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德意志银行 2012 校园招聘大礼包






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德意志银行 2012 校园招聘简介:

德意志银行股份公司(Deutsche Bank) 是一家私人拥有的股份公司,其股份在德国所有

交易所进行买卖,并在巴黎、维也纳、 日内瓦、巴斯莱、阿姆斯特丹、伦敦、卢森堡、 安特

卫普和布鲁塞尔等地挂牌上市。1995 年底,拥有德意志银行股本的股东为 28.6 万,,来自社

会各个阶层。目前,德意志银行集团总人数 74000 人,为约 800 万顾客工作,包括世界各国的

个人、商业和政府机构客户、银行和公共机关。德意志银行拥有资产超过 9960 亿马克。

德意志银行 2011 校园招聘回顾:


择“Employment Type”及“Division”。主要面向对象为应届本科及研究生(如 MBA)等,


Global Associate Programs

If you have 2-5 year's work experience and are studying towards an MBA at a

Business School, you will be suited to our Global Associate Programs.

Global Analyst Programs

If you are studying towards your undergraduate or postgraduate degree, you will

be suited to our Global Analyst Programs.

Local Graduate Analyst Program

This is for local graduates who are currently studying or who have recently

graduated and who wish to pursue an immediate local job opportunity and add value


德意志银行 2012 年校园招聘的情况请同学们随时关注 大街网德意志银行 2012 校园招聘


此次大街网推出了德意志银行 2012 校园招聘大礼包供同学们备战。

此外,我们会随着 2012 年度各名企校园招聘项目的进度,适时地为同学们

提供德意志银行 2012 校园招聘第一时间上线通知、网申攻略图解、HR 官方答疑、


让我们·赢在 2012!

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德意志银行 2012 校园招聘大礼包——目录

一、 德意志银行简介 .............................................................................................................. 5

1.1 德意志银行概况 ........................................................................................................................................ 5

1.2 德意志银行历史 ........................................................................................................................................ 5

1.3 德意志银行主要业务 ................................................................................................................................. 6

1.4 德意志银行的组织架构 ............................................................................................................................. 6

1.5 德意志银行在中国的发展策略 ................................................................................................................. 6

1.6 德意志银行的文化和价值观 ..................................................................................................................... 7

1.7 德意志银行的竞争对手 ............................................................................................................................. 7

二、 德意志银行 2012 校园招聘项目介绍 .............................................................................. 9

2.1 德意志银行 2012 校园招聘介绍 ............................................................................................................... 9

2.2 德意志银行 2012 校园招聘流程 ............................................................................................................... 9

三、 德意志银行招聘常见问题解答 ...................................................................................... 11

3.1 德意志银 2012 年招聘FAQ ...................................................................................................................... 11

四、 德意志银行职业发展&薪酬待遇 .................................................................................... 16

4.1 德意志银行员工发展 ............................................................................................................................... 16

4.2 德意志银行薪酬待遇 ............................................................................................................................... 21

4.3 网上资料 .................................................................................................................................................. 22

五、 德意志银行校园招聘笔试经验 ...................................................................................... 24

5.1 Verbal全套真题,奉送~ 2010.10.14 ....................................................................................................... 24

5.2 收到德意志 2011 的在线笔试通知了,高兴一下 ................................................................................. 25

5.3 3 道德意志银行 2011 难题 ...................................................................................................................... 27

5.4 刚做online test后感 09.9.27 .................................................................................................................... 28

5.5 on line test经验 09.10.4 ........................................................................................................................... 29

5.6 刚刚完成online test09.10.17 ................................................................................................................... 29

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5.7 DEUTSCHE BANK 笔试不容易 09.10.8 .................................................................................................... 29

5.8 <经验教训>给要做 2010 校招online test的同学们一些忠告 ................................................................ 29

六、 德意志银行校园招聘面试经验 ...................................................................................... 31

6.1 8 月 31 号London电面: role in Risk methodology for credit correlation trading ................................. 31

6.2 UBS 9 月 2 号LONDON面经——2011 FICC Structurer - Graduate Analyst .............................................. 31

6.3 我的DB Operation 面经 ........................................................................................................................... 31

6.4 德意志银行伦敦tech offer 2011.1 ........................................................................................................... 32

6.5 德意志银行面试题库 ............................................................................................................................... 33

6.6 德意志银行面试经历 ............................................................................................................................... 34

6.7 Deutsche Bank interview .......................................................................................................................... 35

6.8 德意志银行GBD二面 ............................................................................................................................... 36

6.9 德意志银行GBD Final面 ........................................................................................................................... 36

6.10 DB Global Market 面经 ............................................................................................................................ 36

6.7 德意志银行GBD一面 ............................................................................................................................... 37

6.8 雷死人的德意志电面 ............................................................................................................................... 37

七、 德意志银行相关资料延伸阅读 ...................................................................................... 39

7.1 德意志银行Deutshce Bank 2011 校园招聘网申图解攻略 ..................................................................... 39

7.2 第一时间分享德意志银行 2010 网申流程说明(含Open Question) ................................................. 53

7.3 DB实习经历分享~~ .................................................................................................................................. 54

7.4 德意志银行的面试指南 ........................................................................................................................... 55

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一、 德意志银行简介

1.1 德意志银行概况

德意志银行是最大的银行和世界上最主要的金融机构之一,总部设在莱茵河畔的法兰克福。 它是一家私人

拥有的股份公司,其股份在德国所有交易所进行买卖,并在巴黎、维也纳、 日内瓦、巴斯莱、阿姆斯特丹、伦

敦、卢森堡、 安特卫普和布鲁塞尔等地挂牌上市。1995年底,拥有德意志银行股本的股东为28.6万,来自社





年来,德意志银行一直被穆迪评级公司、 标准普尔评级公司和IBCA评为为数极少的几家AAA级银行之一。

和其他德国金融机构一样, 德意志银行也受德国银行法的支配并服从在柏林的联邦金融管理局监管。作为

一家股份公司,德意志银行设有监督会和代表大会履行监督其活动并提出建议。 它的任务包括对年度账目进行



定利润的分配、 资本的变更和董事会的组成。

德意志银行由董事会领导。目前其董事会由12个成员组成。 他们共同对银行的业务方针及其贯彻负责。董

事会有责任直接向监督会报告,尤其是关于已制订的战略方针的贯彻和集团业务活动。 此外,董事会还要执行

代表大会的决议。长久以来,有一点已形成一个传统,就是德意志银行没有董事长或行长,但有一个发言人, 由




部委会,由两个高级管理人员处理日常业务, 还有至少两个集团一级的高级主管担任领导。为了控制这四个业


1.2 德意志银行历史

德意志银行1870年成立于德国柏林, 不久便在不莱梅和汉堡建立分行;1872年,其上海和横滨分行开业,

接着又在1873 年设立了伦敦分行。1876年, 德意志银行收购德意志联合银行和柏林银行协会,成为德国最大

的银行。从一建立, 德意志银行便从事世界大型项目的融资,在德国及海外工业化的融资方面起着重要作用。

早在1914年,德意志银行就被公认为世界上首要的金融机构之一。 一个多世纪以来,它一直保持在金融行业


作为国际性大银行, 德意志银行保持着庞大的遍布全球的分支和附属机构网络,截至1996年6月30日,它


塞尔、安特卫普、斯德拉斯堡、 纽约和香港设有分行或代表处,在加拿大、瑞士、澳大利亚、阿根廷、巴西、

荷兰、 葡萄牙、波兰、匈牙利、西班牙、日本、美国、马来西亚、 印度等国都设有分支机构或附属机构。特

别是1995年, 德意志银行获得了重大发展:创建了一种新型银行(24银行); 德意志银行股票面值变为5马


德意志信贷公司合并,组建了德意志金融服务公司。此外, 还组建了一家从事投资银行业务的公司--德意志摩

根建富;收购金融和期货有限公司-- 意大利第五大资金管理公司; 建立开展私人银行业务的德意志银行纽约


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构德意志摩根建富一起,德意志银行集团在亚太地区拥有4900名员工,服务于70多个营业处, 主要分布在巴

