efficient two-party secure computation on committed inputs

page 1 Efficient Two-Party Secure Computation on Committed Inputs Stanislaw Jarecki , UC Irvine Vitaly Shmatikov, UT Austin

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Efficient Two-Party Secure Computation on Committed Inputs. Stanislaw Jarecki , UC Irvine Vitaly Shmatikov, UT Austin. Our Contributions. Committed Oblivious Transfer of Bitstrings [String-COT] O(1) modular exponentiations per player - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Efficient Two-PartySecure Computation

onCommitted Inputs

Stanislaw Jarecki, UC IrvineVitaly Shmatikov, UT Austin

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1. Committed Oblivious Transfer of Bitstrings [String-COT]• O(1) modular exponentiations per player

• 2 rounds + proofs (single message in R.O.M. if commitments public)

• Universally Composable in Common Reference String [CRS] model

2. Secure Two-Party Computation [2PC] on Committed Inputs• O(g) modular exponentiations, where g = # gates in the circuit

• round complexity, UC in CRS, as above

Technical Contribution of General Interest:

• Encryption with Verifiable Plaintexts and Keys,i.e.:Encryption with efficient Zero-Knowledge Proof for relation:

{(E, Cm, Ck) s.t. E encrypts m committed in Cm under key k committed in Ck }

Our Contributions

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1. Committed Oblivious Transfer of Bitstrings [String-COT]• O(1) modular exponentiations per player

• 2 rounds + proofs (single message in R.O.M. if commitments public)

• Universally Composable in Common Reference String [CRS] model

2. Secure Two-Party Computation [2PC] on Committed Inputs• O(g) modular exponentiations, where g = # gates in the circuit

• round complexity, UC in CRS, as above

Main Technical Contribution of General Interest:

• Encryption with Verifiable Plaintexts and Keys,i.e.:Encryption with efficient Zero-Knowledge Proof for relation:

{(E, Cm, Ck) s.t. E encrypts m committed in Cm under key k committed in Ck }

Our Contributions

Contribution for both COT and 2PC is in efficiency.(and provable universal composability of an efficient construction)

Quick comparison of constant-round 2PC protocols:

Yao’86: O(g) symmetric-key operations, passive adv.

Yao + Generic ZKP’s: poly(k,g) operations, malicious adv.

[P’03,MF’06,KS’06,LP’07,W’07]Cut & Choose Proofs: O(kg) symmetric-key ops., malicious adv.

[Here]: Efficient ZKP per gate: O(g) public-key operations, malicious adv.

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1. Committed Oblivious Transfer of Bitstrings [String-COT]• O(1) modular exponentiations per player

• 2 rounds + proofs (single message in R.O.M. if commitments public)

• Universally Composable in Common Reference String [CRS] model

2. Secure Two-Party Computation [2PC] on Committed Inputs• O(g) modular exponentiations, where g = # gates in the circuit

• round complexity, UC in CRS, as above

Main Technical Contribution of General Interest:

• Encryption with Verifiable Plaintexts and Keys,i.e.:Encryption with efficient Zero-Knowledge Proof for relation:

{(E, Cm, Ck) s.t. E encrypts m committed in Cm under key k committed in Ck }

Our Contributions

Contribution for both COT and 2PC is in efficiency.(and provable universal composability of an efficient construction)

Quick comparison of constant-round 2PC protocols:

Yao’86: O(g) symmetric-key operations, passive adv.

Yao + Generic ZKP’s: poly(k,g) operations, malicious adv.

[P’03,MF’06,KS’06,LP’07,W’07]Cut & Choose Proofs: O(kg) symmetric-key ops., malicious adv.

[Here]: Efficient ZKP per gate: O(g) public-key operations, malicious adv.

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Talk Outline

• Overview of the results:• Committed Oblivious Transfer on Strings• General Secure Two-Party Computation on Committed Inputs

• Applications • Committed Secure Computation • Committed String-OT

• Comparison with previous results

• Technical Discussion:Public Key Encryption with Efficient Zero-Knowledge Proof for Verifiability of both the Plaintext and the Key

• Extensions, Open Questions

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Universally Composable Secure Two-Party Computation on Committed Inputs:Definitio


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Commitment properties:

Binding: xi’s cannot be substituted after Ci is sent

Hiding:xi’s remain hidden from other players

(Can be implemented e.g. with Public Key Encryption)




Universally Composable Secure Two-Party Computation on Committed Inputs






Public Board

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Non-Malleable [NM] Commitments:

Bob’s messages cannot depend on Alice’s messages

(can be done with CCA-Secure Encryption, in CRS)







Universally Composable Secure Two-Party Computation on Committed Inputs

CA2 (xA2)



