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  • 8/7/2019 EDTC526GrowthAssessmentv22r_konegni



    Master of Arts in Educational


    Growth Assessment

    Robin Konegni

    Azusa Pacific University

  • 8/7/2019 EDTC526GrowthAssessmentv22r_konegni



    Personal Growth

    I believe my personal growth was the most significant growth I mad

    Azusa Pacific University (APU). My spiritual growth came at a time wh

    truly needed it. My family has grown during this program and my marri

    become stronger. The spiritual discussions led by Bacer, Bettger, Bruzze

    Brown, Silva, Silver, and Suffern (2010) during the online Master of Art

    in Educational Technology (EDTC) pioneered my spiritual growth.

    I was raised in a home without religion. My mother had been raised

    Catholic Convent in Burma and left religion behind when she left Burma

    came to America. We were raised with the idea if we wanted religion we

    find it for ourselves. I have always wished for a relationship with God inlife. My husband had a significant Christian upbringing and I too consid

    myself a Christian, even though we did not attend church services every

    We were married in a Christian church where my children later attended -

    school, their grandma continues to teach chapel there weekly.

    My own relationship grew with God through APU. I always felt th

    we did not attend church weekly, we were not believers. Now I know th

    not true. I know now that my talk with God, and my prayers with him ar

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    of our relationship. I learned how to have reflection time, and to think ab

    what my greater purpose is both as a parent and a teacher. I learned how

    truly study the bible, and find answers to things that I do not understand.I now plan to develop a greater relationship with God by attending

    church with friends that also have a relationship with him. I want my ch

    to have a close relationship with him so that they know him in their hear

    in their lives. My marriage has gotten stronger because my husband andhad long discussions about God, things before I felt stupid for asking him

    am beginning to understand, which is helping me to grow.

    My personal growth has been a journey that will forever change my

    Having God in my life will help me to grow for years to come.

    Professional Growth

    My professional growth is a work in progress. I have developed a

    greater awareness for the Digital Natives (Prensky, 2001, p.1) that I tea

    I have learned where technology fits into my curriculum: the tool, in an

    itself, no matter how powerful, cannot make the learning happen. (Harr

    1998, p.5). I have learned how to be a better technology teacher for my

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    peers. I have developed a technology connection with a second grade cl

    New York to give a purpose to my students technology development.

    I have been a Teacher Technology Leader teacher for a school site. have had two interviews to become a Technology Teacher Specialist at th

    district level. The APU MA program taught by Bacer, et al. (2010) has

    me a greater understanding on how to motivate my fellow teachers to

    incorporate technology into their everyday curriculum. I have had the plof assisting teachers at my school site as they transitioned from a desktop

    laptop. We have also added wireless Internet to assist with the use of the

    laptops. Using skills that I have learned at APU, and videos that share th

    message, I have witnessed teachers develop a desire to use and improve

    technology skills they have. The most rewarding exchange was seeing

    teachers that I helped turning to help others with their new skills.

    During this time of fiscal uncertainty with California school district

    have opted to use my new technology skills in my classroom. I have cre

    technology relationship with another second grade class in New York. W

    not had much of an opportunity to collaborate together because we have

    had computer access as we improved our computer lab. The lab will be

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    at the end of March, so I am looking forward to the activities we will sha

    the future.

    I will teach technology courses for teachers in the future. Educationpendulum. I am blessed with many years of seniority so I will continue

    in the classroom, and use my skills to broaden the horizons of my studen

    fellow teachers.

    Technology GrowthThe MA in EDTC program taught by Bacer, et al. (2010) at APU ha

    helped me to develop great technology skills that I can use in the classro

    My skills include the use of Web 2.0 tools, Adobe Acrobat Professional

    Systems Incorporated, 2007), social networking, file transfer protocol (Fand web page creation. I have also learned how to develop an online glo

    learning project (GLP).

    Developing my GLP took all of my newly learned skills. I needed

    create a website using site building tools like iWeb and Wix. These files

    be transferred to my district server using FTP. I would have liked to use

    or a wiki for my project, but being without a computer lab, teaching seco

    graders the challenge seemed too great.

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    The web 2.0 tools that I have learned to love are wikis, blogs, and

    document collaboration tools. Document collaboration is something I am

    to promote at my district level. The teachers and technology leaders in mdistrict are due to create our next technology plan as ours is expiring in 2

    If we were to use a document collaboration tool, we would be able to

    collaborate without trying to match schedules, and meeting times. Web p

    development is much easier with the use of website creation applicationstransfer protocol makes transferring large files much faster, and producti

    Adobe Acrobat Professional (Adobe Systems Incorporated, 2007) i

    favorite application from the entire program at APU. I am looking forwa

    making web capture disks for my students to use at home. Using these d

    home they will be able to practice skills they have learned in our classroo

    The MA in EDTC taught by Bacer, et al. (2010) has led to a much g

    understanding of technology, and its importance in the world. I now

    understand the great need for technology in education, and I am looking

    forward to putting my new skills to good use.

