serve a purpose or goal. July 2010 Dark Moon Ritual, Page 1 of 9

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Wrote this one as inspired by a previous example of one done back in 1999. I liked it a lot and thought it powerful. Therefore, I did up a ritual in a similar vein - and got a LOT of energy moving that evening!


An Egyptian Dark Moon RitualIncorporating Tarot and Water-ScryingBy: Athauliz Dragon's Eye Firestorm, July 2010 This ritual was inspired by one that was posted on This ritual is best done indoors and in darkened surroundings because it incorporates WaterScrying as its main feature. Materials: Indoors Altars ( One larger, two smaller, if possible ), Two Black Candles ( Pillar or Taper preferable ), Four Votive Candles ( White, Red, Purple, and Yellow ), Black Scrying Bowl Covered at the start of the ritual, Lotus Oil, Four Tarot Cards ( The Moon, Judgment, Tower, The Sun ), Fine-ground Mugwort and Lavender, Frankincense incense, Bowl of Water Cleansed with Sea Salt



PURPOSE: This is a Dark Moon Ritual centered around the idea of utilizing Water Scrying divination and "viewing". It uses Tarot for assisting in differentiating illusion from reality, and the removal of interference by illusions. This ritual must be carefully concentrated on during workings as the deities that are called upon are very powerful archetypes! Care must be considered when conducting this ritual with careful consideration given to purifying and sealing the work space! The basic theme of the Tarot cards: Moon = signifying illusions, dreams, etc. - those things that are distractions from purpose, Tower = necessary destruction, removal of illusions and distractions, clearing away the outdated things, changes, Judgment = discernment, being able to distinguish reality and truth from illusion and falsehood, Sun = the truth revealed, revealing the actuality of reality The idea of being able to better focus on that which needs attention, rather than on the illusions, distractions, and those things, ideas that no longer serve a purpose or goal.

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PREPARATION AND SETUP: The altar should be set up with the head of it facing North, towards the Quarter of the element of Earth and dressed with a Black or Dark Purple cloth covering.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Tarot: Moon - with White Votive Candle Tarot: Tower - with Red Votive Candle Tarot: Judgment - with Purple or Violet Votive Candle Tarot: Sun - with Yellow Votive Candle Statue: "Set" - with Black Pillar or Taper Candle Statue: "Sekhmet" - with Black Pillar or Taper Candle Black Scrying Bowl Stack of writing cards Pen, Pencil, or Quill ( if with jar of Sacred Ink )

STATEMENT OF THE RITUAL'S INTENTION ( and further explanation(s), if needed ): CASTING THE CIRCLE ( Using a Sistrum a sacred Egyptian rattle ): I cast this circle, wide and round, that it contain our power, for this work. Be it a barrier, to all things without, that which hinders, obstructs, distracts us, and favors us not! Be it as a bridge, among all the worlds, as we stand on the edge, of all of them the same! I seal this space, in the names of the Divine, both Gods and Goddesses, in your presence we stand! So be it! CLEANSING AND PURIFYING THE SPACE ( Wafting the Frankincense ): I cleanse this space, of all negativity, of all illness, of all harm and distractions! I do so, in the names of the Divine; the Gods and the Goddesses, so that only our Will, in concert with yours, shall it be done! So be it! CONSECRATING AND DEDICATING THE SPACE ( Asperging with the consecrated water ): I consecrate and dedicate, this time and space, in the names of the Divine; all Gods and Goddesses, so that it serves us all, for our intents! Be this space prepared, and secured by your blessings, shall it be readied, for the work we are about embark! So be it!

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CALLING THE QUARTERS: ( Calling the Sons of Horus ):( Being this is a Dark Moon, the Quarters are called in Widdershins fashion. )

WEST: Hail to you, Lords and Ladies of the West, with the Powers of Water! Hail, Lord Imsety ( Im-set-ee )! As we Dare to change that we are! Imsety! Please show us to Accept, that which is us; here and now! Imsety! Please, stand Thou with us, in witness to this Rite! Hail and Welcome! SOUTH: Hail to you, Lords and Ladies of the South, with the Powers of Fire! Hail, Lord Duamutef ( Doo-ah-moo-tef )! As we Will, that which is within our grasp! Duamutef! Please show us to Surrender, that which serves us not! Duamutef! Please, stand Thou with us, in witness to this Rite! Hail and Welcome! EAST: Hail to you, Lords and Ladies of the East, with the Powers of Air! Hail, Lord Qebhsennuf ( Kebs-noof )! As we come to Know, the Ancient Secrets and Mysteries of Old! Qebhsennuf! Please show us to Wonder, that we may learn of our Inner Divine! Qebhsennuf! Please, stand Thou with us, in witness to this Rite! Hail and Welcome! NORTH: Hail to you, Lords and Ladies of the North, with the Powers of Earth! Hail, Lord Hapi ( Hah-pee )! As we Be Silent, to things Nature and Divine around us! Hapi! Please show us to Resonate, with the Divine in All Things! Hapi! Please, stand Thou with us, in witness to this Rite! Hail and Welcome!