Public Board

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AliceCompute( [ ] with Bob,CA1,CB1)



xA1 xB1



Universally Composable Secure Two-Party Computation on Committed Inputs




Properties of 2P Secure Computation (Obl.Circ.Eval.) on Committed Inputs:

• Bob learns only output F(xA,xB), nothing else about Alice’s input xA

• Alice learns nothing

• values xA, xB in the computation are committed in CA, CB

Public Board

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Compute( [ ] with Alice)



Universally Composable Secure Two-Party Computation on Committed Inputs

Properties of 2P Secure Computation (Obl.Circ.Eval.) on Committed Inputs:

• Bob learns only output F(xA,xB), nothing else about Alice’s input xA

• Alice learns nothing

• values xA, xB in the computation are committed in CA, CB




=> Two-sided computation on same inputs (with abort)

Compute( [ ] with Bob)

Public Board

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Examples of circuits:

= Equality(xA,xB): outputs 1 if xA = xB, 0 otherwise= `Less or Equal’(xA,xB): outputs 1 if integer xA ≤ xB, 0 o/w= F(xA,xB) = intersection of sets represented by xA,xB

= F(xA,xB) = median value in the union of setsIt can be any circuit !!

Universally Composable Secure Two-Party Computation on Committed Inputs

Benefit of computation on committed inputs: Ensuring consistency between

computations of several circuits on same data




Compute( [ ])

Compute( [ ])

Compute( [ ])

Compute( [ ])

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Compute( [ ] with Dorothy)



Consistency Across Protocol Instances Ex.1: Multi-Player Example


Compute( [ ] with Alice)

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Compute( [ ] w/ Alice)

xA1 xA3 xB1

F(xA1,xA3,xB1)General Benefit of UC Committed 2PC: Ensuring consistency between

sub-protocols in any distributed algorithm Some computation can be local (“insecure” but fast), while commitments keep the overall protocol consistent



Compute( [ ] with Alice)


xA3 = output of Alice’s local computation given F(xA1,xB1)

Consistency Across Protocol Instances: Ex.2: Security with some local computation off-line

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Consistency Across Protocol Instances: Ex.3: Solution to the “Abort & Re-start” Problem

Protocols that use 2PC / OT without committed inputscan be insecure against abort & re-start:

A malicious player can effectively execute several instances of the protocol, each on different inputs.

In practice protocols must allow re-start in case ofcommunication or hardware faults…

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Talk Outline

• Statement of the results:• Committed Oblivious Transfer on Strings• General Secure Two-Party Computation on Committed Inputs

• Applications • Committed Secure Computation • Committed String-OT

• Comparison with previous results

• Technical Discussion:Public Key Encryption with Efficient Zero-Knowledge Proof for Verifiability of both the Plaintext and the Key

• Extensions, Open Questions

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Universally Composable Committed String-OT

1. Alice learns mb s.t.• mb is committed in Cmb

• b is committed in Cb

2. Alice learns nothing about mb

3. Bob learns nothing

Alice: bit b Bob: strings m0,m1

mb ┴

Common Input:Commitments Cb , (Cm0 , Cm1)

UC String-COT is like UC two-party secure computation

but the only computed function is String-OT

Crepeau’86 introduced COT s.t.Alice gets (de) commitment of Cb,

not just mb

(our construction can support this too)

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OT is a sub-procedure in General Secure Computation Protocols[the original motivation for Committed OT by Crepeau]

1. Interactive Secure 2-Party Computation [GV’87]:• Players secret-share all their input bits• Gate computation (shared input bits → shared output bit) via Bit-


Tool: Committed Bit-OT

2. 2-round Secure 2-Party Computation (“Garbled Circuit” [Yao’86]):• Sender S creates two keys per each wire• For each gate, S encrypts appropriate output wire keys

with appropriate input wire keys• S performs String-OT on keys corresponding to R’s input wires

Tool: Committed String-OT

Applications of Committed String-OT (Ex.1):Ensuring Consistency across Calls to OT

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1. Privacy applications:– oblivious transfer of one key out of a set of keys– same for signatures, decryptions, …

2. Support for probabilistic systems:– probabilistic escrow of information (keys, signatures, plaintexts)– probabilistic payment of digital cash– …

What’s needed in such applications?– OT on values with proven properties (key, coin, signature, …)

Done in 2 steps:– perform an OT on the committed string value (e.g. a key)– prove correctness of the committed value

(efficient proofs for such statements exist for many cryptographic schemes)

Applications of Committed String-OT (Ex.2):Privacy, E-Cash, Escrow, …

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• Statement of the results:• Committed Oblivious Transfer on Strings

• General Secure Two-Party Computation on Committed Inputs

• Applications of Committed Secure Computation / Committed String-OT

• Comparisons with previous results on COT and 2PC

• Technical Discussion:Public Key Encryption with Efficient Zero-Knowledge Proof for Verifiability of both Plaintexts and Keys

