effect of replacement of fish meal with processed … j. fuh., 60(4j 509-518, oct..dw., 2003 effect...

indron J. Fuh., 60(4J 509-518, Oct..Dw.,2003 Effect of replacement of fish meal with processed soybean on growth, digestibility and nutrient retention in Mugil cephalus (Linn.) fry ALOK KALLA, S.KGARG, C P. KAUSHIK*, A.R.T.ARASU** AND G.S. DWODIA Deportment of Zoology ond Aquneultum, Laboratory ofAquoculfurr Manogemant, CCS Hoya~ Agncvituml Unmris~ry. HLBW - 125 004, indm .Departmen1 ofEnutmnmrna1 Science and En@nernw, Gum Jvmbheshwor Lfnr. uereity, Hlsor-125001, Hnryom, Indm ABSTRACT Mud ceohdua iv were mamtamed ~n dssa aauana flllsd w t h tnland dlne plounlaa:sr 15 p3l cc !ad on on+ of rho u-r. ! : ~.>-t!r?denous dau rnem molecla 16 4C dg-l 'a 16 8, r JR : fo-m-am u-m md rr'r~u: aup D.omsaens mcm. ~r.n.x a;! am oc .':a W F.sn nsa ala -raacsd nth qu.1 propaon of hydrothem~~slly proesliasd full far aoybean fGlynna mu1 ofour inclusion lavsla l?6.60,75 and 100 g4-l uf&st) G~owh prform. ance was walultsd by fading the fiah once only @ 6% BW d.1 msmtainad usdm laboralom eondihona 1LD 12 12 at 20'CI for 70 dava Stvdlss havs re. ~e~ea:-at,~owtn.pr 3,tgo n - n* u.#ght, rprthr nowb ram SCH 'I c. 1 . appa-eat prvula a~psuo..l'v .4"M pnmln nlw m-\ -a:.< PER pnaa lrnvln -arsnno? CPR and r r e sncm rawnuon GER mmaps*l u::h m. wth the Gah M on contiol &el cantairvng Gah meal a8 the pram" loma C-8 of such Gsh also had hsh conmnm of protam, far and snsm viule b e dmourursanduheaomlrsrewedl~untly fP<O O61lov hncana mulopla nwe tast have revealed bertar growU prfampncs in the fry fed on. &eta (6.101 @u~rrlammted wth MPA. thu~ fni fed on &el 9 had almtfiunUv P I O 15 ustpsrfurmucm .rrmao'~nt. Wt.hlr:vane cucltn~rolon coc nzecn.a '1.5n-4 ax". roo and .c.rtn.r ,r.r.r.pruu o.POI pt,c.c?l,z 6-snsa nm sach tnouc .n me :nc umoc wa a ,i orlieosoa no, mar. rr 'h &eu d~psw anopatlvs earrela~on wthgrowth and Lgatlb~llty and paaibvc carnlauon nth FCR Thesr atu&a~ thup mdicnfr that Tuh med can be re. p1.c.d by soy pmtaln mthout urmpmmunog aaight gun or feed cUanmcy in thc fn ofMuSJ nphdw Introduction slured ln bh d t m Hawwer.the gual- Fish the Part Of iy of fiah meal available ln lnda is ;en- btary roDln feed formulahow re. @rally pwr Adulferatlao and t-oblal lnfestaaon are ah varv mmmon Ma-

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Page 1: Effect of replacement of fish meal with processed … J. Fuh., 60(4J 509-518, Oct..Dw., 2003 Effect of replacement of fish meal with processed soybean on growth, digestibility and

indron J. Fuh., 60(4J 509-518, Oct..Dw., 2003

Effect of replacement of fish meal with processed soybean on growth, digestibility and nutrient retention in Mugil cephalus (Linn.) fry

ALOK KALLA, S.KGARG, C P. KAUSHIK*, A.R.T.ARASU** AND G.S. DWODIA Deportment of Zoology ond Aquneultum, Laboratory ofAquoculfurr Manogemant, CCS H o y a ~ Agncvituml Unmris~ry. HLBW - 125 004, indm .Departmen1 ofEnutmnmrna1 Science and En@nernw, Gum Jvmbheshwor Lfnr . uereity, Hlsor-125001, Hnryom, Indm

