efficiency measurement of scheduled commercial …

Scholarly Research Journal for Humanity Science & English Language, Online ISSN 2348-3083, SJ IMPACT FACTOR 2019: 6.251, www.srjis.com PEER REVIEWED & REFERRED JOURNAL, OCT-NOV, 2019, VOL- 7/36 Copyright © 2017, Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies EFFICIENCY MEASUREMENT OF SCHEDULED COMMERCIAL BANKS STATE-WISE: A REGIONAL ANALYSIS Amit Khatri One of the principal goals of the Indian banking sector reforms was to enhance the efficiency of the banking industry. This article contributes to the banking eciency literature by measuring the technical eciency of scheduled commercial banks at the state level. This study estimates the technical efficiency of scheduled commercial banks (SCBs) at the state level for a time span of fifteen years using data envelopment analysis (DEA). Data for the same is obtained from the RBI website from 1996-97 to 2010-11. It is found that technical efficiencies of different states are different during different time periods indicating that some states are prompt, while, other states are slow in adopting the banking reforms. Super efficiency estimated for each state year-wise reveals that Uttar Pradesh is the leading state rank wise followed by Maharashtra, Rajasthan, and Gujarat. While the comparison of the rank of states with the gross state domestic product indicates that the states with higher banking efficiency are better in development. 1. Introduction With a rapidly changing domestic and global economic environment, the banking sector in India has undergone a sea change since the commencement of the banking reforms introduced from the year 1992. One of the prime objectives of the banking liberalization program was to inculcate greater competition in the banking sector thereby enhancing the profitability, greater amount of funds utilized in better ways, service quality for consumers and greater safety in terms of improved capital buffer in absorbing risk (Berger et al., 1993). The efficiency of banks is necessary to sustain trust, confidence, and soundness in the banking system (Zeitun&Benjelloun, 2013). Also, greater efficiency in the banking system leads to greater financial stability, product innovation and access of households and firms to financial services, which in turn affects economic growth (Egesa, 2010). With the purpose to impart greater efficiency to the resource allocation process in the banking system, the policymakers gradually implemented a series of reform measures like the dismantling of administrated interest rate structure, reduction in statutory pre-emptions in the form of reserve requirements, and liberal entry of private banks and foreign banks. After Scholarly Research Journal's is licensed Based on a work at www.srjis.com Abstract

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Scholarly Research Journal for Humanity Science & English Language, Online ISSN 2348-3083, SJ IMPACT FACTOR 2019: 6.251, www.srjis.com PEER REVIEWED & REFERRED JOURNAL, OCT-NOV, 2019, VOL- 7/36

Copyright © 2017, Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies



Amit Khatri

One of the principal goals of the Indian banking sector reforms was to enhance the efficiency of the

banking industry. This article contributes to the banking efficiency literature by measuring the

technical efficiency of scheduled commercial banks at the state level. This study estimates the

technical efficiency of scheduled commercial banks (SCBs) at the state level for a time span of fifteen

years using data envelopment analysis (DEA). Data for the same is obtained from the RBI website

from 1996-97 to 2010-11. It is found that technical efficiencies of different states are different during

different time periods indicating that some states are prompt, while, other states are slow in adopting

the banking reforms. Super efficiency estimated for each state year-wise reveals that Uttar Pradesh is

the leading state rank wise followed by Maharashtra, Rajasthan, and Gujarat. While the comparison

of the rank of states with the gross state domestic product indicates that the states with higher banking

efficiency are better in development.

1. Introduction

With a rapidly changing domestic and global economic environment, the banking

sector in India has undergone a sea change since the commencement of the banking reforms

introduced from the year 1992. One of the prime objectives of the banking liberalization

program was to inculcate greater competition in the banking sector thereby enhancing the

profitability, greater amount of funds utilized in better ways, service quality for consumers

and greater safety in terms of improved capital buffer in absorbing risk (Berger et al., 1993).

The efficiency of banks is necessary to sustain trust, confidence, and soundness in the

banking system (Zeitun&Benjelloun, 2013). Also, greater efficiency in the banking system

leads to greater financial stability, product innovation and access of households and firms

to financial services, which in turn affects economic growth (Egesa, 2010). With the

purpose to impart greater efficiency to the resource allocation process in the banking system,

the policymakers gradually implemented a series of reform measures like the dismantling of

administrated interest rate structure, reduction in statutory pre-emptions in the form of

reserve requirements, and liberal entry of private banks and foreign banks. After

Scholarly Research Journal's is licensed Based on a work at www.srjis.com


Amit Khatri

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Copyright © 2017, Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies

liberalization, different states in India have witnessed growth and development at varying


A study by Ghosh, B.and De, P.(2004)shows that interstate disparities in physical,

social and economic infrastructure facilities have remained at an alarmingly high level.

Another study by Bhattacharya and Sakthivel (2004) reveals that Industrial states are growing

much faster than backward states, and there is no evidence of convergence of growth rates

among states. This is a cause of concern for the government. Hence, the government is eager

to trap the factors responsible for inequality in economic growth and the development of

various states.

One of the key factors for growth and development has been infrastructural

development. A good banking system by itself is a major financial infrastructure required for

development. The studies so far on the efficiency of banks in India have concentrated on the

macro level i. e. at the banks on all India basis. However, with regional development

becoming a core necessity for maintaining a higher growth of 7% or more at the

national level, the development of an efficient banking system at the state/regional level

is inevitable. As such, this study aims at analyzing the efficiency of scheduledcommercial

banks which, along with other factors cater to the development of states as a whole between

states and within the state.


