effect of thickness and notch radius on fracture toughness of polycrbonate

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  • 8/14/2019 Effect of Thickness and Notch Radius on Fracture Toughness of Polycrbonate


    Int J Fract (2013) 181:112

    DOI 10.1007/s10704-013-9808-5


    Three dimensional finite element investigations

    into the effects of thickness and notch radiuson the fracture toughness of polycarbonate

    Brunda Kattekola Abhishek Ranjan

    Sumit Basu

    Received: 9 August 2012 / Accepted: 10 January 2013 / Published online: 26 February 2013

    Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013

    Abstract Fracture toughness of polycarbonate (PC),

    a commercially important glassy amorphous polymer,

    is known to be sensitively dependent on a number of

    factors including molecular weight, ageing time, load-

    ing rate and specimen geometry. In this work, we ana-

    lyze the effect of notch radius and specimen thickness

    on the near tip fields and the consequence of these on

    the mode I fracture initiation. To this end, we have

    performed extensive three dimensional Finite Element

    simulations within the framework of large deformation

    elasto-plasticity based on a realistic constitutive modelthat hasbeencarefullycalibratedforPC. Usinga simple

    set of criteria for fracture initiation by void nucleation

    or ductile tearing, we are able to reproduce experimen-

    tally observed brittle to ductile transitions that occur in

    PC with decreasein thickness and increasein notch


    Keywords Ductile to Brittle transition Thickness Notch tip radius Polycarbonate

    1 Introduction

    Glassy amorphouspolymers likepolymethylmethacry-

    late (PMMA), polystyrene (PS) and polycarbonate

    (PC) etc. form a large class of important structural

    B. Kattekola A. Ranjan S. Basu (B)Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute

    of Technology, Kanpur 208016, Uttar Pradesh, India

    e-mail:[email protected]

    materials. Exhaustive investigations by Kramer and

    co-workers(Kramer 1983;Kramer and Berger 1990)

    on thin polymer films have established that crazing

    and shear yielding are the two important localization

    micromechanisms in these materials and often, failure

    is a result of either or a competition between the two

    (Estevez et al. 2000). The polymer is considered brit-

    tle when crazing is the dominant failure mechanism

    and ductile whenshearyielding dominates. However,

    whether a polymer behaves in a brittle or ductile man-

    ner depends on a host of factors. For example, PC, oneof the most widely used materials of this type, shows

    brittle to ductile transitions with temperature (Ravetti

    etal. 1975), molecularweight (PitmanandWard1979),

    ageing time (Ho and Vu-Khanh 2004) and rate of load-

    ing (Rittel and Maigre 1996). Moreover, the fracture

    toughness of PC is significantly lower in plane strain

    compared to plane stress (Parvin and Williams 1975;

    Fraser and Ward 1977), though the specific mecha-

    nism of failure depends sensitively on the notch radius

    (Nisitani and Hyakutake 1985).

    It is clear from the above discussion that the frac-

    ture mechanism and hence fracture toughness KI cof

    PCdepends ona largenumberof factors.Consequently,

    the numerical prediction ofKI cbecomes difficult and

    typical constitutive models of polymers, even when

    micromechanically motivated, (Boyce et al. 1988;Wu

    and Van der Giessen1993;Anand and Ames 2006)

    involve a large number of fitting parameters. Local-

    ization of the deformation into shear bands occurs

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    2 B. Kattekola et al.

    naturally in simulations with these constitutive mod-

    els(Lai and Van der Giessen 1997;Basu and Van der

    Giessen2002) but incorporation of crazing requires

    the use of yet another set of phenomenological laws

    (Estevez et al. 2000;Basu and Van der Giessen 2002).

    Fidelity of these largely phenomenological predictions

    require careful calibration of the many model parame-ters and may vary sensitively with any of the factors

    listed in the previous paragraph.

