edwin’ port-folio

Edwin’ port- folio

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Edwin’ port-folio. Design Brief & Task Analysis. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Edwin’ port-folio

Edwin’ port-folio

Page 2: Edwin’ port-folio

I intend to design and make a small scale storage unit, based on the Bauhaus design movement. This would be designed as a unit to store games inside. It will be sold in the price range of £20-£40, aimed at young teenagers who are under 18. The materials that could be used are plastic or cardboard. Reason why I have chose to aim this product at students and young teenagers, because they like to play games on the Xbox or ps3 and would find it a good asset for their students to place their games. The environment that I plan to sell my product on amazon.

Design Brief & Task Analysis

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What do I need to find about?

Why do I need to know this?

Where will I find the information ?

Evidence How long will it take (approx.)

Theme Know what shapes Bauhaus can have on my product

Internet/ Library/ Magazines/ Gallery

Mood board 30MINS

Customer See what attracts the customer to make my product a success.


Customer Profile 45MINS

Existing Products

Help me understand what competition over products will expect

Stores/ Internet Product Analysis 1HR 30MINS

Materials Decide on what materials best-fit my product

Internet/ Library Research on materials


Research Plan

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Mood boardConclusion

The mood board has helped and given me inspiration for my design ideas. The style of the building has helped me in how I could improve my storage unit.My client likes the use of bold lines on this image, it is simple but effective

My customer particularly liked this pattern because it was attractive and eye-catching and colourful. They said that they would like to see it on the final product.

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What colours would you like your storage unit to



Customer Profile Questionnaire

What materials would you interested in?


How much are you willing to spend?

£5-£10£10-£15£15-£20£20 +

What are you going to store in your storage unit?

BooksGamesToysDVD's or CD's

Where would you use your storage unit?



After carrying out a questionnaire I have found out that my customers would prefer their storage unit to be and mainly used to store DVD’s, CD’s or games. Therefore it will be based in the bedroom and my customers would be willing to spend within the price range of £15-30. Finally the material of the overall product would be cardboard or wood.

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Product AnalysisAesthetic

Brightly coloured and has different shapes and sizes and would appeal to under 18’s to help grab their attention.


It would be a very expensive product because it is very attractive and would be sold at very high price range.


This would be aimed at people who are at the age of around 20 – 30 because of the designs and colours


This will be sold and aimed to be sold in the city because they would be able to afford the product. The processes and materials would have a negative impact on the environment.


The size of the product would specifically designed for magazines and books, so that it doesn't take up too much room


It will obviously have to be checked that its in mint condition and safe to use. Health and safety procedures would have to be taken whilst its being manufactured


The product is a storage unit and used for any equipment that you would like


It is likely to be made by a batch production.


The materials that were used are wood, metal and plastic. I think they chose these materials because they are very durable.


After looking at the analysis I made to this product I feel that I have to make my product more safe and able to use in the environment. My product will be a batch production and the material I have chosen to use if MDF wood.

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Materials Research


The wood is able to sustain a considerable amount of weight and can also is very big and contain good and valuable products.


The main disadvantage of using wood is that it will cost a considerable amount of money and also takes a lot of space and will would not be worth the money.


It is strong and vey helpful to store books, magazines and many other useful such as games and will appeal to the right age group.


There are no doors so that you can hide your things from other people and therefore is very vulnerable to the public and belongings can get lost.



A metal storage unit is useful because it is strong and can carry a considerable yet, as a result would be very helpful


Although it is strong it would only be used in buildings for manufacture and not at home.



After looking at the materials and the advantages and disadvantages they have , I have decided to use MDF wood. The reason I have chose MDF wood is because it is able sustain a considerable amount of weight and contain good valuable products.