ABSTRACT Mud ceohdua iv were mamtamed ~n dssa aauana flllsd w t h tnland d l n e plounlaa:sr 15 p3l c c !ad on on+ of rho u-r. ! : ~.>-t!r?denous dau rnem molecla 16 4C d g - l 'a 16 8, r JR : fo-m-am u-m m d r r ' r ~ u : aup D.omsaens mcm. ~r.n.x a;! am oc .':a W F.sn nsa ala -raacsd n t h qu.1 propaon of hydrothem~~slly proesliasd full far aoybean fGlynna m u 1 ofour inclusion lavsla l?6.60,75 and 100 g 4 - l uf&st) G ~ o w h prform. ance was walultsd by fading the fiah once only @ 6% BW d.1 msmtainad usdm laboralom eondihona 1LD 12 12 at 20'CI for 70 dava Stvdlss havs re. ~e~ea:-at,~owtn.pr 3 , tgo n - n* u.#ght, rpr thr n o w b ram SCH 'I c. 1 . appa-eat prvula a~psuo.. l 'v .4"M pnmln nlw m-\ -a:.< PER p n a a lrnvln -arsnno? CPR and r r e sncm rawnuon GER mmaps*l u::h m.

w t h the Gah M on contiol & e l cantairvng Gah meal a8 the pram" l o m a C-8 of such Gsh also had hsh conmnm of protam, far and snsm viule b e dmourursanduheaomlrsrewedl~untly fP<O O61lov h n c a n a mulopla nwe tast have revealed bertar growU prfampncs in the fry fed on. &eta (6.101 @u~rrlammted wth MPA. t h u ~ fni fed on &el 9 had almtfiunUv PIO 15 ustpsr furmucm . r r m a o ' ~ n t . W t . h l r : v a n e cucltn~rolon

coc nzecn.a '1.5n-4 ax". roo and .c.rtn.r ,r.r.r.pruu o.POI pt,c.c?l,z 6-snsa n m sach t n o u c .n me :nc umoc wa a ,i orlieosoa no, mar. r r 'h &eu d ~ p s w anopatlvs earrela~on wthgrowth and L g a t l b ~ l l t y and paaibvc carnlauon nth FCR Thesr atu&a~ thup mdicnfr that Tuh med can be re. p1.c.d by soy pmtaln mthout urmpmmunog aaight gun or feed cUanmcy in thc fn ofMuSJ nphdw

Introduction slured ln b h d t m Hawwer.the gual-

Fish the Part Of iy of fiah meal available ln lnda is ;en-

btary roDln feed formulahow re. @rally pwr Adulferatlao and t-oblal lnfestaaon are a h varv mmmon Ma-

Page 2: Effect of replacement of fish meal with processed … J. Fuh., 60(4J 509-518, Oct..Dw., 2003 Effect of replacement of fish meal with processed soybean on growth, digestibility and

Alok Kililo at al. 510

ver fiah meal w n t u a very bgh per m the holdmg water were e x w e d m eentage of phoephorus Thus keepmg m MvgJ cephnlur h y m m t a ~ n e d t n d a d vlew afthe pmr qualtty, nonD.~vdabrLty aa lne pmundwater a t 16 ppt m the ~ n m o r p ~ s and b@ phoaphc- rus contenu, r e h on l e aubstltu- M.bri*smd

Wan of h h meal m the beta of vmoud &primenfa1 dLt. fish spenes have a h m n that tt a possi- ble to p & d y or m n fully n p l s m b h meal by plant pmtein sourcaa aucb aa saybean, rapeased meal, corn gluten meal. l u p nauretc. (Bmth et d., 2001)

Stubea have a h revealed that the use of plant protan m fiah feed oat only reduces the mst offeed formuiahon but also rsduces the postpranhal s x d o a of total ammoola and readlve phosphate m the holdug water (Xlm et 01, 1995 Vlelma et d, 20001 A drawback hoxwer m the use of piant o n p pmtelna u the pteaence ofendwenoun antmubent fat. tom and tonc aubstancas whch mtatfen wlth appetite. fwd abaarpnon sffmeny and alao metabol~w The devalnnrnant ~- . -~ ---r----

of pmceming -~~hno:oglee for the removal of AVT8 have f a d r a m thew rnmw uscat pmua U)me m the 6.83 f e d C q s d . 2002 and hngh n a1 2003 j . o e .osbepn la mns,dersd ta k dcfinsn: m 4 r n e aa lt Am- bound ro malllard compouod~ Dabrowaa~. 1983 . :r la l e a avu:ao.c to fish l h m . fore. lo the present r u d ) along vntk the incumonofpmeeased lovbeac.deu were also supplamacred vorL I me& prsrrm m d armno *ads !@A m d me- sSm on poarth prfumancc m M nphd~u

