陳永華教授 prof. chan wing-wah - hong kong oratorio societygeorge frideric handel (1685-1750):...


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Page 1: 陳永華教授 Prof. CHAN Wing-wah - Hong Kong Oratorio SocietyGeorge Frideric Handel (1685-1750): Coronation Anthem No.1: Zadok the Priest Dettingen Te Deum Messiah (selections)
Page 2: 陳永華教授 Prof. CHAN Wing-wah - Hong Kong Oratorio SocietyGeorge Frideric Handel (1685-1750): Coronation Anthem No.1: Zadok the Priest Dettingen Te Deum Messiah (selections)

陳永華教授 Prof. CHAN Wing-wah   陳氏創作了8首交響曲,其中7首由雨果製作有限公司出版,香港及俄羅斯的樂團灌錄。陳氏曾獲美國「國際雙簧協會作曲比賽首獎」、日本「入野義朗紀念獎」、北京中華民族文化促進會《廿世紀華人音樂經典》、香港藝術家聯盟「1991作曲家年獎」、1992年「十大傑出青年獎」、香港電視廣播有限公司《兒歌金曲獎》、香港作曲家及作詞家協會「1997本地正統音樂最廣泛演出獎」及2004、2007「最佳正統音樂作品金帆音樂獎」。近作分別在以下項目演出:德國斯圖加特「國際現代音樂協會世界音樂節」、斯洛文尼亞「盧布爾雅那夏日音樂節」、義大利迪里雅斯特音樂節、波蘭Lodz「亞歷山大唐斯曼音樂節」、西班牙馬德里LIM 2Mil及畢爾巴古根海姆博物館BBK藝術節、瑞士溫特圖爾及伯恩的「Klang-Klee音樂節」、亞根廷、日本及韓國的音樂節等。新作「仙人台上」為悼念日本311海嘯而作, 在2012年十月在日本廣島首演。他被列入「葛洛夫音樂百科全書」線上版。陳氏現任香港作曲家及作詞家協會主席,香港中樂團理事、及多個團體的顧問包括中國廣播民族樂團、香港管弦樂團、香港舞蹈團等。2000年獲港府委任為太平紳士。2009 年獲邀成為中國音樂家協會會員。現任香港大學專業進修學院副院長,及其創意及表演藝術中心總監。 Chan had written 8 Symphonies of which 7 were recorded by Hugo Productions by the Russian Philharmonic Orchestra, Voronezh State Symphony Orchestra and orchestras of Hong Kong. He had received First Prize in the International Double Reed Society Composition Contest, USA; the Yoshiro Irino Memorial Award and the 20th Century Masterpiece Award, Beijing, the Composer of the Year Award from the Hong Kong Artists' Guild (1991), the Ten Outstanding Young Persons Award (1992), TVB Children Song Gold Award, CASH Golden Sail Music Awards 2004 and 2007. His recent works were performed in International Society for Contemporary Music-World Music Days Festival in Stuttgart, Germany; Summer Music Festival in Ljubljana, Slovenia; Trieste Prima Festival in Trieste, Italy; Alesander Tansman MusicFestival in Lodz, Poland; Festival LIM 2Mil in Madrid and the Festival BBK in the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain; Klang-Klee Festival to commemorate Paul Klee in Winterthur and Bern, Switzerland. His latest work Sages’ Plateau to commemorate the victims of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan in 2011 will be premiered in Hiroshima, Japan in October, 2012. His biography is included in the “New Grove Dictionary of Music & Musicians Online”. He is the Chairman of the Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong since 1994, a Council Director of the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra, Honorary Advisor of the China Broadcasting Folk Orchestra (Beijing), Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra and Hong Kong Dance Company. The Hong Kong Government appointed him Justice of the Peace in 2000. He was invited to become a member of the Chinese Musicians Association in 2009. He is now Associate Director at the School of Professional And Continuing Education, The University of Hong Kong (HKU SPACE) and Head of its Centre for Creative and Performing Arts

Page 3: 陳永華教授 Prof. CHAN Wing-wah - Hong Kong Oratorio SocietyGeorge Frideric Handel (1685-1750): Coronation Anthem No.1: Zadok the Priest Dettingen Te Deum Messiah (selections)