Impediments to efficient functioning were still aplenty. Over the decades, the public

sector banks in India have been overshadowed by governmental bureaucratic clutches rather

than being driven by the market rationale. The State bank of India (SBI), being the largest

public sector bank, comprises none other than government nominees to constitute its board of

directors thus leaving the bank with little or no room for independent functioning. This, in

turn, obstructs the bank to achieve optimum productivity and efficiency in its overall

operations. Same is the story with other banks, as well. Occasionally these banks are

overstaffed and ill-managed, thereby adversely affecting the banks’ profitability. The entrant

of new private and foreign banks has added fuel to the fire. There are many challenges for the

banking sector in India, hence there are particularly more challenges for a new foreign entrant

in the Indian banking system.A lot of foreign banks have already burnt their fingers in the

retail segment and have decided to move out of a few retail segments completely. Most of the

public sector banks are either looking to pick up a smaller bank or waiting to be picked up by

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Copyright © 2017, Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies

a larger bank. The central government also seems to be encouraging public sector banksto

merge or acquire other banks.

In the aftermath of liberalization, restructuring, and deregulation of financial markets

not only in India but also around the world, the performance evaluation of financial

institutions has become an issue of great research interest. Particularly the performance of

commercial banking has been the cynosure of all eyes. The public sector banks (PSB) are not

willing to lose the race. On the contrary, they have evolved sufficient flexibility in their

system to embrace the cutting-edge technological changes in international commercial

banking. The result of these initiatives can be noticed in the growth of net profit of the PSBs,

which has nearly doubled during the financial year 2001-02 as compared to the financial year

2000-01 (Rs.4,316.94 crore in 2000-01 to Rs.8,301.24 crore). However, during the same

period, the net profit for the new private sector banks increased from Rs.639.41 crore to

Rs.774.62 crore, a meager increase of 21 percent. Thus measuring the efficiency of scheduled

commercial banks which includes public sector banks, private sector banks, and foreign

banks after banking liberalization may result in interesting outcomesat regional level.

3. Main Results

The analysis reveals that technical efficiency in the state of Maharashtra and

Rajasthan was best among all states selected for study whereas the performance of scheduled

commercial banks was worst in the state of Kerala. Regionally the technical efficiency of the

remaining states needs improvement.Super efficiency of scheduled commercial banks reveals

Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat and Rajasthan were the four top ranking states.

Comparison of super efficiency ranks with the gross state domestic product ranking of states

year wise, reveals convergence between the two in case of Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra,

Gujarat, Rajasthan for almost entire study period.

4. Review of literature

In the pre-1991 period, the commercial banking sector in India operated under a

regime of financial repression where the allocation of resources and pricing of deposits and

loans were, to a large extent, administered by the government. In the nineties, however, the

banking environment experienced radical transformation consequent to the dismantling of

entry barriers, rate deregulation, the introduction of prudential accounting norm and the

implementation of Basel I capital adequacy norms. These changes brought a competitive

scenario in the Indian banking sector that compelled the commercial banks to provide

Amit Khatri

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Copyright © 2017, Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies

unprecedented attention towards the reduction in operating cost. Inter alia, improvement of

asset quality became an important agenda for the commercial banks during the reform period.

This gained further momentum in the following years, given the introduction of Basel II and

Basel III norms.

The literature on the use of DEA for measuring banking efficiency can be broadly

classified as the comparison between public sector banks, private banks, and foreign banks.

Studies by Bhattacharyya et al. (1997b), Galagedera and Edirisuriya (2005), Sathye (2003),

Ram Mohan and Ray (2004a) showed that technical efficiency of public sector banks was far

better than private banks and foreign banks.

Work done by Mukherjee et al. (2002), Chatterjee and Sinha (2006), Sinha and

Chatterjee (2008), Sinha (2008a), Sinha (2008b), and Kumar and Gulati (2009a) revealed that

technical efficiency of private banks were more than both the public sector banks and foreign


On the other hand studies by Ketkar et al. (2003), Ataullah and Le (2006), Zhao et al.

(2008), Sarkar et al. (1998), Chakrabarti and Chawla (2005), Das et al. (2005), Debasish

(2006), Sanjeev (2006), Dash and Charles (2009) depicts that the foreign banks were more

efficient as compared to private banks and public sector banks.It needs to be mention here

that most of the authors have used input and output variables to their restricted choice and

various studies in the literature depict approaches that are distinct to the theme of the research


4.1. New work in Indian Banking literature

Substantial research on efficiency and productivity of banking sector prevails in the

literature. Research work on individual banks’ efficiency, branch efficiency, cross- country

bank efficiency, comparative study of banking performance on basis of the ownership group,

impact of banking reforms on efficiency, financial liberalization and banking performance,

the impact of financial crises on banking performance and productivity. However, in all the

work done so far, no specific study deals with the regional analysis of banks at the state level

and comparing the performance of states via banking efficiency.

In the present study, banking efficiency is estimated for various states over fifteen

years from 1996 to 2011. Further, in the present study, the super efficiency of scheduled

commercial banks is computed regionally to rank accordingly

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5. Banking reforms

The first major step towards banking reforms was Nationalization of Banks in the

year 1969. Further, in line of banking reforms were the Narasimham committees I and

Narasimham committee II recommendations.

5.1. Nationalization of Banks

The banking system had made some progress in terms of deposit growth in the 1950s

and the 1960s, but its spread was mainly concentrated in the urban areas. This had raised the

number of scheduled bank branches under government control from 31 percent from 84

percent (Chakraborty, 2006, p.156).

The rapid increase in deposits concerning to their owned capital enabled the

industrialist shareholders to enjoy immense leverage which sidelined the agricultural sector

then. This converged in barely any development in rural India. So the government was forced

to go for the nationalization of banks in the year 1969. The impact of nationalization of banks

can be seen intable no. 1

Statistics of Credit and Deposit pre and post Nationalization

Tables No. 1

Source:Banking Commission 1971and Statistical Tables Relating to Banks in India (various

issues, Rupees in crore)

During the post nationalization period, the banking sector suffered serious erosion in

its efficiency and productivity (Dhar, 2003). Moreover, the sound banking system had been

disturbed by the system of directed credit operation in the form of subsidized credit flow in

the under-banked and priority areas, IRDP lending, loan festival, etc. The operational

expenditure of the public sector banks had tremendously increased due to rise in the number

of branches, poor supervision, rising staff level and high unit cost administering loan to the

priority sector.