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Looking at the research I carried out , the decision I made about the appearance was the Bauhaus used geometric shapes and were brightly coloured. Also from my interview most people preferred their storage unit to be brightly coloured. My mood board also helped to show me that the designs were varied and will appeal to my customers.Moving on towards the cost, from the research I carried out was that the customers preferred to have their storage unit cost in the price range of £15-£20. Furthermore my product analysis showed me that some storage units can be quite expensive maybe because of the type of wood it is made of such as oak. Moreover based on the material used the price would vary of the product.The customers wanted the product to store magazines, games and DVD’s, they would also like the designing brightly coloured and used in the bedrooms. Most of the customers would like the product to be made out of wood or cardboard, although would also be interested in a product that was either acrylic or plastic.In ways that the product could effect the environment would be if it was made out of acrylic which is made out of plastic and bad for the environment, adding on it is made out of oil which is a fossil fuel and would eventually run out and are non-renewable resources. The size of the product following the results my questionnaire is that the majority of them would want it in their bedroom, from that the storage unit would have to be compact and able to fit in small areas of the room. Consequently it would need to stored either under the bed, besides a product so the size should be small and compact.As my customer is a teenager, I need to make sure the product is not offensive and that there is no sharp edges that can hurt the customer. As shown in the product analysis the product had another material to protect the sharp edges so if the customer bumped into the product, they wouldn’t get hurt.The product will be used to store DVD’s or CD’s from what the questionnaire showed that the customers would prefer to put them inside the storage unit, therefore the product would be useful and used for a long period of time .The product will be manufactured and be a batch production and because it would be made out of many materials the product will have a prototype to show that it can be edited and manufactured well for the customer.The materials that are going to be used for this product would be mainly wood or cardboard from the customers point of view. Wood is able to sustain a considerable amount of weight , so therefore would be strong and durable. This allows the storage unit to maintain a great amount of weight of the DVD’s or CD’s that would be placed inside.

Analysis of research

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Design CriteriaFunction = The main function of my product would to store games for consoles. The function of packaging would be that it keeps games stored in a storage unit.

Performance = The product needs to be able to store a significant amount of games. Also the storage unit needs to be strong and last a long period of time.

Quantity = I plan to make a prototype design and if that design is successful, I then plan to make a batch production of my product.

Market = My target market for my product would be aimed at teenagers and for the age group of 11-15. I also believe my product would appeal to the right age group because it would be attractive and useful for them

Life in service = The product should last a significant and be worth the price. The product has to be of good use and be strong enough to last for many years.

Maintenance = My product would not depend on any ongoing maintenance because it is a storage unit that would not depend on any last minute changes.

Target cost = I would sell my storage unit for suitable price of £20-£25, the reason why I have chose this price is because the product is therefore very affordable.

Packaging = My packaging would have sponsors so that it can fit in with the company brand and as a result attract to the customer before he has even opened the product . Also have an image on display of the product

Size = The size of my product would be a small compact storage unit , reasons why it will be this size is because the games would be small and it would be fitted in the storage unit

Aesthetics = The overall appearance of my product need to be a use of complimentary colours and have a attractive yet mature style to appeal for the right ages group. The shape would be preferably be cuboids.

Ergonomics = My storage unit would not need ergonomics to be used

Testing = My product would need to be checked to see if it is safe and appropriate to be used and sold in the stores and tight for the customer

Safety = The storage unit needs to be safe with no smooth edges and not be harmful for the customer and consequently the storage unit would be a success,

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Planning DevelopmentWhat needs developing?

Why does it need developing?

How long do you think this will take?

Colours Some of the colours chosen didn’t interest the customer, so changes need to be made for the product to be a success.Developing design ideas again in different colours, therefore we see what colours help attract more customers.


Shapes Arrange certain designs in different shapes to see what is the best fit for the customer.


Materials Testing materials that are best for the product , whether the material would be safe, expensive and attractive for the customer


Finishes This makes the product more efficient for the customer, moreover the product is of good use and worth the price


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Initial Design Ideas

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I would use this design on my final product because it is a pattern that my customer said that they liked when I showed them my mood board. It is bright and eye-catching.

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Design Number

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Product aimed at the age group 11-16

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Appropriate colour scheme

No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No

Stores games

Yes Yes No No Yes No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No

High Quality

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes

Cost No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Size Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No

Evaluating Initial Design

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Model of Final Design

The final model of my product is 3D and was made by paper and masking tape. It is spacious and has shelf to store many things.

