educational services : restoration work in progress services : ... i've worn a white saree and...

Educational Services : v A Non-formal Primary School “Gadadhar Sishu Vikas Kendra” is being run for imparting basic education to the poor and marginalized children of the locality. All necessary School kits and nutritious tiffin are provided to the students. Moreover, the students and their parents are provided with medical counselling by specialist physicians and also medicines are served . v Monthly stipend to poor students pursuing further higher studies. Health Services : v Financial assistance for poor patients requiring special treatment at big specialty hospitals. v Cataract Operations of the poor elderly patients with supply of specs after operation. v The Health Awareness Camps with specialist doctors for poor slum-dwellers for prevention and cure of diseases and inculcating in them hygienic habits for better living. Such suggestions are compiled in a booklet for free distribution. v Free Allopathic and Homeopathic treatment with medicines for the patients at our charitable dispensary 'Swami Vivekananda Swasthya Seva Kendra'. “I have fasted on Ekadasi as a fun. I've worn a white Saree and remained close to Mother the whole day….. How can I make you feel how excited I'm to go back to Saradadevi's place? I'm now busy with trash jobs. I wish to go back to Swamiji and Mother – my desire is centred on it”. - Sister Nivedita writes in a letter dated 18th June, 1899 Restoration work in progress : On the left side of the entrance of Baranagar Math, a space measuring 3,690 sq. ft. has long been occupied by 38 economically marginalized families. They live in a cluster of squalid, unhygienic hutments having least basic facility for healthy living. As a major breakthrough in the restoration process, a suitable place was identified whereupon an alternative housing facility with all standard amenities for better living was conceived for these 38 families to free the land under their possession. Accordingly, the issue was broached to them proposing our offer for resettlement. Although 17 families agreed to the offer, the rest 21 families claimed cash compensation. This apart, three shop-owners who have been carrying on business occupying a part of the space. It, however, gives rise to the apprehension that another sizeable compensation package may have to be conceded. Each family has been provided with a separate self-contained accommodation, absolutely on ownership basis with electricity and water connections. Interestingly, there shall be no sharing of electricity and water among the resident families. The entire process of relocation entails an expenditure of Rs. 2.00 crore of which the construction cost of the new housing complex is about Rs.0.80. crore whereas Rs. 1.20 Crore has been given as cash compensation to others. This expenditure is more than our estimate. Revered Swami Suhitanandaji Maharaj, General Secretary, Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission, Belur Math, has kindly consented to inaugurate the new housing complex “Maa Sarada Abasan” for the relocated families on 10th February, 2017 at 4 P.M. This significant development of retrieving the prime plot of land inspires us to accelerate the process of acquisition, to make our dream of resurrecting the erstwhile Baranagar Math, the genesis of Ramakrishna Sangha from the ruins of history. Vocational Training Programme : Vocational Training is being organised in Basic Computer Learning /Computer Hardware /D.T.P. for young boys and Tailoring /Embroidery for girls who have finished school education or pursuing higher courses. 125/1, Pramanick Ghat Road, Kolkata - 700 036 Phone / Telefax : (033) 2557 0827 E-mail : [email protected] Website : Ramakrishna Math, Baranagar

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Post on 23-Mar-2018




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Educational Services :

v A Non-for mal Pr imar y School “Gadadhar Sishu Vikas Kendra” is being run for imparting basic education to the poor and marginalized children of the locality. All necessary School kits and nutritious tiffin are provided to the students. Moreover, the students and their parents are provided with m e d i c a l c o u n s e l l i n g b y specialist physicians and also medicines are served .

v Monthly stipend to poor students pursuing further higher studies.

Health Services :

v Financial assistance for poor patients requiring special treatment at big specialty hospitals.

v Cataract Operations of the poor elderly patients with supply of specs after operation.

v T he Health Awareness Camps with specialist doctors for poor slum-dwellers for prevention and cure of diseases and inculcating in them hygienic habits for better living. Such suggestions are compiled in a booklet for free distribution.

v F r e e A l l o p a t h i c a n d Homeopathic treatment with medicines for the patients at our charitable dispensary 'Swami Vivekananda Swasthya Seva Kendra'.



On the left sideof theentranceof



by 38 economically marginalized

families. They live in a cluster of

squalid, unhygienic hutments

having least basic facility for



was identifiedwhereupon an alternative housing facilitywith all

standard amenities for better living was conceived for these 38

families to free the land under their possession. Accordingly, the

issuewasbroachedtothemproposingouroffer forresettlement.




rise to the apprehension that another sizeable compensation


Each family has been provided with a separate self-contained


water connections. Interestingly, there shall be no sharing of




aboutRs.0.80.crore whereasRs.1.20Crorehasbeengivenascash


Revered Swami Suhitanandaji Maharaj, General Secretary,


consented to inaugurate the new housing complex “Maa Sarada


This significant development of retrieving the prime plot of land

inspires us to accelerate the process of acquisition, tomake our



Vocational Training Programme :

Vocational Training is being organised in Basic Computer Learning /Computer Hardware /D.T.P. for young boys and Tailoring /Embroidery for girls who have finished school education or pursuing higher courses.