Year No. of Banks No. of Branches Deposit Credits

1951 566 4151 908 547

1969 89 8187 4646 3599

1991 277 59752 201199 121865

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5.2. Narasimham Committee Report on Banking Reforms

Banking issues were many post nationalization of banks mentioned above and the

financial crisis of 1991 compelled the government to move towards reform for the financial

sector. As a counteraction to this, the government introduced financial sector reforms in the

year 1991. Banking reforms were subsequently initiated by RBI in the year 1992. The process

of liberalization of the banking sector and the policies changes commenced during 1992 and

had continued their onwards with the goals to create a more diversified, profitable, efficient

and robust banking system (Government of India,(1991), Narasimham Committee Report-I).

The Narasimham Committee Report I was aimed at bringing operational flexibility and

functional autonomy to enhance efficiency, productivity, and profitability of the banking

industry. The Narasimham Committee Report II focused on bringing structural changes to

strengthen the banking system to counter the financial crisis globally as well as at the

regional level.

The second generation of financial sector reforms was initiated by the Committee on

Banking Sector Reforms (BIS) formed in 1998 under the chairmanship of M. Narasimham.

The purpose was to review the banking reform progress and design a programme for further

strengthening the financial system of India. The committee focused on various areas such as

capital adequacy, bank mergers, and bank legislation. The highlighting point of Narasimham

committee report II was that Central Bank’s role should be separated from being the

monetary authority to that of the regulatory body for the banking sector of the country.

As seen from Table No. 2, the number of offices reveals a gradual increase in all

states except Bihar. There has been a decline in the number of employees for SCB from 1996

to 2010 indicating that the operational efficiency of banks has improved. Also,

implementation of computers and related technology in the banking sector in later 1990s has

helped to get the right set of employees with the right skills (trained) which have also

improved performance of banking sector.

A substantial upsurge in deposits of all states signifies mobilization of deposits has

transpired as recommended by Narasimham committee. The escalation in credit outstanding

among various states suggests that SCBs were observed as the prime source of fund raising

institutes for economic, social and domestic requirements.

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6. Data for study

The focus here is on the source of data, selection of data and selection of states used

for research work. Empirical work on the state-wise measurement of efficiency and

performance analysis requires input and output variables. Using the intermediate approach,

the funds that come to banks should be utilized as financial resources for economic and social

sectors. In this context, the input variables include deposits and borrowings, salary and other

expenses. The output variables include loans and advances and investments.

6.1. Sourceand Selection of Data:

Data for Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) are taken from Basic Statistical

Returns (BSR) from RBI website. As the study is to assess the efficiency of these banks in

comparison to its counterparts in other states, the need is to look for those variables that will

help in this assessment. This study being on the banking sector, the rationale is to see the

funds available to banks and the funds utilized by banks for various economic and social

activities. In this context, both deposits and borrowings are treated as input variables. Also,

the resources needed for operational processes are treated as input variables for the banks.

6.2. Variables for the Study

Going into the details of these variables, the study considers two input variables

namely deposits and borrowings and second salary and other expenses.The funds utilized by

banks are treated as output variables for the present study. In this context, the two output

variables considered for the study are Investments1, while the second being Loans

2 and


Here, it needs to be informed that the present study considers all Scheduled

Commercial Banks of a state together, so the consolidated data for all Scheduled

Commercial Banks in a state form a DMU for that state. As an example, the output variable

investment for SCB showing the data for the year 1996-97 for the state of Maharashtra is

taken by adding the investments for all SCB banks in the state of Maharashtra for the year

1996-97. Likewise, values the other variable, namely loans and advances for each state year-

wise are received from the same source using an identical method of adding. This data is

available from RBI website state-wise and year wise for SCBs. A similar job is carried out

1 Investment comprises of Investments in Government Securities and Investments Other than Government

approved securities. 2 Loan comprises of demand loans and term loans. Advances include overdraft facilities and cash credits for

various economic and socio-economic activities.

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for all input variables and output variables. Thus all data for the present study are necessarily

secondary by choice.

State-wise Statistics of Scheduled Commercial Banks for the study period

Table No. 2

Source: RBI Basic Statistics, various years. Deposits* show the figures are in lacs of rupees

Credits Outstanding* show the figures are in lacs of rupees.

6.3. Selection of Number of States:

The results of DEA are influenced by the size of the sample set i.e. DMUs. Cooper et.al.

(2007) provides two rules to decide the number of DMUs that are given as follows:

j ≥ max( i , p ) , j ≥ 3 * ( i + p)

where, j = number of states selected for study (DMUs),

i = number of input variables (two for the study) and

p = number of output variables (two for the study).

Care has been taken to see to it that the number of states satisfies these norms.

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6.4. Selection of States:

The selection of states in the present study is dependent on the distribution of banks

over the study period. We use the location quotient index (LQ3 index) as it gives an idea

about the penetration level of banks in a geographical region. With regard to the values of LQ

index, the states selected for Scheduled Commercial Banks include Andhra Pradesh, Bihar,

Delhi, Goa, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu &Kashmir, Karnataka, Kerala,

Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Orissa, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh and

West Bengal.

7. Methodology

In methodology we discuss the theoretical aspect of DEA and the model used for

computation of technical efficiency.

7.1 Theoretical Aspect of Efficiency Measurement

DEA methodology is a linear programming approach used to develop an efficient

frontier, which is then used to generate relative efficiency of states. DEA calculates specific

efficiency score for a state (DMU) relative to other DMUs and not an absolute value, unlike

the stochastic approach. This is a non-parametric technique that requires no assumptions

about the form of production technology or function used. It develops a frontier by

enveloping all the observed input and output values.The DEA model employed in this study

uses variable returns to scale (VRS) approach. The use of VRS specification helps to

compute technical efficiency (TE) devoid of the influence of scale efficiency (SE). Technical

efficiency refers to the conversion of physical inputs of banks, such as deposits and

borrowings, into outputs like investments and loans and advances relative to the best-practice.