Erwtorjrate oftDtal a m m m a n d teaetlvc phosphate pradue(ron are mn a d s r r d ~ r n r a t m ~ t ~ ~ m p m t s n a m 5 # h f m m g a n d ~ ~ m ~ ~ mp much attentlo. m the recent p a r s (Rceenthd rt d 19931 Therebn, m the p m n t atudy &a of bet , on h d pat tern of u m r y larell of ktd Im. nonu m d draacbve phasphnta pmdubron

h reiamncs L m aw pmpamd ub mgfdshmd mthedpmtansoum. proundnur o d d e m d nce b r a Ra. esaed hrl: fa: sacbsnc w u ,ued ~s fish meal rep.accr and pnor w ~nwrporazon tt urn suqened w hydwtbermal treat, men1 at 15 I b at 12:T for 15 rmnutm for the rernori of antmuvlenr faran Carg r t o l 2002 Tan 1.10

tsanltrogsnoua dbaw were fornulared sy :cp:sclng fish meal a t t h proceased uybaan at four lorlusron levels 25.50 :5 and :OC g i g : o f b e t imm the &r. en- Leu w t h and mthour the u e of mard premu s r d armno sods 'B 1% To each ci thc formulared hat. ik 4.1 ckom.r onde w external dspsnbhty marker and 531 b 1 of wheat flow as a b~oder we- added L)laary and prnnmate nrmpoeihon ofthe formu. latad dmta are pvsn in Table 1.


The expanmerit was maductad in transparant glaaa aqu~na (60030030em) w t h aeration iicilitiaa. Eacb aquarium mamned 30 L cbiorine bee ~nlpnd aa. h a (16 pptl pound water kept m the hbntary when the tampaatwe was maintamed s t 20 0 + 1 F and a Wtmp rchedule af LD 1a:12.

M epholva 6y were o b t a w d h Central Ins t i tu te of Brachohwatsr Aquaculture ICIBAI. C h a n n u md admatad to the labaatory m n d i h b ~ s for a minimum pancd of I d a p and fed d d y dlibi~onaformulateddretmn. tdining5#hmaaluthepmtsi.lom (bet 1) hem OBoo and fmm h.

Fiah k v (mean w@t O.hl&,OlgI

Page 3: Effect of replacement of fish meal with processed … J. Fuh., 60(4J 509-518, Oct..Dw., 2003 Effect of replacement of fish meal with processed soybean on growth, digestibility and

Rcphnmnt of f i sh mroi with aoykan 511

Tmu 1 Ingndicnl and pmumotc romponMn I% dv we& bboara) ofcrpeii mental dMa (1.10)


wmudi.nt cm&mt& hh W P a u Q i i d

were raodody diaributed O 10 fq p r a q w m with the repheatas for eaeh treatment. All group of fish were fed duly only once between O8m and Wm h . . t t h e ~ f ~ m t e d S % B W d - l fm the whale sxpenmental duration d 70 days on di&rrnt &eta depnding upon tha hsatmsnt Fish were bulk weighed werylahdaymndf~ramndjwted ~ a ~ d i @ y . In mder to maintain a a t a r qorlity, water in the aquaria w u replen d e d d u l y arth the watar whch had k n pmrioualy oquilibirakd to tha d b sirsd tamprat- l200C).

Fish fry r e r e f ed nth r e s ~ ~ e d J ~ as snd t h r n h . the UeaM fsed .)a. uphoned out m d Rorsd aepusuly fm cdeuloMg the f e d convanton ratno

(FCR). Fasral matter waa eollffted by p t p e l t ~ n g followinp t h e method of Spyndaku rt oi. (1989) every m m g The poled faecal aamples were dned m m oven maintained a t W C for subse- guentanalysaa. lndividud wa&t dthe fiahfqwuremrdadatthebe&md at the end of the axpnmsnt .