基斯坦到日本,从中国到澳大利亚的18个国家。 1988年成立的新加坡地区总部使德意志银行能更密切地按照


1.3 德意志银行主要业务

德意志银行是一家全能银行, 在世界范围内从事商业银行的投资银行业务,对象是个人、公司、政府和公

共机构。 它与集团所属的德国国内和国际的公司及控股公司一起, 提供一系列的现代金融服务,包括吸收存

款、借款、公司金融、银团贷款、证券交易、 外汇买卖和衍生金融工具。德意志银行还开展结算业务,发行证

券, 处理信用证、保函、投标和履约保函并安排融资。 国际贸易融资也是该行的一项重要业务, 经常单独或

与其他银团及特殊金融机构联合提供中长期信贷。近年来,项目融资、 过境租赁和其他金融工具业务大大补充

了传统的贸易融资。在项目融资方面, 德意志银行对通讯、交通、能源和基本设施项目的重视程度的日益增加,


的债券和股票的发行, 经常作为牵头行和共同牵头行。

1995年12月底,德意志银行的净收入高达21.2亿马克, 资本和储备金为280.43亿马克,总资产价值

7216.65亿马克。根据1995年著名的《银行家》杂志对世界大银行的排名, 德意志银行为世界排名第六名的大

银行。历年来,德意志银行一直被穆迪评级公司、 标准普尔评级公司和IBCA评为为数极少的几家AAA级银行


1.4 德意志银行的组织架构

和其他德国金融机构一样, 德意志银行也受德国银行法的支配并服从在柏林的联邦金融管理局监管。作为

一家股份公司, 德意志银行设有监督会和代表大会履行监督其活动并提出建议。 它的任务包括对年度账目进

行审计并批准董事会的利润分配方案。 监督会20个成员中的10人由股东代表选举产生,其余的10名来自银行

的员工。银行股东代表大会每年一度在德国不同城市举行, 相当于银行股东的议会。它倾听董事会的业务报告,

决定利润的分配、 资本的变更和董事会的组成。

德意志银行由董事会领导。目前其董事会由12个成员组成。 他们共同对银行的业务方针及其贯彻负责。 董

事会有责任直接向监督会报告,尤其是关于已制订的战略方针的贯彻和集团业务活动。 此外,董事会还要执行

代表大会的决议。长久以来, 有一点已形成一个传统,就是德意志银行没有董事长或行长,但有一个发言人,


为接受其他竞争对手的挑战, 最近德意志银行进行了大胆的改革,把它的业务结构分成四个部门:私人银


部委会,由两个高级管理人员处理日常业务, 还有至少两个集团一级的高级主管担任领导。 为了控制这四个


1.5 德意志银行在中国的发展策略

Deutsche Bank first established a presence in China in 1872 and now has branches in Guangzhou,

Shanghai, Beijing and Hong Kong. The Hong Kong office serves as a regional hub for Global Banking

and Equities in Asia Pacific. With over 1,000 staff in Greater China, Deutsche Bank offers a full range of

financial solutions to local and international clients.

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In the last few years, Deutsche Bank has made some significant achievements in China:

Awarded Best Equity House China by the Asset Asia Awards, 2005 - Triple A

Joint bookrunner on two of China's (and the world's) largest initial public offerings (IPO) in the

last few years, China Life and China Shenhua Energy

Joint bookrunner on Asia's largest technology IPO - the Semiconductor Manufacturing

International Corporation (SMIC) US$1.8 billion deal

Managed with partners, three Chinese sovereign bond issues during the last five years, resulting

in a lead position among foreign institutions in secondary bond market trading

Completed the first foreign acquisition of a portfolio of non-performing assets from China

Construction Bank

Offered advice on several high-profile cross-border M&A deals, e.g. China Huaneng Group's

acquisition of a 50% stake in OzGen

Set up a joint venture in March 2005 with Harvest Fund Management, a leading Chinese asset

management company

Organized China's largest ever institutional investment conference, Access China held in February


China is a priority market for growth and with constant developments in the financial arena there,

Deutsche Bank aims to position itself as one of the leading players.

1.6 德意志银行的文化和价值观

作为全球领先的金融巨擘,德意志银行为客户提供卓越的、量身定做的理财计划而努力不辍。"A Passion to

Perform." 不仅仅是我们的口号,更是我们做事的方法。我们的成就源于您财务上的成功。德意志银行的目标















1.7 德意志银行的竞争对手




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司),一家由中国建设银行、摩根士丹利及几家国内外企业联合组建的著名投资银行;另一家是JM Morgan

Stanley ,一家由摩根士丹利与JM金融集团在印度合资组成的著名投资银行。






























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二、 德意志银行 2012 校园招聘项目介绍

2.1 德意志银行 2012 校园招聘介绍




Global Associate Programs

If you have 2-5 year's work experience and are studying towards an MBA at a Business School,

you will be suited to our Global Associate Programs.

Deutsche Bank offers Associate Internships and Training Programs. Details of both can be found

in the MBAs section of the careers web site. You may be able to apply for our Associate Programs via

your campus Career Management Center but if that is not an option at your university, you may apply

directly to Deutsche Bank by registering here and attaching a copy of your resume and cover letter in

one document. Your information will be sent immediately to the relevant recruiter.

Global Analyst Programs

If you are studying towards your undergraduate or postgraduate degree, you will be suited to our

Global Analyst Programs. Deutsche Bank offers Analyst Internships and Training Programs. Details of

both can be found in the Graduate/Undergraduate section of the careers website. You may be able to

apply for our Analyst Programs via your campus Career Management Center (but if that is not an

option at your university, you may apply directly to Deutsche Bank). Your information will be sent

immediately to the relevant recruiter.

Local Graduate Analyst Program

This is for local graduates who are currently studying or who have recently graduated and who

wish to pursue an immediate local job opportunity and add value directly.

2.2 德意志银行 2012 校园招聘流程

德意志银行的招聘流程分为以下几个步骤:电面—一面—二面—final 面—offer。

What is the recruitment procedure?

In general, Deutsche recruits on campus for opportunities in the United States, Europe, Asia and

Japan. Candidates are selected based on academic record, level of interest in Deutsche Bank and work

experience. Prior experience in the financial services industry is preferred but not required. However,

we also accept applications from universities where we do not recruit on campus. All applicants must

complete the online application form to be considered.

The interview process differs across divisions and regions, however, it will typically commence

with a first round interview and in some regions candidates may also take part in a meeting at an

assessment centre. This may be a panel interview and candidates may also be asked to take a

numerical or diagrammatic test, or participate in a case study. Applicants will be informed of their

particular interview process prior to the interview.

Our interviews are competency based. This means the interviews attempt to highlight the

candidate's aptitude for the positions the bank is seeking to fill. They will be asked to show how their

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experiences demonstrate these competencies. If there are any questions concerning this process,

candidates are advised to contact their regional graduate recruitment department?

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三、 德意志银行招聘常见问题解答

3.1 德意志银 2012 年招聘FAQ


I graduated two years ago. Can I still apply for the Graduate Training Programs?

No, you must have graduated from your most recent degree course within the past 12 months.

Typically, Analyst candidates are graduating with an undergraduate or master’s degree.

When will Deutsche Bank be visiting my university?

Please visit the Events section of this site to find out when we may be visiting your university

campus.You can also visit our Recruitment timelines section to see a general timeline of recruitment


Recruitment timelines


If Deutsche Bank doesn’t visit my campus will my application still be considered?

Although we maintain relationships with certain universities where we actively market ourselves,

all applications are considered and reviewed via our online application tool. You can apply directly



What are the basic skills and qualifications you look for?

Please refer to the Your opportunities section pages and the Compare division program tool for

full details of the skills and qualifications you’ll need.

Your opportunities

Compare division program tool

Does Deutsche Bank only hire candidates with finance degrees?

No. We recruit intelligent, dynamic and focused graduates who we think will excel. A financial or

mathematical background is not necessarily a pre-requisite for a successful application, although you

must be numerically competent for certain roles. Our comprehensive training programs cover much

of the technical knowledge required, and prepare successful Analysts for a career with us.

When do the internships run to and from?

The dates and lengths of our internships differ across regions and programs. Internships that are

part of the Global Graduate Internship Program last from eight to ten weeks. In Germany, we also run

year-long internships which can last from eight weeks to six months. For more information, please

visit our Your opportunities page. For a general timeline, you may also visit our Recruitment timelines


Your opportunities

Recruitment timelines

What offices do you actively recruit for?

Please click on the ‘Change your preference’ link below the search window, to see a list of the

countries for which we recruit students and graduates.

