education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom ...lori dawn montanez m.ed. cesar chavez...

Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom. George Washington Carver Fall is here and we are barreling down towards the holidays with Halloween around the corner. We are also working the end of the first quarter of the year and we have received the results of the School Performance Framework (SFA). I am pleased to report that CHPA was assessed as a performance. This means we are meeting the state standards for academic performance. We are one of seven schools in Pueblo that met this standard. This does not mean, however, we can't improve. There are areas we need to improve to meet all aspects of state expectations at all levels. The good news is that we demonstrated growth in a number of content areas. As a result of analyzing the data we will develop intervention strategies to improve academic performance in areas where it is needed most. Sí Se Puede! On another note we said "adios" to Dr. Marek, Director of Exceptional Student Services (ESS). Dr. Marek moved back home to Texas. We wish her all the best in her new/old environment and Thank her for her years of service to our students. Finally, we also celebrated our homecoming events with crowning the Queen and King, a celebration bash and dance. Thanks to all the parents who supported our students at these various events! Have a safe Halloween and Día de Los Muertos! Richard

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Page 1: Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom ...Lori Dawn Montanez M.Ed. Cesar Chavez Academy K-6 Principal 2500 West 18th StreetPueblo, Colorado 81003 (719) 369-1064

Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom. George Washington Carver

Fall is here and we are barreling down towards the holidays with Halloween around the corner. We are also working the end of the first quarter of the year and we have received the results of the School Performance Framework (SFA). I am pleased to report that CHPA was assessed as a performance. This means we are meeting the state standards for academic performance. We are one of seven schools in Pueblo that met this standard. This does not mean, however, we can't improve. There are areas we need to improve to meet all aspects of state expectations at all levels. The good news is that we demonstrated growth in a number of content areas. As a result of analyzing the data we will develop intervention strategies to improve academic performance in areas where it is needed most. Sí Se Puede! On another note we said "adios" to Dr. Marek, Director of Exceptional Student Services (ESS). Dr. Marek moved back home to Texas. We wish her all the best in her new/old environment and Thank her for her years of service to our students. Finally, we also celebrated our homecoming events with crowning the Queen and King, a celebration bash and dance. Thanks to all the parents who supported our students at these various events!

Have a safe Halloween and Día de Los Muertos!


Page 2: Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom ...Lori Dawn Montanez M.Ed. Cesar Chavez Academy K-6 Principal 2500 West 18th StreetPueblo, Colorado 81003 (719) 369-1064

Good afternoon staff, students, and parents…

Can you believe it is October already? I love this time of year when the colors of the season arrive, the air becomes a little brisker, and the Broncos make another run at the Super Bowl. Fall also signifies the close of the 1st quarter. Mid-term exams will take place on the 13th and 14th of October for all secondary students. We will have vision and hearing screening on the 11th of October, parent/teacher conferences on the 27th and 28th of October, and professional development for teachers on October 31st and November 1st. Students will not be in school from the 27th of October to November 1st so please plan accordingly. This does not include classes for Pueblo Community College or Colorado State University Pueblo, so please check their schedule to ensure ECP students attend classes. Veteran’s Day is also on Friday, November 11th and the school will be closed in observance. We would like to welcome four new staff members to Dolores Huerta Preparatory High School. Mr. Hansen has taken over for Mr. Martin for 8th grade Social Studies. He has a military background and has served as a reading tutor at Cesar Chavez Academy. Mr. Smith replaces Mr. Hildeman for High School Social Studies and has extensive knowledge as a current college professor. He has traveled the world and brings many experiences to his classroom. We would also like to welcome Mrs. DiGiacomo to 7th and 8th grade mathematics. Mrs. DiGiacomo comes to us with 14 years of experience from the Youth and Family Academy in Pueblo. In addition, we would like to welcome Mrs. Padilla to our staff as a bi-lingual tutor and Chicano Studies teacher. She is a graduate of CSU – Pueblo and will be assisting our ESL population in their needs. Welcome teachers to the CHPA family.

I again want to thank all of the staff, parents, and students for their continued support of Dolores Huerta Preparatory High. As Dr. Duran stated earlier in the year, we are committed to restoring the educational achievement, growth, and opportunities that have made CHPA a model for Pueblo City Schools and the State of Colorado. Teachers and administrators have been working hard to implement the Teaching and Learning Framework, engage students, and provide students experiences outside of the classroom. If you would like more information or have questions about DHPH, please don’t hesitate to contact me at 719-583-1030.