AdHLd lcehniqul,

The feed m p d i a n t a , axparmental dieta.lecaiamplwand fiah ~ ( I ~ . hdand6nal)wmanalysedfoUmgtho p & m d AOAC (19961. Chmmic ex. idebvalmdtst .uwsUumthcfasal samplw mere ut lmatsd apsnrophow mstnrnl ly followtog t h e method o! Fumh~aandTavknaral lBBB..

Page 4: Effect of replacement of fish meal with processed … J. Fuh., 60(4J 509-518, Oct..Dw., 2003 Effect of replacement of fish meal with processed soybean on growth, digestibility and

Lve weight gam (61, p w t h percent gun. a p e d e growth rate (5 d-li, fasd mnveralon ratiolFCR), pmtsin efficiency ratio (PER), grosa protein retention (GPRI and graaa energy retenOon (GERI were calNiated vnng standard meth& (SteKena, 19891 A p p m n t nutnent di. gestibihty ofthe he* war d d a t e d ac- m r d u g t o Cho el d (1982) ar foUows

6 C R 0 3 i n ~ t % a u ~ l r n ~ AD= lmlw x --1-1

s C403 m f-5 aumml .h

The e n s w mnteots ofthe &eta and fish we= calculated vaing the average caloric convsrslon faetora of 0.3954. 0.1715and02364 W n - l f o r h p ~ d , w b c - hydrate and prot i in raspsetlvely (Henken d d.,1986)

At the end of feeding nials. water aamples from each aquanum were col- lsctad at taro hourly interval far the em. matxan of excretory level@ of total ammo. ma (N.NHI+I and mamve phsophate (o. PC41 following APHA (1998) and calm- Iated as follows

N.NH4 1.11 m wakr T d d Iqk-lbrd.1) Puh b m e s Rpi

pr L iara

ANOVA followed by Dunean's mul- hple range test (Duncan. 1965) war ap pLed to h d out the m ~ c m t ditrer. en- betarean M e r e n t w m e n u Cor- relahon cc&nsnt was d s t e m e d bb tween di%erent vmables

R e d t s

The p m n m a u amporinon of the h e w rsveied b a r oude pmwln ran@ beraeeo 33 :034 80%. m d e far 805-

9:5t .c lude5brrm 359004.arh LOCI. :? 35% pharpharuo 0 73-0 3 3 t aqc ec- era. 1643.16 94 K J e l Table 1

Ornu16 and nulrirnl nlcnIion

Irrespeetwe of the dletary treat. menu, m o d t y dunng the expenmen. tal p n o d remmned low m all the treat- men* Growth, per cant gain In body weight and SGR 1%) maeased w t h each i n c r e w m the mcluiao leveis of p r a . essed soybean upto 75 g kg.1 of diet in companion w t h the fiah fed on diet con. tamlag f i ~ h meal aa the mqor pmteln mume (Table 2).

Studies have revealed that FCR 12 18-1 BliandAPD173 0577 W)values

aupplementingthe diet. m t h MPA. Slg. niticmtly (P<O 05) hgha* values thus were o k e d m ~ fed on bar 9 mn-

-5g of s o j a m 4 . 1 ~f dc and supplemen'sd w t h M P 1 S t d a r cKen of 6 s h e a l replacement with pmesraed soybeanwen dm observed on PER GPR and GER

Pmzimate camau co-ition

Rotem, fat, energy and phoapharua mnbnte mcraaaad, w U e those of m a i s t w e and l a h decreased ul th each in- - m rhc ;ncuaon lev& ~ I p d a o y m upw - 5 g 4 - 1 of d i c Table 3 S,mLieandy P d O 5 hghcslpmutn fat and energy l s w h rere acsn m fish fad on h e t 9 ur m m p m n anth 6sh fed on h o t 1 mntPmmg fish meal ar the major pmtem ~ l V C B

T h e h l y ammmua(N N H l t l e m tton (Fig 1A) was also atgnlfieantly (PcO 05l&&d bythedistarymcluon levels of pmeaseed mybean i e l w e h d d l f m 1245 42to889 o(l m g b .