Where will I be based?

You should indicate which country you wish to work in during the application process. The city of

employment within that country is discussed and often decided upon during the interview period.

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Does Deutsche Bank offer opportunities for graduates outside of the Global Graduate Program?

Yes. Deutsche Bank also offers entry level opportunities for graduates in select locations. Please

click on the ‘Change your preferences’ link below the search window, and change your settings to

select ‘Professionals’ to search or apply for one of these positions.

Does Deutsche Bank hire PhD candidates or non-MBA master’s candidates?

While most of our opportunities require an undergraduate degree or an MBA, there are roles

which require a specific skill set or background accumulated via a PhD or master’s degree. Master’s

graduates join the Analyst Training Program. PhDs will either enter at Analyst or Associate level,

depending on the relevance of their studies to banking and previous work experience.

Is it possible for me to join a division now and then change at a later date?

You should make a very informed decision on what division you want to join before applying.

Although at the Bank, we do support the internal mobility of our people, the career choice you make

now should be for the long term. Bear in mind that the skills and experience you need to work in

Operations, will be very different from those of a Trader.

How do I decide which area of investment banking to join?

Investment banking isn't one specific service or function. It's an umbrella term for a range of

financial activities. At Deutsche Bank these activities are grouped into divisions, each of which offers

different opportunities for graduates depending on your qualifications, skills, areas of expertise and

career aspirations. Use the Compare division program tool to research these areas thoroughly before

deciding which division you want to apply to.

Compare division program tool

Whenever you can, take the opportunity to meet our employees. If Deutsche Bank visits your

campus, you can do this by attending presentations and events where you can talk with Deutsche

Bank representatives to learn more about the Bank and the career opportunities on offer. To find out

when we will be visiting your university or city, take a look at our Events section.


Your careers services office may be able to put you in contact with students who’ve worked with

us. Your alumni network may also provide useful information. Career guides and the profiles in the

Our people section of this site are also a good resource. Once you’ve gathered as much information

as possible from different sources, both about the industry and Deutsche Bank, and you’re clear on

which area would best suit you, you're ready to apply online.

Our People


How do I decide whether a career in investment banking is right for me?

Research the industry. Take a look at the ‘How should I prepare for the interview’ question for tips

on the best ways to do this. Visit our Media Center to watch videos and download some additional


Media Center

Will Deutsche Bank help me obtain a work visa?

In most regions, yes. However, you’re responsible for ensuring that the application is completed

in a timely fashion. Should you prove successful in your interviews with Deutsche Bank and receive an

offer, we ask that you commence discussions regarding any visa issues with the recruiter immediately

so that the correct steps can be taken.

Can I apply to join a program in a country where I don’t currently reside?

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In some cases we do accept applications from students studying in other countries. In general,

these opportunities are advertised directly through universities or via events. To see a list of Deutsche

Bank events, please visit our Events page.


How are the graduate opportunities in Group Technology and Operations (GTO) different from

those in DB Global Technology (DBGT)?

The primary difference is that GTO is Deutsche Bank's in-house technology and operations

division located in around 50 Deutsche Bank offices around the world, whilst DBGT is a newly-formed

subsidiary of Deutsche Bank, located in cities which specialise in Software Technology (e.g. Cary,

North Carolina), as opposed to being located in Deutsche Bank's major locations.

Graduates joining the GTO Graduate Program will participate in a structured classroom and

on-the-job training programme over 15-20 months,which aims to broaden graduates' skill sets before

commencing their first permanent role at the conclusion of the program. Those graduates joining DB

Global Technology will be provided with technology training when they join the firm but will move

straight into their first permanent role in DBGT.

Graduates joining GTO will have a Deutsche Bank contractual agreement whilst graduates joining

DBGT will have a DB Global Technology contractual agreement.

*Graduate opportunities within DBGT are currently only available at our center in Cary, North

Carolina (USA). If you are interested in applying for the GTO Global Analyst Training Program, you can

find out more information under the 'Your Path to Us' link at the top of this page.

Your Application

What is the status of my application?

You can monitor the progress of your application by logging in as a 'Returning Candidate'

through our online application tool.[more]

When you log in, you have the option to track your application, to view your completed

application and to edit personal details. All you need is your username (email address) and password.

Please note that depending on the country you’re applying to, we may be reviewing several

thousand resumes. In general, we don’t reject candidates until all of the positions are filled and the

program is full – this ensures that everyone has the same opportunity.

How do I withdraw my application?

If you haven’t submitted your application form, you can change your application employment

type or delete your whole application by logging in as a Returning candidate and clicking the “delete

application” button on the right hand menu. Please note that you’ll need to re-register if you decide

to do this. If you’ve already submitted your form, you’ll be unable to make any changes.

Can I apply to more than one business area?

Before you apply, please decide which division you believe will be right for you by researching

Deutsche Bank and our industry. To help you with this, we recommend you study the information on

this site, especially our Compare division program tool.

You should also read the division overviews under Our divisions, study the program descriptions

found in Your opportunities, download the videos and brochures in the Media center, and browse the

profiles and day in the life descriptions under Our people.

Compare division program tool

Our divisions

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Your opportunities

Media center

Our people

Can I send/give a hard copy of my resume directly to a Human Resources representative instead

of applying online?

No. All resumes must be submitted through our online application tool.

How can I update my resume once I’ve submitted my application?

Unfortunately, you can’t make any changes to your application once you’ve submitted it.

How can I update my resume if I haven’t submitted my application?

It’s possible for you to upload another resume to replace your old one simply by attaching a new

one in its place. However, once you’ve submitted your application you can’t update it. This ensures a

transparent and consistent process across all regions and programs. If you find that your

un-submitted application does not allow edits, or you experience technical problems, please email

[email protected] to contact the technical support team.

How can I find out what programs are open for applications in the country I want to apply to?

To search for open applications, please use our vacancy search tool.

Vacancy Search Tool

The country, program or division was not listed when I went to apply.

This means that either applications for that country, program or division are not yet open, or that

we are not accepting applications. In many cases, positions on our Analyst Training Program are filled

by our intern class, which means that opportunities for final year students to join these programs may

be limited. To learn when applications may open please visit our Recruitment timelines section.

Recruitment timelines

Can I contact one of your recruiters directly?

If you want to contact a recruiter at Deutsche Bank, you’ll need to fill out a recruitment query


Recruitment query form

I’ve encountered a technical issue

If you’re experiencing technical difficulties, you’ll probably see an on-screen error message. For

guidance on technical issues, please email [email protected] to contact the technical support


I need help to complete my online test

If you need more time to complete the test, or feel that it isn’t suitable for you, please send an

email to the recruiter.

Recruitment query form

I’ve experienced a technical problem with my online test

If you find that you’re unable to access either of the online tests, look at the “My Messages ”

section of our online application system to check that you’re completing them within the allotted time.

In the case of the numerical test, please also ensure that you’ve successfully completed the practice


If you try to log in as a “Returning Candidate” to our online application system and get the

message that your account is locked out then please allow for 15 minutes of inactivity before trying

logging in again.

The Recruitment Process

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What is the recruitment process?

Deutsche Bank recruits on campus for graduate opportunities in Germany as well as the Americas,

Europe and Asia Pacific. However, we also accept applications from universities where we don’t recruit

on campus. To be considered for a role with us, all applicants must submit an online application.

Typically the recruitment process consists of two rounds of interviews before final decisions are

made, and in some regions candidates also take part in assessment tests. Applicants will be informed

of their particular interview process before the interview.

Our interviews are structured to reflect the required core competencies. These competencies are

highlighted by asking candidates about their university experiences and extra-curricular activities.

When should I apply?

Application dates vary by country and program. Please see our Recruitment timelines for details

on the country you wish to apply to.

Recruitment timelines

What should I expect at the interview?

Be prepared to tell us why you’re right for Deutsche Bank and why Deutsche Bank is right for you.

If you’re serious about a career in investment banking, we know that you’ll be talking to a lot of firms.

But you should understand how Deutsche Bank differs from other financial institutions, and why the

division you’re applying to is more suitable for you than another role in the industry.

We’ll also expect you to have done your homework about Deutsche Bank and the investment

banking industry. Your willingness to do this now is a good indicator to us of the type of employee

you’ll be in the future.