    Typicaluniaxial stressstrainresponseof PC consists

    of a yield drop or intrinsic softening right after reach-

    ingyield, analmost perfectlyplastic response thereafter

    followed by a steep hardening with strain till a maxi-

    mum stretch is attained (see Fig.1). Consequently, the

    stress field ahead of a notch in PC (for that matter in

    any material with a similar uniaxial response) is sig-

    nificantly different from those in power law harden-

    ing metals. Finite Element (FE) simulations using ratesensitive finite deformation constitutive models have

    shown this clearly in two dimensional settings.Lai and

    Van der Giessen(1997) used a small scale yielding

    simulation to investigate the effect of variations in the

    uniaxial response on the nature of the crack tip plastic

    zone. For materialswith no hardening, theplastic zones

    are qualitatively similar to that in metals. For strongly

    softening materials, the plastic zone consists of multi-

    ple families of shear bands that keep multiplying with

    load. On the other hand, with both softening and hard-

    ening (as in the case of PC), a competition betweenthe two counteracting factors ensues and a single set

    of shear bands initiated at the notch tip grow almost

    0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6







    Fig. 1 Typical uniaxial true stress versus true strain response

    of PC

    self similarly with load. The nature of the plastic zone

    ahead of the tip of a notch affects the initiation of crazes

    as shown byEstevez et al.(2000).

    Further, Basu and Van der Giessen (2002)) looked at

    the rate and temperature effects on the fracture initia-

    tion toughness of a PC-like polymer using a craze initi-

    ation criterion due to Sternstein and Ongochin (1969).Gearing and Anand(2004) attempted to capture the

    transition from brittle fracture in high triaxiality condi-

    tions prevalent ahead of sharp notches to ductile modes

    in low triaxiality situations ahead of blunt ones using a

    failure mechanism that involved competition between

    the elastic volumetric strain and an effective plastic

    stretch. It should be emphasized that in these simula-

    tions, crack propagation was not modelled and except

    in GearingandAnand(2004), quantitativecomparisons

    with experiments were not made.

    While two dimensional simulations of PC provideimportant insights into the interplay of various phys-

    ical parameters and imposed conditions on initiation

    of fracture, they necessarily pertain to infinitely thick

    specimens. Experiments show that the effect of thick-

    ness in fracture testing of PC is rather strong. In fact,

    thickness and notch radius seem to sensitively gov-

    ern the nature of failure (see, Parvin and Williams

    1975;Fraser and Ward 1977;Nisitani and Hyakutake

    1985)a fact that two dimensional simulations are not

    equipped to capture. Experiments typically show that

    thick samples of PC fail by crazing which starts at thecenterof thespecimen. Thin specimensundergo ductile

    tear, through a lip-like thin zone that propagates ahead

    ofthe tip.Onthe other hand,sharpnotches tend tocause

    brittle and blunt notches ductile failure. As shown by

    Nisitani and Hyakutake(1985), the shape of the plastic

    zone ahead of the tip also changes considerably with

    notch radius.

    The purpose of the present paper is to see if existing

    constitutive models of PC are capable of qualitatively

    and quantitatively predicting the effects of thickness

    and notch radius on the fracture toughness of PC. To

    this endweperform finitedeformationbasedfully three

    dimensional FE simulations using a constitutive model

    due toWu and Van der Giessen(1993) which has been

    calibrated against careful uniaxial tensile tests reported

    elsewhere (Kattekola et al. 2012). All the simulations

    reported herein are performed on single edge notched

    plate (SEN) specimens with varying thickness 2Band

    notch radius , as shown in Fig.2.

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    Three dimensional finite element investigations 3

    Fig. 2 Single edge notch plate specimen

    In thefollowing, tensors aredenoted by bold capitals

    while bold lower case denotes vectors. Scalar product

    of two tensors are denoted as A: Bwhile the dyadic

    product is denoted by A B and( )denotes the devi-atoric part of a tensor.

    2 Modelling details

    2.1 Constitutive model

    When crazing does not take place or is suppressed, as

    in compression or shear tests, amorphouspolymers like

    PC can undergo quite large strains (up to about 100%).

    Their response shows softeninguponyielding followed

    by progressivehardeningas thedeformation continues.

    In a numerical investigation of inelastic deformation

    and localization in PC,Lu and Ravi-Chandar(1999)

    pointed out that macroscopic softening of thespecimen

    does not necessarily imply that softening is an intrinsic

    property of the material. However, in an analysis of

    the stress and strain fields around the tip of a blunted

    crack under mode I,Lai and Van der Giessen(1997)

    showed that intrinsic softening is necessary to capture

    the localized strain fields observed experimentally as

    inIshikawa et al.(1977). Also, it is important to note

    that softening is seen in uniaxial compression tests.We start out with the constitutive description of

    amorphous polymers at large plastic strains for tem-

    peratures below the glass transition Tg . The constitu-

    tive model is based on the formulation ofBoyce et al.