Page 5: Effect of replacement of fish meal with processed … J. Fuh., 60(4J 509-518, Oct..Dw., 2003 Effect of replacement of fish meal with processed soybean on growth, digestibility and

I b h c e m m t offish mrd ui th awbron 513

Page 6: Effect of replacement of fish meal with processed … J. Fuh., 60(4J 509-518, Oct..Dw., 2003 Effect of replacement of fish meal with processed soybean on growth, digestibility and
Page 7: Effect of replacement of fish meal with processed … J. Fuh., 60(4J 509-518, Oct..Dw., 2003 Effect of replacement of fish meal with processed soybean on growth, digestibility and

Replaeemcnt a fmh meal w ~ t h soybean

1 BW d.1) with each increase m the in- duaion lsvels of processed aoybean Peak values in total ammoma exeretion ae- nured 6 4 h &r the feed dirtributlon.

Like t o t a l ammoma. the leaclunc d p~ -

+PO4 vaa also o.gx8cantly arfmed b! the oecreerr ir. loeluston 1rve.s o i filh aed .n the d ~ e u 384 X1 a d 58' 58 mg kp: BE d-: and : h s 11pl6cantlv law- sst values were observed m 6y fed an diet 9 and 10 (677.55-587.68 mg hg-l BW d- I1 The concentration of soluble P in the aquluia were high 4h paat.f=ding (Fig

. r .- a m - .a- * m- -urm-. =1zzs: =".'2z.mI


'-l"..-"....YI.Y - m u . .


Supplemennng the &ets wlth MPA further helped to reduce the po~tprand~al ereretan. levels oftotal ammoma 11306 2.

It u ewdent fmm the present studies that panial replacement of fish meal wae pas. shle wlth the mcorporatron of processed full fat soybean and dso on supplemen. tatmn of the dlew wlth MPA without mmprominng the growth performance. digestibhty andnutnent retention m M cepholua Attempt6 to replace fish meal p r o w at hghindusloo levels lwthand without ammo ands supplementstlon) with other iegume seed meals, part~cu- larly aoybeao in bet8 for vanam cult]. vated fvlh s y e s have met with vanable succeaa (van Weerd, 1996).

The importance of hydrotherm~c treatment in Lgestlbiirty of energy and crude protem of logbean has been dem. omtrsted and gwd prfaimance h s been abaewed In w m t fed on diets containlag soybean meal uptaB00gkg-l IPfeflerand Beckmann-Toussmt, 19911. Sadikuand Jeuncey (1998) have also observed that dlet containing autoclaved soybean did better than those &h fed on raw ~oybean flour and t h w the authors obtained a l p

nlficantly high values for mean final we&. SGR. FCR and ANPU Garg et a1 (2002) have also obtalned better growth performance lo C, mrlgolo fingerimp fed on autaeiaved mybean Viola rt 01 (1961. 19821 also succeeded

methiowe or iynne. Complete r e p i a o m m t offmhmeal by soybean protam mn. cantrate with the additran ofmethiolune

Page 8: Effect of replacement of fish meal with processed … J. Fuh., 60(4J 509-518, Oct..Dw., 2003 Effect of replacement of fish meal with processed soybean on growth, digestibility and

and morganrc phsophsts m the d ~ e t s of trout wae all0 demonstrated (Pfeffer and Hennchfre~se 1994, and Kaushlk et a1.,1995) Webster d 01. I19961 dl0 ob- tained mmplete replacement offish meal ulth aoybean in the diet af blue catfish suppiemsnted with methianine

SGR, FCR PER and APD ( + I v d - ues obmned m the pnaent studiea were mmiar to those reparted on&o mhrta ISaha and Ray, 1998i, wbie GPR and GER value# were aimilar to those r e portad m European senbass(Balleswzn e l d . 1998, Lanai rt d.,1989)

S t d m have dsa w e a l d t h a t w t h xnereaae in t h e loeluatoo ieveis o f aoybean, protein d~gesttbihty (73.00. 77 09) m o d which further improved m fish fed on dl& supplemented wth MPA lnmaae in APD ( % I on rncmaae m the m y b a n matents of beta may be at. h b u t e d w the insetlvatlan af AiWa ss- p a a l l y the tripein i n h ( b ~ t a r ( G q e t 0 1 , 2002)