We’ll expect you to demonstrate an understanding of the role you’re applying to and the work

you’ll be doing. If you’re applying for a role in a non-finance oriented division, tell us why you want to

work in the financial services industry as opposed to other industries.

How should I prepare for the interview?

You've secured the interview, reviewed the website and talked to people who already work at

Deutsche Bank. So how do you ensure a successful interview? The same way you'd go about doing the

job once you're there: with careful preparation, research and attention to detail.

The first step in any successful job search is research. Not only do you need to know about the

position and division you'll be interviewing for, you also need to know about who we are as a

company, our characteristics, some of our history and what differentiates Deutsche Bank from the

other institutions in our industry. Why? Because you need to convince your interviewer that you’re the

right person for Deutsche Bank and for that particular role. It’s as important for you to feel

comfortable with Deutsche Bank as it is for us to feel comfortable with you.

If you haven't done so already, read and understand our annual report. You won't be expected to

know all the details, but you should have a general understanding of how we performed last year.

Also review what the press has to say about us and keep up to date with our organization by signing

up for Deutsche Bank’s RSS feeds. [more]

What is the most effective way for me to follow up after the interview?

Before you leave, ask your interviewer what the next step is and when you can expect a response.

It's a good idea to get contact details and ask if you can call or email. If you haven't heard within the

stated timeframe, make a follow-up call or send us an email.

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四、 德意志银行职业发展&薪酬待遇

4.1 德意志银行员工发展



Asset Management Analyst

All Analysts take part in the global induction program which is designed to provide the essential

foundation of skills and knowledge required for a successful career in the division and with Deutsche

Bank. The training program is delivered by leading consultants and the content is continuously

reviewed by members of the division to ensure that it remains aligned to business requirements.

Your five week long initial training is designed to enable you to put into context the activities of a

major investment bank, plus give you the asset management specific knowledge in order that you

quickly become proficient in your job. We have designed the training to suit all career paths with

modules covered including Portfolio Management, Equity Valuation and Modelling, the macro

economic framework and sector, financial analysis and cash flow analysis. Once the formal training

has finished, you will begin your individual Training program

Finance Analyst


During the two-year training program, Analysts rotate through the following business areas:

Business Area Controlling for:

Asset Management

Distress Product Group

Global Banking

Global Markets

Private Wealth Management

Risk Control and Financial & Regulatory Reporting

This ensures a depth and breadth of experience and gives you the exposure you require to make

the right career choice at the end of the program.

Induction program

All Analysts take part in the global induction program which is designed to provide the essential

foundation of skills and knowledge required for a successful career in the division and with Deutsche

Bank. The ten-week program is delivered by leading consultants and the content is continuously

reviewed by members of the division to ensure that it remains aligned to business requirements. It


Fundamentals of the financial markets

Macro economics



Personal and team effectiveness

The program culminates in a case study presentation to a panel of Controlling managers.

Following the global program, Analysts take additional IT skills courses as required.

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Global Banking Analyst

Corporate Finance

Induction program

The Global Banking: Corporate Finance induction program takes place in London or New York in

mid-July. You will partake in a six-week long comprehensive technical training program which will

comprise challenging assignments to enhance your technical and professional skills. All elements of

the program are delivered by leading consultants and complemented by practical discussions and

application lead by our own internal experts. The program content is developed by an elite selection

of training companies, each a specialist in their own product areas. The input and continuous review

of the program by members of the business ensures each delegate is provided with the fundamental

foundation of skills and knowledge to enable a successful career in Global Banking: Corporate


The program comprises:

Accounting for banking

Cashflow modeling

Comparables analysis

Financial forecasting and modeling

Discounted cashflow analysis

Capital structure and markets

Credit and risk analysis

Leveraged buyout analysis

Mergers and acquisitions/merger modeling

Orientation into Global Banking through business-delivered presentations

Global Transaction Banking


During the first year, graduates rotate through the different products providing a challenging,

broad and in-depth learning experience that will prepare you for a long term career in GTB and with

Deutsche Bank. At the end of the rotation, graduates assume permanent positions within their

respective product group.

Buddy System

We define a buddy as somebody who has been through similar experiences as our new Analysts

recently. Once you join Deutsche Bank as an Analyst your buddy is there to help you adjust to the new

environment and settle in more effectively and quickly.


This initiative aims to have one common Deutsche Bank approach to mentoring, combining best

practice with current mentoring successes. The mentor's objective is to help Analysts during their first

year at Deutsche Bank.

Induction program

All Analysts joining GTB undertake an intensive and progressive five-week induction program

which commences in September in London. All elements of the program are delivered by leading

consultants, complemented by practical discussions and application led by our own internal experts,

using case studies. The content is developed by an elite selection of training companies, each a

specialist in their own product areas. The input from and continuous review of the program by

members of the business ensures Analysts build their fundamental foundation of skills and

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knowledge for a successful career with GTB.

The program comprises:

Accounting refresher

Financial modeling

Professional skills training

Financial markets

Credit and risk analysis

GTB products: Trust & Securities Services, Cash Management, Trade Finance

Managing your clients: the corporate client & the financial institution

Relationship management: case study workshop

Relationship management: final presentation to business panel

Continuous development program

We believe it is vital to provide our employees with training throughout their career at Deutsche

Bank. The continuous development plan has been designed to be progressive and fully aligned to the

needs of the business and its people. The training is designed to build on the technical and

professional skills that our employees already have.

For Analysts we conduct a global Graduate Continuous Development Program which takes place

in Frankfurt and starts six months after the induction program. The training features:

5 days: classroom curriculum

1 day: refresher presentation & negotiation skills

0.5 day: career management

1.5 days: refresher credit & risk analysis

2 days: a combination of case study workshops and GTB product training which culminates in

final presentations to senior management

An online curriculum (which is made available for one year) and includes a variety of financial

online training subjects for you to choose from, as well as compulsory fast track SixSigma training

Global Markets Analyst

Induction program

The Global Markets Induction Program is between eight and ten weeks in duration and takes

place in London. This comprehensive program is designed to enhance your technical and professional

skills and provide you with the essential foundation and skills and knowledge you need for a

successful career. It covers the entire spectrum of equity and debt products and all elements are

delivered by leading industry consultants and complemented by practical discussions and application

led by our own internal experts. It includes:

Two-week pre-course (for selected participants)

Introduction to macro-economics, corporate accounting and basic math

Five-week technical product boot camp

The course concludes with two weeks of training by internal professionals from every business

across Global Markets and will provide you with:

An introduction to the structure of their business

An understanding of their roles and the opportunities available within their area

An introduction to our clients and an overview of how recent innovations differentiate Deutsche

Bank from the competition

We will also sponsor you to sit regulatory exams and be registered with the relevant securities

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institute/regulator where applicable.


Following on from the Induction Program, the Global Markets rotation program is an integral part

of your training. You will spend up to four months in three different areas. Rotations will be decided

based on your input and guidance from the business so we can best match your skills with current

business needs. You will be encouraged to choose rotations across different product groups so you

can get a full understanding of the division. The rotation program is intense and the knowledge you

gain during product bootcamp will be tested. However, it also provides an unrivalled opportunity to

build an invaluable network and enables you to make an informed choice as to where you wish to

start your career at the end of the program.

Your ongoing career

Final placements are decided at the end of the rotation program by a panel of senior managers

from all products, taking into account your preferences, skills and relevance to the business.

PhD opportunities

The Global Markets Research Division is also seeking PhD individuals to join its 2007 Training

Program. Applicants should have an advanced degree (masters or doctorate) in economics, finance,

statistics or a related field, coupled with superior analytical skills, experience working with data, and

effective communication and teamwork skills.

On completion of the formal training period, placements are available in a number of research

roles including foreign exchange, fixed income, index construction and/or flow analysis.

Group Technology & Operations Analyst


Induction program

All new Analysts participate in an intensive four-week induction training program. Following an

introduction to Deutsche Bank's structure, strategy and culture, the training begins with a one-week

introduction to financial markets and products from a "know your client" perspective. This is followed

by two weeks of Operations-specific training covering such topics as:

Payments and custody clearing systems

Corporate actions

Custody and securities lending

Prime brokerage

Lifecycle of a trade

The program is designed to:

Involve exciting and challenging activities and bring out your competitive side

Demand creative thinking, cooperation, calculated risk taking and decision making

Address change and uncertainty

Ensure that you get to know each other and have fun!