    (1988) but we use a modified version introduced by

    Wu and Van der Giessen(1993). Details of the gov-

    erning equations and the computational aspects can be

    found inWu and Van der Giessen(1996). The reader is

    also referred to the review byVan der Giessen(1997)

    together with a presentation of the thermomechanical

    framework inBasu and Van der Giessen(2002).Theconstitutive model makes useof thedecomposi-

    tion of therate of deformationD into anelastic (De) and

    a plastic part (Dp) asD = De+Dp. Prior to yielding, noplasticity takes place and Dp= 0. In this regime, mostamorphous polymers exhibit visco-elastic effects but

    these are neglected here since we are primarily inter-

    ested in the effect of the bulk plasticity. Assuming the

    elastic strains to remain small, the constitutive model

    takes the form,=


    e, (1)where

    is the Jaumann rate of the Cauchy stress given

    in terms of the spin tensor Was

    =W+ W, (2)andLethe usual fourth-order isotropic elastic modulus

    tensor given by

    Le= I2 I2 + I4. (3)Here,and are Lames constants while I2and I4are

    the symmetric second order and fourth order identity

    tensors. Assuming that the yield response is isotropic,

    the isochoric visco-plastic strain rate


    , with=


    :, (4)is specified in terms of the equivalent shear strain rate

    p=Dp: Dp, the driving stress= b and the

    related equivalent shear stress . The back stress tensor

    bdescribes the progressive hardening of the material

    as the strain increases and will be defined later. The

    equivalent shear strain rate pis taken from Argons(1973) expression

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    4 B. Kattekola et al.

    p = 0expAs0




    5/6 forT< Tg,


    where 0 and A are material parameters and T theabsolute temperature [note that plastic flow is inher-

    entlytemperature dependent through (5)]. InEq. (5) theshear strengths0is related to elastic molecular proper-

    ties in Argons original formulation but is considered

    here as a separate material parameter. Further in order

    to account for the effect of strain softening and for the

    pressure dependence of the plastic strain rate,s0in (5)

    is replaced bys +p, whereis a pressure sensitivitycoefficient and p= 1

    3tr . The shear strength sis

    taken to evolve from the initial values0with the plastic

    strain rate through

    s= h(1 s/sss)p, (6)so as to incorporate strain softening in a simple way.

    Here, h controls the rate of softening while sss repre-

    sents the final, steady state value ofs .

    Completion of the constitutive model requires the

    description of the progressive hardening of amorphous

    polymers upon yielding due to deformation-induced

    stretch of the molecular chains. This effect is incorpo-

    rated through theback stressb in thedriving shearstress

    in Eq.(4). Its description is based on the analogy

    with the stretching of the cross-linked network in rub-

    ber elasticity, but with the cross-links in rubber being

    replaced with the physical entanglements in an amor-

    phous glassy polymer (Boyce et al. 1988). The defor-

    mation of the resulting network is assumed to derive

    from the accumulated plastic stretch (Wu and Van der

    Giessen1993) so that the principal back stress compo-

    nentsbare functions of the principal plastic stretches


    b =

    b(ep ep) , b= b(), (7)

    in which epare the principal directions of the plastic

    stretch. In a description of the fully three-dimensional

    orientation distribution of non-Gaussian molecular

    chains in a network,Wu and Van der Giessen(1993)

    showed that b can be estimated accurately with the fol-

    lowing combination of the classical three-chain model

    and the eight-chain description (Arruda and Boyce


    b= (1 )b3ch + b8ch , (8)

    where the fraction= 0.85/

    Nisbased onthe max-

    imum plastic stretch= max(1, 2, 3)and on N,the number of segments between entanglements. The

    use of Langevin statistics for calculating bimplies a

    limit stretch of

    N. The expressions for the principal

    components ofb3ch and b8ch contain a second mate-

    rial parameter: the initial shear modulus CR= nkBT,in whichnis the volume density of entanglements (kBis the Boltzmann constant).

    For the 3-chain network model the principal back

    stretches in terms of the accumulated plastic stretches

    () are given by the expression (Boyce et al. 1988):

    b3ch =1





    . (9)

    For the 8-chain network model the principal back

    stretches in terms of the accumulated plastic stretches

    () are given by the expression(Arruda and Boyce1993):

    b8ch =1







    , (10)





    2 . (11)

    The model parameters have been carefully fitted

    using results from standard uniaxial tension experi-

    ments on commercially available PC. These results

    are discussed elsewhere (Kattekola et al. 2012) but,

    the parameters used in the simulations are summa-

    rized in Table1. Here, for PC, s0 = 77.5 MPa and0= 8.7 1026 s1 have been used at T= 293 K.