• Extensions, Open Questions

Talk Outline

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O(1) modular exponentiations per player• exponentiations modulo n2 where n is a strong RSA modulus, |n2| = 2000 bits

• 500-bit exponents

Round complexity: 2 rounds + proofs (e.g. one/two rounds in R.O.M.) Security under Decisional Composite Residuosity Assumption [DCR] Universal Composability in Common Reference String model [CRS]

• static adversary

• CRS includes modulus n and a few group elements, |CRS| ≈ 10 |n|

Towards efficient String-COT:

[NP’00, AIR’01] String-OT O(1) exp’s, DDH Assumption

[Cre’89] Bit/String-COT Ω(k3) Bit/String-OT’s[CvdGT’95] Bit-COT Ω(k) Bit-OT’s

[GMY’04] Bit-COT O(1) exp’s, DDH[CC’00] String-COT O(k) exp’s, DDH

[Here] String-COT O(1) exp’s, DCR

Our Contributions vs. Previous Work:(1) Committed OT on Bitstrings

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Security under DCR and Strong RSA Assumptions O(g) modular exponentiations, where g = # gates in the Circuit Round complexity: 2 rounds + proofs (e.g. one/two rounds in R.O.M.) Universal Composability in the CRS model

Towards efficient constant-round Secure Two-Party Computation (2PC):

Passive Security:- [Yao’86] O(g) symmetric-key op’s

Malicious Security using ZKP’s for NP-complete languages:- [GMW,…,Lin’03,KO’04] poly(g, k) op’s

Malicious Security without generic ZKP’s:- [DI’05], multi-party computation,

O(n2 g) PRG’s + VSS’s- [CC’00], cut & choose gate-specific ZKP’s,

O(kg) exp’s, DDH- [Pin’03, MF’06, KS’06, LP’07, W’07], cut & choose on the whole garbled circuit,

O(kg) symmetric-key op’s- [Here], efficient gate-specific ZKP’s,

O(g) exp’s, DCR + Strong RSA

Our Contributions vs. Previous Work:(2) Secure 2PC on Committed Inputs

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• Statement of the results:• Committed Oblivious Transfer on Strings

• General Secure Two-Party Computation on Committed Inputs

• Applications of Committed Secure Computation / Committed String-OT

• Comparison with previous results

• Technical Discussion:Public Key Encryption with Efficient Zero-Knowledge Proof for Verifiability of both the Plaintext and the Key

• Extensions, Open Questions

Talk Outline

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Yao’s Garbled Circuit Construction

1. For each circuit wire w, Sender S picks a pair of keyskw

0“bit 0 on wire w”kw

1“bit 1 on wire w”



1 kv0,kv






1 kv0,kv





1 kv0,kv




For every wire w, Receiver R learns one keyin {kw0,kw

1}, but doesn’t learnwhich one!

2. For each gate, S sends to R a table:

Encryption of kz0 under keys



Encryption of kz0 under keys



Encryption of kz0 under keys



Encryption of kz1 under keys



3. For each R’s input wire,transfer the right key using String-OT:OT [ R(b) , S(k0,k1) ] → kb

Strategy towards 2PC with O(1) exp’s / gate1. S commits to each key2. S proves circuit is properly garbled:

• each ciphertext formed correctly• […other proofs…]

3. S performs String-COT for R’s input keys

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Yao’s Garbled Circuit Construction Closer Look: Proof of ciphertext correctness

1. For each circuit wire w, Sender S picks a pair of keyskw

0“bit 0 on wire w”kw

1“bit 1 on wire w”



1 kv0,kv






1 kv0,kv





1 kv0,kv




For every wire w, Receiver R learns one keyin {kw0,kw

1}, but doesn’t learnwhich one!

2. For each gate, S sends to R a table:

Encryption of kz0 under keys



Encryption of kz0 under keys



Encryption of kz0 under keys



Encryption of kz1 under keys



3. For each R’s input wire,transfer the right key using String-OT:OT [ R(b) , S(k0,k1) ] → kb

Strategy towards 2PC with O(1) exp’s / gate1. S commits to each key2. S proves circuit is properly garbled:

• each ciphertext formed correctly• […other proofs…]

3. S performs String-COT for R’s input keys

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Yao’s Garbled Circuit Construction Closer Look: Proof of ciphertext correctness

1. For each circuit wire w, Sender S picks a pair of keyskw

0“bit 0 on wire w”kw

1“bit 1 on wire w”



1 kv0,kv






1 kv0,kv





1 kv0,kv




For every wire w, Receiver R learns one keyin {kw0,kw

1}, but doesn’t learnwhich one!