Upon successful completion of the induction program, Analysts undertake two practical rotations,

one of nine months and one of six months, equipping you with the business and technical skills

required to work effectively across business and regional lines.

Your ongoing career

At the end of the program you will assume a permanent position in the division based on the

experience gained during your training and your career aspirations.

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Induction program

All new Analysts participate in an intensive eight-week induction training program. Following an

introduction to Deutsche Bank's structure, strategy and culture, the training begins with a one-week

introduction to financial markets and products from a "know your client" perspective.

This is followed by six weeks of IBT specific training covering areas such as:


Software Engineering

Software Quality


Web Technologies

Service Oriented Architecture

Professional Skills


6 weeks of IES specific training covering areas such as:

Platform Engineering

Infrastructure Project Management

Network Engineering

Enterprise Security

Storage & Data

Enterprise Infrastructure, Management & Support

Professional Skills

The learning is consolidated with practical knowledge transferred through the integration of

line-delivered sessions throughout.

The program is designed to:

Involve exciting and challenging activities as well as bringing out your competitive side

Demand creative thinking, cooperation, calculated risk taking and decision making

Address change and uncertainty

Ensure that you get to know each other and have fun!


Immediately following the induction training our unique rotation program begins. All Analysts

complete one nine-month and one six-month practical rotation, equipping you with the business and

technical skills required to work effectively across business and regional lines.

Your ongoing career

At the end of the program you will assume a permanent position in the division based on the

experience gained during your training and your career aspirations.

Human Resources Analyst

Induction program

New HR graduates from offices globally come together for an intensive three-week classroom

training program which comprises two modules:

Global Financial Markets & Products - A Customer Focus

A detailed study of the types of roles performed by the clients you will be supporting within

Deutsche Bank

Essential HR Practices

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You will be taught the basic principles of HR management; an understanding of our policies and

procedures; and an overview of best practice across various industries

We combine tutor-led input and presentation with discussion, group exercises and case studies.

Deutsche Bank global representatives will deliver many of the sessions and provide examples of our

current HR practices. This tailored program is designed to ensure you:

Understand the business you support

Understand the fundamentals of HR

Build your network of contacts


Following the induction training, graduates rotate through a number of specialist and generalist

teams for 6 months. After this point you will be placed within one of the HR functions, based on

business need as well as your strengths. The program is designed to ensure you gain a comprehensive

understanding of HR and are well informed about the team you join following the program. The key

areas you will cover are:

Business Partners

Business Partners support all of the Bank's divisions on the various aspects of their human capital

management strategy and the employee life cycle

Centers of Expertise

There are three core centers of expertise:

Resourcing: Manage recruitment and the employer brand

Reward: Design the Banks compensation and benefits structure

Development: Direct talent and leadership management, learning, organizational development,

culture and diversity

HR Solutions

Manages vital functions, such as service center activities, payroll, reporting, administration,

operations management, furthermore HR Solutions maintains and further develops the technology

requirement used in HR.

Private Wealth Management Analyst

Induction Program

Deutsche Bank's 12-month global program commences in the autumn with five to six weeks of

intensive classroom training in London which covers:

Fundamentals of financial markets and products

Traditional investment vehicles for private clients

Alternative solutions for private clients

Portfolio theory and construction

Best practice for presentations

Interpersonal communication

Other specialist areas led by PWM professionals, such as the presentation of client case studies

The classroom training will be followed by a full-time placement within PWM, during which

additional training initiatives will take place.

4.2 德意志银行薪酬待遇

IBD entry level的薪酬大约会在50-60w/年(包含salary与bonus)。

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4.3 网上资料




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89.29%的德意志银行员工工作时间在:每周工作 40-49 个小时

3.57%的德意志银行员工工作时间在:每周工作 50-59 个小时

7.14%的德意志银行员工工作时间高于:每周工作 60 个小时

0%的德意志银行员工工作时间低于:每周工作 40 个小时

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五、 德意志银行校园招聘笔试经验

5.1 Verbal全套真题,奉送~ 2010.10.14


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5.2 收到德意志 2011 的在线笔试通知了,高兴一下





*** please do not reply directly to this email ***


dear xxx

i am delighted to inform you that your application has been progressed to the next stage of the

recruitment process. we would like to invite you to complete an on-line assessment comprising a

numerical reasoning test and a verbal reasoning test, which you can access using this email.

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numerical reasoning test:

the actual test is timed at 20 minutes; but you need to allow 30 minutes to sit the test as you will

be required to complete a few practice questions first.

verbal reasoning test:

the actual test is timed at 20 minutes; but you have the option to complete a few practice

questions first for which you should allow an extra 10 minutes.

before sitting the tests please ensure that you are in a suitable environment where you will not be

interrupted, as once you have accessed either of the tests you will be unable to restart. if you feel you

require any assistance to complete the tests, please contact us via the communication channels

posted below.

candidates who are successful at this stage will be retested in person later in the selection process,

therefore it is important that you complete the tests on your own.

to start the tests, please visit your application tracker which can be found at:


click on "apply now" to take you to the online application system and click on returning candidate.

you will be prompted to enter your email address and your password. when you log in to your

application portal under the submitted applications heading is the name of the vacancy you have

applied for. click on the name of the vacancy and you will be able to track your application.

you will have 3 day/s from the date and time of this email to complete both assessments. if you

are unable to complete them by this date please do let us know. both tests must be completed in

order to progress to the next stage of the process. you may complete them in any order.

do not close your browser during any stage of the assessment, if you do, your account will be

locked and you will be unable to complete the test.

pop-up blockers must be disabled for the duration of the session. if you are unable to disable

your pop-up blocker, or if you experience any problems with the assessment contact our solution

providers, konetic on [email protected].

good luck!

yours sincerely

deutsche bank graduate resourcing

to complete the assessment you can use almost any computer with internet access and the



internet explorer 5.0 and above - or -

netscape 6.2 and above - or -

mozilla 1.0 and above - or -

opera 6.0 and above

apple mac

safari 1.0 and above

if you experience a problem using aol, you should connect to the internet using aol then launch

internet explorer as your browser.


*** please do not reply directly to this email ***


this support address is for technical queries only. for questions about the recruitment process

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please contact the appropriate regional recruitment office:

us: [email protected]

uk and other europe: 44(0)2075453033

germany / poland / switzerland: [email protected]

japan: [email protected]

australia and new zealand: [email protected]

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singapore, thailand, malaysia, indonesia, vietnam, mauritius: [email protected]

philippines: [email protected]

for technical issues with the application process only:

e-mail: [email protected]

5.3 3 道德意志银行 2011 难题

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5.4 刚做online test后感 09.9.27

刚做online test后感

上午刚刚做完他家的online test,我应聘的是China - Global Banking: Global Transaction Banking -

Analyst Training Program - Class of 2010。题目有num+ver,题目难度和巴克莱差不多,就是时间很紧,

num20分钟20个题目,可以选中文,一定要眼疾手快啊 XDJM 否则最后你只能像我一样瞎蒙几个,ver只能有


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5.5 on line test经验 09.10.4

on line test经验

1.num题目实际上不算很难很难的 请大家放心 而且总觉得部分题目在哪里做过 但是翻阅了所有自己做

过的笔试 发现好像都不是的 可能是渣打吧。。。语言选择还是推荐大家选英文 自己用中文做的 发现居然有

错别字 而且翻译做的并不好 可能会影响速度的

2.ver比较难 主要是文章长度长 的确是网站practice的两倍以上 而且涉及部分文献是比较生涩的内容(比


祝好运 在DB做分母也没什么可伤心哒 O(∩_∩)O~

5.6 刚刚完成online test09.10.17

刚刚完成online test








总体感觉时间够用,但都是犹犹豫豫的,不能确定答案。纯属凭感觉型,不知道结果如何啊……bless myself~

5.7 DEUTSCHE BANK 笔试不容易 09.10.8







没有天才,所有成功都是血汗堆出来的! 即使是一个小小的笔试也可能意味好几个月的辛苦积累。


5.8 <经验教训>给要做 2010 校招online test的同学们一些忠告

<经验教训>给要做online test的同学们一些忠告

刚刚做完测试 感觉不是很好 基本不抱什么希望了

Numerical: 还是碰到了一些原题 但是还是把时间耽误在了陌生题目上 最后时间依旧很紧 蒙了几个题

Verbal: 感觉糟透了 题量很大 文章很晦涩 不少都是蒙的 55555~~~ 最后一个文章的长度是前面几篇

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我给各位最大的忠告是:在做测试之前 一定要调整好显示器的分辨率(我后悔没有这么干),因为这系统的题

目字体很小很小 很考验人的耐性 会给阅读造成很大的不便(这也是一个因素 当然可能我还是水平差了点) 希

望大家不要因为这个影响了发挥 我就是个惨痛的例子

你们都好好的吧! God bless you all!