One side of the model was left open so the customer could see how the inside looked although the final changes meant that I had to put a lid on top and an extra shelf for my product

The model itself was good out line to how my product would look and overall it was an example to how the product would finally look. This helped the product to be more of a success and easier to make.

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ProductPiece Material Thickness(M

M) Width(MM) Length(MM)

Front MDF Wood 6 500 400Back MDF Wood 6 500 400

Side panel MDF Wood 6 140 400Top MDF Wood 6 140 490

Base MDF Wood 6 140 490Inside Top MDF Wood 6 175 340

Inside Base MDF Wood 6 175 340Inside Side MDF Wood 6 140 180

Manufacturing Specification

Tools and Equipment• Band facer = Helped to smoothen the edges and get rid of any small uneven sections• Line bender = Helped the bend the acrylic into a triangular shape and fitted the product well• File = Helped to smoothen out any area and for accuracy• Coping saw = Helped to cut out the inner section in the MDF wood for the shelf• Wet and dry paper = Helped smoothen out the MDF wood• Sand paper = Helped to smoothen out the acrylic• Spray paint = Helped to add the Bauhaus theme on the storage unit for creativity• Masking tape = Helped out when applying spray paint for acccuracy.

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Final Design

400mm 180mm







175mmThis pattern was used to show that the Bauhaus theme was used to show how I planned to make this specific storage unit. The final design is different from the developed design because I felt that one shelf would make the storage unit more useful for not just games and consequently worth the price.

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What did I do? Photo Tools & Equipment

Health and safety

Quality Control Did I make any notifications?

File the edges File Had an apron and goggles

Used the file gently to even out the edges, by doing this I was able to make my work more accurate and efficient.

Filed the outside of my product for the viewing of the product.

File Had an apron on with goggles

Able to make each side equal and in doing so my work was able to match my measurements and reach perfection.

Glued the four parts of wood together and waited for it to dry

Glue Apron on Carefully stuck the four pieces of wood together and as a result the storage unit was ready to be painted.

The storage unit was now completely stuck together and was ready to be painted.

Glue Apron on Left it to dry and it fitted well, later on I painted the whole unit white before applying the spray paint.

Spray paint the storage unit

Spray paint Apron and goggles on

Carefully sprayed it on accurately to avoid any problems. Inside the storage unit where the games was stored was red and parts were white, red, blue, yellow and black with different colours on the storage unit

Diary of Making

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Testing and Evaluating Design Criteria Did it meet

the criteria?

What changes

did I make?

What changes will I make in the future?

Function = The main function of my product would to store games for consoles. The function of packaging would be that it keeps games stored in a storage unit.

Yes I was able to store games in my storage

unit successfully without any issues. As

a result my storage unit was efficient and

met the criteria

Changes were not needed to be

made because my product fitted

in the storage unit.

The changes I might make in the future is that I could a lid to cover the product in the storage unit instead of

putting the product on display, this could be done because of safety reasons

to avoid accidents or damage to product.

Performance = The product needs to be able to store a significant amount of games. Also the storage unit needs to be strong and last a long period of time.

My product is able to store a significant amount of games

because it is strong, although it would not

last for a long period of time such as 2-3 years because the storage unit isn’t compact


The storage unit needs to be more compact and way I could do this is by creating more

space in the storage unit to

have more products inside which makes it worth the price.

The changes that I would apply to my product is that I would add nails into my storage unit so that it can

much stronger and last much longer and have another section where

games can be stored to be more compact.

Quantity = I plan to make a prototype design and if that design is successful, I then plan to make a batch production of my product.

My prototype was unsuccessful and many

changes had to be made before I was able

to make a batch production of my

storage unit.

I had to edit my prototype so that the right size of the games could be stored in the

storage unit and a significant

amount could be stored in it.

In the future I plan to make a batch production of my storage unit and take it onto the next level and

maybe attract more customers, use a range of

colours to appeal many more age groups and as a result my storage unit can be successful worldwide.

