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    Maintaining RoutingsOverview

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    Maintaining Routings 3204 !40!.doc"##ective $$%dd%yy &age ' o# '( Rev '

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    Maintaining Routings

    System References

    Oracle Bills of Material > Routing Revisions

    Oracle Bills of Material > Standard Operations

    Oracle Bills of Material > Resources

    Oracle Bills of Material > Resource Where Used


    Job Title *


    The Job Title [list !our"o#pan$%co#&Sub'ect() U+++++, is responsible for ensuring that thisdocu#ent is necessar$ and that it reflects actual practice%

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    Creating Routing Revisions

    Creating Routing Revisions0f $ou are updating an e+isting routing1 enter the routing revision and the effective date% Toupdate the revision1 choose the Routing Revisions button to open the Routing Revisions.indo.%

    2% 3avigate to the Routing Revisions .indo.% !ou can do this b$ choosing the Revision button fro# the Routings .indo. 435 Routings > 4B5 Routing Revisions%

    6% )nter the routing revision%7% )nter an effective date and ti#e%

    The i#ple#entation date1 .hich is either the date the revision .as added or the date the transferred fro# Oracle )ngineering1 is displa$ed% 0f the routing .as transferred fro#)ngineering1 the )"O te+t is displa$ed%

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    tandard Operations

    Standard OperationsStandard operations are co##onl$ used operations $ou can define as a te#plate for use indefining future routing operations% 0f $ou assign the operation code of standard operation in arouting1 the standard operation infor#ation is copied into the operation $ou are currentl$defining% !ou can then #odif$ the operation infor#ation in $our ne. operation%!ou #ust define at least one depart#ent before $ou can define a standard operation%- standard operation is not the sa#e as a standard bill of #aterial%!ou can also create setup standard operations that are used onl$ .hen setting up #achine t$peresources% When defining resource setup infor#ation1 $ou have the option of specif$ing thestandard operations used during changeovers%

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    Creating tandard Operations

    Creating Standard Operations2% 3avigate to the Standard Operations .indo. 435 Routings > Standard Operations%6% )nter a uni8ue operation code to identif$ a standard operation% 0f Oracle Warehouse

    Manage#ent is installed1 the Standard Operations for# is used to define .hich resourcesof a given depart#ent are re8uired in order to perfor# a .arehouse tas/% OracleWarehouse Manage#ent refers to standard operations as Tas/ T$pes% The rules engineuses the "ode defined for the Standard Operation to reference the Tas/ T$pe% - bul/

    pic/ing tas/ #a$ re8uire a for/lift #achine and a pallet pic/er #anual resource% OracleWarehouse Manage#ent uses a rules based s$ste# to deter#ine the tas/ t$pe1 or standardoperation9 each tas/ should be associated .ith% Tas/s of a given t$pe are then dispatched

    to users associated .ith the resource definition1 .ho have the 8ualified e8uip#ent for thetas/ available to the#%7% )nter the depart#ent .here the operation is perfor#ed%:% )nter the #ini#u# transfer 8uantit$ of asse#blies to #ove fro# this operation to the


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    optional co#ponent% -ll #andator$ co#ponents and their related operations appear onthe routing for each configuration% The default is enabled%

    =% Select $our "ount oint and -utocharge options%?% 0ndicate .hether to bac/flush co#ponents on shop floor #oves at this operation% -

    bac/flush transaction auto#aticall$ pulls Operation pull co#ponents fro# inventor$%Wor/ in rocess also pulls all Operation pull co#ponents at non@bac/flush operations

    preceding this operation 4through the previous co#pleted bac/flush operation%5A% To enable operation $ield in Shop

  • 8/15/2019 EDU3F95Y


    Assigning Resources to tandard Operations

    Assigning Resources to Standard Operations2% 3avigate to the Resources .indo. 435 Routings > Standard Operations 4B5 Operation

    Resources% "hoose the Operation Resources button to assign resources to the standardoperation%

    6% )nter the se8uence nu#ber of the resource and the resource na#e% !ou can use an$resource assigned to the depart#ent% Ealid values for se8uence range fro# 2 to CCCCCCCand #ust be uni8ue for the operation%

    7% Select a basis t$pe b$ .hich to charge and schedule the resource% The default is the basisspecified for the resource% 0te#F "harge and schedule the resource b$ #ultipl$ing theusage rate b$ the 'ob or schedule 8uantit$ for the asse#bl$% Select 0te# .hen $our charges

    fluctuate .ith 8uantit$ change% GotF "harge and schedule the resource b$ charging theusage rate or a#ount once per 'ob or schedule% Select Got .hen $our resource usage8uantit$ is the a#ount re8uired per 'ob or schedule1 for e+a#ple1 setup charges%

    :% )nter a value for the Rate or -#ount in either the Usage or 0nverse fields% )nter theresource consu#ed at the operation 4per ite# or per lot5 or itHs inverse% )ntering a valuefor either field updates the other field% Resources .ith ti#e@based unit of #easures #usthave usage rates greater than ero% )nter an inverse .hen $ou /no. the nu#ber of units a

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    resource can process 4rather than the duration an asse#bl$ unit consu#es the resource5%

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    2?% Select a basis t$pe b$ .hich to charge and schedule the resource% The default is the basisspecified for the resource%

    2A% )nter a value for the Rate or -#ount in either the Usage or 0nverse fields% That is1 enterthe resource consu#ed at the operation 4per ite# or per lot5 or itHs inverse% )ntering avalue for either field updates the other field%

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    Resource -sage

    Resource Usage!ou can vie. the operations and routings that use a particular resource in the Resource WhereUsed .indo.%The Resource Where Used .indo. contains four tabbed regionsF Operation etails1 Resourceetails1 escriptions1 and More%The Operation etails tabbed region displa$s the operation se8uence1 depart#ent1 the effectivedate range1 and the routing in .hich the resource is used%The Resource etails tabbed region displa$s the resource1 the basis t$pe1 the usage rate 4ora#ount5 and its inverse1 and the nu#ber of resource units assigned%The More tabbed region displa$s the resource se8uence1 the activit$ for the resource1 thescheduling t$pe 4!es1 3o1 rior1 3e+t51 and .hether this is an engineering routing%

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    ie/ing Resource -sage

    Viewing Resource Usage2% 3avigate to the Resource Where Used .indo. 435 Routings > Resource Where Used%6% )nter the na#e of the resource for .hich to vie. the operation and routing usage%7% )nter an effective date% Operation infor#ation effective on this date is displa$ed%

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    &ractice Overvie/ 1e#ining tandard Operations

    Refer to Practice – Defining Standard Operations [LAB376DY]

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