Wlth the mmrparatlan of pmeeased fuli fat soybean m the diets, nude pro- @In, fat and the enargyvalues mcred. whils those of moisture and ash de. creaaed These results appear to be m ageemeatto thosealRay andDss(1892) on L a b w mhaw and Shearer (19941 on trout

Fahss exmete nitrogen manly aa . m m o r u s . w b c h l e f ~ ~ ~ ~ d tobem0ueneed by the d i e m pmtsln quality and q w - tity (KauahiL and Cowey, 1991) Peak v ~ l u a l in total a m m o n u ercret loo occund 6-8 h aRa fseding rrhersap, the mnrrntmhon oiaalubls Pln the aquaria

water was high &r four h o r n o f f e e - mg.

The ucnrary levels of N-NH4 m d +PO4 pmdunion ware f o u d to bo a. ilifieantly (PcO.05) and nega~mly m- lated with gmwtb pwfmmance I r ; -0 78,

4 67) and APD fr- .O 94. -0 87). while signifieant(P<0.05) and pasttlve eorrda- tlon was observed w t h FCR vslusa I d 80,0.78i With the use of prrxessd mybean I" the diets a redvnxon m the excretory levela of total -onla (N- NH4) and o.PO4 lwela were observed. The excretory levels reduced an supple- menting the diets x l th WA. The use of plant pmteln ae s means to reduce total ammoma and phosphorus content m the afnusnt water haa slrasdy been lug- geeied by-y worbers(Lall,1991. Kun rt d . 1995).


Theressarehworkwaaaupparted In part fmm the a t e pmjecfs on 6shenes


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Fishery and biology of Paphia malabarica from Dharmadom estuary, north Kerala

SUJITHA THOMAS, P. LAXMILATHA, M.NASSER*, V.G. SURENDRANATH, N.P. RAMACHANDRAN AND M.P. SIVADASAN Cdref RPreomh Centre of Cenhoi Morinr Piahems Research Inatuul . K m h M - 673 005, Indio 'Deportrent ofZmlogy, Llnrwnily of Colleut

ABSTRACT The ~hon, neck dam. Pophvr mninbmo form a wit oltbs brvalvs Aahcn of Dhvmadw ~ N W Aver- p n n d eatch duma the pnod 20W.2002 waa

Among the exploited molluscan re a o m of Indla, b~valves eonmbute the maprprtisnandsm~ngtham~d-sre the moat important aloog the easf and w a r n & In thb d a m m m m , P n p h ~ ~ mnlobonen r mdely diatn'buted and ia a n i m p m a t mmponent ofthe moUum.n fauns of many eatuanes and coaetal wa- ten of Inda (Nayar and Mnhadevan. 1974). Along the west maet P. maiobomo folmaamajrn6shelrrnMulky,G~purUI U d y a v m and Cwndapoor estuary m Kama* and AhW Cbttan and Aahtamudi eatuariea of Kerala . (Naranmham. 19911

D h a d o m estuary(76'2b'N and l l ' 4 6 s l &nd. up e nppmnmately 8ir kilometera to t h e interior from the b a m u t h and m p p r t a gmd clam 6sh- ery. Major b~valve ruovrces m tbs estu- ary a r e e d ~ b l e oyster Craaso8trra

modrosonsu, clams M e n t r k irwtto and P mohboneo. Blwd dam Anadom ap i a alaa fished In mtnar quantlty P ma*6onen fa- only 8 subuiatence hh. cry In thln estuary

Invest~gat~ans have beenuuned out earher on v m o w a%- of this S * ~ S

along the lndlan coast Blnlogy of P molnbonea from Mulky eatvary wsa studled by Rao (1988) lpfestation of pacrab an P malobama and ~ t s affect os the condition index wm atuhed by KnahnaKumari mdRaa(l9741 Detailed atudy en the sobiology and fishery ofP. m a * 6 o n m f m m h h t a m d SBtvarYw%a atudted by AppuLuttan rt 01.. (1999).

study -dc understand the hol~eaieharacterisdcaofPP ma*6ema of Dharmadom estuary

Monthly anmples of the clam, vary. mg in length from 16.62 mm were cob