    2.2 Numerical model

    The rate tangent formulation of the above constitutive

    model closely follows the procedure outlined inPeirce

    et al.(1984). Details of the formulation are available in

    Wu and Van der Giessen(1993). The forward gradientexpression for the plastic strain rate is a linear interpo-

    lation between its values at times tand t+ tand isgiven by,

    Table 1 Material properties for PC

    E/s0 sss/s0 As0/T h/s0 N CR/s0

    27 0.38 0.82 125 5.80 0.08 3 0.20

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    Three dimensional finite element investigations 5

    p= (1 )p (t) + p (t+t), (12)where 0 1. Further, using a Taylors seriesexpansion forp(t+t), we obtain,

    p = p(t) + tp

    . (13)

    Following Wu andVanderGiessen(1996)therateformof the constitutive equation for the back stress tensor

    can be expressed as,

    b= R : D. (14)Using the above, the Jaumann rate of the Cauchy stress

    tensor is finally expressed as

    = L : D+ , (15)

    where the tangent modulus L is defined as

    L = Le M M. (16)Further, the vectorcan be expressed as

    = p1 + M, (17)


    M= 2G2

    . (18)




    g(1 + ) , and (19)and gare given as

    g= 12

    2G + 1

    2: R:

    , and,

    = gtp


    The rate dependent incremental constitutive model

    hasbeen implemented inABAQUS v6.9 using a UMAT

    routine. Eight noded brick elements were used in all

    the analyses reported. The J integral (Rice 1968) is

    calculated using a domain integral representation suit-

    able for FE computations due to Nakamura et al.

    (Shih et al. 1986).

    2.3 Boundary conditions

    All the simulations reported herein are performed on

    SEN specimens (see Fig. 2)of width W, height 2L

    and thickness 2B. The circular notch with center at the

    origin has a radius of. The crack length a is cho-

    sen such that a/W=0.52. In the analyses reported,L=29 and W= 25 mm are kept fixed while 2Bandare varied.

    Using symmetry along the length and the thickness

    of the specimen, only one-fourth (X2

    0 andX3


    of the specimen is analysed and symmetry boundaryconditions are applied as:

    u2(X1 >a, 0,X3) = 0 (20)and

    u3(X1,X2, 0) = 0. (21)The top surface of the specimen is pulled at a constant

    velocity so that

    u2(X1,L ,X3) = 0(t), (22)where

    0(t) =0t. (23)Intheabove, tis the timeanda fixedvalue of1 mm/min

    is used for0in all the runs.Further, the following boundary condition is applied to

    constrain the rigid body motion:

    u1(25, 0,X3) = 0. (24)For a load controlled specimen, the applied load P

    on a SEN specimen can be related to the stress intensity

    factor KIthrough a geometric factor f(a/W)as

    KI= P2BW

    a f aW

    . (25)

    For a displacement controlled situation, the appliedKIcan be related to the displacement using a simple

    scheme that involves the crack length dependent com-

    plianceC(a)of the sample. An estimate of the applied

    stress intensity factor KIis thus obtained as




    a. (26)

    The method of computation of compliance C(a)of a

    SEN specimen is given in the Appendix. Note that

    the value of KIobtained from Eq. (26) gives a refer-ence value that we use to normalize certain quantities.

    This may be thought of as the far field KIexperienced

    by the sample under plane stress small scale yielding


    Typically about 1015 brick elements were used

    across the thickness. The crack circumference was

    divided into elements whose sides were approximately

    /10 in the X1 X2plane. The total number of ele-ments used ranged from about 20,000 to 100,000.

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    Three dimensional finite element investigations 7

    Fig. 3 Contours of normalized accumulated plastic strain in

    specimens with = 200m and thickness, 2B =(a) 1, (b)4, (c) 10mm and the (d) plane strain scenario. In ac, theupper

    half shows the plastic zone at center(X3/B= 0) and thelowerhalf at (X3/B= 1) the surface of the specimen

    contours for a 2D plane strain case is also shown for

    comparison (Fig.3(d)).