Technical efficiency focuses on the ability of a bank to produce an existing level of output

with the minimum inputs (input-oriented DEA4) or to produce maximal output from a given

set of inputs (output-oriented DEA). In this study output-oriented DEA is used to measure

technical efficiency. Thus, technical efficiency relates to the productivity of inputs (Sathye5,

2001). Consequently, the technical efficiency of a bank is viewed as its ability to transform

3 LQ index depicts the penetration level of banks state wise for the present study.

4 Although there are two ways of measuring it, the present study uses output-oriented TE and input-oriented CE.

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multiple resources into multiple financial services (Bhattacharyya6 et al., 1997). A bank is

technically inefficient if production occurs within the interior of the frontier generated.

7.2 Computation of Technical Efficiency for Scheduled Commercial Banks

Following are the sequence of steps to compute the VRS technical efficiency (i.e. VRS


(1) Finding the radial efficiency for each state by solving the following LPP:

𝜃0∗𝑉𝑅𝑆 = min 𝜃𝑉𝑅𝑆




≤ 𝜃𝑥io , 𝑖 = 1,2




≤ 𝑦𝑞𝑜 , 𝑞 = 1,2

𝜆𝑗 = 118


𝜆𝑗 ≥ 𝑜,j = 1 ... ……18 (Equ. 1)

where is the technical efficiency of Oth

state, are coefficients, represents the ith input of

the jth state, is the ith

input of Oth

state, is the qth

output of the jth

state, and is the qth

output of

the Oth

state. This is done for step1 and the value is stored in, 1.

(2) In the second step maximize the sum of slacks

𝒎𝒂𝒙 𝝀,𝒔𝒊

−,𝒔𝒒+𝒈𝒐 𝝀, 𝒔𝒊

−, 𝒔𝒒+ = − 𝒔𝒒


𝒒=𝟏+ 𝒔𝒊



Subject to constraints:

𝜆𝑗𝑦𝑞𝑗 −



𝑠𝑞+ = 𝑦𝑞𝑜

𝜆𝑗𝑥𝑖𝑗 +



𝑠𝑖− = 𝑐𝑥𝑖𝑜

𝜆𝑗 = 1



𝜆, 𝑠𝑖−, 𝑠𝑞

+ ≥ 0 (Equ. 2)

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where represent slack term for input access that remains in input i of state ‘o’ after the radial

contraction was applied to state o’s inputs and is the slack term for the output shortfall in the

(production) servicing of state ‘o’, refers to ith

input of the oth

state which has been contracted

by a factor of as derived from step 1.

Step 1 and 2 helps us to find efficient and inefficient states. All states with efficiency

score and no slacks are the efficient states. States with at least one non-zero slack variable(s)

form the slack set for further analysis.

(3) In this step, the focus is on finding all those states in the slack set in which input

variables may have some slacks. This is done by solving i linear programming problems one

for each input.

𝒎𝒊𝒏 𝜽

Subject to constraints:





≤ 𝜃𝑐𝑥𝑖𝑜 , 𝑖 = 1,2



𝑒𝑓𝑓≤ 𝑐𝑥𝑖𝑜 , 𝑗 = 1, ………… .17 ,





≤ 𝑦𝑞𝑜 , 𝑞 = 1,2

λj ≥ o. 𝑗 = 1, ………… .18

. (Eq. 3)

where is the ith

input of the jth

state, being the efficiency score calculated in step 1, is

the ith

input of oth

state which has been contracted by a factor of as expressed in step1. The

main purpose of step 3 is to identify the input dimensions in which slacks exist. So no actual

changes occur in the projected points (computed in step 1). This information turns out to be

handy in the subsequent step. Initially, it was thought that one may be able to determine the

potential directions of slack by simply noting down the non-zero slack variables from step 2

results (and hence one could discard step 3). However, it became evident, that the slacks

identified in step 2 need not identify all dimensions in which potential slack exists. Hence,

step 3 is a necessity. Here it also needs to be noted that step 3 can generate some difficulty in

the computation if some inputs are zero.

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(4) In this step (for the ith

state in the slacks set) run the LP which seeks a radial

reduction in all inputs identified as having potential slack (in step 3). The LP, in this case, is

expressed as follows:

𝒎𝒊𝒏 𝜽

Subject to constraints:





≤ 𝜃𝑐𝑥𝑖𝑜 , 𝑖 = 1,2





≤ 𝑐𝑥𝑖𝑜𝑠 , 𝑖 = 1,2




𝑦𝑞𝑗𝑛𝑠 ,𝑒𝑓𝑓

≤ 𝑦𝑞𝑜𝑛𝑠 , 𝑞 = 1,2 .

λj ≥ o(Eq.4)

where the superscript s indicates the subset of inputs consisting of the potential slacks

and ns indicates the remaining inputs. The starting point of radial reduction is the projected

point (as depicted by step 1).

(5) Having performed the radial reduction in step 4, it’s likely that there may still exist

some slacks in a few input variables. So taking the projected points identified in step 4 (for

the oth

state) and repeat steps 3 and 4 until no slacks remain in any input variables.

(6) Considering projected point from step 5 (for the oth

state) and repeating steps 3-5, and

conducting radial expansion in output slack dimensions until no output slack remains. The

final projected point will be on the efficient surface. The peers of the state can then be

identified from the λ’s of the final projected point and the slacks may be calculated by

subtracting the final projected point from the projected point as given in step 1.

The multi-stage DEA approach outlined above selects more appropriate peers compared

to stage one and stage two DEA approach. In this approach, one seeks efficient projection

points by moving along the surface of the facet radially.

However, in case of some states the technical efficiency shows a score of 1 for a few

years. Thus, to compare the efficiency of states, it’s necessary to estimate super efficiency.

This is done using the DEA solver for each year to get rankings of states year-wise.

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8. Analysis and Results

As the study period is vast, to get a deeper understanding of regional growth in the

banking sector, the spectrum of banking efficiency is divided into three periods. The first

period covers 5 years from 1996-97 to 2000-01, the second period consists of 6 years from

2001-02 to 2006-07 while the third period has four years starting from 2007-08 to 2010-11.