For information in detail, kindly visit our website

125/1, Pramanick Ghat Road, Kolkata - 700 036

Phone / Telefax : (033) 2557 0827

E-mail : [email protected] Website :

Ramakrishna Math, Baranagar

In a transition period of our national life, the intense spiritual practices of Sri Ramakrishna, an ardent seeker of truth and his great pledge to usher in a new era were embodied in profound

wisdom of Swami Vivekananda, his own replica and chosen leader. Thesewere instrumental in the emergence

of 'Ramakrishna Sangha'

After the demise of Sri Ramakrishna on 16th August, 1886, his foremost disciple Narendranath (later Swami Vivekananda), a restless God-seeker, shunned his family and took shelter in an abandoned and dilapidated garden house at Pramanick Ghat Road, Baranagar, along with some of his brotherly disciples. The house was a

repository of accumulated garbage and wild weeds. However, this place gradually metamorphosed into the legendary 'Baranagar Math', the first-ever monastery of Ramakrishna Order.

S w a m i V i v e k a n a n d a t o o k i n i t i a t i v e i n fo u n d i n g t h i s monastery in a rented abandoned garden house at Baranagar in North Calcutta.

Here lived a galaxy of monks led by Swamiji. Among Sri Ramakrishna's

household devotees, the prominent ones who frequented this monastery include Girish Chandra Ghosh, Balaram Bose, Suresh Chandra Mitra. Deben Majumdar, Sri M (Master Mahasaya), Chunilal Bose, Bhabanath Chatterjee etc. and were instrumental in initiating the Sangha.

Surcharged with spiritual thoughts and ideals of Sri Ramakrishna, his disciples left behind all temporal attachments and stereotypical pattern of life. Days flowed by amidst intense japa, meditation, puja, spiritual interactions and singing devotional songs, kirtans etc. Austerity and penury all

Spiritual services:

v Inauguration of a modern auditorium – “Nivedita Debangan” ;

v Cultural Programmes – Highlighting different inspir ing aspects of Nivedita's life through lectures delivered by reputed personalities, staging of drama etc.

v Publishing books on Nivedita's life, commemorative books, leaflet, photo-posters, brochures etc.

vDistribution of books on Nivedita and her inspiring messages among students at cheap rates;

vValue Education Programmes;vCompetitions through essays, debates and discourses ,

questionnaire on Nivedita and her life, for college and school students;

vDebates and workshops in different schools.vTeachers' Retreat on Nivedita’s education and ideology vMusical programmes in memory of Nivediata

thCelebration of 150 Birth Anniversary of Sister Nivedita

Sri Sri Maa is the saviour, rather mother of the Sangha. Her divine

presence, ceaseless prayer and guidance in critical situations

are the most treasured possession of this Sangha

Abstract of Programmes

Present activities of the Math

v Daily puja at the shrine, aratrik bhajans, reading from the religious scriptures, spiritual discourses;v Devotees' conferences;v Sri Sri Durgastami Puja, Sri Sri Kali Puja, Sri Sri Sodoshi Puja, Sivaratri, Janmastami, Christmas etc.

v Birth anniversaries of Sri Ramakrishna, Sri Sri Sarada Devi and Swami Vivekananda.

through belonged to them. They lived on madhukari and scanty alms received from their well-wishers. It was here that these dedicated youths took sanyas by performing virajahavan. Reminiscing those days, Swami Vivekananda once commented: “Oh! Those were the days we lived. Such severe austerities would drive the ghost away, let alone man!”.

With the passage of time, the Math has widened its spheres of activities. Yet its main aim is to recover the lost land measuring about two acres and erect a Replica building of the old monaster y, to evoke the memory of those awe-inspiring days spent here by Swami Vivekananda and his brother monks. However, the recovery process is on progress .

Girish Chandra GhoshBalaram BoseSuresh Chandra Mitra

Sri M (Master Mahasaya)

Mute witness - gate pillars of Old Math

Bhabanath Chatterjee

In a message of blessings to his dear disciple, Swami Vivekananda said: “Be thou to India's future son / The mistress, servant, friend in one”. Rabindranath Tagore called her “Lokmata” (mother of the people) and Sri Aurobinda described her as ''a flame embodied”. An Irish by birth, Nivedita literally emerged in our national scene for selfless service to Mother India, precisely for the spread of Women Education and her special endeavour to awaken the people of India to make them free from foreign subjugation. Our main aim is to highlight Nivedita's dedication, religious practices, austerities and above all, her love for India, which are our prized inheritance.

Nivedita - as they saw her

v “Be thou to India's future son / The mistress, servant, friend in one”– Swami Vivekananda

v “Khuki, my dear” – Sri Sri Sarada Devi.v “Lokmata” (Mother of People) – Rabindranath Tagore. v “A flame embodied”– Sri Aurabindav “Mahasweta” – Abanindra Nath Tagorev “Inspiration” – For millions of India's freedom fighters

Community Development Programme :

v Happy Birthday to You :

Observance of Birth Anniversary of donors and his / her near ones by distributing milk and bread to the local poor, elderly people and children daily;

v In Memory of Your Dear Ones : Remembrance of departed near ones

on their Death Anniversaries by feeding milk and bread to the slum children and poor elderly people .

v Live and Let Live : Monthly Pecuniary Help for the Old and Crippled.

v Pre-Puja Garment Distribution : For the poor men and women people.

2017 - 2018