    The contours of mean stress m shown in

    Fig.4(a)(c) for the same cases as in Fig. 3 further

    underlines the importance of thickness. For all the

    cases, the regions of highest mean stress are located

    in the interior. Evidently, the surface of the specimenhas lower mean stress values due to plane stress condi-

    tions on the surface. However, for the thinest sample,

    the levels ofmon the surface and in the interior are

    very close. In the thickest specimen on the other hand,

    the mean stress on the surface is considerably lower. In

    the interior of the thickest specimen, a region of high

    mdevelops ahead of the crack tip. This is the region

    where the void nucleation criterion is likely to be sat-

    isfied. For thinner specimens such a region is not seen

    ahead of the notch even in the interior of the speci-

    men.Shape and size of the plastic zone also varies with

    the notch radius. This is shown in Fig.5(a), (b) where

    contours of normalizedphave been plotted for thick

    specimens (2B = 10 mm) with notch tip radius, = 50 and 500m. The contours have been plot-ted in the interior of the specimen (X3/B = 0) atan instant when one of the failure criteria was met.

    Clearly, at the instant of failure, the size of the plas-

    tic zone is the smallest for the specimen with the

    sharpest notch. The plastic zone size as well as the

    intensity of the maximum accumulated plastic strainp at failure increases with notch radius. In sum-

    mary, Figs.3,4and5demonstrate how thickness and

    notch radius affect the nature of the plastic zone ahead

    of a notch in PC. Firstly, thin samples tend to have

    banded plastic zones running parallel to the line of

    symmetry almost throughout their thickness. As thick-

    ness increases, the bands on the surface become wider

    and the plastic zone in the interior turns away from

    the line of symmetry. With further increase in thick-

    ness, the plastic zone both at surface and the interior

    ceases to be banded and grows mainly in the X2direc-tion.

    At a constant thickness, very sharp notches give

    rise to small plastic zones. The extent to which they

    are banded depends on the thickness. With increase in

    notch radius, the plastic zones get larger. Thus, for both

    small values ofand large values ofB , the plastic zone

    tends to be smaller compared to the cases with larger

    and smaller B.

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    8 B. Kattekola et al.

    Fig. 4 Contours of m in specimens with

    = 200m and

    thickness, 2B= (a) 1, (b) 4 and (c) 10 mm. In each figure, theupperhalf shows the plastic zone at center(X3/B= 0) and thelowerhalf at (X3/B= 1) the surface of the specimen

    3.2 Variations of the Jintegral and stresses through

    the thickness

    The value of the J integral at X3/B = 0 has beenplotted against the applied load KIin Fig.6. We have

    Fig. 5 Contours of accumulated plastic strainat failure forspec-

    imens with 2B= 10 mm and notch radius =(a) 50 and (b)500m

    chosen = 200m for these plots while 2B= 1,4 and 10 mm have been used. These correspond to

    2B/ = 5, 20 and 50 respectively. The circles onthe plot indicate the values of Jcat which one of the

    competing failure criterion is met. Clearly, the value

    of J(X3/B = 0) increases monotonically with theapplied load KIas expected. The thickest specimen

    (2B= 10 mm or 2B/= 50) fails in brittle mannerwith the lowest value ofJc

    =5.46 N/mm compared to

    the other two specimens which fail in ductile fashionsatisfying the ductile tearing criterion.

    As indicatedin theprevious section, thickspecimens

    with sharp notches seem to develop plastic zones sim-

    ilar to thinner specimens with even sharper notches. In

    fact, the ratio 2B/seems to be a good indicator of the

    failure modes in PC. For large 2B/, the failure mode

    is brittle irrespective of the sample thickness. Simi-

    larly, for smaller values of 2B/, the failure mode is


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    10 B. Kattekola et al.

    0 0.5 1 1.5 20







    X3/B = 0


    X3/B = 1

    0 0.5 1 1.5 20







    X3/B = 0X3/B = 0.4

    = 0.4

    X3/B = 1

    0 0.5 1 1.5 20








    X3/B = 0X3/B = 0 .4X3/B = 1




    Fig. 8 Variation ofmwith X1for (a) 2B= 1mm and =250m (b) 2B=1 mm and=50 m and (c) 2B=10mmand= 200mtriaxiality levels are low and the ductile tearing crite-

    rion will need to be satisfied in order that fracture may


    0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0










    0 2 4 6 8 10






    2B (mm)




    Fig. 9 Variation of Jintegral with (a) at constant thickness

    2B= 10mm and (b) thickness at constant= 200m

    3.3 Ductile-brittle transitions with thickness

    and notch radius

    In this section, we quantitatively summarize the find-

    ings from this investigation. In Fig.9(a), and (b), we

    have plotted the values of Jcwhich is the value of the

    Jintegral at the point where either the void nucleation

    or the ductile tearing criterion was met. In Fig9(a), thethickness has beenkeptconstantat10mm andvaried,

    while in Fig.9(b), the notch radius was 200m.

