education 8.3


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Post on 26-May-2015




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Page 1: Education 8.3

Translate sentences into Russian 1. The increase in fees caused some students to

question the value of higher education. 2. The decision to raise university fees will almost

certainly affect the student intake, leading to a drop in numbers.

3. As it is, students have to take up loans to pay for general living costs

4. This can result in them getting heavily into debt. 5. In some western countries students do contribute

to the cost of going to university

Page 2: Education 8.3

What are the reasons for not going to University?

you have to pay university fees you will pay higher taxes because you earn

more money you get into debt you may have to depend on your parents for

financial support you can’t be sure you will get a good job

because there are a lot of graduates

Page 3: Education 8.3

Listening Speaker 1What are advantages that you can get froma college degree? Speaker 2What are disadvantages? Speaker 3How did she benefit from the degree? Speaker 4 How did higher education help his career?

Page 4: Education 8.3

Speaker 1

puts you way ahead of people other fringe benefits like life insurance and a

retirement plan your starting salary will be higher which is

good for renting an apartment

Page 5: Education 8.3

Speaker 2 massive/heavy debts no chance of getting a good job having a dead-end job, with no security, no

prospects and low pay while slaving away for the degree others can

get promoted not worth the paper it’s written on bitter feelings

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Speaker 3 the degree didn’t help to get a job it gave an edge over non-graduated for

getting interviews was confident at the interview which was

noticed by the employers enjoyed studying Literature and doesn’t regret

it at all works as a programmer

Page 7: Education 8.3

Speaker 4 didn’t help his career enjoyed the time friends got jobs straight from school lot of unemployed graduates around

Page 8: Education 8.3

Educational systems Ages of students at secondary school Percentage of students in higher education Length of compulsory education Private (for-profits) universities Other interesting information

Page 9: Education 8.3


What were the debates about? What was the motion/proposition of the debates?

How many teams participated? Which side was more persuasive and won the

contest? If you were asked to judge on this motion whose

side would you give your votes to? Which arguments were against and for the


Page 10: Education 8.3

Arguments against college graduates earn more than high school graduates,

wage premium is higher for college grads. more unemployed high school graduates than college

graduates decrease in the demands for jobs that high school

graduates/non-educated people could do employers are looking for cognitive skills a liberal arts education is likely to produce a more vital

civil society with better ability to adapt to changing circumstances

gaining social skills at college and improve your life chances

Page 11: Education 8.3

Arguments for a small percentage of high school graduates actually have the

aptitudes to do well at colleges the amount of debt that people leave college with have gone

up tremendously BA’s doesn’t guarantee top quality education

except for majors in engineering and math and the hard sciences the bachelor's degree is meaningless

a lot of kids take the easiest possible classes and don't study because they are there to get a piece of paper not education

not having a BA labels you as being either dumb or lazy not every talented person should go to Harvard