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六、 德意志银行校园招聘面试经验

6.1 8 月 31 号London电面:role in Risk methodology for credit correlation



问题,叫我介绍下自己,然后问我怎么算出BS公式,还有一个简单的概率问题,CDOs, forward contract,


6.2 UBS 9 月 2 号LONDON面经——2011 FICC Structurer - Graduate Analyst







3.关于option跟概率的一个问题,画了一个payoff的图,如果Libro rate 高于6%, 就得到1磅,其他就是

0. 然后画一个概率分布,叫我算价格。


1. 继续上面第三个问题

2. Monte Carlo

3. 怎么用Monte Carlo做美式定价

4. 美式定价跟欧式定价的一些对比

比如在有dividend的时候,American call opiton 跟 European call option 哪个高之类。

刚在吃饭的时候 UBS 又打过来,太杂了没听清,好像是跟我说谢谢我今天去,还说了星期四什么的more


6.3 我的DB Operation 面经











测试,整个过程都是不苟言笑,显得非常不感兴趣。所幸当天晚上收到了final round的邀请。

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Final Round的分2轮,一轮2个面试官,有VP, COO和Head。问的问题也更加专业,有问到关于Options,

Basel III, 和Black sholes的问题,也有投行一些经典的Brain Teaser。金融的专业知识我很久没碰了,加上面

的是Operations, 所以完全没准备过专业方面的问题。幸运的是面试官人很好,非常愿意肯定我答对的地方,

答错的他们很详细地告诉我为什么。Brain Teaser 很对我的胃口,答得比较出彩,因为答案给的五花八门,面

试官也忍不住笑出声来,所以后来的氛围都很不错。DB的办事效率很高,Final round一两天之后收到了offer。


6.4 德意志银行伦敦tech offer 2011.1

今天刚拿到london technology business analyst offer,来写面经跟大家分享一下~

第一轮面试:45min competency based interview from two associates. One application developer

and one project manager

1,why db

2,why business analyst

3,A time when you worked in a team and put extra effort in achieving something.

4, What do you know about DB? And technology at DB?5, How did you choose tour university

and course?

6, How do you analyse a large amount of date?

7, Describe a time in a team when you were intimidated by a member, and how did you solve the

problem? What was the outcome?

8, A time when you worked in a group and took initiative

9, How does DB make money?

10, What's your ideal job?

11, Any questions for us?

Final round: one numeracy test + 3* 40min competency based interviews. Two managers and a


Numeracy test: tricky, easy to make mistake. definitely harder than online test

1st interview:1,Why finance

2, Tell me sth that you've challenged yourself

3, What do you study in your course

4, What's going on in investment banking

5, What extra curricula do you do at your university

.....random chat


1, What do you know about DB

2, Why business anlalyst

3, What skills can you bring to DB

4, Tell me a time when you need to persuade someone

5, A time you


1, How do you analysis a lot amount of data

2, Your biggest achievement


To conclude: DB AC is very interview oriented.

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To prepare: 1, Know about DB; 2, Know about finance and investment banking; 3, Know about

your division; 4, Know about YOURSELF! Think about what you've done in the past five years that

demonstrated core competencies such as teamwork, communication, creativity, and problem solving.

Tips: Be VERY HONEST about what you've done. Be DETAILED. Always bring up examples of your

past experience to support your idea.

Finally, good luck and if you need more questions or help please let me know :-)

6.5 德意志银行面试题库

面试题库 1. 对银行业的理解?

2. 为什么报商行不报投行部?

3. 看过我们网站么?我们部门的业务有哪些?

4. 银行怎么赚钱?

5. 银行有什么产品?

6. 在实习的公司都作了什么?

7. 向银行借钱和母公司注资,比较资本成本。

8. 外资银行应该怎么在中国生存

9. 是否习惯长时间工作?

10. 是否作国leader,怎么做?

11. 什么是EBITDA

12. Why are you interested with Finance?

13. Show him an example that I had difficulties with other team members

14. Do you have any experience that is very busy and tiring?

15. Have you ever felt frustrated with sth

16. Have you ever got a leader experience?

17. If I am your client and I give you 1 million dollars to invest, what will you do? Which industry

will you invest in?

18. 如何向顾客推销产品?

19. A bond: book value is $100, 10 years, coupon rate is 3%, real rate is 4%, what is the real value?

20. 企业向国外母公司融资和向银行借款,哪个更划算

21. 怎样看待团队合作

22. 怎样看待沟通

23. what do you see yourself in 5years time

24. strength and weakness

25. how to calculate free cash flow

26. some question about capital structure and tax shield and tax rate

27. question about CAPM ,which one should be chosen as free risk rate

28. how to do financial statement forecast

29. how to forecast sales

30. 你都拿了什么offer? db和...都给你的话,去哪个

31. why should i hire you

32. what's the thing that you don't like DB most

33. 对于德意志收购华夏银行的看法

34. 中国金融市场开放对DB的影响

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35. what are the challenges of DB PBC in China?

36. as you mentioned communication, what is your communication style?

37. tell me a situation in which you adjusted your communication style

38. why does china's economy grow so fast these years?

39. what'sur understanding of freedom?

40. 央行行长是谁?

41. 对我国汇率的看法

42. 如果和客户发生conflict了怎么办

6.6 德意志银行面试经历












到了好多人,今上午面试的大概有20个人,加上我有4 个中国学生。这段时间便开始和周围的人聊天,也顺便

了解了一下他们,都是读硕士的,自然也是来自那些IC, LSE, CAMBRIDGE。。。还有从别的国家坐飞机赶来的。

8:30到了,一个HR出来了,说第一项先进行考试,考试的形势是:paper based, no calculator, 30mins

answer 33 questions. 有点紧张。进入考场找了个位置做好,听完小HR的啰嗦,便开始做题,还要图答题卡,


好,折腾了半天终于算出来了,赶紧往后算。。。。赶。。。刚做完24题,时间到了!'stop please! close your

booklet...'小HR Bitch道。完了,24道题再错上两道,肯定过不了。算了不想了,还是准备下一个程序吧,我


面试之前,又被带到另外一座楼上,LONDON WALL。。。路上跟以女生交谈,那个女生比较健谈,不像

另外一女生那么装X,总之今上午面试的就没什么女生。路上了解到那女生来自CAMBRIDGE CLARE COLLEGE,

她申请的是'Corporate Finance' (和我不是一个部门). 他问我考得怎样,做了几个,对曰:‘考得不好,做了24


考得太差。我安慰道:try your best。




之后就走了,里边坐着三个人,两个是我申请的部门的两个TEAMLEADER, 另外一个是做记录的。一一握完



Q: what did you research on XX Bank?

Q: can you show some details about the division you applied for?

Q: can you talk about our competitors?

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Q: what challenges do you think DB bank will be faced in the near future?

Q: your answer is very positive, how did you know so much information abour us?

Q: please show an example, a best team work you have participated in.

Q: it may keep working for a very long time during a day in investement bank, in this division, it

also has a high working pressue, how do you deal with such working stress, give examples to show

what you have done to make you keep working for a long time?

Q: please show a project you have done under low introductory。

Q: please give an example of a failed work in the initial stage, and how do you overcome it?

Q: how do you deal with the conflicts between team members? what have you done?

Q: the world competitive environment is frequently changing, .....how do you adapt such

changing environment...what is you objective in the start of your career?

Q: from your CV, during your this summer's internship, you said you created a report to outline a

strategic planning at warranty works, how did you do for such project....what researches have you

done to prepare that project? how did you persuade your manager?

Q: please briefly discuss your working experience in prospect solutions.

Q: any questions would you like to ask us?

A: what spirits make XX bank become so successful?

A: what do you think your biggest challenges in your currenct project in Business supporting

controlling team?