The first period is selected to view the implementation process of banking reforms brought in

by the first Narsimham Committee in the year 1992 and its subsequent impact. Literature also

calls this as the Basel I period. Therefore, this could be considered as the effects of Basel I

norms. The second period which starts from 2001-02 to 2006-07 is selected to comprehend

the effects of reform process of second Narsimham Committee report, recommendations of

which commenced from 1998-99 onwards. Here again, as the period is sighted as Basel II

process, the period could analyze the impact of Basel II norms. Lastly, the third period

consisting of the years 2007-08 to 2010-11, looks into the post-Basel II period.

The outcome of distribution of technical efficiency for Scheduled commercial banks

can be seen in table no. 3A, 3B and 3Cfor the first, second and third period respectively.

Observing table no. 3A for the first period, Maharashtra, Orissa, Rajasthan, and Uttar

Pradesh have been consistently efficient throughout the first period, while Jammu and

Kashmir and Gujarat were found to be efficient for 85% and 71% of the period respectively.

Again, while Haryana and Madhya Pradesh were efficient for more than half of the first

period, Andhra Pradesh and Himachal Pradesh were efficient for little less than half of the

first period. Similarly, states like Bihar and Goa were efficient for little more than one-fourth

of the first period. Delhi and Karnataka were efficient for only a little more than one-tenth of

the first period. Remaining states like Kerala, Punjab and West Bengal were found to be

inefficient throughout the first period.

Looking at table no. 3B for the second period, states like Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal

Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, and Uttar Pradesh were found to be efficient for the entire

second period whereas Delhi and Orissa were efficient for less than three fourth of the period.

Andhra Pradesh and Bihar were efficient only for 33% and 16% of the period respectively.

Inefficient states for the entire second period were Goa, Jammu & Kashmir, Karnataka,

Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, Tamil Nadu, and West Bengal.

For the third period, table no.3C show that Himachal Pradesh, Maharashtra,

Rajasthan, and West Bengal were efficient while Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, and Haryana were

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efficient for three fourth of the third period. Goa and Uttar Pradesh were efficient for half of

the third period although Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, and Punjab were efficient for only 25% of

the period. Among the inefficient states for the entire third period were Bihar, Delhi, Jammu

and Kashmir, Karnataka, Kerala, and Tamil Nadu.

Technical Efficiency 1996-97 to 2000-01

Table No: 3A

Note: (1) Frequency of states is viewed as the number of times a state is efficient (TE = 1) for

the period. (2) Fequency of years indicate the total number of states that are efficient (TE =

1) for a year. (3) %Time is the percent of time span for the period during which TE=1. (4) %

states is the percent of states among all states for which TE = 1.

Freq of Distribution of TE from 1996-97 to 2000-01 Ave,.

STATES States with % Time 1996-971997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 over

▼ TE =1 Years

Andhra Pradesh 3 60 0.817 0.817 1 1 1 0.9268

Bihar 0 0 0.991 0.991 0.898 0.752 0.899 0.9062

Delhi 1 20 0.274 0.274 0.297 0.303 1 0.4296

Goa 1 20 0.592 0.592 1 0.393 0.042 0.5238

Gujarat 3 60 1 1 0.961 0.844 1 0.961

Haryana 3 60 0.534 0.534 1 1 1 0.8136

Himachal Pradesh 3 60 1 1 0.284 0.229 1 0.7026

Jammu & Kashmir 4 80 1 1 1 1 0.247 0.8494

Karnataka 0 0 0.803 0.803 0.854 0.794 0.706 0.792

Kerala 0 0 0.62 0.62 0.638 0.617 0.578 0.6146

Madhya Pradesh 2 40 1 1 0.898 0.83 0.839 0.9134

Maharashtra 5 100 1 1 1 1 1 1

Orissa 5 100 1 1 1 1 1 1

Punjab 0 0 0.502 0.502 0.602 0.596 0.565 0.5534

Rajasthan 5 100 1 1 1 1 1 1

Tamil Nadu 0 0 0.782 0.782 0.952 0.95 0.92 0.8772

Uttar Pradesh 5 100 1 1 1 1 1 1

West Bengal 0 0 0.815 0.815 0.924 0.919 0.88 0.8706

Freq. of Years TE=1 8 8 8 7 9

% Years 44.4444 44.44444 44.4444 38.88889 50

Ave. Over States 0.81833 0.818333 0.85044 0.790389 0.8153333

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Copyright © 2017, Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies

Technical Efficiency 2001-02 to 2006-07

Table No: 3B

Note: (1) Frequency of states is viewed as the number of times a state is efficient (TE = 1) for

the period. (2) Fequency of years indicate the total number of states that are efficient (TE =

1) for a year. (3) %Time is the percent of time span for the period during which TE=1. (4) %

states is the percent of states among all states for which TE = 1.

Freq of Distribution of TE from 2001-02 to 2006-07 Ave,.

STATES States with % Time 2001-022002-032003-042004-052005-062006-07over

▼ TE =1 Years

Andhra Pradesh 2 33.3333 0.987 0.948 0.931 0.949 1 1 0.96917

Bihar 0 0 0.872 1 0.734 0.808 0.702 0.681 0.7995

Delhi 4 66.6667 1 1 1 1 0.321 0.327 0.77467

Goa 0 0 0.042 0.043 0.047 0.053 0.415 0.494 0.18233

Gujarat 6 100 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Haryana 6 100 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Himachal Pradesh 6 100 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Jammu & Kashmir 0 0 0.258 0.304 0.264 0.244 0.677 0.71 0.4095

Karnataka 0 0 0.701 0.681 0.627 0.675 0.703 0.689 0.67933

Kerala 0 0 0.566 0.583 0.559 0.555 0.702 0.69 0.60917

Madhya Pradesh 0 0 0.832 0.802 0.72 0.753 0.807 0.798 0.78533

Maharashtra 6 100 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Orissa 4 66.6667 1 1 0.983 0.831 1 1 0.969

