
Editorial Dear Readers, Welcome to the first edition of Starch for 2012. You will be familiar with the new style of the Journal from last year and will I hope be pleased with the changes. For future editions, I am seeking to encourage novel reviews and research papers within the focus of the Journal from new and established authors alike. Innovations within the starch field continue apace and bringing these developments to the readership is a key focus for the Journal. I wish you well for 2012. Yours faithfully, Call for Reviews 2013 Starch is planning to start an annual Review issue starting from 2013, which will be published in January each calendar year. If you, either alone or in collaboration with your colleagues, are interested in preparing a review article for the issue, then please send as soon as possible (by the end of February 2012 at the latest) by e-mail the provisional title and a brief outline of the proposed scope and contents of your review to the Editorial Office ([email protected]). We firmly believe that the Review issues are an extremely useful source of information to the readers of Starch and expect that the review articles they contain are likely to be highly cited. Also, the January issue is traditionally our free access sample issue, maximizing the readership for the contained articles. Richard Tester Starch/Sta ¨ rke 2012, 64,1 1 ß 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim www.starch-journal.com

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Page 1: Editorial


Dear Readers,

Welcome to the first edition of Starch for 2012. You will be familiar with the new style of the

Journal from last year and will I hope be pleased with the changes. For future editions, I am

seeking to encourage novel reviews and research papers within the focus of the Journal from

new and established authors alike. Innovations within the starch field continue apace and

bringing these developments to the readership is a key focus for the Journal. I wish you well

for 2012.

Yours faithfully,

Call for Reviews 2013

Starch is planning to start an annual Review issue starting from 2013, which will be published

in January each calendar year.

If you, either alone or in collaboration with your colleagues, are interested in preparing a

review article for the issue, then please send as soon as possible (by the end of

February 2012 at the latest) by e-mail the provisional title and a brief outline of the proposed

scope and contents of your review to the Editorial Office ([email protected]).

We firmly believe that the Review issues are an extremely useful source of information to

the readers of Starch and expect that the review articles they contain are likely to be highly

cited. Also, the January issue is traditionally our free access sample issue, maximizing the

readership for the contained articles.

Richard Tester

Starch/Starke 2012, 64, 1 1

� 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim www.starch-journal.com