eg cycling factsheet


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Post on 12-May-2015




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Charity number 1120905. A company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales No 06288610.

Cycling Factsheet Here is some information for people who can ride a 2 wheeler or who are planning to learn: Want to learn to ride a bicycle or improve your skills? CTUK (Cycle Training UK) provide 1-1 adult cycle training for Lambeth Council. Up to 4 hours of 1-1 tuition costs £8 (although there may be reductions for people on low incomes). Call them on 020 7231 6005 or visit their website at You can arrange to hire a cycle for lessons if you need to. Want to go for a ride with other people? If you can cycle already then why not come cycling with Lambeth Cyclists, a local group which runs free rides nearly every month. Check out Lambeth Cyclists for more details. You can find out about other free rides at § Southwark Cyclists, § Wandsworth Cyclists, § Croydon Cyclists , § Pollards Hill Cyclists, § London Cycling Campaign Rides .

Also checkout the Central London CTC (Cycling Tourists Club) which runs weekly rides of varying lengths during the week and at weekends. More details at or call Nick Bloom on 07768 354010 (but please read the website first if you can). All these groups are run by volunteers. Cycle routes and cycle maps Sustrans has created the National Cycle Network of quiet routes. Check out for more information about what they do or call 0845 1130 065. You can get free cycle maps for the whole of London giving roads colour coded according to your confidence level. Order some from Transport for London at or call 020 7222 1234. Lambeth Cyclists Want to get involved locally with campaigning for a better deal for cyclists? Then join Lambeth Cyclists which is the local group of the London Cycling Campaign. You can check out their website at , come to the monthly meetings or join the Lambeth Cyclists e-group via if you want to find out what is going on. They also organise bike maintenance classes. For any information on Lambeth Cyclists you can contact Philip Loy on 020 8677 8624. Want to campaign for better cycling facilities in London? The London Cycling Campaign is a member organisation which campaigns for all cyclists in the capital. There are lots of opportunities for getting involved so if you want to share your time, skills or experience there is probably something there for you. More information at or call the office on 020 7234 9310.