2. For each gate, S sends to R a table:

Encryption of kz0 under keys



Encryption of kz0 under keys



Encryption of kz0 under keys



Encryption of kz1 under keys



3. For each R’s input wire,transfer the right key using String-OT:OT [ R(b) , S(k0,k1) ] → kb

Strategy towards 2PC with O(1) exp’s / gate1. S commits to each key2. S proves circuit is properly garbled:

• each ciphertext formed correctly• […other proofs…]

3. S performs String-COT for R’s input keys

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Yao’s Garbled Circuit Construction Closer Look: Proof of ciphertext correctness

kw0“bit 0 on wire w”

kw1“bit 1 on wire w”



1 kv0,kv






1 kv0,kv





1 kv0,kv




Encryption of kz0 under keys



Simplify to standard (one-key) encryption:

Need Efficient ZKP for relation

R = { (E, Cm, Ck) } s.t.

1. E = Enc [ m ; k ] 2. m is committed in Cm

3. k is committed in Ck

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Efficient Encryption withmessage and key verifiability

1. Assume commitment (to value ‘a’) is of the formCa = ga (or Ca = ga hr )

for some multiplicative group <g>

2. Assume encryption also has both plaintext and key in the exponent, e.g.

E = Enc[ m ; k ] = αm βk

where <α> , <β> are disjoint subgroups of some groupCan be done with Paillier encryption [Camenisch-Shoup’03]:α generates subgroup of order n, β generates subgroup of order φ(n),in group of order φ(n2)=n*φ(n) [multiplicative group of residues mod n2]

Need Efficient ZKP for relation

R = { (E, Cm, Ck) } s.t.

1. E = Enc [ m ; k ] 2. m is committed in Cm

3. k is committed in Ck

ZKPR is a proof of equalities between discrete-log representations:

1. (m , k) = Rep( (α, β) , E)2. m = DL( g, Cm )3. k = DL( g, Ck )

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Efficient Encryption withmessage and key verifiability

ZKPR is a proof of equalities between discrete-log representations:

1. (m , k) = Rep( (α, β) , E)2. m = DL( g, Cm )3. k = DL( g, Ck )

Each (Representation=DL) proof is an extension of standard ZKPK-of-DL, except if the orders involved (#g vs. #α) and (#g vs. #β) are:

(1) unknown (2) unequal

Cm = gm

E = αm βk

Ck = gk

#α = n , #β = φ(n)#g = whatever is convenient

The ZKP of “equality of m”:DL(g,Cm)=Rep(α,


The ZKP of “equality of k”:


problem if

#g ≠ #α

problem if

#g ≠ #β

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Efficient Encryption withmessage and key verifiability

Cm = gm

E = αm βk

Ck = gk

#α = n , #β = φ(n)#g = whatever is convenient

The ZKP of “equality of k”:


The ZKP of “equality of m”:DL(g,Cm)=Rep(α,


• If orders not equal then responses must be computed over integers(linear equations involving secrets)

Efficient Zero-Knowledge of DLEQ known only if secret << (both orders)Why?1. Known DLEQ(gx,hx) proofs for groups with unknown order

leak c*x+r over integers, for public challenge c, and random secret pad r x is statistically hidden only if r > c*x*280

r > x*2160 (since c ≈ 280)2. To avoid wrap-around we need c*x+r < (orders of g and h)

x * 2160 < (orders of g and h)

problem if

#g ≠ #α

problem if

#g ≠ #β

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Efficient Encryption withmessage and key verifiability

Cm = gm

E = αm βk

Ck = gk

#α = n , #β = φ(n)#g = whatever is convenient

The ZKP of “equality of k”:


The ZKP of “equality of m”:DL(g,Cm)=Rep(α,


• If orders not equal then responses must be computed over integers(linear equations involving secrets)

Efficient Zero-Knowledge of DLEQ only if secret << (both orders) Either m or k must be << |φ(n)| ≈ |n|• But m’s and k’s are interchangeable in Yao’s garbled circuit

construction! Need Camenisch-Shoup encryption with shorter keys (k ≈ ¾ |n|)

• [Hastad-Schrift-Shamir]: exponentiation mod n hides |n|/2 bits

using ½ |n| - long keys is indistinguishable from |n|-long keys same holds for the φ(n)-order subgroup, where [CS] keys live

problem if

#g ≠ #α

problem if

#g ≠ #β

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Summary:• Efficient UC-Secure computation on committed inputs

with O( |Circuit| ) public key op.’s• Fast committed String-OT• Encryption with efficient verifiability for both messages

and keys

Some questions:• Handling adaptive corruptions?• Weakening assumptions on the RSA modulus?• Efficient String-COT and Committed-2PC without CRS?• Verifiable Encryption for committed plaintexts and/or

keys, for moduli smaller than |n2|=2000 bits?

Summary and some open questions

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Thank You!