  黃健羭是活躍於香港樂壇的管風琴家。她畢業於香港中文大學,並持有香港大學教育文憑,又先後考獲英國皇家音樂學院鋼琴教學及風琴演奏文憑。1976年,黃氏赴倫敦皇家音樂學院深造,隨韓偉志及柏理學習風琴演奏及鋼琴伴奏,獲LRAM、ARCM演奏文憑及兩項風琴演奏獎。除演奏外,黃氏在香港中文大學、香港演藝學院、香港浸會大學、香港教育學院及建道神學院教授風琴。 WONG Kin-yu is one of the most active organists in Hong Kong. A graduate from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, she also holds the Diploma in Education from The University of Hong Kong and the LRSM diplomas in piano teaching and organ performance. In 1976, she pursued her studies at the Royal Academy of Music, London where she studied organ with Douglas Hawkridge and piano accompaniment with Geoffrey Pratley. While at the Academy, Wong was awarded the LRAM and ARCM diplomas and two major prizes on organ performance. Besides giving performances, Wong teaches organ at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, The Hong Kong Baptist University, The Hong Kong Institute of Education and the Alliance Bible Seminary.

香港童聲合唱團 Hong Kong Treble Choir 香港童聲合唱團成立於2000年,為一註冊非牟利慈善機構。合唱團十分榮幸邀得多位本地及國際知名合唱專家與音樂家擔任總監及顧問,包括名譽顧問費明儀女士 SBS, BBS、名譽藝術總監陳永華教授 JP及藝術總監唐少偉教授。在唐少偉教授的領導下,合唱團曾獲多個藝術機構參與本地、國內及海外的交流活動及演出,出訪地方包括亞洲及歐洲等國,並於國內不同地方舉行巡迴專場音樂會,演出備受好評。除演出活動及比賽外,本團曾參與灌錄小學音樂教科書之示範教材及受邀灌錄本地著名動畫為「麥兜」系列電影音樂,廣受大眾歡迎。 Hong Kong Treble Choir (HKTC) was founded in November 2000 as a registered charitable organization. HKTC is honoured to invite a group of renowned choral experts and masters as directors and consultants which include Honorary Advisor Mdm. Barbara Fei, SBS, BBS, Honorary Artistic Director Prof. Wing-wah Chan, JP and Artistic Director Prof. Leon Shiu-wai Tong. Under the leadership of Prof. Leon Shiu-wai Tong, HKTC has participated in various performance and cultural exchange in different Asian and European countries. Touring performances was held in different cities in China. HKTC contributed to music education in Hong Kong by participating in the recording of the primary music textbook “Musical Journey” demonstrative teaching materials. HKTC was involved in the music recording of the popular “Mcdull” animation movie series.

聖樂聲揚 HKOS Cantata Singers 香港聖樂團2012年創辦由十八位團員組成的合唱小組聖樂聲揚,期望以創新的角度演譯合唱經典。團員均獲獎學金隨聲樂總監阮妙芬學習,及接受音樂總監趙伯承嚴格的合唱及劇場訓練。創團樂季的演出曲目包括韋華第的《榮耀頌》、韓德爾的《彌賽亞》、巴赫的《尊主頌》及《聖馬可受難曲》等。2013-2014樂季將會舉辦遍及香港、澳門及中國內地的巴赫清唱劇朝聖旅程。 Founded by the HKOS in 2012, the Cantata Singers is an eighteen-singer choral ensemble that aims to present choral masterpieces with innovative perspectives. All members in the choir receive vocal scholarships to take weekly lessons with Vocal Director Nancy Yuen and demanding choral and theatrical training with Music Director Patrick Chiu. The programme of the inaugural season includes Vivaldi’s Gloria, Handel’s Messiah, Bach’s Magnificat and St. Mark Passion. Season 2013-2014 is a Bach Cantata Pilgrimage in Hong Kong, Macau and Mainland China.

香港青年協會李兆基小學手鐘隊 HKFYG Lee Shau Kee Primary School Handchimes Team 香港青年協會李兆基小學手鐘隊成立至今八年,隊員來自三至六年級的同學。手鐘隊曾於校內﹑校外不同場合作公開表演,並參加香港校際手鈴節及亞洲校際手鈴及手鐘大賽,屢獲殊榮。該校期望透過手鈴隊的培訓,讓學生認識演奏手鈴的基本知識,並訓練學生個人的音樂技巧,更重要的是體驗團隊精神。從學習群體合作中鍛鍊出忍耐,專心及願意聆聽的性格。 HKFYG Lee Shau Kee Primary School Handchimes Team was formed in 2004. Members are from primary three and five students. Since then, the team has performed in various prestigious venues. The students participated in the Hong Kong Handbell Festival and Asia School Handbells and Handchimes Competition, and received excellent result. We hope to ignite the student’s passion for music and enhance their self-confidence and interpersonal skills through the training of Handchimes.