.....talked more information about US GAAP, DB bank will apply new US INTERNATIONAL


A: from yesterday's FT, there is an investigation from PWC and KPMG, a lot of UK funds

investment manager said that there is more negative reflection on the new investment from following

this year's new IFRS conducted in UK.what do you think about that?

面试历时一个小时,自我感觉还是比较好的。后来的FEEDBACK也说面试比较POSITIVE, 败笔就是那个




6.7 Deutsche Bank interview



我申請的部門是Global Banking的Corporate Finance, 通過resume和筆試後到達第一面試.第一個面試

為1個VP + 2個associate, 壓力不小, 之前做過美林, 麥格理和JPMorgan的還沒VP級的露臉, 大都跟Analyst



Briefly introduce yourself and quickly walk us through your resume.

What made you switch from Engineering to Banking?

What's been happening to the markets recently? Anything you find particularly interesting?

What are the main ways you can valuate a company? 我回答了DCF和Comparables後, 他門繼續問

了一些更深入的valuation的問題. 後來還問了一連串的Technical問題, Technical的部分其實問的滿活的, 會


Do you know what an analyst does on a daily basis?

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Do you think you have what it takes to work in this industry? Why?

之後又閑聊了一些, 問了一些問題. 基本上很親切 (跟美林或是JP比的話)

6.8 德意志银行GBD二面









1. 为什么申请这个职位。

2. 简历问题.

3. 优势、劣势问题。

4. 怎样看待团队合作?

5. 怎样看待沟通?


6.9 德意志银行GBD Final面

Final在香港,和CF一起。主要包括一个Numerical Test和四轮1对1的面试。Numerical Test:虽然之前

Amy说不考金融常识,但是,Numerical 不可避免地出现了一些金融的词汇,什么苏丹货币的名称、股票收益


洲地区的头,另两位分别是Cash Management和Trade and Trust Service的头。四个面官只有一个女的。他

们都是银行业有十几二十年经历的从业人员。呵呵,有两个都还是从Bank of America跳过来的。


6.10 DB Global Market 面经






knowledge about db

your value


多很impressive的建议。能见到他们,受到他们的赏识让我很开心。都是高层来面,没有analyst, 除非你跟他



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可以想见的是,db global market对简历的筛选很严格。清华的本科生简历过的只有一个,我们过了简历

的有很多,有两人进了终面。除了三个本科生以外进final的都是研究生。不过在global market 里面做到vp的













6.7 德意志银行GBD一面






1. CF部门很风光,挣钱又多,可你为啥挑选GBD?

2. 简历问题。

3. 经典的优势缺点问题。

4. 专业问题:企业向国外母公司融资和向银行借款,哪个更划算?和面官谈得很愉快,临走时,面官说如



6.8 雷死人的德意志电面












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阿。。。汗。。。 很感激GG最后还是很绅士的说GOOD LUCK,感谢他花了20多分钟来忍受我的不知所云。

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七、 德意志银行相关资料延伸阅读

7.1 德意志银行Deutshce Bank 2011 校园招聘网申图解攻略



deutsche bank的网申需要上传英文简历的,也有open questions需要回答。先把oq放出来给大家看看:

1. why do you want to work for deutsche bank? (max 100 words) *

2. please indicate:

1) why you have selected this division

2) why you feel you are suited to this division?

(max 100 words.) *

3. whatextra curricular activities have you been involved in that you

think we would be interested in hearing about? (max 100 words) *


1. 设定工作搜索条件,选择职位,页面上面有好几种职位的任职要求,看了半天,就最后一个local graduate

analyst program的要求最适合我,只能选这个了。 出现职位后点apply now按钮进入




2. 一个协议页面,点accept就好了

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3. 注册页面,密码必须八位以上

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4. 介绍页面,右边有7项要填写……

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5. 第一项:个人信息,填写国籍、出生日期、地址、电话号码等

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6. 继续第一项:个人信息,上传一份英文简历,点击save按钮进入下一项

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7. 第二项:求职类型

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8. 第三项:大学信息简介,点击下“add university entrance details”按钮,再填写

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9. 第四项:大学信息详情,点击下“add undergraduate details”按钮,再填写

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10. 第五项:工作经历,点击下“add word experience”按钮,再填写

11. 第六项:其他技能,分别点击 language proficiency和it proficiency 按钮填写

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12. 第七项:其他信息,主要是open question

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13. 继续第七项:其他信息,主要是是否知道德意志银行,我在网络那里写了dajie.com 嘿嘿

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14. 全部填写完毕后,填写下种族和性别,就可以提交啦


7.2 第一时间分享德意志银行 2010 网申流程说明(含Open Question)






进入职位搜索页面,在"Country"中选择“China”,然后根据自身情况选择“Employment Type”及“Division”。

我直接先把OQ放出来好啦,有两个地方有OQ,一个是在Work Experience (见 Step 7), 一个是在Other

Information (见 Step 9 )

Work Experience

What were your main duties? (Please limit your answer to 100 words and consider only your most

recent two positions.)

What was your greatest contribution? (Please limit your answer to 50 words.)

What key skills have you developed through your work experience? (Please limit your answer to

50 words.)

Other Information

Why do you want to work for Deutsche Bank?(Max 100 words)

Please indicate:

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(1) Why you have select this division

(2) Why you feel you are suited to this division?(Max 100 words)

For Asset Managment candidates only:

What are the main differences between Asset Managment and Investment Banking?(Max 100


Step 1:Search Vacancies

在China的Employment Type 只有两种:Associate Training Program , Analyst Training Program.

Step 2:Registration

Step 3:


Step 4:

Personal Information 包括三个部分:term address, non term address, attach CV。

下面是attach CV 的说明:

Attach CV*

You can only attach one file: this should contain your CV, cover letter and any other materials

relevant for your particular application. Note also that only CVs in the Word (.doc), Adobe Acrobat

(.pdf), or plain text (.txt) formats will be reviewed.

Step 5:Employment Type

Step 6:University Entrance (这一项也可以不填)

University Details 包括两个部分的填写:undergraduate degree(s), postgraduate degree(s)

Step 7:Work Experience

Step 8: Other skills 就很好填了,还是一般的Language and IT skill 的填写,这个我就不上图了。

Step 9: Other Information

包括OQ 和其他一些信息的填写,这个大家要好好填哦。

另外还有How did you hear about Deutsche Bank? *的问题,这个就直接select就可以啦。

Step 10: Complete Submission

最后还有一些Ethnic Origin Detail 的填写。

这样子就结束了。大家还可了解一下interview preparation,interview process,deadlines 的信息,

另外左边页面还有Recruitment Query Form的选项,大家也可以看看。

7.3 DB实习经历分享~~



DB在中国正处于快速扩展阶段,非常的Aggressive, 不断从其他银行挖哪些经验丰富的高级人才,却不是

太重视从内部慢慢培养新人。几乎每个部门都会有intern,但却没有一个正规的intern program,intern的作

用比较类似于处理办公室各种dirty work的Assistant。虽然这样说未免太悲观,但是这是事实。没有针对intern



power distance 比中国人小,很高职位的人,对我们intern,都会很客气很好。在那里的几个月里面,我帮各

位同事发过做过无数次的Fax, bind, copy, scan,deliver等等杂得不能再杂烦得不能再烦的事情,中国同事都


自己bind ppt等。会愿意让你学一些东西。

在那里做了快3个月的dirty work后,注意,因为业务忙,几乎每天都有做不完的office dirty work, 终于

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其实想说的就一句话:不是所有名字响当当的公司,文化都适合你。 找工作找实习,不能只冲着公司名字


7.4 德意志银行的面试指南

Getting Started

What you need to know, where do you begin and how do you focus your job search?

Firstly you'll want to do a little research on the industry and think about whether a career in an

investment bank is right for you.. Take a look at the "how to prepare" article in this section for some

research tips. For certain, you shouldn't go into banking just for the money, the lifestyle is to

demanding. To do well and excel in this world, you will need to really enjoy the work itself as well as

the rewards.

You begin your job search, and, from what you've heard so far, you want to give investment

banking a shot. But there's one small problem: You're not exactly sure what an investment bank does,

so convincing the recruiter you're perfect for the job is going to be a challenge.

Investment Banking isn’t one specific service or function. It's an umbrella term for a range of

activities. At Deutsche Bank these activities are grouped into divisions and each division has

opportunities for graduates. Research these areas thoroughly before making your decision.