Market = My target market for my product would be aimed at teenagers and for the age group of 11-15. I also believe my product would appeal to the right age

group because it would be attractive and useful for them

My product appeals to the right age group simply because it is very attractive as

planned because of the significant changes I

made to make it more appealing to the


I had to make sure that my product was based on my

theme Bauhaus and use that as a attraction to the customers by

varying the colours I used

In the future I plan to make all different sizes, colours

and designs on my storage unit so it appeals more to

the customers and the right age groups.

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Design Criteria Did it meet the criteria?

What changes did I make?

What changes will I make in the future?

Life in service = The product should last a significant and be worth the price. The product has to be of good use and be strong enough

to last for many years.

The product is good use and strong enough to last for many years because I

used strong materials such as MDF wood and I

feel the price meets that .

One specific change I would make is that it has to be manufactured

carefully and use stronger equipment to make it stronger.

The change I will make in the future is that it has to be stronger, safer and more efficient to the buy by

doing this I will edit all the weakness such as measurements.

Maintenance = My product would not depend on any on going maintenance because it is a

storage unit that would not depend on any last minute changes.

The storage unit did depend on maintenance and needed last minute changes because it was

attractive or appealing to the customer.

I had to change the range of colours I used on my storage unit to make it

more colourful and attractive

In the future I plan to use a whole range of colours so that it can be more appealing to different rage

groups and as result the unit is more successful.

Target cost = I would sell my storage unit for suitable price of £20-£25, the reason why I have

chose this price is because the product is therefore very affordable.

Yes the product will be sold for £22 the reason it

would be sold for this price is because of the work put into came at a cost so a profit has to be made for the storage unit to become a success and because of how efficient

it can be .

I had to decrease the price mainly because it had to fit in with other

storage units and when compared to another unit it would be much better

for the buyer simply because of what it offers.

In the future I plan to increase the price of my product because more customers means the product will sell quick and at a higher price the

company can make more money and the product can be manufactured over and over again as a batch


Packaging = My packaging would have sponsors so that it can fit in with the company brand and as a result attract to the customer before he has even opened the product . Also

have an image on display of the product

The packaging was complex and confusing

because the way my product was design but

overall a cuboid box was enough to contain my

storage unit.

The changes I made was that I increased the size of the packaging

so that the storage unit was compact and safe to carry around.

Changes I will make in the future is that I plan to have much more

environmental friendly packaging for my storage unit that doesn't have a negative effect on the community

and also saves me money.

Testing and Evaluating Continued


As a conclusion the changes I would make to my storage unit is that I would increase the measurements from 500mm to 700mm length and increase the width from 400mm to 600mm. Furthermore I would use a range of colours so it can be more appealing to the customer. I would change my packaging to corrugated cardboard because it is more environmental friendly and is recyclable so it doesn't have a negative impact on the environment.

Page 21: Edwin’ port-folio

Customer FeedbackI hugely enjoyed this storage unit simply

because it was useful and worth the price, it caught my eye from the start due

to the attractive colours and design. Although I would have enjoyed it more if more products could have been stored in

the storage unit.

Words cannot describe the love I have for this product it is exciting, enjoyable and entertaining. Friends and family find it very useful and have noticed that not

only games can be stored in the storage unit so that makes it very useful.

I was disappointed with the presentation of this product but overall it was extremely helpful

for me because I am games person and finally found

something original to store my games in.

This storage unit was no good for me because I feel that it only stored games

and was not useful for anything else. The price was

far too expensive and therefore I didn’t even

bother to buy one. If it was cheaper and more useful for others things maybe I would

change my mind.

I really liked the storage unit because it was an unusual shape and very

attractive. The storage unit could improved if it could be mounted on the

wall and had more storage space.


From what the customers said about the storage unit there are many improvements I could make such as increasing the storage space. As a result customers would find it more useful and realise that not only games could be stored in the storage unit.

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Redesigning my product700mm




After evaluating my final product and gathering feedback from my customers I have re-designed my product.

I have created another shelf in my storage unit so there is space for more components. Having said this I have also decreased the price to gain more customers.

This product has been hugely improved and I find it more useful and colourful so

attracts more customers. Its more spacious and as result it would be worth

the price.