唐少偉教授 Prof. TONG Shiu-wai, Leon 唐氏為國際知名合唱專家,亦是本地合唱音樂的推動者。現擔任國際合唱聯盟第一副主席、香港童聲合唱協會會長及香港童聲合唱團藝術總監及首席指揮等多項公職。他多年來不遺餘力地推動合唱音樂發展及教育,對本地合唱音樂發展有重大影響,備受本地及國際合唱界認同,曾獲頒中國童聲合唱貢獻大獎、藝術成就獎(音樂)等。唐氏高瞻遠矚、大膽創新,不斷發掘推廣合唱音樂的平台,致力提高香港合唱音樂水平。除了邀請國外優秀合唱團來港演出外,唐氏還創辦了國際青少年合唱節,近年更致力於策劃合唱音樂遊學團,鼓勵並協助本地合唱團到國外學習及參加比賽,並獲得佳績。唐氏十分重視及支持本地合唱音樂創作,並把中國內地及本地的優秀作品帶到世界各地演唱。唐氏主張多元化發展,他所指導的香港童聲合唱團除多次於國際比賽屢獲殊榮外,亦擔任「麥兜」系列電影音樂原唱者,唐氏本人更親自擔任新電影的「童聲合唱藝術總監」。 Prof. Tong is an internationally renowned choral expert and one of the leaders pushing local choral music development. Sparing no effort to push choral music development and choral music education, Tong has great influences in choral music development in Hong Kong, and his contributions in international choral field has also been highly recognized. Tong has been presented with “The China Treble Choir Achievement Award”, the Award for Arts Achievement (Music), and etc. He is serving as important positions in numerous choral organizations, such as the First Vice President of International Federation for Choral Music, President of Hong Kong Treble Choirs’ Association, Artistic Director and Principal Conductor of Hong Kong Treble Choir, and etc. Tong has shown great foresight and innovation by promoting choral music in a variety ways and raising the standard of choral music in Hong Kong. He has not only invited outstanding choirs all over the world to perform in Hong Kong, but has also organized International Youth and Children’s Choir Festival. Recently, he has been organizing music tours to broaden the exposure of local choirs to the international competitions. Benefited from his experience, the teams joining the tours have attained fruitful results in different competitions. Tong pays attention to local choral compositions. He supports local composers and brings their music to the world. He emphasizes promotion of choral music in diverse media. The Hong Kong Treble Choir, under his lead, is not only winning prizes in numerous international competitions, but is also involving in the music recording of the “Mcdull” animation movie series. He has also served as the Artistic Director for Treble Choir in the new movie of the series.

黃健羭 WONG Kin-yu

Page 4: 陳永華教授 Prof. CHAN Wing-wah - Hong Kong Oratorio SocietyGeorge Frideric Handel (1685-1750): Coronation Anthem No.1: Zadok the Priest Dettingen Te Deum Messiah (selections)

Programmes includes:Popular classics by George Frideric Handel (1685-1750):Coronation Anthem No.1: Zadok the PriestDettingen Te DeumMessiah (selections)Organ ConcertoCarols Sing-in with audience

唐少偉教授Prof. TONG Siu-wai, Leon

陳永華教授 Prof. CHAN Wing-wah

16.12.2012 (星期日SUN) 7:45pm

香港文化中心音樂廳 Concert Hall, Hong Kong Cultural Centre票價 Ticket price: $400;$300;$200;$100門票於10月27日起在各城市電腦售票處發售Tickets available from 27 October onwards at all URBTIX outlets

演出約長2小時15分鐘包括中場休息15分鐘。Running time of this performance is about 2 hour 15 minutes with an intermission of 15 minutes.

觀眾務請準時入場,遲到者須待中場休息或節目的適當時間方可進場。Audiences are strongly advised to arrive punctually. No latecomers will be admitted until the intermission or a suitable break in the programme.

如遇特殊情況,主辦機構保留更換節目及表演者的權利。The presenter reserves the right to substitute artists and change the programme should unavoidable circumstances make it necessary.