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BUILDING UP OF POWER: INVOKING THE GOD AND GODDESS: Invocation to Set:Great Wild Bull in the Horizons Soul of Geb He who causes storms and cloudiness When circling about the horizon. Set, Whose name is He Before Whom the Sky Shakes. O hear us great Lord! Set, Whom Amon needed to make Thunder in the Sky O Come to Me! Set, Greatest in Virility among the Ennead, Slaying the opponents of Ra daily while At the Prow of the Boat of the Millions Whereas no other God is able to do it. O Reveal Thyself to us! Set, Instrument of necessary destruction He who is the essence of masculinity, strength and power Possess me now, O Great One! Set who is the destroyer Through whom all new things are created. Rapturous my dying! Set, Ultimate Challenger He who dares us to leave behind those things that no longer serve us He who asks us to step boldly into the unknown. Set, We give to you our shattered dreams, Our lost hopes, Our unrealistic goals and our inner failures. Set, Scour from our existence with the force of a sandstorm All that is our failure Grant us freedom from pain, Freedom from guilt, Bring forth the beginnings of creation From our own destructions. I lose myself in Thee!

( Light the black candle of Set. )

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Invocation to Sekhmet:As it was in Egypt, So be it now! Hear me, I beseech Thee, O Powerful Ones! Mother in the Horizon of Heaven, In the Boat of Millions of Years, Thou art the Great Defender! Thou art Overthrower of Qetu! Preserve us from the evil chamber Of the souls of Hes-hra! Deliver us from The Abode of Fiends! O Thou Who Art Sekhmet, Life-Giver to the Gods, Lady of Flame, Great one of Magic, Eternal is Thy Name! O, Hear me now Great Lady! Sekhmet, Goddess of Wars, Queen of the Wastelands, Terrible Is Thy Name! O, Come to Me! Sekhmet, Scorching Eye of Ra, Protector, Ruler, Holy Is Thy Name! O, Reveal Thyself to Us! Sekhmet, Mother of the Gods Mistress of the Crowns, Thou art called Only One, Beloved is Thy Name! Possess me now, O Great One! Sekhmet, Mysterious Is Thy Name! I am lost in mystery! Pre-eminent One, Light beyond all Darkness Sovereign of Her Father, Hidden is Thy Name! Rapturous my dying! Tou ar Ammi-seshet, Destroyer, Upholder! Thou art the Terror Before Which fiends tremble! Thou art Lust! Thou art Life! Ever-Burning ONE! Tekaharesa-Pusaremkakaremet, Sefi-per-em-Hes-Hra-Hapu-Tchet-f, July 2010 Dark Moon Ritual, Page 5 of 9

Mistress of Enchantments, Source of Word of Power, Forbidden Is Thy Name! I am the sealed one! Do not consume us With Thy Fire, Give us Light! O Lady, Mightier than the Gods, Adoration rises unto Thee! All beings hail Thee! O Lady, Mightier than the Gods! Preserved beyond Death, That Secret Name, O Being Called Sekhmet. At the Throne of Silence, Even, shall no more Be spoken than Encircling One! I lose myself in Thee!

( Light the black candle of Sekhmet. )

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MAIN PART OF THE RITUAL: Priest ( as Set ): I call upon the Moon, to signify the illusions, fantasies, and the dreams of falsehoods. I call upon Thee, to show that which is nothing more than mere distractions to us! - Lights the White Candle of the Moon. I call upon the Tower, to signify the changes through necessary destruction, of the outdated, the failed dreams and goals, and the illusions of uncertainty! May that which serves us not, be forever removed and scoured from us, for the obstacles they are! - Lights the Red Candle of the Tower. Priestess ( as Sekhmet ): I call upon Judgment, to grant us the power of discernment and clarity! That we may come to know, the difference between Truth and illusion, of the spirit! - Lights the Purple Candle of Judgment. I call upon the Sun, to illuminate the Truth within us, to dispel the fogs of confusion, and to show us the Ancient Ways and Wisdoms! Let our visions be true, and our Paths be revealed! - Lights the Yellow Candle of the Sun. *** CHARGING THE SCRYING BOWL. - Uncovers the scrying bowl. With this bowl, let it be the window to your Soul, and all things beyond, that it shall reveal the truth to you. Let it be, as the eye of the Divine within seeing past and through all illusions and falsehoods! I consecrate and charge it thus, so that what it reveals, be pure and true! - Drops a few grains of Sea Salt into the scrying bowl. It is done! ANY OTHER SPELL WORK THAT IS NEEDED: OFFERINGS TO THE DEITIES AND CAKES AND ALE:

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THANKING AND BIDDING FAREWELL TO THE DEITIES: Sekhmet: Sekhmet, Hear our prayers for destruction, Grant us new beginnings. We bid you, O Great Sekhmet, To return, To the Throne of Silence, To the father, Ra, In the Boat of the Millions of Years! Set: Set, Hear our prayers for destruction, Grant us new beginnings. We bid you, O Great Set, To return, To the prow of the Boat of the Millions, To bring Thunder to the sky, To Slay the opponents of Ra. THANKING AND BIDDING FAREWELL TO THE CHARGES OF THE QUARTERS:NORTH:

We thank you, Lord Hapi, for your presence in this rite. We thank you, for your lesson, of Inner Silence, and Resonance to all things Divine. We bid you, in Peace, Love, and Light: Fare Thee well. Hail, and farewell!EAST:

We thank you, Lord Qebhsennuf, for your presence in this rite. We thank you, for your lesson, of to Wonder, so that may come to Know our Inner Divine. We bid you, in Peace, Love, and Light: Fare Thee well. Hail, and farewell!SOUTH:

We thank you, Lord Duamutef, for your presence in this rite. We thank you, for your lesson, of Surrendering ourselves, to the Divine Will within. We bid you, in Peace, Love, and Light: Fare Thee well. Hail, and farewell!WEST:

We thank you, Lord Imsety, for your presence in this rite. We thank you, for your lesson, of Acceptance, that we may Dare to change and grow. We bid you, in Peace, Love, and Light: Fare Thee well. Hail, and farewell!

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