Thank you,Fred SeguraDolores Huerta Preparatroy High School 7-12 Principal2727 W. 18th St, Pueblo CO 81003719-583-1030

Wow, it's hard to believe we are already at the end of our first quarter! So many great things have happened and many more are planned! October celebrates the Core Value of Respect for Life and the Environment which provides us with a great opportunity to introduce our new recycle bin located in the front CCA office! We are collecting empty One Liter Bottles, Pop Cycle sticks, Magazines, Wire, Felt, Shoe boxes, Pringle cans, yarn, foil, Styrofoam balls, oat meal containers, egg cartons. Your Trash is our Treasure - Please Donate!

We are excited to get started on our our K-3 playground. Fencing will be going up next week and construction will be starting shortly after that! If you are a kindergarten parent, you can still park in the kindergarten lot but you will need to walk around the outside of the playground to get to your child's classroom. Kindergarten - Third grades will be using the park until the playground construction is complete - We are shooting for Thanksgiving! Stay tuned for updates to follow :)

We just added another four square to our fourth - sixth grade recess area as well as a new Core Hole and Frisbee Cone game. New recess equipment bags have also been purchased so our students can more thoroughly enjoy their recess time. I am looking forward to some Double-Dutch jump rope my self!

Lori Dawn Montanez M.Ed.Cesar Chavez Academy K-6 Principal2500 West 18th StreetPueblo, Colorado 81003(719) 369-1064

Page 3: Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom ...Lori Dawn Montanez M.Ed. Cesar Chavez Academy K-6 Principal 2500 West 18th StreetPueblo, Colorado 81003 (719) 369-1064


“Howlucky Iamtohavesomethingthatmakessayinggoodbyesohard”–WinniethePooh

Bythetimeyouarereadingthisyouarewellawarethat Iamno longerwithCHPA.Familycircumstanceshas ledustomove,andhasopenedthefuturetonewadventures.While Iamexcitedtowhatmaycometobe, Iamheartbroken insayinggoodbyetomyCHPAfamily.Thepasttenyears, twomonthsandfourdays(who’scounting?!)hasbeenaplethoraofexperiencesandemotions. Iwouldnottradethemforanything.Suchgoodpeoplehavecomeintomy life–people Ihaveworkedwithandfor–thatmeansyou!‘Mychildren’willalwayshaveaplace inmyheart! Iwillalwaysrememberthem–andwishonlythebest forthem. Parents–continuetoadvocateforyourchildren,Teachers–continuetoadvocateforyourstudents!Theywillbe ingoodhands.OurCHPAExceptionalStudentServicesteamisoneofthebest! Ifeveryouareconcernedorneedassistance,oryouhavequestions,contactyourgrade levelESSteacher,ourSpeechPathologist,orMrs.KathrynPalmer intheESSofficewhowillguideyou intherightdirection.IfyouhavenothadanopportunitytomeetMr.BobCrowley–scheduleatimetocomesayhello.He isaschoolpsychologistthatwillbeprovidingthepsychologyservices/testingthatthestudentsneed.He isalsoagoodresourcetogotowhenyouareunsureofhowtohelpyourchild!Teachers–youalsomaywishtocontactMr.Crowleyasneeded.Mrs.Palmerwillhavehiscontactinformation.IknowCHPAis lookingdiligentlytofindanESScoordinatortomanagethedepartmentandallofourneeds– inthemeantimetheteamisworkingcloselywitheachotherandwiththedistrictESSteamtobesureallofourstudentsgettheirneedsmet. Iwanttoassureyouthatyourstudentsare ingoodhands!I realizeas Iwriteyou, Iamrevertingto ‘ours’ ‘mine’etc– it’shardto letgo.Change ishard.Butremember– ‘change ishardatfirst,messy inthemiddle,andgorgeous intheend’–RobinSharma.AllwillbewellatCHPA!Icansafelysay I lovey’all–youhaveabigpieceofmyheart. IwillALWAYSrememberyou!Thankyoufortrustingmewithyourchildren…yourstudents…you!Love–Dr.SharlaMarek

ESSTeachers: AshleySilvaK-3,and4th/5th inthe interim;DebraMendoza–6thand7th;AliciaHerrera–8th–12thSpeech/LanguagePathologist: FaithShow,SLP–CCC

SchoolPsychologist: BobCrowley

ESSAdministrativeAssistant: KathrynPalmer

Page 4: Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom ...Lori Dawn Montanez M.Ed. Cesar Chavez Academy K-6 Principal 2500 West 18th StreetPueblo, Colorado 81003 (719) 369-1064

MetroStateCollaboration 12/03-2/18/

SisterCityMexicoCommittee 9/13 7:00-8:00

Fed.Correct.Englewood 9/23 3:30-4:30CreativeArtsAlianza-Pueblo 9/20 5:30-6:30SouthernColoradoMigrantCoalition 9/8 1:00-2:00LatinoChamberofCommerce-StreetPartyTheme-Gov.Event 9/22 8:30-9:30MariachiSpectacular 7/12-7/15

During this school year, all Mariachi students have been learning the skills, music theory, history of the Mariachi Tradition, and have been developing the ability to play from easy to challenging songs. Also, advanced Mariachi students (Mariachi Aguila) have performed and represented CHPA at many different places in our community. Throughout the rest of the school year, Mariachi students will continue to cultivate physical, mental and disciplinary challenges that are all acquired and developed through music." Jorge Melo CHPA-Mariachi Director

Thank you and have a nice day!

