educational assessment

Prepared by: Amor L. Borbon

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Page 1: Educational Assessment

Prepared by: Amor L. BorbonPrepared by: Amor L. Borbon

Page 2: Educational Assessment

Outline of Presentation• Definition of Assessment

• Purposes of Assessment

• Principles of Assessment

• Assessment in the K to 12 Curriculum– Philosophy

– Nature and Purpose of assessment

– Levels of Assessment

– Use of Multiple Measures

– Use of Feedback

– Levels of Proficiency

– Promotion and Retention

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What is assessment?• Assessment is the

process of gathering quantitative and/or qualitative information and organizing them into an interpretable form for easy judgment.

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Role of Assessment in Education


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Why do we Assess?

• Assessment for learning

• Assessment of learning

• Assessment as learning

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Assessment FOR Learning

• Placement – done prior to instructionTo assess the needs of the learners.To have a basis in planning for relevant

instruction.To place students in a specific learning

groups to facilitate learning.

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Assessment FOR Learning

• Diagnostic – done before and during instruction

To determine recurring or persistent difficulties.

To help formulate a plan for detailed remedial instruction.

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Assessment FOR Learning

• Formative – during instruction

To continuously monitor the students level of attainment of the learning objectives. (Stiggins, 2005)

To communicate clearly promptly to the students the results of assessment for them to know their strengths and weaknesses and the progress of their learning.

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Assessment OF Learning

• Summative Assessment – done after instructionTo certify students knowledge and the level of

their proficiency or competency.To reveal the results of assessment whether or

not instructions have successfully achieved the curriculum outcomes.

To have basis for marks and grades.

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Assessment AS Learning

Learning to assess oneself.oAssessment develops in the learner personal

responsibility in learning by generating his/her personal goals based on standards set.

oAssessment involves the learner actively reflecting on his/her progress (metacognition) in relation to his her goals.

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Principles Underlying Assessment

1. Assessment is an integral part of teaching and learning process.

2. The learner is the heart of the assessment process.

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Principles Underlying Assessment

3. Assessment provides a whole and not a snapshot of a learner.

4. The picture of a learner’s performance is more reliable and complete when assessment data comes from multiple sources.

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Principles Underlying Assessment

5. Assessment should provide valid information on the actual processes, products, and values expected of the learner.


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Principles Underlying Assessment

6. Assessment should be educative that it makes a positive contribution to student learning.

7. Assessment criteria should be explicit so that the basis for judgment is clear, pre specified and public.

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Principles Underlying Assessment

8. Assessment should be fair to all students.

9. Effective assessment practice is based on the view of assessment as learning, assessment for learning, and assessment of learning.


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Traditional Performance Portfolio



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Targets could be:

Domains of Learning

Domains of Learning

CognitiveCognitive AffectiveAffectivePsychomotorPsychomotor

Describes mental or thought complexity.

Describes mental or thought complexity.

Describes observable

reflexive behavior which involves cognitive and

affective components

Describes observable

reflexive behavior which involves cognitive and

affective components

Reflects underlying

emotions, feelings or values

Reflects underlying

emotions, feelings or values

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Traditional Performance Portfolio

Paper and pencil tests

Paper and pencil tests

Actual demonstration of

skills or creation of products of


Actual demonstration of

skills or creation of products of


Collection of varied evidences of one’s learning over a period of


Collection of varied evidences of one’s learning over a period of


CognitiveCognitive AffectiveAffectivePsychomotorPsychomotor

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Targets could be:


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Traditional Performance Portfolio

Paper and pencil tests

Paper and pencil tests

Actual demonstration of

skills or creation of products of


Actual demonstration of

skills or creation of products of


Collection of varied evidences of one’s learning over a period of


Collection of varied evidences of one’s learning over a period of


KnowledgeKnowledge AffectiveAffectiveReasoning, skills, products

Reasoning, skills, products

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Targets could be:

All domains of Intelligence

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Traditional Performance Portfolio

Paper and pencil tests

Paper and pencil tests

Actual demonstration of

skills or creation of products of


Actual demonstration of

skills or creation of products of


Collection of varied evidences of one’s learning over a period of


Collection of varied evidences of one’s learning over a period of


Mathematical, Verbal, VisualMathematical, Verbal, Visual

Intrapersonal existential

Intrapersonal existential

Musical, kinesthetic, interpersonal, kinesthetic

Musical, kinesthetic, interpersonal, kinesthetic

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Empathy Application


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Traditional Performance Portfolio

Paper and pencil tests

Paper and pencil tests

Actual demonstration of

skills or creation of products of


Actual demonstration of

skills or creation of products of


Collection of varied evidences of one’s learning over a period of


Collection of varied evidences of one’s learning over a period of






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in theK to 12


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Assessment shall be used primarily as a quality assurance tool to track student progress in the attainment of standards , promote self- reflection and personal accountability for one’s learning and provide a basis for the profiling of student performance.

