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Technology integration and the Effect on Learning and Attitude in Science An action research study by Matthew D Tyrie Sunday, 8 December 13

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Technology integration and the Effect on Learning and Attitude in Science

An action research studyby Matthew D Tyrie

Sunday, 8 December 13

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Sunday, 8 December 13

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Research questionWhat is the Effect of Using Technology

Integration and the Attitude towards learning

in Science.





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The problemAs a science teacher, I observe many children moving into middle school science lacking a strong base of scientific language. Over my years in education, I have recognized there is a need to help the performance of students in their learning. Differentiated instruction and tasks, supporting learning styles, various reflection strategies, modeled practice, criteria based rubrics which provide explicit feedback and opportunities for student and teacher feedback have all been employed in my teaching approach.

The reality is, science is a vocabulary heavy subject and some students find this threatening. When the students are required to explain what they have learned, they reach often demonstrate a basic understanding of concepts.

I’ve learned, however when I use technology integration for students to process concepts by creating a product, they can synthesize information deeper and in a more engaging way.



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Dependent: The change in performance gains.

Independent: The use of technology integration in the application of learning vs a traditional approach of paper application tasks

Attribute: A difference in the attitude between the two groups towards science and learning in science.

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Methods and Contexts I used an action research intervention study with a two group pre/post design as it presented the least threat to validity and removed the threat of maturation. There were two groups in the study in which the impact of tech integration on student attitudes and performance were explored. An experimental group of 7th grade science students(Group 1) and a control group of 7th grade science students( Group 2 were chosen. Each group was pre tested and post tested using the Tyrie Learning Attitude Assessment before and after the 7 week intervention to measure change in attitude and for gains in Performance.

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Prensky(2005) says...

“Digital technology is becoming an important part of students education, but how to use it is not completely clear.. what teachers do need to know is just how technology can and should be used by students to enhance their own learning” ( p 4).

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“as a result of taking part in the action research, this study also expects to provide insights on how collaborative action research can be used as a means to engage teachers in a reflective and meaningful professional development.” (p 845)

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Hsu and Sharma(2008)

“ the purpose of this study was to analyze enabling factors that might have helped to facilitate and sustain the tech integration change process in a science elementary course”( p213)

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Luck and Fong Peng(2010),

“there is a positive relationship in the management of tech integration for maximizing usage of technology enhanced teaching and learning.. where students are able to learn better when teachers teach by using the enhanced technology in their curriculum” ( p 94)

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Kikkaya and Vurkaya (2011)....

“Therefore it could be argued that the alternative assessment activities carried out on experimental group students took effect and elicited a positive change in their attitudes towards science” (p999).

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SampleItems Freq. Per. %

Group 1 Gender-Male-Female



Group 1

Age 12 years13 years



Group 1

Race-Korean/American.-Saudi Arabia



Items Freq. Per. %

Group 2Control




Group 2Control

Age 12 years13 years



Group 2Control




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Threats to validity

The threats to validity of subject characteristics , mortality and historical events were removed. They were removed by using the same group scores for analysis. At no time was there any historical event which disrupted the continuation of the study and no students dropped the science class during the study.

If there was any threat it may have been researcher bias.

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Intervention 7 weeks of enriching technology integration tasks as an application of concepts for Group 1:

1. Numbers Tech task2. White before my eyes Lab report3. Density PBL Tech 4. Keynote presentation5. Concept Map Tech Task6.. Heat Curve Tech task

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Results = Performance



Group 2

Mean 4.24 4.57

SD 2.36 4.33

Group Name Pre test Mean

Post Test



Group 1 12.1 16.1 + 4.2Group 2 10.42 14.28 + 4.5









Pre test Mean Post Test Mean

Performance Mean Gains

Group 1 Group 2

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Results = Attitude

Attitude Group 1

Group 2

Mean -0.647 0.357

SD 4.946 3.754

Table 10:Means/ Standard deviations of TLA Gains

Group Name

Pre Test


Post Test



Group 1 20.23 19.41 -0.82Group 2 21 21.5 .0.5

Table 11:Attitude in pre test and post test scores.






Pre test means Post test means

Group 1Group 2

Attitude Mean Gains

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These scores show that both groups are performing at the same level.

Technology integration was an effective approach to teaching as the Group 1 improvement in performance supports this

The negative change for group 1 is a surprise as during the study I felt that all the students were enjoying the process of using tech integrated tasks in their learning. If we look at the standard deviation of Group 1 it is rather high at 4.946. Clearly many students did enjoy their learning and improvement in performance was made for all, but the large attitude SD indicates that Tech was not the preferred approach and as enjoyable for some.

Next steps...

•Reanalyze some of the TLA stem

questions for Group 1 and identify which

students affected the large standard

deviation and counsel with them as

these students may need some

personal attention

•. Share my findings with my


•Conduct more in-depth research

into which types of tech integrated tasks

can most improve performance and

achieve high quality learning.

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ReferencesChun, E. (2013, September 15). | brainstorm and mind map online. Retrieved September 15, 2013, from

Hsu, P., & Sharma, P. (2008). A case study of enabling factors in the technology integration change process. Educational Technology and society, 11(4), 213-228.

Kang, M., Heo, H., & Kim, M. (2011). The impact of ICT use on new millennium learners' educational performance. Interactive Technology and Smart Education. doi:10.1108/17415651111125487

Kirikkaya, E., & Virkaya, G. (2011). The effect of using alternative assessment activities on students' success and attitudes in science and technology course. Educational services theory and practise, 11(2),

National research council (2001). Educating teachers of science, mathematics and technology: New practices for the new millennium


Luck, L., & Fong Peng, C. (2010). Maximizing the usage of technology enhanced teaching and learning of science and mathematics in English

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Oblinger, D., & Oblinger, J. L. (2005). Introduction. In Educating the net generation (pp. 1- 1.5). Boulder, CO: EDUCAUSE.

Prensky, M. (2010). Introduction: Our changing world. In Teaching digital natives: Partnering for real learning (p. 1- 12). Thousand Oaks, Calif: Corwin

Santos, I. (2011, June 11). Ed/ITLib Digital Library → Technology integration through collaborative action research. Retrieved August 12, 2013, from

Tyrie, M. D. (2013, August 9). Exploring Density Webquest Project | 6/7 Middle School Science. Retrieved October 3, 2013, from

RMIT. (n.d.). RMIT. Retrieved December 6, 2013, from

Sunday, 8 December 13