Jorge MeloCHPA-Mariachi Director

K-6thTinseltown Gift Card Winners:T Davian Mendez - 2nd GradeT Hailley Romero - 3rd GradeT Spencer Rampa - Kdg.T Taryn Runnels - Kdg.

Chromebook Winner:T Jacob Garcia - 5th Grade

7-12thTinseltown Gift Card Winners:T Angel Garcia - 8th GradeT Lumm, Katharina - 12th GradeT Pence, Aneisha - 9th GradeT Jaykobe Pierce - 11th Grade

Chromebook Winner:T Angel Lopez - 8th Grade

Page 5: Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom ...Lori Dawn Montanez M.Ed. Cesar Chavez Academy K-6 Principal 2500 West 18th StreetPueblo, Colorado 81003 (719) 369-1064

InSeptember,theFirstGradeclasses learnedhowtomakeapplesauceandgottotastethe“flavor”oftheirwork. They learnedaboutthesignsofFallandaboutJohnnyAppleseed. They learnedthatthereareseveraldifferenttypesofapplesandtheydonotall tastethesame. Theyear isofftoagreatstart. Weareencouragingparentstocomeinandvolunteer intheclassroomtohelpoutwithmanyfunactivities. Therearemanyprojectsthatweneedcutoutorputtogetherforourstudentstouse. Ifyoucannotcomeinandhelpoutsendanoteorcall to letyourteacherknowyouwouldliketohelpoutwiththeseprojects. Wewillbehavinga jobfair inOctoberandwillbeexcitedtohaveourparents involvedtohelpourstudent learnaboutdifferentcareeropportunitiestheyhaveastheygrowup. Ifyouare interested inbeingpartofthe jobfair,please letusknow. Pleasecontinuetobe involved inyourchild’s learningandschoolactivities. Thankyouforallyouhavedonetosupportus.

Parentsweare includingagiftcardsurveyandwanting inputfromparentsabouttheir favoritetypesofgiftcardstoreceive. Pleasereturnyourcompletedsurveytoyourstudent’sclassroomteacher. Weare includinganOctobercalendar,aswell. Pleaseusethiscalendartorecordanyvolunteertimeyouspendoncampus, fieldtripsorworkingonclassroomprojectsathome. Attheendofthemonth,returnyourcalendartoyourstudent’sclassroomteacherandyournamewillbeentered intoadrawingfora$10.00giftcard.

AugustandSeptemberhasbeenabusymonth. Dr.DurancametoMrs.Banta’sclass, inAugust. Hesharedfourthingsthatare importanttohimandthenreadushis favoritestory. Thetitleofthebook

was“ARoomofMyOwn”. Thestudentsenjoyedhisvisit.

We had our first winner for our family volunteer/donation drawing for the month of September.

The winner was the Castillo family in Ms. Rivera's class. The winner received a ten dollar gift card to Loaf and Jug/King Soopers

Thank you to all of the families that donated items for the CHPA Cake walk, volunteered time on the playground, and for our field trip.

Remember to turn in your hours you put in to your child's teacher. Also, please record your hours on the new October calendar found in this newsletter and turn it in to your child's teacher before November 4. The next drawing will be held on November 4.

Mrs. Banta

Page 6: Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom ...Lori Dawn Montanez M.Ed. Cesar Chavez Academy K-6 Principal 2500 West 18th StreetPueblo, Colorado 81003 (719) 369-1064

A reflection by Mrs. Ledeboer:

Why pop the tab? and then Why save the tab?

For the last 8 years CCA has collected beverage and food tabs for the Ronald Mc Donald House. We hear stories of people using the Ronald Mc Donald House but until recently it was just something that happened to others.

In late August that changed for my family and me. Our 13 month old niece was air lifted to a children's hospital, about 2 hours from home. For the next 10 days she was a very sick little girl. During this time the family was able to use the facilities at a near by Ronald Mc Donald House. They found comfortable beds, a laundry room, a place to relax, and even a place to cook a meal or many times a meal was provided for them by volunteers. They could not say enough about the Ronald Mc Donald House. The best part, the cost was minimal due to the many funds that are generated through the collection of beverage and food tabs.

In a time of stress and fear, the Ronald Mc Donald House provided the home atmosphere that was so needed.