Punjab 0 0 0.562 0.535 0.504 0.469 0.58 0.592 0.54033

Rajasthan 6 100 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Tamil Nadu 0 0 0.87 0.834 0.811 0.884 0.956 0.998 0.89217

Uttar Pradesh 6 100 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

West Bengal 0 0 0.924 0.915 0.899 0.862 0.897 0.872 0.89483

Freq. of Years TE=1 8 9 7 7 8 8

% Years 44.444 50 38.8889 38.889 44.444 44.4444

Ave. Over States 0.8119 0.8136 0.78217 0.7824 0.82 0.82506

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Technical Efficiency 2007-08 to 2010-11

Tables No: 3C

Note: (1) Frequency of states is viewed as the number of times a state is efficient (TE = 1) for

the period. (2) Fequency of years indicate the total number of states that are efficient (TE =

1) for a year. (3) %Time is the percent of time span for the period during which TE=1. (4) %

states is the percent of states among all states for which TE = 1.

During the entire study period from 1996 to 2011 which is a combination of the three

periods, Maharashtra and Rajasthan were seen as efficient states (table no.5). Further, Uttar

Pradesh and Gujarat were found to be efficient for 88% and 82% of the study period

respectively. Both Haryana and Himachal Pradesh were efficient for marginally above three

fourth of the entire study period. Orissa was observed to be technically efficient for almost

70% of the study period. States like Andhra Pradesh and Jammu & Kashmir were efficient

for less than half of the study period. Each of the states Delhi and Madhya Pradesh were

found efficient for slightly above one-fourth of the study period whereas Goa and West

Bengal were efficient for a period below one-fourth of the study period. The state of Bihar

was seen to be technically efficient for only 17% of the study period. On the other hand,

Karnataka, Punjab and Tamil Nadu were barely efficient throughout the study period. Kerala

was the only inefficient state for the entire study period.

Freq of Distribution of TE from 2007-08 to 2010-11 Ave.

STATES States with % Time 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 over

▼ TE =1 Years

Andhra Pradesh 3 75 0.974 1 1 1 0.9935

Bihar 0 0 0.929 0.658 0.666 0.681 0.7335

Delhi 0 0 0.932 0.359 0.362 0.352 0.50125

Goa 2 50 1 0.6 0.536 1 0.784

Gujarat 3 75 1 1 1 0.97 0.9925

Haryana 3 75 1 0.892 1 1 0.973

Himachal Pradesh 4 100 1 1 1 1 1

Jammu & Kashmir0 0 0.988 0.79 0.72 0.733 0.80775

Karnataka 0 0 0.999 0.7 0.684 0.678 0.76525

Kerala 0 0 0.932 0.722 0.721 0.657 0.758

Madhya Pradesh 1 25 0.965 1 0.8 0.741 0.8765

Maharashtra 4 100 1 1 1 1 1

Orissa 1 25 1 0.864 0.885 0.846 0.89875

Punjab 1 25 1 0.69 0.722 0.762 0.7935

Rajasthan 4 100 1 1 1 1 1

Tamil Nadu 0 0 0.983 0.914 0.977 0.969 0.96075

Uttar Pradesh 2 50 1 1 0.896 0.795 0.92275

West Bengal 4 100 1 1 1 1 1

Freq. of Years TE=1 10 8 7 7 4

% Years 55.556 44.4444 38.889 38.889

Ave. Over States 0.9834 0.84383 0.8316 0.8436

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Copyright © 2017, Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies

Summary: Distribution of TE (Percentage time) period wise

Table No.: 5

Change in (Period wise) performance of States with regard to Technical Efficiency score

Table No. 6.

% Time First period Second Period Third Period

100% Maharasthra, Gujarat, Haryana Himachal Pradesh

Oriisa Himachal Pradesh Maharashtra

Rajasthan Maharashtra Rajasthan

Uttar Pradesh Rajasthan West Bengal

Uttar Pradesh

99%-66% Jammu & Kashmir Delhi Andhra Pradesh

Gujarat Orissa Gujarat, Haryana

65%- 50% Haryana Goa

Madhya Pradesh Uttar Pradesh

5%-25% Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Madhya Pradesh

Hiachal Pradesh Orissa, Punjab

Bihar, Goa

<25% Delhi Bihar


Tamil Nadu

o% Kerala Goa, Karnataka, Kerala Bihar, Delhi

Punjab Jammu & Kashmir Jammu & Kashmir

West Bengal Madhya Pradesh Karnataka, Kerala

Punjab, Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu

West Bengal

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Table No. 7

8.1. State wise Super Efficiency

As seen from the table no.7, Uttar Pradesh is the leading state followed by

Maharashtra, Rajasthan and Gujarat with regard to the super efficiency rank. Next in line are

Orissa, Haryana and Himachal Pradesh. Surprisingly, states like Punjab Karnataka and Kerala

are at the lower end of ranking.

8.2. Super Efficiency of Banks and Status of States

Banks are one of the leading sources of finance in the development of a state or a

region. As such when a state develops and has higher ranking in the status of states/regions,

the efficiency of banks could be a source for this status.

Comparing the efficiency of banks in different states and their development status, one

could arrive at the extent to which the banks could play a role in the development of states.