Discount Scheme:.Half-price tickets available for senior citizens, people with disabilities, full-time

students and Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) recipients..30% discount for Friends & Members of Hong Kong Oratorio Society‘Cheers!’ Series Discount #:.10% off for each purchase of 2 different programmes;.15% off for each purchase of 3 different programmes;.20% off for each purchase of 4 or more different programmes

Group Booking Discount #:.10% off for each purchase of 10-19 tickets;.20% off for each purchase of 20 or more tickets

Patrons could enjoy only one of the above discounts for each purchaseDiscounted tickets offers for other programme# of the ‘Cheers!’ Series, please refers to LCSD’s advertising booklets.




訂購每場正價門票,只可享有上述其中一項訂票優惠「開懷集」其他節目優惠包括# 詳情請參閱有關節目宣傳物

門票於10月27日起在各城巿電腦售票處、網上及信用卡電話購票熱線發售 Tickets available from 27 October onwards at all URBTIX outlets, on Internet and by Credit Card Telephone Booking

香港聖樂團 Hong Kong Oratorio Society  香港聖樂團為一非牟利團體,於1956年由一群音樂愛好者組成。他們深信演唱優雅的音樂能帶給歌者和聽眾喜樂,提高個人素質,並提供市民優質的精神與文化生活。香港聖樂團最擅長演繹富戲劇性內容的神曲(oratorio),故取名Oratorio Society。香港聖樂團自1996年至今,共出版了4張鐳射唱片,作全球發行,均獲得高度評價。香港聖樂團的創團指揮為黃飛然老師,後由黃永熙博士歷任首席指揮及榮譽指揮,自1995年由陳永華教授應邀擔任音樂總監兼指揮,現任榮譽贊助人為香港特首夫人曾鮑笑薇女士。香港聖樂團常在不同的指揮名家帶領下與多個職業樂團合作,並多次前往海外及中國多個主要城市演出經典曲目。 The Hong Kong Oratorio Society (HKOS) is a non-profit-making organization founded in 1956 by a group of music enthusiasts who believed that singing beautiful music would bring joy to the singers and the listeners alike. It further helps to enhance our personal quality and provides citizens with rich spiritual and cultural life. HKOS takes its name from its favourite genre of repertoire, the oratorio, which refers to extended choral works with religious or mythological stories. From 1996, HKOS has produced four CD recordings distributed worldwide. The first conductor of the choir was Mr Frank Huang who was then succeeded by Dr Wong Wing Hee serving as Principal Conductor and Conductor Emeritus for many years before retiring. The present Music Director, Prof. Chan Wing-wah took over the baton after a few successful collaborations with HKOS since 1995. The current Honorary Patron is Mrs Selina Tsang, wife of Donald Tsang, Chief Executive of The Government of HKSAR. The choir has performed under the batons of many famous conductors with various professional orchestras. It has also gone on concert tours in overseas and major cities in Mainland China.

香港弦樂團成立於1998年,宗旨是推廣古典音樂欣賞和普及市民對傳統西洋樂器的認識。樂團由多位本地音樂家組成,所有團員均經過多年嚴格的專業訓練,主要成員畢業於香港演藝學院、中文大學及海外多間著名大學音樂系,現職香港小交響樂團、香港城市室樂團及音樂事務處兼職導師等。作為專業樂手,樂團成員均有豐富演出經驗,個別成員更曾到世界各地作文化交流,並活躍於室樂演奏及音樂製作。香港弦樂團主力透過小組示範音樂會,提高市民對音樂藝術的興趣。示範音樂會一般在中小學、商場、香港文化中心及幅利團體會址舉行,內容著重示範演奏、樂器介紹、樂曲及作曲家解說。近年,樂團亦屢次獲邀參與香港聖樂團及香港大學專業進修學院的音樂會。 Hong Kong Strings was founded in early 1998 comprising many enthusiastic local musicians. Members are mainly graduates of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, Chinese University of Hong Kong and reputable music conservatories in US and Europe. Some of them are members of Hong Kong Sinfornietta, Hong Kong City Chamber and some are part-time instructor of the Music Office. As professional musicians, members of Hong Kong Strings have vast experience in performing locally and also overseas through cultural exchange activities. They are actively involved in chamber music performance and music productions.Hong Kong Strings is dedicated to promote music to the public through demonstration concerts. These concerts are held in primary and secondary schools, shopping malls, HK Cultural Centre and venue of different social welfare organizations. These concerts include demonstration of instruments and their playing characteristics, explanation on music history, composing style and also interesting stories about the composers. In recent years, Hong Kong Strings have been invited by Hong Kong Oratorio Society and HKU SPACE to perform in their concerts.

香港弦樂團 Hong Kong Strings

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