    With notch radius, a gradual transition from brittle

    behavior characterized by very low values ofJcto duc-

    tile tearing is seen. It should be noted that whenever the

    voidnucleationcriterionis satisfied, initiationof failure

    is likely to happen at the center of the specimen. On the

    contrary, whenever ductile tearing happens, the mean

    stress across the thickness is relatively constant. At the

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    Three dimensional finite element investigations 11

    0 4 8 12




    2B (mm)




    Fig. 10 Mode of failure map on the 2Bplane. Thedashedlineapproximately divides the plane into brittle () and ductile() parts

    thickness shown, the critical value ofat which the

    brittle-ductile transition happens is between 400 and

    500m which is commensurate with the experimental

    trends inNisitani and Hyakutake(1985).

    On the other hand, a much sharper ductile to brit-

    tle transition occurs with the sample thickness. For

    = 200m, samples with thickness below about3mm exhibit ductile failure.A failuremapforcommer-

    cial PC can be constructed on the 2B plane indicat-ingthe failuremode fora given thicknessnotchradius

    combination. Using the failure criteria adopted in this

    work, such a map has been shown in Fig.10.Combi-

    nations that fail in brittle manner have been denoted

    by , while ductile ones are denoted by . Theline 2B/ 25.5 approximately separates the duc-tile region from the brittle one.

    4 Conclusions

    We have conducted extensive three dimensional FE

    simulations on displacement controlled SEN samples

    of PC with a range of thicknesses and notch radii with

    a view to understand the ductile to brittle transitions

    that are commonly seen in fracture experiments on

    this material. A well calibrated constitutive model is

    used within the framework of large deformation elasto-

    viscoplaticity. Simple but representative criterion for

    failure initiation are devised assuming that the brittle

    behavior is associated with crazing, which in turn is

    facilitatedby high triaxiality. On theother hand, ductile

    failure takes over in low triaxiality geometries where

    crazeinitiation is suppressed andlarge opening stresses

    are required to cause tearing. Note that we are looking

    at the initiation toughness of the specimen and steady

    state crack growth may require higher loads.

    We have analyzed the changes in plastic zone and

    mean stress distributions that occur with changes ineither thickness or notch radius. Suitable combination

    of these two geometric parameters can cause the triax-

    iality levels all over the thickness of the specimen to

    drop leading to suppression of void nucleation.

    Our simulations are able to showthat with thickness

    a ductile- brittle transition occurs in PC. Similarly, a

    ductile-brittle transition occurs with notch radius. For

    a given thickness, the critical notch radius at which

    the transition happens depends on the thickness of the

    specimen. A critical value of the ratio of the thickness

    to the notch radius of about 25.5 seems to separate thebrittle zone from the ductile in a failure map.

    Appendix: Determination ofK for a displacement

    controlled SEN specimen

    Consider that C(a)is the compliance of a specimen

    with a crack of lengtha, and a displacementhas been

    applied to it in a manner shown in Fig.2. The force P

    is related to the displacement by

    = C(a)P, (28)and the total strain energy stored is

    U= 12

    P= 12


    C(a). (29)

    Theenergy release rateG is related to the rateof change

    of the strain energy per unit crack area and thus

    G= 12B


    a, (30)

    which, in terms of the compliance becomes (using


    G= 14B


    a. (31)

    Further, since we want to use the value of KI as a

    reference, we choose

    G= K2


    E, (32)

    which gives the plane stress (small thickness) approx-

    imation to KI.

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    12 B. Kattekola et al.

    Textbooks of fracture mechanics (see, eg.Kumar

    2009) routinely give Mode I stress intensity factors for

    standard specimens like the SEN, in terms ofP . For a

    SEN specimen in particular, the relation reads:



    a f


    W , (33)where the function f(x) = 1.12 0.23x+ 10.55x2 21.72x3 + 30.39x4. Comparing Eqs.33and31givesC

    a= a

    BW2 f2 a


    , (34)

    which, on integration, gives

    C(a) C(0) = aBW


    f2(x)d x. (35)

    Further, note thatC(0), the compliance when there is

    no crack, is given by

    C(0) = L2BWE

    . (36)

    KnowingC(a), G and henceKIcan be obtained from



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