Therefore, this study compares the super efficiency of banks in different states and the status

of states. For this the efficiency of banks has been ranked using super efficiency and states

have been ranked on the basis of the GSDP at factor cost. These have been tabulated to form

15 different tables one each for each of the 15 years of the study period. The following sub-

section gives an analysis of matching between the super efficiency and gross state domestic


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Table No. 8

8.2Comparison of Super Efficiency of Scheduled commercial banks and Status of States

Years → 1996−1997−1998−1999−2000−2001−2002−2003−2004−2005−2006−2007−2008−2009−2010−

1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011


Andhra Pradesh10 10 4 4 9 9 10 9 8 5 5 14 5 9 3

Bihar 9 9 13 13 11 11 6 12 12 13 15 18 16 10 15

Delhi 18 18 17 17 6 6 7 5 5 18 18 16 18 8 18

Goa 15 15 5 16 18 18 18 18 18 17 17 8 17 2 5

Gujarat 4 4 9 10 3 3 3 2 3 6 4 6 4 17 8

Haryana 16 16 3 1 6 6 7 5 5 7 7 8 10 3 5

Himachal Pradesh6 6 18 18 6 6 7 5 5 7 7 8 8 3 5

Jammu & Kashmir6 6 5 5 17 17 17 17 17 15 12 12 12 18 14

Karnataka 12 12 14 12 14 14 14 14 14 12 14 11 14 7 16

Kerala 14 14 15 14 15 15 15 15 15 14 13 17 13 15 17

Madhya Pradesh5 5 12 11 13 13 13 13 13 11 11 15 7 14 13

Maharashtra 3 3 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1

Orissa 6 6 5 5 5 5 4 8 11 4 6 5 11 12 10

Punjab 17 17 16 15 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 7 15 5 12

Rajasthan 2 2 5 5 4 4 5 4 4 3 3 4 3 16 2

Tamil Nadu 13 13 10 8 12 12 12 11 9 9 9 13 9 11 9

Uttar Pradesh 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 6 6 11

West Bengal 11 11 11 9 10 10 11 10 10 10 10 3 2 13 4

SE →Super Efficiency Rank

Super Efficiency Scheduled Commercial Banks

1996-97 1996-97 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 1998-99 1999-00 1999-00


States Rank Rank Rank Rank Rank Rank Rank Rank

Andhra Pradesh10 3 Andhra Pradesh10 3 Andhra Pradesh4 2 Andhra Pradesh4 5

Bihar 9 14 Bihar 9 14 Bihar 13 14 Bihar 13 14

Delhi 18 12 Delhi 18 12 Delhi 17 12 Delhi 17 12

Goa 15 18 Goa 15 18 Goa 5 18 Goa 16 18

Gujarat 4 5 Gujarat 4 5 Gujarat 9 5 Gujarat 10 6

Haryana 16 13 Haryana 16 13 Haryana 3 13 Haryana 1 13

Himachal Pradesh6 17 Himachal Pradesh6 17 Himachal Pradesh18 17 Himachal Pradesh18 17

Jammu & Kashmir6 16 Jammu & Kashmir6 16 Jammu & Kashmir5 16 Jammu & Kashmir5 16

Karnataka 12 7 Karnataka 12 7 Karnataka 14 7 Karnataka 12 7

Kerala 14 11 Kerala 14 11 Kerala 15 11 Kerala 14 10

Madhya Pradesh5 9 Madhya Pradesh5 9 Madhya Pradesh12 9 Madhya Pradesh11 9

Maharashtra 3 1 Maharashtra 3 1 Maharashtra 2 1 Maharashtra 3 1

Orissa 6 15 Orissa 6 15 Orissa 5 15 Orissa 5 15

Punjab 17 10 Punjab 17 10 Punjab 16 10 Punjab 15 11

Rajasthan 2 8 Rajasthan 2 8 Rajasthan 5 8 Rajasthan 5 8

Tamil Nadu 13 4 Tamil Nadu 13 4 Tamil Nadu 10 4 Tamil Nadu 8 4

Uttar Pradesh 1 2 Uttar Pradesh1 2 Uttar Pradesh1 3 Uttar Pradesh2 2

West Bengal 11 6 West Bengal 11 6 West Bengal 11 6 West Bengal 9 3

Number of

Matching States 6 6 6 7

Table No. 8(A)

Comparing the Ranking of Super Efficiency and GSDP of States for SCB TE

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Observing the table no. 8(A), 8(B), 8(C) and 8(D), it is found that in these 15 years,

while one year showed 8 states match with the top 10 ranks of both status of states and bank

efficiency for 4 years, 7 states match with top 10 rankings of both status and bank efficiency.

Again for 6 and 3 years each, 6 and 5 states respectively match with top 10 rankings of both

status of states and bank efficiency only for 1 year and 4 states match with top 10 rankings

both status and banking efficiency. This clearly indicates that bank efficiency plays a major

role in the development of the states. Better is the efficiency higher is the status of the states

in development. Thus banks play a key role in the development of regions.

The matching states where Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra,

Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, and West Bengal. While Maharashtra matched the

status of states and banking efficiency for all the 15 years, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat,

Rajasthan, and West Bengal matched the two rankings for 14 years of the study. West

Bengal, Tamil Nadu, and Madhya Pradesh matched the two rankings for 10, 6 and 3 years


2000-01 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 2002-03 2003-04 2003-04


States Rank Rank Rank Rank Rank Rank Rank Rank

Andhra Pradesh9 4 Andhra Pradesh9 7 Andhra Pradesh10 4 Andhra Pradesh9 3

Bihar 11 14 Bihar 11 13 Bihar 6 14 Bihar 12 14

Delhi 6 12 Delhi 6 11 Delhi 7 13 Delhi 5 13

Goa 18 18 Goa 18 18 Goa 18 18 Goa 18 18

Gujarat 3 6 Gujarat 3 14 Gujarat 3 6 Gujarat 2 6

Haryana 6 13 Haryana 6 12 Haryana 7 12 Haryana 5 12

Himachal Pradesh6 17 Himachal Pradesh6 17 Himachal Pradesh7 17 Himachal Pradesh5 17

Jammu & Kashmir17 16 Jammu & Kashmir17 16 Jammu & Kashmir17 16 Jammu & Kashmir17 16