To do this firstly you need to talk to people working in investment banks. You can do this by

attending presentations and other events. A listing of the global Deutsche Bank presentations can be

found in 'Events'. When you go to presentations make sure you talk to the business representatives,

ask them questions and make an impression.

At university, the best sources of information are people who have spent a summer internship at

an investment bank. Your alumni network should also be useful. Read lots of career guides and

profiles in the 'Meet our People' section is an excellent source of information.

Competition is fierce and you'll need to be resourceful and persistent. Doing a summer internship

in an investment bank is the best possible way of finding the right fit for you, as well as being that all

important foot in the door.

And once you've have talked to all the people you can and read as much information as possible

you're ready to prepare for the online application.

Our Process

The Deutsche Bank Recruiting Process

Deutsche Bank’s recruiting process is designed to help us identify and hire the very best people

available in the fairest manner possible. If you want to work for us, and you have the right capabilities

and experience, you will find that our process will give you a chance that is equal to those of all others

we consider for positions.

However, we also ask you to consider your application carefully. Your career choice is incredibly

important and there are many industries and employers to consider. Before accepting our offer we

want you to be sure that you feel as excited about working for us as we are about having you join

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Deutsche Bank.

Although the precise timeline, number of steps, and evaluation process varies somewhat across

our global organization and many divisions, the common elements for most positions at Deutsche

Bank include:

Step one: the online application

Step two: in-person interview(s)

Step three: job offer

The Online Application

The first step in Deutsche Bank recruiting process is our online application form (available

through our website at www.db.com/careers). All applicants to Deutsche Bank must complete our

online application form, regardless of whether or not you attend a school at which we recruit. When

you complete the form, you will be asked to indicate your job and regional preferences. You will also

be asked to share information about your background and relevant experiences. This is your

opportunity to make the case for why you would be an outstanding employee for Deutsche Bank.

On our side, recruiters review every online application that we receive. After they抳e reviewed

your online application our recruiters will contact you to let you know whether you’ve been selected

to proceed to step two of the interview process.

The Interview Process

If you successfully pass the initial evaluation based upon your online application, you will be

invited to interview with a member of our recruiting team. Depending on your geographical location

and whether we are recruiting on your campus, we will conduct the interview on campus, in an

arranged location (for example, a hotel), or in a Deutsche Bank office. Deutsche Bank targets and

recruits for region-specific jobs at a number of key schools in a variety of regions around the world.

The interview process typically consists of one to three rounds of interviews, and can also include

quantitative tests, language tests, and case studies. However, the specifics of the process vary

depending on the region and the position. For instance, the process for undergraduate candidates for

full-time Global Markets Analyst positions in Australia consists of three rounds of interviews and a

series of aptitude tests, while the process for full-time Global Corporate Finance Associate positions in

the U.K. consists of two face-to-face interviews followed by a super Saturday?series of final-round

interviews in London.

Please check the recruiting details page for the region where you want to work for more details.

Decision Processes

Our recruiters will contact you after each stage of the process to let you know our decision. If you

have not selected to move forward, the contact will be via e-mail. If you are selected to move forward

to the next step, we will typically call you. We call all candidates who reach the final round of

interviews to let them know whether they will be receiving a job offer.

If we don’t select you to interview with us, we will leave your application open until all potential

opportunities within your desired position/region are filled in order to ensure you have maximum

opportunity for selection.

It is also possible that a recruiter may pass your application to another division if it appears that

you would better fit a different position in Deutsche Bank. If the recruiter who receives your

forwarded application wishes to proceed with you, we will contact you to set up an interview. If all

programs for that region/division are filled, you will receive an email notification that your application

has been closed.

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When to Apply

The application timetable varies by region and by position. For example, we accept applications

for U.K. summer and full-time Associate and Analyst positions starting on September 1, while we

accept applications for positions in Germany year-round.

Please check the description of that regional position for details on timetables.

On line Applications

What do you look for in candidate resumes/CVs?

Our online application is the only method of application we accept levels the resume/CV field to a

consistent format that helps us to most effectively review and evaluate your qualifications. But just

because our form is standardized, doesn’t mean we want cookie-cutter responses. Look for ways you

can differentiate yourself.

• Target your responses to the role you like. Looking to work in our Hong Kong office? Tell us why

you will be a good fit. Have you lived/worked in Hong Kong? Do you speak Mandarin? Tell us, we

want to know.

• Point to specific ways your experience uniquely qualifies you. If you want to work in Corporate

Finance tell us about some of the analysis you conducted at a previous job or for a class project. Want

to work in Private Banking? Demonstrate that you are not only a quant jock but also a very competent

relationship manager.

• If you are receiving your first university degree and don’t have much work experience, talk about

your technical skills, your extra-curricular and leadership roles, and relevant projects you completed in


• Make your responses concise. This isn’t an essay exam.

• Feel free to use bullets and brief factual statements.

What are immediate turn-offs on a resume/CV? Turn-ons?

If you spell our company name wrong and admittedly, it is easy to do not expect a call. In fact,

spelling errors of any type will be taken very seriously. Avoid anything that smacks of a generic or

blanket approach. You be surprised how many obvious cut and paste errors we receive: "I want to

work for XYZ Investment Company because Instead, demonstrate with real facts that you have done

your homework, and give us examples of why you and Deutsche Bank are a good match.

Additionally, while we want to know who you are and what you’ve done, we have to review

hundreds of resumes/CVs every year. Being concise and direct demonstrates your professionalism.

Tips for Maximizing Your Deutsche Bank Online Job Application

Deutsche Bank’s hiring process has been established to accomplish two objectives: to help us find

and hire the best possible candidates, and to make sure that we evaluate every candidate fairly. With

the number of applications we receive each day this is no small task.

The very first step of our process centers around the online application, available through our

website. Every candidate who applies to us must fill out our online application form. While this may

seem like a burden, we believe that it is our best way to provide all candidates with a level playing

field. Moreover, real people on our team review every application we receive.

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行业 公司 行业 公司






德勤(Deloitte) 腾讯(Tencent)

普华永道(PwC) 谷歌(Google)

安永(E&Y) 新蛋(NEWEGG)




宝洁(Procter&Gamble) 阿里巴巴

高露洁(Colgate) 搜狐公司

联合利华(Unilever) 网易互动娱乐(163)

欧莱雅(L'Oréal) 新浪Sina

强生(Johnson&Johnson) 盛大网络(SNDA)




箭牌(Wrigley) 诺基亚(NOKIA)

可口可乐(Cocacola) 华为(HUAWEI)

百事可乐(Pepsi) 中兴(ZTE)

金佰利(Kimberly-Clark) 中国电信(CHINA TELECOM)


中粮集团 中国移动(CHINA MOBILE)

沃尔玛公司 广东移动


中金(CICC) 江苏移动

中国邮政银行 北京移动




中国银行(BC) 丰田(TOYOTA)

中国建设银行(CCB) 戴姆勒-克莱斯勒

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渣打(Standard Chartered) 中国青年报

花旗(Citibank) 新华社

汇丰银行 外研社

恒生银行(HBC) 保险 中国人寿

国家开发银行 中国人保





中国人民银行 陶氏化学(Dow)

中信银行 巴斯夫(BASF)

深圳平安银行 斯伦贝谢(SLB)

深圳发展银行 壳牌(Shell)

光大银行 中石化

中国进出口银行 中石油

澳新银行(ANZ) 阿海珐集团

中信证券 埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil)

招商证券 勃林格殷格翰集团

南方基金 中国广东核电集团

浦发银行(SPDB) 中国核电工程有限公司


麦肯锡(McKinsey) 艾默生(EMERSON)

贝恩(Bain) 德固赛(Degussa)

摩立特(Monitor Group)



奥浦诺(Opera) TNT

尼尔森(Nielsen) 马士基(Maersk)

埃森哲(Accenture) 中集集团




联想(Lenovo) 机械/电气




微软(Microsoft) 施奈德(Schneider)

IBM 西门子(Siemens)

惠普(HP) 中国南方电网

思科(CISCO) 霍尼韦尔(Honeywell)

甲骨文(Oracle) 三一集团

威盛电子(WorkSoft) 国家电网







万科集团 美国国家仪器(LG NI)

中海地产 泰科电子(Tyco Electronics)

保利 美的(MIDEA)

龙湖地产 飞利浦(PHILIPS)

碧桂园 索尼(SONY)

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