Next time you open a can with a tab, think of the family that you might be helping by saving the tab.

The Kindergarten Team teachers are coordinating the collection this year. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact: Mrs. Adolf, Mrs. Skehan, Mrs. Sparks, or Mrs. Ledeboer

Page 7: Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom ...Lori Dawn Montanez M.Ed. Cesar Chavez Academy K-6 Principal 2500 West 18th StreetPueblo, Colorado 81003 (719) 369-1064

Kindergarten students are just growing every day. Their math, writing, and reading skills are expanding and excitement fills the air each time a new letter sound is mastered, a word is blended together or counting to 100 is achieved.

Visits to the library are more and more exciting as the students are able to read parts of the titles or better yet, they can read the whole title. Encourage your child to point out words they know as you read each evening.

National Teddy Bear Day was celebrated Friday, September 9. What fun to bring Teddy Bears to school. Teddy Bears enjoyed reading, writing, math and best of all learning labs. It was a real snuggles day!

Monday, September 26 was Johnny Appleseed's birthday and it was everything apples all day. Pan hats were put on and the kindergarten students went on a parade. While on the parade they visited a 2nd grade class, a 5th grade class, a 6th grade class, two highs school classes and the enrollment office. The kindergarten students were proud of their Johnny Appleseed Trivia knowledge and much to the dismay of the older students, the Kindergarten students did prevail.

Twins Day! Crazy Hair Day! Pink Day! Pajama Day! and Spirit Day! What a fun filled Spirit Week it was!Kindergarten is just rocking and rolling every day.

Page 8: Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom ...Lori Dawn Montanez M.Ed. Cesar Chavez Academy K-6 Principal 2500 West 18th StreetPueblo, Colorado 81003 (719) 369-1064

Sensational Superstars for Mr. Seller are announced weekly and students earn "stars" for communication, participation and co-operation. Stars are recorded for academic and social accomplishments. Superstar reports are sent home week for all student and parents are asked to comment, sign and return. Our top SUPERSTARS so far this year have been- Uriel Borrego-Nieves Jordan Chavez Samuel Gay Romeo MartinezSpecial congratulations to Trevor Medina for being on top TWICE !!!

T. Seller5th GradeCesar Chavez Academy

Page 9: Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom ...Lori Dawn Montanez M.Ed. Cesar Chavez Academy K-6 Principal 2500 West 18th StreetPueblo, Colorado 81003 (719) 369-1064

Oct 14 - End of Quarter 1 - Grades due and VerifiedOct 17 - All Staff Mtg.Oct 21 - Second Grade Heritage Day - PLC Mix It Up Day Please RSVP to T. VandiverOct 25 - Mix It Up Day!Oct 26 - Aguila / Ronald Mc Donald AssemblyOCT 27 - 28 - Parent Teacher ConferencesOct 28 - BOY TS Gold (Kindergarten)Oct 31 - Nov 1 - Inservice Day - No SchoolNov 8 - CHPA Board Meeting (5:45pm DHPH Cafeteria)Nov 9 - Kindergarten Field trip to CSU-PNov. 10 - Kindergarten Veteran's Day AssemblyNov 14 - 18 - Mid term WeekNovember 16 - Kindergarten Field Trip to El Pueblo MuseumNovember 18 - Kindergarten Harvest FeastNovember 19 - CCA Classic Basketball TournamentNov 26 - Parade of LightsNov 30 - Dec 14 MOY Dibels AssessmentsDecember 2 - Kindergarten Santa Photos December 9 - Semester 1 Instructional and Non- Instructional Evaluations expectations to be CompletedDecember 9 - 13 - National Custodial Appreciation WeekDecember 13 - CHPA Board Meeting (5:45pm DHPH Cafeteria)December 16 - End of Quarter 2December 19 - Jan 2 - Winter BreakDec 13 - CHPA Board Meeting (5:45pm DHPH Cafeteria)Dec 27, 28, 29 - Basketball Camp (coach Lopez)

Page 10: Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom ...Lori Dawn Montanez M.Ed. Cesar Chavez Academy K-6 Principal 2500 West 18th StreetPueblo, Colorado 81003 (719) 369-1064

Original Art is here!!! All K-6 grade students are in the

process of making some truly amazing artwork which will come home soon in green packets. All art, cash, checks (made out to

CHPA please) or money orders, and order forms will be due back to

Mr. Maggrett by November 9th at 4:00 P.M. All orders will be mailed to Original Works that day and

arrive back in a couple of weeks-just in time for the holidays!"

CHPA K-12 T-shirts available to order for students and

parents/guardians. Please see your child's homeroom teacher. A sizes and order

will be given at student conferences Oct. 27th &

28th. ALL T-shirt orders are due by Nov. 2nd.