Karnataka 14 7 Karnataka 14 9 Karnataka 14 7 Karnataka 14 7

Kerala 15 11 Kerala 15 2 Kerala 15 9 Kerala 15 10

Madhya Pradesh13 9 Madhya Pradesh13 1 Madhya Pradesh13 10 Madhya Pradesh13 9

Maharashtra 2 1 Maharashtra 2 3 Maharashtra 2 1 Maharashtra 3 1

Orissa 5 15 Orissa 5 15 Orissa 4 15 Orissa 8 15

Punjab 16 10 Punjab 16 8 Punjab 16 11 Punjab 16 11

Rajasthan 4 8 Rajasthan 4 10 Rajasthan 5 8 Rajasthan 4 8

Tamil Nadu 12 3 Tamil Nadu 12 6 Tamil Nadu 12 5 Tamil Nadu 11 5

Uttar Pradesh 1 2 Uttar Pradesh1 5 Uttar Pradesh 1 2 Uttar Pradesh1 2

West Bengal 10 5 West Bengal10 4 West Bengal 11 3 West Bengal 10 4

Number of

Matching States 6 5 5 6

Table No. 8(B)

Comparing the Ranking of Super Efficiency and GSDP of States for SCB TE

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Copyright © 2017, Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies

2004-05 2004-05 2005-06 2005-06 2006-07 2006-07 2007-08 2007-08


States Rank Rank Rank Rank Rank Rank Rank Rank

Andhra Pradesh 8 7 Andhra Pradesh5 7 Andhra Pradesh5 7 Andhra Pradesh14 7

Bihar 12 14 Bihar 13 15 Bihar 15 15 Bihar 18 15

Delhi 5 11 Delhi 18 11 Delhi 18 11 Delhi 16 11

Goa 18 18 Goa 17 18 Goa 17 18 Goa 8 18

Gujarat 3 5 Gujarat 6 4 Gujarat 4 4 Gujarat 6 4

Haryana 5 13 Haryana 7 12 Haryana 7 12 Haryana 8 13

Himachal Pradesh5 17 Himachal Pradesh7 17 Himachal Pradesh7 17 Himachal Pradesh8 17

Jammu & Kashmir17 16 Jammu & Kashmir15 16 Jammu & Kashmir12 16 Jammu & Kashmir12 16

Karnataka 14 6 Karnataka 12 6 Karnataka 14 6 Karnataka 11 6

Kerala 15 9 Kerala 14 9 Kerala 13 9 Kerala 17 9

Madhya Pradesh13 10 Madhya Pradesh11 10 Madhya Pradesh11 10 Madhya Pradesh15 10

Maharashtra 2 1 Maharashtra 2 1 Maharashtra 2 1 Maharashtra 1 1

Orissa 11 15 Orissa 4 14 Orissa 6 14 Orissa 5 14

Punjab 16 12 Punjab 16 13 Punjab 16 13 Punjab 7 12

Rajasthan 4 8 Rajasthan 3 8 Rajasthan 3 8 Rajasthan 4 8

Tamil Nadu 9 3 Tamil Nadu 9 3 Tamil Nadu 9 3 Tamil Nadu 13 3

Uttar Pradesh 1 2 Uttar Pradesh1 2 Uttar Pradesh1 2 Uttar Pradesh2 2

West Bengal 10 4 West Bengal10 5 West Bengal10 5 West Bengal 3 5

Number of

Matching States 7 7 7 5

Table No. 8(C )

Comparing the Ranking of Super Efficiency and GSDP of States for SCB TE

2008-09 2008-09 2009-10 2009-10 2010-11 2010-11


States Rank Rank Rank Rank Rank Rank

Andhra Pradesh5 7 Andhra 9 7 Andhra Pradesh3 8

Bihar 16 15 Bihar 14 15 Bihar 15 14

Delhi 18 11 Delhi 3 12 Delhi 18 12

Goa 17 18 Goa 3 18 Goa 5 18

Gujarat 4 4 Gujarat 10 4 Gujarat 8 4

Haryana 10 12 Haryana 17 11 Haryana 5 11

Himachal Pradesh8 17 Himachal 13 17 Himachal Pradesh5 17

Jammu & Kashmir12 16 J& K 8 16 Jammu & Kashmir14 16

Karnataka 14 6 Karnataka 5 6 Karnataka 16 6

Kerala 13 9 Kerala 11 9 Kerala 17 9

Madhya Pradesh7 10 Madhya 15 10 Madhya Pradesh13 10

Maharashtra 1 1 Maharashtra 1 1 Maharashtra 1 1

Orissa 11 14 Orissa 16 14 Orissa 10 15

Punjab 15 13 Punjab 12 13 Punjab 12 13

Rajasthan 3 8 Rajasthan 18 8 Rajasthan 2 7

Tamil Nadu 9 3 TamilNadu 7 3 Tamil Nadu 9 3

Uttar Pradesh 6 2 UttarPradesh 2 2 Uttar Pradesh11 2

West Bengal 2 5 WestBengal 6 5 West Bengal 4 5

Number of

Matching States 8 7 6

Table No. 8(D)

Comparing the Ranking of Super Efficiency and GSDP of States for SCB TE

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Looking at the technical efficiency state-wise period wise as seen from table no. 6,

Maharashtra and Rajasthan are the best performers. Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Haryana,

Himachal Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, and West Bengal are the states with moderate

improvement in technical efficiency scores from the first period to the third period. Punjab

and Tamil Nadu show a marginal improvement in technical efficiency scores from the first

period to the third period. Madhya Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Bihar, Delhi, Goa,

Karnataka, Kerala, and Orissa depict a decline in technical efficiency score from the first

period to the third period.

Further, the comparison between super efficiency and gross state domestic product

depicts that Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, and West

Bengal are matching the ranks for a longer duration for the study period. This indicates that

the states have been able to capitalize on the banking reform process much better than the

other states.

10. Limitations of the Study and Scope of Further Research

The effect of banking reforms varies in different states based on their adoption time

and implementation period and exposure of banks to the agriculture sector, industry sector

service sector and socio-economic sector. This study does not focus on the effect of banking

reforms on the movement of non-performing assets (NPA) regionally as well as the

digitalization of banking processes regionally. Hence, it may be considered for further


Another outlook for the future study could be to evaluate the performance of Indian

banks regionally by taking into account loan commitments, securitization, and derivatives

with a larger set of the data sample.


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