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Nature and Purpose of Assessment

Assessment shall be holistic with emphasis on the formative or developmental purpose of quality assuring student learning. It is also standards- based as it seeks to ensure that teachers will teach the standards . The student’s attainment of standards in terms of content And performance is a critical evidence of learning.

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Levels of Assessment

Level Percentage Weight

Knowledge 15%

Process or Skills 25%

Understanding 30%

Products/Performances 30%

Total 100%

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The levels are defined as follows:

1. Knowledge – refers to the substantive content of the curriculum, the facts and information that the student acquires

2. Process – refers to cognitive operations that the student performs on facts and information for the purpose of constructing meanings and understandings

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The levels are defined as follows:

3.Understandings – refers to enduring big ideas, principles and generalizations inherent to the discipline, which may be assessed using the facets of understanding

a. Explanation – give examples, make insightful connections

b. Interpretation – make it personal through images, anecdotes, analogiesc. Application – can adapt/transfer understanding into real contexts

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The levels are defined as follows:


d. Perspective – understand different points of view, sees the big picture

e. Empathy – understand and value the perspectives/point of view of others

f. Self-Knowledge – show metacognitive awareness, perceive the prejudices and

habits mind that shape and impede self understanding

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The levels are defined as follows:

4. Products/Performances – refers to real-life application of understandings as evidenced by the student’s performance of authentic tasks. It considers children’s MI.

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No single testing format can provide a complete picture of

student learning; therefore multiple formats should be


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Use of Multiple Measures

1. Knowledge What do we want students to know? How do we want them to express or provide

evidence of what they know?

1. Knowledge What do we want students to know? How do we want them to express or provide

evidence of what they know?

• Multiple Choice• True or False• Matching Type• Constructed response type

• Multiple Choice• True or False• Matching Type• Constructed response type

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Use of Multiple Measures

2. Process or Skills What do we want students do with what

they know?

2. Process or Skills What do we want students do with what

they know?

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Use of Multiple Measures

3. Understanding How do we want them to provide evidences

of their understanding?

3. Understanding How do we want them to provide evidences

of their understanding?

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Use of Multiple Measures

4. Product/Performance What product or performance do we want students to

produce as evidence of their learning or understanding?

4. Product/Performance What product or performance do we want students to

produce as evidence of their learning or understanding?

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Report Card

At the end of the quarter, the performance of students shall be described based on the following levels of proficiency:

Level of Proficiency Equivalent Numerical Value

Beginning 74% and below

Developing 75-79%

Approaching Proficiency


Proficient 85-89%

Advanced 90% and above

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Definition of Levels of Proficiency

• Beginning (B)– The student at this level struggles with his/her understanding; prerequisite and fundamental knowledge and/or skills have not been acquired or developed adequately to aid understanding.

• Developing (D)– The student at this level possesses the minimum knowledge and skills and core understandings, but needs help throughout the performance of authentic tasks

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Definition of Levels of Proficiency

• Approaching Proficiency(AP) – The student at this level has developed the fundamental knowledge and skills and core understandings and, with little guidance from the teacher and/or with some assistance from peers, can transfer these understandings through authentic performance tasks.

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Definition of Levels of Proficiency

• Proficient – The student at this level has developed the fundamental knowledge and skills and core understandings and can transfer them independently through authentic performance tasks.

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Definition of Levels of Proficiency

• Advanced (A) – The student at this level exceeds the core requirements in terms of knowledge, skills and understandings and can transfer them automatically and flexibly through authentic performance tasks.

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Retention and Promotion

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“Teachers create the classroom environment by the assessment choices they make about

format, frequency, instructional function and feedback. These choices reflect the teacher’s

knowledge of the subject, students, assessment principles, their instructional practices and their

relationship with students.”- Brookhart, 1997

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• Deped Order #31 Series of 2012• Deped Order #73 Series of 2012 • Hand-out of Dr. Brenda Corpuz , during the

PAFTE National Convention October 2012 at Cebu Sports Plaza, Cebu City

• Hand-out of Dr. Marilyn Balagtas, PNU, during the National PATEF Convention/ Seminar June, 2011 at BayView Park Hotel

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• Construct test sample test questions:– Multiple choice (5)– Matching type (5-10)– Alternative response (5)– Essay (3)


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