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    History of Coursework

    DTC 511 Dr. Kathleen Baceroundations in Educational Technology

    EDTC 571 Valerie SuffernCurriculum Foundations

    EDTC 527 Professor BettgerIntegration of Web Resources

    DTC 517 Joe Bruzzeseelecommunications

    DTC 518 Dr. Kathleen Bacer

    lobal Learning /Cross Cultural Classroom

    DTC 523 Professor Silvaducational Application of Hypermedia. EDTC 573 Valerie SuHistory and Philosoph

    EDTC 524 Professor

    Instructional Design and D

    Spring I 2010

    Spring II 2010

    Summer II 2010

    Fall I 2010

    I learned the importance of technologyintegration in the classroom. I learnedhow to use Adobe Acrobat to createprojects.

    I learned the history of education andthe implications for technology in thefuture of education.

    I learned the educational benefits of aglobal learning project, and how todevelop a project based on learningstandards.

    I learned how to use online resourceslike Google Tools for Education tocollaborate on projects with felloweducators.

    I learned how to identify and evaluateducational practices based oneducational history and philosophies.

    I learned how to use web 2.0 tools tocreate a mock-up of my global learningproject.

    learned how to create a website, andnsfer the data using file transferotocol.

    I learned how to use Lesson PlanDeconstruction to create a globallearning project that was detailed, andproductive.

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    DTC 515 James Brownmerging Trends in Technology

    EDTC 520 Professor SApplications of TechnoloSupported Curricular Too

    Fall II 2010

    EDTC 526 Dr. Kathleen BacerPracticum in Educational Applications ofTechnology

    EDTC 572 James BAdvanced Educational Psyshcolo

    Spring I 2011

    learned how to create my own courseing Moodle. I created two powerint presentation to use during staff

    chnology training.

    I analyzed the technology plans forboth my school site and my schooldistrict. I learned how to identify arof strength and weakness based in thearea of technology integration.

    I learned the current research findinin education, and how to apply thestudent discipline, motivation, andperformance.

    used technology applications, andills that I learned in the program toeate a digital portfolio of my work,d progress.

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    Lifelong Learning Plan

    The completion of the MA program taught by Bacer, et.al (2010) is

    beginning of the journey for me. I chose to start the program because I

    appreciate technologys ability to bring the world into my classroom. On

    complete the program I am going to continue to participate in the develo

    of technology skills at my school site. I am going to work on expanding

    global learning project, and hope to have it a district wide option by Cha

    Counts week in October 2011. I also plan to continue participating in gl

    learning projects through the International Education and Resource Netw

    (iEARN). I am going to continue to expand my horizons and work towa

    teaching profession in the online arena as it develops in my area.

    I plan to train the teachers at my school site on the use of our new

    computer lab. We currently have numerous applications for skill review,

    would like to instruct on the uses of web 2.0 tools in the classroom. I woto help teachers enter into the world of classroom website development t

    increase communication between the home, and school.

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    I plan to take my classroom global in the fall of 2011. We will be

    participating in global learning projects that I have found using iEARN.

    to give my students a perspective on their place in the world. I believe tglobal learning projects give them a platform to develop their technology

    while learning about the world around them.


    I have truly grown through my experience in the MA in EDTC prog

    APU taught by Bacer et.al (2010). I have learned how to balance my ho

    learning, and career while creating special bonds with my cadre mates.

    Participating in this program I have learned the significant importance of

    technology in the classroom. I have made it my mission to be a proponetechnology integration. I want to see students a generation from now ab

    participate using the most advanced technology available.

    I have made great friendships with the members of my cadre. We h

    learned together and grown together. We have bonded over our work

    together, and our spiritual discussions that have led to sharing the most

    personal of information. Alone we can do so little; together we can do

    much. (Keller, 2011)

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    I feel this program has prepared me for a future in training others in

    technology integration. I am looking forward to the next chapter, and an

    to see what is to come in the future.

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    Adobe Systems Incorporated. (2007). Adobe Acrobat 9 Professional (Version 9.0)[Computer Software]. San Jose, California.

    Bacer, K., Bettger, B., J., Bruzzese, J. Silva, L., Silver, E., Suffern, V. (2010). Online Master of Arts in Educational Technology. School of Education, Azusa Pacific University. Azusa,California. Retrieved from http://online.apu.edu.

    Harris, J. (1998). Virtual Architecture: Designing and Directing Curriculum-BasedTelecomputing. Eugene, Oregon: International Society for Technology in Education

    Hellen Keller Quotes. (2011). Famous Quotes and Quotations at BrainyQuote. Retrievedfromhttp://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/h/helenkelle382259.html#ixzz1HI25UfKi

    Prensky, M. (2001). Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants. On the Horizon, 9(5), October 2001,Lincoln, NE: MCB University Press